The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, May 09, 1846, Image 3

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    .7 roslmautr Delected in Polling the
M,i!l.U appear that on the (iili of March
Hlfi, Mr. Llnunil Tiffany, residing in
MiMincnunna county, maiiej tw ienii m
. . i I . I
Hi llio.iklvs 'nai-oflii'B. in tho above
ronnty, one addressed i Wetmore Sl Co
ah J ilia oilier to Y iiite Hams, ef the city
nf Nuw Yurk, anJ encli letter rnniaiiiini
1U, principally in ten dollar notea four
ol tlicae bills wem matkctl with a black line
drawn across the bark: atftu. the date ol
mailing was marked in (he hand write o
Mt. Tiffany those loiters never reached
their ilesiiiialion. Ollicer A. M, 0. Smith
of New Yoik, whom it appears has bean
uppointed special agent by the Postmaster
Ceueral, to investigate this matter, was in
formed that two of the ten bills, marked as
above, were discovered in the Ilonesdale
Uank, Pennsylvania. These bills hoc
been deposited by a Mr1 Zenaa II. Rtmsel,
who received tha am from Khen II. Clark
lh roslmaxter at Cherry Ridge, in llii
county. Upon procuring this information
ollicer Smith in company with Mr.TilTany
i.rncfeded to t; hen v Kidsra. an J upon an
interview viih Mr. Clark, respecting th
robbery, and from the fact of the, money be
ing traced from him, which was indentilied
to be stolen money belonging to Mr.'I ill .my
ha became much alarmed, and finally ac
knowledged die fact of abstracting the let
teis and money from the mail, and paidMr
Tiffany back the 80, and asked to be fur-
given, and hoped that the matter might br
settled in this wav. He also jjava him $2
more lo give to Mr John (Jillman, from
whose letter he had abstracted that amount,
and also asked him to forgive him. The
whole of these proceedings were taken on
list Fiiday, befoie IS. I'atenue, Esq ..justiet
of the peace, in Wayne county Pennsylva
nia He was committed furvxauiinalion.
New l'uili Herald,
One day when Lady Raffles, while in In
ilia, was almost uverw helmned with grie
lor the loss of a favorite child, unable If
bear the si;ht of her other children, or thr
ilitof day, and humbled n her touch in
feeling of misery, he was addressed by n
poor, ignorant native woman, of the lower
class, who had been employed about the
nursery, in terms not lo bo forgotten: 'I
am come bccaue you have been here
days shut up in a daik loom, and no out
dares to come near you. Are you not io
nium -d to oiiave in this inan.ier, when you
iMsjIit lobe ill inking God for having givei.
vou the most beaui'ilu! child that ever wa.
kc,i? Were you not the envy of everj
both? Did any one ever see him or speak
df bi n without admiring him? Aud iu
nead of letting this child continue in
this world till he should be woin out will
lioubie and sorrow, has noi (!nd taken him
o heavrn in all his beaut) I For shame!
leave ml Heaping aud let me open a win
dow.' Mnve Humors We unriVrst.inrl, say
the Petersburg, Va. Iniel'ience, of the
25ih nit. , that a bearer of (JeKpilches to
(.or Government, in 12 days from Gen.
Taylor's camp, passed through ourlowi
on Thursday. What thp)natuie of ihest
(kp itches were, we couhl not ascet lain;
bus we learn that the bearer .of Itvm
Hated, two day before he left Gou.T.iy
lor, a battle with the Mexicans was dai
lv expected; that Gn. Vaylor ha i de
livered a war speech lo his army, am'
that daily accession! to the Mexican
army wt le pouring in from all quai
lers. Nauvort, the lornier abode ot tin
71urmnn in Illinoi, is almoM entirely
i!ented. It is said thai the propeilj
and farms in thn city nd neighborhood
arc very valttible and present gn-al in
ducements for speculators as tlie Mor
mon' sell at half price in order to be ol!
to Calafornii.
