f KSsS I have awiim upon the Alter of (Jod, eferual huairtttjr to every furiu of Tyranny over the tlllud of MUu." Thomni Jelhtrion Iff. WEB 15, EDITOR AND PKOPRIETOIJ. Volume A. IILOOHSIU COLIDIIHA COL XT V, PA. SATURDAY, MAY 23, I84C,. .'Vihii Ihy' ,1, 'J . !" OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT, orpj.irs tit. 1'aul's Cimikch, Main-st T3PwlL3 I Th COf.UMlllA DEMOCRAT will be pvhIUhul every Saturday morning, at Tin) 1) OLl.AllS Vrr annum payable lini ifarltj in advance, or wo Dollars , , , . ,, Eiftlj CeJs,ifnot paid udthin the year.iooat clUzen na,urally '""P" 'So subscription wilt be taken for a short er """" Wl1'' lhe qu"tion ef boundary period than nir months; nor any diseon - tinnance perinitted,until all arrearages are discharstd. JiDVEHTISEMESS hnCexceeding a square will be conspicuously inserted at One hilar lor the first three insertion uiid Twenty-five cents for every sitbse qitent nscrtion. lO liberal discour, made to those who 0'lvcrtisc by the year LMTTEUS addressed on busines,musl be post paid. WAI? WITH JIJOXSCO. PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. To the Senate and House of Representa tives: The exisiing stale of the relations be twern the United Slates and Mexico, rer. dors it proper that I should brhg the sub jei't to the consideration of Cong'ess, In my message at the commencement of your jirescnl session, the state of these; relntinns the cansps which led lo the suspension ! diplomatic intercourse between lh twt countries in Marrh, 1815. and the long continued and unredressed winngs and in juries committed by lhe Mexican govern ment on citizens of the United Slates in their persons and property, wtte briefly set forth. As the f ids and opinions which were then laid before you were carefully consid ered. I cannot belief express niv presen i-on fictions of the condition ofaflYirs up d tint tiin", than by referring you lo tha' cooi mnnieatiop. The strong desirp to estab'i') poac with Mexico, on liVnl and lionorabl terms, an I the rMtlin"? of this govern men in regulate and adjust our bonndary an. other ruMC of difference with thai povvr" en fiwli fair and eq'i'.ah!fi principle would lead in pprmaue.it relations r.f lh in. t friendly nature,' induced me in Sep tetni.cr last to seek tha re-opening ofdipln malic relations Set ween the ti'o countries. I'very measure ndopi' d on our part hto for its olj"ct the furiheianee of these desire' results. In communicating o Congress n Fiiccincl statement of the injuries which we had suffered front Mexico, and which had been accumulating during a period of more than twenty years, every expression that could lend to inflame the people ol Mexico, or defeat or delay a parifi.' reul'. was carefully avoided. An envoy of the United Slates repaired to Mexico with full powers lo adjust every existing difl'crence. Hot though present on the Mexican soil; In agreement between the two governments invested with full powers and bearing evi dence of the most friendly depositions, his mission has been unavailing. The Mexi can governirient not only refused lo receive him, or listen lo his propositions, but. after a long-continued series of menaces. have at last invaded our territory and shed the blood of our fellow-citizens on our oat soil. It now becomes my duty to state more ii detail the origin, progress and failure ol that mission. In pursuance of lhe instruc tions given in September last, an inquiry was made on the Hth o( October, 1815, n the most friendly terms, through our Con sul in Mexico, of the Minister of Forcigi AfiYirs, whether the Mexican Governnen would receive an Envoy from the Unite)' Stales, intrusted wilh full powers to adjust sill the questions in dispute between the two governments,' il the assurance that 'should the answer he in the iiffirmat'.ve, such no Envoy aouhl