t C I'lmi .Maying lutiva of Washington I). C, m J io!iie of our citizens fioin it (! -.iriiH yes.erd iy tiiji J t g.ibsriptiori, ami uiri lins. for llien country man a sivord am lelii w liirh vaa despatched to him lisi Mgfu. 'I'he Bword dan fh following in ncnpiion upon it: I'reseniad lo Captain Charles May, of ilia Second Regiment i Toiled !Svniea Dragoon, hy hia fellow riii y. ol Nuw Oilnani iro n iho District ol Columbia, as a token of llicir sense of !iix gallantry disphjed in the bailie H'illi the JA'xican forces, May Dili 1810.' FinggolJ's Successor. The Ball A lui'iicait (ays After the fall of toe gallant Major Rring gold in ht recent hattlle on the Kio Grande tl,c ronunand of hia company devolved tip nn another Maiylander Lieut R.indopl Itihgey Hon of On K of Ekridoa Loiters fio:n ihfl Army speaks in the hightst let me sf the ga.nt munner in which Lieut K took the battery into aciion Ua was ordered to l ie fioiil and was among the fust brought into action of the tecond ha ta lie gave om lonnd and ihen joined the dashing May in Lis charge on ill e e nnmy COPPER BALLS. The ilfxicans uso 'nipper grape,' end il is represeriti d a being most dangerous They are made rotitfb, and let lo accumu 1 jle veic'Ljrii, and other noxious coaling pe t u I i 31 to copper, and when tliny wouni1 they are almost fatal. We nro not infoain ed, say the New Orleanr Tropic, whethei the Mexicans use the copper because of its poisonous qualities oi because lliey have no lead We see it stated however thai but few of those that have bprrt wounded bulls in the Ainerie.ni army viand any tlianee of recovery as the great heat and nioriilieaiion caused by llie natuie of the bi.lls is rapii.ly carrying ihem oif as was the case with the lamented M j r Crown. Cupl May's Charge 'Vt editor of the New Orlians Courier has seen a letter from Capl. My to his bruiher in this eity, dated Pui ut Isaht!, Mjy li, 'J'ho captain tell bis brjther ill it the equation at the head ol which he charged the enemy's baitery, eon lained 82 men; and of these he lust one offi cer and 10 piivates killed ami 10 wou'nded that is, near' one-ihiid of his men, mid almost half of his horses liurs du omlcit. The captain himself was noi touched, which fortunate, circumstance waa o iug lo his Li-injj about ten yards in advance ol hi. tq udion in the charge. J a u tiiKir nanus aie pionounc: J. A cone.-pomliiiit of ibe St, L mi Reveille says -'As Oie names of t!iu I'.jll. living Spanish clTi 'i-rs aii) likely, ai the present juiicUnc nf afl'iirs, lo be fequnily in llie mouths ol iir eiiiz ans, for the saiisf anion of th.'' nut already iiiforuu'd as to iliH correct pronunciation of (hem, 1 su1 join the fjlluw inc.: (ii'iitinls Arista, Ampudii, Mijia, and Can ilei, Colonels Oaiasoo mid Carahjsu' re pronounced by Spaniards, as nearly as possible, as follows, A-ms-u, Am.