A Ilr.P.r.iNE. A mm pi'mled black,
and other w" din'ised, aM'crnpled In
I oil a woman residing near lV-allsvilie,
Monroe county, On;o. She had sold
a hoif f-ays the Uelmonl Chionicle)
for 575, which lad the villain knew II
ilfiiiainK'd the uhole amouiit' She gav
I - i iik si. inn hiiik notes, and dtsifed that
he choiilJ count them. Jl he stoo)e
I j do so. fhe siiuck him over lh heai
With a heavy poker, and then alarme.
the in ilihur hooil. In a
liie nun va found dead.
I'uc fc Heiress, V Government
Express, with despatches for the sijua
dion in the Pacific, is said to have no e
overland via Si. Louis, the Praiiies and
Upper California, lo mci'l a Vtsel at the
Ji iy of Sii Francisco.
J DUchsuxt.S. woman, wlio goff
by the nama of 'Julinny,' w run over
i day or hvoago, and lakn to the Cii
. . . e . I -
1 1 u"iit ai. whrro her icx was tnsiuiscov
For several year ltn has been
an omnibus driver m Vj'ioadway.
will it-II nuUting of I cr history.
JFnat ire you writing inch a bip
hand for, Pat.?' 'Why you iee, my
granilmoihei's dafe, ind I'm wrilin' i
loud lethcr to her.'
The Koute to Orevnn The Oinein
nati Chronicle siys; curioui fart.
connected with our rights posilion
in Dickon, was stated to us by a milita
ry friend. II li this: Al r leaving
the South West l'ass, the only rou
which wt have to reach the. Valley
of the Willamette and the Columbia.
i;sse a large distance within the Mexi
can territory Upper California. Trm
a the route always taken by the emi
grant!1. The roul lo Or'on, is fiom Inde
pendence t the Kansas river; thence
up ihe Valley of the Atknsss lo lli
S iuth West pass. Now thin Pass is jus1
fourteen miles North of the Aid clejuee
of lattiiurlr. This was a bare escape
from the Mexican territory.
liut when they leave the South West
Pass; in crder lo lurn the secomi
range of Mountains, they are obliged It
go southwardly , in a circu Ions route.
ill they reach the valley of (lieen rlvci
in California. At the southern point
of their iournev, ihev arn more
han a hundred milt in the Mexican
teirtiory. 1 rom that point they lurn
Aurth West, and get into valleys run
ning into the Columbia.
This fad is of impoi lance; for if w,
an find no other route, we may he o
blig"d lo purchase a portion of Califor
iia, in order le secure the Light of
r -
Cap'ain Freemonl is now exploring
California. lie was last at Monterey.
We may txpect a very full reprl from
urn of the real situation and character
'if that coun ry.
I 0 O. F.
The annual meeting ol the (Jiand I, )dj;e
f the iiiii ii'iil('iu Oifier id' Odd I'VHuws
of the SiH!r nl I't cuss Iv .uia, walieid I t
week. "Iit-iiihe 1'iiln'a ii'(' iiiiini'd oi-nile-
man weri' du'v elf i ti il otl'ictn fur one year
f rom .1 1' ir nt x :
M V Grund Muit Thomas M Ai c-
D U yuistcr Joseph .anger
( I l!mhn- I) anii I Hiker
U Srcrelarjj 'liliam f!uris
H Txewiurrr J Knox Jorten
H JitjiH Henry S Piitte rmm.R S M"n i-.
''ru.ilces A Waters, ' (3 Dimrn,Wni
m Allen, Thomas Graham, 1) W Mo.irt
MAUUIED.-Iiy h M r. D. S.
I'nbias on the 7ih in". Mr. ,7r,itAHA.i
Vot;(; to Miss I i : u i: c c A Stol'I'ker.
both o' Jidison
In 11 . j i U i : v d!, no Sundav monii t;
May I! 1 iiv in- U'-v. Sunii-I T. I.hiI.
.1r, Damki. to Miss Maiiv
vJss Cam;, both of, Ulnum
tawi .ship.
ijtr "f1" 'T"Tammi
l'' ' ;( f S'Jl '
DIi:I) I't 'his pl'Ce Oil Tties'lay
lasi, Mr. William Wiugut, rRd 37.
T!is,s M. i: ROItlSOA
f"C? .S jiisl received nt her old stand in Miiiu
P street, an allotment ff Millineiy and fan
cy (oods. consisting in part of
I'ashionalde i'i'M'WS of all hlwli.
