The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, May 23, 1846, Image 4

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    TUB G All LAX IV
- Wi'A twcctoU J'towtrt titrich'J,
'From various gcu Jens cull' J with enrr."
My aunil my tlfir unmarried Mint?
Lonjj yean li a vo o or her flown,
Yet dill the tninii ih aching clasp
That binds hoi virgin zmif,
I know it liuru her tlnugh ih loots
At cheerful u she ran.
Iler waist ii ampler thau her lif.
For life i but a ipan.
My sum, my poor deludud Mint.
Her hair is almost gray;
Jf' liy vill aha train Out winter curl
In auch a ipring like wiyf
How can alio lay her glaaiea down,
And aay ahe raailt aa well,
W'bta through a double convax leni
She just auLea out to ipell.
Her father grandpapa! foigia
This airing lip in amilei
Vowed a! wonlJ make the finest girl
Wlihin a huuJrrid milra
lie acnt ber to a aiylinh achnol,
'Twaa in her thirteenth June;
And wiih bar, as aha rulea require J.
'Two towels aud a spoon
They braced my aunt agVmit a board,
To rnaka her sleight and tall;
Tiny laced her up. thsy starred hot
To make hrr light and;
They pinched her feet, they ainged her
They screwed it tip with pint;
O, never nmrtal suflVred mora
In penance for her aim.
6i when ray prtcioun aunt waa dona,
Mv grand lather brought her back
(By day light, lest soma rapid youth
Might follow on the track,
'Ah!' said my gtandsne, as he shook
. Soma powder in hi pan,
Whv what could this lovely crealure
Against a deiperats man.'
AUs! nor chariot, nor barrouche,
Nar bandit civulcade.
Tore fiom the trembling father! arms
His all accomplished maid. .
For her how happy had it been.'
And Haiven had apaied to mo
' To eae one aad. ungaihered rose
On my ancestral trsa.
From tae Daily Choniida
Spring is coming,!
Bird are humming,
Notes of eweelest minimally;
Flowers are spreading,
'erfume shedding,
Over the mountain, vale and lea:
Streamlets dancing,
Oa their waves of glittering gold;
Innfcla flying,
tiroz-i sighing,
Soft as tales by beauty loitL
Forest waivinj,
Rivers laving,
CaMle hold and cottage rude,
,lu'C swelling,
Echo telling,
From her woodland solitude,
Gioves are bending,
lkauty lending,
To the glen and rocky way,
Cascade leaping'
Wild vines creeping,
Mature in har holiday.
Zakas are sleeping,
Silence keeping,
Vigili o'er their ailvery tide,
Hares are sounding,
Iltd deer bounding,
6wifily up the mountainside.
Nature singing,
Rapture bringing,
Harmony on every airing?
Hear it raise.
In notes of praiie,
Welcome, welcome, gentle apring.
T'ew HoULIINE.l'al A, R. K.
Dawp, gentle flower,
Fruni the morning earth!
7Fe will gaze and wonder
At thy wondrous birth
Bonlm, gentle flower
I, aver of iU lijrhl,
Sought by wind and shower,
Fondled by the night
Fade, gentle finite iawsr,
All 'hils leaves ciu?e;
Ilavir; g gliown thy I eau'.y,
Time W's for repce.
Die, gentle flower.
In the silent fun!
Sol all pangs are over,
..And thy tasks are done.
Day lull, no mora glory.
Though ha soars so high
Thins is sll man's story,
Live -end love and die!
