The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, May 02, 1846, Image 3
'. ja'ui'Di cf the Untied States. T.s itiwinijj ilio increase at three per. ctnl per nullum mi the the minus of IS 10, ihe pop olidou of ihc Uniiril Sit' its will amount to Uti.ll'W.l.ou it.e U of June, 1817' 1 1 has been iliseoveicd by Proftmui Mors, ih.u theMajjn.i'ic I doe,raph can now lie woiked wnhoul llifl cue til bHtirnih fccvenl experiments have hern u: nil 01 which proved highly ('. ur y . The discovery will he ilio uidiis of easing n.uch trouble and expense. The Steamship C'.iltvJmiia brought the larpeM mail ever received at the I'oslon post office, consisting of 1 13 bags oflutteis nnd papers, In bss than I) hours, a inai rnnlaininj; over ,'HI 000 letters, was assort id and despatched by the clerks of the lion just cUk-e. What Next A person in New Haven has t i. v ii r t il iiul tT r fur Hale, nn tilled '.he. (miii Iv iiif I', by Jumper .7 Drratlftitt'ecd. We cnoy the follow ig inhiiniaii deed from the last number ol the Springfield (Mo.) Democrat. Ex- '.7 murder has been comtnittpd in oui very midst that makes one's blood nliill to relate. On Friday last, tJeorye Younc, living about 10 miles west of this, struck his little dauohtiM, 8 or 9 venrs old, with 8 hoe, splitting her skull, I'nl lowing the firm blow, wiih othrrs, beating her head, and culling her neck' Thectiesnf ihc child brought tho mother to the horrid scerw.Shr took up her dead child anil started to ih !ioii9e. Young fallowed, lure the child fiom hie wife, and cut out its cturib! He then put a log ehai'i round his wifs's neck and wasonly prevented from killing her by the timely arrival of noine neighbors Doubts aru entertained of oun's iugmiiy' A TOUCHIMJ INCIDENT, The steani'jial Powhittan rui.s on the I'otfini c river, and it is the custom of the Captain to ring' the bell as the boat passes Mount Vernon, in honor of tho illustrious dead whoso mortal remains are entombed there. On a iccenl occasion the 'Ilarmone nn Singer' were on board, and as they slow ly passed the great man'j tomb they eanp i:i a most pathetic s l 1 e Ihe melody ol Washington's Crave.' Tear?, it is said, listened in the eyes of most of the pas tenders, and they remained standing tinnnv rrcd until the 'eacted tpot iscede;! from thrii vision We ncflecied to menimn in our last, thai the rnnirai t for ihe rebuilding of Cnll iw ia Ilriilge had been awaited 10 Messers. Fiii k Ilarimaii and Ui';.nJ, a.ul that ihey luve al leady eomirenred ofirt aiimis with a detei 1 1 1 i ' 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 lo have ii ready fur croasii.g eiirU in ihe fall. The North Brunch Canal is to be ready fyr Nidation on or before the ,7th ins:. N. says Jllti AL&u through the Danv.lle Democrat. SflUiNC, lias r.nw f drly opened upon ns Eer ry thing looks I; r ' t; it l anil cheering siouiid 01 Ihe gr.oii cnijii nerer looked b'Mier t : i i iiiiy, wiih eveiy prnspeei o( reivlerlnjf a laigp rewarJ to the husbaiidmau for his loi iiiid l.i'oor. The Boston T'mes states liiat nine ycit' :Z llie city nx gatherer went t'imu;,'h E i 't JJ.-s'.ou with srven tax bills pig!-,! r.