miiito.ti; .ff.fr ao, ihio. , PKMOCRA ITO CANDIDATE FOR C.fA.f. COMMISSIOSTJI, WILLIAM II. FOSTEK. OUR MKRCIIANIS. Seteral Canal llitaii hate arrived llu pa't week from PhilaJelnhia, ant broughi M our trfrhanti n unusiMlly Urg supply of gio.li, amt ly iefirinre id our coluim ii w ill he rn they hae taken the right meihoJ to dispose of iliem ripiJIy Ader tifd. Busmen in IJIooiinliurj mi never iimra brik ihnn no, and advUe a do arc in w snt nf nterrhsinlisa to come to I Ins jl.ee as lieie iliry will find them chanp. an I a rea l sale fur all their produce, at hig'i prices. THE COURT HOUSE. On Tliuraday lieu Mr. Mean broke ground for (lie foundaitun of dm Courtlloiiec ar,d we It'Mii from him, ihtl il i his i ri ten lion in push toe building forward to comple lion at fast as pontile, MEXICAN WAR. We liava devoted a large portion of oui paper to details of the inovemeiiia of llieAi my of Occupation, and it will be ictn thai General Taylor has g lined a glorious viclo ry over the enemy. The official despatch es josl received, and for which we have not room this week, corroborate the statement uf the battles, with the exception of redu cing the number of killed and woundedCen Ta) !or says-' It lias been quite impossible as yet to for iiisli ileiailed tenons ol o jrt'iiipjjeineiit wild ti e enemy, or even accume returns nf the killed at wounded. Our lna is nt ( Irmn 3 officers and 4'.) men killed, r.d 13 officers and lot) men w.iuiide '; wIiiIh thai of the enemy has in all pruSani lit) exceeded 3lK) killed; more- than 21)0 have been buried by us on the twojliclits ol battle. (Jen Vega lias anived at New Orleans, and has been liberated on parole-. Volon leers are fl icking to lb' S aioUrd if (!en Tiylor, and there is no doubt that are tliis. be has :ecived 5 or OWIO reiiifoiremenie, and prnhdbly taken po-aeasinn of Matano' n. Further news is waited for wiih t,x ieiy. Th lVsi.leiii h n na le a re niiti iii on the (Siiveiimr of t ' 1 1 Stun f,ir six Re' weiiis of nfinlry. her (pintiiif ibe (if llmn-niid Volunteers mil'iorised lobe i;ilae' 1J Congress. Tic citizens nf New Orleans have (! spa ibeil to Point Ivibil. in the Steam-.!,!, Al.ibam i, a fine steed for Cipi.iiu U :ki r lie gallant Tx Ringer. Tin y have al so opened a subscription to prut tire hint an eleg nil sword. COUNTY SABBATH CONVENTION ll has been pinpoint by ibe Agent nf lh' Sabbath Association, to bold a ronvctitini of the fiiends of ibe Sabbath, in Coluinbi. rouuty, in Danville, on Friday, the 5ih ' June next, at 10 n'ciock, A. '. 7'm meeting w ill he held in the M lb d chorel). Tho Rev. Mr. Pown.r., Aeem i the Subbsrl: Association in ihe.Snte.ii fx 1 1 i ti d to be irescti1, ionl to -a'btri s llu meeiing. Odier addresse s niay a's i be t x peited a nl various matters reim.id tot be r -liginus obs ervaoec of the I.rird's day i be recommended to ibe a'.leiition id l'.- meeting. An opportunity will thus be afforded fn the fiiends of ibe S.ibb.itli in Coliimhia rouiiy, to recommend their views on ihi important sulj-(:i to thtir fellow eiii'ii at large. It is earnestly hoped the oppor lunity will not be lost. There is greai !:eed of some eireclive measures to biiiif.' into full prae'.i.'e the sentiment which an known lo prevail almost, universally a rnong the iniidligml friends ol social onit-i and religion in this countiy. 