The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, May 16, 1846, Image 1
.1 -U- -ijrix i.. '.1 lis I have swurti upon the Alter of God, eternal hoatmty to every form of Tyranny over the Mind of Man." Thomas Jellbwou II. WEBB, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. "llLOOMSllUllC, COLUMBIA COL XT V, IA. SATURDAY, MAY 10, 181(5. Voliunr A. .iiiiilci- 4, OFFICE OF TIIH DEMOCRAT. ortM.urB Sr. Paul's Church, Main-st The CQtUMHM DEMOCRAT trill be published every Saturday morning, at J II (J l)t)l.L.lKX per annum payaoie half yearly in advance, or I wo Dollar. Fift 'u CenlsAf not paid within the year A'o subscription will he taken for a shorter period than uix months; nor any discon timmnce pe.rinitted,until all arrearages are discharged. JiD 'Eli Tl SEMENS not exceeding a square will he conspicuously inserledat One Dollar for the Jirst three insertions mid Twent'ii-five cents for event subse uncut nsertion. f A liberal discoun made, to those, who advertise by the year LETTERS addressed on business, must be post paid. MARIE, THE MURDERER. AN INCIDENT IN REAL LIFE. During th at disastrous period of Napo leon's career, known as ilie'llundred day,' a portion of itie Province of Morbian in llriiiang -ose in arms, and a battle (onk place near Auray, between the insurgent end skirmishing parties, who were usually designated the 'Blues.' The affair was so minute a spark of civil war, lhal il deserved no mention in history; yet it cost the lives of some hundreds o( men whose btoud was poured out like water in the trsnrhes of the deep and sunken roads which traverse that peculiar country. It was in those trenches that most of the bodies were found and the magistrate whose duly it was to clear the field of battle after the fight, ex claimed, wiih a sori of barbarous naivette. that it looked like the end of a harvest frolic, wheie the men were sleeping of! their drunkeiiL'ss.' Oo the second day after the battle, jus' nt the rey of the morning, a young peas ant girl, with a sickle on her am, took her way to her usual daily Ubnr in the fiel Is As she pioecedad slowly along the road she looked curiously around upon the trecr pierced with bullets, the hedges lorn ami broken, and the ground utaicn and trampled by as many feet. For a great distance, ihe road was Utterly strewn wiih buttons, bits, of braided worsted, ihe remains of epau lettes, cariouch boxe, fragments of Briton caps, pierced bv balls or bayonets, plashc? of h ilf congealed blood, all the horrible ni dations of a fierce and recent conflict. But the bodies of the slain had already disap peared' During the night the peasants had given them a christian burial, and the wo men had traversed the battle ground with tacks upon their shoulders, alternately des poiling a dead ensmy, and ofTming up pray ers for a lost friend. Much rich booty had been obtained, and to judge by the pre-nc-ciipicd minnei of the peasant girl, as sin scrutinized the thickets on Wh sides of th road, she was not wii'mut expectation ol gleaning some remnants of the plunder" But her hopes seemed to grow fainter as she proceeded, and as she reached a with marsh, overgrown with thick brush wood she quickened her pace, when she was star tled by a sudden movement among the rushes that bordered the morass' Almost at the same in-tant the clashing of iron struck upon her ear, the point of a bayo net appeared glittering in lint foilage, and bloodstained figure feebly and painfully dragged itcelfforih from its lurking place in ihe marsh. The girl stopped, she utter ed not the slightest sound, but she held with a firmer grasp the handle of her sick le. The imploring gestures of the woun ded man, together wiih a few words which he utteied in the language of the country, eeemed to excile her interest, and she ap proached a few stfps towards him. lie had bv this lime succeeded by the aid of hi gun. in rising to his knee and the girl dis covered by his b!u jacket and the device or I, is buttona, lhal he belonged to one ol those companies of marines who had fougln vi luifiilv at die battle of Auray. JJs she mised with an air of indecision, ihe woun iled man entreated her to approach, and in order to retire her thai he had no power, eV.-.i il he possessed the will 10 inoluf-l her, showed her thai his leg was broken by a muket ball. Emboldened by this the girl advanced nearer, and demanded whathn de sired of her 'Where are my comrades, the blue!' wjs his first question" They are gone.' 'Gone? since when! 'They went yes'erday.' 'Impossible! why surely we were victo rious. The girl made no reply, but stood silen and unmoveable as ifshohadnot compre (tended his question. She replied in such . . II: . 