The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, May 30, 1846, Image 4

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    Tin: ( A It L A M IV
-V vV . "V,!'
. . l- .t 1 . .. 1 J 1
iwteteit f lower eitrioh'J,
'From various g.udi'ii eulfd with tan."
jTrtf grfaf danger of Delay' Where in
an rflfy not haiv marriage is recommen
Jc J Many a lady would have married
some fvorite,but fur Hiding accident. She
ie bo long nuking up licr mind, that lie
tli.i. Afterwarwda ahe ia cruel to herself;
for, (curing the old legend, that those who
ore unmarried here, must lead apci below;
and having an objection to this, ahr, liki
tha heroine of our alory, lead a baboon
In olden times, when brutes and trees
Could talk will dignity and ease,
A beauteous apple tree, in bloom
Enriched the zepyrs with perfume.
The lordly elephant the breed
Of the royal lions slag and steed,
Address to her their humble suit
To be the guardian of her fruit;
rpg"d that thfi'd drop one leaf, to show
Which was her favorite below.
SheJhanked them for their generous care,
is ut t was too early to declare,
"She knew them all for brutes of honour,
V7nd really could not take upon her
The favouring sign so soon to toss 'em,'
She said: and blushed through ev'ry bios
They watched the vegetable maid,
Till all her bloom began to fade.
And then entreated she'd elect her
Own favorite her aworn protector,
For now advanced space the season,
When honour's sacred Una, and reason
Demand her choice, that being free,
Tho rem might serve his seveial tree.
Studious their question to evade,
She shook the honours off her head'
' She knew too little of brute kind,
So suddeiy to speak her mir.d
.Petitioned for a longer day,
Justly the worth of each to weigh.'
For pridu suggested, it she could
Detain them all, the neighboring wood,
Confessing her attractions great,
Must envy and admire her state.
The suimra saw l:er drift, and fired
"With just resentment, all retired.
Left her defenceless, to the lavage
Of every creature: tame and savage.
Next came a tribe ol lulls and bean,
But these at once her pride forsw&ais,
With tiilf applause the casts a look,
On the broad mirror of a brook.
And wondered much. she said, from whence
Proceed this impertinence,
For though her beauty's gone and o'er,
-She still had golden fruit in store,
And ne'er would throw herself away
On such low animals as they.
The summer fa st was hastening by
"Nor did one brute of worth apply,
Her blossoms dead, her leaves turned y el
And all hei fruitage growing mellow.
Despair had seized her and supplied
The place of petulance and pi iile
13ul that band of monkeys came
And plied w'wh flattery the dame,
She smiled constat. Thej strove to grap
Without more fron the dancing apple,
They leapt it shook her to the toot
Sudden dropped down the wrinkled fruil,
"Scarce hoped for by themselves bo soon,
And pinniped upon an eld baboon.
She, once the grace and pride, now proves
i ae laughing eiocK of all the groves.
Many years has passed away,
And many a hero low been laid,
finre joy lirst hailed the natal day
Or tear bedewed the mortal clay
When nature's debt was paid
" Of him, who, in our country's cause;
Kwod tuith for freedom's rights and laws,
And Us i iled Against the iron rule
Oi Uriion'a regal crowned fool.
Ah! his wa not the meteor blaze
Thai fadelh with its birth,
His genius first dispe'led tho haze
That circled round our eaily days-r
It now illumes the earth
Tfie Printer, Patriot and Sage.
Shall ever live in hist'ry's page,
And,, while the craft exists, they'll pay
Due honor to his natal dav.
It is strongly urged upon the emigrants
' to Oregon, to take wives with thnn, as
there is no supply of the urticle in that
heathen land.
A physician being summoned to a vestry
to reprimand tho sexioii fur drunkenness
dwelt so lonfj on the sexton's misconduci,
that the latter indignantly replied, -Sir, I
was in hopes you wonhl have treated my
ailings wiih more gentleness, or that you
would have been the last nan alive to sn-j
pear nunsi me us 1 have covrrcJ so man:
blundtrt of ijours!'
An editor at ihe west
en pair of boots a year,
wears otft ftv-
fetijUrlv. in'
kicking loafcii out of Ins office.
