The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, May 16, 1846, Image 4

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H iA m'tetcst J'luwert enricli'J,
't'roiu various gtwtkits cull'il with ttrr."
speak no
NaV lH'"! po ki,K"y 0r(1
('an never lcae iiintf hchinil,
And, ill! io hreathe each tale wVe herJ
It Ut bencnh a iinhlo mind,
full o(t belter eeil i sown
Jiv choosing ihiu ilie kinder plan,
lir if but liule good be known.
Still le; us speak ihe best we can.
Give me llio heart that fain would hide
Would fain mother' cIThw,
lliiw can i pliMsure human pride
To provo hurnanily hut baft
No lei us reacli a higher mood,
A nobler estimate of man;
Hi earnest in the search for good.
And sptuk of all tlie bcsi we can.
Tben speak nr ill but lenient b
To oilier failings s your own,
If vou're ihu first a fault in see,
j not ilia first to make il known
For lifu is but a passing day,
No lip may tell how brief its span;
Then, oli' the liule time we slay,
Lei u speak the best we can.
When nge nas cast its shadows
O'er life's declining way,
''hen evening twilight gatheri
Hound our retiring day,
Then shall we sit and ponder
On the dim and shadow past.
In the bean's eileni chamber
Tho guests will gather fast.
'Cueats that in youth we cherisncd
Shall come to us onee more,
And wo shall hold communion
As in Iho days befnie'
They may ba dark and sonr bre,
They may be bright and fair,
Bui the heart will have its chamber,
I he guests will gather there.
How shalt it bs, my sisters.
W ho shall be our heart' a gueBts?
How shall it be, my brothers,
''hen life's shadow on us rests?
Shall we not 'mid ihe silence
; Hear voices sweet and low,
Speak the old familiar language,
The word long ago?
Shall we not see dear faces
Sweet smiling as of old,
' Till the mists of that lone chamber
Aro sunset clouds of gold?
When age has cast Us shadows
O'er life's declining way,
And evening twilight gathers
Round our retiring Jay.
BY E, C.
"Though winter chill the blossom,
And check ihe budding flower,
The rose shall bloom in beauty,
And verdure clothe the bower.
'hen the frost king's reign i. ended,
Ilia white throne passed away,
New forms of beauty blended,
Shall own a milder sway.
And sweeter in their fragrance,
And brighter in their bloom;
' Theie Summer Hovers shall blossom;
Upon a summer's tomb.
But tVere are icy fetters.
Other than bind the fields,
And Iheie's a frozen dullness;
To which the spirit y ields.
For this no summer hastens,
And winds bieathe in vain;
Joylen the changing season,
When winter reigns within.
Every body can ilislinjuih what the)
ca'l a gentleman from a man whom ihej
do not consider to be one. It is true,
however, thai every body lias not the
B3me standard for gentility, and what
one roiftht consider to be genteel, anoth
er might consider to be very far from h.
It is therefore impossible to give such
definition of gentility, as would accord
wiih the ideas of every one, or if such
a definition could be given there wouti1
be a wide difference of opinion as to the
rules thit might be laid down for carry,
ing it out. If we were to venture m
opinion on this subject, we would si)
that gentility is that department, wheth
er at home, in society or in Ihe street,
which is lh re?uit nf a desire to avoid
esying cr doing any tiling that could
i70 offence luollitis- A strict cbser
vince of this law would tindoublcilly se-
tire for its olxei vrr the respect of 1
with whom he wouM hn brought Into
onlact, and i.i carrying it into practice.
If he aims st the highest standard of gen
iliiy he mini consult the Usle of (h
nosl refined anil even the moil faiiiili
mis or eNe he mty fall short of his oh-
j ct and he considered s geotpel by one
H nf perons anil vulgu by another.
mm who should aci up 10 the follow
ng standard eouM hardly f i 1 to he con
lideied as a gentleman by every body,
ilthnugh we or free to admit I hit he
might lip poiiMdeied by many as rather
too much of oik :
Ii !s not g-iitecl to swear,
li i.i not gnipel to indulge in licen
tious conversation.
ll is not gontecl to talk loud in com
Ii i not genteel lo liugh lou. I.
It is not genteel to interrupt others in
con vei sation.
Ii is nut grn'eel to be (pick and ab
nipt In talking.
