The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, May 23, 1846, Image 2

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    refthfiU raWo volunlccu for srrvic
to tremolo from support as this. 1 ". ir
wy respectfully," your obedient mmm,
Z. Tavlob,
iJievfi ling ulicr Geit. V. S. A. Comd'ii
The Adjutant Geiuul of the Amy
Wellington I). C,
. The ftcyR8 wfitet ihtl the Mnxiraii
luvo lee. argpd nit in this attack G-n
Tylorty f.ncijncM, and that ihe Mexicat
furl of Sjti 'JitHti doUHua is tilled wiih f
engineers, snd the ii'my now this f tdi
of rto RioUrsnde is Jirrouip tuu'd by French
mil nther artillery-men. li also
give the following translation of a pmrla
nation which Ampudii fia) f.itniJ means
of dislrihuling in the American camp. h
way of letting th ii readers into (lie ecre
rtrrvieo of the war now wsjrne;
The Commander-in-Chief vf ihe Mexican
dnwj li Ae L'nlhh and Iihh under
(he orders ef the dniericun Ccncru Tay
Know Ye; Th'rtlVifl fi ivcrnmcnl nf ilie
United Suites is committing repeated aem
jf bnibarnus aegtession agsinsl the n-i(
traiii'iie-m Jcxiean Nation; thai the tov
v rn hi t-n i which exists tiutlet 'the f.g of
. the sins' is unwortla' of thu ii:intttiou ol
C1 rihiiati. Karollccl tli.t vim wer torn
in (ire it Hritaini thai the American Gov
uniiiii'tii lo'ik with co! upon the pow
ful fl.; of St. Ctorge, md i provoking to
1 rupture the wailtke people to whom it be-
'ougs, President Polk -boldly manifestinji
i desire t lake possession of Gregon as he
has already done of TeKas. Now, then,
rumo with all confidence to the Mexican
rank, and I guarantee to you, upon niv
honor, good tiealmerct, mid tint all your
expenses shall he defrayed until your arri
val at ihe beautiful capital of Mexico.
Germans, Fieitch, Poles, and iudividuaN
of other nations! Separate yourselves from
the Yankees, and do not conuihute to de
'end a robbery and usurpation which, be
assured, the civhized nation of Europe
look upon with indignation. Come there.,
fore, and array yourselves under the tri-col
ored d ig, in the confidence that the Cod ol
'Armies p'ptp..a it, and that it will protect
you equally with the English,
Francisco R. Mokeno,
Aoj'tof the Commander-in Chief.
-'IIcauQia.'lers upon the Road to Matamoras,
April 2J 181G-
New Orleans paper says Ey the arri'
va! of the schoonei Ellen and Clara, t'api.
' (Jriffin from the Braz.s St. lago. account."
, from Point Isabel to the ruoinig of the 2Dth
lilt, havo been receivedt
The fast, however, that communication not been had fur three days between
, J'oiiit Isabel and the Camp of Cen. Taylor
is alone sufficient to keep anxiety en lip
toe. Weleacn from Capl. G. and Dr. EriggB
: a passenger, who has been several months
with the army, that Capi. Walker, former-1
ly of the Texan tevenue service who has
icen stationed between Point Isabel and
Gen- Taylor'acamp with a compiny of 21
Texas rangtrs, found severa of the teams
which had started from the Point for the
camp were returning, who repotted thai
ihe Mexicans Wire on the road. lie start
d from his camp on the 27th with his whole
force to reconnoitre, and if possible open
commuoicatioti with Gen. Taylor. He hail
, .proceeded as far as about mid way bviween
1'oiiit Isabel and the camp when an over
whelmingMexican force appeared very sud.
denly.. A portion of his troops were raw
Tecruiie. die instructed t'oem to keep or
Ins right, and gave orders to the whole to
retire under rover of a ciiapperal in view.
