The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, May 02, 1846, Image 2

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    V Ml) i).mult;fi lliujruom in lean
the nurse i:hid us the tumid away; mid
l!ie I.nly lay down will) lirr beautiful buhy
on tier Bosom. Hit heart was full uf piay
rr, though Lrr voice was Inisho I, lesi idie
shonhl dispnti the (dumber that was steal
ing over the child, lis mlm.regu'ur breathing
was mude lo lirr car, ihrt unilcs thui
bioke like gleams of ehunshine, on ii
Fwccl, slorping faro .ooihe 1 her, and stole her thought. Full of faith ainf hope,
bIic commended thai precious one t ihe
caic of lirr Sa iour, and when eone strug
lic.g with would arise, Unit sho might have
lived lu protect and rherish it, sii'd idic
could 6ay in sincerity, 'In Uim is my trust.
Long past midnight, the old nursa was
nwakened IrotP a deep slwp by a haslv
step advancing across the apartment. L
was the lot J of Elmwood, wlio thuslaidily
-his evening's amusement being concln
tied answered his aummons.
I m,hcre Elcnor,'he said, withdraw
iiigihe curtain: 'why dM you send foi
m! N ) voice replied jind lie moved the
limp 50 os to throw ;t liht on the bed
TLc si&l.t thai met hi eyes touched
ven him. The lady hi wife deal; on
Ltr bosom, its rosy check touching het
cod lip', its round arm thrown abpm
her neck, loy her infant, in its calm,
happy s'erp. Ho benl over them gaz
eJ-upon that fad ad form, now awful in
its stillness, and on that joyful infant so
full rf life snd happiness. He remem
lered, as he looked on the dead, her pa
lietice, her humility, her unfailing tub
mission to his capricious will; he re
jiu nibeied loo what a lift) of solitude he condemned her,tind then he though
of her as jhe'Vss when he first saw hei
end when thoio eyes looked lovingly
upon him, Only a tew hours ago, shf-
ws even as his slave, trembling at hit-
word, obedient to his will. Now per
han, fhc was pleading her cause against
him bi fore the throne of cod- Oh, if
h. had but cone earlier! if he only
could have ' oie word of forgiv
ness from those lips, which, in their
rilence seemed yet to whisper that he
had been a murderer
lie turned awoy. 'Take the child,
he said, hoarsely. 'Take it way from
lien? she is dead.' lie left the room
7'he r.virss followed, and put a piper ir
nis haml:
.. . . --j - r- - j - -
f ne ue gine,' ne said.
He thrust it into his bosom, and her
rkd into his sludy,vlierehaving cartful
!y doted the (loot he again drew it for
6nd begon !o read. It was a hort let
ter, dated but two days back.
'Something I must say to yon;' ?o
it was worded 'something I must say
of oil the thoughts that now, n my last
lirwre, crowd upon my brain. I have no
friend lo si l' beside my death bed, and
listen In my last words; no friend to go
with me lo the threshold of the grave,
end uphold me when my faith laller1.
'Alone and uncared for, I wait death
sometimes full of fear, sometimes eager
ly looking for its coming. For years 1
have had no other friend but my God;
lie alone has heard the voice of my sor
rows, and he alone is with ma now.
Do not fear a word of reproarh from
rr.e. My short life has been a sad one
but it is to you I owe the only dream of
fthdness that has cheered it. For thoe
few months, during which I believed, 1
was dear to you, I was perfectly happy
1 know my belief wa9 in vain, but I do
not blame yon. Our love is n6t our
own to give and take back as we will.
'It is strange, that though years have
passed since I was undeceived yeais
in which you have repulsed all my ef
forts to win your confidence, and to be
to you even but a companion, when
others fi led you, yet now, all that Jon
interval of giicf io forgotten; and every
land word you spoke in tint happiei
timo secmii sounding in my ear once
'Hut why do I say this lo yoii Th.nse
Lind words came not from', your hear i
and I am nothing to you now. I en"
appeal lo you only as a 'yi"R woma ,
and pray you, by Heaven's mercy In
attend lo my last wish My baby, my
fair, hspry bau) ' Oh. look with pity
upon her when she is moiheiles.-! Do
rot let her grow up amrng ihoe who
wiiM not love her.' It is a dreadful thing
to live cn, year by year, with a heart
full of love, and yet to bye that love
despised ar.d rejected. If I dare ask of.l'een arretn 1 on tu5pi.ioi) cf beiMj the rob-
'"i'j-: :onHiliar,cc with my lust wish,
would say, let Ini he placed vviili Mil,
lji tercon ; I am sure she will bo happ)
in th it home of peace.