1'he meeting which have been held in the different coun ties (,f the State, have, been regarded a highly utifiil There is gond reason lo hope, that the proposed meeting for 1 1 I -coun'y will be productive of great benefi lo the lute rt st of religion, and to all the in itrt h'.n nf men, in this qnsrter of the S'.aie The fi ic-nils (jf lbs cause have il in then power to make il so. It is earnestly re rvimmcrided lo the perpU of the various dislriets of tl,e eiointy lo hold seasonabii meetings and ap(oiint a large number of del egates, who u i, -1 1 1 1 i . ! -r i i their doty n i.tii'io', and llu Iriemls of llie Sihlialh il, j-ennal. ivinlliir appoiulrd as i!ple)-ates oi not, boili in anil nut of the rot.niy. an; rc-r-ipifduily iipol e'irnesdy iiintcd i) h prfrifu'i :,iid lo lend their eounieii inci mid jid in j ruiiiBiiiig the ol jotls ol the meet H'g. We select the following labia of distances from the Pennsylvania!). 'I'll disiance from Galveston to Foint lnhel 380 From New Orleans by the river Aisis ippi and const wise 10 Point Isabel 80 '2 New Orleans la Galveston 492 I'ioiii Matamorai to the bar near the noaih of the Rio (Jrandt by the course of tlio river 75 From Carpus Christi to Point Isabel a 'lout GO miles by the road 80 by the coait. GOVERNMENT EXPRESS. Dt'si;it lies from Coin. Conner. Wa Isarn that Lieut, Ilooe reached Mo bile the day befors yesterday, from Waal) ington, on his way to IYnaacola, with very important despatches forCommodore Conor. It is said that the news of the commence titnt of hostilities, received here on the 2a mat. was transmitted to ashineton bv 9 if pecial express, where it arrived on ibe 8;h, and that despatches were immediately made p and sent South by a Government Ex. press, we hear it rumored that the instrtic- tions lorwarued to our squadron w ere to blockade foilhwiih :he Mexican coast, and to bombard 'era Cruz N. 0, Times, MARRIED. In Hemlock, on Thursday May the 28ih, by the He v. Suiiuel T. Lord Mr Ln Barton to .lus MAnv Catiu rink l'uRtL, daughter of Mr. John 'ursel )l Hemlock, DIED. In Bloomsburg, on the morning )f the20ih inst. Mr. Gurlock Bomb ov.agod 10. WAR! WAR! AM) J9 Wm. IVIcKclvy 8c Co. IC Kj A I. jutl received anil noiv niiriiiu, one of ibe l,i ;:i'hI uoj imiKt extensive Mock I II II J ewr hronniil into (Iiilurulii i emiul v. 1 Ik ir i.i.-oriineiil ti)iiM.-,le in pail of llu! ful mwn,;: LA LIES' U EAR. fltrrzi'i, lienor Scurf , in zniiitfi. ure l and t tiin it- Lainm' Laai.tx, J'riuli of all (mi ilien putcrns on pi ires, M kjjerue tin J V ill mi Sham's. I'urn l,i'fr, Kid a id Si k G uvcs, Si k and dill tin ll'ic, PockJ JLui.lkcr r'uffi if a I Untli mid a taunt evict, thing c se that .iititu maj irith fir inc uding a large tt.iiirlmtiit of HIIAII) AND STRAW HON NETS if a h'lperinr qun'ile. GENTLE M EN'S WEAR. eilli-, Cii iiiicn, I ) r r iJti ( Rsi-imco ; n new arti cle. I '; -i I 1 1, ion slufi'., Tweeds . (Jainlirmiiis; huiii luer . l Kiat i ii ami fancy esini(!, eruvula. fcc Iiei and Vdl ions Ollief u.licleH. C:.Ti!. i, n , I.aJiug BOUfS and SllOliS if evi' y u'i ijttiun. UUOCKIIIKS AND LIQUOitS. Vti.'a-ej, Lnnf and Brown Pin-ars, Cuiree, Teas, ipiecs. M iclei,, coarhc and fine Salt, Brumly, liiiin, Wine-, 4 tit, Ac. CROCKERY WARE, Assortment includes every aiticle anil Irit i r i ii y In" enl!i il f ir; II I'D WARE. quality S-.idei, S,ovelj; Turk lines; Ate.: Hand. Vi!! V m il an I en,,, ci;t S.iw..; Tiles: Units; eren, hoiks, Knives and Fo k , Unltonii; liui lie.