' but his ruw troop?, panic (jliid.en, iL-alterei)
in confusion;
The Mexicans advancing with ovei-
whelming numbers, he wag compelled to
-retire. He was followed until within h
mile of Point Isabel, where ho arrived with
. only two of hia iei!, S.jt flihers tubse-
i'.cn',ly came int
Captt Vy estimates the nun.her of Mexi
cans '.teoucountered at lificen hundred, and
he Bp.;:oiies thct at least thirty of them fel.
during tho f.Lccn minute-i which he en
gaged rlrem
This 'force is Riipposed to be n portion ol
iliai which had r.t last accounts c roused the
.Jvio Gfaiido eome 0 cr .2";i miles above
Matamoras, rimi which is eplimuied at ,u(l()
: men. . It is belie vat! they had taken a
' '-circuitous rom,an llva eaktern side of Cm
Faylur's Camp. The rost iri very atioiilv
defended, thanks to the exertions of Majors
M Ultima and Saumlcrs. With C00 men to
to def-ni die post, it is believed it can be
t;;;:!i2 oond ncaind HOOO Mticaiw, There
are now ah nitoOlIU .Vexicaiirt on the Amei
ieai)idri ol ihe Uio Grade, oiip half;
mAJZii )0i!9 half .below Gtu. Taj lot's camp.
Nl Oiu.i:anj .1av Oh.
LA l Lit l'KO,i THE AliuY.
i..., -...!, i i ,,.
l)',uilf .. f nf In '.. .' ,, ii Inter oiVP
v , . , dtl, and only alle.Med in nne instance bv the
of nrjcictnui '
" Gallant Walueu, whosehorso was shot
The schooner 'm ,ry Clare' has just ir (n)in m uf m(u
tvml honi Crisii.s S niiMj'o, Inving lift on ..
i. BSJtt, ul.nuo. C.pu.n linlli the' RK Ivemer and Ualclill are two anmy
any C. mid imM-ngers, rcjiuct iln.t Captatif 'ie ol'Capt, Walker' party kill
V iilkcr, with 73 nin ol th 'Texan Kan- etl, whtUt forcing their way through the
Jrrs,' were ne irly all killed noil taken pris. , to the Untied Stales camp,
mer.onihe S.h, .bom '20 mile Uur filie ,,ri l ite mm.
iliove (inn I.HHtinl, ay n siipcrmr lore ol 1 1
ii. ir,iiWt con-.iati.ig of some 1500 by,? t,( 'u"l, "rfl "obhly on tUu
,n1 . -ide uf tin; river ONLY ONE AMEKI-
Captno rlkrr uicrc(l.d -in reaeh'ng CAN KILLED, and he by shell. Tin
I'.iini Lalu'l 4t 4 o'clock, P. m. on the 1
with I MKEE mEN ONLY! He inline-
I, , ... .I. . i. i . r ...
liatcly njijilicil to m j I lionms lor four
nen, i.iiiniimred his ilcierinuiation to pro'!
.etd to iLineral Tavlnr's camp, or die tt
the ulltmjUi ins oheel being to CMiimuni
....... i... i- . l i . - . r . i . .1 I.
mr ion panicuiara ui mil mat:, wiui- i
outduUy, to lua commanding ull.ccr.
Frum the. Ilto Grande direct. The
ciioiiiier Empire, Capi.i.n Collin, an i veil
,a.!ed..n.l..v!Slhol Jpr.l-.hesaa.e l)av ,d"5 l'fd. supposed to be another
to which our a.Utces via ilie Soutlietn pons tlack of iho .1ixieaii on ;ho U Sialtf
'ain down. 'Captain 'Collins report thai-.troops opposite Milamoras. pilot told him tit .l on the 27tli a com- ryHm ttlf c:,lvei,it News of the 8.1. insl
pany id M,xicand,aKoons eroded vv ,.tll t;M1). T,yr lflt .lxX U,Ut
attacked a portion ol (Jen. lavlora troops,'
an I captured 1 50 pr.aonrrs and two wsgu... l!"'r'' WiB ,,ot 1,10 (lu"0' ul
with smres I'his is probablv only a vcr- have rut In a wav to the cntrenchtuonis
sioi, ol the affair buiweui Ihe .Mexican '! : ;h rouh vaotly superior uf the en
Captain 'I'hi.rrtiui.'a iailo cumuiauU .-'.L,.y,who were known to be potted in large
1'. Advertiser.
Ffuni Point hahd. The Newport
New s pahlishe the lollowing . x racls Irom
letter from Point L.hcl, which relate
some new facts, and give encouragement to
hope that the small force ilice would be
able to maintain iuel!' iwuil ths arrival ol
reinforce men is.
Point Isahel. Tex is, ,?,.ril 27, 1-84G,
Mijor ujuroe has received oidcrs to utl.i
y express, to spire no exertions to make the
lefenee of this pUu'e co.nj.lete. Ve shall
Icfeud ,1 to the latt. We iiavo Id
ruass d pounders, two long IS d r, and two
.hips j;uns for ariilLry, all ol which are
nanned; Wo have a foice, ir tied to the
ceili, of iCO men.
