Tiik Tkflixo in England Thr i cue i t Kokand press upon I'm Oifgnn (iii'siion, tdiown in ilie papers rireiv ill by ttic 11 niter, lu nol unproved, noj h!i:U(I any of it urt oinci' or Vilupi'ia- lion. It ibhcrs. tliieve and liifth wy ui it h-.j the mild and t It'iinii li'imi wind! to daily applied to ihe ..fmerican pc pic a id their gove i nmi m. li fn'l, lln journals of that county are enileavoiing. by cvriy ipeeiei of unfairness and abi. to render the name and example of ih" U. S. odious lo the people of England; and to e xnta in them fooling of enmity agnnst u",'o t hat the English Govern ment will find itself sustained by Hi English people in a war with the U. S if it is found polite or necessary upon the question now contested, lo proceed to mich txltctne measurm. The sc.livf luppsriions .till eonii. ni in the J5'il is! dock yr K and evi ly means are l i ken by the Government 10 innease :he power ad rflicieney of ii army and navy. The UHy of our own country, under lliehe cii rumsiance, is lo prepare fnr a conitsi lo chow hs iiu spun i t i tl at It is as well prrpired 10 iirienu a lo assert i's nulus, and that what it doe. not consider itself jnsiified to concede, M will maintain by foire, if driven to thai txtrcnii'y hy the prelensioni and pre snnipiion tl ih lSriiich O ivrrnmenl. We believe that lie sooner otn Confess pa ilie necessary meastues lor n prop er defence of the country, and the soon er we shall arrive at a settlement of this difficult nii'S'ion of title, many tv-n', we shall al least be prepared to meet whaitver issue finally flow; from ii. Kveiy dictate of safely, piii.ler.ca anil sound policy urna upon our National Legislature I he necessity of pu. ting the country immediately in a proper ttate cf defence ' Ledger. Slick n Pin Here. The London Chron leal of ihe 7i!i ull. contains an article upon the conquest of England in India, in wliicl, oreurs iho following rcvnirkable passage 'It'e can never govern India so well as wc ought, until wt posses the whole of it'.' Very Pu'riotidX bill having pHS--ed Ihe Now York Legislature for giving out ,hc public priming and advertising of llut Slate to the 1 wcsi bidder, Mr. Crimwell editor of the Albany Argus, hu laken the public advertising wiihoni pay This job has heretofore tost theSiaia from 8 to 510, 000 pet annum. New IIiimp.ihire.The New Ilorpp ahire I'alrtol give a table of ihe members e lecl to ihe limine by which it appears dial Ihe Whigs have crowed a little loo soon lliey are not run of the woods yet and arp lint likely lo be. The House stands, Dem oerais 121V Fed 1 07 Inilepf nilenn 10. Ah-! oliiion 1 1, Doubtful 1: leauni; Inn a in j r -j i:y of 8 for the combined allies, which arc just as likely lo wyree ss no n'any cats! in a bap; Thu, noiwithai-oi-lia ihe Fed have 2S ajticsl then initio House md some 10 000 in ill n mate, they nevcribflc-J i-npudenily claim N. Hampshire a a Vhil Slate!' I Rhode Eland Election. The compldi return from every town in the Suie, give Byroui Diman, 7 109 votei lor Governor Charles Jackson, 7TGJ, and all oihers.100 The total voie'agiinsl Mr. Di.nan, 7 507: Mnd consequently he is in .I'tniiiorilv of OS voles, while his plurality is 02 votes eve. Gov, Jaek'or,. The new Legislature will meet or. Wednesday the Gih ol May 7 he l'leaaants Due'.' The trial i.f Thos. Ritchie Jr. terminated on Saturday, evening in his acquittal. Whet) a'l die ev idence was exhausted thfl ciuiii'i-l for Mr, Kilehie pro;ocd lo waive argument ;uiil