1. - . I. . a manner as to maKe mm oeueve mai or was abandoned, without hope of stieci from his companions. Ihe poor fellow had been wounded at ihe close of the da) while pursuing ihe Chouane, and oaJ pas sed the night in the morass, suffering tin most excruciating pain, and only sustained by the hope lhat some lucky chance migh discover his condition to his comrades. Ttu news of their departure almost drove him to despair. lie had not strength to follow them, and he dared not show himself in o pen lay, lest he should be assassinated bv the hostile peasantry. Ilu only hope now et-tcd on the girl, lie was a native of her own province, his father and brothers were fisheimanof Loduwiaquer, only a few eagues distant, and they could save hi in f informed of his danger. He conjured her, therefore, to seek them, ho employed pplieaiion, tears, even menaces, but she was insensible to all. While he was talk - ng with her sh e remained standing si a lit- e distance, with her eyes greedi.y seaich- iugfor something she could appropii.tlr,"nt hey aceidenil) fell upon the poor sailor i her feel. That look discovered to her prize. Eagerly approaching hi n, she said in a low hoarse whisper- If you would have me go to o I.cmaria- quer, you must give your watch.' As sin poke she seized the chain, but the nonn- cd man throwing himself back, and repul sing her with all his remaining strength, eri- 'Not now, not now, when you relur when von return with mv faiher. vou shal lave iSe watch and ihtf money.' J 'Have yon money loo. asked in e girl. 'Yes il shall a'l be yours when' V here i" ilm monej !' 'I have il safe.' 'Show it me.' Promise then to save me.' 'Show me the money.' The poor fellow drew towards him the knapsack which he had flung off, and bem over it, while his feeble hands began slowl) to loosen ihe buckles that closed it The girl made one eiep backwards, tn uive force lo her blow, and the next inilan the sickle descended upon Ins head with force lhat clove hi in 10 the brain. The vie tim never breathed apin, he stretched on: ii .s arms and fell heavily forward, wiih hie fare renting on the knapsack. The mur lerens only w sited to be sure lhal life was extinct, then deliberately djs-joiling him ol iiis watch money, and rioihin, she quietly washed the stains of blood tiom her haudf nil feel in the pool beside her, ami wen: on lo her daily labour in ihe fn-ld. On hti return home at night she displayed hei prize to her friends, simply remarking ilia she had been lucky to find the body of t Blue in her way ar. explanation qjiie sat' factory at a moment when such chancer were frequent in a cuuniry filled with com motion. On that same evening, however, the hod of the unfortunate soldier was found and re ognised by his family. Several ciieuni stances corjoined lo throw suspicion on ih girl, and ere many days had elapsed n loubt remained ol her guilt. The murder ed marine was a conscript one of lhat nt merous class of young men who were com pelled in thnre days to endure an opinion a long with a uniform, and to wear the cock ade of ih governing party, whatever thai paity might happen to be. A native ol dittany, he had been forcibly enrolled ai Brest, and when his regiment was sent into the interior of the country, he was necessa nly compelled to combat on his native soil and ngaimil his own people. This peculiar position was well understood by the peas- ants, for ilhad been the fate of many their children, and the death of the youth was lamented therefore like that of a friend, This sympathy for the viotim was course accompanied by the deepest indig nation against the murderess There seem ed such double dved wickedness in the deed that every heart was revolted by it. He had fallsn by the hand of a woman, while he was annealinrr to womanly tenderness, II o and ihi rruinness of the motive seemed to ul,l a ilnener mult to the heinous crime. As t always happens in those generous re-ac lions of feelin?, when parry spirit is sud' lenly quelled for a moment by Ihe voice of qoiiy, the people seemed as if they eouhl scarcely express their indignation wiih suf ficient force. Jh the laws either could not ir would not punish the crimnal, public o- ninioii took upon itself the task. The girl vas driven out o( the community, and voided by al', as if the taint of leprosy was ipon her. No farmer would employ her lo abour in his fields, no proprietor would rent her a cabin on his domain. Her only refuge was the church porch, where she rooched like an accursed thing at. the door of the sanctuary she