With these we cou'd hold the post a-
jfaiitsl at least 1 400, with thu advantage
ve have over them, We have a iIf ci i; 1 u f
-imply of powder and balls, of all knul.H,.
provisions for at least i yoar, and water in '
jtihuridance - so that tlicy cannot starve u
nit, the only way fur them io do it, ti to
ike us by curprise or 6tonu' Give us
laylight for it, and we will yive them s
ordibl a leception as they could desire.
April 28 Lal night the IVrr boat
broke adrift from (he Mexican side, aid
d ialed over opposite the piquet guard. One
of thu Mexicans attempted in get lur, b.t
swimming to her thu Lieutenant who wa
oCicer of ihe guard lired on him, he then
returned, and goi a party of soldieis in a
boit to lake her, but the Lieutenant g ive
them such a does uf buck and ball, that thej
wtre glad to get back viih out: killed and a
number wounded. Thus yon seu the grad
ual approach of a genet al fight.
I'll A NT.
We take the following im,ortant net
fiom l!is Philadelphia Le-lger E-xtra 0!
Wednesday. It was Tclcgrajihed from
rashington to Balitmore, and Lrcught b
pecial express to Philadelphia
The news was received at New Orleans
fiy the steamship New York, and eent b
express to Mobile, when it tver'.ouk tin
The fame of the Ameaican Army signally
vindicated with an inferiority id forces su
ditiproportionate as to havo caused ihr
deepest anxiety for Gen, Taylor und his
ir-lljnf K'.iiiI 'I'll, !.iin mnil r .1
a ........ Uuu. . v; un.v h-K.u b
irliiriillll. n mAifi a I r! .1 in n ti -. 11 1 i'ift,ri'''l
.tie .oiling report .s iron, I,,,-, .ui-
ker, of the lexan Rangers, who hmi arrived
on the 5.h iusi , at 4 V M , from the en
tri'tichmenuj opposite Matiimoras. An tn
u'Hgemenl had taken place between the
6ruited Suites and Mexican forces. Gen
eral Taylor, on the evening of the Ud in
Muni, left the rniisuchmeiii with a detach
iiieul of Liiiied Stales troop, for the pur
pose of opening a comiiiunicriiou between
Point sabel and tho entreiiphrnents'
On the inuriiing of the 4ih instant, the
Mexicans, laking advantage of his ab-eru e,
i , i i
urneo oy me u.itteu Mates i run pa, and in
d.i.y minutes silenced the enemies b..ticr-.
le- reducing ihe city ,,f Junior. 10 ah
u uay orcaK openeo a Heavy sannon.nie ou,t,cleH u w.r, acd -h j I bo in u l rei-peci?
die enirenchmenis, wLicli was gallantly re-V xcet.1 a to cloihui and p .y, placed on
, . . . icer i k i.i private in
l)n lh irinri.inf, lOil.a r.t. .l.n .1 .1.....? '
"w 14 ii, Hi- doiii-iiiici i , tr . ii- i i. i .- ,
. ,, . imay thus "dcr himrell .hall ha entillei
amoi,gt ihe was trf niendoii.- np-l ,, , " ,
.....i.,ii.,,,L i . . 1 1 . ; wh'.n ca. led into acMul, la re
anls ol jUtO-iy 'lead on t,u lu ld nf bailie
and i!,e number of hones hft i M.tamnra jr,J,ive n'My " l,,'n ll'lA n lhe C
not aofneiens to iccoinnioda.e thu wuiide.l,ji'elol!,:','-J' of 8 "',M 1 "iinii'.i.'ii J cfli
AccoiiiHb snys that the lui.'.ber of Mex:- l Cr "r l',,v''''' ;,"! 1)1 )
cans in and about-Matamoras va eatim.iied
al 1 0.OOfc men, and ruiilurteuiU daily
(Jen Taylor was to pjve ),int I.ilnlon
he G.h in?...' h i ll a ih'iadiuif.iii of troojis.
iI'Mcruiined to opm comxunicatiou between
, Point Label and the anny opposite Mna
moras, which has for some day been CU!
work; were so well eon.uucied that the
. .. ,
Mexican hoi could not injufe ihtni.
