Tin: U Alt LAN D- IVVA wettest Jkwtrs tm'uh'd, 'I'lOiii varittik gardens eidl'd with tare." THE El) IT OK. TSsl Editor who willi 10 pieavfl Must humbly crw! upon kneet, Anil kiss the lund ilut brma him, Or if lie dre atipni ju lo 'lk, Musi loe rtiu mark tliat oiliers chalk And cringe o all that meals him, 6y one, your BtibjecU are loo grave Too much mortality you have Tou much uboul religion; Give me ome witch 01 wizard talcs, With ilip-shod jlioBln.wilt, tint and uddes, Or (embers like pigeon. I love lo read ar.oilier cries, Thorn) monatroui fashionable lice In other words those novels Composed of kings and queens and lords, Of border wars and gothic hordes, That used 10 live in hovels, No no. cries one we're hid enough Of suoh confounded love sick stuff To cibze ihe fair creation Give us some recent foreign newe Of Russians Turks the Greeks and Jews. Or any other nation. " The man of drilled leholsstio lore, Would like to tee a little more Ii scraps of Greeks and Latin; The merchants rather have the price Of eouihern indiro and rice Or India silks and satin. Another cries I wanl mote fun, A w.uy anesdote or puo A rebus or a riddle,. S'li'-ie long for missionary news, And some for worldly carnal views, Would uilier tear a fiddle. The critic loo of classic skill; iVuel dip in gall his gander quill, And scrawl against tho paper 01 all the literary fools I3rcd in our colleges and schools, lie cuts the stillest caper. Another cries 1 want to see A jumbled up wio'y Variety in ill things, A miscellaneous liodge podge print, Composed 1 only give the, hint Of multifarious email things. I want some tnirriage news says miss, It constitutes my highes bliss To hear of weddings plenty: For in i lime of general rain None suffer from a drought 'lis plain At least not one in twenty; 1 want to hear of deahs says one Of people lolally undone; By losses fire ot fever Another anawers full as wise I'd rather have the fall and lise Of racon iktn and beaver. Some signify a secret wish Tot now and then a savory dish Of politics to suit them Euf here we rest at perfect ease For should they swear the rooon was cheese We never would dispute them, Or grave or hnmsrous wild or tamo Lofty or low 'lis all the same Too haughty or too humble And every editorial wight : Has nought lo do but what is right" And lei the grumblers grumble. A droit fellow was sslted by sn ohl woman lo read the newspaper, and tak ing it, up he begin as follows; Last night, yesterday morning, a bout three o'clock in ihe afternoon, juc btfore Ireakfasi, a hungry boy abou fortv years old, bought a ptnny cutard. oiid tl rew it lhroug,h a stone btick wjII made of iron, and jumping over it fell in'o a dry mill pond and was tlrowned. Aboul forty j cars sfierward ll.a! arn day, a n'ghl wind blew down '.he dutch church, and killed an old sow two dead pigs at Boston, and a dead horse kicked a blind man'a ryes out.' LM a man make tci tlicmond dollir ond he U gnntleman eveiy inch of him.' Every body has a kind word ami a imile! for bin. SALE. The subscriber offers for sale his ill JLOT, ilinled mi the comer ol Muiu otitl Easi-sl reels i A lomnSurg, Columbia I'uuuty, Pa. It in wel ilciilalcd .for lite local ion for a l'ublic House o 10 '('(i fronf on Mainstrctt, til l W2 feet on East-stieet, nd the rond Ming to the Mioms'.iiKg ltuil Jail ion Company's Furnaces. Thin Lot iswell cal ulaled lor luiildiiiK upon Eant-lreet an well nn on vlain, and heitiK niluaied in (lie rcntre nf iho Iron