be immediately dcspatt:lied.ast lo receive and accredit an American to Mexuo.' The Mexican Miniver, on'fnvcy, violaiej their plighted lai'.h, and re- tliP 1 3ih t.f October, gme an fcffiruiaiivs a:i- swer to litis it.nniry. requesting, l the ame lime, that our naval force al Vein Cruz mi"!it he will. drawn, Usl its continued i rt scnt-e n.iL'hl assume the nopjaranco f.f nun. and coercion pending the negolia- .... Ti.,i foree was iminadiitely with- n On the Kith cf November, 1813. Mr. Jt-I.it Mil-1' I. '-f Lvuivar,a, vas com missioned by me as Envoy Exlraortinsry and Minister 1'lrnipotentUry of llie United Stales lo Mexico, and was intrusted with full powers to adjust both the questions of the Texas boundary and indemnification to our cilizen(I. The reJre88 ol 9 wroMs .The settlement of llie one question, in a correct view of the suljecl, involves that of the other. 1 could not, for a women', en loriain thu idea that the claims of our much injured and long suffering citizens, many of which had existed for more than twenty years, should he postponed, or sepaiateo from lhe settlement of tho boundary ques ion. Mr. Slidell arrived at Vera Cruz on the 30ih of November, and couiteonsly received by the authorities of that city. 13 u t the government of Gen. Ilsrrsra was then tot. tering to its fall. The revolutionary party had seized upon Texas question lo effect ir hasten its oveilhrow. Its determination to restore friendly relations with the United .Slates, and to receive our minister, to ne gotiate for lite settlement ol tins question was violently assailed, and " undo the great theme of denunciation ugiinsi u. The government of Gen, Heirert, ihern is good eason to believe, was siucer -iy desirous to reccre our miri'ster; but it jiel.l-'d to the storm raised by its enemies, a:.. I on th 2 1 9 1 of December refused to accredit Mr Slidell 11,1011 tin! moil frivolous pr texts These arc so lully and ably exposed i i tin not- of Mi. Sii.'e I of iha2t.li ( iWi'in Vi liillu thu Mexican Minister of i'.iiti::ii K--atious, hcrewi.li iransmiiied, i!i-.i 1 dct o: t unnecessary to enter into firthcr .l,:tio on ihis portion of lhe suljecl. five days aficr the daiee of M. S'i le'.'i's lote, Geo. Ileruri yielded lhe govt rumen1 lo G.'ri. I'aredss without a siruuj'e, oiJ on he 33ih of December resigned the f'rrs! Icncy 'J'his levnlutio.i was ae.-oui, ilifc, oiiidy by the army, ths people h .n-.j uken nit lull pari in lhe contest; and tlmi the uprcrnB power in Mexico passeo u.io die lan.U of a military lector. tic ei 'imti'il to li'Hie no t Ifirt nntrifi) to (feci an amiivhle ailjustintnt wi h ,'Jexii i I directed Mr. Slidell lo present it eindeu oals lo the government of (Jen. Pneu . u Hrtk 1 1 he ofl' irially received by hi it. '('here would have been less ground for taking this step hd Gen. Paretics como into power by i regular ertiisiiiuiional succession. In thai fvent his administration would have been eonsidered but a mere consiimtioual contiif nance o( tho government of Gen, Iitirera, ird 1'ie refusal of the latter lo teceivp, unless oi inuttiatioa h id been given by Gtu l'.,- redes ui his desire to icverta lhe dteisiou ol Ins predecessor. Bui lhe government of General Predes owes its existence to a military revolution !y whieh the subsisting t onstiiuiiniial au thorities had been subvtned. The form of government was entirely changed, r a ell as all lhe high functionaries by whom it vi ;h administered. United ihese circumstances, Mr. Slidell, in obedience to my direction, addirssed a nole to lhe Mexican Minister of Foreign delations, under dale of lhe 1st of MmcIi last, asking l be received by thai govern ment in lhe diplomatic, character to which 'in oad been appointed. This iniowter, in us reply, under date of the 12. h of Mart.li, reiierdtcd the srgumenis ol his ptederrssor uid