IJonnet I'll net ef all color an I rjuitliri'.
Summer Artificial Voire a if id . t.iu'v.
am) almost eveiv lliins i in her line umv W
eilliil for: all of which will be sold veiv Lev. La
dies aru reijue-led to call liefiiu puulusiii;; else
ulieie. May 9, IS Hi -3
'V A i l O .
RR.ilMJC''J'FL'IXy, infotiiis tho ptililir'that b.
n Ecmnvrd his Shop lo E-pyfoiai
where he will always be ready, as heretofore, tc
orike any kind of clothing, "I ihn shoi te-l iintin
and in tlie best and iim-l fashionable style. I'ron
h'.s lour experience in the business, he fl.itler-hinM-lf
ill it be shall contiuue lo give (.; i.rral cat
i.r..-iior, and tin rel.v hopes to receive a share ufihi
iiulihe. p.Mi.inage.
i '.ullnl JC intention wain ...
All kinds of country produce taken in payment
I'oj woik.
Espy town, May 9, 1846. lf3
Uyyf V I'OI'.ND.S rf a superior quality of
.7.S7 X.1LMUi,
t received nt the store of
Ue-eiuiier li
7" .. -ill . .-. .11, da '
SOgical Ir.m turn tl.o ili'inaiul for J'nt crV
(llniiai)iiiiin or All llciiling Dulsiin, ami il lias
mfu Hiuii Ki'.nerul lutiHliii-lion to tluiho w'io liavr
ime l il ami liccume urmiuitilod will) itx viilucs lliat
it now xtaiul iirc-viniiieiit aa a rcmeuv in l)ueast-
if (ho Linn;, and tho tcstiinnny viliich Inia lidin
given liy (iill'ort'iit pi-rnou who liavo been eureil liy
t la altoHi'tlier volunlury nn lln'ir nait. I hey luivo
uiven it in the hojic that ull who may I'm d tlieiiisolvcu
m need uf thin remedy may ujily lor it without de
lay. lieini the following letter rereivru fjom the I'ev
lAr Sliiineall, I'.mlor of Nl JikIu'h UiihcouuI Free
tliureli. Mr S. has not only used '.h ineihcinr
liiiim.'ll' hill hu witiu'M-ieil iu elVi'cU in neverul very
uyinir cane uf ilisoiise, '1'lie letter will nhow liix
iuuion of ita virlutH.
Dear S'ir : Uclieving it to he hut an act of com
noil humanity to ttio-e null'ering under the various
liweJt'ea ol (oui;Iih, L', Ho;rseneiw, (OiiMiini
ion. Aftlnna, Vc. to lioinl them lo a sale, speedy
mil railical n inedv, I t;ike nleiniire in heaiini; iny
lesiiinouv to your inv tluahle uiedieiue cullcil Ulosn
iiiiiiu or All i'leulmg li.ilsain. Ol it.i cllicury I
an upeak iiral troni my own eieiieuee. liuin
suhject Iriiiu exposure mora or K.88 to thh vieinsi-
IuiIi h ol our cliiii.iie to lreiiieut attack)) ot lutluen-
ia, lloareness,&c, I have always found it lo ulloicl
ilinost instautuneoufi, and always by uerMiVuraiicr
hi ilii umo, elleeluul relief. To a particular friend
f mine uuH'crint; severely uiwer Asthma, uud win
Had deniiniit'd ol olituinin relief fiom uoy huiuuu
louree, upon my reeorniiiinilalion was induced to
.ive the Ulo.suunian a tnal and no pronounced tin
i-ll'i'd iroducet upon hiina peilect cliurni ofTordiu
iiuii immediate anil aimoxi iiiHiauiaiieous reiiei, in
mother instance I recnuinieudi d il to u female
iViend far ad am ed in ( Jonsumplioi:. After the use
of lh fust bottle her coujjli w.ia entirely removed
and her nnpctile and etreuulh restored to wach a
decree us to astonish all v. ho saw her- Willi a
Innir rlutiished in.d (irmly established prejudice a-
i;iiint the thousand and ono speeitics put forth in
these, days as soi. reien panaceiiH for all disease, I
iHUI'e Vf.U lllill IIIHUIHK shim i w, my iii in vim ii;uuii
uf the claiiim ofyoui medicine lo un origin sort)
. pectable, and to the elf,'cls of it 113 herein ce.rtilied;
liolli bv mv own nvperieuce una oiisi rvation, 1
could not have been induced thus to come forward
as a witness in its behalf. 1 have the b r lo be.
b, respectfully yours, il. ': MU M LA Lh.