legion of ColumUa County, in well worthy the it:etitiou of the capitalists. For any information respecting tho condition!, L-nuuitc of ;;AKI.Z;!i KAhLZiH Blcomsburg, flccrnibci SO IJU011TaXT X ws L1 T ESI ARRIVAL BY THE BSaSfi ISoad ALBRIGHT & MEN GAL. AT Til 13 ggp Arcade. AVE just received by the Hail Road an J rc no opening, a splendid assortment of Spring and Summer NEW GOODS, which, having been selected with great caro, they ciin aim will sell as low, il not a little lower, than they can be purchased elsewhere in the coun ty. Among their assortment may be found in the DRY GOODS LINE, A splendid assortment of new and fashionable rr'.nl of new figuros, Uinghams; a new style cross ovri Berace aud other Ucragcs; fancy and black and white Lawns, Gingham Lawns, Delancs of all colors and quality, black and blue black dicss .Silks; black silk Serge Allapacca, damakk riumnier Skirts, damask book Muslin, purse twist and steel heads and rings of assorted colors, ladies and cui- tlemenskid gloves, mohair Gloves and mils, white oambric Handkerchiefs; ladies silk points, black bandanna and flag silk andkerchiefs. cotton Handkerchiefs of every description, white and fan cy silk Handkerchiefs, Shawl of all kinds, in short Cotton and Linen Goods of every description for Ladies' wear, Silk, Cotton and Worsted Hose for men and women Ladies shell combs. JJroadclwths of all colors and quality, Sattinctts Cassimeies, fancy summer ('assimrres, s x quarter cnat I wecu, INankins, necks, black fattin and other summer Vestings of every description: fancy f3carf ai d Cruvats of all qualjtics, bleached and unbleached Muslins, Umbrellas am' Parasols, Lcr horn and palm leaf Hats. A quantity of caipet' ing. Groceries, Lump and brown Sugar, Molasses, Coffer!, Teas if all kinds, (Jingerj Alspice Peppcr.N jtmey &c. Bar foap, Candles.coarse and fine Salt, sperm and nan UK, an assortmont ol the best quality of LIQUORS, randy, Gin, Rum, Wines, Ac. pu'ebased t pressly to Bupply 'i avcrn keepers, whe arc parlic ularly requested to call and examine quality and prices betore purchasing elsewhere. A splendid assortment ol QUEENSWARE, by the Tea Set or piece to suit customers. HARDWARE, Consisting in part of knives and forks, butts and screws; gimbles, augurs, chissels, saws, tea and other kettles, ?c. &c. and an assortment of TIN WARE. Also an assortment of HATS AND CAPS. . . . ... f ! .1. . '.I. ... In larl nicy can lurinaii incir customers wiiu ev ery article usually kept in country store, and litmp uctermineil io uu oueiuesfi riui, uivy tan unu win make it tho interest of the iieoplc tc trade with , . i . . i : . .t i :n them fjp Lumber and allkinthof coun fry produce taken in payment for Ap.il 11 Mtf . CHEAP CONFKCTIONAIIY AND V A HI ET V ESTA jLISILUEN T. THE subscriber has just received a Iresti sup- joititciioiinry, vc. nsistine of Candies of various kinds. And also nci a 'Sinn of a superior quality, llordtaux 1 "runes, Lnghsh Currants, Figs, Fresh Oranges and Lemons, Herring. Sweet and Water Crack trs, English ff'alnuls, Filberts jlnionds. Cream jutt, Feu Nuts. SiC. Soaps; Smoking, Lump; avenuisn snu unnry l)ev I obacco, S paiusli, nail opauisn unu com mon eyars. AUiiJ n assortment of Gum, Worsted ami Cotton Suspcndeis; Razor St laps; llrushe. and Cutnbs of all kinds; Ulucking: Thread Tapei--, Needle and Tins Ae. Iluutins and other Coat Buttons; Hooks and Eyes Tencils and Tencil Toinis Tercus.uon t aps .S'tei l I'cns I hiniblcs ilati hes-wbile and black Cable Coids atjiile ami pearl ! 