-; iVc waggon tiki:. Of ,,11 .iz , Uoiliiil, Mir ami Hind Iron ;,.it S eel, and a i ii-: i al aoi I .lie n I ol nou.ow uiiK. A ', nf which will he t. a I n,. ....ver rhun the '.we-i; an. I nil kin. I- of I.I'M U!;' and riit) l)l I-'. I.iken in pavinetit. Mry :;o 0 new (im a r Tin: fOT' nci-ivrd at ',v A'cide Mto. in a id t; hi to the t inner it. ii k, a larje ln.l nlf,i-ivi a- S.ullliCIlt of DRY COODS. GUOHKRIES, MAUD W ARE AND CROCK ERY, comprising nlmnsi every article that rrny h wanted eittier lor Ladle' and (Jenllerne n' Uifuses or fur iniliek linn All nf which will Md l tha un- oiii.il luiy Drico fir which ihu blora it no lamoua. AI.I. kinds nf Lumber and Country Produce m ech ll'e f.ir (ini'ill. Al.llRKiHT .t MENCAL M.iv no 1 1 .nvrd al tl.e MIU I Ml.T I. II KL'l'ER I. Mt at IIO!rOItJ3IlEGOK! New ffiiooils. Ilcfley fc iTIoiidfiihall HAVE just received and are now opening a lileudid assortment of ntcv. cbeao and Usu- o. inlda SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, scleeted illi great thre aa to jiriee and quality, Mujirihing Superfine Cloths and Casnitnnes, Tweed Lloth and fane; Cuaimnei fur Gentlemcis wear. J'elvct, Satin and Fancy listings, I.nlies' Dress Goods, Hith as Cashmeres, I)r Laines, lialzorines, Lawns, Crape de f.aines, Ginghams, C'tfu' coes, Muslins, $c. cj-c. and Braid SrawBonnels fy Trimming In fact a gonerul and well selected a-sHrtinen4 ofi DHY GOODS, GROCERIES AND LIQUORS, HARDWARE, QUEENSVVARE&IIOLLOW WARt o, wn.cn .ney aro anxmus to e rheau for 1A or in exchange fur Count, y I'roduce gener- Msy 30 (iiii-Iiaia L.iuiisj, OF new and beautiul patterns, ju.t received at the ISew A'tore. L IJ RUPERT. Mav 30 51 10 LATEST ARRIVAL FROM MEXICO. :ue n-jin of extermixji tiox AGAINST HIGH PRICES, Carried iu(o Alrica. asm fBl.'H siihHerilier t;ilie i occasion to annomicd i lo old iutioiia, nnd aa inuiiv new lines aa WiHli tuhuy ehoiper th.iij.cver or any where else, thiii he has just opened at hs old stiiud in Miiu.' struct, a totally AK FJISIUOSJIBLE ASSORTMENT OF Comprisinj- n (nil and r.irefu! Ke"eiimi of ( iinijhmnK Mounlin de l.aiim, Uerae.s, Fieneh lawnu and I'niitH iiiiill,cainhrie andliaireil M in law, Poimee, Silk and I'mnhric lluiulkeri hiefn and Mia wis. Cloths, I'usnimcrcs. 'I'weeds. Satin and funev Veil ing-, Panliilomi Smll',, (jjinliriHiin, .S'uiii. iner Clntlis. Cruvnt., Stnfka, Tick, iVe. Ac. &e, I'ariely nf Groceries, Liquors, Quccnswarc and Hardware. To an examiniiti.in of which Ihe suhsenher re sprctliillv invites the attention of pnn-hnom and o heia la-fnre selecting el.-ew here.os lie feels assured i hut he eau satisfy the mu-it faalidlont mid ccouo mica!. OEOKOE WEAVER. Iiloomshurg, May 2s 1S4G. 6 K310KHI) MKAT. Qlff I'OUNDd of Shoulder. BfPy Hani and Side iUt-ul junl received it Ihe Arcade Sloru. ALIiKlU Ll 1' & MEN GAL. ilay 30 new nipplv, jnsl received at the INE) L B RUPERT. May ."0 - 11 AIi'!l:l,S ?o 1 ami 2 of firt qnalilj 1S5 .M.rKi:i:r.i,- jnl received ai M ENtiAL. 