Have you a Cough,
which is troublesome am
lins ii. 't lo n:iv
o lite u lies bed. V'i'l ll.i'C (i-c I I Is II at-
icoded nilh I aiii il iheidc, slim Inc. ofli;eaih.
iiijllt sweats!
Do you liuhe Blood
when you rough and find your fdrcngth gradually
failing ! Vou will llnd that these symptoms if unl
propeilv alteniled to will terminate in consuniption
and e rath. Are you troubled with that distressing
which depiivea you of your ret at tiilit aud r.!.i
.Icrs life hurtheiisoine.
Here is the Kerne Jy.
Uemember the name und place where il is to In
iblaino . and do not lie put oil' with any mnii. ii
lias iroduced a cure III asilesierale ca .c. is uins
ly apjitar to be, und duubllcss will put to Ihght
111 a speedy manner those distressing symptoms
ivhich fill your mind with gloomy lorebodiogs ol
the future.
lis IfniH'Z I'micrlics
In not deceive, 'I l.e short dry coutdi is 'pii' kl,
ivercomt! and eay In alihv expe, tor.ilioo lakes
Is place. piliing ol nlood is immedialely eheek
d. N ight sweats with pain in the side and -.liesl,
Icbihly and diliicuUy of b.'eatiing yield in a shoil
lime. Aslm i Willi all 11. ciie.niiul acompaiiiineiits
is at once relieved. ro:uhit;s and in tact all the
Isseases of the throat and I lings give way before
.his remedy w hen all oilier means have failed.
I'e'sons may attempt lo deceive you with some
ither remedy, ptoiinuucii. it lo be equally as good
out remember life is at ctukc, thercloM
Ee not Deceived.
The above medicine, for sale by the following
i;. P. Lulz, L'uoinshuri;. W. f Waller & Co
Berwick ; W ec.l, l.a.aius, ()i uijjewlle ; Levi lii-
el.Jeiseylown ; Uerr Mclinde, White Hall -, k.
Ualdy, Cattawissa. bin:)
'h:l:i:lclphia, Nov. 2, lfil2.
Messrs. Editors As there re manv peiscns who
ire siiflcrin'' much trout Heroiorrhontes or Piles, I
. . .1 . i. ,t . . . i:.. . . r
woulil intonn lliem inriiut;!i ine memum ri you.
paper, that .it'l"- many years alllictiou vn!i them.
ind bavin; in soulit relict Iro.n vaimns pnv-
sirians, I nave in lenin ihtii i t i . cy cuieo
e i: f f.iii' I' it'lesof Dr. .lavne's Ver.nif:i;e.
vhii h 1ns in.) nilh cticed me ol the piles out has
','i-cally l.t'iieli'.ted my 'lenlth ulheiwi-e.
ti ' 1: .m 1 y
Jivjui Life Prcir-.vtUci;
An ah.T.itiw ami depuratlve praparalinn , cnni
lining all the viilues. if th is? uiticles which
.or:'j expt fience lias prmei
d in 1 o si'ss t!ic mn-t sal-
ind elVn-i'Mil a'ler
lice ii'K lislrueut properties,'s Evil, white swdl
fil the cui.' of ."a
in.'s. uli-et1:
His, 1'iiM'i ions and indnlent lu-
ioiiii-s. rheiimati-in. trout, scurvy, neuralgia or tie
douloureux, cam er. aoitre or lironc.hncles, (.-wi lled
neck) eolai'Licinerit id I tie bones, joints or heamrnts
or of ihe ovaries, liver, spleen, kidneys. tVr. A
the various (h.'.cases of the skin filch as tetterme-
worms, bilr.'s, pimples, eiirbuneles ficc. drnpsicu
eve hies, eonstitiilional d Foiners and diseases
ririuinatinir from n depra'-ed r: impuri stale of tin
blond or other fluid-of the body 'i
The above Med'cme arc f:ir saL? a
the s!ore of
S hereby jiven to ihe nib-bribers to the Stork of
the 4 iitt;iM ;;ridj- ( (iniiaii)
ttiat an Inslallment of Jf'IVi lOLI..1H per
sliare is required In be. pant to the 'IVeasurer on or
before tho ii s' day of 'uric next.
11 V order of the Hoard ol lliree.lors,
DAVID CI.I?K, Treasurer.
I'atlswi.-sa, May I, lc-lC 2
lUtale of MICHAEL U lIlTESiailT.
Uite of Ucmlork township, dfr.eaneil.
JKT'J KliS Testainenliiry on lh Kstnte of .Mi
J eluiel Wlulenight, lalonf lleniltick IowiihIuji
i olumbi eouiiiy, deceuied, haa been granted to
ihfl suberibet, residing in Madison township, in
aid county, by tho Ueyister of Haid county ; ull
pernunfi having eluiinaorileiiiiiudiaga'nisl the stiit
of IVi-tiiior, un rijueslrd lo make ihem known
without deny, and nil persona iniMi'eil lo mini
lute an) le pared lo make puvinioil foithwith lo
JDy.N HKICHAKU, i.'xeculor
of Mii liodWhileniiiht of lleinlm li townuhip, dee'd
Madison township, May 9, 1SIG Qw'i
Centre of aravity.
THE gnlwrribers respectfully inform the citi
zeiia of Ulooinsburg and vicinity, that they have lo
ia:eu inemsrlvcii in I horn ton a New Khon, in
ici(n. two dtmrn brlnw I lit Vomer of Main aud
Murket st.rfh, in Hloninsbuiir, where they vt'll at
ways bn found on hand, ready to accommodate
moso win, may lavor them with a call. J heir
wont will be ilouein the latest and most approved
')lo lor neatness a:id elcgiiuco in lh busines.
f roin tlieir long exneriencB in tin businesf. they
llatlei themselves llmt their work will b done ns
neat as ran be done elsewhere. All woik iutrusted
in Hum; cine Warrarled to U.
CIJTTf H(i done on the shoitest notico and
warranted to lit il properly made up.
May 2. 1840- 2tf
N H.COIJ.N'J'KV IMtOUrCK, nt the uiaike
price, will be taken bi ew.haiijjn for work.
1SIE into the inclosur of th
Hiicserihcr on lite S lilt of A
pnl, IB1G, a
dark main and tail and uppoed to be about eight
years old- I lie owner is requested to prove prop
erty, pay charges and take her away, or she will
be disposed ol Becoming to law.
Greenwood, April US, I8i0 3wS
EMBi?K8 of tho Lveominir (bounty Mutual
1?-H. Iiisiirauce ( ompany are hereby notili
'hat the jloard of Electors have ordered an assess
ment ol one, piu cent, on all premium notes due to
.lie L ouipany on the loth day of .Novsinher, 181li
0 be paid previous to the Ud day of May next to the
I reastiisr or Hecrtvers.
Win. A. PKTKIKIX, Trnwirer,
IV. 13. Kcccivers for Columb a Cotmtv.
James C, Sprout, Jacob Mr.lct k, Paul
I,, haldy, L'tjri. and, the Treasurer, C
S Wallace. Esq.
Oilice of the Lvcri. Co. Mut. In. Co
Muncy, April t i, If 40 $
-ffl-grjoroSALS will be received by tin. Coniniis-
U loissionera ol I oliin.bia county at their ollice
in Danville, 0,1 Monday the eleventh day of M.iy
next, la twecmhc hours of 10, A ,V and il P ,M id
said day, lor boildinff a l!i h!j over Maimniiii;
crecK near liie t.oiun'' anil 1 lie nun am .Vnec t-
f 1. . ,.i i... . . ..