Ii is not genieal lo advance ym
opinions in a dogmitical or positive man
ner. Il is not genteel to attempt lo give
force lo your assertions by h-immeriug
on the table or by any extraordinary
gesticulations, as if yoti were in! illible.
It is not genteel at an evening party,
where refrtsbments are served, to fi'l s
lady's plate wiih terrapins, or oysieis,
or chicken sal lad, as if she had eaten no
It is not genteel to put your mouth so
close to the face of the person you are
talking to as to incommode him with
your breath, even though you may fancy
it lo have the odor of a nosegay.
It is not genteel lo slam a door in go
ing in or out of a room where there are
other persons.
It is not genteel to take the wall of a
lady in the street, whether you are a
white cr black 'gentleman.'
Il is not genteel lo carry wiih you
into company the fumes of cigu smok'
Il ia not gentetl to chew tobicco in
company, or lo spit tobacco juice upon
c;rj el or in a nice fire place.
It is not genteel to smoke cigars in
ihe street, os some respectable looking
strangers are often seen to do.
It is not genteel for tweedledum to
urn up his nose at twed'e dee in com
Il is nol genteel lo talk ai concerts or
k ctures so as to prevent others from
Il is not genteel lo whisper in com-
Il is not genteel at table to begin be
fore the rest of the company are help
It is not genteel to eat last, or lo put
a large quantity into your moulh ai
Il is not genteel to finish a meal until
others have had time to make some pro
lans with theirs.
It i9 nol genteel whn you are invited
to a parly to meet a stranger, lo go awaj
before the stranger.
It is not genteel, if you ba that slran.
er to wail an unreasonable time before
your take leave
Il is not genteel, to salute a gentle
man while walking in the street with a
'ady, with a nod of the head.
It is not genlcel to leau back in a chair
in company.
It is not genteel lo tub your head,
whilst sealed on a sofa, against the pa
pered parlor in which you are a visiter.
It is not genteel to stand before a fire
place and intercept the heat from other
who are as cold as yourself.
Il is not g-enteel to talk in company
more than your lull share.
It is not genteel at Ihe ihenuem, or
any other public place, lo stick your f.-ti
ipon a chair or on a table.
It is nol genteel to whistle or hum
lune in presence of Grangers or la
It is not genleel to soy or do any
hing in presence of others, which if
iid or done by them would offi-nd your
'eelings or sense of propriety
These are no sketches of fancy,
They are piC Urcs drawn from real life,
.nd perhaps there i( hardly a man
1 1 J
hO lead." llliS article that will not find
one or more ol ihe hints thai will fit his
' J!
l(JC.rfMit Iiiih liccu the thdmnul for
(,l'i'i"ii'n or All Ilt'iilin Itnlxain, and il hax
given Rcncral n:itisf.iflinn to those who have
ine.1 it and liccouie nrquniutcd with iln virtue tl'a'
it now itaiu! pri!-vininiit a a remedy in Disease
of tho J,uni;ii, and the testimony wliicli hua lieen
(fiven liy liillVrenl (eraon who hnvo been rured by
I in altojiether voluntary mi their iait. They have
fivi ii it in the hope that nil whom:iy licit tlieniHelvur
in reed of thia remedy may apply for it without de
IIcjiI tho folluwiiii; letter rernveil Ijom the Hev
Mr Stiinivall, I'aslor of Wt Jude'a Kpiseopul Free
t'hiireli. ,Wr 8. him not o.'lv used '.ho medicine
himself hut him witnessed its efl'ee.l in several very
tryinir rases nf disease. The letter will bhow hix
"pinion of iu virtues.