'l;i .L'i; More. Jl. BRIGHT k Viv 7 WARTS, COKNS, &r 'I'M K siilisi ri!.er irifirin the i',e tonne ail kinds nf ('ai,' ,'hlir that he ii- Va ts hnd T'on- :ih very little pain and in i, dent time, lie refers to several lOBpectalile riti- us iii l,i r.eili'ioihoed, -U'hns iNiuiuel Hcsh, vVdliain Kile and others, that has heen successful in teveml in-tHiieet and i not Unmhuging as is inn frequently tha ease among quarks. He wai r.it j certain cure in any case ha unde'tikca or no p.iy. fry-U'arl, See. on cattle and other animals are also cored oy the ciinscnner who resides in Mount Ph - "ant townhip on tho main road leading from Miilvi'ile to ll,,onishiir(;, ahont I j miles from Fred Mi. i Mnlcr i avern where persona are invited to1 call. JOHN ALE. M..Y 30, lSlf.-ljf. J-iinnioi sitiilenl .No. ,,nd 2 I.IC !( i:i;r.l.. I'V lh ILiuil or Hull' iicl, at :tlie Clieip l,ljhl---lllTt NciV Mule. A. II. KN ABB t Co. Public Sale. It) pursuance of in order cf tin Orphans' Court of Columbia, county, on Saturday the '-27th day of June next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Jacab DeinottAdminialrator &lc. of George Whiteniiflit late of Madison township, in said countv, deceased, will ex pose lo Sal ny Publio Vendue, upon the premises, a certaiu I ract m land situate in ibe township ofMsdison Columbia County, idioining lands of Samuel Richards. Reu- t)n Wilson, John Christian, and John Uelz containing one hundred acres and allowan ces about 05 arces of which is cleared land whereon is erected a frame House andUank Barn, with a good Apple Orchard and other r'roil Trees on the premises. Late the Estate of said deceased, situate in the township ol Madison and county afore said. J.7COH EYERLY, Clerk. ADMINISTRATOR'S A'OTICE; IVie Estate of SMC KLISE late of Or ange township, deceased NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Klminiairation on the above mentioned E iai have this day been granted to the sub :i ii' i, icfiucr. ah prrsons iniieoimi lo said es me are hereby notified to make immed ne payment, and all those having claims are requested lo present them properly authen ttcaieu , to MARY KLINE. Administratrix, HiRAM R. KLNE, Adininislraioi Oranire low nship, May 20, 1810 6w6 M.MEDIATK imployment willber-iven ta 75 :oiiiiiioii I.uboi rs, t'aruciitcrk nnd ItlasaiH, to work upon the Cattawissu Bridge. Apply immediately to FRIOK, HAKTMAN & BL'ARD. Catt.iwissa, May, 19415 LADIES' BONNETS, HEAD DRESS ES, &c. ike. A splendid assortment of T.auieh' ionnctij f Head Dress, Artificial ?'lowcrH, liibhoiia, &c very cheajSHt the Light-brrcet iNew Soie by A. 13. KN ABB Co. Wanted AN APPRENTICE. rriv - R Si the T.liroilt.VU f.'SiYW.'SS. smart active I. ad 15 or ll! yearn of aire, who cmi eome well reeoiinneiKled, will receive pood cu couiagtment, upon iirnnediate application lo B. RUPERT. DIoomHhurg, Mv 53 ICPMAKE WAY FOR Til E..C4 Mew f ore. rCnilGj suhseri'.iers tuko this method of inform. B 102 tlieir Irlenda anj ttlo rmh he -rnneralli, 'mil they are now openini- the second supply of M" '"i" iioo is, to wlucli tlicy would mo.st resoeet l'.,ll.. . .1. f .1. . . ' Mi"i nivuu lneiupiiiion oi inoae wniate in want oi .evv and Cheap Uoods, coiuinling in part of Viol hf, Uassiiieres,SHinelsfy Vesting ' ineiican, French and Knlifh Fahrics. touting and Pantultions Stuffs, a vejy superior article of Tweed Cloth and Caisi- mores. Angola C.issnneres. Drillings; Gimhoons .Vc. e. Cotton 'aiitnloon Smll's