-n-:'go he cul!t eied tight tax bills. Lam vi the nimbrr was tbonl tvitlrc hn;):lrr,th ;,in' vo learn 'lnt ihe preeant jear there an; uj wards of thru t.'.ousaii'f. A r .r i.I inere.i Tif r." rre "3 b' 1st ftirnaeri in Seiota and counties, Olii't, which will iii;i!(. 7.7 -Li!) tuns of pig, which al per ton the current market price, amounts lo C-l,-13,000. Eaeh furnacy empluvs on an av erage 100 hand.). The bill Ruihi ri-ing the ecnslruetion of fin ont-lct-Iofk Wells' I s. on ihe Del aware Division of the Peniisj Uania Canal, 1,.h received ihe signature, of ihe Governor, dm! become a law. The water power i-ta a'cd by this improvement will bo very great it is allowed that it will be aboni 22 f-t-l f.dl at Bristid, and will be wonh W00, CflO to t'uo Siule. The Paris papers info-a the curious in t . 1 . . 1 s ".H) maiters I'l.iiu.ere u imw lo be evtn 111 .i in-i 3 riiMj. on u,u nouvciarns, UK' i.i i.Ii rn of r.rrcious strttir ti-i hit worn i.v the Piie.ep.-.i O ga, (if Russia, on her wed I'irgd-.y. The diadem its worth 1 0,(100, OOOf. ' The i..:;e een'rd diamond i- i siiu.atetl itj i oit'oi'ji. i nj i;ii'.icni is io i-e present t.) Li:;ic;i..l father. The Mornien pnblicutions nl Nauvoo 'lave all been discontinued. Tho iirchicves ind trappings of iho Church have been re' rtnved nnd are now on the way to Califnr iiu. A suit for 'reach of Promise in the Mas sachusetts Supreme Court has replied in Kcniiet of $2300. 700 acres of wood and limber land writ- burnt over in Fairfield, Connecticut, a lew il-iy s since. A largo number of copies of tho Courier nf New York, containing a 'report of the discusaion in the Senate, in regard to llie purchase n anniixaiion of Cuba, have been bnrned ai llavjna, by order of the Captain (.ieiicirtlt M AKRIKl). On Tuesdav morning, the 18 h inst. by the Kev. Dr. Yeoman. Mr. Uk.miy Kkgan, ol Danville, to Mis Sophia Mkukr, ol Ilarrioburg. On the 12th int. bv Uev. J. A. V torse!). Mr. Jhon KrjEiieimu, to Miss Mary ALu i!KU, boih of Uouriiigcreek township. On the 10'h int. by llie same J.c"u E. SciiEMiiART, to Ms Maria Falsi, both ol sjuiiiour luwnsinp, ' In Limestone township, Columbia eo on Sunday ihe 12d in.-i. by Elder J dm Mition, J. vans Marshall, id Mitj Susan t arsiialLi both ol Limestone.' On Thursday, the 23d insl. bv llie. Eev 11 Kj l.lglltlll'r, ir. A I AH tECHI.KR. ol Danville, io Miss Haciiall Knydi:k, ol Sliainokm. THE IO-?STS. liLOoMsruitc May 2 18 10 Wheal, Eye, Corn, 00 60 Cloverseeil, Flaxseed, Eutter, f),.ls, Mugs, IVIlow Lard Dried Apples, Wlii to Vj'eans Eeeswux 5 1 1 10 10 7 1 00 1 00 Ocnlro of G 'I'WC. Riiliscrilicra respectfully inform the rili 7.1 ih nf iiioti:s!jur;; ami vicinity, (h it they hove lo eatcil tlieiiisulves in 'J'lntfiiton'a JN'ew Vlmi), ie '' lf "'"" Mow the VvrHtt nf Miu'.t nn..' M.ukz; ilreeU, in I5inn.!urj. ivluve tli-v wiil ul-i wuyn .e I, mini on band, rc.dy to ti-c-o nt f n I : 1 1 ilann h m,iy lavor limn willi n cull. 'JT.rir vvaik will lip ihiiicin Hi,. u,.K r, nK,.,, ,,;,, Vf,; -le for iiealnefn and eleginoe in t!ie l);:iiics. i 'rn:.i tlu ir leng experi.'mv jM :C !,i,; the il.ittn thraisi'lMM Cut ilicir wo,-!; ill i i:,,i.e is "'at aacm ho done cl.-vwhern. All woik iiUiu.