Fend die itase al oti'-r to ihe j jry but ih" prosecn'.ing alloiney conceived il In ha 'lis duly tn nrL'ue the case. Afni Mr Flour notiy had opened in behalf of the prosecution Messra. Overton Andrew Siovenon am! jTaylor proceeded in ihe dtfenccand Mr J. W. Jones concluded Loiters In the V'rVh ington 'L'ni in' say ; 'The arumenl rloacil si 7 o'clock, and die jury, without retiring ietnrned a verdict nf -not guiliy.' Ii was iTceived will) loud applaue. Soon a fi e r wards iho indiclmciit against Mersrs. Greeriliotv, Scott, anil archer fa aiders am! EsioUL-rs) was dismissed by ihe Court. Th result was hailed with plaud'is by a lorye iL' inxicas crowd of s pectaiors.' M V Clay is rxperted to visit St, Lottie in a f-hoi'J time, perhaps in a week or two ho will come partly on business and partly to gratify a desire to ee Si. Lnuis and & portion of l linois tr.d Missouri. He de sires lo come us a private r iiizen, without parade m any public pioceedings. 'le will hi re find a inuluiude of wim frirmla am! hi mil h s, who will be u'.id to welcome him to iho i.ity. 'V. Lnitii Lid. u':il)t Ma:-,irte haJ been elr elrifyini; ih ' rii.ilo hi ea al the r ion! stfrt rhealrc, j!, 'liuiote, hy her i!.;:hii.g .frloniuii'.r. The bill ftom the Senate of Musachu sella lo reduce the punishment for selling fire to a ihvel'ing houae in die night lime, to Siato ptiaon for life, was rejecled by i In- Assnmhlv hv a vole uf about (wo to unu. nit: rmiFKurioN of tiiievino I'liey have some expert thieves in Mm- smiri. if un me 10 believe tho fSl. Lows American, which stales that n man lalel) ennied a saw-dog to a mill, that it might be cui iiilo boards The mill was engaged fur thai day, and the owner would nol en suro tho safely of the log until the nexi morning, unless the ciislimer would sit a- suule of ii to watch it all night. The man agreed to do so, but fell inio a slight dose aouieiime in ilie niuht, which the thieves look advantage of, uud Molo nway the wood of die log w.ihoul suspicion, and left die man astride, of the. burk JAllL:i).-Hy die Kev.l). S. Tobias on Hie lOih insi. wr. Jr.ssi; Walter to miss Cai'iiaisine Iliri'Li: of m ulisoii. 1)1 LIT). In lllonm.-.hiirtf or. die 1 1 tit I inst. sir. Savu;l 11 aoksii.ucu, aocd '21 years. T"""1 7" "PT"",vri lii.oo.MstM'HO, April 18 ISlfj Wheal, 'JO Uye, 05 Corn, f0 Cloverseed, 5 Oo Flaxseed, 1 )' l'.ntier, 15 flats, 37 T:ll!!js, S Tallow 10 Llld 7 Dried Anp'en, Otj While jitians 1 Otj Heenwax 25 CUCAP CONFi.'CIIONAKY AND VAKII3TY KSTA AfLISII.UKNT. fTTllR stiliscrihcr has just received a frcah nip- j! ply f 1 ' o a 1 V c i 5 b j a i y , & c . c.i tisisting of Candies of various kindii. And hImi llittich llahins df a ,svieior (iHililv , Itortleuur Primes, Kugi,li Cvrrnns, I'isr.i, i'reitt Oranges ami I.ciikuii, Herring. Street und Water Cruel: cm, finglnh ll'ahiuts, f'iltjeil.s Almond's. Cream Nuts, Pea Nuts. (tc. Soaps; Smoking. Lump; ( "avmiisli mid Hnny Jon I oliacco, Sspjuiili, hall Siain.ili and com mon Snhi-s, Also, n assortment of (!u':i, Wnrste-l niul Colt in Sii-oK'tiiler.; Ii.i7.!ir Slinps; linit-ho ami Ooinlisol all kind-: Ulackin: 'J'hrc 'J'api's; Nci'ille and I'ina itc. Kuntint; and otln-r t'nat l!ultoti; Hooka and lives fi'iieih and l'fliicil I'ninis I'l-reus -ion (,'aps M.-l P.-n I himhl.-s M,,. Ik-h-vv In ai.d l.'uek Cal'lo t.'iods URiile and peml sdiiil i i ui tons htiap vet and susix-inlu- liuttons Satin .Stocks watch (inanlii Accklai-fsM ill w Wafers- kniliin? Ai'i -I l--- I 'rioinu-l s iV all kinds ol nOOKS AM) S I'ATIONA Ii V, All of which are to he had cheap at ihe coriiei of Main und li-.isi.-nlr, els. O. C. KAHLEK. Bloem.-iburg; April 17- tSifi.-C'J CJATAWBSSA F.'JSSV. rFTHi; puliscrilicrs inform llm pnflic lint they II have cslalilishi d a I' 1'. !! K V al Ilie old ei o.,s :o, a siiorl. ili-iiincc In-low tin- inoulii of l'i -liin-1'i'li, no tr Jiol-u hupi il's and procured a l.irrjt NKW I',T, tU fjl Ion-;, and In w t oats t.o t'lotineii. llaviii;; iood us-i-'. ints Ihi-y will Imi in con. slant rcadinc-s to ferry all vtlwapolv, fiom r. MNtii.; i'i;i;.su. tQ & my houm: j.oaij. !.i 'I'lvA.M, witliout di lay, and ii'ion n.a.-. Jiialile irnis. rox & MKTZ. April 1352 CAT A Wl A F2i 51 tr. Y. fSpilE 8ul,.-cnl.,.r iiifeini lic uildie lhat hav in; procured a N,'V Tl.A T and ho-ils for loo'ior-n' lie has ,-'a!.li-hcd aKl'lii, NKAIt CAT-WM.-SSA BUI1K.I-:, anil will at a'l tunes ! e in rc,,!i.-s lo c,rv all fiom a I (KJTMA.S to a TU ii li()l,.S-: hKU ri...i, v.iliioul dc ! iv ami on rcanonu!i tcrniH. ftiACV wa::c::;:l'.m. April 185? AD I R'FJ TS li"rebv given lo the Stockholder!! ot thd Com pan? for cccting a Uri.-Jyo over tba Nnrlheast i)raiich of tiia jiv,;r Susqut-harma briceen the town of (,'attawia-a and th mouth of Fii.i';!'"Rilt '.bat an Lkuion will bo held at tba houao ot Ja cob L'yt-r. in Ca'.ljwifja, on Mwdtiy t,e 4 th dnytf i.'cy ;?t, for ilie Licction of a i'i--', ni:'.; s't .'itar.ejra, f ScLiilary and Tre j-iimi "r t.,3 ';-o rit.s.:; 1. April 17, 1513. JDMISISTRA TOPt'n NOV'iCC. 7 he Lhtule if V JUNES J.dCA'SO., late vj Bloom tomnihip, deceased. "TJU'J'I f 'E is hm-by given that lettero of iidinin i.-tialioii on tlie iil;oe Inentioiod K.-tatc b.r.e I., en granted to tbcHih-eiiber. living in l;ioom town-uip. Ail pisons iiiilibted lo said c-.latii .lie In iciiy notified to make Immediate pay incut, ill I a'l tho. c bavins Iain- are ri quested to pie -' (il them propel ly uulln nticntcd lo CIIAKLES KAIILF.Ii, .fJdiiiiiii)tratof. April 1-., l-ir,-f,u.V2 ADJOURNED SAM!. BY vii tui! of n fieri IVian to inn directed will lo enpoHi-d to j.uhlichnlo at lliet'ourl limine oi invillfl on Monday the !2Uth day April hint, at Vi o'rlock M' the following properly, lo wit .' crn am lot of jjioon-l situate in Miners-villi-. Valley lowmdiip, IJoluniliia county, troriting on tlin road leading to Wu diiuitoii, coiiiiiiniiiK in I'ront on Kuid road rii'icnlv-nit I'i'i't and in lentfili liutidied und fourteen fret, iiiurliod and innn- Tr In-red lot o. 18 whereon H erected a riiTf lry nl t l'tlf Iln,' f '-1 I ' "ml 'thK limiOi Shop, "d- ti JJ j 'iniirfi said pul. lie road, Mum,' tuv iii lot and mi alley with tho iippurteniitice. Nci.ed, taken in execution and to lo sold as the propely of Duvid II. liuuk. IK AM Dl'.Klt, zitcrij Siciufi-'s OrnuK, Danville Apri 4ih 18-10 LJTRS'I AliltlVJIL BY THE ESsieI l&oad. AL13RIGIIT & MKXGAL. AT I'll Ii AVE ju-il received by die I'ail Road und an li lA no oneiiiii!?. a Kideiiuid Ui-wtment (,f Spring and Summer new which, having liecn 8ecctcd with great care, they can ami will si ll as low, it not a lime lower than they can Le purchased clsuvvln re iu the loun ly. Ainonjr their u.isortineul may bu found in tho D II Y GOODS LINK, A '-plendiJ assortment of new and fashiimaldi 7V'iil of new Injures, Ij'iiigliaiur.; u new Ktylu ol cross ovei lU-r and olher JJcnigos; fancy anil til.i. K and v lute Lawns, (iinghani Lawna, Liclanes of ull culois and qual'ty, Ii lack and blue Mack dict-t. A'ilks; lilack ralk&ei jji! Allapacca, damask nuniniei .SI ins, damask book Muslin, purse twist and atet-l beads and rtus ol assorted colon, ladlua and (jtn tlemenskid gloves, mohair liloves and mila, while caruliric liamlkerehiifs; ladies silk poima, hlack, li.indaiina ami tlag hi k andke?-cliieN, (-otloii II mil's cic.iiiels ofcwiry description, while and fan cy bilk ll.inilkeicl.icls, .Shaw Is of all kinds, in short t 'otloii imdl.tiicn Oooils ol every description tin hadluj.' wear, Silk, Cotton and V'i; r-tt-il Jluso f men and women J.ndics' sin coinhs. yjioadcklhs of all colors ami quality, Sattinetts. (Jassoneie.:, laticy suminer l-asstmeies, s x ipiarlci cat I rtccj, i'N .oikuis, fliecka, hl.ick "-utlin un I lla-r slimmer Vitiliugs ol'evciy dt'.-criplioi,; ftney Scaifn at d (.'lava',, of all ipialities, lil-.-achcd ami unreached Muslins, tonlirt'llaa all'' J'arasols, l.ei- hoiu and palm leal Hals. A quantity of caipcl iliif. Groceries. Lump und lirowri S'un-ir, M,i!asr, tloflfee. Teas l all kinds, (liue-; Alsptce l'cpper,.N itint-i; &c. liar (oap, (taiidlea.cnar.se and lineiS.ill, ancriii nml lish Oil, an ussurtuieni (d the liesfqualily of LIQUOUS, fran-'y, CJin. Iiiiiii, tV'incs. etc. pirchuspd rs ires--ly to supply i avi Hi keepers., wiio a.. a i.artic- ularly nuin-stedto call and CMiinine nualitv and I p ices la-lore purchasing elsewhcio. A splendid assoitmi'in ol QIJLOKNSWA RE, y the Tea Set or piece In -nil cu,touiers. IiAIiMVAIIK, f'ons-iiir in part of knives and folks. Imtts nml crews; i 1 1 1 1 . 1 1-, augurs, cliisscls, s-evs, n-.i ami other keltic.-,, ,c. iVc. and an assoitiin-nt of 'MX waui:. - Alao an nsportmcut of 1 1 ATS AM) CAPS. In fact they ran furiii-h their customer with ev. ery article tisunMv kejil in eountiv sloni, und lai: c deli rmiricd lo do hu.-ii.r-s I'ij'lit, llu-v can and will na.:e it the inlcicsl of the people to trade with :( in OtCP f''iit'rr nnd'aV k'nuh of conn ,'r produce taken in payment for (loittls. Ap.il 11 51 tf YFT AXOTEU. Firim ihe Susquehanna Il- jjister Althrmph the public: have been often im. pnst-d upon hv iaiem meiliciiics vftl oeea sionaily a really useful and hem fici-d meili " iiic is di-siisn, neglected merely hncaus' fotiinl in had e:i n;)iiny.' 1 hhi led to thrsf remarks by a conversation with a friend f fiiW (IrtVS 8inee. .'She in, been r-dlicleil I01 -evetl year uitli d.ea of tbe heari which had appatclidv hro irave ntin of our most si; ; hi her near Ihf rii physicisns vas emeu woo pror otmccil i.e." i'ifas'; 11 ... ,1, cnn;b:j. A n ad eei io-ei.ihiil ,jf I),-. J,yi:,-:'f Kxpeelornnl in the Keoniei c -u,-i't the evi .f her Irit i-.i'.s ant! a huttlo ol it was imtnedi itoly procurt-r! at Ri'nily & Miifhtdl' n .lontro?r. Cefors she had ii;en il l-.vo laVH, there who :) iipirpnl Improvr-ir.e nl She has not t a h e n two bnule as yet, bu' her hrodth has been e.earlv rcst'iicil, I have, on person 1! motive for rer 'Homer; ding thia rnniiciri' , bat .r-ieiely (.'a-.e t,is Isci hopir.fr ihsi it i.iay n.tfct the ei e m w who art laboring 'iner ei r.i'ir th u ihey tuy likflwiia p-.n.ke i,t it? benctfiis. A Fm::n3 tu !Ii"iA:;ip.y, 7ih mo. 5th 1B40. The above Medicine are fur sale si the store of JOHN II. MOVER, l?ioaisliiirj. liisiir.i.'-i Ti.nornv i:r.i just rcceiv cd at the -line of Wm. McIvELVV A- Co. Apiil 4 I.-JST OF LETTERS Kemaininu in ihn Posi-Oflice, at Blooms burtji Jarch 31; 181G. Jacob Under fJiflin McCully Fanur. Uarrs John Morns (J. 0. UachniRii Koberi Oleman Ktshard C'oriney Willirrn Kees Thomas Dadfotd John Kello Lewis) Folk (Icorge Sfnit (Jreeti it Ivunklfl Henry N, hlanser I'etei lli'iuboch J ihn Snyder Miiis Julia A. Kline A. J. Stone John 5 Little John Waniidi James McLaughlin Mr. A'ees JOHN K. MkMUW, M. TO EIKIHCJg; HI ! LOCUS T1KA .Kl) rllOrOSALW will he received at kji the hnu ol Jaeoli Dyer, in thd town of Cat lawisM,, liy the President uud Manager ofllitf Cat tawiosu IJ kle Company, until Saturduji, the I81 t'is. at 4 o'cock,P,M for Hc-bnilding die Uridgo over thu iiusiiueliannu Kiver at thai place. 'hint and .Specilk-atians to he acen al tho house of said Jacob Dyer. Uy order oj the Hoard of I)irectn:a. DAVID ('LA UK, Treasurer, April 1, IS 10. trTA'ditors in SusquL-haniin Vally and at I'otts- villc, will confer a favor on Col. J. I'a Uon by i,iv- trig the above one or two inseitioua iu iht-ir papers KVAV TXUAKUMi KSTA II i a ! S 2 3 ft v rv T. The Huhscriliers respectfully inform the public ball, icy lime commenced Ilie TAILOUl.NG BUSINESS in lil.ioni'-biir, in t Ik; ,-licadn jViildiin;, over the store of Albciglit A 1Menu.1l, where Uiey intend si 1 iv 1 1 1 l; it 011 in all its various branche.. Iliniujj !ind ejine experience in tb'j hiisinei.s, lliey II ltd r bemsches tbal they bhal! be ubh: lo do nil Uic work nli usied to tin ru In as fashionable uud woikm.iu- bk': manner, and as expedition d ; us can he Jon, 111 any other shop iu ihe county. They, theiefoie, isk u share of public patronage, al least, tnoy wib to be tiicd. 1). WILSON, A. T. tVLLAND. April 4, 18 Hi lv50 NOTICE. A I.L per-'dns who have uoscUhd a -eom.ts 0:1 tho liooks of the subscriber, inw- ii-mov., iioni !oo:u.,l)uig, are hereby in'ormeil thai iii-. ac count books re. left in tho hand.s of I'll ni;"S 1'uiti .'er. a Justice of the JVace ut l'loi;:n-,!mr, fir s-1 ileiuuut and rollecl'on. '1'ho-iu wbo do 1 -t attend i) having their aeco'inta settled aii.l -ni.i on hcfoic the first d-ty f Hdj may ca-; ect to bave cot added to tlh-ir rcspec'.ivo dues, v.itl.jtit icspect lo persons. ELI AS WKUTMAN. Zfhvimaburg, Ap.il 1, 16 10. OD r'TFOS leave In infnrtn the public, that jjjijjhe i i i!i nn-tl toaltrnd loall iheoper alio'n in dentistry, mcli aa rctniivine The Tartar und other Turcica Sub- Frotn lite tee'h. reuderinrjr them clean, and he iuois and breath pwi-ti and healthy. The cavities uf Decayed Tath Will In; dresed out and filled with Gold or other lull; ol' ihe finesi quality, as die rise may ri'iune, win.-:i ui.i gHtieratiy irevent ilietr arhini nr liiriln r decay, and render iliein u.U'lui lor seats: ana in in .r.v eases I'.urioir life Tceh and Stumps- of Teeth Which have heroine uselesi? ni Iroubli yotne will be extracted in the most careful man ner, with the laicoi and best improved lu strum t'll'.S. Forctiuin Teeth, Oftlte bpst quality and latest improvement. will he ir.si ried mi pivot, or (in connt-etiuii with Dr. VaiUrchii p, with whom tie is n l iti rnship in pla'e wotk) on (-Juld plate, Iron) a single lonth ID a whole sit, to lnuk is well as tho natural, and warranted lo inswer all the useful and ornaiiii-nliil pt.r ,)oses proposed by ihe art. In short, every operation l r I o n p t n lo h .irijfi .tfioii, wiil In pclnrtnrd in ihe bent naiiticr. widi ( hnisor-i matt rial, and al ihe -hnrtrtl noticu' He lliert fore hopeo, b strir-t iiliention to hniio, lo ohtain chan if public patronaere, Any prism, or pci oins uisliintr any of the abovn opetattoiiti ,erl'()i mid, inn rcspr cil'ully requested to .'ice htin a rail. N, I! Tlii' public are hrrehv li furTiei' hat -vc the sub.-criheiB have entcinl ir.in a 'peri.d PartnL-i khrp relating only lo p!.,le ..ork i ft it is more convenieiii for ench to liteo.! to the nth' r branches of the sciein;', n Ii; own acroi.ri, A. V ALLI'RCl! A M p. J. I! V-VisDKUM.lCn. M.iUi.l rierej.ir.l, Nov 8ih. I U 4 5 Jul. NOTICD TO TkZkDIM-.i. The county Cr nur iaioners he rthv g'.vi irtiice dial iti nt'(-vdreft vitn the proi tos of an m oft.1. (ieierai Assembly -f ha C 0 m "i on I !i of r,.invl VMit,4,n-j- n! the lOih doy of April A. !. J S.-1 .?u ippeal will he held 91 iheir nftee in Dan vi.la on Wctlr f tday tn HJth day of Ap:il inni. wlien end whefo you r.iay atic-nd il rnti ihitik prr.pfr. Uv Oidtr of ihe Oommi'-pioner'i. E. .112 NO IS Nil ALL, Cle,k. Commissioners oflir e, Danvilie April 2d 1810 J rol'NDS i if a superior quality of WISH SALMON. I received al the stoic of WM MCKLLVY December 0 Co NOTICE, d hciohy given to all iiris ins not lo ptirih ir.e a ceiliiio noteofiiaud given by tho u cciibcr to lOeurip- Kelcliner, hsq. fjr llm inn ol seventy dol lars, ditcd 011 or aboul the lStb of August, tali JiVing received 110 consiJeialiun for it 1 uliall n luaetOisy the su.ne. JtJl IN H'l'INLiK. Willi un tlniK. March 21, IMU. THE W'AKM W EATHEU. "' The sudden chunijes of the wealhar, during this Hi-ason il' the year, exhibit a most bauelul ellcct 01. the huiiian system, dcbihtatiiia ai.J puatia:im il The stouiacli and bowels heroine demnjjed, vim limely notice to all, wbo are inclined lo give atten tion Co the wainiiii; voice of nature. At such ijmef .layne'a 'CMrminalivo' never fails lo alord immr di ate leli-f, checkinu Ihe disease uud reslorini lilt patient lo vieoroi s heahh, Mothers cnnnol be lo. cautious with their childieu during this month and thu inonlha follow tug, and in the carlics' since , of this suniiuer disease.wbetber f.om tecthii -.:. op- ressive heat, or oilier causes, they should ,t . n 1 re.iori 10 tins never 'uiliiii,' loinedy. Hundreds ol certificutea from respectable persona in this riiv arc in po-.session ol the p'i prictor, rtao'y to i- toon to 1111 wno mav l-siro too see them.at bis ol lice, No. 8 .Suiilh Tiiiid street, I'hilsdcjj.hu, LITE! KIIJE!!! FIKE'.! ! ! lhat a man hath will he iivef..rhi life,' m, we tlii.l recorded iu the most ancient urcj best ol books, hut as we see thousands living around 11 with Consumption, Croup, Asilima,- Kr.mi.hiiis Spitting lilood, and utln-r i'tihnoiiary ulhctiom, we are led to doubt tbn coriec!i-su i" the aoovi assci lions, especially ail c.e il is hj vv.-li Known lhat a certain remedy may bd obtuinej, v.!io b al ways arrests lbo.,e discasPi. Dr. JAVNE'rt EXI'Kr : I'OI! ANT never fail- i i;nu eiiei. sun curcsallcr every oilier uii-ii.s bavu failud. 'J'biscnu l e and h-. i.-ror ed in tb..u-. . : 1 r nn.ts ol iNs'anccS, vvl- it baj 1 ll-.-etud udie., cores, alter bu patient had been ijive.i up ly al his friends and ph) aciaus. 7f! The subscriber oilers for sale his Mi O 'Ml a 5 sittta'ed on the corner of Main uml L'a,t !treils in iloi.-iii'.bnr;j, Colun.l hi Ci.utily, l't. J: i . wi '. call :ulat?d for ihe location fcr a l'tl he iloi.se 0 SUic,l.-eiiii Feel front on Maw-street, M fi 1 lmSfe.rtnn llu't-sliret, ai.d tee r-i :(1 leading to the I S Join, r,!,u rjj 1,VI ind lion Co, n,. auy's fill naces. Tina Lot is well rah c.ihiled lor building upon I'.ii.-t-iticc! as well isoi Main, and l.eii:c situated in tlie ceotio of the lior tic-ion cf Culnmhi'i County, is well worthy tin it eijijoii of on- capitalista. I'or m.y infuiucitioii r espcrlin;; tl.c condition.,, ci.ipoic cl ;;-.vpi.;;.i kaijI.L'M- U!eo'!i ;bu:g, Z)i:cctubei '.'J NOTICE. VIE several Collectors of State Tax in Colum bia County foi llm year ib-10, urn be eby no lilb'd lhat tliey an; rcpiiri-d I' ( liaise inteicst i: nil Mule Tax lem lining unpaid since tho Mu.n. 'I'lic.-ilay of January, IIG, in accoid inci w,ib t!,e fulbcving diiccoou of an Acl ol Asseu.ldy posset .pilr'.l. ltjtl.vi,-. ' Any !-,-.' Tus ir.iiaiuie.j tuip: id bv any individ ja! or co:p.,,-jtion n!u-i sri. Tux is due and payable by -aid county to il.e Con. monweahb, shall In a un btt'-.rci c't.-'.r j,rr ctn! and bea tun on the rs'.ile on which it is c)i oged lill it i. fully paid and sati.fied " And the said l.'ol lectors nre reipji-rle ) to keep 1, -e pa 1 ate .-lccount of all inleicst n-i.civeil b tin m 01, all Slate Taxes paid since the time above .itiiled Old to irinlci ai accoiinl inent ol ihel. dophcates. NWlUriL ylKARS. yUUDKUU'K HelllMDE. ru 1 Kit liN r, I'oinuussiumrs. CoiriMSSTOvr.n'a flpurt; 1 llanvillc, y-'eb. 6, lVlf. Estate rf JVil'iam b't-awh, lala It'iotn tuuihship. deceased mTOTICE i- heiehy given, thai Lei ten of Ad JL" mini .tia'ion on the above incntiorHd i-slaii nave been L;rantelto lh subsciiler, living in Cat tawissa township. All peisons inde'nten la tin est ite are hereby notified tu nuke iunni diale pui merit, and all those havinit claims are irip.ic.-trd to prceeut thoin piopeilv iiu'benti.-an-d, to JOSE'i! JRUU.s-p, Adm'r. Match U, 131U-Cw-17 i:ocn iiowell. T A I Bi o sr. ilF.rsl'C'TlTI.I.Y. iul'o.ui! the publi.-'ihr.t he moved into Ilie. boililiM'.' fmnierly o en j.,.-i , the 'Ueu'tater' in Maiket ,-treet neai Win. Kelvv cV Co. time v.-berc be will always he ready t make any kind ol clotbnu. at tb idnote-t notiei and in the bn-l and ino..t lrbiomib!c ; 1-, le. J'r.m his li)'o expc-ien-e in the hiisinevji, he Ib uer-hiu.-ei!' that be fhu'l roniiiiin to itin r' neial , ist'.iction and tin rel y h-aj-ts Iu icctivt a .-.l.uic ul:l. public patronage. i'J,nar'.icnlir '.tenion fai.1 to emtio;. K.'e.'.a ni couc.i.y projuvu l.o:t:i iu p.aiii..i,i oj wo:k. li'Lotl-xz, Auk'. 3 164... H-15 LOOK OUT. iiideh'ed to iP A'.: St'b.'Cl r no t.'l, rot, ii hi.-.Ii acci.no f.t itiy O (.viii's v. ii! al" ' -it. vn-,y:ruiil hefrre ih hrn it v nrv, or' their a rr that tliie, b- 'e't s i'h a iii:ic ii he IV act. for iiwr.rdiaie rll- c-" Li,'7."l!L sSYDE'.l- Oc. 7 lS-L-5 ft n a-sfortrrpo' f J L I,rj V WA Ts V SA. -ich aa ICet let , Hot. itoik-M, Tea Kftt'cs t pi.lers, Ctkt" Gi iddfos, cVc Atsn Large mu piI WajjKon Iloxes, from the Uanvjllc iag:r W'oiks, ju-t rcrrive.l Fnd for pain bv HLTLUY fi ML.NDi- Ml ALL. DcceniUr VU " ' " AN Al'IM'f'LNTf'K. To the Tin und S'irxt Iron Manufac turing JusiiiCf-i. is wanfd hv the su'nerh'cr. An ae- Ine boy, from ;.r) ti I j yejin of j-e will re. ev. t: io roouriii ment upon niii.irdial.- uppli-atiu;, I - u J. i;iu: m;sjNi:ss cakds. A I). COOE) Attorney ut Law DLOOMSBLKO, CUL. lPA. Ollice in iMain-stret't, oj'pokilu J abhr'a Ilulel. ( II.AULKS K.UILKIt, JUSTICE OF THE J'EACi:, AND r.vi;vAcB:u, liLOOMSHUKU, COL. CO., Cilice, corner of Kust und Malu.atiecU LIMSILES 1:. iuckali:w Atlortiey al law, IlCv-irSlI;'!!' IPl.o "fjlit South side if X'alnnt. Lt'cw Maiket t-7'.VILL ATTEND COURTS I. V riJH COIINTIUS OF C0LL'..I)1A t.M) LUZhJILNK. "TJ I'sT recci'.cd and and S,..,.t Iron M for sale, at the new Tin ,1jiiid'actary, in poi-;t' I I y I i. llot.l. s. ve.al kii.iis ot i'tt l i.il, U, lit' mat t Odlil.Xli S (Vl, 1 tut: l..t j ailrw, i.i h will be s,dJ Lw. i), J i:is;::. hi- i., IHSSOLU'I ION. 'I II V. rop irtiii rrsh'p heretofi re ( x'sting ndcr ihe finti d AriiiHirnn & llujjea. in io roi-e ei.ttii.jj Luriiitse, in by u.uiua inst'nt tlissolved E. ARVPTRONli. I'. 11 U Oil I'S. Nov. 1-181... l il n ni;?inas iviii oh ,-,n;i:iiirii jy i , , , . . -( i . the si:!--;: nbei at iht old al.iu'1; wine be had al ell times. may M Nb'MEN 7'.y, 7 OME- TdEL F.S, TO UI1-S TONE S 7 7- J.-l MJii AlJiNTL ES. I VA T STONES, MULLEIiS, &c. ir any nihrr wnrl in his I, i.e. II" is dso prepared lo forms 1 WIN DOW C A IS md SILLS. DOOlt .SILLS and S I A , fco eilher of Ma. hie, Lime or any kiminf tone ibat can be procured in this nuiiity. gi ' 11 ..viiifT had considerable expeiieneo m the biisineas, i,p. ph-doi-s his work lo it eyi-rnied in as liandsomi a tyh; as tr-n ;ie foioished Ironi mv jurd eitlu r in ll.e av or coiintn ; nnl mi as- reascn:,l le t.-ni a LTIJIJAIM Iv MS I lUMi Uloonnbuig, Kov. U, 13-L). ly 3 .-srr-;. -9.fi j. r:- I .S.- -.'i c..-i- - .t-O.1 .- FT'Ifr.RKAS, the Hon. Josn'K D. Axtiicxt V rreiidciitofthc t'ottrt uf Oyer mid l or ninet and Cc-nend Jail Jtelivtay, Com I, of Qninrr -'cssior.a ot the fcice.aud Court, of Cotr.ii.rni'ie.- md ft-; bans' O-u.t in the eithihjudicial ihsiri.-t -oinp.vji-J of the cojiities ol .Ncthumnerl .n.' "ni n, Cobtmhia and Lyc"ii.iua; and the l.'oi. V-minci Cal.i imJ titcpk n .'..i.by. Coion : Jutbres in Columbia county .lor e v-ucd their pr-cept Leai uiug date tho f.itli day of uir., in the year of our Lord one thou-in J ' i: i i T hundred and furty.fi -e, and lo nu u'iu-ctc.I.i'oi holding .7 Ccurt of Oyer and Terminer, and .''-o-rnd Jail Delivrry, (lenerul ('utiriir Srs.sinns of Hie Praee, Common Plan and (leuhiiids Court. I.X DANVILLE, in tho County of Cob, ml !a on the third Monday of Apiil next, v'hiii'g tiie -Uth .hiyj and to eoiilir.oe one week : Notice is therefore lotcliv oiven to ll.e Ci. roner, the Justice of the Pern c. ami i n atables of the said county of Columl .a. tba' thev he then and ll.eie iu their proper pcisoi.-, at 10 ichekluthe loienooii of ?aid ilav. with their lecoids, iuquisitmiia and oilier leinnnbr in.-i- - lo ih, UiO'e tbiii'-s w hich lo their olliecs ana il un lo 19 d , ne. And limsc tint are hound by ceco.-ni ;aliees, lo pi'icei'iil'1 airainst the pii-oneis that am ir may he in the Jail of said county of Columbia, are to he then and there to prn-eeute ai'ioii.t theni shall hi just, Jurors aie idpn-.-tcd to he pum: inni io their attend. nice, agreeably to llieit iioice Deed at Danville, the lllih (lHv of March, in the e.ii-ofour Lord one tbinieiul ii.hi liun.'.ied und l..tv --iv and in ihe hluh Mar of 'lie Independence of llm I i.iird Siutcj ol A..iuiica I RAM DiJiUt l.trlr Smmhvi's fVnci;, ljsiiwiie .'iD-ch 1J, LUlj, NOTICL'. T he r y c-iven that the e,'r.'H.e?-J.ip l.rcti.!o. CM-'loo ti-iiby the I'll in ,.f Uioh-t ui:il '-'ai.tLe.H !..-'. ed an-i Inc oca ..tints o! s.Od f.rui have I ecu i r. l to th sunsciihci, who alone, ia authoruyj 'o rcllvct tho tame. ISAAC SANTEi:. Ma.-ch 13 ;S-!G, ILA n:tZ"LS of ihe best tju .h'y of just received by WM Mt-KELVVis Co. Dcemhct 5 r'HlVK PIPE for rib; al ih. New Stor- i- 11. K l i .'.i-. October 11. HUNKS'! r.LAN'KS" ron sall.lT niis oitiul'.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers