Till (1 A R li A N I)- " IVi'M tivtclal fluvrrs fnriclt'd, From various gardens eull'tl with airr." Prom the. licpnitcr mill Journul. One of a Thousand. An old man stood in the street, His coal wis torn, hi lock were grey, And the frozen etone for many a day Had known his nhoeleas feet ; Ho felt the cold wind's breath Nipping his llesh to the bone, He hoped for nothing but tlemh, That beggar wretched Bnd alone. Cold was the night and dark, And the ragi on his ahiv'ring bark were thin. And the driving slue t cut quick to his skin, Thai old man faint and stark His glanco was to the sky, There waa but the tempest there, On earth his glazing eye Saw fjmii.A, want and dispair. The streets were long since hush'd, And the tempest was forth in his awful might, And howl'd the spirit of dorms and night Onward they wildly rushed, 7'he blinking lamps looked dim Through the crowding wintry glooji, No roof, no friend for hi in. Who though of the poor man's doom? Slowly the streets along lie wandered he knew not where", .? mansion shone with a f audy glare, Within a joyous throng.- His eye the glass peered through, TViere were beings of light and love, And lips of fragrant dew, And eyes like lamps above All, all within how fair? And the bursting song and the laugh grew iignt Wiihout were famine and want and night; 4n old man's deep despair His eye how sad and dim As it marked that happy crowd Life to them but to him The driving snow fur a shroud. The tear froze in his eye M he thought if the meanest jewel there Which flashed so bright in waving hair Or blaz'd with bosoms' sigh Were mercy's gift to woe How many hearts would be so light, IIuw many tears o'erflow Wilh joy and bliss that night, And louder still, without The tempest howl'd with a fearful din And louder, and louder, still within Where the laugh, and ong, and shoui With husky voice and low. How that old man craves for bitad Wretched, and faint, the snow Scarce melts on his time worn head; Bread! bread! bread! What a cry is that for the roveller's ear! Startles it not their hearts with fear? j 3read! bread bread!' Hush'd is that laugh and song, At that famishing cry for bread That old man stands in the throng, All bony and gaunt as the dead. The young, the gay, the fair, Loathing all shrink from his touch, Pity i not to be sought from such. lr. vain old man your prayer, Rude is the arm and strong, That wiih cuff and cowardly blow, Pushes and drags along, ApiI huils him forth in the snow. Louder the laugh and the jest Of him, thf re was not a thought What to then, was the outcast's lot A frozen bfgwar at best, Hasten on wiih the dance Be merry and also gay Enrapluied by beauiy'g g,ince Drive charity, kindness away. Within is life without, There is death on the rushing storms And a glazing eye and tiG'niug furm Lie there without Dead, dead, dead, And this is the poor man's lot! Drifts the snow oVr his head, That old man feels it nut. Better lo die by far, Than to snuggle with famine and cold In the pcllai dank, and garret old. As thousands such now arc,- I'artli no pleasures to give Life hut a lornicnt and why Should they then wish to live ? P.