-pofl-ilin Ma-t?c-a, Co-na-les, Ca-rrr.j-no, Car.i-f-but the VDwel a, in each instance, bavino llie sound of lint letter in the English wor! far. The j becomes h, the b, v In pursuance of an order of the Biigadi Inspector, llieie will be a inetiiiig at-. J!oomsburg, cn Saturday June I'.ith ins! A 10 A. M. of the Enrolled Mditit witliin me bounds of ibn 7ih l'en'niient ll Brigaib kiU i vision of Pennsylvania Milun, and ibe Vuluui'r erCoinpanies aehi'd here all exemps by duy of said(!niii panics under he age of 13 l"r the purpuse of airer'aininv liow many will Volunter heir services ih Ike dpfence of heir cniintiy, u, unless a sodici' n number to ft 'I he rcqnisiinn ol In I'rcsidcot slnll olf.-r. drii.' will In i;ia.ic. Begiuie'i.d and Company ofiicn will fovern heiiHi UcH ci onluil v. IIIRA.W K. KLIMi, Col. June Gh 1810. TO COXTIIACTOUS. Seated Proposals will be reeeived by (he nnilers'gned until 4 o'clock P. M. ol S.duiday the 27, li of Jone, for ciectii)i UKlCIk CIIUKCH, f. r'y two by fif'y one feet three inches, wi'li a basemen! siory, in the town c1 Ji'oomsburp. Pbms & Specification! o' uliieh ir.!iy bi? seen at the Chair Shop ol J M. Clieinberlin. WILLIAM MrKKLVy, WILLIAM IIOWLLL, JOHN M. CIIKMHKKLIN. JVoorrtflitirg, June fi, If; Id. l!.NKS" BLANKS! VIITDOV" GLASS l.'ST icccived nt the M'U' S I'OfiP. I. 11 RUPERT. m.iv no Nails and Spikes -Jjrw M.IJS of ,ails mi. I Miiilvc-jutt received ' A .. . . I I . ...... .. 11.. k'l . . r.i ill J.. It. KLI'DUT. JuuRlilh JPnblie Sale. N pursuance of an order of the Uijihans' Court of Columbia couuly, uu Saturday, the ; Jay of Jluguu next, il 10 o'clock in the fWnnonn, Mar.slmll Shoe- iiiuIot and Jcilin CluiNlian, Adiiiinisliiitui n Ac. ol lacob Wclliver, lute of AUditon lommliip, io eaid ounty, doreasi'cl w ill lio exposed lo nule liy I'uhlic-, oikIiio upon the prcMnmi s; a certain i racl of Linn (iliuto in AUdisoli low tjnliij), Coliiiu'iia couiiiy, "iilnoiim; S4 Acafcs5 )r tlii'nMli.mts ndjiiiiiine lands of John llenilerxhot Vuli'iitiiio ( 'liristiiiii, John llillliiiner, John U'icloird odJtihn Clirintiun. Ujioii Iho preiuince there is u -AtA 1'(Hi 1,0LVS1:' K'tl 1 1 iA O"8 ffl"d 0,16 hull b uiicti high, iMUm A l.oo Dxns, 7-'i"1 A SMALL Al'l'LK OliClIAItU, nut mioul SO ai re s of cleared land, the irniuiioiig lit is well Umlieted with I'iuu and Oak. 'J ln-n- a a stream ofwarer ruiliiintj ihronyh the properly aiialileiil ruuiiiiig a tatv mill, late the estate ol kiiI leceiisrd, iluute in .Madison lowi!."hin in said couii- y aforesaid. JACCR LYEULY, Clerk' ; Danville, Vay 20, lslC 7 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, On the Estate of I'E'lT.R UIGGS, late of IilooiHsbuf'', tleceustd. yOl'ICE is lierehy (riven that Letters of Ad niiaUlrjiuii on the ahovo melitioiied Lbtate lave been crrantec! to the kuhscriber. All persons indebted to said estate are beieby untitled to muke iiiimcdiute payment, and ull those Laving claims ! requested to present them properly autlientica J' l .OIIN K, CiROTZ, Adoi'r June C, 1810 0w7 SI. Oct In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' oun of Columbia county, on Thursday the second day of July ntxt, I 10 o'clock in ifie foifn-.on. JOHN IEA- Eli. Administrator, tin. of A 15 L A 1 1 A M DEALER, late of I'l-hinecrei-k lo.vii-.im, n said eoiinlv, deceased, will expose ti- sale by Public Vendue, upon llie premises. certain lot or piece ol land, siluaio in llie nsliij) of