c a
The following anecdote was related
ii r&imA until mm P. hv an officer iit
Vottiiifurs. On the evening preceding the
hatile of Austerliu Napoleon left his tent
for a few moments, leaving a anuff box
which he was in the habit of using upon
the camp tabU. On his return ha tojk up
the box opened it aud thrust in his finger
ud thumb as usual, wrier, an idea struck
him that there was something wrong iu the
box, he immediately inquired if any peraon
had been seen entering his tent during hi
abseirco. The euardi replied, 'No aire,
he then eummoned the attendance of two ol
his ffuaids, and taking up a amall epaniH
that was present, he compelled the animal
to inlulo a small quantity of snuff, in three
niinuiei tha animal went into convulsions
and died a second was tried with th
fame results Napoleon t old then his gener
als.that when he returned. His brxwas in thi
prerisa position in which he lefi ii hut 01
pulling his fingers into the snulT lie had an
nstincliva feeling that il:e snuf! contained
in lht box was not in the same state as when
he left it, his geuerls adviaed an immedi
ate inquity this Napoleon opposed, will;
his usual sagacity telling them it woulil
not answer te have his soldiers know thai
the) life of their general hid beer, atteinpiei!
in his own camp and in his own tunt on th
eve of a great battle.
Mesmerism Copper Mining. A New
York letter aye:
J copper company (I speak sober truth.
on the best authority J is now sinking shaft?
in search of ore in New Jenny, under tin
direciiou of a olaiivoyant euhjact, who i
put to sleep by a professor of the Brt for
that express purpose. I ostamed my in
formation from the professor himself.
Byron Dimon lua been elected Govern'
or, and Eliiha Harris Lieut. Governor, b
the Legislature of Rhode Island. The vot
for tlovernor rvas for Byron Dimon, 61,
Chailes Jackson, 39. For Lieut Govern
or Llisha Harris, 61, Jesse L, Mot
Old parson M, of Worcheeter co.
sometime used to be absent on a miaionar)
tour Once on a time, having just returned
from one of these excursions, he found hi
congregation quite diowsy, and wishing to
wake them up, he broke on" right in the
midst ol his sermon, and began to tell then
of what wonderful thinss lie hal seen in
Yerk Siale among other wonders he said
ha had seen monstrous great 'motquiices'
so Urge that many of thvui would weigh
pound? The people were by this mm
wide a wake, Yes continued the parson
M., and maisover, they are ftei kaown to
to climb tree and bark!
The next day one of the deacons called
upon him tellire him that nnv of llif
bretheren were much scandslized by the
stories he told the day before.
What stones; save Farson M .
'Why sir you said that the Mosquitoes in
York Strts were so large that some uf ihsm
would weigh a Bound:
Wei?,' rejoined tha minister, 'I do really
think that a great many of tbstu would
weigh a pound!
Good Very Good A va'uedfriend
ours, who has a most intelligent dauuh
ifr. was vesterdav at lh breakfast table
questioned in this wisa by Ins interest
ing child;
'Pana. why is the Fourth ef July,
and Washington's I'irlh Day. like the
new riesulent of .Mexico
I'm sure I dau't know my good
eirl.' Ihe Dare ut rrblied.
Well Ihnn. I'll tell vou. Zfrcatisr
they are Of neral Faratle Days, run
An exchange paper says it is easy to be
setn when a eiil thinks much of her beau
Nr.when he approaches her,she sorter Itsnc
up to him like a sick kitten to a hot brick
A gentleman having been recently stung
by a bee wants to know 'what kind of an
inseet that ii which aucks flowers with it
mouth and bites with its
Genius will always work its way througl
as the poet remarked when he saw a hule
:n .he elbow ofus coata
T A I IaO 11.
KESl'ECTiTLLV, informs (!,e pul.lia'tuat he
Ilai Removed his Slvip to Espy t own
where hi will always lo ron-1 v, as heietoforr, to
rniike any kind of clothing, tit tlitt shortest notice
and in ihe liest and most fashionable lyl. From
his lone experience in tho busims, lie flatter-'
liiirisulf tlul ho s-hi'll continue to ive Rcncnil
ifirrion arid lliereliy hopes to reccic H uliare ollho
public pstroniige.
T nilii'n- attention paid to ruttinp.
All kinds of country produce tuken in payment
Ioj worn.