'Farewell! I linger over theso lasi
words. Would that I might lay my
head on your bosom, and breath away
my life, dreaming ones mora thai you
oved me! My presence was a burthen
to you. liven now you will not come
to me- li is sdiioil ovei I
'Once mure, I commend to you my
iild, You surely will love her. There
i nothing in her sunny fdce, to remind
ou of me. I am we uy and can write ne
nore; perhaps even now I havo said loo
nurh; but my poor heart was ful', and
had none to comfort me. May Ood
less yod?
The letter fdl from his hand, and lit-
wopl like a child. A change had camt
over his feelings towards his wife, but
t was oo Lite.
Sum. djys fer the lady hud been
U;d in her grave, a group of villagers
alheied around the old nurse, ques.
lioning her as lo all that had happened
ai Eim-wooil.
'You see he must have been very
fond of her after all,' said ore. '11
ha nuked Mrs. Prfllcrson la lake (lie
baby, as my lady wbhed; and did yoi
-ee how he cried at the funeral?'
15ih ! don't talk to me of mic.Ii love,'
said the old nurse impatiently. If he d
shown but a quailer of t ho kindnes-
towards her a year ago that he's shown
since she wa dead, and cuuld feel it no
longer, she'd have been a happy living
woman this day. Heaven preserve us
all from love like this!'
This nunler (.liril 13 ooninlte the EIOH'I'II
YliAK that wc liavc p'llili.'.hcl ilic ' Columbia De
mocrat' ami we ore iklornum J tohuvc our nc
connts ficttlcd up to thia i!ut Wo (.hail unmcili-
ulfily li.ivc our liili. tor thu jiapcr. advt riisiiid nnJ
ioIi work luaile out ready l"r Mtllt tiniit, nml u-
t-x ect oil to sui iiiK l i' ihat wc may ho iiMo to
atAiit tp with tlio.ii! who liuvcdcinaiiiU against
The HI. Kfv. Hi h..p rOTTE"?, is exjoctrd
At Ml. Pa nr.", Iliooiiinimi);, ui ii o cuirii, A. M
and at !i o clock, 1 . Al. on 'J uivday tlic .It I.
of May next.
At St. Gabriel's, Pn-ar Loaf, nt 10 A. M: and
at Oraiiqcvillc, at 7 o'clock, in tlio evening
oii WcJiicjJay, tlic Cth of Af iy ncit.
Court IVcck.
The Courts of this County commenced
their sittings on Monday, the 20th of April
and adjourned finally on Friday the 21th,
all Judges present.
John Old was appointed and acted as
Foreman of the Grand Jury, which was
dismissed on Wednesday forenoon We
publish the Report of ihe Grand Jury, Ihii
week, as a matter of general interest lo llie
eitizen9 of ihe county. V.'e copy it c
printed in the Danville Demoaret. In the
Courl of Quarter Sessions, the following
were the only cases of importance.
Commonwealth ") Indictment, Larceny.
vs. V-and rccumnij slolei
bilus L. Craig. J goods. The Gram!
Jury found a Irue bill. The defendant hat
been bound over befme S.M. Gilmore.Fsq
o( Berwick, with bail, in the Bum of S100.
and not appearing when called in Court, the
recognizance, was forfeited. The charge
against defendant was far stealing a IJafl'alo
robe belonging to William Sloan.of Ulooins
Commonwealth "J Indictment, passim'
vs. counterfoil money 4
James I. John son, conspiracy to defraud
alias James R Jones, j True I5ill. April 22!
and Wm. Sietler. J Verdict GUILTY
Sentence, each, & 1 0 fine, costs, and thrfe
years at hard labor, itc. in ihe Eastern Ptn
itentiary. The proof in this case was (ul
and overwhelming, so much so that no ar
gument was made by dt-fcadanl's counsel.
Um kalew and Hurley for Commonwealth.
Comly and Cooper for defend.uw.
I'hctc weru Iwo caees of Assault am!