J'Vhinijcreek, in ('olmnbia it e . i ' i oiiiiiv, tioiiniin: a ioiows,viz iefiiiiiio it a post ibeneo soiilli liliy lour ileireis stsi-veuiy pc n oes lo a corner llience lortli ibirtysix di greea east sixteen perches o a black oak coiner thence north liliy- 'oiir iLirrcc weaiseveniy iiri'hes lo a post oner iliKiiee sotnli lliiri) "-:x decrees asl sixieen 'i rclies to lite place ui ijeom itnif, coiilainiiijj 1 Acbcs inci niPHKiire, I f!) iinnijT lanus ol Julio p iyd ciol lands i. Juini I! ist"ii, lale In- c-.i ale o' io. ilcce ! Mtoate in llie I'.vnsliip of l''isliiiijcri:i k arol eouniy a'ore ltd. ,I C()I5 EYEI'LY, I lair Dinville, Mav 27, 181(5 -7 Eroin the Norridjjework (Mc.j J nirnal. We publish llie (ollowinjj, as aiiiot.i; llie many evidences which wu ate colistanli receiving of (lie increasing popularity of Dr. Liv lie's Extieeloianl. N e have no inieres: puflio' il any furiber than we have a lesne l promote the health ami iapiiiies. jour b I ci cieatiiies, who are waMiiig a- i . . t ... t ... i ... v v I'-li loose eoiiipi.iiiiis, lor which ioi neilicine is an ahsoliire reun (lv. And in allmii the altenlion of llie public to i'., we eel thai we are in the Iniihlul discharge ol mr uuiy. .New roriiaiul, rsov , ii. Mr. 'ran, Sir; I wih you io send me J bullies of Jay lie's Expei loranl. and in lliii- iintiei'llon, would sav. thai 1 llceill II a li invaluable medicine, and an article ihat no muly should bo without for a single day. I have, used il lor two years in ii'V IhiiiiIv, md have always found il a quick and tin it-11 1 remedy (or lightness ol die lout's, pro need by long protracted colds, which pro. oce ihe shoii lucking rouh, llie preiuoni- nf Consupiolion,iii which il so freqiieut- v titioiiiates in till" climate. II piooenv old seafoualily adoMiils'eri (I, il wiilfllcclo lily iircak up the most violent Ico't-.. n. ri qociitly eon'cqoen'. upon ilicoi. I would mist eliccrloliy r. commend ihis me licinc ic lie public ill all casts of that r.atuie, ;.s 10 .alusble JOHN IL WEIiSTER. CIIO I.1CS and FUEIT1SG nf L F.iTS. Evr-ry moilii f should have Javne's (.'ar nina'.ive. It is Ihe very thint; they nied h.r lln ir clillilii n, as il immediately cores w,r bolie. and aila) s all iirilaiion of the alum ir'i and b we!s. Tho above vl-dirine arc for sale at i be s'.ore of JOHN R. MOVER, 151 lomsbut CM KAlfl.KR. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. AND ( vs; M r.i?. r.l.OQMSlJ! KC. COL CO , V; .. .,,-.-r .f i'. a;:.l N'aiii-ni.e.- ! no irononnaorj! IMIoy Iciidciiliall , HJJAVR just received and are now opeiilliir h H splendid an.soiluieiit ol new, cheap uud luali o.iulde Nl'RINU AND SUMMER GOODS, selerled with great eloe as to price and quality, iioniprisiiij; Superfine Cloths and Cusslmrrrs, TwrtJ Lloth ana lancy Linsuncres Jur Lcnlli'iiir., s wear. I elvel, Satin and Fancy I 'eatings. Ldir' Drews Goods, audi as Vushwrrs.Dc Lnincs.IJalzoriius. Lawns, Crape de Lames, Gin i; hams, Cci cues, MttsHns, yc. yc. and lraid$- SI raw Ho nne Is Trimming In fact a cnncrul and well selcoleii tmuicu of DUV GOODS, GROCERIES LIQUORS, II A HD WARE, QUEENsW ARE&IIOLLOW WARL All of which they are