-.u;.! .11 ll.i-ir 1 ale wairiit.lej to III, CkJ VI" l,'l'i done oil t!io fluntest notice and e.iin..n;rd tu ill it jiropdy un le no. ELLIS & i'iUilvIRII. Mnv 2, S!f.2;f . 'i!.c;ui;,Tiiy rnonrrcK. the. im.i-.h ui'-e, will Le Liken hi ex.;liai:0 f,.i- wor';. Ti MM into the inehwn JL.. ? e O F'iCM'i,!i::r on the U li "Ore 01 h of A b CEEY .MA EE. dark '''''' 0 !''id t.ii and t-u j ,-ri to , n!,o'i ('',, M.irs old- The ohii"' is ii .pir.ird to p,-P p,.,p ty, pay c!.:.r;:ts nnd i ,vl- ,..r awy, or sac wit 0 uinpUMii ol Bcrmtli 1. 1 ,iv. .IDSKPII W. VAMIG'IN. C f ntvo ,d, Ap. il Zi, l.,ta U2 P.. r; r C r- t -- 4 "?XV:: of Ihe .y ii'ii'!,' Cotm'y M11I111 v Bie ' 1 1 ' li.Oh'.e. 1 1 oiil.'lr I itii ri ('.-p-f iiiiiun not, 1'. c i, I " .'iiii'-.i-e 1 . 1 l'i ,: J! ..! of Viii el i..'.ii- ji.'i ivnl. o:i ;i ,',,1 , 1- r "'l'-'y ";l ' "t:' '' of A. iv, ml. cr. is io o he pii.l provh.u to the UJ day if. May ncM to Co Ihi i: i;iur or Kei eins, W in. A. n-TlMKIM. 7V.w N. I!. Keecivcrs for toluuiliia t 'ntinrv. J'tmn (.'. Sprout,, Jurch Me!,;k. rum .'. Ilahhf. :.-.-.. and the Treasurer, C V 11 iiliure, A'.iiy. Ullu e of Ihe n. t 'o. Vnt. I. (,, i iMuiiey, April 17, 1S1G j Pi S herein- iven tn Ihe niihslTihfM to ihp ('::. tlV tll itl'O (dllipauy ih o iv lii-lallinniit of IIX'i: OOhh.Iti' per :!i ,, ,. i . reijiiiinl In hp ,ihi) (n tho 'i'rodturrc on or litl . i the li.i-t day of tune next. 15' order of the Hitartl ol Direelors, DAVID CLAltK, Treasurer, (.'attawka, May I, IMC 2 A m U. u i ii 9 'P'jnorO'SALS will lc rpeeived by the Cnmrrvs rois''ionei8 of f.'olurnl.ia ccmit- at their riflic. In Uaiiv I p. nr. M.n.Vil. ..tx .1... r . nrxt, I a te mho honi.s of 10, A M al1 '. r ...... - . ... ... 'ciivl. I. i-i. r ll ? Mill Ti-.p I'h.n and .v..,.,," i.i' .1 ll I'o.y I e .'. en at Ihe ( on -.( 'M .iioiii-.i.jiii r s (.loci r oi" lo.i ii .- o ,1,-iv next i r el bet '. aioij. -io:,, r , E. M ENDI'.NHaLL, Chrh Ctiii.w'u-'.i'iti r's (j'Tu c. ZLr.lille, ..W HO, lil'j FEMALE BEAU TY CULPABLE ,NEC LECT, II ua liepii oliserwi iv viitm rmm n o I'lit! II air. uw iil'leri .1,) thn ravii,;iH of tliht-asei, I iv wa,ln the dellcile K.nn of the fair and btviuii- ful. and thou,,, rto,,d .0 health n,in. ye. il.nvnn. 1,,,-ks, wlii. l, , udornrd thnir brad, f.,11 o!f, mill nevtr nu ain reluni tn tlicir nri','initl beantv it i inntHK-civaMe how nny peon, ln,,e trivially A ';l(ltf nntl m.niif,. 1 1 .... .... .hi., when a (aim, remedy' , l,o o'.talned a. X" 8 -.,Ul, Third .trot nnd askinu- f... ir Jay.,V cmim.ics; a, well Ay t.f.he l,e.,t c.lliva. .,,,,!,!, ,, o. Kj' ' " 1 "U ''v,"f 'J'"1 ted UMe i,, .bin, tn.t in no eoiuUiy in ihe.e . I.,r UJ,; tU tlU c, niu k U w In 1'. t' clas, ol iomalc Lemuy nnd cvcellenee, in tin, 8mith s,p of Mll , " ' lh' COV el. wlnie ,W sl,, fi.or, ,lr,M n.aknr. and , ,y flimil, , ' ' ' '' '' '' '.Ulinor eW,l i U(n.i,lf! .....luieN Lost Kill l',0 ,f,w oul , ,,.,, " 1 " I'1. 'n1m.,ouel,,tu1M)a almost totullv iielfcU-.l-!r,,.,.i.,..l ih. ri . '' l'"s J"' Hair I oiiic. whir 1 will norfectlv tesUru tu outoLu r , , "" in; men 111 rx iiflileclcd part ofl'emab !ieunty V ha; in a dollar or liv.i lo complolc tho crownin point of f.iiualu lienuly? I tie ariove .lulicine are for e.ale at tho store of JOILN E. MOVER, liloomsbuig. 