In the battle, MAJOR KINCCOLD, ol
the Artillery, COMMANDED THE A
IftJEltlCAN CA.1P, oppoute
' 11
linring i'ic engagement,
0,i the morning of the U h, previous to
dcpitur jf ilie iNa York, a heay canou-
forces among the almoat impusHabls thicket
of the elupp.irals on the road, with deter
mination to cut ti I .n oil. The number ol
.Mexican is tatimaiud at from Ij.UUO to 20,
li seems rsaionab'H to suppose that a de
cisive and glorious battle was fought yester
day, ami we wail will, patnlul anxiety to
hear the result.
AN ?C'P providing for the prosecution
ol cxistioj; war between ih Hoi
ted Stjloa and the Jipubln: of Mexi
co. Wherean, by ths act of lh ii'puhl.c
jfMjxirc. war ex'cts bdwtcn ilia1
overninonl and the U. S
Bi it enacted by the Senate aridllousc
of rtepre.xeutatives of ilia Uni-ed S. its
if America in C'onres,; assemlieil,Tli-it
or lb'! p'i' po"e of en . bl i n 4 . Lc C jwrn
'Tittiit of the Uui'ed S-uIhs to jiro-ciu'i
'.ii wir to a npee-ly and su:ei-id'ul tcr
11 i 11 a 1 i mi, the Piesideul ht, and he -nereby,
au' he: iz ul to empljy tii tn7i-
m, naval, and m.Ii:a'y f orces ol the U
oittd Slats,", and I ) c;!l for and accept
'he services -of any tsuiuVr ol 'voluul,i r'
not txcecdini; fifty thonnn.l, who n.-n
off.-r their s(ivic?, fillier as c.valiy.
iiiillcry, or iifleui -n, 10 lVO twelv,
noiiltis n!t-T they shall have jiiiiv-.l al
he 1 1 1 .' c f of lend' zimu, or to tin end
iflliflWiC, lilil.'rii SlnaoOr lliioliarrtd.
.eroiilirjr to ilie tuii'' I-.).' V.'liicl) ll-CJ
hall have been iiiiis en-il into s-rv't!'.
mil th it the iu;;i o! ten nillioin of il- l
.i'i out ol any u:otiey 111 the Tn . iiij
r to come in'o t'.ie Tieauty, oi-t . . 1 1 , 1-
wise appi oprta'co. ne, aiot na1 t-'jtTio 1
hereby, ip;jropi i.iteu, I n tliu u punc n'
.!anyit!g the provisions of .tin act int-eir.-cl.
Sex. fi. ''.id bo i;'n-r ciijcuuI
T113I the miliiia, wh'-o c ill"! in'o scr
vice of the United S jie by v i r t u o
this ad, or any 0M0 r id. m-'y, if m th-
ipiriion of ihe I'l ei-ident of lliH Uni.e-.'
Staler the p;;blic in. t ii t iiqinre i1, h'
coni.'jclli d to yeivo for a leim noti'X
... ......
cecii i ti g mx nion. iir, al i er ineir au iva
I 1 e .
1,1 u,L. ij.jce ol rend, v'ou-i, in cue vt-ai,
0()((Cr ,:,cldl ,.,
Si:c. . and ho it Luther etnet'd.
Thai the said voliii'.lters :diiil fuiui.'l
their ftwii clothes, an I, if cavalry, tiieii
own horses, and hcro rr; lip.'iients; and
when in'jsurtd ii;to n.-ivic1, din 1 1 h.
armed at the expense of tha Uuite.:
St;. 4. And he ti further coneled
l' said vohioicer.s slid! when Ciller
into ac'ual service, and while remaininc
herein he solj-ct lo '),?. rill-.'. anJ ar
. . .......
,,e Sjrne ,)(,tiii with - i.'.iitar coips t,:
;ie Unilt-i! Siiiies armj ; aiitl, in 1 cu o
eUlthin, ,.Very ((Jil Climn,L.,inncd olli
, - .