1 i t r I llultoiit iSlrap vesl and su :jrnder liiilt'liih Satin Stock-J v.ttch l.nai'i.s Kecl.kicos Mitt - rer -kiiitiin;' Needles Trimmer!; y all kin.li ol BOOKS AND STATIONARY, All of which are to be had cheap at the cornci of Main and liust-strects. O. C. HAULER. Dloemsburg; April 17- 1840 52 rZJ.Vfl or:rl NJir.r.tl STF.LL just re ccived and in', sulc ul the ''v 'luie. u. li. RtrrRT. Brandreih's Pills tp CAD and understand ! The time will conio J, when (lis niedicmi, Urandreth 'ills will be ippreciated ai thoy ought and deserve; it will be unduiatood that Dr. Urandieth has the strongeHl :ljims upon the public. It is true thut every in liviJual who makes a iri il of tho Uiamlreth Tills I'oncede them to be the best medicine they ever used. Thev are indeed medicine about which there is no luistaks. Their value in a climate so i bangeable as ours cannot be sufficiently approciat 'd A free perspiration is ot once restored , thus limy cure cold and coiufuniptiun is prevented. I'tiiice w ho have a redundancy of bile find them of ihe must essential service and should there be a de ficiency of that important fluid the Urandreth I'ills live an ciiuiilly beneficial cllcct. (Jlteii has tills iiiipoitanl medicine saved valuable lives in those re gion where the dreailful yellow fever was prevail ing A few dose taken immediately upon the in fection being received into tin system will In al most certain lo pieventauy material inconveob nee Aud at uostuiie of this dreadful epidemic is there io proper a medicine as the Hrendiclh Tills. Let ihis medicine be universally ued in this .lineage and no loss of blood allowed, and few very tew would be its victims, bo it is with other h-M-asc. Assist nature with this all imporraui medicine to remove moihid humors from the blooc', and do not resort to bleeding or mercury and we shall have a "ery great scarcity of persons afflicted wilh crnnic maladies. J he leathei cd tribe the au iinal kingdom, over which we sic tho buds, are not nlllicted with chronic maladies; neither should we bo if it w ere not for our prion which occasions lhain. Follow nature, use Iho medicine when harmonizes with her, which mildly but surely re im.ves all the impurities of the blood.which strength' en the feeble and yet reduce those of too full habit to a healthy standard. Let me again say that every depaitmcut of the manuficture of Hiandiclh Tills is personally superintended -y me, anu that every box with my three labels upon it may be relied up on to have the beneficial effect described if used according to the direction accompanying. A (1 U N T 8. Washington Hubert M'Kay. Jersey town L & A 'I' liixel Danville E B Reynolds dt Co Cattawissa C G Urobst Dloomshurg J. K. Moycr. Limestone Babbit Sc M'Ninch. Buckhoni .V. G. Shoemaker. Lime Rid;e Low &. Thompson Berwick J W fitiles May 3 1815 ly- 2. HE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he has opened u shop, on Main-stmct, nearly opposite Clayton' Tavern, in Uloomsburg, whee he intends carrying on the above business, in all its various branches. TIN WARE, of every description, will be kept on hand for sale at WHOLESALE or RETAIL. SHEET IRON Manufactured into anv form required, STOVE PIPES, of all sizea kept constantly on ham'. Stoves finish ed to order. Ueir.g determined to do business in the right way, ho reqests all to call upon him before they purchase elscwhetc, as lie will furiiith nil articles in his line as cheap