1 W$0 JB. HE subscribe iiifo.mslhfl public thatTic ha JUST RECEIVED FROM PHILADELPHIA, AT HER STORE, LOW En Ml) OP MAIN S'J'liEET, J3 LOOMS Jjflia, .In Extensive rfswrlment etf LEILLIITEH7 Z ? JL1TC7 mong them may 1m foLl Urtnel Eon nets, Pearl Straw Cimn lmevLun and EuglhU Straw, S:!k.i, Sutins, Jj.iicni, B-mi-butiiit. It If j km, -la of every description, Fl,w. cr.s, G lutes. Drew Sfujft, Eul purines, G tug firm?, Sfm (led Imins, Calicoes, Trim min-i jor Drew:, Cum. nnd n supply 0 IIE..1DY MJ1DE ...o uiiiioi-,1 every inner nrln-lo lliat l.iav he nlhv lor in her line. of whi di vII ,, soM ,,' llie toost. termini, In teim,. J,,,,:. ,rp r,,(,.....-vd to call and jx :iuie hei ror,! ; f,,r Ihcins,.!,'. "" , ., M AKY BAKKhKV. April ij, is 1G I .,.T t i i ... " a r -fiiij J . if 7 V- n r x Tp!Ir: 'p.-aiher has j.t .eceive.l in ad.iltinn lx to Ins furmer stoeit, n coraplc'c as-arlintrnt ol Vt kf l J LI J,v-4. v-.t k ' "-'5 CtCtisllllJ ill sit; t:i If fur ji pa it of and !va;uiii:.i Moitslin iIpLiin,Fr?neli Lhv.ij,!' i rP j. p C. i n t,li a ii) Lawns, Fnev Pi .nt i of tili PaMeni find pi;;:.?, f) a m Ii; mint, Tiveerl Siimcier CVi'lis; Fai,e C--ittMPiPf, C'.i'oo Sx jr, 'i'oefiluT wiihiJue-f.Z'p T Worsird. Thlliol, P! i!,-i liadi ti Motisliu dp L-iinr Sims I?. VeMfngs, S!nel;, Pongee and Cnmbrir IJarulkfiehiel's Corded arid (lias Clilll Sk:its,. Al-o, 1 ,. r t -Anri'.ert nf ', , roer. r l. S ' r 'i i Ft Tin' it, 1 1 1, Si : ;, O.I C,!'.,,.,':. J'nreFlvt", S:.,,i Shail. &-r. i-. In fii ! rvny t'll.-it; ;!,:,t ..-.v he reeuirp.! for T.a- .. . oi , ,.,.-,,.,,,,1, s !;.:!,;., in .v, r v. i a r. nil olj 1 v.l.i. ti lo Ill tin- CO A I! !-: i ill r.M Ii .-e,l:- h,-.- .;, !l v ol 'hlo.hla. o! l'inl'i r aikM.'r.iii e puicna ,e..j If ."lo.lnce lulu i Ei.'i'EKT. loi Mood-. I L J. Apr! lllr.v 5; is;uhei2j';'i: Til!'. !': am l-i 'pei'l.'iillv inlormrdi '' w.- ... r-y . -t ir.l,. ( ',,pa, -tnei -hip , die hi...... i o no-.-N .0 I:.' loi. ;. Shop, fonorriv , upi.-.l by M v (:o;t'ii.-.n. on M ni-i-strr-rt. below the new more, when-v o in'end t... rarty nn Ihe nam. d biisini'-s iii nil j(?i hranchea. We pi. -e run-, 1- ll, 0 work done nt lids fdi.-m f.lri '.e pxep.iilnl in in neat and l-l l O'l CPa loriable U-iliis, oihi r .hop in this place. V .. i . i . iioi. J , ' u"'r nl ;,,,y ii- inerciorp Inne .t -.1.. . ..... ... .-ss, io rr.-rit and iieetve a due pioporlion of puidic pattona-;e. i. ron-M , M UlfOCSI A mil 25. IP If!. A'. IS. SHOE ISO dnnn nt ih, ,.. luerd price ,f (;.t5e ' Smn ....... iiit.L i nuh. it urn nur uinir. 'J'he j er.-on who t-u.!; a TIN' HCCKKT, rroin 'he nn, p of Mr (.'hivton on i!ie inouiiu.; of ihe 1-,'ih in-l.nhi.'h win riot their own, w ill do well a-ihev ,-ie kiioiMi lo relion ittn the n. disci ihor. II they dont they ln.iv rxpccl to eah h ,lc,-e. , I W. ("AN.NA.Y pid 5.'.. . A mm Vrc t(f ToatUois Make a rio::jrI. i A !S,I) M "'"''Is ia almost eveiy re,ct, llie mi Merilicr would arain iVm liur,; .,), her .1 1.1; . ' . M'ltl.N u i l HVny'u'il V , kU,uU el, d in .,.',.., V . "'. r , " '" Xi $4' .ju fiu . r nn , 1. '"' B0,,J BubM'"1 I 13. It I " I L". It'i 'I'M tiir ,, , r , . Shi,,.,,,. uill,k ' bve ,, .', U"'1 I . J U ,K"'' J , f J " l.C!T("'- L B , " ' , m"' , '"" ,f";:- Wheat. ' n.ini;o lor tvorli done t In ipi nil, a ,iuU, , ... ,,! iTOW,oi.fe ma while, will nol come amiM. (,all und cive him u trial J1EUNAK1) UUPEI1T. April 25, IS 10 1 ' CHEAP CONFL'C'I IONAEY AND V AKIEi Y KS'J'AZLISil.lENT. fDIIR su'wiher hasjiiht received a fresh sup- ('onrccliDiiary tc. (Mtsistiiifr of ( 'iindi.