any tvmp.iny whr
he p'ijlir troops of Ihe 'J.ii.t I oi .tt-
St::: 5. .o l be i: fuiiher i-a-iCnl
Twit tie fi.d vo!o:;un ofi'.-iin iheii
ervicts hail be accp't'd by lh Piesi
dent in cii:h; mits, baP.jlliji: srntiJiari
ml re rn e til s. whose officcn slull be
appointed in the nianrirr pieshribej by
law in the sc voralSi ates and Territories
lo which such companies, baltillion,
i Kiudiot),ieginienis shall respeclfully
oeloog. 1
Skc. fi. And be it further enarted,
Thai ihe 1'iesident of Ihe United S'ater
)e, and he is hereby, authorized lo or-
ionize, companies so lenderi.ig iheir ser
vices into battalions or squadrons; bai
l ilimis and sqijidi ons iiit j regiineuts;
egitnents into fcrifides, and brigiileii
nlo divinionc, as toon as the nii'iiUr ol
volu me ers t-liall reixlcr Mich organizi
ion, in his judgmen', expedient, snd
he lf-!dent -hall, if necessary, sppor
ion the stifT, field, mi l general ollicers
ininng tho respective S ale anil 'IViriio-
ies from which the volnnlers shall len
der their 8 rvice?, as he m iy deem proji-
Skc. 7. And hi it further enacted,
That theVolunieeis who may h receiv
"d into the service of ihuUuitedS ales by
virluR of ill provieion of mis .m', and
ivhrt shall lin wounded or olhprwi
disabled io the service, shall be entitled
io all ihe benefit which may h conf-rr
d on pornois v'-)iin-i3.l in lha seivice
if the United Slates.
Skc. 8. And be it furihr enicted,
That Ihe Presioent of the Unicl Siaie
hp, and ho is hereby, aiiilioriz'd
forthwith tn complete all Ihs public
irmed vesseU now auihcrizl by lawj
ind to purchase rr charier, arm, fquip
and man such merchant vessels and
steamboats as, upon e x.imina'iop,my h
found fi', or easily eon verted into srm"(!
itihlic vess i, and i'i such number
is he miy deeni neef'sry fur ih pfo'ec
ijons nf thp seshoard, .iipiH' he
enpnl defe i"i of the P'ninirv.
Sec. 0. ,7 be it fuii'iT enacted .
That, whenever the militia or v . I : J H f r -ire'ed and n cei vrd Into lhf fl.'rvVi-
of the Iloiled .StaifM, tinder iiio tovis
iona nf this act, they s'ia'l Invp the nrgi
nizition of thn army of the UnitedSi i'p.
ind sImII Invft ihe sinic piy an.) :.i!nw
incci-; and all moii'iie.! privates nui
'omnii-iioiird olfi.'eri. sh ill hi all iw.'d
11 cents pf-r day for ihe me and iM; of
oorscs adtnlly kl'led in adion; r.n I if
my mounted vo'tinleer, non rnrr.riii.ion
-il rfo'er, mu'sici'in rr private, 1 1 5 1 no'
keep hint-elf provided wMi a scrvicen
;de horse, slid volunteer tl'all acn e on
I'd fit.
Pitlv.VTKi. --The nnf ivnrihl-i slilp ol
tir reli'ions will) Mx cc, nvtirallv
i, -lisps the inquiry among ship nwers and
nnilprwr-lcr", how they arc iah!' lc
nfT.-'r from M-xinn privaieers io c-ise
icliiil war .slncld eni)f. It may stif ly
he assti ri?d thil in the ruppo-ed
he iriocipd M'X'cii coihl cnn-hn'ly
watched by cm t . Elides, .laxico
in few HfamPti and fewer liol
.( has hecr, said thai r warms' ti piiv.i
'ecrs wo'jld iS'jj fioi.i IJiVann'", nndi-i
Mexican license, lo j.rey up in otn com-
ii i i- i ,
mcrrp. i he f io v : n t; enrre-p iniienrc
will siiow Sp finish siil'j-its ( ngi. rd
in such s business, will he liable lo h-
tfa'e I as piniteijoih by ih'ir own gov
rnme it and fits
N::v,- Yen;::. 13th M..y, 1 1 lo.
J, E. Coliiii.-.Jvq S'.i Ala riuel-
rf tin' J ode vvi iii-is this n-.or nin 1
iv as d ivcted lo usl; of y ;n Ilie pn'jlica
ion of ihe Iciiti received by vuj iivr.i
In Hon. Jio.cs xVuch'np, coiniiU'nica
inj; ;ha fii!i.s!.i nee of IheTrcal hclwi Pi
the Uniit d Sutes and ipain, in re
hi'inn to
I'nvaieers and Letters ol
I am very rtspt cifiiily,) our?
S. Bald '.v i , Se c r 1 1 a r y '
WAsrn.vm'oj:, .i'ptil il, 1'JdCJ-
My Uesr Sir: In const (.pence of ow
onveisalion a lew minutes s. nee, Iihinl.
'I proper In inform you, wit limit del.;1,
hat oi'r TiPi-iy With Sji.iin c-f ihe -0 I
October, ITiir. contains i!:e f-jToiVinji
iriicl-', tt'll i'j f..rcc.