ncauou mav w tii ui me i o'liuussioncr s ollice
on :r after the till) day id ,1ay next
j"? Uy oide- of die ( 'omiuisnioiiers,
E. M KM) K Nil ALL, Clerk.
CtDiimissitnirr's Office. )
IhnwiWe. Aj,ril lii), 18-10
fRHE subscribers inform the publie .'hut they
1 have established a rEf'KV at the old cro.-a
inn, a suort uisinnce uclo.v tlie nioutti o ris uiie-
' ei k, near Jud;,'e b'uprrl's and irocured a larei
MOW l'L'r. CO feut lorirr. aud new I oats for
lent men. Ilavinx yml assisfuitB they will be in
constant r-jiidintss lo ferry all win; apply, born a
siAtil,; I'EKSt).. to a M.v 1IOK.-K LOAD
I'.Il 'J'LAM, wiihout delay, und uoon reasonabh
April 1813
rgHE yu'i.;enher iiifonnslhr public that hav
ii ini procurt'( a N t'W FLA P and boats i.
looimen he Ins fsliiniishcd a 1'1'IIIiV IVEAb
t'A'i' W. Is.. fj;D(iE, uud will at all liui,-.
iie in readiness to ferry all from a FOOT.M . ti
a TWO; LO.VDRD TEAM, without de
lay aud 011 reasouubitt terms.
April 1852
The stibaer'dier respc-tfully infurm I La public
rat ti:ey have ciunir.enced the
in 1!1 inmshiirg. in the Zi.ii LI in c, lately ot-ru picj b
Enoch IL :w ll in M.okf '. street v here they itueud
'iirrvin; it oil in all its vc.riou.-j hr.Mu !ms. liavinp
had so.iic rrpriiencn in the bmunrss, they ll.illi"
themselves that they si.illb" alile to do id! the work
intrusted to thun in as fashionable and workman
like maimer, aud f expeditiously; hs can be doin
in any other shop in the cminiy. They, tlierefoie.
a.k a nharo of public palr'niae, at least, they w i:di
to he tried.
d. u'ir.sox.
April 4, 1816 vlv50
the Estate of OA I XL'S J i'KSO.,
late if Jlloom town-thin, dtnmed.
TJOTIC'E is hereby picri ihr.t Icttcrn of Hi'miu
istialion nn the at'0e n c:ti(-.i,cd L-iate
have, teen grantrd to tlie',livin. in Hrom
lownsnip. All ffrsiru indebted to said estate
aie hereby notified to make i'ore.nliate navineut.
and nil those rocins; claims are jrr.uestcd to pre
tent them properly authenticated to j
April IS, 1816 C52
A I.I. peraons who havo unsettled arrounU on
2)sL I'1" tloiik of the Mibscribcr, now lemovei
liiiui liloouisbuig, are hereby informed that his ae
count hooks are left in the hands of I'hooms l'ain-
er, u Justice of the I'eucu at lJlomnshurg, for set
mi nt and collection. Thoso who do not ultcml
lo having their accounts sealed and paid on or
lielorc the' day of Mui tiiu:t, may ej-oect In
havo cost udJcd to their respeelive dues, wilhoui
rcspuct to jiersoiis,
Wlooiuaburg, April 1, 1816. 00
On the Entute of SAMUEL GEX.
IsUL II, late of ISfoomnbitrs!, decfaifd-
(11 lt. t'. is hertdiy given that Letters ot Ail
ministration on the above mentioned Esl.itc
have been ranted to Ihe subscriber. All persons
indebted to said estate are beiebv notilii'd m 111 1'
immediate pnyment, and all lliose bavin;:
are requested to present them proptily uut'lu.itic
ted, to
April 25, 1810 Cw I
J HE subscriber iufounsthc public that she ha
1n Extensive Assortment of
rnong themfiiay Le fot nd
jt..:,i ?......-- 71 ; rs, . r. .
rorceeain ana j;ngsi SI raw,
Silsi, Satins, Laivjis, lluni'
buzinsMiblionds of every
description , Flow
ers, Ulnves,
, Dress Silnjt, Bal
g'trines, .Gingham?, Slia
did Lawns, Calicoes, Trim
tilings jor Dressri, Cops, and a
71.1. ... ...
supply of HE.1DY
mil almost every other article that may be called
'or in her hue. All of which will he sold on
tlie most reasonable teuris. Ludies arc requested
10 can onu examine net goods lor themselves.
April 2o, Istlti 1
rpjll E supiicriber has just leceivcd in additioi
Jj to his toriner slock, a complete, assortment ol
uitablii for SSpring and bummer uo, conaiatiti;; ii.
rt ol
Mntislin deLains. Frenrh Ltwns, II iree-r
Gincham Lawns, Faney Prints of ail
Pa'terns and prices Oamhroons,
Tweeds, Summer Cloihs; Fasie)
Casiuie.i t'f, Col'on Sripfs,
Touether iv i h I irej;r',Zepei
Worsted. Thihel, I'Liu &
Shaded Mouslin de
Laine Shiwls.
Vrnt i n e. Slocks, Pongee and Cambric
Hand kerchiefs, Corded and Gras
Clu'h Skirts,. Also, a large
Assortmctil of Florence Braid &
S'raw funnels, Rihbims, Si'k.
0,1 Clolh, Hosieiy, P.u -aso's.
Porct-leia, Sun Shades,
Sir. &e.
In fact every thing that may be required for La-
lies' or C'ciitlc men's spiiiig or summer wea', all ol
biih he will sell as low u.j lliey can be purchased
in the county of (hiluiubii.
All kinds of Lumber andl'o.mtiy Produce taken
n cmIiiiii"u I'H tiuods.
April 33 1
THE Public are l.eieby rspectlully informed
hat we In ve l iti'ly entered into Ooiiartnerslun in
he above busine..i al the Brick Shop formerly ne-
i'iipir.1 liy Moses Cofl'man, on Maiu strect. lielow
1 liu new store, where we intend to cany on ihe
thine named business in all its branches. We
ph il;n ourselves that wn k done at this shop 1iall
ne executed in as neat and workmanlike manner,
and 011 as reasonable term', ns can be done nt an'v
other shoo in this plac e. We therefore hnpo ,'T
strict nltenlinn to business, to merit and receive 11
due proportion of public patronage.
8. BliOBST"
April 55, 1510.
A'. Ii. SHOE HQ don? at the ri-
ducHlpnee of One 5oU:u Smah
r,rnft(3 a,ul quirk return Our motto
Thn person who took a TLV Pl'Chir.T, frntn
'm' pmnp ot .VIr Llaytnn on lh moruins cf llu
il"th mst, whieh was not their own, will do '.veil
'as they aro known to if turn it to the subscriber
ill ihoy dniit they may expect to catch J;c.
.1. W. CA..A..
p:il 25.
4: 1--.A-
Prclty rcntlitinitlalica nuo'rd
A N,D UH "'l" ImUa good in almost eycry
die subscriber would ..guin inform l.ia fuoo,'- .
tllu I'"1"" ''"erully. that he i, Mill :i ' ,a
"'I'vimr.beOLI) K'J'AND, ori Muill.Kl "rt t
'"'en t ie idllce of K-Uuckalew .J S Mh
-nl, shop of Moses t,',ll,Un, a, which ulueo
may belound tipon Ihe er ,,r ....... u'iJ",r0
-lands pledged lo Z ' ,.UMf
".ers and .he public genernlly wjll, j J 1
md tasty (its or no "'"
.liiPKKT, TAI,0l,-willfce found upon
1 hln,de muck up above the ,Jowr, 1
' 'UltlBinrt ...
.. . ...layicciy un expenxe.
lie would also inform hiafr, t .1... ...
liu.. O...S. co, .,,,,1 ...,:," : ' , v'r ucat'
- " win ov uiaeii in ex.
c hantte lur work done at hi8 ,,Pi anj ,., .
the ,,.,rr dtnetum, once in a, wil. no 'o
aimsd. Call and give hi,,, s trial, 0
April 25, IS4B--.I '
jHR subscriber has , ,',t received fr.h u-
ply of '
t'onfrrliouary. Ac. .1 Cand.,, f ya,i,ma kinds. And alsa
thmeh 'U,,m, of a tupfr.of r
Itor, :uiix Prunes. LnrrMh rrr,.,.ii
Tigs, Fresh Oransetamt Lemmn!.