(6l for the wear, to die. TillMSi; KHUN SUA) OF UXSKATKI) Agreeably t the provisions of an Act ol Vmemhy, emiilod An Act directing tin nolle of soiling iiineuiei! IhikIh for taxes, uid fur oilier purposes, pnssud the Utili da) f Ma) i 1810, and tint further supplmneiv herein pained nn (tin I 'Hi day ol March 1817, and the 2;Vh of March, 18:11, thr Treasurer ol Oolumliia County horutty ,'ives notice lo all pi-nons concerned tlmie- in, that unless .'tie I axes ,ne on the follow HIT iracls of Unseated hand siiniinil in Ihi. Itinibu Oouniv are naid henna ihn iiav nl . .... .. . r ' " swe. wie wnnie or swell parts ol each tract is win pay tlio taxes and rnsis r H.rijnnh , ihcieon, will he sold at the Court House in 110 low (1 Ol Danville. (JoillllV of Columbia. on the second Monday in June next, and he oiiiiniir.u uy Aiiourniiieiii Irom dav to t av. for arrearages of Taxes due said County, and the Cosis aci itied on each respectively. .teres. If arranfee or Oimen. 7 'axes , Cattawis.sn Township. 173 James Allen 200 John Knokle 300 J..)in Kunkln 120 (Christian Hncol 2.') Ptrr Schinick Fishingrreek Township 100 Cain Widow 150 David P.wler 30 Jacob llihler 102 Samuel aiid Joseph Lilly 179 Edward Mcll "iiry Greenwood Township, 00 Boiijamin Chew's heirs 100 William Colt ason V, Gardner, agent 00 Mason F. Oardner, agent 130 Ecward McIIenry 200 Daniel McIIenry Ilcmbcc 'Township. 150 Hubert Montgomery Jackson Township. $0 Til 1 81) 2 70 1 II 21 00 50 50 30 58 81 Sill Of 57 87 80 40 087 Hill Joseph and Alilchan 53 25 iw rmuel v orks 7 y:t 218 Daniel McIIenry 7 Jane Gordon 3 Thomas Gordon 7 Liberty Township. 75 200 7j Charles r rick e 9. 4ft 250 Abraham Kinizin? 2 as 411 Hubert Irvm : m 330 John Davis 9 t.n 23a Jackson Davis 2 235 A. Espy o 114 Win. Benson 3 Mifflin Townsiip. J'Jl John McCalley 3 p) Montour Township. 100 Thomas Woodsido 2 23 Dr. John Ramsay 10 Charles Rater Mount Pleasant Township. 30 Hubert Monigomerv 1 08 Madiion Township. 200 John Flack 100 Robert Hunter 200 Thomas (Jordan 00 Jane Goidan 200 Robert Bendy 200 Robert Lyon 101 I. Apnlpirate & I. Gfilbraith 1 1 1 I 3 1 1 1 3 1 2 80 00 80 51 80 80 fin 60 200 A m 011 Lcrev. in n:iri 200 Henrv Lebo. in nan 8(1 210 Mary Moutgumci) , in part 103 James Rupert 100 I homas Harlot i)8 00 it 300 Alexander Sci.ti. in nnn 70 Ann Ualbiaith 100 James Armstrong : 27 til) 350 Elenor Armslron. .1 05 85 150 Hannah Giflin 3 100 Thomas Barton :i r.n 30 Thomas Grant 27 300 Mary Cornelison, in part 3 21 Houringcreck Townstin. .io2 tieorce Ashion 11 07 15 10 11 81 25 81 4 (13 73 13 70 12 (i l 14 81 14 81 U 81 1 1 1 Thomas Billincton 100 Nathaniel Brown 128 Thomas Bannn 120 Christian Birelv 20 William Brewer 309 John Cook ir 313 William Elliott 100 Samuel Lobi.VI 100 Plulio Lnudenbeiir 100 Georse Lonf 380 Philin Loudenhcia 14 14 11 8 7 382 Caleb Lornn 29!) George Miller 221 Marv Mvers I'JO Mathew Miller I Ul Jan.es McNeal 425 William Miller 0 21 15 15 7 15 7 4 12 1 I 1 1 Id 10 (id Co 128 Henry Never 210 Stephen I'tabodv 05 70 03 OS 03 (I !!!) 01! 02 3 7 02 U8 80 80 51 125 .Villiam Porter ' 100 Mary Rusuin 200 Marv Ruslali 320 Daniel Reese '183 Andrew Kenedav 109 John Youn? 350 Georee I'attetson 125 (ieorire Esnv Sugarlwtf Toienshi 30 John BUklv 283 Thomas I' Cono 431 Robert Cra'i.r ill Peter Grubb. Fo 1(10 1 ram 1 s Hall 1 101 John Loekhait Charles II all taxes for 1815 Jonathan Sarreant 120 CO 08 CIIARLFS F.MANN. Treasurer. 1 ki:asi-rkk .s ()i:i lei:, ) Danvil.e, March 20, 1810. S tiy The' A mericaii S..iiil,,ul' ..:n. 1 , 1 1 r " "' I'oi's Hsh the above four times ;,. ii. ta .1.. :. 