The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, May 30, 1846, Image 1

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    m ninr iii-iii m
I have sworn upon the Alter of God, eternal ho-mut? to every (or ax of Tyranny over the Ml ad of Man." Thorass Jeffor-on
Volume X.
iViiinbci G,
opivmrE .Sr. Paul's Ciiuhcii, Mai.n-st
published every Saturday morning, at
'J'i I 'O D OL ill R S per aim mm payable
half yearly in advance, or Two Dollars
Fifty Cenlsdf not paid within the. year.
fro subscription will be taken for a shorter
period than siv months; nor any discon
tinuance permitted,until all arrearages
are discharged.
AD VEIl Tl SEMENS not exceeding a
square will be conspicuously inserted at
One. Dollar for the first threeinscrtions,
and Twenty-Jive cents for every subse
quent nsertion. iCTVi liberal discoun
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LR ITERS addressed on business,must
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n" "i" 'i mw"" ' 1
I'm m llieN oniKtovvtilkfgiutct am? Democrat.
Certainly you a re ill this morning' dear
Ella,' said Mtt. Miller to her daughter, in
voice nf deep concern 'ynu look ill anil
languid, and I observed that yon ate nolt
leg at all at bieakfast. Do lell me v lul i.
the matter. '
I urn not ill, my kind mother,' tin; youii
lady replied, while herein ilMed wi.h tears
'I am not ill, but I h t v j lud audi a tcniblc
A dream, my chi'd! Is it possible lhat
y onshould suffer a dream to depress yoi.
it this manned I had deemed yon a wo-
nian of Ion much strength of pund to be
subdued by the nightmare monsters of
t! it-r hi .
i d.j not lircd all dreams, modifi; bu
my dri'aiu last night was of so ii'gular u
character, nud is so vindiv iuuuccsi d up.
on mv memory, anil bears upoo my mind
with snch a sumbl n e of r;ai y-.di mothei
I am sure rial it wh pel fhi I to me vvuhou'
special minion, 1 know that desth io
terrible nil-fortune la impending ovd
me,' and the poor girl covered her face kih!
wept .
Eila,' said Mrs. Mill.Tj 'I am sorry to
see an exhibition of such supris'.tuous feel
ing in one whom I have earnestly endeav
med to imbue widi nuonil ideas. I urn
not prepared to say t;nl dream are never
sen; as warnings since we read in die scrip
tures of such means being employed by die
Almighty. Hot in all such cases, the dan
ger was d finitely set fonh, and a way ol
escape pointed out by ths vision. ,'ven
in tlic case of die heathen Nibuelialnfzz h
the Almighty sent the dream, and prodded
the interpreter, for the double purple !
warning the monarch, and making the id
aters'see anil acknowledge the power o!
the line, But your dieam! you do
Hot know even what species of evil yon
imapinc yourself 3rned of, of course von
Know not what you are to guard sjj.iinsi.
'J'o imagine thai ail all-wise hi ing wnnhl
tfflict hifi creatures with such iitdf finite
fjrebodinjis of evil, is unwise, if not insult
ing to his divine nature. You shauld eon
eidet that you were out late last evening,
that you went to bed considerably fatigued
and soon after having eaten an tmusml
quantity of confectionary, ice, dk 7'nis
is suaicient to account f r any Strang"
dreams you may Live bran v is i ted with."
'These things are d nibtless all true dear
mni'ier, but this dream has so impressed n-
'!f upon my sprit that I cannot but believ
it a f Heshriilnu itig of some fearful calamity
Hid I cannot hut he very unhappy Fndeeil
I ni sure that s 1 evil angel is near me,
and I have eteu his shadow, menacing the
Mow, which i'd inevitably fall upon my
devoieri liead or hearl,' and the unhappy
j;i:l sjhhid a if she was already barefi ol
her dearest friend.
f.H'.ui to me Bila,' said the mother, 'and
I will tell yon ii dream which visited me in
my yiiutl ; and recount the sufferings thai 1
t-nduirid fiom a stipeistiiinus btflief in such
miEii iiv B it 1 wai educated in a firm
fiiih in tin; prophetic nature of 'Uc-am ; an
error whi.-h I c uius'ly endeavored to avoid
in the of icy chihlrcn, lest their
hr''h-fs; d-.y ii.ul.! he cr.,b;t ered &a mine
i t-r.', by j.iiaa'Liii '.crrurs.