in terms that may be cotisiden d as giv ing just grounds &f offence to the govern ment and people of the United States, de nied the application of Mr. Slidtll. Noth ing therefore, remained for our envoy but to demand his passports and rmorn to his own country. Thus the government of Mexico, though solemnly pledged by official acts in October fused tho offtr ol a pedceful adjustment ol our thfUculties. Not only was the oiler re- j,r((d, but lhe indignity of its njection was enhanced by the manifest breach of faiih in rcfusit g to admit lhe envoy, who carno be cause U.cy had bound themselves to receive hint. Nor can it be said ihaithe offer was fmitltss from '.he want of opportunity of dis duRsing it; our envoy was present on thcit. own soil. Nor can it be Bscribed lo a want of sufficient powers: our envoy had full pow ers lo adjust every question of difference Nor was Ihere room for complaint that urn prepositions for settlement were unreasona hie, permission was not even given our en voy lo mak any proposition whatever. No, ca:' it be objected thai we, on our parl.would not listen lo airy'reasonable terms of thcii suggtstion, the Mexican government refus i a all negotiation, and havo mad a no propo sition of any kind. In my message at lhe commencement ol the present session, 1 informed you thai upon the earnest appeal both of the Con gress and convention of Texas, I had or ler. ml an sflicienl military force to lake a posi lion 'between the Nueces and the Del Norte.' This had become necessary to meet a threatened invasion of Texas by the .)cxican forces, fur which extensive mi'ita- ry preparations had bsen made. I'titiuva sinn was threatened solely because Texas naJ determined, in accordance will) a oletnn resolution of lhe United States In oinex heis-if (o our Union, and, nnilei these circumstances, it was plainly our du ty lo cx:end oui protection over her cliizsns .ind soil. Tins force was concentrated al Cor ,itn Ciiitsti, and remained Ihere until af ter I had received such inlormawon from W' xico as rendered it proh.ible, if no: ei lain, that the Mexican govtrnmcnl v.nil I lefus.' to teccive our envoy. M ,i; huh, T. x i, hy the fiodl actiot ;l uti i Cou HP's, hail become an integral i r. 1 1 our Union. The Congress ol l' x.i hy its acl ot Deeemb-r 19 1 83G ad d dared Ihfl Rio Del Norte to bt us hiiuodary of lhat ifpubiic. lis jo . ndicnun had l.:en exifoded and exer '.'d beyond t'm Neuces. 'I h" noun iy lituveen tll'llliyt l and the DdNorit i a. I l.t i'ii repr-'-ei.tt'd in coovt ni on o I ' xa, hid I. us tiikeo a jnrl in I'm "C i I XatiuO li.Si.'ll fillil 11 ll.'iv iittu j'd inMiimi one of our Congressional clis t'ct. Our own cong'es'i had, tuoieo .it, '.villi gre.il iiiiinmtiy, by Iheaci ai roved December 3Ht, rec'niztid the ; oiotiy beyond llie Nurccs as a part ol "it t iritoiy hy inclu(liij,r it wiilnn on i vv 1 1 I'bvcnui; system; and a revenue t.fii :cr, to reside within that tlisliicl, ha. been appoinled by and with lhe adyio of the Senate. It became, iheroforp, ( urgenl necessity to jnovitle for 1 1 e tic ence oi lhat poilion of our counli y. A :ording!y. on the Ihirleenth ')f nuar) iit-liu.,!ioris vveip issued lo lhe gnerai n command i f ihese Iroopa lo occop the lelt bank ol the D l Norte. This river which is the Soul'me em boundary of lhe Stale of Texas is in exposed frontier. From this qijarie nvas'ion was threatened ; upon it and ii its immediate vicinity, in the j i lse men! of high miliuty expi ici-ce, an he proper siations for ll.e pro'eclirg forces of the government. In addition to his important consideration, fevrr.il others occui red lo induce this movemen'. Among i tie k are tha facilities cllordcd ny the port al UraZ'is Sinn.tiio hiii! the mou'h of lhe D I Nortft for the .ecep ion of supplies by pes, the s'rong ami nitiri? hcalihv mi!it".iy