as they can lo purchased in the county. I). J. KIEC. September 20, 184.rly22 Chair xvianufactory THE subscriber continues to carry on the CHAIR iVA N UFA C TORINO business at the old stand of 15- & S. Uncer hiir.h. where he will be readv al all times to furnish Fancy & Windsor Llunm, Sol tee?, Huston flocking nairs me, oi evry escrtntion. which may be calleu lor, ai diort notice and on the most reasonable terms. He will also execute llouec, Sujn & Ornamental Painting, and House Papcrinj.' in a superior manner, Prom his experience in the business, and ti is facilities of manufacturing the various articles of his line, he flatters himsel; that he shall be able lo furnish as good work and upon as reasonable terms as can he done in the country, all of which lie will dispose of for CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE N. IT Orders from a distance will b strictly ar.d punctually attended to. IS 11 AUf.iN ifci;ii. Tax Tax! List year Columbia County, on fotn weeks notice, collected and oahl over iu!i he Sute Treasury THE W HOLE anioun if her Stale Tax, and received as a com pensation for her promptness, a deductiot of 5 percent, amounting lo if 58 1 00. Tin iame nfTcr is again renewed, and Columbi;. Cotintv may this year claim a deduction ol $G80 00. The same necessity for promptness ami energy exist now as then, Tho honor ol our Commonwealth is aistuke, and nothing tut energetic action on the part of Tax Col eclors and Tax Payers can save tho Sua rom di'orace, The Tax Collectors of th leveral townships in Columbia county foi he year 1810 are hereby requested to pro ecd forthwith ami colli eland piy over into he Cutinty Treasury, on or befnic the vmity filth day of July next, ihe whole a nonnl of State Tax charged in their lespec- .ive I)upinatis. Hy order uf 'he l.ommissinneis, E. MENDENllAl.L, Clerk. CoMlfSiiI'M:RV (Jl t R K. ) Danville, May 26 18IG. $ N. 11 Tiiose Collectors lor ytnr? 18J.1 ind 1811, w ho are slill in arrears, are here- y notified; that uuIpss ihe wl ole amount ol heir Uup icaifs is settled t;ll, on or reiurt he 1st day of July next, they will be pro-' eeiled ngainst according lo law And the Collectors for the year 1815 are requested io settle up ihe arrears of their Duplicates hy the 2.p)lh day nf July next. The low ate of i axe laid ibis 3 ear lor I ouuty pur ;me and the extra expenses, which the County will nccesnnly incur in building Bti.iL'es, renders il iilisolutelv nccrcsarr that all Taxes due from loruiet yean be imme diately paid over OUltMO TTO.NOT TO BEOUTDNOE .Vll ui.ACKsiH!iit5 i:sr'Aui.i3tiinf.ri Ity Nautce A: Silvcrth in. 1 IIP, uiulcrsinned having taken the shop formerly occupied by Marshal Silver thorn, most respectfully informs Ihe public that they intend tu carry on the abuve branch of business and will at all times be ready to do work a little belter aud cheaper than any other establishment in the place, and they hope by strict attention to business to merit i largo portion of the public patronage All kinds ol country produce luken in eichange for work & the ready not refused ISAM) SAM UK, MARSHAL S1LVERTII0RN, nioomsburg Feb, 21,181044 DISSOLUTION. I'll E eoparlnrrrship herelofere existing under the firm of Armstrong & llugca. in ihe (one cutting business, is by inutua consent dissolved E. ARMSTRONG. 