of every vaiic.y and oi ,ho most desira'.ile styles. PRINTS! PRINTS!! c.unpiiainB every variety of style and piees from i to 20 cents. DRESS GOODS. New elyle of French Lawns, a splendid article of new ntylo Moulana de lane and summer Cu.Mmierex Cingliaaia &v SHAWLS, imongst which may hetound a hiiudiome article nf Uciuge Fk'knii; .MousUiiu and i hiltohjwl Will I E GOODS. Barred, striped a,,d plain Jaconeu andt'aniWii .Vlushns, Care, Muslins, hook, mull and Swiss Alushr, bishop Lawn, curlain Muslin, Scc. Brown and Bleached Muslins from H to 1:3 centi pur ya.-rl, blfaeficd and un 'deuched T-ibie Diaper, cotton Oaioaburt, Jic. 'J'ogether with a full aj.iortmrnt of Groceries, Spicet, Hinlwane and Cut kry, Queenswuie. Drugs, B mts and .Si 'es, ind in fact every arlicle usually kept in Country Stores. Tie public Rnerally are invited to call and ex amine their stock before purchasing el..eheiR. Thankful for past f.ivo'S, they flatter themselvei. hy Blrirt attention (0 business lo meiit the j atron igs of a generous public, A B. KNABB &. Co M.10 23. f75'-5JT a,All kinds of Lumher. Hrain and W-rlj1 I'rodiice taken 111 change 'o. Good?. state nf MICHAEL I VII I TE NIGHT ate nf Hemlock township, deceased. BrJ EKS leatamrntary on the. Lutate of Ml A chaol Whllenight, Lit of Hemlock township Cilumbia coilnly, deeeaaeu, has been granted to the tmbfcrihoi, refilling in Madison township, in said county, by the Ue?istcr of oaid county ; all pernnni having claims or deinanih aqainl lh estatt ol 'Teritnlor. arc reipiesled to make them known wilhout dclav, anil all persona indebted to said en late aro le-pjired lo make payment fnrlhwilh to JO. KKICH Ah'l), L'xeculor of Mi. hacl'hiteniiiht ol llemlork township, dee'd Mndisjn towii.ihip, May ', !?! 63 Centre of Gravity. A NHW TAILORING EOTABLSII-IIrCElTT. niK anlueribera respectfully inform tho citi. zens of Ulooinaburg and vicinity, that they have 0 cated themselves in Thornton Now Mum. ir Main, two diors below the Comer of Main ant Market streets, in Ulounuhurg, where they will al way be found on hand, ready to accommodate tliose win may favor them with a call. Tlieir work will be donein the latest and mosl approved -"jib uir neainem anil elegance 111 the husinem. r rom tlieir long exncrience in the Imsin. ws tl.t. flattei theuisfllvo that their work will be donu a- neat a can be done eluowhere. All woik intrusted in their earo warranted lo fit. CCJTTI Xfi d""e on the ahoiloat notice and warranted to lit it properly mado up. KLLIS Si VAN UUSKIKK. May 2, 181fl2tf U.C'OC.NTRY PRODUCE, at ihe maikm price, will be taken n exchange for work. CATAWISSA PlilJKY. rpiIH aubscribera inform the public hat ll.ev Jl have eatablished a FERRY at the old cross ing, a anort distance below the mouth of Fishine m.T.'. . 51 nuperia and procured a lurg i""1 r 1 -wt l"ng, and new I oats for loottnen. Having good- assimmti they will he in lenmnesa 10 lurry all whtf apolv from t SINULtf FEKiOM to a M.Y HOHNif inin ED TEAM, without delay, and uuon reaajnahh lernid. . ., , fOX & METZ April 1832 f HllllH-Tllini. .'..C.kw. .1.. . ..ll! ., . t a : ' ""'"iimiui puiuio inat hav . Jl mg procured a I E VV FLAT and boats for .oilmen no nas esiaWisliod a FERRY NEAf CAT WNSA KDllir.p . ... .. U;W .... . .. .s,,. uiwuuu, aim will at all times he in readiness to ferry all from a FOOTMAN to . 