Espytowo, May 9, 181C tf3
1 mzzm s
CJO great has been the ilonmnu" lor rolRci x
) Obmuonion or All Hcr.iin UnNrn, and il hu
Hivrn such general lulislaclioti 10 ii'oso wno ime
used it and become anjiiKintcd wilt its virtues mat
it 'now Hand pre-eminent as a remedy in Diseases
ofllio Luiis, and the testitunny which has been
Himn by oilierent person, who luvo lioen riiren ny
t is alloi-ctliervoluiiturv on thoirpwt. 'I'bey liac
divenil in the hope that all whufiay find tbeinselvei
in need of this remedy may ap ly for it without de-''.v-
. . .. ..
bead the following letter r'ciived ijom me ue
Mr Hhitneall, I'axtur of t Jude'a Hpiwnpal r'ree
Church. Mr 8. has not imly in-ed 'be medicine
himsiilf but has witnessed its ell'ccts in several very
trying cases uf disease. The letter will show Iiih
opinion of its virlnrs.
Dear Air : believing it to na nut an act ni com
mon humanitY lo those nfl'crini! under the various
,ica-cs of Contjhs, Colds, Hoarseness, Consump-
,niii, Asthma, Se. to point them to a sale, apeeily
ami radical remedy, I take pleasure in beaiinu ni
testimony to your invaluable, medicine cubed Olosa-
ouian or All lloaling 1! dsaiu. Ol its cllicncy I
cun spr ik first from my own expetience. being
subject Irom exposure more or to tlic vicissi
tude ol our climate 10 irequent oiuckh oi inuiien-
in Ho.irscness,A:c.,I have always found it lo allbrd
almost instantaneous, and always by perseverance
in its use, elleclual relief. To a particular friend
ofmii.esull'ering severely unrer Aslhma, and who
had desnaiied ol obtaining relief Irom any tiuman
source, upon my recommendation was induced loin
iiive the Olosaoniai a tuat ami tid pronounce.! ine.oe exectileil in as hanilaoine a ftvle a e ran
effect produced upon linn a pcncei ciiarm imoruing
him immediate and almost instantaneous rel.el, In
another'A rniiiiiipiini'ii il ill H ii'iii 1111
friend far advanced in Consumption. After the use
of the first bottle her cough was entirely removed
and her appetite and strength restored to sjch a
learce as to aslonisli all wtio saw tier- w mi a
long cherished ai.d firmly ettablished prejudice a
j iiust the thousand and one specifics put forth in
these days as sovereign panaceas lor all ilisesse, i
isvnrc vou that nothing short of in y linn conviction
of the claims of your nicdicinc to an origin sore
psctahle, and to ttio cileets ol u as ncrein ceniiico;
both by my own experience anu onsc rvulion, i
could not have been induced thus lo come lirward
as a witness in its behalf. 1 have the honor to bo,
sir, respectfully yours, il. C: SillMLALL.
Have you a Cough,
which is troublesome and has not yielded to any
of the icmedies which you have u.-ed ! Is it at
tended with pain ii the side, shortness ofbmiih.
night sweats!
Do you liaise Ehud
when vou cough and find your strength gradually
failing 1 Vou will find ibiit these symptoms if not
propcily attended to will terminate in consumption
and erath. Arc you troubled with that distressing
which deptivesynu of your rest at night and ren
ders life burtbciisoine.
Here is the llemcdy.
Ilemeinber the name and place where it is to be
obtained and do not be put oil' with any othet. It
has produced a cure in as desperate cases as yours
may appear to be, and doubtless will put to tliuht
in a speedy manner those ilistre.iu;; symptoms
which (ill your mind with gloomy forebodings of
the future.
Its Hailing Properties
do not deceive. The short dry cough is qiucklv
overcome aud easy and healthy expei titration lakes
its place, fc'pilting of blood is immediately check
ed. IS ight sweats with pain in the side and chest,
debility and difficulty of krulAing yield in a short
lime. Astin i with all its il; cult u i accompaniments
is at once relieved. Jionchi'is and in fact all the
dsseasos of tho throat and L ung) give way bcfjre
this remedy when all other means have billed.
rcsoris may attempt lo deceive jou with i iuno
other remedy, proiiouncii.g it lo he equally as good
but remember life is at stake, thercforu
Ee not Deceived.