anxious to s u c hrai) fm Cnsh or in exchuir-o for Country l'roducc eener- !a!lv. Muv 30 (iiIiain Latin, Or new and bfaulilul patlorns, just received ai the icnv A'ture. L B KlfPliRT. May 30 51 10 LATEST ARRIVAL FIJOM MEXICO. she uui of i:te ituLwrrios AGAINST HIGH PRICES, Ciirrictl info Africa. New JO. rpM niihaerilier lakes occasion to annouoce tj to old patrons, and as manv new ones as wish to buy cheaper th'i-i ever or any where cl..e. that tie h is just opened at his old fit tod in M iiu- slrijc l, a tnlally AEIF .'7A7J F.ISIIIOXJBLI: ASSORTMENT OF r" ,T i n (,'iiitipri-iii2 a lull and careful mdectinu nl', .'iniiliai-,- ! 1 n ' 1 t 1c Lnin. I'ciaetf, I'rein-ii I ,iv. 11s and I'll iil-c.ni nil, rom'-rii: mid burred Mus bos, I'mni i', .vi!k Mod (iiu!iic II ioidkcrt dm !'s mill Mi.i Is. (,'l.itlw. Ci--i'TicreJi Tit b. 'itiii ami I'oicv Yct- ilij!''., raiilatniHi !"- il !T-, (JaoibrouiM. Sv.:n on r ('b. lbs I 'riiv.-oy, St.nV, 'J'ios, Ac. Ac. Ac. ,7ao .1 Variety of Groceries, Liquors, Quccnswuro and Hardware. To nnexaiiiiuati.nl of which ihe subscriber re pei.tlullv in iles the attention d imrchiiMMs uinl libera hi hue m lectin!,' elsewhere, as he feels as.-oui,! bai he can satisfy the mo.-t luslidiou 1 and ccimu- mica'. oi:oia;E WEAVER. Lilocnisburj, May "fi. 1810. G SIOBIFJ) .11 2: AT. 9p M f m jf W IliO'i aiui mho J Ui,l rc.'CClVC;U .U Ol .le.iuu ...niitj. ALliKlull I iV ill'..NU,li. .Vay 30 nicv supply, just received at the NEW A .S'I'OKC. L li RITERT. Mav '8 r-'l. r.AIIIil.l.S No 1 and 2 "I lost (in!'.ty the rtU' A Di: l"ie. LltKlCin' k MENU A L. ,1iv V CANCERS, ARTS, CORNS, & nr.: -0 i' !e t'l cm i'i.tIs no nt time. 'i'U r i ri!,.. infnrms the iublii', that he i- I kin. Is of (.' .1111 eis anil crailic.iti oi-ri" with veiv lit lie J ai 11 a:id in 1. llcrel'cislo several resi.rcta'Dlo citi- ... ns m hi' iieiyluiorliooit, such us iM'mii-l I Itrj. William Kile and ollmrs. that has brfn sir-ces'-l'ii! in sccral instances mid is riot bmnbiicrgiug as i.- Inn frequently l! le case a;ieiii j, ii nock . He war rants civ tain ciiii: 01 any c'4 .e undtot ike or 11 ay V Wml A c. on catllc ind other aiiiiosls an al-ircurecl by the su'i""' nrr who reVides in Minn! I'lfnsant township 00 thu main road b-adiot; froie MiMvillr to Hloom'burc, about U miles from Fre ! ri ii k Miller's Tat'ern where jicrsoiis are invited In, call. JOHN ALE. May 00, ISIn-lyfi Mackerel. '.iocii t srnrie ni .,. 1 ann .'a n : 1 : i : r . . by tin- n.in-ci or n - ; t i i-ici, at ( ii.'ir1 l.iqut-MiCi'l .Muv Mice. A. I! KNABIi .V Co SBBfeMc Sale. In pursuance of at) order cf the Orphans' Loiiilo! Columbia county, on Saturday thr ilh uay ol June nexi, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Jacob Domoti.Vdniiniatraior tic. of (ieorire Whiitini(,'hl late of Madison township, in said eounlv.deceaiod, will ex pose In Sale by Public Vendue, upon llie premises, a ceriaiu Tract f land simile in ihe township ofMadiaon Culunibia County, idj lining lands of Samuel Richards, Reti iiou Wilson. John Christian, and John Ilctz containlcff one hundred acres and alio wan ces about 03 arces of which is cleared land vbcreon is erected