1 w nunst, LU.VDED TEAM, without do ay aim on reasonable terms. April 1852 PROPOSALS will be reeeivud hy t!ie (,'om miBsioners of Columbia county, on Monday Hie first dm of June next, between the hours of 10 o'clock. A. M. and 2 0'. clock P M of said day, for building a firidgo over LiiR Fuhinr-creek where the public highway cross nf said creek leadinir from Illnnnulinm ," fimi Pleesant and Greenwood, of the full jwing descrip tion The abutments to bo 15 feet hinh fromb, marit, (;et long and 8 feet thick. 1 lie Mipera'ructureia to he an arch iifnnn i,m I.. I. i,... r . . . . . 1 .iic uiicr, iou met iietween the utiuimentx 1 l uposals lor said bndiiO Wll ho leeeived 1,11 ib ground. ALSO On T ufsdau the 2d dan June ne.rt letween the hours 10 o'clock. A. M. im.l 9 ,...l- I'. M. of said day, Proposals will be received by the Couirnisibioriers of Coliimhia Ciilllilv. nt iti Hniiua ol Ihoinaa Mendenhall, in Snar I.oal 'J'ownship, fm I'lilldlnj a Undue over liiu FishinoC the public highway crosses said creek.iieai en(on'H I 1st Olbce, in s.iid Township of the I'.ilhmiiw de.s- ui ijt inns; I'he lllnilmenlH to he 12 feet hiirh frnm Imv u-atei mark, S leet I hick and 20 feet Inns;, the supriistruc tiii'j 11. in ne an aicn ot one span single track, J2o eei nem et'ii I lie atHitinnits. uy order of the Cornniis.-innei s. E. M EN DEN H ALL, Ckrk. l nmmisstonfr a OlTict BtmviWe, Man 14. l's-ltl NEW ARRIVAL A FRESH ASSORTMENT OF OF Mi FAXCYJUOOD5. miss m 1; iioinso. AS just received at her old stand in Main street, an assoitment of Milhnorv and Fan- y Uoods, eoiisisling in part of STRAW AND SILK BOSXETS. Fashionalile Rildmns of all kinds. Bonnet. Velvet nf alt colors and finality. Summer Artificial Flowers nf vl kinds md almost eveiy thintr. eNe in her line that may he rilled lor; all ol which will he sold veiy low. La- lies are requested to call bcfoia uurchaaina- eW here. May 9, 1816-3 NOTICE S h"rnhy given to the nnlml-ri her to the Stock of; the Callau isxii ICridKc oiiiiaut hat an Installment of i tl'i: IHtLL.IIlS per hare in required to be paid to the Treasurer on or before tho fnnt rhiv ol lune next. l!v onlor of the Board lI Hinctora, DAVID OLAr.lv, Treasurer. I'ntt6wifsa, May 1, 1 S-l 6 2 kST A 15 3i!SSI31 KXT The iiihacrihers respe -tfully inform the public hat they have coinnionced the TAILOR I NO BUSINESS n Eloonifhure, in the ioihling, lately occupied bv ICnoch Howell in Market street i here they inteinl arrying it on in all ita various branches. Having hid isome experience in ihe husinesR, thny fl.iltur theniaelvea that they fhull b"- aole to do all the work intrusted 10 thtn in an fjshiona'nle and woikman likc manner, and as expeditions!; an ran he Hon. in any other tdiop ;n the cnun'y. They, therefore, ask a fhare of public patronage; at least, they wish to be tried. D. WILSON, A. T. EVELAND. April 4, lS46-yl50 CHARLES KAIILER, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, AND 15LOO.MSBUR(J, COL. CO., OlHce, comer of Lasl and Mulu.stn-its BMllhwrvji. II F. aubmribft infunnatho public that she has JUST RECEIVED FROM PHILADELPHIA, AJ HEK STORE, LOWER END OF MAlNi STBEET, DLOOMSDUIIU, Jin Extensive Assortment of ICILLIlTExtfT F.1TCY Among them may be found Braid Bonnets, Pearl Straw Gimp, Porcelain and English