Ar', Id- No iuhjet t of his Cilhal i
.l.j'sty sha'l ajjply fur or tahe any com
nis.sion of lulters ol Marque, lor ai u,inf
any ship 'o act as privateers aiinM tin
IJniteil State?, or aainsl lha ci'izns.
jieoj.le or ol'ai y of ilit in,
'iooi any princ. or Statu with which
he U S. tliall hu it war.
Nor 6hall any cii;:::n, .subject, or ii
habiiant, (if ll;:- raid L'ni'rd Slates, apply
I ui' or lal.e, any Cvimirii.--ion, ir lottt-ih
if pi itc'ie, fur rrnin anv lii or ship
to ad as privali-eis iiifaiiibl ihu Hihi. rt-
oi iiu c.iiiioin! ,i?y ty, or tho tiroperiv !, I
iilaiy (1 then-, Irom any men m I
Statu wiltt nbi-cb jai l Km,jmr or ...cichaut, H mi ruzrrv a C
hall be al war. And if any person of naiion shall take such commissions
or letters of tnarqiK , he shall he punish
ed as a pirate'
Youi' very ieppclf'jlly,
James El'ciia.van.
Kdwaho K. Collins, K t.
Gkjt. Taylop. n ollicer in the ar
ny gives the following description o
.Jen. 'I ay lor.
On ihe 7 h, a l'ri,iid of mine veiled
lien. Taylor in '.he Cam;) al I'oint Kihe
vhrie he had established Ins depot I n
nores in (he army. On landing, the
cent presented w as q iitu a wild one,
ind reminded one of the account w
have received of an A'ah ti,c oijriienl.
There weie three or fojr dnonis i
the ran p,wit!i their ho s s j ck' d ahc.ul
ijeiiidi-s an nu.r.lj -r of wnon
iiiiiles aud oxen. O i stepping ashon ,
an ollicer conducted my I'm nd lo the
Ceil' rd's lent. Il w is int o luced to a
very plain sin'ihi y dressed oi l getiile if taihcr soi-.l!,.e, about six1)
years of age, and who looked, by hie
hardy a.p a ance, as if ttf had Let I!
cam pin out all his life.
This was the Cunim wider in chid ol
Ihe my ol O. cjpa'.on. IIo hai been
08 vears in servue uo the frontiers o!
nir country. () i? of his olF; a M.'in .fk
"'I, that 'old as lis is, he h-ais the L
lignes and pnvaiions of the eimpiii"
hettf r than any one under him. II i
was afJihL, d inifu'd, and in escellfn'j
pints. ILs lent was no larT anil n j
tiptter than those of .he o'hir cfiicers.
snd his table was his camp chest. in
which he carried hi cooking u itensil".
5iC. His plates were tin pans, and hi--ops
no .i 1 1 c? f r J , of con's".) tin pmni
kin. 7M!ia!l supply r f brown stigu
was kept in a tin c masier, snd not s
oif ce of crock?' V was lo he seit. .7
iiar.y of six wa.T thus enieitiined ii
homely sty le, and they all sfen.fd lo
"npy it ahtiod inl ly. The 17 1 , i t e i i S ' ,i r -force!
at the lim- ronsi.ti-d of a'ni.'
.j.'JOO mn. Onrfl. I am told,
never IljiuleJ Sju h of lt:o Niu2"s lie
fore AFFAIRS IS Cai'.'OIlN'K.
Th,1 followir.g inturestior; letter of a vcr
hit.! d ile from Montcrtc, iliforni i, has
hen receiv. d y ihe ,NVw t.'rli'ar.a Pica-
v. oi!, it is sta'.eu tn lirt l.-oiii a mo-i
-jM'C'.iib.e soiit'ce, ana oocrii-es Uih coinli
'ion of .hins in that country since the
jipoplo of California revolution!,;: d the -
rnmcrit and cca. ?.;:e'it!i -rtiu h.icl; to
.Mi .vi'i::;t;v, V'.,!ir,irii',a, Mi(h o, IciKi.
i'i. li;! I :-ti.i.i.c i i.r iit id ci;' -
resp indents d;s not e.;U mi as far Hi st
this coif try, hat i,c in n!l your pipers y.m
live i! nne infiTinatioii ic;-j;i cliiijj one I),.-
on-in, jut or fib
;e Mex,
von may acci -;l Min.e f,om this tntif h-ia!l.-
c'i-i,i ci'iimry. cuuee iro; i iinous I'aiiii; nl
Cjiianya, I'th. -J 0 .'i in.d !.,t, .S!o he-
t'vecit SU'J Mexicans a:id ('jhf.irni ms
hen mx unlcrtu talc hordes lost ihei;
hves I'l'Oil c.-.i,iHiti halls, the country
('(-n will. out v.-.irai. The Califori'iato; i. r
;i:i' lilly wai'.in for the lor t'-cx jiccied Ce:i.