poj-iiious, tin con veuiecc.0 for oh'aiiiiog a ready ami i more ar.tMidant stippiy of provision, .vau r, f.j I and forage, and the ndvanla 4' - which are efforded by the Del Norlf in forwarding supplies to such posts as nav be esubiishetl in the interior and iijion ihe Indian frontier. The movement of the troops to Ihe Del Norte was made by lhe command jng Geiieis', under positive itisti uclions o abstain from all aggresfivo set low tnls Mexico, or Mexican citizsns, am) o rigird the relations between lhat re public ami lhe United States as peace ful, unless she i-hodd derla'a war, or commit nets ol hostility indicative of b stale of war. He waj specially directed to proiecl private propel iy and refpcci personal i igh'.f. The army moved from CorpusChrml'i on ine inn oi .uiicii, imki on ins xoiu .1.- .1.1. t U.-.l 1 .1 rtrt.L I if that month arrived on the left bank if ihe Del Norte, opposite loMitsmoras vhere it encamped on a commanding po sition, which has since been strengthen d by Ihe erection of field work.r7depot oai also been established at Point Iiabe near the Hi z is Satiii ijfj'o, thirty miles in rear of the encampment. Tho s Ice tin el his position ws otcesariiy cjn fided to the judgment of the general in command. The Mexican forces st Mslamoras as sumod a belligerent aliinidp, and on ihe 12th of ,?pril, General ,?.npudia then in commsnd, notified Gen. Taylor to break up his camp within twenty fur hours, tnd to retire beyond Ihe AVuces rivei md in the event of his failure to com ,)ly with these demands, onuounced thai irms, and aims alone, must decide the question. 13 a 1 no open ci of hostility vit committed until Ihe 24th ci April. On that day, Gon. Arista, who had suc ceeded to ihe command of Ihe Mexican forces communicated lo Gen. Taylor hat 'ho coosideied hostilities had com- menctd and should prosecule them.' A parly of dragoons of sixty three mcr. and (fficets were on the same day des patched from the American camp up the Ilto delNuppjon its left ban U ,to asccrla n whether the Mexican troops had cros d, or were preparing to cros lhe riv- r, 'became engaged wilh a large body of these troop, and afur s shod affair, m which some sixteen were lulled and wounded, appeared lo have been sui utindeti and compilh'd to stirrcndert' The grievous wrongs perpeira'ed b Mexico upon o,ir citiZ-ns Ihiouiiout - out g period u' year', icinaio Uillldless .1 . ; sod stileoni ir-aliis, p!eii,',iig hci jhlic jith for (Ins rediess; liave beei. Iisregarded. A govtromen', eilhci inab'e or unwilmg to enforce the exp iation of such trealiss, fails lo peiforn me of its plainest duties. O.ir cotnmerce wilh Mexict ha? been i ,iK,l annihilated. It was furmeth iiglily boneficial to boll) nation : bu iur merchants have been detet ed fton. iiioescutii'g it by the system of oolragi lid exioriiori which (he M xicm at) 'hori'ies hvp p'trstied sgainst ihem, whilst their appeals through (heir own iovernmrnt foe iinl-mnity hav; beei made in vain, Our forbearance hs a,one to such an extreni as to be mista ken in its chsnctfr. II id we scter -vil'i vigor in repelling the insult" stir e.liessmg the injuries inflicted hy.tex co at the commencement, we shoulu InubtVss havo escaped c!l the dilficil its in which we are now involved. Initead of this however, we havt lien exerting our best e (forts to pn-piii- tte her good will. Upnn the preiex' hat Texa, a nation ss indepertdent fl letself. tliiiogh ptopor to unite i's dfsii oies with our own, she was affrctr-d to oelieve that we have s vered her light ful territory ,ind in offi :ial procltma'ioos manifestos, hns repeaiedly thtaien ea lo mk war upon u for Ihe pur pose of reconquei ing Texa". lo the tnean timr, we have tued eveiy Iiom at reconciliation. Toe cup of f.obear nice had been exhausted, even h. fore the recent information from the frontier of Ihe Del Norte. 