Dear Mr : Uelievinc it to lie hut an act of eoin
moil hurnanily to those siillerinR under the vurioun
diseases of Cuui(lta, Colds, Jioarsi'iiess, Consunip-
,ion. A-thnia, ia. to point them to a sate, speedy
mid radical remedy, I tako pleasure in hearing my
testimony to your invaluable medicine called. Ulusa-
onian or All Healing U dsain. Of iu etfioacy I
can peik first from my own expeiience. Ueing
subject from exposure more or to the vicissi
tudes ol our climate to irctpjcni biucks oi iiuiuen
za. Hoarseness.iii:., I have always found it to alford
almost instantaneous, and always by perseverance
in its use, ell'eclual relief. To a particular fiiendJ
of mine suffering severely unrer Asthma, and who1
had despaiied ol obtaining rebel from any human
source, upon my recommendation was induced lo
aive the Ulosaoniai a tiial and ho pionouneed the
etlect prouueeu up. n urn a pence cua.m u, orumg
I, ,n hale Hint almost instantaneous re lief. In
him immediate and almost instantaneous relief, In
another instance I recommended it to a female
friend far advanced in Consumption. After the use
of the first buttle her cough was entirety removed
and her appetite and strength restored to sjeh a
degree as to astonish all who saw her- With a
long cherished ai.d firmly established prejudice a
gaiiist the thousand and one specifics put f.nh iu
these days as sovereign panaceas for all disease, I
as.suieyou that nothing short of my linn conviction
of the "claims of your medicine to an origin so re
i pectable, and to the- effects of it as herein certified;
both by my own experience aim oust rvation, i
could not have been induced thus to come forward
as a witness in its behalf. 1 have the honor lo be,
sir, respectfully yours, I!. C: SHIM LA LL.
Have you a Cough,
which is troublesome and has not yielded (oany
of Hie lemeilies w hich von have m-eil T Is it at
tended wiih pain il ihe side, bhoituets of beuili
night swcalsl
Do you Jciiisc Etowl
when you rough and find your strength gradually
failing 1 You will find that these symptoms if not
properly attended lo will terminate ui consumption
and erulh.
Are you troubled with that diatiesUua
which deprives you of your rest at night and ren
der life burthensoine.
Here is the Mcmedy.
Remember ihe name and place where it is to be
obtained and do not be put oil' with any otbei. Ii
has produced a cure iu as desperate cams as yours
may appear to be, und doubtlcos will put to fliuhl
in a speedy manner those distressing symptom
which till y o ir mind with gloomy forebodings ut
ihe. future.
lis Heating Vropertki
do not deceive. The short dry cough is iiuii
overcome and easy and healthy expectoration lakes
its place. Spitting of blood is immediately check
ed. N ight sweats with pain in the side and :hest,
debility and diliiculty of breatiing yield in a short
time, Astm.t Willi ull Its ureauiul aceompaniiiieul.s
is at once relieved, ronchilis and in fact all ihe
dsseasas of the throat mid I ungj give w ay before
this remedy when all other means have failed.
I'csons may attempt to deceive you w ith some
other remedy, pronounc'u.g it to be equally as good
but remember life is nt stake, therefore
Be not Deceived.
The above medicine foi sale by the following
E. I'. Lutz, It'oomsburg. V. ,. Waller A Co
Berwick : L & J, Lazarus, Oiangeville ; Levi Hi-
ad, Jersey town ; Dcrr V McDnde, hue Hall ;
Baldy, Caltawissa. 6mo"
Cabinet vTarc House.
f El"' sulivcribo would respectfully infonn tb
B online, mill lie nas iaien inc sli p lately in
cupp'd liy iS'amuel Lilly, near the upper end ol
uloouiiiliurg, where he is carrying on the
in all its various branches, and where ho will
nappy o wan upon mi uio-e vnn may iaoi linn
with their custom. His r urnituie is wai ranted te
be made of good niateiial and durable, und he in
tend i keeping on hand
Sideboards, Secretaries, Bureaus,
ll'ardrobcs. Card Tutdcs, Dining
Tables. Breakfast Titbks,
Cupboards. Stands, Wash
Standi, Bedsteads,
Coffins, &-c.
and all kinds of work in his line, which he will sell
upon as reasonable terms as they can be purchased
iu ttie county.
liy strict attention to business he hopes to re
ceive a stuf e ot public patronage.
April 25, 1845.-)yl
Estate ff William Mensch, late of
Bloom township, deceased.
"JkTOTIC'K is hereby given, that Letters nf Ad
Cl inittLiriiliiii nn tbn above inpiiliunl rsltitf
hav" been granted to the subscriber, living inCat-
ili'wiK,t" '""'""''I'- A'l persons indebted to th.
entile are hereby untitled to mike immediate payi
ment, and all those having claims are requested te
l'M!S,,,,t lll,,,n ,rT! . . .
I JOM'. II Adm r.
MjkIi II, lSlOfiw 17
ui,tKsnriiiN(; i:stahlishmi:n r
y S:utvc X Sihorlhoi'ii.