1'. HUGHES. Nov. I 1813. MAKULIj YAKI). THE business will be continued ky the subscriber at the old stand; where ma) be had at all times. MONUMENTS, TOME-TJELEs, TOMB-STONES, UEJiR Til JAMBS, 2lLlNTLESJUNT STONES, MULLENS, kc. or any other work in his line. He is also prepared lo luriiis.i WINDOW CAPS and SILLS, DOOR SILLS and STEPS, &o. either of Ma.ble, Lime or any kind , 1 . . stone that can be procured in this vicinity liT" Having had considerable experience in the business, he pledges his work to be executed in as handsome a Btvle as ran be furnished from anv yard either in the eitu nr enunir,-. a nn rpaHnnnl.le U;m EPHUAIM ARMSTRONG nioomnbtug, Nov. 3, 1843. ly i!8 J. Il' VANDEKSLKE. vn1, , ., . , ,. ,, , 'assure vou that nothing short of my firm cnnviclioi LGS leave lo inform the nuhlu!, thali , .. .,.. ..fvnur lCdicinc to an origin sore ho i.s prepared to attend to all the oper- ations in net t is rv. hucii as reiimv ntr The Tartar and other Foreign Sub stances. From the teeth, rendering them clean, and the gums anil breath sweet and healthy. The. cavities vf Decayed Tteth Will bo dressed out anil filled with Gold or other toil: of the finest quality, as tiie case may require, wluah will penerallj prevent their aching nr further demy, ami render them tueful for years; and in many cases during life Teeth and Slumps' of Teeth Which have becomn us-eless rt Iroublesomi will be extracted in the most careful man ner, with ihe latest and best improved in V.ruineiiio. Force lia in Teeth, Ofihe best quality and latest improvement, will he inserted on pivot, or (in connei lion wilh Dr. iillerchamp, with whom he is in palernship in plate work) on Cold plate, irom a single tooth to a whole set, lo look hs well as the natural, and warranted lu answer all the useful and ornanieutid pur poses proposed by the art. In fliort,every operation belonging to the profession, will b ptforrned in the best nan tie r. with choisest material, inul al the shortesi notice1 lie therefore hopes, by strict attention to business, to obtain share of public patronage, Any person .r pri sons wishing any ol the above operations pprforrncd, ate respectfully requested to 4 i vc him a rail, N. R The public are hrrebv It. formed that wc the subscribers have cnlcrcil into a -pecial Partneiship relating only io pl.iie vvork as it is more convenient for eneh in itlcnd to the olht r branches ol the kckiic mi his own account. A. VAl.LERCflAMP. J. II. VANDERSI.ICE. Mount Pleasant, Nov 8th. 1813 ym. 15 O () T AND STORE. shoe THE subs-ribc. i 1 1 lor in s the pul lie that he has opened a MlOK &TOKE nt tin Imvci end nf Main Street VSIoninsbiir;, at tin store foriui tly (yccuoi ed by H. Lulz where he intends lo keep a gener il assortment of hhocg and hoots, for nu n ttnc woniens ware, which he will sell as low, if nut lower than the same quality of gondii can hehotiphi in Colombia county, lie w ill ul 11 nicke (o ordei ill kinds of boots and shoes, at short notice, llav tug ttctrrinmcrl to sell low, lor a (-mall nruM be rcspre'fully invities those w ho are in want ot my thing in his hue, lo give him a call. ..U. Alljtoods huujiht of me arc warranted to be as recnmiiitnded. W. KL'SSEL Nov. I.'ihlPM. ADMIMS I RA l OR'S NOTICE, On the Estate of I E I rJU late vf liloomsljurg, deceased. sr-Tltl'H'K in hereby eiven that Letters of Ad 1 ministration on the above mentioned Estate lave been Lrr.ntci! to the subscriber. All person indeblej to said estate are hcieby notiiii d to make irimcdiatc payment, and all those having claims ate requested to present them properly authentica ted, to .OIIN K. GROTZ, .JJin'r June 0, 131G flw7 Ill.ANKH!! Itl.ANKS!! FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. ITS OiUJiSE IS OMlVlim. 