1 . J'niiy rt ) iir.el, iiiol lorn ;rd ir arr. ., . I ,,. . . , , - wuill IU lilt' IieasiiierolUluiiibiu County. MlXfSTIM TOR' S X() TICK. The Estate, of JS.LOC C. J()IliSO. lute oj Orange township, drciaud. NOTlrrc ix lirruliy b'ivbii llmt ;ttcr e,f nilmiii ignition mi tliu iili.no niciMiiiiii'd i:int. ham Ih'cii trunlcd to tln sulwi-rilirr, living in llr iiiiko MwiiMiip. All 1'tvsoni.iiidi'lilfil In s.iid estiili iin Iicu'liy in.iili.'d lo iimki! iniiiicdialo my inciit. mid 11II tliiHo having idniins nro n iiiu:,led lo pio lent thom propei ly untlii'iilii aU d lo l'MMIKL LVRUS, JOHN B. EDGAR. Iilmiiiislratois, January, 17, I H 1 0 O U It M O TTO" NOT ToTmToIjTUONE lr.VtKSMlTIIX I'.ST VJJMSUUI.NT lty ha 11 1 (o A. Silvorlhorii. THE iindersigncd having taken (ho shop formerly nccnnieil hv Marshul Silvci tlinrn most respocifully infurms the public that iriev iinenu to carry on 111c aoove orancn 01 business and will at all thin s bn readv to do work a little better and cheaper than any other establishment in ihe place, Jjantl they hope by strict attention to business lo .ncrii 1 arg portion of the public patronage AH kinds of country produce tnlun in rttcliaiiL'c for work Si die rendu nol refused ISA CJ SANTKEi MARSIIAI, MI.VERTIIORN. Bloomsburg Feb, 21.181011 LIST OF CAUSES, For Trial at .Ipril Te w, .1- 1) 18 5 G .r .Inlin (!. MrUal! ot nt vs .Inn,i!i l.tmnn 1 oluas .S'lnilz ct ul vs Tliiima.4 .Mom head et al IVtir lialdy vh David IVtiikiu liarnard Spihrrtvs 'I Ikhii ik ,K air et id ailiml K. endlv vs li.uvlcr rL ul 10 tlenrv i'astiin vs Jusvuli l'lixlmi 11 l)r '1'liomas t'iteh vs'l'lioiiins Htili'iard eta! 12 'I h 'lima S Hubbard rt al vs llcornc Mausetal 1; Thomas Ntackhousu vh Vaidab IJcese et al 14 Daniel liioss et al vs Ileiwy HVbh I, j i;iient7i'r (recnui;h vs Caleb r'isher et al IU Itenjiiiiin Aii'teriib vs William (billet id 17 Fri'dnii k I.eilw vs lienj iliiin Kcltci mall 18 Henry 1., iSiiiith vs Ames Colea I 'J '"'ainuel Ciiuner vh . ebenbaiii li JO ISainuel Sbedniiin vs fiver J) l.cib et id il am-iic'l Mi (Ininii vs Owen I) Leili ct al Ji iSamuid tSbi'dinnn vs Owen 1) I.eili i.i Micnai'l l Hower vs L'lij di Prico J I Mioliac I Low vs (ieori;o Kutuvr J"i Miehael how va Abrabam Hair Jli Aiiebail Iiiiw vs Voat !! :i: 17 William IXlong vs Henry Miller JS .Mex inder Uest rt id tidmiiiisliatur of James l.augbtad deceased vr bih.an Wil, LIST OF GRAND JURORS, For Jpril Trim, .7. D. 1 S 1G lllonm William NVnl Uiieierteli Jaecil Dieter icb (,'enler 'I'd iiinos (.'nniier William Kthvaids 1 Jerry .lames I liitcbisiiu William .McLiidc William eiidersbot Philip .S-idlo I'lanklin William (le.ii In mi I Hemlock John Die I-aae. I, tidy 1 liberty Andrew Uilbni er l,imcsoiie David Lilly .lobii Slifaver jlnhoitiriu; Fi uncis oaiilll Iludolidi Scrhler .lului Lunger Main Abraham Kea-c Ml 'lea-ant A.riae V .dlorc.iiiuip Ma.l -Isanr .Vi'iSiidu .Mimtiiur Wdi'nun 1m!,K I' i Mi 111 ill Cm Melius iilteiib,.u;-ii Oiane lieijamin 1 1 ay man 1 Ibe i r n 1 1 f 11 , . . i - i II liA V l'.U.Ti ,1 1.1 li . Tor lpril Term, d. I). IS !G. Cutlauissa H'illiion Davidi-oii. Davi.l ( I; I! P Porllier Juhn loleij; Jw.sel ,t I. lie rn Samuel Pollock .bum - I.i l.e Pisbiie.'ereik-.-A W Kliin- Willi, 00 Lvai s (hvetiwnod Daniel Mcliwen Isaac l.van Kii li:ird Pollock Liberty --W'illiiim Tai's:rl Adam I'ov iliti!iii--(.'(uicid liieilbcudcr .lohn Keller Sti phen II Miiler M iliiiiiiriu M C (iib-r Mil Trwu t'.lu ir.i 1 niiuir rew ell I ulilis , (1 oris Sacnb Seebler s-n William .Murjran William I'oit Joseph Jlaitman Monioiir Junes McNincb Micbacl Hender.dioi Madison N en Inn Tin nuns Main !!mlolpli Miuniau halah L 'iia!,cr.;er Mt Pb a.