' ' - '" ' '' rJ'! .beioc iliol in head wilh 3-lb bill. 1-KU.M llllu MnAl UI WAli, He was carried lo the hospital, when Tho New Oi liana Delta of (lie 13 h Inst., pay ; On the 1st instant, the main hotly of the army of occtipa'ion marched fiom its Camp on the Hio Grande, leaving a garrison in the field woik opposite Mat moraa, the Till Rudiment of Infantry, aniltwo companiaa of 7i tillery , com manded by Copt. Loud and Lieutenant lira j g, the whole commanded by M J Drown of the Infantry. Although i; is believed that some 1200 to 1500 hol were fired by the en emy timing the period, but one casually occured, s sergeant of company 11, ol 7lh Regiment of Infantry, having been killed. Not one of our guns were dis mounted, Ihoujh the enemy's fire wac for some lime concentrated on the IS pound batttry, and the shot frequently e'.ruck trig embrasures. i?t five o'clock on the morning of the 4ih, the firing was commenced by the erlemy and continued for twelve or fif teen minutesjiud kept up st long interval during the day, but without effect. The amount of damage done lo the enemy beyond the silencing of their batierie cinnot yet bo correctly known. Capt Walk(!r,of theTexsn volunteers,broughi the despatches to Point Isabel. trance lo say, a ahell Ull and blew Ihe remainder of his hand off. Some Ivven ty men were standing around the hospi ul when the shell burst, several were knocked down, but none injured. Out artillery soldier was slightly wounded by a piece of shell, end many narrow escapes. We only kept up our fire for about two hours saving our smunilion whils1 heirs wis biing thrown awy. From heir having thrown from 1500 to 2000 hol and shells, snd killing but one of our men and wounding another, you may judge they are none of the btsi ar- tillerins, and that we had good dtlenceg. Their shot redered s good many of our tents unserviceable, but all our men sre in good spirits, snd anxious to come to close quarters. Our picqnel guard is now firing at parly of Mexican soldiers, about a mile below the fort. The chapperel betwee (his snd the fori is Ike a behlve, so fa! is il with Mejicmis. It is thought th . i III . I a mry win maite an assault on the rest of the fort, snd try to repel trie marcl of the Iroops from this phca returning Gen T. leaves as soon as a reinforce ment arrives here, which will enable the work to be defended without (h force which he broughl down from a S- S. F. An exchange af prisoners look place sub- connection with Com. Conner, who has iequenl to the battle, by winch Captain gent a boat expedition up Ihe river i nornton ana Lieutenants Hardee and Kane On the 2d the army encamped a Point Isabel, Oa the morn'ine of Ihe . , '. Inn tT0 . In h f ir 1 1 r at ol. I, -I..- i. i " j i a iicavj" iauiiiiuuauiii na ucaiu 111 the d irection of Malamorss, which con tinued during the dayrand at long in tervels during the night of the 4ih. Ow ing (o the difficulty of communicaTng with ihe forts no intelligence was re ceived at head quarters respecting tin GLOHIOUS NEWS l-'roin Hie Scat of War. HIE MEXICANS TWICE ROUTED AND 1200 KILLED. From the Baltimore Sun, Extra. Oor express reached Washington in ad result of llw cannonading; until Iht vance of every thine, and was cemmuuica morning of thaj 5th. 2 parly was seni ted by ihe energetic correspondent of the fonvard lo communicate, and brought Baltimore Sun through Mors'a Magnetic a despatch from. Major Brown, an Telegiaph. nouncing the particulars, a brief state ment of which follows: five o'clock on the morning" of the CJ a fire opened upon (he fort from one of the Mexican batteries, and was con tinued wilh seven guns, The fire war immediately returned, and Ihe batter) silenced by our guus in thirty minuter two of the enemy's guna supposed lo be dismounted. The news is taken from the New Orleans Picayune of the 17ih inst. snd an extra from the office of the Mobile Advertiser, ol the I8ih, There have been two engagements be tween General Taylor andMexican Troop the first occurring on the 7th inst. when Gen. Taylor wa returning from Point ha bel to his camp opposite Matamoras. In this the Mexicans, numbering from 5000 to 7000, were repulsed. Our army was sleeping on the field of battle on which The enemy then commenced firing from the lower fort and harbor battery. Lext day 200 Mexicans were 'found dead a bntk fire ofthot