2 . k DO ureal has been the demand for Foi?er'i Olosuonien or All Healing Dalsam, and il has mven such ccncral saliafaction to thoio who have used it and become acquainted with Us vnines that it now stand pre-vmu-ituit as i remedy in Dii eases of tho Lungs, and the testimony which im.s neen given by different person who have been cured l) I is altogether voluntary on their pait. They have liiven it in tho hope that all who may find thoniscve in need ol this remedy may apply lor it wittioul ue lav. Head tho following letter received tjom tlie nev .Ifr Shimcall, Tastor of St Judu's Episcopal Free Church. MrS. has not o;.;y used the medicine himself but has witnessed its effects in several very try ing cases Xii disease. 'The letter will show his opinion of Us virtues. Jjear 6'ir : Uehcving it to be but an act ot com moil humanity to those sulVe.rinjr under the various disease of Coughs, Colds, JloarhCiiess, t onsump iion, Asthma, o,c. to poinl ihem to a safe, speedy and radical remedy, 1 take pleasure in hearing my ti'itiinniiv to vour invaluable medicine called Olosa- m.iaii or All Healing Ddlsam. Of Us clllcacy I can sneak first from my own expeiicnce. Ileing aobiect from exposure more or lss to the vicissi tildes of our climate to frequent attacks of Influen za, Hoarseness, lie, I have always found it to biioki lso-t .n.tan ancous anu a ways i f :. n t.ar tmt ri' mf. lo h lmrt colur liicno of mine suffering severely unrer Asthma, and who 111 lia unv, ...w.v. - , had desnaiied ol obtaining relut from any human source, upon my recommendation was induced In Viva the Olosaoniai a tiialand he pronounced th effect produced upon him a perfect chanu fl'urding Mhn immediate and almost instantaneous rci.ei, i unrulier instance I recommended it to a leniaie friend far ad nnced in Consumption. Aflertheusi of the first bottle her cough was entirely removed and her appetite and strength restored to s.ich a ,!,.. n in as toniM a vvno saw ucr- un n I.ii.b cherished ai.il firmly crtabli.-hcd prejudice a Ruiust the thousand and one specifics put forth b. these dnvs as sovi rc;gn panaceas i"r an uihy.sc, .(.a,P and to the cffcclB ol it as herein certilicd; ,iU hv mv own experience aim uhdi,i ei.!,l not have been induced thus to come. Iwrward . ., uiiniiM in its behalf. 1 have the bono- to be, air, rcspcctfullv youis, K. C: blil.V.LALI. Have you a Cough, which is troublesome and linn not yielded to any l the icinedies which yuu have lucd T Is it at ended with pain il the side, .shortness ufhmith. uiyiit sweats! Do you Avr'C Blood ttheu ou emmh and find yuiir f-tienl!i gradually lailini; t Voil will find that iIicm; s mptoma l! nnl nnii ei'lv attended to will terminate in consumption I ' . . 1 1 i ...:.t. .!..., a;. i.. ; ... ami eralli. Are JIIU iroiuieo vnu uiui ui.a.M.t coiiiplaiid Asthma, which depiives you "f your re.-;t Dt ni-l.t and ren ders life burthcnsoine. Here is the Kemedy. Remember ihe name and place where it is to In obtaine and do not oe put on won any i.u.ti. i' has proiliu ed i cine in as desperate ea.-e.t as ylirs noiv npprar to be. ond doubtless will put to lliclo in a speedy iiianner these distressing' tyii.pt'Uii.