-ant Xoidi )rakfi Orani; Morris Kline Siiuai loal Matbew Mi Henry John M.i !cr Valley 'William Diue WORMS! WORMS.! WORMS:!! To remove lliese troublesome, uml i';,i, serous inhabitants of the stomach ami bow. Is, which so often impair the henlili destrov the lives of children, me .Iuhp'. n ' I ' r 1 onic v trimmer, a certain am s ib: iirc-r.ir- . r .1 , , , . ii" auou nir uie removal 01 llie various LnnU of Worms, Dyspepsia, Sour Klomich Wan' 01 Appejite, Inlanti'c l ever and Aiie nni weuiiuy 01 me Momacli and HnweU am! organs ot Dijrestion. Prenared nnlv hi Ur ! Javne, No. 8 Soulli Third siri Philadelphia. SKIN DISEASES are often owin? to S.'rol'ula Habit of body, and in order M ef lert a permanent cure the original causi iiiiit he lemou'd Jaync's Life Preservative one of tie mos' pleasant articles ever ollWrd to the public nas been found not only lo cure Sb rufub nndirallits n.iiliipli.id fnr'.is of Cancel Kiner's Fvil (Joitre White Swellim' te but alioi to remove the disposition of ten- .ency loiliseascs ol that c ass :,nd nil ili. cases (iriinatinu from obMtructions in llif 1 - 'taiius or pores ol the skin or from nripun V jotbe blood or other fluids ol the body Pre 'Cd only al .No S .Voulli 'J'hird street, 'nil ul.1l ll 'i'lip aboyeMeilicitie are for sale a1 the store of JOHN' R. MOVER, Hloomsbtirg. CAUTION. S hereby pivrn t,-, ;,i j j three .o(n of b iinbfnr l persons not to purchase llie Mini nl Li. i ( . i ' I a i .. ,b,.b. led -A ."til I 'inei! by Ibe Mil.-criber II' Illl nv . one Al.iil I Is tl', paval.le In Al vnlmn one April I I S I i; and ri lue in iiav the .-ame me April l Is Is;; ) a having Hn i'.a j im coi.-nl- rt iue 10 iisv 110 . , ' :, 11 uuoii lor un in 'M,r,b"0 i- tr .SLlON ki:asnmr. nusTisc, vounnn. ILvz of I!l:isllii? I.imI.. . . . - 1. m " v 01 tlio iiivi iilulily, just reeeiveil by WM. Mi-KULW & Co Peeember & 50 Tung mVJl SCO 1.1 PMSTFJi 5() Tons LIKE PLASTER, just received and for sale by Win. McKKLVY Co. December L), Chair niaufactory 1 II I'. 1111 lt,;nfi If, r ..,.., u t . .. . . . on 1I10 CHAIR MX N UFA C TO f J business at the old stand of IL &, fv Ilanrn ouch, where bo will bo ready at all times to Hi 1 11 1 ah 1' ancy fc WindsorChaiis, Set tecs, Huston Rocking Chafis &e, ol every eseription. which inav ue called lor. al short notice and on the most reasonable ierins. He will also execute House. Kirrn & Ornamental Painting, and House Papering, in a superior manner, 1'rom his experience in the business. and his facilities of manufacturing tin) various iriicies ol his line, he alters hnnsr that he shall be able lo furnish as good work, mil upon as reasonable terms as can be lone in the country, all of which he will dispose of for CASH or COUNTKY PRonucrc N. 15- Orders from a distance will bi strictly ai.d punctually attended to. li HAGI'.NIJUCII. liloomsl org, Dec. 30, 1813 V virlue of a 2d alias vendb exponas to me 'directed, will bo evnoscil to inibbe ,li.,o il,,, Coint House in Danville, on Monday the -llllidny "I" April next, at 12 o'clock noon, tlio loilowini; property 'o wit; .7 certain tract of land situate 10 Crrni wood township, Columbia county; rontainiir.'. more or less, about SO a r:s ,,f ivbich i laud, bounded bv l.nnlu nl' M'iliii ,, !,-' ii.'b.n I ol!i( r. boo .c, n id. I'.Vi as tin William Shoemaker; Curtis S;,, ,hi ai.d ivln-reoii is vrictid a larc;e two stuiy Uii, a sinall oi; bouse, a saw l.bl. a ilm.r lath tiiill; IV iine .-.laole and other nut hinloio nppk- nn luird.-, with the :i pu; lenaiii 1 s Sei.cil taken ill execution aiui to be oi I pruperty ! W'iibaia Lemon ALSO, l!y virtue an alias 'eta. venJi. exj:oi:as i.t ; same time and plaee One certain l-f of "'fiund i-if'-att , town of Jer.Mi.e.iii: .M nli i.iivo. t.vi conlui'iiii; iiiii-id:;liti'('ii ,n. r.ere ne.re ,, li nn ed ill front by li.iin )!,-eei a:;il b . I and rf Ji W't ili'.cr aiiJ lhiharc.l Pre it, w!,e.ri'i,.i i. , li line DWELLING IO CSS ttUi-A y, I v. AND 1 .vj'a;i.i s i.ed taken in execution ni;d lo propeiiy ot Janes Lai ret; in tin' b 'I I: !iiini.,tialoi s Ji.bu li.i.n l and llopi ALSO, Mi l!y virtue an .1,1 he ;inie time mil , lo in .77 that a rliiiii ,1,V .v.'. ! IM'I. .-itu.iie in Millliu I 11. :i -! ;;, Cubs.i itoie. i 1. I.wi.f,! :.i i!.,-.v .: coi ner i:i a pulilic ro oh ilinice b I oi.l Henry Vobe, I '!i;o !e ,M r :ini Ci,n, s.'i.lh till lb ;;iei s.ui ,1 l;el pc.-, he:. I.i ri, In bind of . I, , eh Kustei.b al-r. am! na,' I tan! U l -.Mi mi at v.'.i ;!v '.n A;i!l, li.l I ici l.iohfi; ininii oil lii'srivti. w po.-i, ll.eoi" by laud of lu'ir Dii her and JJi'i ( -ci: be t ; i .: 1:.: ,t :;o in . nub : j T-lll pei-dtes, siait.i :j ilcj.ree ; ea-l north 7 lit ;;rci s-ea ,t :;0 p. a , hi w.i ,!; rei's, ca.-l :p penlics, norih V'i i!c;:i. , 'J-IO pi'iches to I'eli r (i'c ill.' ibi lice by Ibc ii.nc s.-ulb ) , .. . , ; , 10 pi vrb"s lo I he In iiimir-, r ,i : ;ii :, ir I J ! pevhes anil alliiiumce; ! tbesai,,.' 'i s.-; tuyotlur with llie hi'id.i.imi'iiis im,l :ppii.Mi. tnccs. J-'eied, taken in rvecutioii ntiil lo be sold propL. ty of i'cio- Ct a b:t t. la V.i DV.Ull, Sho Sl-nna.': Or-,.,,.,. il ., : 1 1 . iMafch, 2G;h I S i G iXOTI.M-: IS HERE V GIVEN TpJO all b ailees, creditors and fiber ueisons in ii teieste:) ii the esiale of tlio re: pecdie di ce nits and niinm v, that the administiati.ni and "iiat iail nccounts of the said eslaies In,.-.. !,.,..:, Ct.., in UiCollicc ot tlio lie-istir of the enmity of Co lumbia, and will be p,a Minted or rnmirn'iatii n ami llowanee to tue Ui i bans' fnort i,, l. 1...I.I ,,i Uanvil!,., in and for ibe eoi.ntv al'oie.-abl on Wei1- nevdav 'V "-'I d iv of Anrii nevi i o ,,'....i. r i I 'Pile necoim'tof Jacob Pctterinan, AdmiuMra- !or of ihe e-tae of (,'aib,iib,i :,.,tv i.i.. ..f p...... uuieicek to'.vih.bip, decea (d. 1 'I be iiccoui.t of Philip Anule, executor of tin ti't will and u. laini nt of N ubulas Arialu late ol I 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 towiisllip. i;:'Cca:T(, 3 'J'he aecoiii.t ot M. V.. Jai 'sson. nb' tor (if the e-tateof John Jones, late oi'ibe Heron.' of Berwick , dfcented 4 The aeeount of Samuel Oaken iidmini iiriitoi f the estate of Lei!.ird i'liiiin.ei . bile nl' Idler!-. In'.vndiip, decrnsed 5 TliC aceolll.t of Ocoiize Kiiol'iil.-in fi-' I . : 1 1 . - in tor of l'hilip Miller late of d.'oi.toiir tuv. n.-liiii, de ied !' Tho iccr.unt of A7:iri;ih W. nimbum adn.ii,- ist atoT on the estate of Elizabeth Dunham lute u liiiuloi'k toiviiship. ileceascd I he uci'oiint ol (I'cori-e W paver ninnlm,, ,,i Marv 1 1 ;, i : in ;i li now Marv ViiimO i . ( il .. nrr children el d'eoige JJarlmun, late of llm.hi teivn.