1' f now, al' "f teil eraled menaces, Met -o tug passed the houndsiy of the i'tni .1 Stutps. ,.s inva ded our terrivoiy, and she. I .Jneiicat blood upon ..meii'xn soil. She h' (iroclaimed that hoslihtief have com menced, and that the two nations an now t war. As wsr exists, and notwithstanding all our efforts to avoid it, exists by Ihe act of Mexico herself, we are called upon by every consideration of duty ami p triotitm, to vindicate, witk decision, the honor, llie rights, anil Ihe interest of our counliy. .I., i .,-i:-- L. ri 'i-... e .jiiih.iiuo uie pus.iiuiiiiy oi a crisis like lhat which has arrived, instructions were given in August las', 'as a precau tionary measure,' against invasion. o threatened invasion, authorizing Gen. roylor, if the emergency required, t(. accept voluntems not fiom Texas onl) but from the Stale of Louisiana, .fa liama, Mississippi, Tennessee and K n 'ticky, end corresponding It-Ht rs weit addressed to the respective Governors of thos States. These inst'octinns wen epealrd, and in January last, soon afiei the incorporation of 'Texas into our na. ion of States,' Gen. Taylor was furtl ei 'au'horized by the President to make requisition tipou the executive of tha Si ate for such of ils militia forco as may bo needed to rppel invasions or to secur he country agsinst apprehended inva sions.' On the 2d day of Msrcb, he was a- ctain reminded, 'in the event oi the ap proach of any considerable Mexican force, promptly and efficiently to use the aiithoiity wilh which he W3S cloth ed in call to him such auxillery force as as he might need.' War actually ex iling, and our territory having been in vaded, Gen. Taylor pursuant to authori y vested in him by my tlirection, has ailed on the Governor of Texss for four regiments oT State troops two to be mounted, and two to seiva on fom; and on lhe govtrnor of Louisiana lot four regiments of infantry, to be ten' o him fig soon as practicable. In further vindication of our lights defence of our terttory, I invoke tin orompt action of Congress to recognisi he I'xistenc- t;f the wa',a. tl plac ? a ll e o i. o-iliuii ol ihe Jlxe"ui ,ve Ihe mean f pioeecutiug the war w th vigor, am: bus hastening the reiteration ol peace. To thij end I recommend auihoiitj hou'd be given to call m'o seivice t- aige body ofvolunleris to m-ivb for no less than C or 12 monti.-, unless soonei lischarged. Jl volunteer force i", htyood ques'ior' more efficient than any uih'ir descip'ioi, if citiz-n soldiers; and it is not to bt loub'ed lhat h number fir be-yooij that tq'iiicd would inadily tii'h to th Ii I ipor, Ihe call of iheir counliy, I further erommond thai a liberal jrovision he nade for sustaining onr en'iip military )rr.e, and fit ni-hmg it with ntpplio ind muuilions of war. The most energetic alnl prompt men urts, and the immediate appearance in irrrm of a large and ovet powering foice, tre re commnitit'tl to C'.:ng"ss as I tic nos'C 'tlain aod t ff.cien'. mt.ms cf bring ing the existing collision with Mexico to a speedy ami succesf il Itrminaiion. In making llieo recommendations', 1 leern il proper to declare lhat it is mj ttixious tlpsiie not only to Ui minat' oosi ilities speedily, bill t ) bi ing all in'- lers in dispute between ihis governmnti nd Mexico to su eily and soiicbh il j 1-1 rtiL.nl ; sod in this vie', I shall It" prepared to ien-w ro w nt-gotiaMon' ..vi.etievcr ixlexo-o -haM ne ready to re . ive propositions or maki prcposit on ,f her own I transmit lurewith co;y nf ihe cor i pond en ce bt "ween nr phvov 'oM-x antl th M xican mio.s r lvr foteigi .lf'irs;snd so inich ol i c r-o (o.'