Herring, Sweet and (Cater Crack
ers, English irutuuls, Filberts
Amonds. Cream Am, Pca
Nuts. iie.
o.inS; Smoking, Lump; (Wndisli mid Ilonev
loinicco, bpauisli, hull' tfpuuish und com
uiori ISegars.
Iso . n assortuientof Hum, Worsted and
Cotton Suspenders; Kair.or Stiaps; liuslieH
and C ombs of u kinds; Hlackiny: Thread
I aiies: Needle an. I PI..- .
lIu'itiiiR and oilier Coat Dnltnnsi II ,',!, n,l r.v.
I emuls and Pencil Points Percussion t.'nps
Steel Pens 'I Limbics ,1al. lies-while ar.,1 black
Cable C'urda-.ninleand peml .shin IJuituiia
Strap vest onil .tispender Itultoin
Satin Stocks watch (fuaids
Necklaces-...lltt -Wafers- kniiiin:
nnorro Vll,",-''hnmers A all ki.uU of
All of which nre to be had ehean .1 ,1
f Aluill Slid Cast-street.,
. , , - C. KAIILEK.
uloeiiishuiy; April VI- 1mK;. ;
LATES'I vJRRlll L .' v nrv
33 AVE just received by the Rail Ja,l ,) arB
au. opening, a gphmdid assoiment ol
spring and Susamcr
new Goonn.
which, having been selected with great care, they
i 'U nnd will sell aa low. if n.u n linU l,.,..r
than they can he purchased elsewhere in the conn!
ly. Auiutig their assortment nuy be found in
A splendid assortment of ur.x and fashion,.!,!,.
'rhil of new liirurcs, fiiiuhjms: anew uivh. ..(
rosa ovci Uer.iau uud other )!era es; fancy ami
ick and white Lawns, (rimhum Lawns. Del .n. a
full ((dors and qualify, black Slid blue black .I,..
S'ilks,- black silkticrfee Allapacca, damask summer
Vims, damask hook .Muslin, purso twist ami steel
leads arid rmga ol assoned colors, ladies and t:n
lemeoskid gloves, mohair (i loves ami mis white
anibrii: ILnulkcrchiefs: ladies silk n;n. 1.1....1.
indann.1 and flag silk y.indkerehicl'.' enit,,,.'
ILindvercliielsofeveiy description, white and fan.
y silk llandkercliiels, Miawlsol all kinds, in slnut
ottou ami I, men ImmJa of cverv description for
udies' wear. S-Jk, fotton and Worsted Hose for
neu anil wumen Ladies shell combs
Zj''n of all colors and quality, Sattinetts,
assimeies, fancy summer Cassimeres, s x quarter
:at Tweed, Nankins, Checks, black .Nniiin ...t
iher Miminer Vestiims of cveiy desciintiom t,..
fiearfa at d l.'ravats of all dualities, bleached inol
inbleaehed Muslins, Umbrellas am' Jhirasols Lcl-
1 ....1... i-' ii .. . . .
11, uou puiiu it-.11 uais. , quantity of caiuet-
Lump and brown Siloar. Molasses. CitTen T..,
f nil kinds, (Jinper; Alspice l'epper.N itirieg Sec.
!ar sviup, C'andlcs.coiirse and fine Mall, soenn ....i
lisii Oil, an ussorliucnt of the best quality of
j'randy, f.'in, IJum, U'ims. &e. ritrchnsi.,l o
pressly t supply Tavern keepers, who ate part,,-.
a iy leqiiesieo u, cm alio cxainuie quality and
i es lielore pun basing elsew here.
A splendid assortment of
by the 1'ca Set or piece ta suit customers.
ConsistMift ill part of k'livesj and fmks. butts ami
rewe; tiinbles, iui(;urs, cllissels, Knw. lea ami
other kettles, 4 '" &c. and an assortuientof
Also an assortment of
In fuel they can furnish their customers with ev
ery nrtiele usually kept in country store, and laini;
lelerui'.ned to do business rieht, they ran nnd will
make it the intciosl of tho people to trade with
d'J Lumber nnd nil kinds of emu,.
? produce taken in pnyment for
Goods. 11 sitf
Attorney ;it l.;m.
Ofike South bide of Alain-sl. bdou)