-M of various kinds. And also fjuuci .iisuii of a btipe'iur quality, ior,i,(ll,.r i runes, bugnsli C urrants, Figs, Fresh Oranncs and I.cinum, Herring. Suuet 'and t later Crack ers; English Walnuts, Filberts iTm'nidi, Cream A'titu, Piu N'tts. &.c. soaps; birmlung, hump; Cavendish end llonev Iew Tobacco, .Spanish, half fSpanUh und com mon Segacs. yllao .- n oiiMDrlnient of Gum, Worsted niu! ("niton Kusppndvr.s Razor fSlrajm; Itruslios nun vuiiios in hii Kiii'ls; Ulackliiu: J hretid I "'(-'.--; .Needle and I'iim &e. Hunting and other ("oat buttons; Hooka and Eyes lViiriln and IVneil Points lV-rcuK.dtm Caps Mc.-I IVn I him'deH dah herf-while aiid hlark Cahle (;,,nl.s ajalo and pearl fihirt liuttoin trap vesl and suspender Ituttons fcalin Stockswatch (j'nards Ace!dac,!.s...Mitt -Wafers- .knitiinj i oodles IVimmers all kinds of HOOKS XSD SI ATIONAEY, All of wliirli arc to ho had cheap at the come of Main and Kust-strceU. O. C. KAELEK. Cloemshurg; April 17- 1 8-1 fl. S'J L..1TES1 APdtlllL BY THE ALERIGIIT & MEN GAL. AT THE the Pail Rna.l and arc ail "l-enin,;, u sjilo cuuui aoj-imeni ol r-j v 1 which, Ii.uiiii; been eelceted wilh sreat e;ire the n and smII sell as low, if not a little io.ver. ti!.i:i t.i.'y can ;o f .i; f!;n :iu elecwhrrn in Aijjuj ll.c'tr a;, limit may be found in ho DRY GOODS LINK, A p!n-, 'i.I .v.rortii-cni of new nnd fut.himial le ji : . .- - . . i . . ni;,. oi njaira, unmuainF; a new Hyle o; r.-s ovhi Ler.i,;J and other litvii;;p.; lanev and I..:; and svhile I, (iiri(;h.un liwn.:, I)a'aiits if ail ir.'h,;a lied qualily, hlack and blue black dics- S.l.i,-; l.iv.'k ;-ihcercc Allapaei a, il,nnak e'lmniet '( n:.', da-.nas.; bjok Muslin, purro twi-:t nnd sin! 'leads nod r!nc of aFrioted colon, ladic-! and tl'-tr.-nskid r-lovr", Ti "'ri. ir Cloves and mils, wiiili cr: trii . i i- ;ia.iai,cri-liii-:: holies rilk point, black, 'laiiilat-in end fl.f .ii:!c L'in.lkerchii-1's, cotloi H.ii;iK-i-rciii.-f.4oft'si-y iletcrij tirn, v.into und fei: "V silk Handkerchiefs. Miawlsof all kinds, in shoi: ' 'ott mi ii, el l.iui'ii Go.ids of every Je.-rrri i.: iun f.,i Ladies' '-. ear, sdk, lnttou and U'orsted iloso foi .ncn and wei.,ii l.ndies' shell co-ohs. ioii.ii,! hs "f all colors and quality , 5.itii'ictl'. ('iii.siiiiric i, tarn v Mimmel ('assiincics, is x ijiiartcr coat Tv.-e-l, .V.oo.iioi, Checks, hhnk Tallin am oilier .'".iiriHiei- Vcslmi'S cf cvory ih:.rriitini;; f,m' S.-ji-fs ai (1 ( 'rava's f all q.nlilips, lil-ar-!i--it run, unblea.-hcd Mu -lint. Liiihrellas nie' )'uia..:v I.e.. id I leaf ilais. A q'i.ii.lit;. ..t , ppi- CsTCcoricn. I.U'op nn.' I.'rvn f-i-jr, M,.-.-.-f.. t'.if! '" f I i kin.' : ' f;.: Aspiee re;,p,... ' I '.ii.-' :-..,cn ,i e and t'.ni. ' -a 1 11, an in-.!.. I ;;. o n nf t!, I , quality , f LIQUOES, .Vn"!i . fi'it, 7' :';. tl'ini A-P. pi'i bn-rd r "i k-'ep' r .-, v.'h,. are pnlic :il r.ii.l pxaii.i!lt. onaliiv il !. I., i-o. : I .