- which lill your mind Willi gloomy ioicduui.,;:. the. future. Its Healing Properties lo nnt deceive. The short dry cookIi h quickly I I I 111... ...r.,ll..,. ( .!,... overcome anil eai'v un" umim :i" ' in place. Spilling of blond i iinmediute.y checu ed. M itilit sweats with p dii m the sine and "hot debility and difiicnlty of brealiinK yield in a fdior time Ashni with all it drcidl'id aeivinranimeiin i t mice relieved. i!ro:u bills ntal ill lael all tin its casca nf the throat and I uiuh give nay befuri ibis teiiiei ly when all other means have railed. J'e-sons may attempt to deceive you -.villi soon other remedy, pronouneii.K it to l.c i-ipially as yo.a hut remember life is at atahc, tlie.efoiu Be not Deceived. The above cdicine for sale by the follnwin? enls. I' I.l- Tt'oomsbiirL'. W. J,. Waller & I (.ruir'c: v ct .1 , l.i.aius. I)tan;:cville ; Levi lit el. Jerevto'vo ; I'err iy .llcljiue, v line Jian , t ia'ldv, l.'uitawi.-sa. , . I -. I I Ol . L rfsvbinet Ware House. HE subscribe would resprctlnlly intoim tla public, that hi! has taken the sb ip lately oi upie, ,v .Samuel Lilly, near the upper rod ol Uloomsburg, where he is carrying on the in all its vaiious branchf". a..d where he will hi :,8,,l,y o wait upon all llio-e. who may favor bin villi their cio. torn. Hi - Furnitu.e is w at tallied to ie mi'le oI'koihI maleiial and dutable, and ho in end. kecpiuu on hand Sideboards. Secretaries, Bureaus. Jl'ardroies. Curd Tulu'c.t, Dining Tuhii:?. Breakfast Tables, Cupboards. Stands, ll'ash Stands, Bedsteads, Dough-troughs, Co tjin v, fyc. and all kinds of work in hia line, which he Wi sell ipou as reasonable terms as they can bo purchased in the county. Hv stnet attention to business he Hopes to re ceive a share of public piitroi.aoio. April !!5, tH-IS.-lyl CATAWISSA FS:RK. IlE subscribers inform the public hat l, -siid.lished a FEKliy at the old c hat they ross .... .Ita Lifixlll .0 Fiwllllll'- iiil'. a sliorl uistance oeiu - . e eek, near Jud-e Rupert's and procured a laiRi ....... ... i. en r.,-,f Ion ir and new I oats lor . n.-u. lorrv n w or H i . Illoi tii" -ilNGL; FEIISON lo MX HOhE LOAU Kl) 'I E AM, without delay, and uuon reasonable ,r,m"'- FO.Y A Mf'I7.. April 19 WAR! mVA! AND Vm. BlcKclvy & Co. VK just received ami mnv opening, one o tho laigest ami must exfo isivo btock liouda ever tirought irvlo Columbia county, 'j'hci i aasortnienl coimists in part of the following: LA LIES' WEAR. lhreges, Ilcrrge Searf, Brzorineg, Fig ured rind p'ain d" I.aines' Lawns, Prints of all qiKt'ilifH. pnterns uml prices, Si kjlerae. and Cotton Shawls, I'ura soette.s, Kid and Si k (l.orcs, Si'k and Cottnn Lisa, Pocket Huntlkrr chief h of all kinds and n' most ri, thing e'se that Laities may wisn or, including a large assortment of 15RAID AND STRAW BONNETS of a superior quality. GENTLE MEN'S WEAR. Cloths, Cus-mnei-s, Oregon Cassinicrs; a new arti cle, Pantaloon stull's, Tweeds, Uatnbroons; sum mer cloths, satin and fancy Vcslinps, cravat, searls; ties and vaiious other articles. Gentlemen and Ladies BOOTS and SHOES of eveiy description. GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. Molasses, I.naf and Brown Suir irs, Coffee, Tens, Spice, Mackerel, coarse and line .Salt, Uramly, Kum, Wines, Gin, Ac. CROCKERY WARE, Assortment includes every article and quality that may be called for; HARDWARE. Spades, Shovels; Forks; Hoes; Axes; Hand; lill Word an 1 cross cut Saws; Filer-: Units; Screws; hocks, Knives and Fo.k, Buttons; liuckles; 5c. WAGGON TIRE, Of all siz'?, Round, Hir ami Hind Iron, Cist Steel, nod a gini.ia ajsoi Uncut of HOLLOW W?RE. All of which will be sold a little lowor than tho lowest; aud all kinds of Ll'MUICi and i'l'.O-Dl'CI-: taken in pity ineiit. Mry SO 6 Centre cf Gravity. A KSW TAILORING ,J 'i I AaiM'HaWdiWiiMtinMt TUB snl'scriberii rcspo, tfu!!y int'erm the nil i y.eiis oi" IJIooiiisliurii ami vieinity , ihat thry have lo ca'.id themselves ill Thornton's -Vw hnp, in Mi, in. Iwi d'Hirx lulnr t!,c K'unicr i-f Main atiel Markd itni'ts, in Hloonisbu it, w here they will al ways hit found on hand, reajy to accommiidalu those h i in-ty hn or llient u i;h a call. 