The Magnotio Tclrgragh is cjusing gt eat
wonderment throughout the country
mongsl the rural population, of whom ma
ny anicdolcs aie told. W't find the follow-
ing in a country newspaper.
at week, we are informed, a young ge.
nitis from a northern town, who had been
disturbed in his agricultural retirement by
lis vague reports of ths wonderful lightning
despatch, walked into the railroad house in
his village, and inquired when the 'tele
raph would be along,' Some mischievous
buys seeing a chance for sport, gravely in
formed him ill it it was about time for it,
hut thai he would have to look sharp to see
it, it went by so quick, they assigned him
i station on a wood pile, and directed him to
fasten his eye along a direct line between
i wo of the posts. Our philosopher obeyed
instructions, and shivering in the wind for
an hour or less, with his eyes strained on
vacancy, and his head slowly revolving
from 'pole to pole,' to the no small amuse
ment of the by-tandri."IIii patience at
last gave way, and with much indignation
he exclaimed:
By golly. I believe that are telegraph
am a humbug.1
Humbug, sir.' Why, what has given you
(hat impression of ii?' said one of his in
structors; 'did you not see it?'
'See it, be darned! There haint nothin'
passed between them posts, no how.'
'Most certainly there kas. You must
have winked oryou'd have seen it spitting
fire as it snapped past about five minutes
'Wal, I did wink wonse, said our hero,
'but I winkea as quick as I could. Who'd
thought it?' And the poor fellow return
ed home disappointed, resolving that the
next lime he wou.d look without winking.
A Frenchman who knew very little of
Dur language, unfortunately got into a diffi
culty with a coun'ryman, and fight he must
ind that loo rough and tumble. Rut before
he went at it he was anxious to know what
he should cry if he found himself whipped.
After being informed that when satisfied all
iii .i iii
ne wouia nave to uo wouia be to cry out
Enough,' at it they went but poor Mon
sieur, in his difficulties (orgot the woid
and finding his eyes likely to be removed
Irom iheir-sockeis he ben in to cry out but
instead of saying what was told him he
commenced bawling lustily 'Hurrah! hur
rah.' hurrah!'
To his astonishment the countryman kepi
pounding harder when Monsieur finding
there was no use in hallooing turned and
went to work in such good eainest that it
was not long beforo the countryman sang
out in a stentorian voice 'Enough.''
'Say that again.' said the Frenchman.
'Enough! enough'.' cried he again.
When the Frenchman in his turn exclaim
eu, lie gar. uat is tin vera word I was try
to say long time ago.'
. A hardy seaman, who escaped
one of the recent shipwrecks on our coast
was asked by a lady how e felt when the
waves dashed over him?
Wet madam very wet.'
A Schoolmaster at Fault. X good man
was lately attempting the conveision of a
convict in one of our prisons, who had
shown some sizns which we considered
hopeful. After suitable opening the instruc
tor wishing to make his teachings appro
priate said what brought vou here my
Two sheriff's said the caichuman.
Ahem! yes but I mean had intempe
rance any thing lo do with your miafoi
Ysssaid the convict meekly; they were
both drunk.' The examiner passed on to
the next hopeful subject.
A schoolboy being asked by his teacher
how he should flog him replied If you please
sir. I should like to have l upon the Ital
ian system the heavy strokes upwards and
the down ones.ligh,?'
An Irrshmsfl who had left his native
country, and sought nn asylum in Arneric;i
because it was a land of liberty, was attack
ti or. his arrival in December, by a furious
mistiOT. He stopped to pick up n atone to
ilfend himself, but the stone was frozen
'By my sowl,' says Pat, 'now is not this
i swate land of lil erty, where dogs are lei
lonse and the stones tied fast?'
A mm in Fria advertises 'lots for sale to
suit the size of the purchasers ' It is sup
posed thai they aie located in ihe grave
yard. i,oiri,n,bn, ..... h-i... r
, f r. ... ,.,. r.i..i 1 , .
me urui uwdiiciB 11, 11 e euioB miii nevi-r
Iheai l anyiiwiig uf the Liad tjimitrs.
The subscriber offers for sale his
house &
ilualcd on tho corner of Main anil Kast-Blreets
in flloonibliurg, Columbia Couuly, I'a. It in wcl
calculated for tho location for a 1'uMic House o
CO 'cl front on Mainitrett,
ii 1 I 1-2 fcet on Eait-streel,
and tho rood leading to tho llloitburg Kail jad
lion Company's Furnacei. Tina Lot iawell cal
culated for building upon East-.treet an well a on
Mam. and lieinii situated in tlio ccntro of the Iron
Region of Columbia County, is well worthy the
atiention of thfl capitalists.