dared not enter. Eve rv one shrink aside as her shadow fell up- in them in her aimless wanderings. If she approached ihe fountain. wlence the village Irew its supply of water, the women usual ly assembled there would instantly hush their idle gossip, snatch up Ihoir half filled pitchers, and hurry away.e sclaiming, 'Make room for Ihe murderess!' To set the fi;ul seal to her public repro hation, a ballad was composed, selling forth !icr horrid crime in coj rse, but graphic lan guage of popular poetry. Wherever the unhappy creature venluied to appear, she heard Ihe tones of this vengeful song. Her punishment was now no longer the ordina ry penally of crime, having ils limit of linn md place, and demanding only the liberu or the life of ihe offender. Her guilt, by ihis new species of retribution, had heenrm public properly, its punishmei.t as identi fied with the most durable memori ds ol pub lie morals and manners, t was n I record ed in the dusty volumes of the law, but i was sent abroad on the wings of music am loeiry, to reach every ear, and lo lutn frou her every heart. The mark of Cain war ipon her brow, her fallow beings were hei oimentors, withholding their bards from iife, yet inflicting a daily death upon her b ihe'r loathings and scorn. In vain sh" sought to fly from ihe scene of her guilt. Her crime seemed borne on the very winds if heaven, and where ever the voice of ihe shr peril bioke the stillness of nature, there resounded the frightful burden of lhat aveng ing song. Once, ss she wandered away from hu nan scorn she bhe!d in a meadow at some listance from Auray, a child at play among ihe daisies. A imlden yearniig filled her heart, she approached the merry boy, and seated herself beside him. Tor more than a vear the deso.alo cicaturc had not touched a human hand, or listened to the sound of a kindly human voice, and sue now lound a moment of inexpressible happiness in the innocent carresses of the happy child. Too joyous lo know anything of fear in nestled beside her, glad to hud a companion in his sports, while she pressing hi iu to he bosom, amused him, after ;!ie manner of s '.coder mo'her by tales and songs. Tin -hild had Imiened with delight, but when she had finished he looked in her face, and is if, in his simplicity he sought lo lepay icr kindlinens, he said My fa her taught me a prettier song than v-curi1;' and he began to sing 0 listen, Christian neighbors, lo a crime of deepest hue, Vlaria Marker with her sickle has killea the wounded Blue.' At these terrible words the unhappy girl nitered a wild cry, and dropping the uncon- ious child from her knee, fled like a hunt ed wild beast into the woods. It was the final blow of the unseen avenger; her pun-to shment was greatei than she could bear, ii I'rom thai hour Maris became a hopeless maniac i When I first saw her thb had been some vears in this stale, and I shall never forget of her singular appearance. She was larg robust girl of twenty-four, with a remark ble squareness of outline, and a certain ri of gidity of motion, that tesembled the awk - ward movements of an ill jointed woodei - figure. There was no p)ay of musrles vis ibe, no tracery of veins discovered beneatl her tanned and swathy skin. She remind ed me of those alone images of the virgi which stand in the nicest of consecrated fountains coarse Sl ill-rarged statues, from wlii';!) art has been unable lo remove more ... . . than half the veiling granite, and whicl leave you in doubt whether they are spec mens of imperffcl human skill, or umph rude stones, which some freak of nature has stamped with half developed tesern to humanity. Upon a nearer view, the countenance ol the murderess had a singularly austere and sinister expression. I', was a face very an gular in ils contour, and lite rally seamed with cress lines which disturbed and often ded the gazer's eye. while in her wild and wandering look there shone oui a frightful legree of cunning ferocity. She bore her every feature ihe stamp of lhat h,.i'ari Celtic race, in whom primitive qualities have degeneiated into conespond ng vices She rarely replied to any questions thai miff hi be addressed to her, and general! seemed as strong in soul as in body, but if a single word of lhat frightful song readier.: her ears, then, as if struck by some galvan ic power, the coario slalue started into lift md become once more suffering humanity She would utter terrible cries, toss her arms ri,he hcr'body in ihe most terrible coqVh- ions, then suddenly springing up, wouh lly with the utmost speed, repeating as stir ran the accusing couplet of the drsadfu song, while, as