a frame House andllank It am. willi a wood Apple Orchard and other Emit Trees on the premises. j.aie in? r.siaie m satii iitti easen.siiiiaie in r . - . I. 1.1 . r -il i . (he township ol Madison and couuty afore said. J.fCOli EYERLY, Cletk. Danville, Aay 20 18415, AU.WINIS rilA'I'OR'S A'OTICE: ric Estate of 1S.1C KLINE late of Or ange township, deceased NO 1 ICh is hereby uiven that letters of tdmmisiraiion on the above mentioned E aiu have tins day been granted lo the sub- senners. ah iiersoos inueoieJ lo said es- s,s ai.s hereby notifie I Id make immsdi iio pay mem, and all iltoso liavioo claims an lequesied to preseul it) e 111 properly auihen ticaied, to MARY KLINE, Adminisiralrix, IltRAM R KLINE, Adminisiratoi, Orange township, May 2(5, 1916 G0 MMEDIATK imploviiient will bo given tn 75 a Coicmioii Laborer, ( ui'iiontoi iud Ji a so US, to work upon thu Caltawtssa I' ridge. Apjdv iminediaiely to r'KIUK, II A li I'M AN vt UKXXD. CaOawUsa, May, IS I( LADIES LONNC'IS, HEAD DUES ES, etc. etc. A ajdendid assortment of l.aoics' ionnets. A Head Dress,Artilicil l'loweis, llihbous, etc very cheap, at the Liyht-hreet New .inie by A. 15. KN Alii) 4- Co. AN APPRENTICE. fan the TJII.1HU.XU tSVSMA i;sji. . J2 taiart active Lud 15 or lfi yoarsof ut;f . who ceo come well Kcoiniuendcd, will leecivn y iml cn couragcincnt, upon iuuuediate apiilicniicn to Jj. RL TER I'. B!.,o'isbUig, ,1ay 'ii C1AKE WAY FOR T11E' i r IS V V '4 'croud Supply ol-Sprins'ood sobicri'M'-s t.d.o this inclhod of inform iS mj t'l-'ir li.cn. 11 ana tun pui'iic enerallv 1 ha I I hey arc now opening the tecimd siipi!y o! ijinns (m.ls, lo which they would rnon reiec(. lullv invite the attention 01 lliiisc will me 111 want if New ami (.'heap Goods, consihliiii; in pait of Chi lis, Crnsi meres, SullinctsSfi'estings if t.uiericnn, 'reueh and English Fabrics. Coat in.; and Pa'ilul'ions Stuffs, a vc:y uperior article nl" Tweed Cloth." nod Cassi- meres, Angola C.is-.imi'ie. D'illiou-; (Janeiooos .Vc. .c. Cotton 'iiuI.iLjoii StutD ol eveiy vaueiy md ol ,lir 10 .si dcnii.iVie hl lea. I'RINTS! l'RINTS!! c.wpiisinq every vaiiety of c-le and vicr 3 fiorn 01 to .0 cents. dress 000ns. New style of French Lawns, & splendid artiolu el new sulo Moiilane do. lancaud suuiuier tla.'liiueres Ciiihams (Vc SHAWLS, nnongst which may beloimd a handsonin ailiclo of Liciayes 1'icknic; .Muuslauo and 'J'luln-t ahuwls wm i e ;oous. Uacrifd, striped and plain Jaconets and t'anibric .Miihlins. Lace, Muhlins, book, mull mid .'r.rti.i Mublu , Ijiflmp Lawn, curtain Muslin, A.e. liruwn uad Elcacicd Muslins from ' to cents per yard, blciclierl nnd nn lilcaclied T.ililc Diaper, cotton Osruabuiv, Ac. Tugcther with a full ns.ortmerit of dr'-win, Sjii'ces, Ilinhca ie and Cut cry, Q;icc-inoiirc, Drugs, IJiuls uitil Sh c.i. md in fact every arlic'e u'.n!lv kept in IJuuotn Sioes. Tic public cenenillv are ii.v.te.l to call ami ex lriiinc thc.r r-tock before puicioc-i'i e'sii.vheic. 