' ..i.i ,i i .
i in sou ,11.0 li.e inoiisHliil irnu-is W!).l :,:,ie
vc:i Ir iiii', or r.iil.i-r cl ;in, i AimjmIci
;!ie last ; ear. S. i'cral vi .-.-els !ne beet
it ion 1 1 r cioi.e inoiilhs in lhal port, read
to ll.e i'li l..n;,l the soldics, and only watt
Mi'.' lor otie i.i',! It: w hu h is u-ioTali u ,ii,'-
ed in Mex.e.ii.'. ir;, In r r i b mi'-tM not
Aithkiriiidin. Si. oi, Id (Jen. Viustro i,i
rive hcic wtiii iiS f or a proportion i t' oiiz-.'
is soldiers, he i-m, ba k i'Icoiui d, an. I
uelcnii.e iry coutinuc, ifoy s.'im: eharo.
ihe Su prime Cov, rnmeni contiiino his
supplies, otherwise I e will follow (Jeuer-
Is Victoria, Dclicandia Chico, Guinea z
Hid Micl,e!irenj, who, fio:n s-umi! rcaioi
irnther, which Mexico r.evcr irqui.-ei!
nuih into, have iuvaiiiihly found llitir cat
ck io San H as or .1.;:ai!an with t;;.,
iroops. w'ui, out a;,y expense to ihitse v.'hc
-cut ihiiii to Monterey, During ihe com
mand oi Gen Mi. iielton ei, l e did al
hu i -as capable of m enncil'a: the Cdilor
niaiif, ami often endeavor. I to prevent Ihcii
'fji.-ij the expr. ti.oi.Mt xictiii anil Calif., r
dans, 'ArJ iv;.' riot one iire we not u!
Mexican-?' In; would ob.tcrvf, but it would
not do. His ;;d), mid ilnuu of hia officer...
in general, found lhcius(.'!"uj t'lrmtt out id
he society of the couniry, loci; pa-seme
ml beii g very uci eptaiiie and in fire the
.laitie, some tf ih..a h nl ipoi Caldornia i.,
Il-ail('t. -So It va3, and so il ill LUtilllilit.
I'he.-y ii bl one way lor a Mexican lo be
ii.te proiit.i'.ne or aplfSantly bellied in ihi
Uenai imenl. be ho L'eiier.d or sohiicr
foruian girl and ho will fin'.! bundieda -i
pretty ones ho must h.'coi.w head and
heart aCahfornia.o; hu Ltiu r tei'.iin ivhcm -he
The sons of John I5n!l or his ti'uisailau-
tie grandsons, tiny emigrate lo the Ian.,
of promise, and find a home herp, bet inn
always tan a Mexican do so. In fad. Cal
ifornia H a trouble, an ( x.-fiise and an e
"ire lo the inoihsr coiin rs, and d the loss,
of Texas Icm Worn nil' her pride y
-oip w ill sell il ms mioii us possible. (icn.
l icheltiiniea and odn-r jjein rals who have
Minmandcd here have spoken of ll as tho
in .y remedy f r jieai.e and quietness. Nul
i real from the Custom lloimc in Monterey
vcr rPachts lh tt geneial trea.-nry, and. an
order from il.e President 1. 1 iiiu 1 1 on this
Ciiriiom House for $1001) Would not ba
paid, nor could the owners sell it fur a son.
I'lieru was one cae where an o Hirer H as
ordered to Moncteny from San Cias, and
received i.n order on the tie.isiny ol Califor
nia for some ihuiHand dollars, beinr his
kick pay lor some tinie, a or more.
II-i oirrcc it in Monterey f ir $101) no oiiu
'Vould purchase, lie in time married into
me of the best families in C .Id'orni. , and
iooii alifr collected lha whole aoiinml of
past and present py and the dial'i in lull,
and now is a much esteemed cii.z.n of Cm
otintry an'i in t.llice.