.inci iieiween lbs' envoy snd the ScreUn of War snd thp G-neral in command d hb Del Norte, tp necessary to a ful' understanding of ihe subject. JAMES E. POLK. VVashinglon.May II, 1345. Why is s mariner's compass like a dress maker I llecauie il will not work withou a needle. LKrom the VVailiington Union. Hy the President of U. S. of America. PROCLAMATION. Whereas, the Congress of Ihe United Siaips, by virtue of the constitutional au thority vested in ihem, have declared by their act, bearing dale this day, thai, 'by the acl tif the repubhe of Mexico, a state of war -xisis between lhat government the United Slates.' Now therefore, I, JAMES K. POU, Presidsnl of lhe United States of America, lo hereby proclaim the same to all whom it nay concern, and I do specially enjoin on all persons holding offices, civil or miliisiy inder the authority of the United Slates, hat they he vigilant and zealous in dis charging tho duties respectively incident thereto, and I do moreover exhort all the ood people of lhe United StatPS as they ove their country, s they feel ihe wrongs vhieh have forced on them lhe last resort f injured nations, and as they consult the test means, under lhe blessing of Divine Providence, of abridging its calamities, ihot hey exert themselves in preserving order m promoting concord, in maintaining lhe luthority and the efficacy of the laws, and ni supporting and invigorating all the mea sures which may be adopted by lhe ronsti tuted authorities for obtaining a speeds, a just, and an hononble peace. l s. n testimony whereaf, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed to these presents. Done at the city ol Washington he thirtp'nth flay of May, one thousand eis;hi hundred and forty-six, and of the i Impendence of the Limed SiaU-s lhe seven leth JAMES K. POLK. By the President: James Buchanan, Secretary of Stale. The followhg is the lateil of the seiies if leiicrs from General Taylor which were nmmnnicmed to Congrpss in conneclion iihthe President's message on tho subject .four relations wilh Mexico. Mead crArin.ns Army or Occupation, ) '.'snip near.Vatamo,"as (Texas) April "6.1S-1B, ) Sn 1 have respectfully lo rrpori ht fier.. Arista arrived in Malamoras on the .'1th instant, and assumed the chief cotn imnd of the Mexican troops. On lhe same lav he addressed me a communication, con eivf d in courteous terms, but saying that is considered hostilities commenced, and -hnnld prosecute them. A translation of lis nole and copy of my reply will be trans nitlcd lhe moment they can be prepared. I despatched ihis by an express which is inw wailing. I regiet to report thai a party of drngoona sent not by ma on the xiin inst. 10 wstcn ihe course of lhe river above on this bank, became engaged with a vrry tor jet force nf ihe enemy, ii after a short affair, in which some sixteen were killed and wounded, ap pear to have been surrounded and compell ed to surrender. Not one of the party has relumed, except a wounded man sent in this morning hy the Mexican rommander, so dnt I cannot report aih confidence the par ieulars of the engagement or the fate of lha officers, except tint Captnin Hardee was mown to bs a prisoner and unhurt Cop lain Thornton and Lieutenant Mason and Kane were the other officers. The party was G3 ."tronir. Hostilities may now be considered a commenced, and I have this day deemed il tecessarv lo call upon the Governor of rexas for four regiments nf volunteers : tvo to he mounted, and two lo serve as foot. Vss'ime delay must occur irr" collecting ibee troops. I have also desired '.he Gov-i-rnor el Louisiana to send out four regi ments of infanliy s soon as ptaclicable. Phis will consiitnie an auxiliary force i nearly fi.e thousand men, which will bp required lo prosecute lhe war with energy tod catry it. as il should be, inio ihe er.e ny's couniry. I iiuaithe D'paitnvnt will appriv o my couise in this mailer, and will give the npefssary orders to the staff tlepartments for lhe supply of ibis Urge additional force. If a law could be paised authorizing tbj