'You have often heard me any that my
father was a mechanic, a roan who labored
for his daily bread, ha was, however, as it
nut unusually the case, well educated; tha
is, I.e was a man of good mental abilities,
and had acquired great knowledge in ihi
aits and sciences, Yet lie was a plain do
mestic man, seldom mingling in the busth
of the woild, and careless of its fashions or
its idol fullies My mother I do not even
remember, buuhe was a gentleman's child.
My father's housekeeper was a widowed
aunt of his, who believed firmly in witches
apparitions, supernatural warnings, and ol
course in dieams. My father always
iatighed at her tales, and her omens, hut as
lie had little time to devote to the minds of
die children, for whose bodily comfort he
labored day by day, aunt Achsah moulded
us all after her own pattern. Wo were ul
well learned in housewifery, and in books,
'nut withal the veriest little rustics upon
When I was about sixteen, a gentleman
airived in our lui!e village, and took lodg
ings just opposite, our lioiisea Such a cir
circumstance was an event in our qiie
neighborhood, and every bdy wondercc
vho he couid be, and why he had come a-
iiongst us. I contrived to gel a peep ai
.mi throgh the window blindi. He appear
-d to be about forty years of age, was hand-
-tome and commandinr in his person, and
seemed to me at once to be ait'ini" altogeih
r of a superior order. You must j itlge ol
.ny hen this gentleman, havinc
H come ai rjiaiut.'il with my !allicr, acioin.-
,ia'iied him home with the avowed purpose
f being' introduced to his fimily. and wiiei
ie set-nic J to distinguished me by particu"
ar alteiilinn, wis utterly asmnlifd. I that 1 tui a simple rnsiic. ami h,n
icvcr once considered whether I beau
tl'iil oi not, Ind'-e,', it had ne er seemei;
o me a millerof ihe least I'linseqnciice. I
mild not, therefore, divine what such '
me as he could discover in niv mannei?
ir ierson to attract him to my ircsence.
Vllitsll was uneasy and embarrassed n
'i s eomp-iiiy, and always, nl
ilusln:., mo! as 1 soiiif'tinus perceived .
uiift .4ini'e upon his lips, and ii curious ex
iressimi in Ins fine eyes, I greiv the inar
ifi-n ! of him, and did sincerely wish that hi
viii!.1 .Ii, continue his visits at our house.
(Jar auni was getting quite in years, an(!
die leal busine.-s of housekeeping had de
volved upon me, although she still held tin
icepire, and exacted all dt fcrcoce and im
ilicit obedience from us all. She soon di
vined that I was the loadstone which b
i- icicd the rtr.iiirpr, and set herself io d i h
: vtr wh) l,u wjs, whence he e;,me, wha
was his faintly, and standing in the woild
why he came to our village, and what he in.
ended to di Bit w'nh all her tart she
ou'd elicit noihine. Tha gnutleinan eva
led nil her inquiries, and yet his replica
ere polite and repecifnl Finally, bin
ilecMiul that In) was a acomn is hei minus-
tor, anil a most dinger )m man. anil bad.
my f.:ther if he had any regard for thf
peace or honor of his daughter to break oil
ill intimacy with him. Mv father, how-
evcrt thought diffi rpr.tly. lie Inured die
renileman much, and esiecmed h.m more.
When aunt discovered that she could no:
succeed vv'uh hi A, the turned her bii'.prv
upon tne.iS: ansai!ed him with every possible
irgmneni and prognostic of evil Hut 1
nad learned to hive the gentleman to love
him with my whote young heart and
with a feeling of adoration. I fell that I
should find more honor and felicity in beiiij.'
his Mave.lhan in silting on the throne of sn
emp''!e 1 had poured Ml the treasures ol
my young heart into his bosom, and unless
I cmiM dwell there also, I fell that ruui '
he forever poor and desolate.
Aunt suggested that he might be an es
iMped criminal, or a liberated convict, or ai
binder of justice. But knew, I felt ihsi
.hrfe things could not be possible. My
father had full confidence in him; and when
tf'.er an a-i
;e,e.. .Several months, he
ikc'l my In ml, ho met a cordial asscr.'..
Oar poor aunt submitted with a deep groan
and a fervent piayer thai 1 might not regie
my LiiJai da 1 kit thai such a pray tr
was wholly unnecessary. The day nam.
d for the nuptials was fast apptoaching.and maiden about to leave her fathers house
io girl in the prospect of leaving an endear and all its tender associations, and my lov
td and peaceful home, was ever happier er from the same conviction.
han J was thon. Cut a shadow fell upon every soothing and cheeiing artifice, to be
lie aunlight of my path I dreamedl Two guile me of my sadncr
lights before the bridal morn, I bad retired
eary and confused, by the various prepar
iiions, which were under my supervision
ind a number of calls from gmsippin;
neighbors, who longedttn be able to give a
foretaste of the approaching least, by telling
vhat number and kinds ulT cake, pies, roasts.
ud other dishes, weie in preparation; and
as several of them were in our aunt's con
ridence, they mingled with their gratulationf
sundry it's and bui's, and hope so's, and
mysterious shakes of the head, sighs, and
jaculations, which although ihey did not
t all shake my confidence in my beloved,
vexed me exceedingly. To crown all, aunt
ook a last opportunity, as she said, before
retiring to rest, to warn me of the great lot.
y and presumption of entrusting my happi
iess and honor to the keeping of a ' man.
.vho, for might we knew of him, might be
m accomplished villain, perchance a wretch
with human blood upon his conscience.
It may be supposed that 1 did nut ietirt
that night in a right frame of mind to enjoy
very placid slumbers, yet weariness sooi
dosed my eyelids, & a thousand grotesque
phantoms githeied round my pillow. Ai
ter sull'eiing through successive scones o
unreal horror and fear, 1 found myself a
ifiigih in a hitauiilVi gar Jen, gathering sil
very white (lowers and twining them with
uyrtyle leaves into a bridal girland for I
diouirhi it was mv wedding day. I had
ic.irly completed my garland, and was ads
niriug its exceeding delicacy and beauty,
vhen suddenly a shadow fell upon it, ami
ooking up. I beheld standing beside me.
i young creature of such etherial Uvelines."
i I had never in my moslbrilliaut imaging'
,iti:lurc;l to my fancy. Udr form, leaturen
-os, and complexion, co lran d tronjl
Mill toy own, uuil her hair, long, si'ky, am
lack as midnight, (1 ivved dawn snd touch
d my s.inny ringlets. I trembled will
i strange emotion, us I met her daik sat
'My bridal day wreath,' she said, in i
'aire of soft music, 'was fairer fat that
,'ours, but there were tears upon it and n
viihercd. Ha promised me happiness, btr
he cup he mingled was of pain and sorrow
lie promised me love, and he made nij
icarl wholly cesolalei yet he is mine, am.
von will wed a shadow. Look, lady, mv
cars the tears of the forsaken have fal
en on your garland, froniis blighted leavet
hey wiil drop upon your heart, and corrodt
it even to the core.'
I looked upon my duplet, it was heavy
with tears I raised my eyes to question
ny mysterious vinitant, but she was gone.
I awoke in agony ol feeling not to bede
scribed. Could it be possible dial niv be
loved he whom 1 had deemed a model of
perfection could boa perjured man? Had
he woo and deserted the lovely rrealure
whose shade had viiicd nie! nr, oh, hor
roi! had he married her, aid lefi her l
hat dearest ol widowhood, vhn!i mourns
ill (3 living loaif I did not weep; I could
lot. My soul was in mmn'iii, mv whole!
form trembled, my ears r i n uh the rush
ing of the burniog blood through ihe throb veins and Hneris I could nnl lie in
-d i srose and walked uiy chamber in s
uimuli o ihe most agonizing emotions I
:.eemcd siraegs ih-st amongst all imaginary
runes which aunt had imputed in hiir. this
one had never presented itself, nd of this
oh, could he be guility t Could I become
his wife with this terrible doubt preying up
on my mindf Could 1 break off my en
agemenl 13 him now just on tha eve of
-onsumaiion, without assigning any reason!
r eotild I tell him that 1 suspected him ol
such fearful crimes, merely on the au'horl
iy of a dream? Thus I turmoiled through
,h Messed nuiet nioht hours, hut mnrn
, i , , , . i
inn liohl in a mraiiinr ilissmjlHd ihfl unailnw
to b - r
! of the dreadful il.i-m. and I ..
'hour's repose. Bulfromhat night there
jresied a sadness on my spirit, a c'orm up
'ion my brow, which drew remarks from all
rny aoqu liulances' My father coiiiiJercd
my pensiveness only natural in a sensive
Well, we were msrried, and my hus
band removed me to a very finely situa
ted connlry seal in I lie neighborhood
Our grounds weia tastefully laid out and
profusely ornamented with all that it
most rare snd beautiful of tree or fljwer;
our was picious,nnd furnished in a
style with excited the astonishment ol
ill the simple hearted villagers, as well
as myself. My husbsnd, your dear fath
er, treated me with real ienderness,and
indulged my every fancy, but he wat
not a man of professions. J la seldom
spoke of (he love he bora me, the pur
.strong tffectinn, which was apparent n
every look, word snd action, and I,
girlish creature, longed to hear rum say
how very dear 1 was to him how ear
nestly his noble hesr; loved me, and m
lonc. He always received my childish
caresses with eviden pleasure, and when
I prattled of my own worshiping lovi
"io would sometimes jol J me closer to
his bosom, but very seldom make any
reply. I ought to have been the happi-
(st of women, and so IihoulJ have been
hut for that halefu dream, which floal
id like apo'entons cloud upon my
ne.ital sky, coming very frequently be
tween me and ihe sunof my felicity, anil
"asting a shadow dark snd da nip as the
itmospherfl of death upon my blooming
Kden. If my husband took a solitary
walk, if ha seemed pensive, if he heaved
a siwli, immediately tho image of hrr
whom I saw in that dream arose he fun
oe, and wi'.h tnose daik eyes reproach
I me with hiving accepted a hearl and
riand which were solemnly pledged to a
other. And then 1 was miserab lc
Ii, so veiy miserable One circtim--lance,
loo, increased my suspicions al
no.M to conviction. My husband nev
r spnke to me of his parents or relatives
ir native place. He received large re
niuances quarterly, but I never knew
from whence. I did not q'lest on him,
or in addition to my intense love, I
fell a reverence for his soperioty m
years, in knowledge, in manners, and
.natations, wtich prevented my ap
proaching too familiarly. Oh, but for
that fatal folly. I could have relied up
on him with that sweet implict trust and
:onfidence which is woman' true fclici
y. He received many letters, some of
vhich appeared to affect his mind pain
fully. Jii length us I was passing the
loor v( his study which hd b-en left o
pen to admit the air, bs the weather was
excessive sultry, I saw him press an o
pen letter to his heart, while his blue
-yef, full cf tears, weie raised toward
heaven. I ran away and concealed my
srf and my jealous agony. I did no'
venture into his presence until les v
ready, then with assumed eompoun
md a forced smile. 1 met him at the t
nle. He seemed unusually sgitated
Big face W9 alter natoly Hushed or very
ple, his hsnd trtn.bltd, snd his word,
"tre low and uttered with rapidity; ye
I could not avoid thinking that then
was more than his hibitml tenderness
in sll his behavior lowsrd me; and ihi
very circumstances Strved to increas
my distress. At leoj'h, with sn evi
dent effort, he infonned me thit it hai'
become imperatively necessary that In
should leave me for a few days, perhapt
wtelf, lo attend to some important bu
siness. tft ihr5 announcement I burs
i into passion ofsobj and tears
II WJI wi.ri oiucuny nidi I
. . :.u .1... T r.A...
renroach him with his nertidv. tie u-
eed every endeavor to soothe me, but
- I a
I wept all nighl, and was utterly unabh
to bid him adieu in the mcrning. He s
iributed my excessive grief l0 love and
fear for him, and left me with tears snd
After he was gone, I began to reflect
in the absurdity of my feelings, and al)
his goodness and affection arose before me
&repproyed my doubls.I became calm;I
prayed eirneslly for pardon of my un
just jialouslyjind for my dear husband's
safety and hsppiuess. I had regained my
cheerfulness, when on the second day
of his absence, my aunt came lo spend a
few hours with me. When I told her
of his absence, she enquired the bud
uesslhal had taken hi in away so sudden
ly. I acknowoldgsd my utter igno
rance. 'And so,' she said, 'he sli'l maintain
dis mystery? Ah! Lucy, Lucy! thai
man is burdened with a crying con
cience. Depend upon it, he has some
dreadful crime It answer lor.'
This ia not only wrong, but cruel of
you dear aunt,' I answered.
'I kuow it child,' she cried eargerly,
forgive me: I had forgotten mysell; I
should not have spoken lo you '
But her wotds had aroused the de
mon; and when she was gone, I com
menred weeping and turmoil ing as vio
if ntly as ever. I entered his room ss
if io seek consolation, and as I tat wp
ing in his easy chair, I injiinclivtly
picked up some pieces of lorn paper
which he had used to wipe his razor.
They were frsgmenls of a letter. I be
came interested, and finally made out
the following lines:
Fly to me immediately, my evei
dear Chaile, now that happiness i
within cm reach, let us not delay the
erjoymcnl unnecesg irily. Ob, I lone,
o be elapsed lo the dear bosom from
which I have been so many years sep
irated, Come quickly, snd we wl
upply Ihe links which absence has bro
ken from the chain of our early love,
snd bless Ihe God who has broken dowi
the barrier between ti, I have nevei
ceased to love you, and lo pray daily
(orour re union, my dear '
Oh! for one word more! I cried; woulu
that word havr been husband? My dea'
usband! and then 1 was absclu'ely dis
tracied. I hardly know what pas.-ed foi
wo days, and then 8 dreadlt.l calm canu
iver my soul. I had decided that my
husbanu" had a wife before he saw me
hat he had gone lo meet that wife ol
his youth: and she was ihe lovely crea
ture ot my dream, Finally I resolved
to die. I told you that I was then dis-
racted. I pondered coolly on the su
rest and fpeediest methods of sell des
ruction, and I resolved on laudanum,
necHUse 1 thought a death by llist drug
would be leesl likely lo dis'orl my conn
tensnce. 1 procured two ounces, men
1 wrote a Ion? letter lo my husband,
over which 1 shed rivers of tears. 1
sealed and directed it, and laid it in his
ltsk wheie he could s'-o it. Then I
oscked tip my wardrobe, and divided
ny ornaments into parcels, labelled foi
.in'srs: out mv room in the neatest or.
- i -
der, bathed myself, and spi upolously ai
aii(d my hair. Then I dieted my
s-ilf in while I ke a bride. evn to tht
earl-leaved garland, and stood snrvey
ing the finished costume in a large rr.ii-
or, when a rap at the noor startled me,
lor I had civpn orders that none shou'i'
listU'-H me till morning.
What is wani.nfc'' I cried
Here is a letter foi you fiom master,'
replied the boy.
I dashed eff the garland, sprang I
the door, caught the leher, kissed it snd
pressed it to my heart, laughed, wepi
and finally sunk down so exhausted with
ihe violent revulsion of feeling ihal an
hour elapsed before I could bieak ihe
tdnfiha nrecious missive. It was
ouched in terms of great alLc ;o n, snd
co.ained . request that I would coma
to him in Charleston immediately. I
destroyed my letter, and my laudanum
and set out wild wilh happiness.
You ire swaie that your grandfather,
in aristocratic German emigrant, had
destined your father for the daughter of
s German nob!lman; that your father
went abroad lo avoid Ihe match, and re
m viped many years, in the hope that the
lady wojld marry. That after his mar
riage wilh me, Iho old gentleman es
pouted the rejected lady, and refus
ed lo see hig son, embittered no
loubt by the disappointed step mother.
That she soon died, and then your bless
sd aunt Ella, effected a recooci i it ion.
You u nderstand at once that the letter
jf which I found the sciap lhat set me
crazy, was from her. You perceive sl
id the noble g-tnerosity which prompted
your father (o keep his family troubles
from me.
I, however, coulJ nol wholly divest
myself of the supersliliotis belief lhat
my dream meant something, until I
had seen the picture of the lady whom
he had refused. She was uMerly unlike
ihe lady of my dream; and I assure you
bat I have ntver met the substance of
that shadow,
So you see it wag only a dresm an
idle dream' yet it embittered Ilia days
that else had been my happiest, it made
me guilty ot cruul injustice toward Ihs
very best of menjmd il well nigh drove
me to suicide lo eternal perd tion. I
hererore again enlreal you, never yield
to a belief in omens and visions, or sit
weeping and shuddering in the shadow
of a dieam.
The Cherokee Advocate gives the follow
ng as an esict transcript of an epistle ad-
Iressed by a red man to a damsel whose
h rms had made his heart uueasy;
Uear Miss
1 take the Itbetty of addressing vou with,
few lines for which I hope you will me
I address you wilh this Epistle thrue pu-
'ity of heart and Cincerity of love I have
ante lo the conclution to get me a paitner
hrus life and my Choiss is you among the
naney Ladyes of my associates you are up-
rmost in my rrind.
I whiah 13 viset you to htve a Virble in
terview with you
I whish lo Cort you for the Sole purpose
f gaining your efections and lo call you
with more ihan Joy my one I am Devoted-
y Cincere in what Rite and hope you
I anser these few lines and if they meet
with your aber Bation you will please 1st
me kuow whair I may find you
No more At present But Ren.ain My
Deare Women Your True Friend,
Oincere Lover lo the End
I close wilh this Virs of Poeuy.
Mother said a boy, one Sunday after
nesting, I hope some time I shall be rich.
I hope so too, my son, if you would make
t good use of wealth: but why did ynu
ihink of that just nowl Because if I was
rich. I shouldn't have to go to meeting only
once in a while, and then but half a day at
a titco.
A landlord threatened a poor Irbhman,
the other day, lo put a distress in Ins houspt
f he did not pay ihe rem. 'Tut a distress
n, is ii you mane!' said Pan -Och, by Si.
V nthony's row, but you had belter take
I nrtsout, there's too much in
the midior lhat bore me!'
A Du'chman and his wifi were Iriv
filing, and they sat down by the road
exceedingly fatigued. The wife sighs
ed 'I wish I wis in heaven!' The hus
band replied I wish 1 was at tho lavern!'
'Oil you oli rogua' said she 'you ihvays
want to ge.t to tho best place.'