Tor any information respecting tho conditions,
enouite of
fjlconiaburg, ZJcccnibci 0
BSail Stoad.
"ETTTA VL just received by the Full Road and are
Sil no opening, a splendid assortment of
Sprinfr and Summer
which, having been selected with great care, they
can and will tell as low, if not a littlo lower,
than they can ba purchased elsewhere in theeoun
(y. Among their assortment moy be found in
A splendid assortment of new and fashionable
7 Vnts ol new figures, liinghains; a new stylo ol
cross ovei lierage and other lWages; fancy and
blacK and white Lawns, Oingham Lawns, Dclanes
of nil colors and quality, black and blue black dicss
.Silks; black silk Serge Aliapacca, dumosk summer
.Skirts, damask book Muslin, purso twist and steel
beads and rings of assorted colors, Indies and gen
tlemen kid gloves, mohair (ilovcs and mils, while
cambric Handkerchief; ludies silk points, black,
bandanna and flag silk anilkcrchieft, cotton
Handkerchiefs of every description, whito and fan
cy silk Handkerchiefs, shawls of all kinds, in short
Cotton and Linen Goods of every description for
Ladies' wear, Silk, Cotton and WorMed Hose foi
men and women Ladies' shell combs.
.Wroadcluths of all colors and quality, 'Sattinetts
L anHimeies, Innry summer l.assuiicres, s x quarter
coat Twood, Nankins, Checks, black iittin and
other summer Vesting of every description; fancy
Scarfs at d Cruvals of all qualities, bleached and
unbleached Muslins, tmlirellas an' J urusols, Lei;
horn and palm leal'llais. A quantity ol'cuij,t
Lump and brown Sugar, Molasses, (.'offi e, Tea
ol all kinds, Oiiifrerj Alspico l'epper.N jIiiipj cVc.
Dar vap, Candlcs,coare and fine Salt, sperm ini'i
fish Oil, an assortment of the best quality of
Jrandy, Gin, Rum, IVines, &c. pti'tha.-cd r.
presly lo supply Tavern keepers, who are partic
ularly requested to cull and examine quality and
prices beforo purchasing elsewhere.
A splendid assortment of
'y the Tea Sot or piece to suit customers.
Consisting in part of knives and forks, butts and
screws; p;iinldes, augurs, ehissels, saws, lea and
other kettles, ilc. &c. and an assortment of
Abo an assortment of
In fact they can furnish their customers with cv
cry article usually kepi in countiy store, and lifini;
determined to do business right, Ihey ran and will
make it the interest of the people Ic trade with
flrj Lumber and all kind of conn
fry produce taken in payment fur
Uunds. 11 5ltf
HP. subscriber has jiut received a fresh sup
ply of
Confectionary. &c.
rtrsittin of Candies of various ki.iJs. And also
Jl Dii h u'suis of a stiperior quality,
liordruux Prunes, English Currants,
Vcs, Fresh Oranges and Lemons,
Herring, Stveet and IFatcr Crack
ers, English tf'alnuts, I'ilbertt
Amnnds, Cream Nuts, Ecu
Nuts. &c.
Smoking, Lump; Cavendish and Honey
Tobacco, Spanish, half Spanish und com-
rnon cegars.
AUn .' n assortment of Cum. Worslrd and
Cuttiii Suspenders; Razor Straps; Urubhet
and Combs of oil kinds; Blacking: Thread
Tape; Needle and Pins &o. and othor Coat Buttons; tlooks nnj Eyes
l' and 1'encil Poin'a Percussion Caps
i'leel Pens 'I himbles iVat(hea--whi:e and blacl:
Calile Coidc agate and pearl fchirt Buttom
Sirup vest und suspender Buttons---Saliri
b'toiks watch Cuards
Necklace... Mitt --Wafers- -knitiin;
Needles Priminers .t all kinds ol
All of which are lo be had cheap at the corner
of Main and Bast-street
Bloemslurg; April IV- lM.-CS
vni.ya a mi:i:n sn:EL
just re
ceiied and lor sale a' th New htnje.
L. B. RlTrRT.
Ottol'or 11.