Till' undersigned haviiiir taken the slion
formerly ociMipicd by Marshal Silveitliorn,
most rcspcetfully inforina ihp public ilmi
they intend to carry on the above branch ol
htieiiiess and will at all limes be readv to do
work a liule better and cheaper than any
other establishment in the place, "and they
hope by strici attention to business lo merit
i larg,i portion of the public patronage
All kinds of country produce lalun in
eithange for work 5t the ready not refused
nioomsburt; Feb, 21,181(5 II
THE copartnerrship heretofere existin"
...1.1' ft A t
'hurt mtt n r f ii o Armstrong f Utiges. in
die lone cutting business, is by muiun
cotiaent dissolved
Nov. 1 1813.
Tllfi business will be rontinued y tin
-ub8rnbcr at the old stand; where tnaj
he had at all times.
or any ntht-r work in his line. lie is
also prepared lo luruisi WINDOW CATS
&c either of Ma.ble, Lime or any kindol
stone Uiat can be procured in this vicinity
liTMlaving had considerable exnorienci
in the business,
ne plcuges Ins work ii
he exei'llteil in n ImniUnrnf, a Rli-ln n rn,..
be furnU, Cl rnm &nv yarJ ei,1Pr (
. - '
city or country; and on as reasonable term
Jlloomsburg, Nov. .1, 181U. ly '28
J rim
EGS leave lo inform the public, ilia
he in picp ired to atlcnd to nil the oper
ations in dentistry, ouch a3 rcinovim
The Tartar and other Foreign Sub
From ihe teeth, rendering llieni clean, am!
die gums and breath swcti and healthy.
The cuviies vf Decayed Tevth
Will ho dressed out and filled wiih Goh!
r other loil; of the linesl quality, as tii.
:se may require, whi.-h will generally
prevent their aching or furihrr decay,- am
render lliem useful fur years; and in m my
i;ascs during life
Teeth and Slumps of Ttch
(1M. ' I. I I , . .
men navi; in coine useicie oi trouiiiesomi
vill be extracted in tho must careful man
oer, with the latum and best improved in-
I'orceliain Teeth,
unne nest qujuty aiul latest i:n provemenl.
will he inserted on pivot, or (in cniinnMioi
with Dr. Viillcn hauip, with whom he is ii
paiernsliip in pln'e wcik) nn Cold plate
from a single tomli lo a whole .-i t, to lonl.
-is well as the natural, and wurranicd u
answer all ihe useful and ornamental pin
pn"Ps pro)o.ed by the art.
, V I' I I I II .
In hhori,evi'ry operation belonging to tin
pii'li ssioii, win ti pclorineil in Hie he
iianner. with cliuisejt material, anil at tin
shorn ft notice lie therefore hopis, by
siriul alieiition to business, to obtain a shur'
of public patronage. Any person or pei
sons wishing anv of the above operation.
performed, are respectfully requested ti
i'ivi; linn a call,
N. H The public nrc hereby Ii fnrim
lhat we the subscribers hava entered into
special nirtneiship relating only to plan
worK as a is more convenient for each b
aticnt! to the oilier branches of the s firm
on his own account.
J. ii.
Mount Pleasant, Nov 8th. 1813 Jm,
15 O O T
11IB subscribe
inforius the iml
lie Unit lie lia:
Trj-V opnied a MlOf
M liIIL nt thrlwwe
end of Main Street
Aloomsbiirg, lit lb.
store lormelly wccuiii
d by K, Lutai where he intends lo keep a gener
d assortment of shoes and boms, for men am
womensware, which he will sell as lew, if not
lower than the same iiiiiility of goods can be liougbi
in l olmnliia countv. lie will also nuke to ordei
II kinds of boots and shoes, atsburt notice. Hav
ing determined to sell lew, tor it unall profit
lie rcspec'tully liivitieg tliose who are in Want ol
my thing in his line, to give him a call.
A. II. All goods bought of me are warranted
to be us recommended.
iv. 15fhl8-M.
Remaining in the Posi-Oflice, at IlloomB.
burg; .T7arch 31; 184(5.