-. is rt-qa ' i. I li I. l.-. s I i liiiii i.n it -iol fi.ev. in .0. A spLi.did wi.-lD'Ctil of QE'EENSW'AEE, by tha Tea Vt or pice? (o mit p usinpioj-.. IiAEDWAIiE, (.'oiiM.;i'r. in p ill of k'.isen ,t 'creiv; cinU.- , iMi'Voi, cl,o:: f I 1 I'tV-. to saiv, i I.; .it'i -a a a. oilier keulrs, m is-e. and no ..MiiliiK'iil of TIN WAKE. an a.-'-i-linent r,f HATS AND CAPS. Aho- In tact 'oiev enn liirnii.ii tiirir rn i-' iih ev .... 1 l.f i.i.i erv nrtb-lo ...v.Mx v., ponrt.v i ned l Jo bu-ine-s ' h'ht, ij rv ,.., ,, .vo louke it the interest of lii.) people Ir, tri"l, uith them (Fj Luj'ilcr an d nl kmh nf rnun ; taken i,i payunat far Grinds. ll-5lif just ri" civ ediit 111-, aoreof Hm. McKI;LVY S- Co. ApriM i;. iSl;s 1 ! P. I, A Mi's t i FOE SALE AT Til 13 OFFICE. IJST OF LETTERS Eemaintiirr in (lfl posi-OOiep, at dooms. burg; .larch 31 1810. J.irob Under Ciffin MeCullv Fatitar. Hirra .lnhn Morria t! O. liaehmeii Koberl Oleman ifiahard Cortuey Willu m Et-es I'lioinns Dadfotd John Kello Lew is Folk Cnrirtrp Ni-mi tJret n it Kiinkru Henry fSi hlimser I'etei Ileiiihiieh J thn Snyder Miss Juli.i A Kline A. J. Niime John 8 Plldtt John Waniuh James Mr. 1,'cii JOHN E. M)Yl'R, V. M. kS'VA 11 1 J S 3 S 31 SO T. The subserihers rpipectfully inform tin) puhlii thatt.'iey have eoinuitinted the TAILORING BUSINESS ill Uloom.-hiii ir, in dp H,iUUs, lately oeeiiieJ by Ciiocli Ilowi ll in Market htrcul whertlluy inleiii! .'airyiiij it on in all its vinimis Inanehes. Ilaviup had some cxperieiicu in thu hnsincss, they l!.itl. ; thuniMdves that ihey ahull he ahlu lo do all the tvo.k inlruslL'd to t lit, ru in us fa diioiinlde und likc manlier, and as expeditiously; on can he don, io any other hhop in the county." They, ihorefuir .t.-K a biaro ol puOltc patmnaue, at tail, they wis to be tried. I). WILSON, A.T. hVLLA.M). April 4, IfrlO ylvoO NOTICE. AJ.T, persons who havo iiiiscIiIimI arciunt o Ihe Hooks of Ihe Mibscribcr, m.w rciiim,. Iron, lilooimhiiijr, n,-e hereby informed that his ac ...i I.....I. i..r. :.. ,i i i . ... .. . ""i' . i.'.i in inc. naniK ot I j i , H , 1 1 h i'uin. A-r, a Jithticp of the ',.a,'0 ut, IJI.xiiitt.iirir, for set demerit and eelleclimi. Those, who do not attend la having their accouiils settled and paid on lieforc first day if Mi; ur.rt, may pj-peet h have cost added lo their respective dues, without icspcct to persons. ELI AS W'EETMAN. Cloomshurg, A.riM, 50 ECS leave to inform ihe public, ihai 3 XjMO is prepared to attend loall ihe oper ation in dentistry, nurh a3 removing The Tartar and other Foreign Sub tf ances. Prom the teeth, renderiiirj tliPm rlean, and he gums and breath 6weet and healthy. The cavities vf Decayed Teeth Will he dressed out and filled with Go T other toil; of the finest quality, as the use may require, wiil generally tevent iheir aehinff or furilipr decay, and lender them useful Tor year? and in many eases during lil'e Teeth and Slumps of Teeth Which have become usele os troublesome will he extracted in ihe mosl cart. ful man u-r, with tho latesi and best improved in 'truments. Pvccliiiin Teeth, Oflhe l-r-f , i ", y and Intent i'lijiroven.etit. ill lie iiisPi'ied rn pivot, or (in eonneciion villi Dr. V r.