THU OAlUi AM); . MYA fLwtrt enrirli'J, From various garth in full' J will' rare." 1'iom the New York JtTvnnina Pos. JO II N BULL I wornler, Jolin, if you forgol rome. sixty yenri ago, Wheu we were younj, John, your head van w hile as biiow, You did't count us tmicli.John, ami thought to make us run. Hut found out your mistake, John, one day at Lexington , An ! w hen we asked you, John, to take cud of tea, Mads in old Boston harbor, John, the tea PuT OF TAE TREE, You didn't liUo the parly, John, it wasn't quite select, Some aborigines were there, you did'ni quite expect, You didn't like their manner, John, you couldn't drink their tea, You thought it got into their heads, and made tliem quite free; Cut you became quite tipsy, (John, you drink a Utile still,) The day you raarch'd across the Neck.nnd lan down Bunker Hill, You acted just like mad, John, and weie tumbled o'er and o'er By your stalwart Yankee son, John, who handtad half a score. But now 1 hope you're soberJohn you're quits too fat to run, You havn't 'got the legs' now, you had at Bemscton. You had soma corns upon your feet, Coun wall's, he was one, That made you at the Yorktown fight so lame you couldn't run, You tried tnovgh, I will admit and threw away your gun, And tuld a man to hold your swoid, bit namo was Washington. Another much loved spot, John, has sweet asaotiations, When you were going down to York to see you rich relations; The 'Dutchman of the Mohawk anxiout vour to entertain Put up some Gates' that stopped you John on Saratoga s plain. That hill you roust remember John'tis high aud very green We mean tn have it lithograph'd sod send it to your queen. I know you love that hill John you dream of It o'nights. The name it boro in ''70,' was simply Eemis IIeiiuts. Your old friend Ethan ditzs ol Conii- ncntal fame Who called you to surrender in The Great Jehovah's name,' You recognized the Congress' then authori tv most hi"h. The man he called so early John and rid . you of Fort Ti. I know you'll grieve to hearft John and feel auite sore and sad To learn that Ethan's dead and gone; yei still therea many a lad That's gnwing in his highland homo as fond of guns and noise And gets up quite as early John these brave Green Mountain boys ' Oh no we never mention it' we think ii ouiia unlucky The day you chaiged the culton bas and got into Kentucky. I thought you knew geography but misses in their teens TVill tell that Old Kentucky' was that day below New Orleans' That 'beauty' on that day Johu wai some distance from the bags; V2r.d did you gsl the 'booty' John? some how mv memory flaea. I rather think you made a 'swap' I've gai it in my head That instead of goll and silver John you look it in cold lead. Though 'mistress of the ocean John you could nt rule the lakes There were 6omo Gander? in your fleet, but John vou had no Drakes. You had enough good spirits there you drank both hook and cherry But John you couldn't stand our fare you CfttilUU t tftke out J ERKY, We mako them all so' John on land and on the sua. We took thin little continent on purpose to ce irof . Cur Eagle's free nnd lives to Buar he can net bear e came llia lulo in smtelieij the lion's back an 1 set him in a raja. Our glorious stars are npurkling brigti in creasing ye:ir by year Supported by million hernia that ncvei know a fear. Our children linp it in llicir piayers 'lis car. rricd o'er the sea Dost heir it John? It thunders thero we're children of ihr fiee ' IVe an our aires of '70 as bohj at bnve OS litis l'o worship God and keep the land we took dear John from you; To keep our d ig free on Uio land, unsullied on the wave, L'ntil ilic hist bright star shall net on the last freeman's fravp. I thought your memory I'd refresh you like old things and times. So these events to please you I have turn bled into ryiws nd don't fornt your old Iried friends be cause you're now the Ton. IS ii t, John, just think of '70 and give tip Oregon. mrV .'J'JH"J.'