Jacob Under Giflin MiCully
f'antar. Uarrg John Morris
G. O. Hachincn Robert Oleman
Iviobard Corlney Willimi Rrr
I'hoinas Dadford John Kclln
Lewis Folk: George Scott
Green A: Kunkle Ik-nry Si.hlajser
Ceter Heinboch J.jhn Snyder
Miss Julia A. Kline A. ,1. fSmne
lohn S Kit lie John Wanicli
lames Mcl.anchhn Mr. iVes
I'lll'; miliseiilier having located liimnlf 1 1
Diminishing, is prepared to furiiii-h ull kinds ol
ware, and petfo ni all kinds nf uoik in his line ol
business, ul cheap rales mill at hhoit milicc Hi
lias furnished himself villi a new alid slilemliil
slock ol tools, inaehii.erv und n.iilerials from I'hila
ih lpliii, and innde a litrn purchase ol ('OA I, unci
WOOD iSTOVKH, of various imlterns, to siumlv
Irs customers. He will constantly keen on ba d.
J7. ll'.llth' ofevery description.
STOVES, a large varielv. neally uml sulislan-
lialy blushed, tocctber willi !'.
sroi'TSfor buildings.
VO.1l. lll VHKTS, &c. Ae.
He rcspecUiilly solicits public pnlroiinge Ilav-
,H ... . ii iw, muni: j-rurs t'ligugeu ill inn lilisliu ,-s,
and having experienced ossihtunts, be feels conli-
dent of satisfying all who may favor him wiih
their custom.
.nr.fii H.r.VJS ftqplud 01
liberal terms.
Call on the snu'h side of Miin-Klrcet, 3 doors
below the ollice i f the Columbia ycuiocrat.
October 11, lbf.') Iy25
s, e. crak;.
15. F. UWSKIi: T,
rsi'ECFTl LLV informs the inblic lhat
he has located himself in be Minn lately
occupied by Z1UA It I'Cil i LLfi, j M.M-KL'J-S'l'liKKT,
wl mrti ho intends carrviitg on tl;e uliuve
business in all its various brunt Eich.
built and repaired, as well us one horse
waggoxs am) iiuc(;n:s-
if every dascription, and all kinds of Country
Work, in his line, doneatshoit noiicc, ondwi the
nost reasonable terms.
fXj-liood Lumber and all kinds of Country Pro
luce taken in payment for wok, but CVh will not
e refused.
April 5, 1S1T. CmSO
Brandrcth's Fills
tfj l and understand ! ''he time will conn
Hit when the medicine, Urandieth 'ill, will br
ippieeiuled as ihey niiedit und iIcmtvc; it will br
uiieisioon mat ut. Uiumlii in has the strongest
rums upon Ilie politic. It is true that every in
lividual who makes u uial of tlx: llian, belli Pill:
oncctle tbriii to be the lest imdiciiie tbey ever
iM'd. I ney ure indeed a mi diniie about which
here is no ini-tiik?. Their value in it climate so
haugeiible as ours cannot be suliicicntly ii piociat
'd A lee perspiration is ut once rcstoicd , llim
hev cine colds and consumption is prevented.
I'hose who have a redundancy of bile find them ol
he must essential service iiniUliould then be a de-icien-y
of important fluid the lfiandnth J'ilU
ia,e an equally beneficial effect. Often has this
I'iportant medicine tared valuable lives in those re-
! where the dreadful yellow fi ver wai prevail
ing A few doses tjken immediately upon the in
fection being received into llit sv.-ti'in will In a!
nosl certain In pievenl auv matcriul inconvi ri, nco
And at no:-liiu'e of ibis dcestlful epidi mie is thi-i.--o
pmpi-r a medicine as the Urcndietli Pills. Li t
bis lneilicine be iiniwrsallv n.-ed in tliir
disease and no loss ol 'blood ailcwcd, nod (:
vory lew wutilil Ire its Mctuns. t-'o il i.s with olhei
lisciccs. AsuM Jiatni Willi this ;,! imporranl
inciliciiieto reinoi-e moibid hiiiuois from the blooi'.
and do not rcor to Idcetling or mercury m.d we
iliall have a - cry cn'at scaieily i.f j.ei oi's ulliietec!
with croiiic maladies. The fealheiedliibi tht-au
mini kingdom- over wide h we ate the, me
not alllicied with chronic nialndies; neither should
we I o if it were not for our priue which vcasiniis '
ham. l'i,Uw natuie. I'.-e ihe undieiue w hi' hi
narmnnies Willi Her, wlucli mi , v Lot so,,.!,-....
ni.ves all ihe inipin ilics of ihe blood'.w hi. h slrentth
ns the feeble aiul M l n duces iIiom-ol loo full lo, I. ii
io a healthy standard. Lei n gain say lliatcvcn
-lepaitineiil of ihe inanul':ieliiie of lii.ii.d.cth l'ilV
s personally superinteinlid ' me, am! tb;,t eeiv
". with my three labels upon it m-.iy l e leliid up
in to have the benelici.d i lied (io'cribcl if used
iccording lo the diieclions iiccnuip.iii, 'ii,-
AG E i T S.