Battery ttied. Jamei Kyan wan founi'
juilty of an assault tc. on John M
Mia-, and Burton W. Wapplcs fuin!
not guilty of aseauli on Isaac Sowers-
worth, but ordcied to pay cusis of prosecu
i lie great Western mail was roblmd
on the 23d of April between Buffalo
ri ...
and The leather ba was cm
open and iho canvasi Lag eonlaining the
letters ta!;cn out. A person named Iloali
M. Thompsnn. of Westilrhl, N, Y h;is
i'o tin Honorable, J.weph 1J. Anthony.
I'.ki, and his Associaie, Judges of tin
Uuiirl of Quarter Sessions, Sic: of the conn-
ly of Columbia;
The (!rar.d Jury, enquiring for ilia bndj
if said eiuinty, would respemfully rqi.m
thai iu the dmchaiger of iheir duly llio)
liavo examined llio lViliu linildinj and
lind that ;ho porch belonging io llio kiichon
onnccicd with the Jail aid the pump in
Jie kitchen yard need repairing. The
uildmgs and other properly generally be
longing tu lit e Jail and Court Iiouqo ore in
i Hiifuoicnt stale of repair and preservation
under proient circu mstaticet.
The Cirand Jury further irpnrt, that in
onseiinenco of ho numerous cajes of as
-i 'tills and batteries, breaches of the prace,
Si with which Ihe C iutl of Qiarler Sea-
sinna i iroub'.ed, oriinaiing in the culjn
conduct of Inn Keepers, and fioui li
ding houses the Criind Inquesi feel bouttu
in sav siinifilbiuj' in resrd lo tlie teg-
ilalinaiid ciintrollinij llio sale of bjiriuiovis
ind vinous li.juo:, and iheir administrating
and enforcenienl by llie prn;,cr olTicdrs.
li.iw., Uiots, Assaults and dltltirbsucctj, r.e
xssaiily result froir ilia ealu of liquors til
funs and 'I'u"erns ii;on llm Sabbath day;
and l!ie constables are no'oiiously remiss in
noticing and rctuniiiij to ihe Court instan
ces where the laws in this respect nre vio-
aled. 'J'le laws are sufficiently stringrn', they are net, it is thought, thoroughly
ipplied. U.:er and Ale houses also, espe
cially such as are open op iho Sabbath, are
oublie nuisances, and with an increasing
foreign population such as we are obtaining
in this county, should bo carefully repress
ed. A sunseofduty lias induced us to
mako these suggestions. We think ctime
would bs lessened and ihe beat interests c!
the county promoted by a rigid enforcement
of the license laws in their spirit ami lettor;
mid that ihe duties of constables liko tho&e
of other officers should be faithfully did-
They also report, that iho yard or en-do-
sura back of the Courl houso has been used
or occupied as a ball-alley to the injury ol
ihe public property iidjoininr, and lo the
annoyance of ihe Court. Wo therefore ro
commend proper means lo be used lo pre
vent the same nrTiko abuse in future,
They also report, that a Ten Tin tl!ey
has been in operation in the upper part of
the town of Danville, near the htrdir ran
Church, and that a complaint being entered
nd trsiiiT.;vi v he?rd i'-..? f.ifi
piovcd lo be an aunoyanco 10 tha con
gregation worshipping there, disturbing
them by day and by niht. We there
fore, report the same a nub nice to the
Thebrid.'o and street on Mill sltect.Norlb
of '.lis Canal, in Danville, had been rr port
ed by a former inqoeM ns loo narrow, nr.
having been widened agreeably to .-aid re
port wc rerommend that it should be attrri
int In i 111 m i n 1 f.l
'"""'j, nveii as airainst ih: e claims a ji'inet tin
All of tho above is refp-ctfnfly sub , il1;1, Spam possessed, and then .'dine
lCL 5. ' that cai:n by escludiiii what ?rc Iiav'O cc-
JOIhN OI1L, Fomnan. k.j tn li.lSfu The, very f.ictof her limit
The Court unanimously appiovcd of tlielp-g t!,;m l0 Cl, 4t, wht-n, upon tin
lleport, and Judge Anthony, in discharging J $p ,-,;,, hmnddiion of ITCi), it would cs
the Grand Jury, animadverted in decirive n, l(, ci, hern-s that her claim to 5-i, -10
terms ol disapprobation upon tlic growing j
evil ol beer, ala and tippling bouses, in Dai
villo particularly, enjoining upon tin cou
iiables to bo vigilant and active in suppress
ing the opening of Tavern bars 0:1 the V.Ai
bath day, imd preventing the unlawful mV
of spirituous liqtiois. In icgatd to the ''cn
Pin alley referred to in the Report, his Jm
or said, tint playing ten pins, in iirelf, tnr
in in 11 ace nt and harmless amusement, en
!onj as no gambling, unnecessary r.oiio 01
other unlawful conduct was allowed, but il
the latter was the cise.ihe Court would sup
press it upon the proper proof being made
ind legal prosecution instituted.
Tho Senatorial term r.f the fulloivinj
'cnatnis expired with the 1 a'e Leis!ntuis ;
Hc.-'ry Chapman, of Bueksj Jamc? I), lun
lap, of Erie ; Adam Ebcngh, of York; John
routlirod, of Philadelphia county ; Jetfer'
son K. Ileemnn, of Northamplon ; Joseph
V- Quay, of C'l ininn i Geoie Bahn, rd
Schuylkill ; John K. Siciigero, cf Mont
ouiery ; Daniel!,, yiterwond. of Tioga ;
Charles C. Sullivan, rf Butler; Samuel
Fegely, of Bciks. Of the aboe named
Kentlenien, eight are Democrats, and Mes
srs. Dunlap, Quay and Sullivan, Whigs.
I he Methodic Episcopal Chinch with'n
the bounds of Philadelphia city and county,
has eleclcd Samuel Ahniund lay delegate
to ihe Woihl'a Convention, Ac. to Le held
m London in Aiiufl nct.
Gov. Dorr's health is aain ilcclinin.T
lor the last Uvo months lie has been getting
mare feeble, and is now nol aide to leave
!i!- Lome c-iM pi 11 a cini 'i
kngtli, though ulc, siys tlie Public
Ledger, Congress have done what they
iubht lo haro dono a' the commencement of
thu session, and what a former Congress
diould have dona in IS23. They have nu-
hoiized llm President to give the notice
ir in oilier words, to prepars for the termi
latiou of a Iroaty that never should havo
-'xisted. In reviewing ihe liisimy of our
iegilation upon Oregon, from 1 I S to the
ptessnt lime, and more especially from the
nomiucnccmant of the present session, we
unJ very little cause of congratulation, am.
much for rsgret. By this legislation, oar
notional interests have been neglected, the
ropeuy of our citizens has been sacrificed,
and our national character endangered if no'
tatnijlied It has been characterized by ig
norance, timidity and intrigue, anything but
creditable lo American character. This lan
guage may see strong to the timid. It
will not seem, so lo Unite who understand
t'le subject, and boldly meet their responsi
bilities. Thu convention of ISIS should nsvei
have been concluded. The Biiiish govern
ment would not then hava claimed the ter
ritory against Spaiji or the United talcs.
had we presented the iiitcrnaiive of admis
sion of our rights, or another war But the
onvsntion of 16 J7 was slili more unfortu
nate, inl tuen, the uuils;):i a tiay
pany, ilia sourco ol the pieient dhficultics
had not discovered the value of its furtrade.
Wo then slooil in the place of Spain, to
whom Britain, by ihe treaty of 1611, had
impliedly relinquished a, I claim to the
Northwest coast. Governor Floyd, wem-
b?r of the House from Virgi.-.ia, understood
the case, and '11023, introduced, hn bill
for esiablialiins our lavs ir. iho territory.
Had it been ilonu the American popu
lation in the territory would havo readied
100,000, our citizens would have received
ifteen millions of dollars from the (ur trade
md ihe China trada would have ulread)
aegun tu cross our continent But Coa
Xrcss were intonton making a I'residsnt.
md ihe Oregon bill W3S lost.
This capitulation, ihe convention of I 27
is the only raal fjuiidalion of iho Briiicl.
claim, p-nd furnishes an aigumcnt to kIio.y
I'utiliiy. Spain had discovered to Lai. CI,
and had ceded to c.3 all her rights, ami hence
under the treaty of 1320, f at. CI was on
boundary, Put by our treaty with IWi.i
,n 305, xvc relinquished to her .!
of 5 t, 40. And now 1" ; i 1 a i r. c,
treaty wiih Ku'-ia in 1 320, and not upon
her own ili'cot rries, or upon her conven
dnn with Spain in 17'JO. If she claims by
treaty occupation wiih Spain, why
doc? she nol claim to Lat, GI, Iho limit of
Spainit-h di3covciies? Ojrtminn to
i-n does not anntnl liniiidi rights asnnsi
Spain. If Britain claims, under ihe treat
if 1 7D0, all Spanish territory on the coast,
vhy dnc3 she not rlaim egainst, a
well as ai'ainst ih: K e claims ajctnet
is en rflcr thought, etiggssifd by circiai
stance,! 'If we had ceded lo I'taner. all le
twecn the Columbia and 5 1, 10, and IVaiic
had occupied it, sr..! then Britain had e'r.iin
e.d againsl t.s, under tho treaty (H7t,'0, i,l
between -ii and the Columbia, the f;-nidu
lent woi.ld been appr.icnt tr
"o:nmi)!i s e 1: k i . Is t!,o fr:,ud le.-s ctoir
vlicn she bound htrr iLiin under her !3j,:,n
ish treaty (if 1700, by our Iiu.ian ircuty ol
Ifi'.'j.' ;.:!ic l;tiov..i thitshe cannot iatiii.tL!i
Bussia, but believes that the ran ttrrily
Tlit New 7 a r iff and t'i c IVarcLia'x'h::
Vy 'o!. The Union of Wednesday even
ing contains at full lnustli the bill ripnried
iy Mr. MeKay,t!i- Chdrmi:i of ll.c Com
mittee of Ways and Means, to ihe Hrni."
if Ilcprtsent itives- and whieh ho has an.
inunccd his attention to ask the considira
tion of, at an early day. After tlic ( n:ris r
mg tiihjfct which has en long occopiid th
ittention of Congress, and which lias been
niyposed to involve tl.n great question ol
,ieace cr war, tin re hs lien nniliin so im
oortaril before that body as the bill referrfit
0, and we presume it will elicit al leant ;
jvy interesting, and even excitiurj drhatc.
The eastern manufacturers, who have hiih
rtr) taken 0 leading part on Ibis question'
will douhtlcES egain r.ctively co-operate
with interests in other parts of tin
ccuntiy in 1 furienl opposilioii to ii. Wi
J.i nol speak ihus in derogation o( grmle
nicn 0,U8 sittia'rd, for wc not only jui-.ify
t ut n-prote ol a careful consideration of
die interests of the country by these best in
f.irned in icg'iid tn the -rn: and it in ( idy by!
di iiiCjr.- that an ti.ligl.ttiicd and cone:t!
iudi'Cmenl ran be formed on tho?c piactical
and iimortant subjects. Bui wo refer to li
umiovo what intelligence and zeal may bo
,. , r i i
xpected in iho course of the discussion,
1 , .
a-,d which we think will bo cluraeterizod
by the display of more extensive and nccu-
ralo knowlcdgo in regard to the whole sub-
jeet thin has ever yet been enured even
in the ablo body that has ii under consider-
For our own nart wo do not pretend to
. .... .. i. . r
possess siiiiicieni iniormaiiDU to sipeau oi
the subiscl in us various celans, with ihe
precision sad certam.y that a d,srnss l.
it demand:), and therefore we can only re
fr lo ihe bill in thai general way that a',,, v, j,,H:it citiz'rts and mij-c:s of ihe
incp'T difiideneo woud suggest. Onf gm" two powt'rs, hut without prejudice; tu
cral vicw'3 in regaid to it we pr?iiiun Bit any claim which n her cf 'In pirli s
well kaown to our renders. Ue aro for aj-iiht have lo any part f country;
a revenue tarilTwilh such disc.imi.-ulimi as and W:th il.N I'ImIkt provis.o,, h ti,9
,,., r . i t 's eoi d ariiclrol 111 -said coiiv ioticn oT
wi allord a fair viroU-clton u those ariirles:. , . , ,. , ,,
' v h i.f Aii 'iiO. 1S27. that (I 'it r nariv
d dunics'.ii! inaiiulaclure that are of national,
.Ill'llil '( 'HI HUM . .UII..M-
impe.rtatico, and indeed that we( nn( on Rivin? ,j.Je U)!je(. ot 12 ,r,oul,a
ni-sy hope ttctitually lo produce with ec-,.0 o'her coniracliiij? party
i:tj; an 1 wo trust Co;:''res9, in its wis And wlicre.'S, It has now becotm- (ie-
(!r,i, will secti'c this md. in wh:'iever'',irab!o that the ie-peci ive claims of III )
i liar.e may he made. Tim Committee, it
ia M h" presumed, lias e'hTii the bid as re
pur'td the ni iPl careful r.oniidvration, and
will probably adheve to it with a good deal
uf pertinacity in that s!'ape, but nany c-
mendincnta wiil doubiles be proiT;ed, and
some rnott likely be tr.nda in it.
There is one point in the bill that we
witness with unniir.glcd satisficiion, and
that is ihe geim of tlio Warehoueinj sys.
tern. .711 goods from this side of Cape
of Good Hope may remain in tho public
slices five months, and those from beyond
six months. Thia under the system of
cash duiics, will be a great rclkf lo the bit
sines? ind commerce of the countty. We
adverted a few days tince Ui tiii in con.iex
ion with tho indepiitdenl Treasuiy, and we
were glad to find ourselves supported by
die excellent aulhoiity of t.'ie New York
Evening Post. Since then, we havo tha'
too of tho New York Chamber of Com
merce, and with such czprcsdion of opinion
wo hope it may becomua legislative enact
ment. Should cl! iheoO measures become
laws an Iiidinendeti' Treasury, Ware
hntisiiw evstem, end a mou
(ieiiti.iti of the
t .titf, bringing it to the. revenue standard &
at il,"j same tiias taking proper cars of the
je.turnl inuresls cf il.s e.:intry, v.-e thiiik
the prcs.nt Conjrees will havo cn
in tho country t UtAv uvnciu, r,v uni
thciiisclvtc tiie gr".".!:,s; honn.-. And In a, I. lion rcatric.ion to o;-;,--iiii.l dupe of pre -this,
iho OA'.endini of our laws o-.or Oie on;arriblo and r.::fdi:'.i(m. which had been losi
and a pracsabia adjust oi !, ire, nn di'iietdur
nil which wc hope aro within the limits id
prub'ibihiy, atu! tho distinr.linn ii yet higher
dvar.i.rd, end llie pvojpfrity of 1!;? eountrs
secured in a decree tli.n l.biorv will hard'v
fuiuidh a pardld lo. l'ci)ii!jluuiiia,i.
Corre.-'pnudcnce 1 i!j I-uLKc I,cde;er.
Vasiu- C'to;:, d' .'J.liilG.
Pome ar.nisc'ii.oiiiu v. s c.-ei.!;.! in the
S''nit ; tileries this, nornin:-, at th" -r.p-'''arane'.'
in th. lobbies ed' two individ
uals in lin-ir
,-i, ;
11 f-icc
i ?, Mieichcd out
V. !U!I RT."I,I 1.1. Itif , tVI.1,',1 t;Otl-
oiiu Ibev contincc-d t.) c;:ci;i.y uuii! al
t 'i' II.C ..IK'l.'.iHI Ind e
t ..Mldcd l is (J' u
v. ere li.c.-i i.;-
e;;T I !',,:! r, :;m
'.vci'.-' n 'r:i:!'.cd
ni; it
1 in '
.. 1,"
n' t privilci-ed jifrfi;
ooccitjiv sohti within ih? .S.?n: (, and
K'tiied, th.-vtit'li rud until it hid t.e-n ;e.
o-raPy ivhii-fK-r tl u'-wr tiie circid.11
; -l'mes and lolildca thai they wvrc the
.Kfv it' ;(. I'roai Orcisci.
It Was known ii.ol'riip;.'.
he a fie in hi ir.e; i. f ilic f.vo II
the Ci:t..;n:!t.-i) nfCi h-
o 1 .; 1 c 1
to n ;,!;) a report tn 1 lie II ...v m.
iho 0. ei.11 t , : e i t : 1 . 'I'll? ' !;id .1 it
if'lt M-d li m, i;i ions I li'ive f ' l.r..w.
in the Senate ul 12 o'cloek, .Mr. E n
I'icn, fi c 111 llio Coiiiind'ee id o:ili 1 1
M tli" ilifal ft hS o'n of the tw'i,
I1..U9I S 0:1 th'' idol lesoltl'ioil of 111.
f lu
IIM'li1 t r V
( nt, lb 1.
tQ drill
.dot K'so'ir
ion 1.
;f Nolic
In ilt
111, to aiiiiti! ai d alwn'i'i'e llie. Leu,
e nti'in between Gn at Uctcin and tie
United Siatcs cf ihe C h i';i:-i;ii,
elutive In t'-e count! V on llie i;,ri!i
wist t'na.-l of Aliieiici, We.-! ivtli! of 11).-
n 1 ,
im'ani;, ictoiteii:
''l b'.t tbiy have irn'i the cenfertre:'
nn the p'M t i f ll e Ili te r.f lineM n
mive; and aficr f 1 e and full coofcreiiCt!
ipnn iho snljcrt of piil ilic 1 jrcein-
o'v, ihe iniiii confeices havo una n :
.. . rinrnn, I .t mnr.iwtf m,1 I rt l..,l
Kf-pective I louse s, as li,!nws:
'Hint ihe fira 1 section cf tha amend-.
aie-nl of the St-nair o t!-,; 01 i- inal
i' ion cf 1 l.i- Ikii'.r lie fo anieridcd as
:o b.
, li! I ntc, a pitamblo 10 the second
( rtion cf the i-aicl me ni'n.rrl.
lri thai ll e Senate ard House r.f
iiepM frjiitaiivea ie eciUil'y recede
liom the ir di.-;iin c ineni lo the or. und
ine ii'.i'; aiiKi.iliiicnl lo the a in en dine nt
1 l.o (Tiejiid re.solulion 1 f the HdUMViid
vt-iiiually i.'iitoto j iib-ii'utc, thcrtfur,
:i!,,0 folli wii,u joint if -o'nlion;
Joint llcschdicn
the On
l.tieir, ily the (onuntion rondu -
ded the 20 h day of October, ISIS, h :
twecn tue inmcn .-uh;h i aimnca im..
kin . ,,,fl il"ii,"' K"'Rdom M '
Cm nt iir'tain and li elad, .,r Hie. imi-
. . . . ' . . 1 .
od of ten yeais, and a!.i i vv.m ds
cx,fnileJ ClllilllH1, in f0M,.
liy ar"10tirr (.onvf n,j0 f n,(. n,e
(jp, concluded i!ie 0 h dnv of .7 m1:', in
the year of our 1m!1SJ7; it s a-
t'c d thit any cotin'iy niy 'u
;cl liirn (I by rilii r )''lty on li ,'rt'i-
"-t coa! "! Aoioiica, weMward f ihs
Si it ii v ii. !?nf lev Miiiilitains. how rnni.
- . -'
-1 1 o-1 1 1 1 t 'ivihrr wuli 'n harbor., Inys
fIf(M( am, 18 li;)vitl0n of
, w .. c ... e ht. ,)C, . . n
. , .i ,.-,, i i ,.,..,
united States and tircal IJfitain bhould
bn definitely set'led, and Ihat said ter
ritory may no longer tlisn need h 10
main u V j -j c t to th evil coospfj wnc-3 of
jiht; divided alleji'incu id its ,A txru ic m
land l'ri'i-1) nnpu!..non, i-nd i.f itic? con
fusion ami c.Mtiil ct of n-tiiu.!, j i ; ! i 1 j
tioos, dan .'orotis to ihe, c'f't pi-aen
and ood iiiidfi'stanilii) of ihe two couu
Willi a view, theiefore, that steps he;
lake for the abrogation of the fa id con.
vention of the 6 ii of Auiiust, 1S,'7, in
the modo prescii bed in its second aiti
ticle; and ihat th? atu tition of the gov
ernmeiits eif both eounti its iniy h iho
mort ein s''y directed l '.c ml -.'on
of nil pr-t-t.:? nH'ti t'Ci fit n
a,id-aiuicu'.e. udjiismienl of th: Ujfce
cnc2 and di p-ila w'dk regard to I ha
st id lent '.'
liescdved, By t:e Scuttle a;? IL-wyr
f licp.rsm-alivis f the United
States tfv'lmcr ca in Cimre awn
bled, Thai (!)! FlC.sideiU ol 1 hi Ilni'ed
Siatcs lj.j,ar.d h is h'. r by aii'hcnz I,
it his d.'erc.sin, to f 1 v 0 I j t!-o Govern
ment ol Great Urtiaio llu noiici! re fju:r
id by thL' siicaiid article of I lie s;d
Convention for tin abrogation of tl;j
Mr. Allen said th.'t if ii tiiide; stend
lis icyolutions il.ey
aio llm janii! os
issued tlic .Senate
f. Enrif.::; Thr v ere the same.