-bip, drre.n-fd R 'I he first and fiiinl dceeunt of Jnmes Cabi weil ailmiiiisli.itei of ibe estate of Abraham V,'. ters bite of Linn stone towie hip, (b'( .,.o, il 'J The liist rind llnal oeco.inl of .lames ( 'n.l vvell iidmini'.ti.iti.r oflbe rotate (,f JMp, Walleis bile ol Liuie.-lonc ti.w i:.. bip, ib e. asid (I).i;i.l..s l (iAM;i;, K.i.-nr. Pn, I "i i ii 's ( li i u i;, j Danville, March 11, Ltib n loo ms n una Cabinet iVarc House. 'Ullll'l suliM-ribii nimbi respci'tl'idly infoimthe li public, that be baa taken ibe s!i ip lately oc llpli'd bv .V,, min i Lillv. near it,, , r ,.,..1 .,' lilooiusbur;,', where hi: i.i carryinj,' on the N vi i ij i O .-.,Nd wi.i.lvjj) ri nil its various brauches, niulivbere bo will be happy o wait upon all Ihocn who may favor Willi llieir cii.itnm. 1 is lurniliiii! is waii u.ie.l i, :e inadi: of jpiod in iteiird und durable, and ho in lend i lieepiuj; on band Sidi'ltonrds, Secret nr irs, II arc ft us. Wardrobes, Curd Tables, Dining Tables. Ereahfast Tables, ' Cupbotn ds. St a ads. Wash Stands ,Eedileatht I)ijh-trourhs, Cofins, .S'C. and all kinds wfivnrk in bis line, which be will I upon as reasonable terms as lin y can bo pun L.i.-. , in inn i oiiniv. Jlv strict attention In I illslncsei In' lirwn'it In ... eeive a sba-e of public patronii;e. Ll.l IHtOVV.N. Ap;il 25, 18tr,.ivi hi interesting Pamphlet, called Ih, VATZlIi-V 71 A Ij T II K(l (iratiiitous (.'irculclioii to all vvill rail, i'rvseivc. and l.nid it, liloomslnii. .lolui Moore, llini,ilc Milton, W idler ii, Co. liwii k peison nt L. J.ibn i win 1.1 1, iiUM'l Jill the. following naninl J, -titles hare oh taincd vnbonnded pi':uUrritij,eiz'. Iibeum itism. (binlracted t .rds, Still' Jninls, nni1 (iout, will poitivi'ly i. cum il by the rile u.-e ui die liuti-m I V;' ,''.' EUxlr n;nl Lintr.tciit. 'i hi seeptica we invite to c.dl ami be tMr.in:'i!v rel'cr- ieil to '.!i Iillemeu of tlio biubci slaiiilinT m i;,. eby who tins been cined of Pilcuin.i'ittn by tbi, iem,"!y 'i'hey ire ivi'iranteil tbe only ueiiniue J),;ffsAl)r M,:A.i:r's Anr.t.-ti- oil i:as; inv ed very successl'ul in eiiiin; ceu total JJeafties: We have many eeitilieutes from citizens ul,,; bail . ( .1 this ( II Ij ivith en ipb'ti! suere.s We inviti who lue troubled With any ui.si a., of tbo Lur I'Xamiue the proof lsiMgli i's licfcii Indian ruwecau the l i st family medicine, in ibe woibl It is a cure for Dys ''ep-ia, Asdima, Liver emnplaini, liuli,;' slimi, (,'i- 'ivei.e-s Jauiuliei).t''.!.ilvsisv llelilitv A,-. ,v,. L' I' operate:! without the sli.;niest pa'ii, n mild but fniiouh Citiiaitie, ami iu; cr leaver lie l.!'i'.;')ll Costive even il 'taken verv iillin I 1m Piles arc wa.'i anted lo be cured by the eu i ic iTay-i' Loiiiiieiit and I b.-s Pi.mi ol'e.'iina, oi ii' :ooiry reliinded Who will n,,w sol,'', r e.iil, i: : tli.:e...iiiij conilain!! Aevi.rbuy itM.liioiil le si iialure of c ...nistock !c co :r,i. nl: .. en 's Htin,.p.rl,t is a , pu; e arc lii'i:'.; an lliact fmiu tins c; !, brated b'ool. us c::ii .ib!y be made '1 l.ia pile i- n ru.c in. aidy tli.il c pom i an alii. id to v- c it, bcinc but .1,) Vuiil- r liolile, or" I .i r ibcii It i, tbo only K.iide at ui!l elb il. a!.y pmiiy Ibe .local t n; in illiis Those who l.av been j,,,.. f 11 - ill f.llollil!, V.', l.ill I'.. J UOr : ,. .a 111 a:i ,.' I.t ii. i.f !'io;o t.'nt Imi il ir Di.: i'bi on v. til color the l.air any t! mvn to a jet I lack, ami not i ,ii line ... 1:001 mic. the ii;i tbe : kin in ibe b .-.t. Pie-i-iic nod L'ei.uty tl.e Hair y i, i'i'l'i.'s lla'm n f ( '(.lundioi, v. biih in ps lb:- h ilr I'oin I'llliii.; oi.l ai.il re "... ii,:. 1 toil. W .ml i I rV t'i. 1 U V it V. lib. Jilt till' Vm, 7'.-r ,:al I 1 : . 1 i::.. '' li i Ol I ,-l t 1, b ,l. it ip.. uii's ii .. tin- ci '. Illl 1. ... I l! . ! .1 111 II I . lav. 1,1 p, : all i. I,l 'J't.l ,n .it ;'l t' be bad.,! tb n'' ;' m.u u: 111 IV I of ;.,, t- Li- l.aref.'s Jilll.l oic.lv ill ea e i f in, .-r V . !.: Mbr H bil ii nl '. ..In,v:i tic'. ..;!, :; b'ciii i!ci.,t:ia'.i Is I. ir.:'. :lil'...i, :;, :l Ul lilC I 111 '.V ..11 . c.tor Dr. Pail!'.'. lliCl Pink P CI I lb'.- eii'i eie i i i' t pi::;-:;; i 1' .in In t:.!' i ,hIV, i .id. :c. ii c b.dr a d ui:. nrst l ii M' l. Idc Mr Vi ',' O.I- !l feilV t! i .nitiiu 1. 1, Id.. ' I o, (ii a. and iln bin .: it lo i n n i v other Oil. it nevi r Miiis in tbelcaat It anv lady or aci.l eonni thi i:m then tins I In'; and lin.l tbc a1 stiitcuienss Liilroi i in. i u i' will be i'. Iiii. di d t't.uHuii I ' c n .ui '.idu . ctl The nbove tunned articles are sold (lemiine ill ibis lily by ('om.-tn, 1, VCn, -1 Ci.i:rl!ii!i.it-s:roet, and Ml It'll V. i;L illM iec,t id tin :r cniiiitiy ell -turners-li memlvr '.ike tins direction villi you 'l le'-,!' n 1 1 ul : i ui e to be had ill tins place cd !' hioiii l.hitz. Id.ioiiifbiir, Jidm .b'oere. Daiivdle Waller ii co. iJcrwIc!;. J.din b'u.-er, ilton, J.'oiiiiilit-r, I, ISIS ilt'v. (.in 11 Vi l'i 1 rj vi a A is O SHOE STOPiE. nT!!R sub.-rribei inf.niie: Ihe nl " li'' lb.:', be I. ;. rrciuil a Sb'db H'I'OHP. al thr b.wei end i.f Main i-'lreet. A'biri.esbuiL;, al the noli: f.enietlv ihci.i i 'd by R, Luti v.liere Im iuleinls to keen a ceper d asuoitnii'iit id' idiocy a id b'.iiis, for men ami 'Vuuii'iisvviic, ivbich l.e wiil cili as low, if t:nt lover tluio the .-.or, i ijimbty t, I co, Jr cm be tiouobi in Ci iiitn! i.i louii!. . li o will i.b'c. :i i.ke lo ordi i ill ki-.ls of beets ar.J a'.o'f, utsh-Tt s. olive, iiav i .1 dcti'iii.iiied to r.'li b n , I..: a : n.ab p', ;:;. :e rt'snec'lidlv iiiibbs those ivh.i r.js in ivniit et anv linn; in his bur, to ;., bini a call. A. It. All ejoiiil.i Uubt'of ii, e are vvni runt, ,i j CT . Jt' ai V i C--'k- TIN and snilELTIRON 1 i-Ui'w.Lii V IlII, imbsniber having Wuim( llloom,!!.!,.. is p.epainl flllliU, a kil lp, , vvaie, ami ,,c,l,,nii ill kinds of vv,,,k i bis hn ' business, iit ibeao rates and at sli.nl .,n,.., n.. him has funii-be,! " 1 IU lllMIM-lt Willi il li. .. ,.L,1 . , I . .1. I stuck nl ti.ols, m.icbn.erv and n.aieii.it., f,,,,,, l',ju b l.lia, and made a laiaje pun ba,.. ol ( 1 1 , , VllOH M-l fIVKS. of various i.attems, , iy ' " ',,"'"", "' "'I' eoiistanilv k. cp o.i b.i ii, ''. I: IUr. ol'evcry tli'sc ri l i mi. STOVS.-S. i bi,-,- larietv, i.eatlv and .subo'nu ilaly liobi d, l";;i'ther nith i'lfij. SfOI '.'.' fr Imibhi.u. (O.l, KUHHTS AccXr. III! IC.-p.'i llill.v solicits pul.lil- , t.np II a v. iness, i onti. Willi ' ' ' "ine J ear ergannl , Ins la out Ii une; experienced ussbtanl.. l.e f, el lent ol sat oti inj; all who in.iv favor him lien i'11-.loin. -UppIii J on iberal terms. Lull on the sou h si,! of ,1aIn-stieit, 3 doors "low the tr,ce i ftbe Columbia Mauocral. October 11, y::, R. C CKA'.C. U. l If AYiUI2ST, iJl.tLMMiljliU, K i.i ..... . p i.rt.i. l I I.I. V informs thr- 'Ul liC lb: lion late! be lias located himself in il,.. " ' "l ied by Zl H A 1(1 (ilil.K.s, i MA LKI.'I . Oil ll.l: ulujVU I Ui'.l'j I , vvbere be intends cam i 'nisiuess in ail it i v. nt. .no i.-. IIKAVV VA(J(i).s 'Oilt mid re; aired, as well ,,,. 'v'W;(;o.!i am) ivy., if eveiy ilaM iipti,,,,. i,,,,! l K ,,,,!s ,, ( , y Work, in In., line, iloitc ut slue t imii. c niuluu ll.o lost ren.-oniible ter.ns. 'j'j 1 1. nni Lumber and all k im!s id f'uinitiv P,n- !ui o taken in payment lor w o refused. April 5, I'M.'. rm:r,o , but C'a-h Mill not KrantS-octh'c Tills llllde: 'uid ! 'i'! me mil n,niB Kfl, '.vb.-nCi,. n lo.'i..cilic, "rann h 'ills nil! 'r i i 1 1 , il u ill I a 'I eciated i lb at I .V iiii'jiit und :' Ll ll,'b, ,!l ! nnd.'i !:' tl.e .-'r.iiii.c. t ic that, ni ay in- Ltandielii I'ilh :::c l!iey i er I nni- iip. ri the j lividii.d u !io in ii, oMY.h' Ijieni t.i I'K'd. Thl'V 'I'e 'o ic is no mi- : il;, b:n':;e.:l;,- as i! !ie. u is t ' a tiid id il ' a me: "!. ir .l! oil Ic ., I'! Mbi l;.,,le I 1 loci ' 'li a c I A bv !o'v cure c ,-.ii: in ,1 . e i, n i . '! . t .1 Plio a' the,,,. V, II.) t'.CK ': ,,l.d', Ilcleic. ' I .lit ' ..: ! lb, . o.i d f r. s.iVi d lab. ;!.! '.o'.lli I ,!u',', 1 d.rn i'Mi.eil:. i d i,.!o ll.i ; lb I'll!: MS till an IU): l m .(bo: i where in? A few t"i .ion b, ii::; ii'f-i.: . r. tain A. id t l.o,, ; :op.-i- a n !, tb I h il ' : i '-iC 1 : oi. ; P.: tun iiinii !' .ea.-e an l: .'V !.".'.' v, ice ,', no Mi: i I I.li, li i s of I ! ii' ii.-. 1 1 vv '" II i ,i id, e: bis ;!! i,.T, , i. fii'iii tl.i i ;. i i.'ii my ;n :. I.t I... : : :c ; , pi ,-h;u. i'1 l-'i rI il I' ll.,' tic , atul no . urc . i ',! ! U V C Ml:!. , tl.e ! i. od. lim e.. ... e !.. I in: a;:.I : .l toil' el' d ' y ii. c, up' ii it in i! :!r. t :. It. ' b.li in n V ii I,.- i:,e I. die 1,1 A 1 -1; i.i: i.i com j a N T K. b ' . rt M'K'av. .'v A T ,'l,el hi V lie id:, i- fi i; "i;.-.i;,t II. AT.,, - e -is bit e; .M' -.l.li ow .V 'ii. p on .1 W Mi! Vi' - A ! : ; , M ' d a -i.ep, i n ,',: .: ,,:, ' 1 1 ' ii'- 'i a1 1 in. bi I.i. :i,-' ci ... -- ! ' !::.. on ibe ui I VC 1 l,-ii ,, ,. :.i :..! i'- v.i,-;: i . ' . bi . i .v ir.iuF, ' ''' '': b : . v.l;i I. kei t u 1... .1 for sals :.t '. l.l.'l.L. AI.b. . i l.i.T.MI.. Mi!;:;'i !i;o Mi, in; bid ed ,i I.. Htiv f, no n ip.iii ,1, MUVK l'il'KS, ej t cciistiiiilly on ham', f.yvf s fllii- h of all !. ed to nidi Pcil . be 1 leteiilill'ed n ;. "II l" b e lo IC, as 1 as i heap as !." 1 IN'll cad ll il. Hi Ibe ri d.t ii bim 1111.1,0 tbi fi'iiiuh nil iirt:rr.i li l.e l nn hand in pun base be will they e in nis ;i e viii, nt D. .r, i:u f-'i'l leu, be,- '.0, l.S-l.i vS2 t ni I I', siili.-i aim I ie. rclfiilli iiiln,',,. .,,.1. l lie tbat be Iris t.d.i n the sbr p lately ,,rri: i. d v ii. S. I'.-v b'.ivft, at Ibe low cr end ,,V Mh.,-, ' .' 1,11 I lj ;oi 111' ! i li i' -; V. .rj. ip .., .... i us on sob cits a bi;-'i:i is in :ili i's ...ii.id,i. ,,,,,i -l.a e of the patronage ol the piiblic. In coiiecctien with the niioie l uf-imvf, ,e oiTat bis semccs s :.u i-NiiEiiTAirni. will a!w ays be ie : 'n n..ke CO.TLV; ' bl.i. (d ill P.'ri.l;...; ell" V. ''It a r.oed Ii I A '( for toe taice t re is hi n !i iiiit.r; Mil iilicd I: be vvni ntii l.; wiiu ii in me l ui.in.l wiih,. nt a:,y ovtru i liai, e. JOHN ElTT.fu- .10 !.- rn,3 I'tti'nt.va iw.ii m fix .sir 1. 1. ;,.,t , . I'lvul and f .r sab.' lit t!ie ,N, vi ."t,,i,.. J " L. h. i;l p i; r- OitoLcrl!. 1 11.1 de as ii .'oni.iii in.i ,1. v.". b(sLJ .Nov. loth lsi !.,