Wa.'.hintoi) I.'obert .M'Kuy.
.leiseylown L oV A 'I' ;ise
Danville H U licymdils ,V Co
Caltawissa C (i firobst
Uloomsbtirg J. 1. Mover.
I.iincslonc I'abbit & MW'incb,
Liuckliorn -M. (i. Shoemaker.
Lime liidgi Low it Tliio:i:)son
ierwtek- J V 6til,
,luy A IS 15 1 y- 2.
Tin C? mzeei
rWMW. submiber r,
lhat he has opt
rcspeclfully informs the public
lied i
on M ain-!-tn el
.,,iy u,ioMie l ia tun s tavern, in I.loouisliiiri;
whee he intends ciiriying on the above business.
hi ull its various brunches.
,f every description, will be kept on hand for salt
it WHOLESALE or lil-TAIl,.
Mannfactuicd into nnv form niuired,
jfall sizes kept constantly on ham'. Stoics (inish
i'd to order.
Ib ii.g determinid to do business m the rilr
.. . i ei ... o ...
way, lie reijesls all to call upon him before tbe
purchase elscwheie, as he will fiiinilh all article?
in his line u cheap as they can te purchased ii
the county,
I). J. IiiCE.
September SO, 18'C, Iy22
Cabinet rakinc:
rHIIE subscribe! respectfully informs The pub
5 lie that ho has taki n the thou lately occuniec
y II. S. Ilayhtirpl, ut the lower end nf Miukct
istreet Iiloonisbiir"; where lie intends-carrvine: oi
the ubove business in ull its branches, and solicits i
sha.e of the patronage ul the piiblic.
In connection w ith the above butiiirss, lie ofl'en
his services as an
lie will alnnvs be ready lo make COFTIN'S foi
the same pricrs lieretcd'ore harped in Dloon't-buri;.
ind baMHE MU'idied hirnself vvih a nnnd IIEA'LM-:
ic will attend with il'at Ihe Funeral wilhoiit any
Un charge.
John ii!TT;i;,s-
May ,10 lOlfi. flrn.1
I'OVF, TIPR for rale nt thn New Store.
Oftot-cr 11.
ri hereby given lo nil persons not lo pu.di i'
certiiu iio e of hand aiveu bv tbo sn'isciiiiei lo
'.crge Kolchner, Lsq fr ihe sj.n of seventy d d
!ars, dated on or about the LSlh of Ail-just, I Hi ),
llaving recoived no ciinaiderution for it I shall ie
use lo iay the niiie.
W ilbanod urg, March 21, If-tO.
the warm wkatijkk.
The sudden eliunges of the went bar, during lliis
'tins hi of ibe year, exhibit a most liauetul elb el on
the, fui,n. deliihijting and proMraling it.
The sluuiaeli and bowels become dei.ingcd, giving
lonely notice to all, who are inclined lo give alien
lion fo the warning voice of nulure. At such Limes
Jayue s 'Cui minative' never fails to ufj'md im iin-tli -ate
relof, checking ihe (IimmsC and r. sloiing the
palleut l(l uoioi s healtb, Mothers cannot he loo
cannons with their children durinir Ibis mi,ih.
oi"oius i,jiiw u,jr. Uiiu in Ilie eaihest slaves
'"is summer disease, wiietbe;- from teething, p.
1 ressive beat, or olhcc causes, ibey should at once
jn-sorl io this never .'ailing leinedy. Jlundredsof
ics icciaiue nersons in i uu em-
are in possession of the p'eprietor, ready lo ex
hibit loall who may desire too see bis of-lu-e,
jo. B .South Thiid street, I'hibidelphia,
! that a man hath will he give for his life,' 0
we II d iccorded in the most iincient and best of
books but as we see thousands dying around us
Willi Consumpli Cr,,,,,,, Asibina,- IJronohilis
Spitting Uiood, and other Pulmonary uffccliun
we ure led to doubt the coriectness of the above
assertions, especially sii ce it is so well known
lhat a certain remedy may be obtained, which al
ways arrests those diseases.
to give rebel, slid cuies after every other mc.un
have hulud. This can tie und has p, ,ed in thou
amis ol iiisaiices, where it has , iKtcl radical
cures, alter he patient had bcci, giw n t,p l,y all
his friends and physiciai.s.