-j., Aea understood t'12 nuly c!i.n,!o tn
a il,J ' " '' i;i i
i;n:et! b t!. Set;;'.
Vhe rpt'oli.iinii, as a-
frmn iVarvl'ind
ri ed upon I.y th: Coinnii'.tec of C. infe
rence; were suhstaiitiallv the aaua cs luev
!iad p,ih;'r-d ihe 5;'ein.te in other w on
' it.,, J.',., . ,.,1. 1.,
1 tlcct ol i!ii
i on on ihe
ineiiilnii ni'i
its sliotiii! !
! R2-.:tu--
ir r.doptie-n wna;:! bi'
a rc.'cs
1 1 ue 1 . (iuji: iroin ineir
inter liio.'-n cireiimf lances
in.;; ii licuiid to record Ids
Mr. I'.;' ;. in;ui.-.! '.d:?.l would i-'- t'.o
n'.'i't id 1 I : i- .1 Ml pari of the t-'cnmii
0 eoniur wi;:i die n port of the Coi.'itn is
eo of I !n!if c: '.'ee- w hether ihe!ntioi:i
is : ! 1 c y paused ll.o titnata v. ould I j II
.vith thei.i.
The Vi.e Prrddi'iit said that f,i-.o;'.i r
0.1 1". lenee of l',e (v.'o I' mio'i h c.nild hi h:iu
if the report was not cunrui n 1! in.
.Mr. Jnlni.soii. of ASarvhiinh rose tn move
.1 pi.-tpinit 11.1 nt oi lli' rutiei teraiion ol i'w;
rcpoit until I o''U, a 4 tho Senate w-.ii
not Mill, bni wiilidr.'iv hm 1.) iiion
..'.' Allen rerev.c! tha n.otioii. a;;,! it u
The bill li-oiii il
U.itOC tO CMC'i I tin!
'a wis 1
1 1,1 i-r i J 1 r- leriiioi v of t I.tim'i
wf.s ld-'!i np, ;
'rrmi ?v'r. )
ed r. ,11 d in i:-."i-i
u.'ii. a 1 1 w re
I ul.'.i r-:, u p
At I o ci - ' . a.; I n.'nr "
in-.: i.v .W':
nel.i; i t'!: 1 1 a: ii .n d.i'.', I
ri'.oit v.
.,1,1 0i 'ii. i ci ! :. l in
by a o'lc ol
111. 1.1 l!iC li lui-C ll.e r. Me ti..,i
ll. i!'' be Mr. l.'i'er: ,.,,,".'.,(' C' II o I; 1 f 1 1
,1 '.I e ,:f I 'll In Iti
't'l'C :;. ' V 1 li i.r..'( i 1 th.' phr.t
s'roili li.'" i'.. niite riMiiir..' e: u il 0
which 1 h.i'.-e !m'. I iu ii 'lies md i-. ;i
iu:ip '!: 1:1 v. iih (he i 1 -1 r.-s,lii'i-,..i
yon id pri r 'HC ii is a nit-re c'l.iii'i'S
in ihi? f urn 1 i 1 .'. ii I'-f i ni, and ilmt iictrly
llie lanjiiiaged is ii t.iincd.
lib;::: a 1. tax wiwm
The ILivrln'l Banner n.ites dm ,!r. J.
P. Cti-hiii:". a i.iMiih .nan of hard iiiine for.
dure, nn-.v ri'.niiiiie at ateittiw 11, ..
was wi.i.ed tipon, ufetv d iys mice, by tie
isccsEcr of tha'. town, lo afccrtain the a-
, ,,,,-t '11, .'in- 1 fic-r.-.iu ItiMt hlt-rpi
-"" ."
P''1 - :: ,,'1,n
riso-ibeing t.dd, the nno;;nt of the whole t .:;i to
he nisei', he dtsired the as?cts.:r to d.vgi
llio who'e amount to hiov
A udjdan trervant has jurt (hco. red ill-.',
clrrhic licl.t, directed on tht hnmrn body
makei it-o diipan-iu.s as la rndde iho arn r
it', vriiiS, ; nd iicrvcj, lo In: seen at 'M il.
md their action t be t-liniicd.
.7h. nit CD dinners wi te .' i.icd by
the I.
i';i.-biiiire at its l.'.'t fi .--.ui).
V0IC8 v0iU
DJ-plioJilt V'.''.''