Theabovo mcdicino for salo by tha following
lu. 1. l.utJ!, li'oomsl.urg. VV. J,, alter 4t to
i'erwicJi ; E & J, I.izurus, Orangeville ; Levi bi-
el, Jersey town ; Uerr ? Mclliide, VV hito llall ; ts.
Ualdy, Cattawissa. tiinl
Cabinet VJare EXousc.
flUi; sub.scrilie would respectfully infomi the
jfl pulilie, Hi it no lias taken tlic ip late'y
cupii'J hy A'umuel Lilly, near the upper md id
IMooinsbiirg, where he is carrying on tho
in all its various branches, and where he will h
hatipv o wait upon ull those who may favor bin
willi their custom. His Furuiluie iswairanud to
he uiudu of good inatciial uud durable, nnd lie in
lends keeping on hand
Sideboards, Secretaries, Jhtreaus,
Wardrobes, Card Tades, Dining
Tables. Ereakfnst Tubhs
Cupboards. Stands, Il'ash
S(u)idi,Eed steads,
Coffins, iS't'.
md nil kinds rf work in his line, which he will sell
upon as rca.snnih!w terms as lliey cun be purchased
in the county.
lv strict attention to business b hopes lo re
ceive a tha of publie patronage.
April 23, 18l5.--lyl
Estate of TVitliam Menseh, late
Eloiiin township, deceased,
'TTOTIfK is hereby iiven, that l.el'
4 ministration on the above mentioned eslali
hav been granted ti, the snbscriber, 1 i v i ri f in Cat
tawisa townthip. All persons indebted lo tlx
entile, rue hereby notified to make immediate, pnyr
men!, a ml ull those having claims are requested to
present ibem ptopcrlv authenticated, to
JOSSK'JI JltOBT, Aihn'r.
Match 11, IB1U t)w!7
Uy Ac Silvorth in.
Till'! tindurHiirned havinir lakcn (lit) whon
.formerly occupied by Marshal Nlverthorn,
inun, rrspcciiuiiy initirina inn punnc inai
they intend to carry on Ihe above bianch of
business and will el all times be ready lo do
work a littlo better and cheaper than any
other establishment in the place, Jam! they
hnpo by strict attention to business to merit
large portion of the public patronage
All kinds of country produco lukrn in
oichango for work & tho rvaihj not refused
Hloomshiirg Feb, 21.1H10 44
THE cnpnrlncrrship heretofore existing
under ilm firm of Armiirnng &, Huges. in
i lie rnnu cutting but'iness, is by nutui
consent dissolved
Nov. 1 1813.
JAK!XffaSj: YA11D.
THE business will he continued by the
-tibarrtber at the old sUud; where may
be had at nil times.
or any other work in his lino. lie is
also prepared to liiriiisn WINDOW CAPS
&c either ol Ma. lle, Liintj or any kind nl
" " can e prncurcu in tins v.cmity.
r S iiavinjr nati onsim-rauie iwpencncr
the btimiusd, ne pledgee his work to
i,e furniahcd from M1V vard cither in the
, ,Pason :ll.0 ipr.ns
Jlhomsluirg, Nov. 3, 1813. ly 28
LGS leave to inform the public, thai
Jjhe is prepared to attend to all the opt-r-
alions in dentistry, sut Ii as reiiinvini;
The Tartar and other Foreign Sub
stances. From the teeth, rendering them clean, and
the going and breath sufii anil healthy.
The cavities vf Decayed Teeth
VVill ho dressed out and filled with Onld
or other toil; of the finest quality, as tin
iM?e may require, which will generail
prevent their achinz or furtlirr decay, and
render them useful for years; and in many
cases during life
Teeth and Slumps of Teeth
Which have beenmo usclcs? or troublesome
vill he extracted in the most careful man
nrr, witn tin latcsi anu vc6t improved in-
stru mcnts.