her voice rose louder ant louder on Ue air, the avenging words seem d lo lake fiercer and stronger hold upoi ter distracted feeligns. h seemed as if re- norse was incarnate in that hideous foim; r rather, thai two beings were inclosed ii fiat rigid frame, on one of whom had beei uiposed the task of torturing the other, am' dial ihe outraged conscience was forevei iving chase to ihe sinful soul. Every fea ture, every gesture expressed ihe emotion f this double character ihe avenger am die victim. By turns she wepl, raved grayed and cursed, implored pity, and di nounced vcngeaiic. Ii was a spe.'tarl, from which ihe eye lurned in hmrur' for i1 was like ihe snuggle of the executioner sni ihe trirnioal on the brink of the scaffold. The Excelsior. SCARED OY A GK1DIROM. INITIATION FRUSTRATED. A number of years since says the ('iocii -nati Commercial, whcnoir city whs ne, md there was no splendid halls, the Ma sonic body held its sitlings in the upper sto ry of a wellknuwn public house, kept b hjor S , who was himself a high mason. As is the case no w, many new members were offering, or asking Hduiisc sion into the fellowship and mysteries ol ihis ancient body of bretheien. Why il is, we cannot say, but thsre are many stones afloat among the people, and there ever have been lhat the novniation is introduced to r seat on a rcif hot gridiron That in making a man a free and iccepied brother. they must Hndergo a great ntny very in tercstin j ceremonies besides being ehown the gripe and signals of ihe order, On one occasion and it must become 10 yeais ago, according loour informant ol many of the particulars ihe lodgement, and a young giod-looking, spruce clerk of one of the stores rame into the lower room of ihe building, it having been arranged lei initiate him lhat evening. He wjs ordered 'o remain below until a'l was ready for his reception. I he lime dragging, nu nis mind conjuring up wha he was about lo meet, lie commenced wnking haekwsrds and fonvatds through the passage leading the stair way of the lodge. On the right of the passwiy was the kitchen, and di- reclly before him as he passed the doot.wai a large fire burning, il being in lhat season of the year requiring artificial heat for bodi- ly comfort. Il so happened that the A,jr k, pi an SPen)H) , ,,e ,U!1je,uf( U)on ,he 8Cjpn Irish servant girl, and she was ihe univ,' r , ,. , . i ., . t . . ' ' "I a moineni, the silenee, the painful m- 'vnvii lb,, nnti .il.llirt hi mm iir, he house. Belly had heard of the ridiron operation of the Mason, and know ng ttwtt the young clerk was lo be admitted hat nighi, thought she would have a bit nnocent fun. She took a large gridiron,m which she had broiled many a aleak, and placed it on the fire in full view of the younc expectant, of mysterious gnpes stinrd uj the blazing fire and remnitd to waich ilu lesnlt. (Jleiky cantiuued lo pass and i pass the door, and tMcr and anon Beity sau Aim east a wishful glance at the firc-placr I'he iron was growing rnddei every lime h passed He shook hi head a sigh escar ed him Betty was in ecstacie-. Yo pi her victim still dseper in agony, she placei a small screen taken from leading to the hal as if to hide from his view die fearful insliu tnenl u! honorable torture. As the cunning jide was retreaiing, lit young man witli a wink of the ere. a been jf the hand, and a 'come here' o the head succeeded in ai resting hei progress for moment' 'A a whal is the gridiron on the Ii lor now, saia lie, 'my go )d iiri, w ill mm ell me!' Ob, sir! but I ically don't liko to. wouldn't be polite.' Oh! never mind I'm exceedingly aniiou 10 know:' iVhy there is a Lodge up suirs to nigh And a' Well well I know there is a lodge up lairs lo night, But what is thai iron he fire for Tell me gocd girl 1 pray you Tell me quickly.' Why-why-1-' Speak oul. Dol I'm aching to hoar!' Why ihe Major told ine it how they'n filing nmnVea Union to night and lhal' 1 1 know h Hun i ii,' Thai was enough' The ofllnld tale wa rue! I hat n r i 1 1 1 on was lor Mini, i hangs came ov h u in a m nneni.lli oul tot he horned wiih an iron as hoi as tli ny how Tie pulling on of hat and c.n I as a momentary alTnr, be sought ib street when legs if ever did their duty' Soon after the brothers having got rI hings ready the Msjoreame down for hi ycung friend bill met Hetiy who teeing ilu inseouentes rame tow act ner ius.vci ibbing and cry ing in ihe most offitciei nsnner. Fhti M .jor soon learned the story of tin on n j man's flight and also the cause anc ins wered.' Never mind Deity. If he's such a foo that we don t want him.' One would nttum!l suppose lhat the