Straw, Silii, Sa tins, Lawns, Bom ' bazins, Ribbands nf evert description , FU-w- crs, Gloves, Dress SluJs, Bui garines, Ginghams, Shu did Lawns, Calicoes, Trim mings jor Dresses, Caps, and a supply of HEADY MADE BONNETS ; and almost every other article that may be called for in her line, All of which will be sold on the most reasonable temi. Ladies are requested to tall and examine hei goods for thcmsnlves M. fe S. BARKLKY. April 25, 1S4G 1 FRESH ARRIVAL, AT THE Mew tge. HF. supacribor has just leceivej in addition to his former stock, a complete assortment or DRY GOODS, suitable for Spring and Summer use, consisting in pari 01 Mouslin de Lai na, French Lawns, IliregM Oinhani Eawnfl, Fancy Prims of all Paiieros and pricey Gainbronns, Tweed, Summer Cloih!; Fancy Casimeres, Cot 'on Stripes, Toeelhrr vviihUire)-e,Zeper Worsted, Thibet, Plain & Shaded Mu'jslui da J8iiie Shaw Iti, VrMiincs, Stocks, Pongee and Cambric II (iiilkerchirld, Curded and Grass CI. nh Skins,. Also, n Ur As-orlmen( of Florence Braid & S'raw A'onneis.Rihbons, Silk, 0,1 Clolh,HoHiery, Parasols, Porcelets, Suii Shades, &:c. kc. In fact every thine that inuv be reouired for I,a- lie-.' or Gentlemen's Miring or nummer wear, all of vvbith he will fellas low as they can be puichastd in the county of Columbia. All kinds nf Lumber andConntry Produce taken in exchange foi Good. L. B. RUPERT. April 251 2acKiitii(hiii;I(allijkhiiiciit T III? Public aro hereby respectfully informej that we have lately entered into Copartnership in Ihe above business al the Brick Shop, formerly oc cupied by Mohus Coffinan, on Main-street, below the new store, where we intend lo cany on the above named business in all its branches. Wa pleilgo ourselves that work done at this shop hhall be executed in as neat and workmanlike manlier, and 011 us reasonable terms, as can be done at any other fihop in this place. We therefore hope by iriet attention to business, to merit and receive a due pioporlion of public patronage. M. (OFF MAN, S. BKOBS I" AprilSo, 1S4C. N. B. SHOE V.N G done 'at the re duced price nf One Ioll'H'. Small profits and quick return our motto. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. On the Estate of S.'lMUEL IIGEX. r,U('I. late nf IJIoomshurg, deceased "fcJlinC'E is hereby given that Letter of Ad 1. miniatraion 011 the above mentioned Eatato have been granted to Ihe subscriber. All pcisoiu indebted to sui.l ciute am heieby notified to mal.o innnediato payment, and all thoao having claims are requested to present them properly authentica ted, to BK!Ml 11AGENBUCI!, Adm'r April U5, 1646 6w I A D MINIS Tit A TOR' S NO TICK. Ihe Estate of GAINES J.ICKSO., lute oj Bloom township, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of admin istration on the above mentioned Eftato have bceo granted to the sul.srriber, living in 13 loom towimnip. All persona indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment. and all those having claim6 are requested to pie sent them properly authenticated to CHARLES KAI1LER. Adniinistrator, April 18. lS4f)-Gw52 The person who took a 'TIN BUCKET, from ihe pump of Air Clayton on the morning of the. lSlh inst, which was nol their own, will do ell as ihey are known lo return it to the subscriber. If they dont they tnay expect to catch Jese. J- W. CAMSAN. pril 25.