-h.iutp, with whom he i in i n-r i ) r hip ii. p .i.e wotk) on (iold tilale, lioin a siooiri in. ith to a whole set, to look sswrllasii p natural, and w .mined to nswer all Ihe nsef-il and ornamental pur pose proposed by the art. In t-hortjPvery operation be ft piie in h profession, will b pfforuitd in the hrsi iiannir. with ehoistsi material, and at Un-.-honest notiee- He therefore hopes, by j strict alteiiiicn to husineni, to obtain e sh ir -i of public .itronari, Any person cr pef 'ons wisliino any ef the ahovp operaliouv nf rfornifd, ate tcpc cifully rrqucMed t,, jIvp him a eall. N. 15 The piddle ;tp hr ri'.v i, f. ru''ii ihat wp i tin Hul.s' rilicts i n. ii ii ioi.i i'.itpial Par'firttbtp I J u ' i p ;r only t ..sork us it is more eonveiM ut f.-r pm Ii to ilteiul t-.i the olio r hr.itieht s oflhe ti-itii'. Ml his own h-eouni. A. VALI.EilCflAMP. J, I!, VANDEKSUCE. Mount, Nov ,. ISIj :5m. YET ANOTHER. From the Susquehanna Kegisier A'tiioi'gh the jiubiie have been often irtu ,)oi d fpoii by I'lileni niedii'int s vd oiea sioiiirly a realiy useful and In n. fi.'i-il ni-'tli- hip is i!e'.pifi, nejileeii-il in, rely hfr-aiiM l'n;nd in had eo rpaiiv.' 1 a,n led to thtsr re marl, s bv a conversation with a friend e lew iluvs Mute. LSlic !iad iietn rllllcied I'm sr verd yeari w iih a disease nf the bean winch h id apparently brought her near lio ravri c ue ol our mo.U ?killul physician! .vri" palled who proi oumeri hrr disease in ori;!ile. An ainei 'iscmrnl i.f ). JavneV V. :ie uorani in the ILt'tMsiei cai..;ht tit pv I her f i ( !! : and a bnnle cf jt y, as i.iiriieili it.-!) piocui-ti! at Iv-ndy ii' Mi'diell's n 'oii'.iose. IVfnre she had taken it two las, s, ihi re was an app ireni i'tiproseirient slip b nut liken two bottles s jet, bu. itT hiallh has l.ei'n tiearlv restoteil, I have no personal lumive for lino this iriPi.'i.oiii', bat merely state iji !aet hoping that it may ii'ppi the e n f.' ki.;-( ivhn up' lab'.rj'i'j ou t' r siru'r.r ds ise ibal lluy ill.) iike-visp paitafciinf its heiieciiis. A FrIiVND TO 1 1 "MAMRy, T'h mo 5ih 184'J. Tiih t.hrve iili.'.lie.iH' are for se'e r the store of JOHN E. MOYEE, H'on nshi.f;'. "jjSN ' """" VlP liAIJHt'I.Sef.he hc-l qtu'iiy of j i i --1 received Dj.ijie u r YM' McKELVY &. Co. i:i;si.m:ss cards. . A n. COOL, ' tloiuey al Lair ni.OO.M.SEUEt;, IUL, t'O.PA. nih rp in .Miiin-blre, i, , J a,lr-s 1ot(,, f-'n MILKS' KA11LEK,"""" JUSI1CE OF THE PEACil', A,D IJEOO.iMJUIi(.;j col. CO,, "Ihco, corner of L'ast and .Maln.sticets aiMHLKS Ii. Hi;cKALEW Attorney J5 fl jlWi Au.A ,uU of Jjatllit. Mow Mmket I'llf' "n!n;.;,,TiiN,) L'OL'RTRhV iM'f 01' 'OLl.M LI A f 1 r A T A W fffcfc win v rfiVW Hulwcribeta iul0.,. H illl.iMI. llm .,,..!: . . .i 11 nave eslah h-eestahlhlicdaM u y1:' " ' ' . n;. a short disla HICK Ill'l.l.V 11... f .. . . - - f. . Ill OKI J. . l. . , , ., "" "l.'.llll Ol 1 I.- Hill'. il-l,hO foot Ion?, and ,.. -'in.u. Having r;oo.s.:is,lllH.., wi ''oatit readu.esa lo ferry all v, ,. I, it;i ' lri)v v i.ii" a i, ly, lioin a r'J I-AM, without tlchiy, and uo reHnablc .April lSJ FUX & JI,'T- A'tlin Su'.a-riber inform.,, he public that hav. ii ins procured a. N.