.J- J..IUL (( He not Well Answered Tint wa a noble answer which was given by a cler gyman to one of his acquaintance, when urged to drink wine at a wedding. What Mr. M.' said one of the guests, don't jou drink wine at a wedding?' No, sir,' was the reply; 'I will tako a glass of water.'' 'But, sir.' said the officious guest, 'you recollect the advice of Paul to Timothy, to take a little wine for his infirmity?' 'I have no infirmity,' wis the Reverend tleman's reply. There is a certain sea-captain who s silts from Boston, who loves his wife,and maket a gieat pet of her when he ia at home. Sin always writes him very lengthy ' epistles while he is away, but the caruul and alien- donate man never thinks of opening them. lie just lays them ay, tied up and labelled according to their dates, in order that, when he returns, his wife may read them all lo him in a lump. DISTRESSED FOR CASH, It is certainly hard for any one to be short of cash, but for an editor, and a Ilev D, D. too, to be on the point of sinking for want of the needful, is really heartrending. But such a case has actually' occurred. The Rev. E. Percy Howe, D. I)., editor of the 'Dollar Democrat,' aoncwhere in Louisian- na(ithus afTectingly calls on his 'signers,' in true poetical style. Wondeiifthe hint might not bo taken by the signers uf some other paper? Bui hear him; Come, ye signers, proud and lowly, Rich and ragged lean and fat Come and lork o'er what you owe mo For the Dollar Democrat? The person anxious lo leceive it, Ah! he sadly needs the chink, Every dollar bright, believe it Due for paper rent and ink. Pry don't hesitate ye signers! Of the Printer's pittance think (Send, 0 9end the silver shiners! Quickly Cash us or we sink! A FAMILY WEDDING. We see it announced in a New York pa per that at a recent wedding" in the city, tfce bride, bridesmaid, bridegroom and grooms man were all cousins, and that thirteen oth er cousirs ( making seventeen ) were present also an uncle to the whole party and tha the groom's father was brother to the bride's mother. A GOOD HIT FOR A YOUTH. An old chap in Connecticut, who was one ol the most niggardly men known in thai part of the country carried on the bl.ick smilliing business very extensively; and a is generally the case in thai state, boarded all his own hands. And loshow how In envied the men what thev ate he would have a bowl of bean soup dished up for him self lo cool whiU thai for the hands was served up in a large pan just from the boil ing put. This old fellow had an appren lice who was rather unlucky among the hoi rons irequentiy burning Ins fmgeri. I hi old man scolded him severely one day foi lieinu so careless. llwtv can I tell' laid, tha boy 'if they arc hot, unless they are red.' 'Never touch anything again lid you spii on it; if it don't hiss it won't burn.' In a day or two the old man sent the !o ... 'l I ' I .... . iu bco ii ins soup was cool, I lie boy v. n.i in spit in the bowl of courBO the soup did not hiss. Ho went back and told thu bur all was right. 