Porceliain Teeth,
Ofthe best quality and latest imprnven
will he inseneu on pivot, or fin conueciiuti
with Dr. Vallerchamp, with whom lie is in
) iteriijliip in plate work) on (inld date,
from a single tooth lo a ..hole set, to lord;
as well as the natural, and warranted i0
answer all the useful and ornamental pur
pnst s proposed by the nil.
In short,evtTy operation belonging lo the
prult sfiori, will bf. pelormed in ihe be
uanncr, willi choincrt material, and al th
shortest notice- He therefor,? l:opi-a, by
strict iiticniioii lo buenipss, to olu;;i v ihnn
ol public patronage. Any pi-ram, or pc
eons wifliinj any ol the aoove epcraiiuns
prrformed, are respecifuli' requested to
ive him a rail.
N. D- The public nr? hereby ii.fnrmcL
that wc the nubfcribcrs have rnlcnd into
special I'arinetsliip rciaiin2 on'v lo piati-
work as il is more convenient i'; r each
attend lo tne otnrr oranciits cl the 8( it.i;c
cn his ctvn cccottnt,
Mount Pleasant, Kov 6th. IS13 3m
K" E W 13 O
fFJ'SIIH snb?cr;i,.
J inP'Tirixiliepul
lie that he ba
-v cpcrieil a Si!01;
H'l OKE at the low
rnd of Main Street
,'looir.dt urp, nt th
store iiiniieji tiecuni
dny I,. Lutz where lie intends to keep a pener
il asrfurtiiicrit ol snoeg anu bonis, lor men am, which he will sell as low, if nut
lower than the same quality of coot! can be bough
m t.oluml'ia countv. lie win a so make to orde
ill kinds of boots and shoes, at short notice, lim
ing determined to sell low, lor a fmall profit
lie respectfully nivities those who are in want of
any thing in his line, lo ivehim a call. All goods bought of we are warranted
lo bu as recommended.
Nov, I5thl8'14.
Remaining in the Post-Office, r, dooms.
bury; ,1arch 31; 1810.
Limb Coder Giffin McCully
l ',iiit:if, Carrs John J orris
0. 0. H.whmen Koberi Olcuian
h'ishard Cortney W'illirm Rets
I'liOinas D.idl'urd John Kclle
fiSwis Folk (Jeorgr Scott
(Jreen i: Kunkle Ilcnry 8i hlascer
I'ftci Heinhnnh John Snyder
Miss Julia A. Kline A. J. ISione
John P Little John Wanieli
lames McLfoohlin Mr. ?ee
Tlin itibsctibrr huving localed himself ii.
UlooiiK'uurg, is reparcd lo liirnir h ail kinds ol
wure, iind peiform sll kinds of wmk in bis line ol
business, Ht i heap rules inid nt i-lim t imiice III
has funiiihcd himself w 'uh a new nhd bplendid
stock ol tools, macliiiierv mid materials from I'hila
di'lphn, and made a huge purchase ol ( OAI, nnd
W'DOU NTUVi;y, ot'vH.-ioiisiuitli'rns, lo supply
Irs customers, le will constantly keep on hui d,
Tl. V.'.li! V ofevcry dcsciiption.
S'I'OX'I'S, a largo varielv, neatly and substan-
li;ily finished, together with I'll'l.',
SI'OVTSUt building!.
lie respectfully solicits public pntronngc Hav
ing been lor some years engaged in bis hn-incss.
md h iving CKperienecd assistants, he fee! cniili-
dent of satisfying all w ho may favor him with
their custom.
cor.vrnv vi:acu.t.vrv impniied or.
liberal terms.
(.'all on the soti'h side of jVaiii-fitn. t, 3 doors
low the oliice i f the Cilumbia einociiit.
October 11, 18-lfl lj25
S, E. CRAK!.
12. v. nwiiunr
nSPECFTl I.I.V informs t!ie public that
II L be I
bus IncHted him.i lf in the Hmp lai. lv
occiiiiKi ,v Z UA KUiliJ.fiS. ii. l. uki ' '.
STKKIOT, where he int. ii'1: carrying on the ahove
business in nil its various brunches.
built and repaired, as well as one linrso
w.u;(.os a so KiJCJfiJES.
uf every dascription, and all kinds of ( ouoliy
Work, in his line, doueatohott noiicc, and on the
most reasonable terms,
n'rfiood Lumber and all kinds of f'nuntrv fio
luce taken iu payment fur work, but (Juh will riot
o reliHcd.
April 5, 181.". CmSO
Brandrcth's Fills
BTTS BAD and understand ! ' he time will come
when the medicine, Uraudielh 'ills will If
ipi'iecnted as lliey oiiht and i!i serve) It w ill be
iini.ciMooil that IJr. lirumlielli lias the stroiirM
claims upon the public. It is ti tie that every in
lividual who makes a trial ol' the I'tamlretli J'ilL
l ouccle them to be the best medicine evci
used. Tliev are indeed a medicine about w hii I
here i.: no mir-tak:). 'J'heir value in a eliinaie m
changeable as ours cannot be etillli ienlly n; prociat
i d A free perspiration is at once rcMnicd , thu.-
'lliey cure colds ami cr.nsuniptu n is prevented.
I ho:,e v. ho have a redundancy of bib; find them of
the most essential service and ihould therr be a de
iicieney of that importiint fluid the Ilrandnth Tills
have an eiiiiallv beuelieial cll'cct. Often has this
important medicine saved valuable lives in those re
'Onus where me dieaillul c!r,iw lever was i.revai;-
in:; A few doses taken immediately npen the in
feclion beiii'4 received into the svslun will lr nl
most certain lo picvei:t any material infonvn b ucc
.nil at no stat;e ol litis ilrcellul epilemie in liieri
so prriei r a meiiituie as iini iireuju lit InK J. it
this mciiiiine be uni'.cr.siliy Used in th
mscie e nnd no loss r.l bleod nil, twed, and few
very few would be iti victim!', o it is with ol In
diseases. Assist iiatuie vwtli n, inipurralil
medicine to remove inoihid bun;ors from I'ic blmv'
ami do not resort p) bleeding or incruny w.
shall have a 'cry prcat .-easily of crsci.s i.iijictn
wt:h croinc maladies. I lie liMtheieii ttil.e the an
I i : , , ...
I;liar i.iii'oi.iri- over wi. icii v.e me l!:e . rr!, nil
not allticicd willi tualsdlc.-; i.ejilu r ,bnu!i
wc be if it were not for our j rioe whicfi i'ccaion
ill, no. l''i.llow nature. I'se the medicine whi'l
harmi,'iiics with her, which mildly but si, rely le
moves ail the inipei ilicj of the l.loml.w hit h slreiiulb
ens t:ie lecolc and vet n duces lb or e it b.o full Ind.ii
to a Ii. allhv stand. ml. lire tt:;ain say lli,:l even
department ol' the m.uml'icluro of iSrambcth I'i'b
is personally superiiileinh d ' j inc, and lliatcvcn
hot '-villi my three label.; upon it r;:ay be rr 'ird up
on to nave the eliect u.'r r i ibcd il used
atwOi'tling to llic diiceiion;; m eoinputi) 'ny.
A O II i"v T li.
Va.Oiinton Ilobert M'lv'ay.
J.'raeytown li & A '1' isr l
JlanviK, M !! iii viiobis i C'd
'.ttliH.issa 0 ; liuibst
Dbiorirsburj J. li. Mover.
Linn .loiu I.ui.bil .M '.Vim I'.
Itiie.'.lion: U. S!
I. hue Ki,!(:c l.ow &, Th,
'icrv itii- .1 V' .'.tiles
May ;l lSKt ly- S,
. n-. 's
fflU'S ts,.cc: fully itiformt l'ie puhhe
JE tliat he bru opci eil a shop, on Mniii-striet.