Piotn Diego io Ii nlcnu t ' . o cntintry
IS IjSl fl iilig Up. Al.lln iilC bit i Hi l no , licw
inveiiiions are iinpoi lid, vreseis are buiid
mj,' and in a lew years the Pm.-di .: purl v(
Mexico can ba supplied vu:u Caliloriiian
schoooets and brt'-i. M iico has n p rts
on the Pacilij that can via vv iJi di,iu of
California ui natural ad.aut;-g .s, her only
Pacilio wharf is in Munierey. 'I'lm I'iul,j
Jr. tos duplet has no iv a lare population
many ol us citiz.ii.s becoiiniii,' wealthy
irom their ruachui and vineyards. At this
place cm be found excellent wn.o and -.
gtturdiatle. and the best jjrapis in tho
world, y.nre lilicei) or t'.venty f;irn.ii;es
nd can h.! so ,'fi mi a mi al a time.
it' ,i. ..ii i i auvaiiLiys, tin) coiin
iry could h,' Mid further ad .need if Mex.
i. :o would scud hiil.rr -i'j'J ij.iud .-oldurs,
u it va.' i'.'ouds, -jl.t. ,' 1,,; under the co n
oi ind of the nativ, s, an I .Mill, nit ful t:nd
t'.c.n ll)i),n()rj a j eur. I'his m t'tod
vouid s.ioii create amicable I'celuia tvt4iil.-i
tlic Siiprciin) (i.ivi-rnmai.t, und iiothinir t s.j
viil. Y.iiira ,
Slate mat the n.'iifjj'ui,
th: '.'(ar IS J 3
Furi'rx'i dad
iWi.'ini. Cirn'.
A ii e. 0 an d'30
Mc.vicoi i
Uita'h Cli
C'uimii ;;j
4 otiiiii j:.
'J lo.-i
; ',
i j
8 So
f ,1-e i rv a s
i :.gtj
i h.' ii 'J!:,'; r
of '.onna'e In the ;.h
vc.-, !s id w ar. ()i
ir-' cx-.dtirive id'
SS vi-.mIj ciii.,
and aa.,ii, ",
thu.-; 'S.i slops, 17
! in.- rated. .1 w erf
u;:i(t -ii-
Hi -i y
ii t -,i ii-, ,,
r:"s, i i,; 10 i. hoo.u-r,..
A!;h nigh cotiy to il.e I f ;,-:;;,.,
the (1 n-crrinr and gci,er..i.s of Cal.vnit.i -.
loie the iilejiri:ih-iice vi Mc.'.'i.-,,, mid i( ; .
' ia .-H'Cc ih i. lii-ri'in'. I.t . ti
periuii, idlom-d tl,
.m.nur :r I
I'', 1 OKI in , ,r,.,, 0 S.,n Fi-:,-
''""'" "' M f'-n t-:) VI.-..CU w!,nh have p;.i
I'.i'.r du'y .'.I ,M,,t, rev.
Clittjx-.nhnn.f Dui'u.i rrcdvrd in Ihu
Cu! mi JIhuc of CuH.rniu in JJmU-
rr;. in mi.
l'-u:ii Mexican vts I.u, co
fro ii S.n l'.:.,s ,i,. Mavii l ;n $Z.Qi Oj
iV..;;i A.nerica'i v.:.-,i ,, t,a
Cute iS;,i, S..J..,,.;, 1
la. .(IS
Of,r.'2!5 0')
I'os.-ir.ri i'l-sl
ai;J u;;c lla.vj
:),?:,:) y
duxiuut i f !)rics from Fort in mi I tl.
iiomd '.'..hy, r'ctio-: I in Ihe t'mtu.n
House f CtiUfjrnu, L. Mj::!c?r.y f,Ullt
is'js tj j'ji:.-
tfSo GI3 0;l
72,308 C'j
101,15.) ti,
7 3, 7-: 3 (ij
5'J.ono uo
1 J S J 'J ()
1 8 Id
1 3 1',
Aver;!. per ye-.r f,o-7 years 65 fjs;, o;,
Geneial Mnile Michehornea.on h- .; ,
the city of M, si,.,, w i.(i t-,e ,ri)1,.)s rur
dumii, as proaii-d by President Sn.t.j
Anna, in aid,, ion to the icicipts of dulin.
in Monterey. 88.000 per month to sunnur;
'us army. During ,i eouimuiKl. in isij,
l 13 and 19 11, he issued nn ...
mm Ibusa of M'm for auoal ?l..t,00i