'Diniieil' cried he. All hands run: down sal the nhl man ai the head of the table ami in went a large spoonful of the boiling hot soup in his month. 'Good heavens!' cried the old man in the qreatustrage. 'What did you lell me that lie for? you young rascal!' 'did not lie' said dm boy very inno cently. 'You lold me I should epit on any thing to try if it was hot: I hjui in youi bowl and the soup did not hiss so I suppos ed it was cool.' Judge of the eflVrl on the jours. The oy nerer vaj in waul of friends amoriff the1 ourneyiuen. n loomsi) una TR 13 AS IVS SALE OF UXSKATK lAXIK Agreeably to the provisions of an Act ol Viscuiby, eniitled An Act directing the uioilo of soiling unseated lands for laxts, and for other purposes, parsed the lfltli day of May, 1810, and the further supplement thereto pmsccl on (ho i.h dny ol March, 1117, aud the 2ih of March, 1831, tin Treasurer of Columbia County hereby ifives notice to all persons concerned lliero in, that unless fho Taxes due on the follow ing tracts of Unsealed Lund Hiiu.iiod in Co lumbia County are paid before the day ot sale, the whole or such parts of each tract is will pay (ho (axes and costs chargeable thereon, will be sold at the Court House in ho town of Danville, County of Columbia, on the second Monday in Juno next, and be continued by adjournment from day to day. for arrearages of Tuxes doe said County, and the Costs aceiued on each respectively. 'leres. IVutrantee or Owners. Taxes Cuttawissn Townstip, 173 James Allen $0 51 200 John K tinkle 1 80 300 John Kunklo 2 70 120 Christian Rurol 1 1 J 25 Peter Schmiek 21 Fishingneck Township. 100 Cain Widow 8 00 150 David Fowler 1 50 30 Jacob llibler 1 50 102 Samuel and Joseph Lilly 4 30 171) Edward McIIenry 7 53 Green wood To wnsh ip. 00 Bonjamin Chew's heirs 81 100 William Colt 00 118 Mason F. Gardner, agent 1 01 CO Mason F. Gardner, agent 57 430 Edward McIIenry 3 87 200 Daniel McIIenry 1 80 Hemlock Township. 150 Robert Montgomery 5 40 Jackson Township. G37 Hill Joseph and Mitchan 53 25 200 Samuel Yorks 7 23 218 Daniel McIIenry 7 78 75 Jana Gordon 3 08 200 Thomas Gordon 7 17 Liberty Township. 275 Charles Frickle 2 40 250 Abraham Ktnizing 2 25 114 Robert Irvin 3 00 330 John Davis 2 07 235 Jackson Davis 2 10 235 A. Espy 2 10 111 Wm. llengon 3 0'.) AJiJlin Township. 391 John McCalley 3 42 Montour Township. 100 Thomas Woodsido 2 70 2S Dr. John Ramsay 1 22 10 Charles Rntcr 45 Mount Pknutvt Township. 30 Robert Montgomery 1 08 Mudhon Township. 200 John Flick 1 80 100 Robert Hunter Hill 200 Thomas Gordan 1 80 GO Jano Goidan 51 200 Robert Bendy 1 80 200 Robert Lyon 1 80 101 I. Applcgate & L Galbrailh 3 GO 200 Aaron Lcrey, in part 1 80 200 Henry Lebo, in pari 1 80 210 Mary Montgomery, in part 1 08 403 James Rupert 3 GU 160 i horn as Barton 1 41 300 Alexander Scott, in par) 2 70 30 Ann Galhiaiih 27 100 James Armstrong 3 GO 350 Elenor Armstrong 3 05 150 llmnali Giflin 3 85 100 Thomas Barton 3 GO 30 Thomas Grant 27 300 Mary Cornelinon, in part 3 21 llouringereel: Township. 382 George Ashton H 07 411 Thomas Islington 15 If. 400 Nathaniel Brown . 14 81 128 Thomas Nation 3 5 81 12G Christian Birely 4 Gil 20 William Brewer 71! 3('J John Cook jr 13 70 313 William Elliott 12 CI 100 Samuel Lohde'l 1181 100 Philip Loudenbeig 1181 100 (ieorge Long 14 81 380 Philip Loudenbeig 14 00 382 Caleb Lorms 14 00 2!)i) (ieorge Miller 1 1 02 221 Mary Mvers 8 13 I DO M ithew "Miller 7 01 194 Jafr.cs McNeal 0 21 (25 W illiam Miller 15 00 128 Henry Neyer 5 GO 210 Stephen Peahody 7 05 123 William Porter 15 70 190 Mary Rutlan 7 03 200 Mary Rufiuii 7 GS 320 Pi-iiei Rerse 12 03 383 Andrew Keneday 11 H 109 John Ynung 11 00 350 George Patterson 12 00 425 George Espy 10 02 Sugnrlonf Township. 