'J'hankl'ol for pat favocs, they tl ctter theros.lve bv str ict a'tcution to Lutines to n;ciit thu ,ain,u ago of a generous public, A. D. KNAC3 St Co Mao C3. Tf'm ' fX "j 01; ija'itf' V , All kinds r.f I.tmrVr, drain and I'mdilcc tuken 111 Lxehaiiyc lor Goods. ttafe of UICllMll. IV HIT KMC III' ate of Hemlock township, deceased. F",T'J EliS restamentnry 011 the (.state of Mr A ehael Whileiiiclitjaleof Hemlock township IJidumbia exiunty, deceased, has been granted to ihe sub cribei, rc.-iuin? in Madison township, in said county, by the Dezister of said county ; all persons having claims or riemandj agninM the estati of Testator, are reqinted to make them known without delay, and all peiso::s indebted to F3id nt, Inic are icipiired lo make pavinent foiih -.villi to JOZX lll irilAlil), iecc.tor rd Mil (lie! Wlilleoiht of I! coin, k tnwnhi), dl'c'd. Madou township, May it, l-4i b.vl Centre of Gravity. ANI3W TAILORING Till' subscribers rnpnclfully inform the eili ens of IJIoiiinsburii and vicinity, that they have lo afed tlieinlvca in I horiiton s icw Minn, in Main, Iwi) 1. ., Iji;lmv the Corner if Alain and Muihi't Hlrrftn, 111 llloonisburg, mwm ihey will al ways be fiiund on hand, ready In accooiinodali (liB.ifl wIid may fuvnr them with a call. 'J'heii work w ill be doneiii tho lulust and most aliiirovec stylo lor nearness and elegance 111 the business. t' rom thoir looti expoiiencu in tho business, thn llattci theiosulvea that their wurk will be done u neat a can be done elsewhere). All Wolk intrusted 111 their cam warranted lo lit. C'lIT'l't iV(i done on the hIiui test notice ami warranted tolit it projierly msileui. ELLIS L VAN liCSKIRK. May 2, lf) 2lf N U.COL'.VKY ritODtJCn, at the maikei price, will blajii)n hi excdaniru for work. CATAWISSA I JOIJUV. rHl',r' subscribers inform the public lint thv ft. have established a VV.KUY at the obi ci,, incr, a short distiinco below the iin.uth ( Fiihing e. ock, near Judge liupert'a and procured a lari;t NEVVFLVT, GO feat Ion?, and new I oats for lootmcii. lluvinj good assistants they will be in constant readiness to ferry ull wh npidy, from a xlN(iI.i' PURSOAI in a SIX IIOJCsK I, OA D KU TLAU, without delay, and uuou reasonable terms. FOX & MKTZ. April 1853 CATAWISSA FlaUitY, rglHE Subscriber inf. oins the public that hav H. mj procured a N fW I'LA T and boats for loolmen ho lias established a I'KUIiV NIOAI! C Of i ll-l.o I llhlf.r.11 '.loo. uiiiuuc, and will at all nines 'e in readiness to ferry all from a FOOTMAN to 1 i vvu HOUSE LO v UUD TEAM, without do lay and on reasonable terms. STAC! V ilARGL'KUM. April IS 51 NEW ARRIVAL OF A FRESH ASSORTMENT 0 Mflllimci-y FAXCYJ.ICODS. ms iii. 1;- tsomso.v WTJ AS just received at her old stand in Main- 3 JJ street, an assoitiocnt of .Millinery and i'an y (oy,J.s, consisting in part of STIlHV .INI) SILK nn.XXETS, Fashiofialde Hildions of all kinds. Bonnet llrel of all colors una qualify. Summer .'htificiul fl vivas of ul kinds on! almost eveiy thin; else in her line that nmv he ealltd foi; all of which will be sold veiy low. La ics are requested to tall bifoiu puichsbiu elt.c- wheie. M ay 0, 18 I 1 .NOTICE S liercbv rriven to ihe subscribers' to the Stink ofi ihe 4 ;i 1 1 issii If 1 iclc iiiui 1. .ii a. 1 1 .11 noini "I 11i mi 1, 1.. 1 j-i pci ; hare is icomiej lo lie iiaio 10 i;ic 1 'casurcr on or icfore the. Ibxt i'av ol lime ne.vt. U v ouloi of ihe ltoaid id Directors, DAVID CLAKIv, Treasurer. r.ittBwissa, May l, isiti a EST A III J S I S 31 K T- The subscribers re-speclfuilv inform the public ihattliey have commenced iho TAILORING. 1U:SINESS in Hloniii'dinrir, ill the joibiiiU', latelv occii ic I b linocli lliiweil in Market street wide they nilcini . , t 1 cai'rvim; it 011 111 anus varenn nrimiic.-i. humiic had Hii.iiH experience in ihe bic-incss, tbej tlaltci llieirisidces that tliev slhiil be able lo do all the W01K inlru'.lcd to the in til as I'a.-hionable mid woikioaii like in. inner, and 11 1 expeditious!) ; s can beibioi 'il ii n v otlcr fchop ;n lio' eouii'y. They, tln ii'.'K usk a lrire of piiUu . p.ii.roii.ie. al lca-,t, lhc wish to be tried. 1). UTIoN, A. T. l.VLLAND. Apiil 4, IS4'J ly50 .Tax Tax! Last year Columbia Count', on four weeks noiice, cnllecleil and oanl over in 0 be Sinn Treasury THE WHOLE amount f liei State Tax, and rteeivi tl as a tnni lei.sation for her proni'iness, a tleduciion tl' 5 per renl. am on 11 tin i lo 65S 1 00. Tbe sainu oiler is again rent wrtl, and Columbia I'niintv may tins year claim a iluliitiion ol iGniJ 00. The s iiiio iipi'cssiiv for proinplnrss anil 'iierey exist now as then, Tbo Imnor ol our (.'i(niiiiniiwpalil) is al stake, amr inilliinc oil rue rL'elic fn'iion on llie pat t of Tax I 'ol Veiors and Tux Payers can save ibe Nut rom (li'jjraee, The Thx Collectors ol 1I11 c veral lownsbips in Cidumbia eiiiiniy f tin t eat 1 8 1 Ti aie hereby rnuesieil 10 pro eed foril. wnli anil rolled and pay over 111:1 be Crnoty Ticssnry, on or iol'oie 1I0 ;wenlv finh (lav ol July iieX', llie wIioIb a rioiinl I Slate Tax charged in their itsiicc .ive 1 lupUcati s. li v older of ibe Cnmini'sinners, E. MEN DEN H LL, Clerk. Ci'MIMSI 'Nr.Rs' Ol FICK Danville, M -v Uli HsllV N. H Tiose t'ol ec.ors for tfnrs 1813 1 ml 1814, who aie sull in arrears, are her' ay n.'OtucJ; ibai unless ibe whole amount M their Dup'reales is sellled OIL fit or bflarf the 1st dav of July next, tliev will br pro efieilittl against aecorilintr to law Anil the Uolbciors for the year 1815 am requested 10 sftilo cn thn arrears nf tbrir Duplicsies by the 25tli day nf July next. The low rale of 1 axes laid Ibis year for Louniy per po3t" and ihe ex'ra e pen-e, w Inch the County will ncccc-arily ineui in buib'ii.j. Hiidjcs, rrndcra it absolute! v recessary that allTaxt.s due from formet years ba luime liately put J over WAR! WAR! AM) New Qomh. Wm, TdcIIclvy & Co. SA VK just received and now opening, one of . Ihe luiL'CHt and nui.-l extensive) Slock nf nuts evcri.rouKht tela Columbia county. Thcir issoriineiit consists in part of the following:-. LADIES' WEAR. Hi reves, Hcrcge Scarfs, Bnlzorineg, Fig vrrd and pUiin d ' Laines' Lawns, I'rints of all qualities, patents und prica, Siitjierage and Cuttun SiawKs, Para sulettes, Kid and Sik doves, Siik und Cotton lluse, Pocket Handker chiefs oftiW kinds and utmost ever;, thing e se that .adits may wish for dnciuding a urgeussortuient of UAID AND STRAW BONNETS f a superior quality. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. Ololhs, Cas,iuieri, Oregon Cassimcrs; a new arti cle, j anlalooti stutli, I weens, Uambrooiis; sum mer cloihs, satin and fancy Vesting, cravats, scarls; ties and vdiiinjs other article. Gentlemen and Ladies BOOTd und SHOES of eveiy description. UK0CER1KS AND LIQUOitS. Mo'unses, Loaf and Crown8uari, (Jiiir-e, 'Pen, .ices, Mackerel, coarse and fine. Salt, liiandy, limn, Wines", Gin, ie. CROCKERY W A RE, Assortment includes ever artido and quality that limy be called tor; HARDWARE. Spades, Shovels; Porks; Hoes; Axe ; Hand; Vdl Wood aiiJ ernis cut Saws; Piles; Liutl; Screws; I.jcI.j, Knives and I'o ks, Muttons; l!ueUes;.fe. WAGGON TIRE, f)t" all M7.'S, Uoiiml, Ha r ami It.iml Iron, Cast Sieel, ami a general assiii tiiienl of hollow wnuz. All of which will bo sold a little lever than tbo lowest; and all kinds of LL'.MUE't and I'ltl)- iJl.'C (; token in payment. Miy :i0 6 FUESH ARIIIVAL, A r THE Mew tere rnnR rtipsrrib-r bus j j t.eceivej in ad'ili.in Jj lo his former i,loclt) a complete a-iMCtincnt o . suitable f.u' Sprilij and Suuiuier uc, coili:'tinj ..1 part ot Mouslin clelains, I'renrh Iacvns, I? ariir (iirbam Lwu-i, I'aiicy I'i lots of all Pallet us anil price.. ( 5 .mi In oniii, Tweeds, S'Jiiim-r Cloibs; Fancy Casunci Cf, Col'on S ripe-, Toeolht i1 vv 1 ' 1 1 1 j iiejie.Z per Worsted, Thibet, I'l iin St Shadid Mo'.isliri da J.'aiue Siiatv Is. V'en'inu, Slocks, I'onii 'f" ami Cambris mil kerchiefs, Corded and Gi as CI nil Skirts,. Also, n I . r h As-orlnicnl fjf Floi puce Eraici Si S raw E jiuicis. Ribbons, Silk, O.I Cloih, IIcsi'?ry, Parasols, Purctlctf, Sua Sliadcf, &c. &e. 4 In fact every thin;; that may be required for I.a lie,' or (iciilluiocn's spline; or soiuiiicr near, all nf vhii h he will .-c ilas low hs lliey can bo purchased 11 the eiiiiniy of (,'olilllibia. All kinds of LiiiiiberioidComitiy Produce taken. 11 eichange for Uoudi. L. D. RUPERT; April ",51 i!acks.iuii!iiiisIMaUIhiisoist TUP Public ars hereby respectfully inl'ormed at we have lately entered into Copartner-hip 111 ihe above business at Iho wick Shop, formerly oc- uric.l by Moses C'olTiuan, on Main-street, below ihe new dime, where wo inlend to cany on Ihn hove named bu.-inefs in all Us biunchei. W'n iledae niniclves Ihat woik ibniu nt this ..hop -hall hi executed in ac neat ami W(irkliiaiilnc iiiiimei. and mi as rea'-innalde terms, 11s can be done at any thi 1 shop in this place. Ve ihercfoe hope by -niit nttention lo biisineca, to merit mid receive a due loopurliou of public patroiiinfA M. 6't)n-M. S. IJROHS1" pril'.'V ltl.. ,V. SlOFISG done nt the rr I iic. I p: ice of One IJolL'ir- Small oxyi.v mid ijuiik return our motto. , -w. rs ft O tt OF NEW CIOODS AT THE I'S'P recoived t the Arcade. Store, in addition 9j? to the loiaier stock, a largo ami e.Loii.ivc as ..irlment of DRV GOODS. GROCERIES, HARD WARE AND CROCKERY. efimpi Wng almost every arli de lliat may be wanted itii.-r lor Ladies' and tientb'ineu'a lliesscs or for fauulies ue All of which will be sold at the uu usual low prices for which the. btorc is to laiuoua. WANTED ALT. kmds of Lumber a.id Country ri oJuco in cxchaoG'- f"r Gocts. ALU RIGHT .t MEN GAL. May 30 I