The subscriber nfTrrs for cale hin
j 8 m " i.r -: j.j w
siliialcd en the roncrof Main nrd Tu.-t-Mrcels
ill .'loi nisi org, Cob. ii l ia ('(.Lilly, fa. Jt js v,,.
calculaled for the h.ulicii for a J ul lie L'ciise o
(Ifi '(ft front on Mainstrt-t,
12 11 1 feet on East-street,
and the r,iad lending to the I!!oonis.;,nrtr
lion Company's I'lirnacfs. 'i',is Lot i- w ell cnl-.
culalcd for building vi j n Lust-.-trei-t as well as on
Main, und Loinc situated in the centre of the ,-,,
Heaion of Columbia County, is well worthy tho
attention of the capitalists.
Tor any information rtspecting Ihe cordiiions,
en quite of
:iirj,i:s k.i,l;:u-
Llenm.-burg, ZJcceinlci l)
m licrcoy given to n! pei.HH 6 not to pnicl,a0
three Note of li-iin'tfor il.e sum of Ui oo'lais
e,.eh, dated April 1 IM:t fi-ned ly the sub-eiil-er
payable to Al-solom L'i nda.y, i-ne A-ii! I I -I ; .
one . pru I I
refuse lo nay
; ai d oi.e April 1 ii I moiII
nunc, having icctivid i;o
eralion fur
.Mi rcli SO, IS'
It has been ob-mnl by visiters from nil other
es; as well us ,y persons of the best culliia-
led taste in this, that in no country is thcie ahn-o
cia.-s o
, male beauty and r.vcc lli-io p. ilo in i ii 1 1 i j
I'ilv. Vet, uhiie
Hie slnie Inter, dress noilor 1
milliner engaged in adorning 'nalio
man ' one i-ait iiiiiiears almost lutul!
t'.s best uiil to
v m-glcclid
I lie Hair.
I iv wa-tc
ow olirn do the ravages of dise.-isro
Ibe delie.ite form cf the fair nml l,e:,oii.
fill, and Ihough restored to health nuain, ytt tlio-o
llowing locks, which once iid.n-ned iheir heads f.,!l
oil', and ncv, r again icliirn to their original beaut.
Ins inconceivnhle how any person, niore especially
a '.ady ciin maiiile t so much neglect on ihis point,
when a -never fahrg remedy' can be obtained at
No- H ISotith 'J-hird strestand ac-king forDr. Jay lie's
llair'fonic, which will perfeclly restore this "only
ncglrcietl part of female bi ai,l
Wba; is a dollar or I n o to comjilcte the crownin
point of Ii ma.'c bciutv ? "
1 ha above -Vedicine ore for
sale at
the s'.ore of
Dloonrdju i;;.
-wsJ , J
A n afs-ortmenl of OLI.()W W A l
such ns het les. I'ots. yoileis, 'J'ea Ki-tti,s,
ulers, ( ake l, riddles, o. e- At
ilie I
small Waggon lioxes, fioin the Lain
W oiks, jiisi received and lor sale by
I'eeeinhcr "(I
To the. 't in and Sheet Iron Manufac
turing JuHincss, is wanted by the fubserll'er. An ac
tive boy, Irem !S to 17 vrnr of a"e wiil reiiim
'ooj eiicouingeini nt upon immcdiule nr rlietitinii
to It.J. i:i( r.
S heoby given that the er nrtnrri hip lictfofioo
existing under the fum rd liroUt m.d !-i,Mre
usKolved m il ll.e acccruints rf mid f;, m l, ,. i, rr,
issigned to the sobscrilcr, v ho alone, ie nulhoiicj
o eo, led the tau.e.
March 1.1 18-10,
IOX tic i.
Ihe be , I rpiabty, jusl received bv
.11. .11, KELVY 6c
Deee.nber ,r
I'K.vr, ami
. . ; f,
ri.r.r. Ji;st ,0-
cr. ( d an. I for so!:- :
l l .It - ,t W l'.:l
I. l
1. 1 I7 KT,
old 11,