'teai.y oip'-itc 1 ..iy!;'i, s I avern, in liloonisbiu
vhee he intonjs carrviiitj cn the above bucinc-
,n ull its various i ram-in:.
f evt.y (Teffriptir.n, will l e kept on hand for sab
Manufactured into :,uv to; in rcrpii.rd,
srovi: I'U'es,
f all .i.-.e.- kept ctitlanl'y on l.jni'. Stoves Jiui
d to or di r.
i.. . ... .
ucirg ueienninci to i;o litisiness in the rmlii
way, lie rcqests ail to cell upon biui before tl,e
purchase elseivhete, as he will fiitriith all article'
il ois hue as ihe,.;. as they can tc muihttscil it
the county.
d. J. men.
f?cptimhcr 20, IS 1 5 lyS2
THE subsi rihet rePT,ectfulU informs the pub
lie that be has tirki n the r hop Jatelv orcutnrt!
y H. M. Iiayhurst, at the lower md of Markel-
listrcct Ltlijomsburg; where l,c intends carry in-; ot
no iitiove triisii.e.-s in ..It its rani hes. am tn u .
bare uf the palHjlu;;c uf the pitbhc.
In connection with the l usintts, he oil. r
his services us tin
lie will alwavs 1 e nuevto make COEFLVS f.e
!! same prices ht rtiol. re haiecii in l!liH.ii,.-btirv
li, i I villjf lpp!ie,l biin-ell'wth a )-n,n! Il LA "i.-.l
will nttiiiil with it nt tire funeral without atr.
a charge.
May .10 I Pit'.
John citt:i;.v
5'''0VE PIPE for sale at lbi ew Store.
L. D. IU:P-.Rr,
etcher 11.
Chair ranufaclory
THE subscriber continues to carry on
iitsincsH at the old stand of 1. it 0. Unpen
buch, where he will he ready at all limps
to luinish Fancy &, iinlsor Chaiis, Set
ices, Huston Ruckinj? ('hnim L: of evoiy
description, which may he called fur, at
abort notice and on the nmsi reasonable
terms, lie will also execute House, Nifjn &
Ornamental I'aintinsf, and iluiisn rapenne:,
iu a superior manner,
From his experience in the business, anil
his facilities ol manufacturing the various
articles ol bis line, he. Halters hiinst l' thai
he shall bo able to furnish lis good work,
and upon us reasonable terms as can ho
done in the coiuurv, all of which ho will
dispos of for CASH or COUNTRY
N. I!- Orders from a distance will bo
ntiiclly ai.d punctually attended lo.
I!. I! A OF, N itrc II.
JTS hereby qiven to ad persons not to purchase a
jj, certain note of band given by the subscriber Id
(eoi (;e Ki Ichrier, Esq. for Ihe sum of seventy dol
lars, dated mi or about the l.sth ol August, ItVlS.
U a v i i ) rr veeeivi d no consnJeialioii for il 1 shall re
u se to pay the same.
'.Vih'ian-sburg, .Vanh SI, If 4G.
The sudden changes of the wcalhar, ilur'tii thin
scvon of the year, exhibit a most lan"tul eliect on
the hiiiiiau sv;tom. debiiitaliin; and pi-"-ir;ttiiJi; it.
The Fluniai li and bowel-. I ecoine dt ;-i j-t d. giving
timely notice lo oil, who are inelinid in eie alien.
tmn to the waininc, vr ii e of nntu.r. A t , licit times
Jaync's '( 'aviiiiiialive' never fails to nil'., id immedi
ate re I'M', cheeking the disease him! nsloiiiiR the
patient to vijjorot s health, Mothers cntmot be loo
cautious with tin ir children during this inunth,
and the sr.oinhs followtnj, m.d in the earliest r-tages
of this summer ilisease.wlir fiom ti cihliii,', op-
ressive heat, or ollu rait.-es, tl.rv should at once
resort 'o ibis never tailing leimilv. llundreils of
eertilicates frotn n f peclable persons in this city;
are in possession of the prcprictor, irmly lo ex
hihit to all who mav desire too sic bis of
fice, Ao. b Auiitli Thud sliict, i Iphia,
LIFE! FIRE! ! ! FlliE1.! !