30 JohnBUkly 38 283 Thorium P Cope 3 78 131 Robert Craig 1 02 11 1 Peter Grnbli, Fsq 1 y8 100 Francis Hall 1 80 104 John Lockhait 1 80 120 Charles Hall taxes for 1815 2 51 00 Jonathan Sargeant 1 Ob CHARLES F. MANN, Treasurer. TKi:A.sui;t:n's Oi i u k. ) Danville, March 29, 1810. i li'yThe 1 American Sentinel' will nub lih the above four tunes in the Daily Sen tinel, nnd forward their account to the Tiftusurerof Columbia County. Cabinet Waro House. f HME Niilwcrilio would ri'icctfiilly infoini the S )iililic, Hint lio m lukiMi the h io lalolv oc niiird liy .S'iumii'l Lilly, near tho upper cod ol "looiiHliurjr wlii-ro lio in cnrmnir on thu ii nil its various liniiirlicH, nnd where lie will lie lappy o wait upon nil llin-o u In, mnv favur liim villi their custom. 111k Turn'ouro is wai runted to iv made of i;nod uiatoiiul nnd durable, nnd ho in- lendj keeping on hand SniediHirus, Secretaries, bureaus, ll'ardrobcs. Card Tables, Dining Tables. JJrcakfast Tables, Cupboards, St a n ds, U 'ash Sands,Bedsteads, DoKgh-trovghs, Coffins, &c. mil allkinda of work in bin line, which he will nell upon as reasonable terms a they can bo purchased in tnc county. lly slriel attention to business ho hopes to re ceivo a idnoe of puldin palmnnco. April 25, 1815.-lyl .7 interesting Panrp'dc, called the FAmL'tf 17. HALT IT-. niRsscToriT. FVU Gratuitous Circulation to nil persons who '.Mil rail, I rcsfrve, and I. rod It, H L. J.tuz Hloomubiiri. John Moore, Danville, John K imi', Milton, Wuller & Co. Uelwii'V .'111 the. following named .Uriic'es have ob tained unbounded jiopuitrity,vizi Ithcumruism, Contracted cordis Stiff Joints, and Gout, will po.uively be cured by the i ile use of the Indian YcetUibk Elijrir and Liniment. The sceptica we invite to cull and bo personally mar red to gentlemen of too wirlict standing in tins city who lias been cured of Khcumaticm by this remedy 1 hey are warranted the only genuine VM'fi6w JUr McNair'Si4cftu,vi'c Uit hnsnrov ml very successful in curing even total Deafness We have many ceitilicatcs from citizens ho havu used this OIL with co iplcto success We invite ah who are troubled with any disease of the Lar, tocxamiuc praot Ltmg.'cy'g We Jan liitiitm Panacrii U the best family medicine in the woi Id Itisacuretor JJys pepsia, Asthma, Liver complaint, Indigestion, Cos tiveiiDss Jaundice, llpi' Debility c, ti:c IN IS It eperates without tlia sliijliteit pion, as a mild but ihoiough cathartic, toid iiutt leaves tho pcr.ion costive even it taken vc.y olte.i Tha Piles nre warranted to bo cured by tho gen uuic nays imminent and l ines J aim olcluna, m tho money refunded Who will now sull'er with this dislicr sing complaint! Kcvcr buy it withou the singnaturri ofcoinstwck & co cimnlwk and eo's iicnnjiarila is ns pure nnd slrorif; an Extract tVoin this celebrated Koot as cuu possibly be made This price ij sj reason"!'!) that the noor can anVrd to use ii. Leoin but .'