'J'hcir wnik will be doneiu the litest ami rnort npprnved slyle for neatness- and cle;;anec in tin- business. From their Icing rpo.i nee in iho liti: iites:s, they llatlei lh"inse!vr.i that tlu ir work ivill l,e done as no it as c.iti be ilone el-icu heie. A'lwoik ii.tiustcd ti ihoir rare warranted to lit. CSl'TTI p ''"'ic on the shortest notice and warrant, d to lit il properly tr.a-leup. KLLI.'S &, VAN 1!!J:;K1R!C. Mjv ?. Hlfi - 2tf N 'i;.fol'.Ti:Y rnODCCK, a: the tr.aiks ice. will Li- taken i i rid ban fur r. or!;. i'ri :3 y E't-ntlKirs KaKt A ND as tin the snbsr D as ihn holds Ro.-il i:i alrno: t ivr-tv rrsi.Tt rriber woij.l ailn ind in l.i.; IticKi' nut tne pul- r ijeiieraiiy, inni ue i.- sin! iivutg mi oce.upyios ihe OLD STA.M.. on Main-street, bo tween the office ol C. -lfue;alew and the Black iitiilh shop i-f .Mores (.Vllinaii, at which placebo n iv be found upon the seal of poverty, prepared 0 diatv out the lined of rifdiclion- lie has just eooivod lie fhe Latest t.tife i:f FutrfitonH for VKlSO mtit ,i;.'f.'U;:R, and wiili ihem ho -lands phased In areoinmndale his fi lends, nistii ners uml tiie public generally w ith good subslan li.il lastv lils or no ih:iicin -de. ' IJ. lM I'I.UT, TAI..OK,' will he found upon 1 Miinyle stuck op above ihe door. ,'ld-'nis.',iuii free of nil. r.-f He would also inform his fi tends that AA'Ifnt, live, Oats, Corn and I'ntatoes viil le taken in c haiittr for vvork done at his sli'-p, t.i.d a liltic of 'he pewter dinetnin. once in a while, will not coti.e iiniss. Call ai.d ;:ive h'tn a tiial, ;u:knakd rui'f.rt. April 20, I SI tj 1 iiov.-f.ll. Si o n . , informs Ihe public'tl.ut la T A H KCFECTILT.LV , Removed his Sh p to Espytoicn, where or will always be teaily, as hcieivfore, to kind of eiothint', al the shortest Imtieo best and mo. t fashionable sty lo. From inai,e ;ii: Old in thi hisbmij experuiice Mi lue l-'.niin -r , l.e ll.itier- limsrlf thai he shall continue lo -jivr t;oiieial s.it sf.ictiiiil and thereby hopes to receive a tharc ol'lhe iiiblic patronage. ' iiticubir attention paid to riitlinrr. All kinds of couutty produce t ikcn in payment V.J wo:k. Espy town, May 0, ll'i.-tl3 . ..niniTOHMl'inr 11 assorlinrnr in 11 mi Il a hot les, l els. roilois, i . a rvi .uis, r'.r.l. ll..u .C-r- AV-o I.ait-e 'H"I itli Wasson Hoses, tiont tl.e l-aiivme ..lo Works, just receiveil anu ior sai. IIEFI.EY OVi iMlMUIllrVl-li. December "II stale of MICHAEL itnirr.MoiiT ate. of llonloik hinist-'- , df ceased. the Kstnte of Mi- TT fr i l'.li I Cbllinil inm , A , h ,e WhiUT.IK'.l, ' f lirmlocU tow n'lup 1, has been praoUd lo i ..In.nliia roun:v, ileceo- ,i. .i,Lrrili'i. leMclinjr in Madison Icwnstup, in . ... 1... tl.n I said coomy, lri:ir-Li, i or demand., against the .-lalU ,.l cm county ; an i..t.it.ir. arr rrotMFiri. i ii. ., i . .. t i ni Kill 1 delay, and H F-ons f6" , L. trc leiiuired to make pav n-ciil for.hJ itn to 11 JOLV T:i;lCIIAlU),rvecunr ... . !. a. ..... .1..I.O- Ac d. f Miihnrlvi b.lrmcM 01 urnoi . ;.- Madison township, M-' , I; - 6 w 3 t