idge had a fioe Unh o' er the go id j-ike pun the teiutn of the l-j ir. The iunviu- e ronclusion is lhat the young clerk nev offered himself again as a tBiididate f i linission into the mysteries ef free and accepted Masons and o seat on their mcaHy red hot gridiron NCIDEATO THE KEVOI-UTIO.N On ihe morning of our nations birth sy.lhe fourth of July, 1779, when Ihe le:larstion of (he .?menc in In'lepen lence was made whan the Commillee, iireviously appoinleil to draft that Jo strunieni, made tleir report ihrougl iheir Chairman Thomas J. Hoison -un by whom it was resd,iie house paused hi stlaied. l hal instiumeni, Ihey caw, cut them off even fioni ihe mercy o: Great Uiiiaio. They saw wiih pro phelic vision all ihe hoimrs of a san guinary wsr earnsge and dcanlatioi passed in swift review before Ihem I'hey saw the prosperl of having riveter siill more cloely upon iheir alieady chuffed id hieeiling limbs the chain s ol slavery. The house seemed lo wavei .silence, deep aid soU n n siKnce. I rf! it noil ihinnohnul the lull of the S03 . - , cious capilol. Every countenance indi cated that deep mediation was at work and ihe soiemn resolutions were calling for uouble energy "t this fearful crisii when the very destiny of the country f t , . . . " - 'f " r l" iosi -a venerable and stalely !nn his bend white with the fiosi of many yearst lie cast on (he assembly a look of inex pressible inlereat and unconq leiabJe de ermina'ion; while on his visile his one of age was lost at the burning pa 1 ri iiism lhal fired h i . Tliere is, said he, a lido in the hfljirs of men, a nick of iijio. Wo perceive it now before us. I'hal noble ins rumenl upon your labls, vhich iusurei Imrnoifiliiy to it! author hould bn subscribed this very momion iy every pen In the I!e who v 1 1 1 not respond to ils accounts and ifain eveiy nerve to cany info IT-et it provioions, is un ivonh ly ihe lame of a freeman. A It h ouph lhr?fj ,rey hairs must descend imo the ep I'chie, infinitely nther they frhniM de. cci d hnher by iliehand of he i x ru' ion r.thm, Or' dtS 1 1 at il i ci i is Ihe sac e d Muse of my country.' 7'ne patriarch il dovvn, and forthwith Ihe declaration vas signed by every member present. Won was lhat venerable p liarcl ? you ok. 1 answer it was Joiix With Kit- ipoorv, of New Jji y, whosu nam" is ound among the signers of ihe (h'claar ion of inpr)cndence,lheMagnaCharU of ur nation's independence. Y s, it was John WithprspGon, a dislinguishrd.Min- sier of the I'resby lerian Chinch, a liur- I deici-ndant of John Koox, Vr great Son cl Heforiner..Syjee ch f the lien. S. S. Temphtnn. DANCING), Somebody in New Yoik has ofJ.r!il i30 for ilia b sl trad on dineing, not xceiliog (we've pig" in length, and 1 1 turn - ii lor JU lgfiP, U'-. I vnii.iormi i - 0 ir y of this city, now of New Y.nk: K.;v. VI' . Audi vi, nf Troy, an I Rev Wm. . II ill )ck. of New Voik ciiy. Tin uesiions lu he iliscussed in Ihe trac, ne Mtie nropriely of among hy hnrch members, and Hie expediency of selling il lo nur children, Fiorn ihi on" of .Hilling the questions, we euj) iosw ihit Ihe person advertising for the rarl emulcir ns il incing as s ufnl. The eadeM o( 'lie Lelger will rern'mber h-l, ab'iiit ir ree years airo, we tiea'ed he mbjert somewhat al length, showing hat dancing w is1 a natural instinc. among ncn, monkeys', and even birds, and onseqnently that il was designed to ho latified. and therefore waa ool sinful niles abusfd. We still tl'ck lo our x', and 'are of the same opinion still,' ud we defy all ihe long faces and s ur orr.peis to make OS believe that this bfauiiful world vs given to man for no other purpose than lo 'modify the flesh ' by rrjecling all ils sources erf njoynini. Theerimeisin Ihe abuo ml not in the use; and therefore wa Ivise all to cbnee decently an I moder- tiely, and lo leave canting arusieriiy to s sulks. Did not David d nci ? 7od ire we not told, 'if any be merry, lei inn sing songs?' The translation of the Iviglish Vulgile have translated lliitf vord iuio psalms, by which they would ?onfine its aignificaliou lo a sacred cong nt worship. Hut ihey inieipieled ev rv Jewish custom according lo lha English fashion of the seventeenth ceu tuiy. Bui what is decent end moderate dn- tf . . ii . 1...1- t . u : oing.' wetoieny exciuuo irum mhj caiegnry a 'fashionable ball.' Thera he company is promiscuous; :he f-mslu portion are dressed by vanity, in flimsy garments offering no dtfnee against weather; the danciog begins when lha company ought lo be abed, and contin ues till daylight of ihe next day; (he uuests are crowded and packed into rooms wher4 lha ftmosphera would fuf