() cents per bottle, or; 1 per dozen It is the only aiti iliat will cllectually purify the A'Ico: i, f,:n all impuiillics Those who have been imprudi i.t in the uc ol calomel, Ac, will Ihid sum relief lVuin it. East LiJid I fair Dur. This chemical prrpnra lion will color the hair any shade- from a 'irown to n jet black, and not injure thj or ,tain the skin in Ihe least. Preserve and IJcauty tlm Hair by usuiop; 01 iridge's La'm o f Cohuidiin, wfich iiiimcdiiitely iloiis the h.iir Ironi lallin;.; out, and rc-tore. it when bald Never buy it without the ginatu.c of Com tlock & Co. v. onus inimuiCK a i rrm ; are is a t ind ell'ectual eineily for Worms, in children or ululls, in evecy ease. It is entirely Veyclable nnd ' 'ii i, ii ot injury the moit deliea.e child even sihou'il there Ic iio olms. Price So cci.l .). Don't., con found i, wiih o.ber nnme!', The I'wiifan JUlirJ' l.e-n i!'.Ara:;;li!y tested !y many year's cxpiiieiue. Ladies rxpectir." to bcorne Mothers may re: t usuired that it will always aid and asisst in prepirioi; them for tiir trials before tlicio. It cjuiets nil nervous lo'Ii'c .ions, allays niornin sicl ioss. causes natural Blnl nveet rest- I'ljuali.cs the circulation of llic blood, rcgul ilea thu sloini ch. and facilitates the birl rtilliout such exeuicialing ,nii:e rj mothers ex peet. jlany of oui be.U pbyscians use it in iheir practice. .New discov cry, by which n I stoves and pipes nr "rates n.ay lie kept a .let Llaek willl n-; biauti ful polish as a Coaeli Uody with one np;plii ir a a year. It keeps nil ttev.'s soil Pipes from ia:.'.:af. lnouKh the suinnier. 'J'bis Vainisli is ,n enliie new invention; ai.d s'.irpiL-c, ar.,1 deli-Ms all v.hc use it. SpceiniciH ot S toves r.d Pipe t in u. e in;n be seen et i'l Courtlandi-slr.-ct where ilic Poii.-di may lie llic cost of 2") cent.? per bohii'. AW, aniht't IjiigLuilf: A sun; remedy, Prici 05 cents. Di- Larzclt'c Juno covdial.or Procrpniivo I.lixn remedy in ease r.f Iinpoteio-y, L'arseniir ,s, J'iuin APhih, Mensirneti.iu, luconl iiieue". and all di ,ii iri. ini; foio dcbilitalioii of Hie byslcin where, rector itinii .i reipiired. Rev. )r, I5aiihol(imers Pink nxjicctonuii vrup, fo' the cure if ('onsiiiuptiin , l'oun!;--. (.'obl. 'piit iro; of ilood IS' ifiLt .'iunt: , i;.ieeliiniion, Pain in tint .1 In Ac, Ac .V.-.g'f libir OilIt fjivc.t the l.air a !. ni.tii'nl f!los. and im lines it to roil, rmd wlioiiv uuliki any otlier Oil, it never soils tho li ncjl lu'l ir-' hau in the least If any lady or p lit eman k!,all ut ibis I til; and find ille-a- stalemenss iniiruc, their money will lie refunded L'liutum lu lit rimniibm u J be nnovp namril articles lire sold Genuine in lids eily bv Coiosid, ! iV Co, 21 (.'ocrtlaiidt-strei I, nnd i0 Vl'Ill'lil KLSl except ot iheir eountiy cu.iloniers ItciMeniliei laki' this direction witli you Tin se articles arc to be bad in this iilac n I.plnain Llulz, uloornvbiirir, John jloore. Danviib Waller &. co. Uerwiek, John Iiu.sei, Wilton, Xovember, t, H13 ".'8v. fim K O O T S A NI STORE. shoe 'lltil enbseribrr inform!, I ! u' pnl tic that be li:i rpened a SfllOK M'Uh'M at tlit- 1'iwer end of Mdlii Mint, jloomshur', at the blore formeily occuoi d by K, Lul7, where he intends to keep n gener I a oitiiient of shoes mid boms, i;r UK 1 1 nin womens ware, which ne win sen as lew, it not lower than the sume quality of goods can In lioti'dil in t'olumbia county. Ilu will also inoho lo order II kinds of boots and slices, ut short notice. Ilav uig deteriinned lo sell low, lor u small profit. lie respec'.fiilly invitics those wlio are in waul ol mv (lung in bis line, lo tivc him a call. N.ll. All goods bought of me aro warranted to be as rceoiniiiendct. W. KL'SKEL. lothlSil. nm ri m ii QTNE TV ESniliLlSUMESTXu TIN and SIIHBCT IRON Till! mibsciiber havintr located himself in lUonmsliiirir, is prepared to furiii.