THE subaciiber having located himself in
llloonisburir, ia prepared to furnish all kinds of
ware, and perform all kinds of woik in bis line of
business, at cheap rates and at short notice Jle
lias furnished himself Willi a new ubd tplcmliU
stock of tools, machinery and materials from I'hilu
delpha, and made a largo purchase ol COAL and
WOOD STOVL'S, of various tmltorns, to supply
Ilia customers. Ho will constantly keep on hai d,
Tl. H' 1HK of every description.
STOVES, a largo variety, neatly and substun-
tialy finished, together with i'll'K.
SPOUTS for buildings.
Ho respectfully solicits public patronago Hav
ing been for some years euguged in Inn business,
and having experienced assistants, he leels Conli-
dentof sutitfying all who may favor hi in with
their custom.
COUATHV MEttUt.UTi supplied or,
liberal terms.
Call on the south side of jVain-strert, 3 doors
below the office ef the Columbia democrat.
October 11, 18M ly!!5
Brandreth's Pills
31 B 12 AD and understand ! The time will come
11, when the medicine, Urandrrth 'ills will br
appicciatcd as they ought and di-scrvc; it will be
undeutood that Dr. lirandiclh has tho strongest
claims upon tuo pubhe. It is true that every in
dividual who makes a trial of the Uiaudreth Pill,
concede them to be the best mediciuo they ever
used. 1 hey aro indued a medicine about which
there is no mistake. Their value in a climnto so
changeable as ours cannot be sufficiently approbat
ed A free perspiration is at once rfKtored . thus
they cure colds and consumption is prevented.
''hose who have a redundancy of bile find them of!
the most essential service and should there bo a do
licieii'-y of that important fluid tho Pills
have an equally beneficial effect. Often has thin
important niedicino saved valuable lives in those re
giona where the dieadfnl yellow fever wus prevail
ing A few doses taken immediately upon the in
fection being received into l lie sv.'tom w ill In al
most certain to pieventany material inconvenience
And at no stage of this dreadful epidemic is there
so proper a medicine as tho lireudiclh I ills, Let
ibis medicine be universally u.sed in Ihi
disease and no loss ol tiloou allowed, im:J tew
very few would be its victims. So it is with other
diseases, Assist nature with this ullimi onui
medicine to remoie moibid humors from the blooi',
and do not resort to bleeding or meruny and we
shall have a very great scaicity of persons i.flliclci
with cronic maladies. The featheied t'ihe theau
imal kingdom- over wlncli we are the lords, are
not iilllictrd with chronic maladies; neillu r should
we be if it were not for our priue which occasions
lhani. Follow nature. Use the medicine whi'h
harmonizes with her, which mildly but surely re
moves all the impurities ol llic blood.wlm h slirntl
ens the feeble and yet reduces those U' loo full habit
lo a healthy standard. Let me again say (hut every
dcpintmi nt of the manufacture ofllrambeih Till
is personally superinteiKleil y me, mid thai every
iiox with my throo labels upon it may be relied up
in to have (he beneficial effect described if used
according to the directions accompany :n;;,
A G r: N T 8.
Wo.vhiii'tou Robert M'Kay.
JumeA'tiitvn I. & A T Hp
Danville K li Key nobis & Co
CatlBW issa V (i lirobst
iJloonisliur ; J. R. Mover.
Limestone I'abbit & iU'-Nincl;.
liuckliorn M. G. Shoemaker.
Lime Ridge l.owec Thompson
erwick-J W ttilca
May 3 lS4i ly- S.
fWHR subscriber respectfully informs the publi
R Unit he bus oriened a shop, on .Mam-flroet
nearly opposite Clayton's Tavern, in lilooni!.bur:
vln'o he intemls earn ing- on the above busiucos,
111 ull ils various branches.
of every description, will be kept 011 hand for sab
ManufaCtUied into nnv form required,
of all sizes kept constantly on Lane1. Stoves finish
ed to order.
Being determined to do business in the ri.nhi
way, he reqcsls all lo call upon him before tl.ey
pun base elsewhere, ns he will furnith all articlo
in his line as cheap as they can tc purchased ii
tho county.
Septewber ZO, IG-15 lj23
Cho,ir "n 1111 factory
Til 15 subscriber cotninun to cany
businesK at the old stand of 1L ti ft. Ilnctr
buch, where he will he ready at till linie.
10 furnish Fancy ti Windsor Chairs, ftel
tees, Uooton Knckina unmrs oze. 01 cvor
Jcseription, which may be called lnr, at
jhort notice and on the most reaconabli
terms. He will also pxectilc Hotise, f-'itiii t.
Ornamental Fainting, and Iluust; F;iit iiii.
in a superior manner,
From Ins experience in the business, am'
his facilities of manufacturing the various-
irlicles of his line, lie flatters hiniKt l! ih.11
lie shall be able a a gnod work.
md upon ss reasoniiblo terms as can I i
lone in the country, all ol winch lm will
jispose of for CASH or t'UUAiH
M. B- Orders from a distance will bi
strictly n:.d punctually ntieiuled to.
S hereby given that the copartnership berelofort
existing under the litm el linlst ni;d tunteeis
dissolved and the accceunts of said linn lule t een
issitined to (he subsciiber, who alone, is authorized
to collect tho name.
Match 13 IP 10.
jriUrCN oi ESlaMitis I'owccr
of the bes! quality, just received by
W M. McKELVY ti Co
Pcembei 5
lly Katitcc A: fSihcrlh in.
'J'HE undcraigued having taken the ahop
formerly occupied by Marshal SSilverlhorn,
most reapectfully informs the public that
they intend to curry on the above branch of
buemegs and will at all tunes be rendv to do
work a little better and cheaper than any
other establishment in thu place, 'and they
hope by strict attention to bunness to .nciit
urge portion of the public patronage
All kinds of country produce laktn in
exchange for work & the ready not refused
isam; sam ki;,
Bloomsburg Feb, 21,181041
THE copartnership heretofere rxistiii"
under tho firm of Artneirting ti Huge, in
ihe rone cutting business, is by inulua.
couHcm dissolved
Nov. I 1815.
T II H business will be continued by the
subscriber at the old blaiulj where may
he had at all times.
or any other work in his line. He ia
also prepared to lurnis'i WINDOW CAPS
tin. either of Ma.ble, Limn or any kind ol
stone that can be procured in this vicinity.
iyTIaving had considerable experience
in Hie business, ne pledges Ins work
he executed in as handsome a style as can
he furnished from tiny yard either in the
city or countrv; and on as reatr)iible terms
Dloomsburg, Nov.JI, 1 84:i. ly 28
EGS leave to inform the public, that
he H prepared 10 ailenil to all the oper
ations in dentistry, surh as reiiioving'both b
The Tartar and other lorcign Sub
stances. From the teeth, rendering them clean, and
ihe gums and breath swett and healthy.
The cavities vf Decayed Teeth
Will bo dressed out and filled with CJold
r oilier loil; of the finest quality, as the
nase may require, which uill generally
prevent their aching or further decay, and
render them useful for years; and in tn .ny
cases during life
Teeth and Slumps of Teeth
Which have become useles? 01 troublesome
will he extruded in the most ran-M man
tier, with ihe lt-.tcs 1 and best in; proved ia
jiruiiieuiu. Porceliain Teeth,
Ofilie best quality and latest improvement,
be iuerie(i on pivot
or (in connection
wiih Dr
niercnamp, with whom he is in
pa tern
in plate wwk) on (Jold ph.le,
Irom a single tooth to a whole mm, to look
is well as the ifalural, anil warr;inied lu
inswcr all llie iimTu! and ornamental pur
pones proposed by the art,
In Miiiri,every operation btlniioiue to tli
prolesiion, will ha pnformed in the
naniier, wiih choispsi material, and at
litionesi noitee- ne itiere lure
strict attention to busim-si, tu ol
. i 1 1 . ,
liopl s,
's'n a tli
ol public palroiiiiL'e. Any pit-
i, 1 r
1IH19 wishing any of ihe i,' . .
performed, me resptciliiiU immi
ivn him a call.
N. H 'i'he public . -ire In ti b i.fnnrH i!
tint wp ihp Mjb.eribfcM have eniereii into a
-pri'ial Faruiui f hip relatiiij; otilv to pl.ite
worn as it is more eonvcnienl lor each lo
litem! lo the oth'-r branchta of the si iene
11 bin own account.
Mount Pleasant, Nov 8i!i. 1813 ym.
N 3 Vi
IJ O i) T
su' s. tibe;
inbo in ; the pul
be that be l.a; a !in:.
S J Oi;i: r.t the hmei
end of Main Slice!
Ali.m, . ,.i it..
Bl.-.r.. (..ruu-tXv .......;
I by E. I.ntz win re be idtciiik. lo !;eep a purr
assni lineiit of times . 1 1 1 1 I oo.":, fur men ain'
omens ware, w bicb be will s. II ns low, if nio
over (hall the frame quality of jt.j"Js can he hhi.,i
i t.nbiin! in eiiuiitv. He will hIhi mrdio to onle
II hindy of boots nmi shoes, otshurt noliee. ll.iv
ri(t iiCterii.ini d In sell low. fur a small profit
ip resprei.lnllv invnn s tbnse w lin are in w ant ol
any thing in bis line to pivcluni a call.
. II. Ali(.'ocata I'OUL'lil ul ir.e arc warratiteo
o be as recoinuu nded.
Nov. l.-.lh!8t-l.
Kemainino; in tbp I'oH-Ofiice, at IJIooms
burg; ,1arch 31; 18 1G.
Jacob Bniler
r.mtai; Uarra
(Jiffm McCully
John Morris
lioberl Oleman
W'illii m IJies
John Kellrt
(leort'e Senit
Henry Si hlanaer
John Snyder
ne A.J titone
John Wnnicli
,n Mr. ?
C. 0. Harhiiicn
Riohard Cnrtney
riioinaa Dadford
Lew i Folk
(Jreen it Kunkle
i'niei Iltiiiliocli
Miss J-i1m A Kl
Jolm S Luile
J a tuts McLano'il
JOil.N Ii. A'OYLH. 1J. M.
.1 9
Ogieat liiia been the demand for Folier'i
3 (""K o'liii'ii or All Healing liiihMin, and it ban
K'en such general mitisfiction to thoso who have
u-ifd it and become acquainted with viitui'H that
II now t ind pre-eminent as a remedy in ln-ca-ies
of the Lun?, and tho testimony which has been
Hi veil by (iill'ercnt persons who have been cured by
t is altogether voluntary on thei pint, 'J 'hey have
liiven it in the hope that all who may fold! ve.1
in need of this remedy may apply for it without de
lay. Head the follow iny letter rerrivrd Ijom tho Her
Mt Shiineall, l'aslor of Jude's Kpi-icopul Free
Church. Mr S. has not only used '.ho mediciuo
himself but has witneax d its elli ets in revcral vijr
trying cases of diyeme. The letter will show hirf
opinion of its virtues,
Dear Mr : believing it to be. but an net of com
mon humanity to thine duffcrinp under (he various
diseases of Coughs, Colds, llourscneiii;, Contuiup
,ion, AmIiiiih, V'". to point Ihem to a safe, fcpeedy
and radical remedy, I luLe pleioiure in hiaiing ftf
tetiinony to your invaluable iiiedicine ealied (Jlosa
oliiiin or All llealiiif; It.ili-uiu. Of ils ellieaey I
can speak fust from my ow n ex eiicnce. lleinj;
subject from exposure imoeorhi-s lo the ii iisi
tucb'S of our climate to Irecjin nt utt:. l of Ii.fluen
jji Jlo;ti.;enebS,tVe ,I have iiiuiis I'.i.ii! it lo a fluid
almost instanlaneoi'.ii, and u!'.vaa l y pcseveiancti
in its use, effectual relief. To a ptutii ular fiiend
of mine sulVering severely unrfer Anbii.n. and who
had dcspaiicd ol obtainiii" relief from nnv human
to'source, upon my recoiinncnmiti..n
w as inuuceil to
e,ivc the Olosaonia a tinnnini
1 pronntilircil UiO
ell'ect produced upon him a perfect chaim afbndini
him immediate; ami almost niftanliiiieous rcliei, 111
another instance I recommended it to a female
friend far advanced in Consumptiot:. Afler the usu
of the first bottle her cuiiih was entirely removed
and her appetite und lrenih restored to s.icb a
decree, ns lo nKtniiiih all who saw her- Wiih a
lona eheii.-hcd 111. d firmly e.-tablishcil prejudice a-pjii:.-t
the thousand mid one specifics put forth in
these dava us sovcre'n panaceas for all disease, f.
ussureyou 1 lint nothing short of my firm conviction
of the claim of yum n.edieino to an criirin so ro
. peetaMe, anu to tlie ei;eeis oi u ns nerein ceruiicu;
iv ln own experience and oostrvnlion, X
otild not have been induced thus lo come fvrwao
is a wilio'.-s in its behalf. 1 have ihe honor to bj,
sir,'uilv youia, II. C: lil.M L ALL.