-W FLAT and boats fr i: , r, I A ' IiiDt:;'" i"ta time n readiness to Icrry all from a FOUI'.MAX to ',UVHO,iSK .MJKUTtAM, without ay and on reasonable lermn. stacy. A'Anaiinu.M. April 1852 i'0TICE I,': S hereby B!ven to the Stockholders ol the Com. ny lor erectile' a Dridno oviv the ,niti...wi ranch o( tho rivor Susiiurhamin bcUveoo tl. town of Catlnwissaand thb uioiilh of F,hin j, k that an Lleciinn will ha held at thn boo r l ,. oh Dyer, in CY.ti'.vusa, on Monday the Alh day of May next, for the Election of a Ptesidcnt; six Mana-cas, a Secretary and Treasurer for tho year eiifniin'. -tVAVID CLAIsK, 1 itiusurer. . "prn i( is 10. ADMIX1STRA TOR' S NO TCE. 'the Estate, nf GAINES J IVKSON, late cf Jl.'oom township, dtcemcd, QJOTl'tT. is hereby given that letters of cludn iatratiou on lh itbovo n.r ntioin il l-li,io iiive been granted to in lj.'o- i;i ounr,ip. Ail persons indebted to est, -o ue hciel.y notified to make, i'lniiediati; tn'.iid.t, ind all i!, uo having ehiiins nru requested io jto .fill liicm propuily authenticated lo CHARLES K vHLEK. 1t!miii.trat or. Ap'il I?, IS-JO-CwIO FT. t TS &4y A.y POr.NDS of a superior quality of IK1SU W1LM(jN, il received at ih store of WM MCE ELY Y & C.i pprembrr fi OUIl MOTTO.KOT TO PA OUTDO. I I .TLCKi:.:iTinxa mT.tiiLisiiiMKXT TUI'! iimlers';ll(;iJ having latfeii Dip slo.p i'ormerly occupied by Marshal Mlverih'irn, onsl n ppeijully inl'ur.iis the public ilr.t ihey iutetul to carry on the above PihmpS nf ni'ierss end u at all tim's he rmtlv lo do v.irk a I 1 1 ! boiler anil chtuptr ihatl imv ..itipr psi- S'i-.hiiier.t in ihe plm-p, 'ui i'.pv h'tpc hy :-iri''t attpntioti to husincns u nic tit i tare pnr'ioo of the public patriiiD'oe All kinds ,.f country produce liken in "V hanop for work & ihp ready not ipIurpiI SAC SAN IK I', M USUAL SILVER rilOKN. r.looin.shurg Feb, '21,131041 DLSOLUTION. I I! E rop-irtncrrship Iieretofcre rvi--.ieT iti ler the rd Annstfring ifi Hueej, in lie nine euilirie; bitHi.ets, is 0y ti t..ot Ciisent dissolved E. Air'STHLNC p. i:i;:;::: i ir-1.-.. .. .'lAii'i j; i 'J .' - t - .J ' THE li'!tnri;s will he roiuiiiun! Yy . -ubsi nber at tht old eland; svhrre may e had al i.I! MONUMES 7'V. 7nME-T.tJU.ES, TOME-STONES, HE. Ill Tit- JJMUS. M.1NTL U.S. '. .'A T STONES, MULDERS, kr. ir any o'.'ier v.t-rk in his line. II" in prepared to tiiruisi VM;OW ("Al'f tud SILLS. i.'OOU MLLS and S l pi':', .tc eiiiiei- of y , bin, Lioie r any kind d' ;rne that pan be proimred in this sirii.i.v. i "7 1 1 a v i'n j" Irpl "oi'sidpra'jlp expeiit m inn tnisini fts, ne pleritjrs l)s work in ne exei r.ted in ns li:nidsprr.o a stylo us r rn So furnished from r.ny yard eidier in tie ity or ciiuntn ; and on a reai o .tde icnnS EiMIKAJM A'J.'MSTI'OXtJ, Nov. .'!, 181U. 1 j 2 ' An.MINMSTRATOK'S NO I I' E. On ihc r.stntf. cf S.lUUEI. HWUN 'I ('If. lute nf fSloi-.iashurp-, dici utfti. Cv I I'K'I'. is hereby uiipr, t'n.l I. 'li ra of Ad in'nisir.i.'i iii on liieal ovc. lllClltll l i d Kst.dr i'-J 'line I :.'riiiile.' to the nuhscrihi-r. Ai! ,p."i'ii indehl.'il In said pstale tip' liPiel noliliid to ma'-p iiiinieiliali! piyment. nnd all those h iving chnl.i.i n iiiu'strd to pre lent tlicin propeily ai.iliPiiti.a- t.d. r in:'JAMI HAGEN-CUCIJ, Apiil i.;iu Cis t