-li all kinds ol ware, nnd peiforin all kinds of woik in his line ol business, nt eheap rates mid at shoit notice II, bus lurintlied liunsell with u new ahd splendio stock nf tools, niachinery nnd iiiiilerials from I'hilti delplwa, mill made a lorf purchase ol COAL ami WOOD STOVLM, of various ualteriiH, lo siipiilv h!s customers. ll will constantly keen on ha' d TiS W'.IIli: of every description. STOVES, a larcc variety, neatly and substan- tialy finished, toTirelher with I'll'E, SrOVTShr buildings. l O.1I, Itl CHETS, Ac. Ac. Ho respectfully solicits public pntroni'jo ITav- in been for some years vnpnfrrd in Inn busiuehs not liavinrr experienced assistants, he lu isconli lent of satisfying all who nniy favor liim with their custom. CfHWIlV JIEKCIIJ.VTS Mionlicd oi; lilieral terms. Cell on the son'h sidu of .Vain-street, 3 doors In low the oliice el tbe Columbia Ii'inocrat. October 1 1, ISlo ly2." S, IJ. CRAIG. a, if v." n r e f r,'t a HLoo.Msr.uao, fT"5 r.'.'PKCFTn.LY informs the public Ihi jilti, be has loca'ed binsclf in the Shop lalelv oicupi:: ,y ItloilMW, in MAKKKT- h J Iti'MT, where lie intends currying on the abovi business io nil its various bniicls.-s. HEAVY WAGGONS 1 built nnd repaired, ns well ns one hor e WAGGONS AND JtUGGIFS. of every inscription, nnd nil kiwis of Country Work, in his line, doncatshoit nonce, and on tin most reasonable terms, rfj Good Lumber and all kinds of f'ountrv Pro Juce taken in payment for work, but Cadi will not C re! used. April 5, 181.'. Cm.r)0 Brandrcth's Pills 3 LWD and understand ! The time will come Vtlf-, w hen the medicine, Drandrclh 'ills will lie appieciatcd as they ought ami deserve; it will lie unileistcod that Dr. Uiamlictli has the strongest claims upon Hie public. It is true llint every in dividual who makes a trial ol the liiaudrcth Pilli conceue mem io no me iicm nicoiciuc Incy ever used. They are indeed n loedicine about w hid there is no mistake. Their value in a climate so changeable an ours cannot bo sullieicntly appreciat ed a iree pori'pu alioii is at once restored , thn llicy euro ccids nnd consumption is prevented. Those who have a redundancy of bile lind them of the most essential service and should there be n de ficiency of that important fluid the llrandrcth Pills have an equally bcnelicml eir ct. Often has this important medicine saved valuable Jives in tiiose re news where the dreadful yellow fever was pievail- ini; A few doses taken immediately upon the in- lection ieiu;r received into tin system will lit al most Mitni.i t.i pievcnt any material iiironvcoincc And at nootcR of this dreadful epidemic is there so proper rt incihnnn as the lirc mlrcth Pills. Let lois lneilcine lie universally ued in tliis disease nn.i no loss of blood allowed, and few very few would be its victims. Si it f; with ot'nei lis"asi'i. Assi t nature with tins ail impoiraiit medicine lo lemnve moibid humors f.-om the blooc. :nd ,!o not resort to blccdiii'; or miicury am! we shall have n - cry great, aiueity of persons aillicteil with cronic maladies. 'J 'lie foalheiedtiilie Iheau ileal kingdom- over which v.e are the inrdc, an not alilicled with chronic mala.liiv; p.-hlier sl.-ouic we be if it were not for our prine whi.'h occa -iont tliani. I'vttow natuie. I':-e tlie inedicini: whi'l hainior;iz's with her, which mildly but surely ic- mcves nil Ihe impurities of the Mood. which slreoKtb ens the feeble and yet reduce-, those of loo ful! habit to a healthy standard. Let n.e at;air, spy that cveiy depailtiient of the inanufi'i luu, of Li.ilid.eth Piils is peiv.oiiiily supciiiileiided 'y me, and that every bos v.ith my three labels upon it i.'