and shell was kept and several pieces of ariilleiy, stores, fie tip, bul without damage lo the fort oi were captured by the American army. Ma garrison. A continued fire was now I jor Ringgold died from a wound received kept up by our 16 pounders on ihe efie- in this action. Of the two days' battle, we my's guna and the city, the Consulate" on,y eT'TB ihe folowing particulars from fljgs being still respected. the I icayune. The fire of the enemy was kent or U. steamer Gol. Harney arrived without cessation till half oast 7 o'clock. lhii mornin8'i,,!a as our PaPer wa 8oi"g 1 I a ..... I f irs ni . At 10 il was temporarily auspended,but lu 1 , 0"' "am O'azo" oamne' "a ,e" rernrnmenre-l .nrl nn.ip,l !...l. 011 1,18 131,1 ml' The neWS '8 S'01" 10 ill to :..u. ' our arms. She brings official accounts ol " l upcnnrf hil a ntwnn ilia l iri.in on, I It is supposed lhat 5,000 or 6,000 l!lB fnrBM. wl,;,u "J H-..: ....i.i ... . - . ... l"u"w AucnnaaiiacKea tna ion, ana tn'lthe Oih of Mav. commencing ut half nasi 3 -U I !. .. .1 ' ' wpparei .s iu.i or inem. p, M. within 3 miles cf Camn Tavlor . m . . .1 uen. laylors Iroops are in fine spir. The action was on the edce of a ravine its and good health.' and one mile from the chanparel. which was The Picayune also contains a confir- near 2 miles in width. The Mexicans mation of the rumored safety of Capt. commenced the action with their artillery, Thorulon andLieutenanl Kane. C. C. F I which was posted so as to sweep a narrow passage through nhich Gen Tavlor was orrcsponuence ol tue I icayune. advancing there beirn? a aamn nn th nit. I o 1 Point Isabel, May 5, 1 S 1 6 8' band. Gentleman-When the express came G"11, faj'lor immediately ordered a in this morning I hurriedly penciled Cr,rgo in the teeth of the enemy's destruc down the Fratifyine intelligence which live fire ,anJ ,ho 'P" prompdy icsponding . . . . I .1.. - i . .i ... . r .i it brought u, cxpectiug (he boat wou!drai"cu l"DC"c,"y gurs 31 P""" ' Uminirto mimiii. I f . bayonol. Sjsuddenand impetuous was mill Ull.nT.in,.,:..i,i ,. the attack, that General Arista had no time were teleased. Lieut. Deas was not de manded. Among ihe prisoners taken by Gen. Tay lor was Cn. Veja. For him two Ameri can oflifere were offered in exchange, bul it was declined lo give him up, save in ex change, for so officer of equal rank, when ever one should be taken Gen. Veja was allowed lo be accompan ied by one of his Aids, a Lieut. Colonel, as i frisnd. The Mexican army was so confident of victory lhat every preparation bad been made lo relebrate il, but all their prepar nions fell into ilia hinds of tde Americana In their flight many of the Mexicans took in the river, and were drowned in their at empts to swin. it. Gen. Taylor reached his camp the after noon after iho action, leaving ihore his whole force. He stalled the next morning for Point Isable, and arrived ihere on the evening of the lOih, wilhout molestation. On the morning of ihe 11th he started Hark to his camp opposite Matamoras. We need not say that he and his arm v sre all in tine spirits. Further information has been received lhat the American Consul and all the Amer ican residents at Matamoras had been arrest ed and sent USiillo,a small town about 30 miles fiom Matamoras, which is being prepared for Washington Having he rJ ihe official report Irom Major Brown read, snd having a letter 10 save his papers, which, wilh all his cor reapondence, fell into the hands of Gen Taylor. I hi anltrtn I as (oil nn Knit mil I. ..If belore me from there, I will give you which lima ,ix ,lUnrfMI, M.,if.n. ' lur.ner pirucuiais accordingly kj!ed or W0Bnded ind lll9 Amrican. tnn!i On the moring of the -3d, at reville O.ree hundred prisonsrs, and eicht niece, of iL. t. .... . o- I i:ie iviexicans opened ir.eir batteries up artillery on Ihe work throwing balls and shells The Americans lost in the action abou witnoui intermission until sunset, finish, sixty-two killed snd wounded Among the ing with half a dozen extra ones at tatoo killed were Colonel Mcintosh, Lieut. Coch lor a lullaby. han by ihe burstine of a shell. Lieut. Inue , , m ... 'Al reveille, on the lib, they 0pened and one or two oihers, whoee names art again, sending a few shots and shells. rm 8lve'" xvhich compliment was reneale.l atnonn 0- Kane' 'c,1,s- .ates, Veibank, Our arlillery silenced ihe fori opposite ours in half an hour after Ilia firing com menced in theJih, and knocked three mbrasiires into one. 1 his caused them xostop tinng there for a conni lerabl lime, to repair damages. 'Our.. artillery Uo dismounted several of their guns. nd from appearances must have killed many men. On our pai t but one SerJ a I Af iU,. T,i, I.I... a i.. . I aym, U4 in muniry, vTis kirleu jtiot exceed 1000 men Hone, Luiher and others, were amon? the won riled. V6 regret to say that Major Ringgold, who was wounded on lite 7th inst. died on the lOlh, and was buriod with military hon- nis: The total loss of the Mexicans in both actions was al least twelve hundred. The Mexican forces amounted to at least 6000 men, while thai of tho Arrericans did Corrmpondcce of the N. 0. Tropic. Brazos Santiago, May 13 At the receipt of ihe first battle, wrole you a short sccount; the result of the escond il now on hand, and it is most decisive. It now appears that the Uexicans had only five thousand men in the field at the first battle, and four housand stowed away in the chapparrel near the battle ground. It was their in- ention to have made bnt a slight attack he first day, but being so closely press ed they were obliged lo fn;ht in order 10 make good their retreat to where the 1000 were in the chapparel. In ihn fiislight a geneial officer had his henu ihotoff; il is nol yet ascertained who he was, as his body was recognized by hi Iress as he lay upon the fi Id. Gen. Taylor ad vanced the morning of Ihe first battle into the chapparel, hen sent 809 picked men under llu charge of Capt. McCall, to reconnoitre, ne advanced unmolesicil until near 3. P. M.,(ihe army following at a distmcc.) vhen Capi. McCall sent word to Gen I'aylor lhat he had received a charge of tape shot from the enemy, and lost two men. Tlie army was then deployed and Capt. May, 2d rrgoon9, oidered lo charge the battery that had thrown the rape, and lo take it if he lust ivrry man. I lie Dallery was commanded by Gen. de la Vscaiwho was laken orison w r. Our little army then rent the air will heir huzzas, and rushing shouting upon he enemy, committed the must dread ful havoc among them, taking eight pieces of arlil'ery, 155,000 rounds ol cartridge, and 500 pack'd mules- Gen. Arista's camp bedsteads contained all hi; private and public baggage paper,whicl litter will be of great value, as we havt he key of ihe whole campaign, which will enableGen. Taylor lo form his plam so as to entirely dtftat their designs We took all and every thing they had 400 prisoners and the army baggige The enemy had between S.000 and 9, uuu iroops in tne two uatties Dut we with 1,800 troops completely routed Hiem. Weixchaoged prisoners, got Cap tains Thoi mon, Ilirdee, and his little band. Our officers while prisoners were well (reaterl, having lived with v?mpu lia ever since they were laken. Gon. Taylor would nol exchange, for Lieut. Dens as a risoner of war, as il would be sanctioning his crossing the river, which he did not, havhg reprobated his crossing in the severest manner. In this second and glorious battle bat. we lojt about the same number ol nen as in the first, but had more officers wounded. Capt. Walker, with his hero- band of range rs, was ihe las! that fired at the AAxicans. The army left !iim 4' b'9 comrades on the bank of the iver, shooting al them as Ihey attempt I forgot to mention lhat Gen. Taylor arrived here yeaterday, with all our wounded, between 50 and 60, with General Romulous de la Veg, our ilfxican Captain and Lietenanti, who go wilh this letter in ihe Col. Harney' Tht Augusts, from New Orleans, sr. rived last evening. The mules from AalAmorss, some 500, were sent in to day, as well as the Mexican wounded, I should not forget te mention that all the shell, ball, and grape shot of the Mexicans are made ol brass or copper This letter I must close, with details ot glory enough for one day Lnn. ilia .fTr..or. r.l.i..nl I I, I - m ii iri a i 11 1 f mull", iiiw uiiiliid fiuiigcu men Q itui u the parapet, and replied, to the hil',' Up From the N. O.Tiopic 3d edition 1 P, M. Tub Gaiveston Arrived TheGahes ion is just in, having left Brazos Santiago on the evening ot the 1 3tli instant. We hasten lo lay the news by her before our roaders- J'rora tho Galveston Civilian of ihe l.rth On the morning of the 13th, Gen. fav or and his staff, wilh tha guard III a I had brougM down the liain, $'C, started for his camp. lie was met by an express a few miies from Point laaboh informing him that 8,000 fresh troops had arrivedjnMaiamoras 2.000 of which had crossed over, and 1,100 more had ctossed the Rio Giamlo at Barri la; near Bocachiua, not more than 8 miles fiom Point Isabel. Gen. Taylor returned to Point Isabel at once, and made prepara tions to leave the next day, with such for ces as wero arriving. The steamship Galveston landed 450 In fantry, (regulars and volunteers;) the Au gusla landed about 250; Capt. Price arriv ed via Pardre Island from Corpus Christi wit!) bis company of seventy mounted ran- eis 1 ney all reaclieu tne point on UUi. The Telegraph and Jas L Day will doubt less land tkeir troops, amounting to up wards of 800, at Point Isabel on the llih. Cheat credit is due to Capt. JeieniiahSinith of the Steamship Cincinnati, and Capt. li- McBaker, of tbe Aomnoulh, for the skill, energy, and promptness show:: in the m a rm'tni en t of their boats in transporting troops and supplies across the bay atDiizo bantiaso. Gen. Pdreues is at the head of 15 000 iroops, on his way to Matamoras' Il nra pnssibly he that the fresh ttoops arrived at M ilamoras, is the udvance division of his army No doubt the enemy weie fully Hilvived dial Gen. Taj lor had left for Point Isabel, o ud ihr-ir plan is to try and capture him on his return, whilst a strong force crossing above, is to come dovn upon his mniy. Gen. Taylor appeared highly pleas ed with the intelligence; for since the war lias opened, and no mistake, tlie excitement and activity attending operaiions, opens new era to his vigorous achievement, am! -ill have marked how much better he look dian when cor lined lo llic'inasterly inacliv i ty of Corpus Clirisli campaign. THE FOlir. Tho Mexicans have continued their fir ing into the fort opposite Matamorae, nearly ever since Gen. 7'ayloi left the works he biave and gallant Major Brown died a i on . rom a wnuno receiveu in in t'ligh by the explosion of one of our ene my's fihells. His wound ws not cuosii ered dangerous, hut he was placed in om of the boiiib-proof burrows, and riioriifiira lion ensued from the want of freah at:, H; lealh is deeply denlored by the ariin; hi i a e intrepni coiuiuct in louing ever) at tempt of the enemy lo reduce the foil pre. pared them in a measure to anticipate lb result of these conflicts with our brave army 7'he strength of ihe fort and skill with which il is defended, its incomprehensible 10 the Mexicans: and indeed, well it :nigln be, for they have thrown upwards of 1 100 shot and ahell into the works, and ever) morning they present Hie same appesranei our !o6s has only been two or il.i?e in th fort. Ihe constant practice tlie enem have had in firing at it, has taught the m tlx proper bearing lo gi''e lo their guns, am! Imosl every shot fdlls within the woiks Tho fort is never i!lc, and the rampai and dwellings of Matamoras exhibit iu'mf as plainly as Ihoae of .i hundred centurie when gaping forth their lamentation lo! and behold what desolation is here! We find in the New Orleans Bulletin the following detailed account of ihe battled of the Till and 0th. Point Isabel, May 12, 1840. By the last departure I wrole you briefly of the operations of the army up lo that lime, of the bombardment of the fort oppo site Matamoras, and the movement of (!cn. Taylor with ihe main body lo this plice for the purpose of strengthening ils defepers of the 7di, and on the 8,h, at 2 o'clock, that Taylor was flying. . The Matamoras found the enemy in position, in front of a nowspapcrs and official bulletins called him channarel. which hes omiosite to ihe timber a cowwdly sailor. In answer lo the sum-' a i . of a stream called 'alo .?lto. The train was closed up, the Iroops, fill ed their canteens, and (General Taylor lo the evening of ihe 9 h, 1500 shells and promptly formed his line tf baitle as follows 3000 shot had been thrown, and the only on the right was Ringgold's baitery. 5.h and loss was that of the brave commander. Maj. 3d infantry, then two eighteen pounders, Brow n, and 1 seargcnl and 1 private killed (hen Ihe artillery battalion. The left was ami II noundcd. composed of the 4th and 8ih inlantry, and The (ieneral returns to the army to Duncan's battery. A daring reconnoisanee night , and will cross the river toiinorrow by Capt. J. E. Blakt, showed the enemy'a or next day. The fori will bo increased in line lo be of nearly twice the strength of gum, and especially provided with mortars ours, wia heavy reserves in the chapparel. which will bring the town lo terms al once; The Mexicans opened the sction with their The Navy will co-operate at tho mouth Of arlillery, the range of which was hardly the river, and steamboats begin lo carry sup. great enough to reach our line which wa plies by that route, moving slowly forward, and some got into J Gen, Taylor has jnst given Gen. Vega the ihiuktst of their shot and halted. Their a teller t (Jen. Gains, and a letter of credit fire was returned from all of our batteries, on his factor. The officers here and in the and 1 venture to say that no field of baute .main body vied wilh iheir commander in del. ever displayed such skill, or rapidity of lire icate attemions to a brave and accomplished and evolution. enemy, who won their admiration on the The firM and only important movement fluid, anJ was laken like a soldier in full attempted by the enemy, was a deiachinenlj harness, and fighting gallantly to the last o iheir cavalry to make a detour around i;t)ur loss about 30 killed and HO wounded, clump of chappare! on our right, ai.d attack I i haste. II, II. the train. Captain Walker, of the Texas Mexican Inss at Palo Alio, set down by rangeis, promptly reported this, and the themselves at 430, al Kesaca de la Palma, 5th infantry was detached to meet it, which 2000 missing. Since the battle our dra il did handsomely receiving the lancers in goons have been exchanged, grade for grade square, and driving them by a well deliver ed volley. The cavalry then pushed on a ifain for the train, and found the 3d infantry idvancing in column of divisions upon them They then retired, and as they repassed the 5ih, they received a fire Irom Lieut Uidgely's two pieces, which hail arrived at the nick of lime. Two field pieces, which were following the enemy's cavalry, were also diiven hack wilh lhem. Meanwhile the enemy's left was riddled by the eighteen pounders, which slowly ad vanced up the road Duncan's batteiy on he left, neglecting the enemy's guns, threw hen hie into ihe Mexican infantry and swept whole ranks. The 8 ill infantry on the left suffered severely from the enemy' tire The fliass was 6ct on fire, at the end if an hour's cannonading and obscured ihe memy's position complete!)'., and an inter val of three quarteis of an hour occurred During this period our right, now resting on the eighleen-pouiitiers, advanced along the wood, to the point originally occupiei. by the Mexican lefij and when the smoke had cleared away sullicicntly to show the enemy, the fire was resumed with increiis ed rapidity and execution. Duncan divi ded his battery on the lefi, giving a section to Lieut. Koland, to operate in front, and with the other he advanced beynr.d the born in? crass, (which wa9 three feel hih, and the flame rolled ten feet in the strong breiz and seized the prolongation of the enemy's right, enfilading that flank completely Night found the two armies in lire posi tion. On the Odi, the General packed the heaTy train collected the enemy's wounded in hos pilal, buried their dead, arrange. 1 nnr own wounded, (among whom we have lo regret the Hidden death of Mijur ;ppgnhl, probably Capt. I'ageJ and mined on m nursnii of the enemy on the M unmoral ro.id. They had taken po-i in tin; cliapa rel the seco.id lime occupying ihe bed of a stream called Resaca de U Talma, with then ani!lery on the road at thectossing. i have in time for details of this afTiir. The gen- ral broiii'lil up Ins iroops uy battalions am! lusted them, w ith brief orders ti find tht enemy with the bayonet, and placed ihe ar- illery where ihey could act in the road, The diagoons were held in reserve, nnd is som as the Mexican batteries, Oen Tav lor told Capt. May that Iris lime had come. Hcre'j the enemy'a bnt'ery, fir, Iske it, nolens volens.' May dashed upon il with his squadron, and Inst one third of it, but is cleared the battery and captured ils com- nander, (Jen. Vega, in the act of raising a orl fire lo fire a piece himsrlf May took nis aword and brought tlie general oil'. The nemy remanneil ihe guns, and losl ihnm n ernnd lime to the 5lh infantry Copt. iaibnur, of die 3d infantry, with his single ompany and a few men from the 5th, who joined him in the chnparel, threw his hack igainst a clump of bushes and received and ijillnnlly repelled a charge of cavalry and the Mexican wounded cent over id Matarroras. By the next arrival you wilj hear of the town, and probably an oiler from them to raceive Mr Slidcll in any ca pacity. It ought to be mentioned 1'iat some of our legiintnis are not full, and two of them only have about 300. M any instances oc curred, of men handing iheir canteens lo tlie wounded. Mexicans, and turning from lhem to fire upon others, There was nut a sin gle occurrence of cruelly towards the ene my. T'he moral's of the army is al i ta high. est it can now accomplish any thing, and they would die for a commander who docs not a?k them lo so where he is not willing to lead, and in whose judgement they fully onfule. Fiom tin Xew Orleans Picnyime tf ilia lC;h. LATC FKUM MEXICO. The latest accounts received in ihe capi tal from ;l,itamorjs represent the American position as being most unskilfully selected tud inadequately defended. The American mops arc repiescnted as t'.iinmng off by dc. serlion and sickness; disorder is said to ex- st among them growing out of qtiesiions of rank, the infantry is Siiid to be rouipisnl of adventurers of ail nations wiiliuut t,kil! or discipline, nm! in ease of action, ihey are expected to desert in whole companies at a time. Unr arlillery is hiiihlv nraised the cavalry is ihtnight pretty well of, hot totally deficient in numbers. On ihe other hand, ihe Mexican troops and the inhabi tants of ihe ft on ti t-r are said lo be animated y the highest enthusiasm, and to be conti- leni of success A few days more will tell he siory. The proclamation of Cen. Ampudia In the English and Irish in tht American ranks which we translated some days since, wa tine in the papers of the capital. Wad there been any doubi of ils authenticity, it is now set at rest. .'Fas I T Last year Columbia County, on four weeks n otice, collected and 'j ii.t over intu . it i.ri.ii.ii-ri. tiie d ate i reasury i tin nui.i amount if hei .S;ate Tux, ;md received ns a iiuu. pei.nalion tor In r j.iompinrss, a dcductioii f 5 per cent. aiiiiM.ntiim to So8l 00. Tho ami: oil, r is aatu rcneweu, anil Immi,!,!, Jointly nidV this year claim a deduction of -50SO 00. The bame necessity fir proinp!ne-s an I enerjjy exist now as then, rhc honor of our (imiiionu t;ilili is at i.ul;, ai.il nuihiog bul energetic action on the parte! Tux -;ol lectors mid Tax Pnyr-rn can t-ave the Slate from (liiL'race, The Tax Collect. ;rs of iho several townships in Columbia eooiity for the vear I BIO are hereby requested to pro ceed forthwith and collect and pay over inio ihe ('runty Treasury, on or btfoie tlio twenty fifth day of July nrx1. the whn'c a mount of Slate Tax charged in their ue-pec- live Dop'icatts. By order nf die 1ommisRinners, ii. MUNIMilNUAhh, Ulfrk. r. i l - Capt. Duncan, with his battery, did ler-' ' ... Danville, May aO lolO. N. B. '1 lose Collectors lur years 18IJ riblo execution. lie is a most promisingi (Ticer. Lieut. Ki lgeley was also among .)n() is I. ho are ttill in arrears, are here le foremost. In liu'di it was a series of by notified; that unless ihe whole amount ( f i v i t if if brilliant skirmishes and heavy hoiks, i .tneir iiup'icates ih sritieti on, on or neura ,. , tri,nr i coon I,.,., , , the 1st (lay o Ju y next, tnev win be nro- whicb 1500 fichting men met 0000 hand lo J - ' band-overwhelmed lhem with the preci- CuI(l.lorg f(ir ,.enr n,813 .axa r,,(,,u.sl,( ion of their volleys, and the steady tool- 10 seiile op ihe arrears of iheir Doplicnti s eg of the bayonet, and urove lhem from by the 25th day o( July next. The low . r,..l,l ul.l. il, Inss (if iheir am .erv. bntr. raie oi i axes lam ims jear ior i -oiinty pur t-d to cross. Y'j morrow Gen, Taylor leaves Having effected ihi;, ho marched without here to make an attack on Malamuis, in wailing for reinforcements, on the evcniii gage, pack mules, fixed ammunition, & near 2000 stands of muskets. The fori, meanwhile, had been summon ed, wilh It ue Mexican duplaiiy, and told poses anil tlie extra expenses which the County w ill necesaiily incut in buildup Undue, renders il absolutely iicces.sjry tli.it allTixes due from forniei years be iuiiu--lialely paid over.