Have you a Cough,
which is troublesome und has not yielded to any
of the lemeilies v liich you hive used? Is il at
.ended with pain il the bi.ic, shortnets of breath,
night sweats!
liai'C Eloi.d
when ruieciiyh and iir.d vr.f.i strencdi qrailurnly
failing ! Vou will liiiil thai tl."se fc mj In ins,
Ml. :
,lv atteniU.d to will termiin'e ui eonsuiupliuu
mil eiaib.
1 1 1 j j I .1 : 1 . t
Aie you troubled v.::'.. that ill ticsiiug
Ad lona.
hiih depiivcf. you of your iCit at r:ij
leis lil'o buitlu-i.souie.
lit re the Went
I.'enteniber llo' name, and
p'a"C v.'.ier: it i:t to b
if wiih ai y i.t.!iei. It
; ie. .i'e c ises is vol:1-$
lle.-s will i.l to tbri,i
li.nli e.-sin ' h mptou-.a
obtaine iiml d' li"l be put
bus piau 1 u c 1 d u core in as ;!'
inay ai :: a: 10 be, j.el ilt.u
in .1 speedy niiiiiiier those
whii b lili 5 uill loiiul iwlli i
(:c h juings of
lis ILdlihg Properties
do not deceive. The fchort dry cough is quickly
(vcreomc and easy and healltiv expectoration ti'hes
it., place, fcpittin", of blond is cbeck-ji-,1.
.N i;:bt snents with pain in the side and .br?!,
Ithbilily and djfib'isity f.f breatting yield in shoit
A still i with all its dic.idlul accnnij .'inimcntM
is ut once renevial. ynominiis am! in lact all te.o
ds.-euses of ihe and i unq? rive, way beforo
this remedy when all other means have f.nled.
l'csoii may attempt to deceive you w ith penio
otbir remedy, pronouneii.K it to be equally as good
but remember life is at italic, therefore
Ee nut Deceived.
,ove nn dicinc fm sale by t he following
Iv. 1', I.ulz. H'oouiabiirt:
flerwi-k ; E A. J. l- ven
(1, J- jsi'Vlowii ; Uerr M
Bald,-, Ca. taw !;.!.
W. I.. Walle
CV C.i
(Iraepevilb' ; Levi '.'
:Uude. bite Hall ; ;
Cabinet V.aro
'IMIl', sob cril.e w. u.,1 respretfidly
Q pub!..', I be l.a- liit.011 the .-h
i n I ' I I ; ll.M
'.c. ( C
upiCil liv .aiiiuei 1 .H v, . ear 11
ie upper
on tne
llio Jiiisbur'', w hole he i i :ti n iii"
ti all it varbnis
iappy o w lit up'
blanches, aedwlr-io be will bo
in all lliose who inav f.r.a r l ini
nil then eu..tom. In.' l ornitun' in v. 11't a lo
ma Ie ol "gon.l inatci nil and dm able, and be
tid-.keepine; m, hjiul
,11 ...i. ......... r.
ItlrlllHIl ' 1 -V, oiiirniiio, j.iiiviii
ll'crdrulies. Curd Tudes. Doting
Tublcs. Hrcukfisl Titbits,'
Cujiboio ds. Stands, U'uih
Sr d K.IIedstears,
Dintgh-t roughs ,
Coy iav, eye.
ind all kinds dfwnrk in his line, v-hifh he will srlj
apon as reasonable terms as they can Is purchased
in tr.e count ,-.
Bv stn.'t attention to business he hopes to re-
ceive a s'lae ol public patronage
Estate if William Mensch, late ef
Ih'oum township, deceased.
VJOTiri: is hereby tjiveii, that Litters of ..
iniiiitratiii;i on l!i above nieittioiii,! es- ite
: av l-wn granted t.i the subseriber. livinp m Cat.
:aUa t'Cc e.-liij!. All ei.-.!;s i.i.h Uei to t'.j
sloe ure hereby nolil'.ed to make imint-.b ie y.-r
.a",!, and all haviitj cbiin:s a--e n .o,,;e,i ;j
:re, I ihem pioperlv i!i;ibe;i;ic.Te.l. to
JOc-L'll yjSi'ifT, Ad.i.
Manrh U, lr:C C-A-iT
Jl ;.-:.-.r..-,. j