!.ll that a rnnn hath will be (jive fur bis life,' sn
we find reconhd in the Mc.-t uiieiirt ar it hot of
books, luit as we sec lii,n;sai,ls dyinu around us
with (Viisuii ption, Crotip, Asthma; liroin hitis,
.;j iiling Li loud, and oth, r J'ulnionarv all'cctions.
we are led to doubt the conci'trica of the above
assertions. esp(cial!v sircc it is so well Known
that a eeitain remedy may be obtained, which al
vvavs nrrr-ts those ili-easrs.
l')r. JAV.E'rt EXl'KiJTORANT ticver fails
to pive relief, slid ceres after every nieana
have tailed. This can be nnd lias proved in ihniH.
amis ol iiir-Zancc.-, where it has iflitkil radical
cure-;, nfter he pa'ient had brer, given uply all
his friends and physicians.
t j
The FiiLscf ifirr dlTers for
Ihe i or i i r el Mn'n rinl ft:
in ( t.-:
in ilci ir:; Lure, oil in ( 1 1 u . J ,i.
il i.
v I I
l o
ciilclii.iied fur the lo.j'ii.ii lor it J l'i
o'tore,! i i i bf
C Tci front on Miiin?trrrf,
U:i l JWt on East-sir rrf,
nnl the road h rn , i I uc to the lib onisburg Kail
lieu Company's I'uniaies. '1 his Let is well
''ilate.l lor btiililinu; lipi n Il:t--tiei I ns well i
s on
1. nr. ami beitiu i-itualrd iu tl;e centre of the Inm
ibvii'ii of Coluihl ia Countv, is well woithy the
t.r niton el the ca; iboi
Tor any ii,l'oit;i;iti'ii
(; pe, ting the condition
ci.rjitilc ol
illeomsbing, L ecml ei SO
JT S herein- riven to ull per-enf n
three y. 'oir of ii-nn'jfur the mm
s not to
m of Stt t'l.'l
,ich. tinted .'.p'i! 1 li-l.l .-if; iu J by the m.L, ,il
i r
paya-le to rt. ....loiti L'i u,n.v, one Apiil 1 1 !(!
Ajril 1 ami n,e April 1 l!vlf; of I
I', lu j i'.y the faine. liaviitf, trctived no con.-id-
i.:n !o( U.eiu-
dar.-b SO, li' lC.
TUT -Tf.'.j r-;y
i-jt i... vw
A r. aesortut. ..t ,;f I !fLLOW W.A IJ K
JW .-Utha- l'.rt es. I', ts. -ulets, 'lea Kelti.s,
spi;!i',s. Cuke liriihili-s-, ic ASso I,,!,;,,,
mull V:m;on llo.vr.s, fiom the lutiillv 1.,
Vt'uika, just received nnd for sale by
December SO
AN Ari'liF.NTCE.
To the Tin ami Sheet Iron Manufac
luring iiifinef!', is wanted b ti.o suhscrltif r. An nr
ive boy, from IS to 17 yenrg ef ,-rpe wiil receive
jool ciK Otirafiftmi.t upon ilnntcdiate application
o H.,1, KICK.
Jl".? brrrby piven ll'.atthf copartnership heretofore;
Jtj exiftiiiR uiiilcr thr ti.m (.fErol i.t ,-.nd 'aiitrp m
.liolved and the ncceounls of raid ftrsn hie been
issicnrd lo toe nd scrilier, HlioaiOi.e, is aiilJiorci'l
o collect the fame.
ISAAC SAXTEE. 1.1 Ifi-lll,
li lasting roila:;.
lire Le.'l tpiahty, j.lst n ci ivej bv
W. Mi K EI.VV & f
I'eccmbt r 5
hj.v ni sim n ATF.r.r. iusr r...
ceivrd nnd for Pale at the Mew Store.
October 1 1.
sale litsi
cl, HOUSE &
Urn lot,
siliiiti d no