.ay he, relied op on to the beneficial (licet itcscribcil if n.-ed accowliiig to tr.2 i,iicrlio,:.i i'ccompany:ng. AC E N T W. Wa.'liingtoi) iloheit AI'K'ay. .lerscvtewn L & A T V.'cil Danville II I! ficyoobls A Co Cattawissa 0 (i llrolist l!looin';!'t'.t- .!. Ii. .Mover. Limestuik 1 1 1 1 1 ,: M'Xinrh. iiuckiiorn .V. (i. Sbncninkcr. Lill.e 1,'idtje I.i,w A. TIkmHI'SoU .'erwic I W Miles iMav a 18-L'i ly- y. . , . : i i-r nvpi ctfuiiy infoi ins the puhlir J Unit lie !:a.' o. t in a a :.i:o;i, on ilaiii-.-i:eet oeioly uppome '.J; y um s I au-iO i lice lie inlcnd; carrying on the III blOl.lllSUIll ii'iove bilsine ill ail its various bianchc-. TIN V,1UE, of c.vcrv d serif tinn, "iil be kept on hand fori at WliOLKJ-A!.' or 1JETA1L. shei:t iron Manuf iClnrci! into .viv fi lm rciinind, STOVE 1-1 PES, if all sizes keptcoirdnnt!y on hand. Stoves fin di lo oidcr. Leu g detrnioned to do business in ihe rieht way, he roqcsi i all to call upon him before thev pnrclinse i-lsewlicie, as be will f unilh nil articli on li-ne Pi cheap as thev can ' 1'Uicba:- J nic the 'louiity. D. Heptemher ':0, 18i.' 122 Cabinet Mailing- f?!!! K nubscrilici respectfully informs the pub 13 lie (bat he has taki n the shop lately occupied by H. t llayhursl, ct Ihe lower end of Maikrt- bstrcet liluciiisbucg; where he intend; carrying tin the above bujiiie.;s in .ill its lonnches, and tolicits i -hare of the palioinge of the public. In eoniiei ticii with the abuve bui-inits, he offer. his services as an UNDERTAKER. He will ulwuvs lie ready lo make COFFLNS fu: the siiiin"pnccs heretofore 'liaic.fd in Itlooihsbiiri.;. u i.l having supplied Inniselt w ili a coodliLA'LSL he will attend with ifat the I'uneial witiiout any I'Xtia cuarge. JOILN DITT.'ILS May ,10 I81C Cin3 I'OVE PIPE for sale nt thn New Store. L. U. RLPt'Kf. Oriohcr 11. NOTICF. ITS hereby given lo all person- not lo purcln-e a ti certain note of hand given by the subscriber lo eorge Kelchner, Lsq. for llie sum of seventy dol ars, dated on or about the IStliof August, l.ilS. Having received no consideration for it 1 shall re fuse to pay the same. joii.n sji.m;i;. Willi.inifcburg, March 21, ISKi. THE WARM WEATHER. The siiddcn'chanjjcs of the weathar, during l U easoii of (lie year, cvlnhit n nioi-t haiiclnl ell'cct on he hum. in system, debilitating nnd prostration it. I'lie stomach and bowels become dei.ingcd, giving iinely uoticii lo all, who are inclined In aive alteii. Hon lo the warning voice of milure. At such time laynen't.'aii'iiuative never fails to nll'ord imincdi ite reli 'f, checking the disease ami restoring tho Mtiont to vigorors health, Motlicrs cnimol he to.j iiiitioiis willi Iheir children dining this month, uid Ihe months following, and in tin- earliest stages if this summer discase.whetlier from teethine, op- ressive bent, or other causes, they should at onco (sort in tins never lading remedy. Hundreds of cerllticules Ironi resneetable persona in lliiu rilv? no in possession ol llie iirenrietor, ready to ex hibit to all who may desire too see his of- lice, An, 8 .South 1'hiid street, Philadelpliia, LIFE! FIRE!!! FIRE!!! i.MI that a man bath will he give for his life,' so we find recorded in the most nncient and In .-t of books, but as we see thousands dying nround us with Consumption, Croup, Asthma; llronoliiiis, Spitting Blood, and oilier Pulmonary all'ectioiis. we are led to doubt llie correetnes of the above assertions, especially sirce it is so well Known that n certain remedy may be obtained, which al ways arrests those diseases. Dr. JAV.XL'ti KXPECTORANT never foils to eive relief, snd cures after every other menus have failed. This cm lie nnd ha proved in thous ands of insances, where it has , (Veeleil radical cures, after (he patient hail been given up by all his friends and physicians. 6 The subscriher oilers for m 111 I Ufa HRH HJiO.iLJ r L. II if .V f ! 1 n m tv ft ' 5 siiuatid on tnc corner oi ftinin and J.oM-Mrccis in jloniiishurg, Coliiml.'ia Ci uiily, Pa. It iswcl calculated Jot the loca'ion for a Public House o .Store,beiir; (Hi Vet front on Main-strett, m i i '2 feet on East-street, and the im.d leading to Ihe. li'ooinshnrg l!ai Iron Company's Pumaics. This Lot is vtel 5a.l cal- ciliated tor building upon Lust-street as well as on .Mam, and beil.'K situalul in the centre of the lro:i llcgion of Columbia County, is well worthy the attention ot the capitalists. For any information respecting the conditions, ncjuilc of AULA'S KALIJ.'i;- J-i!com:,burg, A ecmbei ::0 CAUMON. All persons are- hereby ramionetl ncainst purchasing a pertain IS'otc of hand, given hy me toytepliPii Hruhd, fur the stiiii ol twco-ty-lwo dollars, chicil ylA.rch I t h 1610. Having received no coin iilcrtitioti for tha said Koto. I shall refuel! in pav it. MAltSIIAI. KILVEJITIIUUX April Mih 1310. CAUTION. I S here;-, three ::'vco to all persons not to purchase di' of lrim!;!'oi-llie slim of l) do'laru Apiil 1 Ks;i H(;iied by the i ubsriibcr '. I s.i't.m !( nilaiv, one April 1 l-!!i earn, Uiok; payal'ie to one April i !; and one April 1 1S-1:-; n.i I tL.ill is; to pi y Ihe tame, huvui" iccencd no coiisio- eration lot liunr SLL'ON KEASNEK. M ireh 20, IS! 3. Eilutc tf William ftknsch, lale Eloinn ffwnship. dercascd. of WyOTICI" is hereby given, that Letters nf Ad lNJ lni.iistrnlmii on the above mcnliomd cstatu liavi been granted to tho subscriber, living in Cat- tawissa township. All persons indebted to tho estate are hereby notified to make immediate onvr meiit, and a'l those having claims arc requested to preterit tliem proj crlv authenticated, to .!0:-l""II niOUtfT, Adm'r. Mare!. 11, 1?MC Cwl7 LOOK OUT. Al! persons imlcbieil to ihp snhseri jer on h.ii)i, r. r. t o, cr brink ticcotint iiii kb pnj-riK nt l.tlore the (ust flay of Fchtuaty ntxt, ur tl.cir ncootm's will f Mr ih-.l (f'.'o, ho Ir.'t wi'b n J.iice 'ho Pescp lor io-nipilhio cl!cc'on. D.7NTEL SN YD D"e. An nssortment of UOLT.O XV W'A UTl such as Kct les. Pots, ,'oilcis, Tea Kettles, -spiders,. al.e i (i iiniies, vc- A iso Large niul niL-l! WaiTL'on lioves, liom tt.e l.'alivule Aae'o Weiks. just received and for sale hv HKFLI.Y MKNUUiillALL. December SO AN APIMfENTCE. To the 't in and Sheet Iron Mannfac hiring . flusiness, in wanted by tlio bubscrhicr. An ne- live boy, fioni I J to 1" yeai of ace wiil receive zoo encouragement upon lninKdntc np hcatioti to U.J. lilCK. notic;. hereby given that the copartnership hrrrt.-ifoiB vision' under Hie In in r.l It.-nl'i-t and rcideci . list-olid! and the nrc luinis of s.ild vi hvc l.reu issiirr.eii lo me sniiiciiiu r, wno alone, it, aullionzi j to collect tliu wine. ISAAC SANTEE. March 13 IS IS, D lasting von dpi:. IiPE of KListiuL- BN)ul i o the best quality, just received by tVM. .MiKELVV i Co December 5 m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers