Ciium., Cei.o lli.ooDEti .l'iinurt. Tho dial of a nun by lha narnti of Wail li ics pi ice some hum in ,7, ml next, n t lie S'lto (it M ssissipp1, I in- ti e nnir It t of Thoims Simmon, f irmi 'y a i r -d.ntolN v A', I. 1i. n. 'I'll c':x.i nstiiue miemiiiii Mr. S'nno;i'. Irilrd't' hive, been m-l,' pjbl c, Inn ih onnsls'id crime ran-ml present i moil crjol f.ito llun lie Miil ioil. IF l:,. ly e 3 i 11 ) cr ion i widowed molo-i duig in .i.biuy. ehn lnnili-,r, a.i eistots there, un I in JclTi-i n villj mi,! (his C'ly iro all highly ri'pcuble and Well lo I i V o Mr So-tion has resided some two or three y.,ms in Mississippi, in the zo) coun.fy, some sixty mile.-, easl of Helena. A.r kjns.n, 1 1 a hi, I i. wassail considersblu property, and at the timu of his murder ho had converted ii in'O niO'icy , preparatory In returning lo Niw Albany, lo nj'nl'jf I h's mo'her in I'.er declining jj,e, al s"ttlu down in ins birth place, i le n h ! h-".-n nwiried to a confiding ond inteies'in la ly of Mississippi only two mrtiths. O.i tlii day of his murder,, a msn liv T in (he (U-ijihb jrhftu I, who hid wotk cii for him, rq rested Mr. Shannon, Ihrou'h a third person, lo call at his house on pailiculai (juiines., he did no net drtammg of the foul intent which ho wn foon to encounter. 1 1 a e titerc this fund's Imu-e unarmed, 'he door was clos cd. and the three men sirru'ianr uuUy drew their boivia knives on him. 1'indioi; himself thus availed, ht clench ed in with the rufi'nns, (ha wag a mm of t; r a t stre-ngih,) rt,nd ihro vi n j one a giinst (he other, he kept them from stab bin him vitally for throe quarter of an hour; h it at each Him he was cut and hacked by Ihn weapons constantly aim ing at hii heart. Vila this desperati s'rng;le wus progreising, the alarm was g''veri, but too late; before assistance come, one of i he villains succeeded ii seveiing his hand lrom the arm; at (h wrist, when he could na longer resisi eucccsfully, and fell fainting by exer tion, pain from his numerous gashes and lo.j of bUod, to tho Hjor, when each plunged his knife into his body, or;d all three Hid. Just as he fell, Mr. Shannon, having heard the alarm at her residence, came running terrified into (he room. Sue- i':g the cnuilion cf her husband, she sealed herself upon the fljor, and drew Jiis head into hrr ip, while from his sev tred aim and unnumbered wounds the crimson gore vvns streaming; wiping ii from his mouth and eve, she heard the dreadful particulars of his cruel fate a? fjf'.een minutes the anguish' el" those two hearts during that time may be conjectured, but it never can bo told. The intent of the murderers was money and ihe deed wis done in preseucn of (he wife and daughter of the man Wai' who are witnesses against him. The others iLvl. Wo knew Shannon per nonnMy, well, and a braver, bitter heart cd man we never knaw. His loss i. ik"ji!y d plored by a youn wife, wi:l owe (1 mo'dcr, relitive, anj nume ro'i? acq-i lintjiicea. Wo hope ths ,iv will avti)j;( his death, by bringing co ) d'trti punishment to each of his c;u-l murderers. Cin. Com., March 31 S 0 WAR V 1 L L E II A I L RO A D. The Ji)ihdelphia Ln-lger iy, the nomci vil'u Railroad, in New iersi-y, to gother with its entire properly and ef fects and chartered privlige?, was sold by public sak at E'izabothtown, on loiidjy i he I u ! i. io foicclose a mort ge. We understand that it was pur chiie 1 bv a ijito:) Company for iIh sum of S 1 2 5,0D0. This road extends lrom S hii rvilh lo E izibelh'own a distance of 30 milrs, an-1 we unde r.-tand it is in contemplation to r-ncw n J cx (eii;l it from Eiaion lo Elizibethto'vn i'lHo', ,i distance of between CI and 6? iniles. This i? ry.d lobe lh.i fht-rlei and n,ot direct fe.ibiblp rou'e fioin tin ar thrar i'e co.d Ht hl.-i of il.i S ate to ilu l'cw Yuik m;nkel. and that it has' been purchafed hy this Company to b ex lended ar,d '.d l with a lieavy double track, for the purpose of occurinp a por lion of tiiis immense and anniiatly in crea'nj Isade, which they'e.ypect to di. by tskinji the loaded boats in eccMons, on li'ickf, fiorsi ICuston to tide w.i'cr. The lout rsemp's the roid from curve.1 in o remrkhie di-grpe, bnd li.vre i i)ot r-ne PfceiKlini; ;ii1p,f cmo SO fei to Ihe nide, on ilie firm len miles 'n' .vrd from the JJu-lawdre. Ltosjh JJil let in.' UiiJiii. S;;ico lb d lime S ' a ! t r h h a niisied n large fortune, and his huh nn filtered throui ( ti s v . 1 1 . y of iheWil limantic reaping futher abundant fruits. Mean while R 14. le M.nd bis becoiin iluiost a ciminujiu fmiory !llig. A f'W diy s;nc-? 1 wis (.Ii d-aii by a 'in ml throug'-i ilia i-i,..i,.m e 1 1 hi AMI :"g Ilii'U In i,-, hy W.iUhn , 5c Co., W her? mi isi-.-, 0i irm, a ithii V'ii.hi'k wist, nit; i-.tiighl rom I'V fl iinrs mi. I (tpun ivnti I'glilning ra- puiiiy into n kiii:i1I wirt-, or 1 1 1 I it c I wir il iiny Ilxi'ipl tig 1 ho,-..- bl 1'iiij- nirgli, I 'i-'ii-Vi! ill- o mo ihe only unes n Hm rnini'iy. 1 also went Ihiough 1 he Iron .Pinning mills of Me-srs Kan- 'rinks 5: C.. wh.-ie ci.siings weigliiug 11 v Ions are planed and polished hy I'fim, The wlude process is nlrx liliciblc nn pijr-M', and, when seen, Can but imprest t'oe with the ni.islei power of intellect when applied lo ni le .ind scnsi li-ss nriiii-i- Clnsu by Ha-se nulls is Ihe es'nblishineui lattly erected I'm- miking rails fir the lovideuce anil Winchester mill . They all when in notion, m .Ii- a clang ir reckon I n lirewter the ntiling ol'all ihe biith shields i n ihe w.u I.I. Thern are 111 l ovidener, h -sides the iron nulU above ineiiiioned, the I11 gsl esishhsliiii-nt Im- ihe m iniifactur nf screws in tlie country, cotton ami ivooleu nrd f.citnie, eo'inn and wool an fictoiies, sinl veral cdico pri 11 1 i njr siablihm"iin, Wiihin lour eun mile. ( here aie the Pnvtncket, oonsm ki t v arren and Miisiol, all man;irariui ing 'Owns, and all mil lenced by r.ovidenci- cajHtal. ?iy?. ?onl.iril iulcrpoiirsu with this wurld. Deceased petfood beconm the guii'duii u.ig-j s id ihns in wh un they loll a special interest while livinu Shu told one of Ihe clergymen present al ibis 11'ei view, who lived in tint neighbor nooil, and Ind lust a child trthml limn 'lid. ire, lint .she ,,ivv the child's spirit Uukiiig over his nIi.. older, while he vas engig-d in prayer m a or am iiim "1 his u ly. 1'lie pi (inf. g yen 1I1.1; sin aciuilly had inlei e-ini s. wit Ii iIhi ire as fo'luws: Ulood, without any wound, appealed su l l -iily ni ihe fuie Head, and each of ihe hinds and feet, and subs, q.;nty, on the p ists and linets ol the dmir of tier b d chamber, the rn irk of which rennin in this 1 i me. Them dung are vouched for by her mother, who is a respect iblu member of tht? Methodist Chord., and ol!n is. The gen tlemen refeirtd lo, sy, that tshn herst-ll talks very ralionllv, on rrligiom sob jpcts, and llu-y canm awiy favorably m pressed, so lar as her sincerity wis con eer ued. The Sub TitEAsruv 13ill I'asskd.- rhe House of Repn senlalive has uass ed the Sub Treasnrv JMI. Hy ibis act he Federal G ivernment seems about to -xercisu its right of puryfyiog tho cur- lenev. it is a return to i-si i,rmemli 0 a practical application ol the act 0 Congress for reiolatina the r.ninn,p which wa! passed at the very com mencemenl of Washington's first ad- .niiiistra'ion. I Ins act established the present Federal coin, and undo gild ma silver the only legw tender. And sfierwani-, in General iicksou's ad- iiinisirsliuii, the relative valus of the gold about seven per cent. 15ut ib.mj,!, leposii lawj and other erroneous lee. 1..:-.. . 1 . . . . anon 10 mo 'specifl paying Dan k-, in at her words, traders in mbslilutes foi coin, all these laws are inoue.aiive. ami lie i e.Ieral revenues aro collected in hat which the Suies are pi-jlubited rom miUmg a legil tender by the Fed eral conslitu'itfn, and which is pi ohi i iU tioiri buna nude a lenal teiuler hi rrmrif s'lirjatianeiT ' "mir t euYrai const- tution prohibits the Stales from inves- log p,ap.r with tho value of gold am silver, and an act of Cong-ess prohibit- my person lrom oil ring ipir in pay nentofadebt. Yet il,e Fe.kaal rcve nu-s aro collected in nanei ! The bill pis-. by tlu House, if it re ceives the sanc:inn of ihe Sen ile, wd: Mrry into c r.tlioo iha sever il acis es abiishing and rvgnl I'.ing t'u oinig -; n other wouls, nq tinug ih-s collecLoii if (ha revenue in com; u'uo provide lui heir custody by offers s;kcijI!v an loint'id for ihe puriiose, ho t (,.,t ou.'i hound with suiiaiius fir a faiiblul i!m :hai ge of duiy but hab e to pu.iishment i criminals for any fraudulent nbose ol heir liust, The Washing'on cone.cpcni!e;i! oi" She ,Yuw V01 k Ti ibune rays; 'J'he II r s-1 cotton mid in New Ee'anr' was erected in Providence in 1 7'S dialer, an r, ngiisnmnn, and u r eai neighbor w-hile in England to k wrigbt," It was a small concern and went by hore power, but ae an exp'rt ment was t.o fur success'id lUt r-ume capitalists entered into crrnjiac", und tviib Slater e.!abli.hed tl.a lii .r iu -w sot'.on mill at iVvtuiiret. whuh ia k'ih . Another Wondkh The N-wnk Daily Advrrtiser fuinibos an account ot a young woman l.ving in Middlelown. .1jiirnotli county, N. Jt who exhibits orrlain magnetic plienomen a similar lo those known urnorg thft rcsiatics of the iioman Catholic Church, anil in some respects hke ihose of 1 1) 3 'S erriiS of it:voV concerning whom Dr. K-r ier, a (listin;iiish-d p!iy.sieij.ii of G -t many, na g.vtn so iii ei-.'ing an ,u: c.UMt. l!,e pijifr say th;,! u.o per-on H now seveiiteui jears .d Rgo. The ae c.iiiiit is derived (rom two clornyiinn id 1 If!.. .' I . . . . ' .w.uiiieiuwir, woo i-ave visited the jm tient. 'Fr 4 jeirs psst she has been ir,fl.; 'ed with some myterious ilijordei which has cot. fi n d her to her bf-d, for nearly that whole period. At first 1 as-urned the form of Vim.s'D nice, whicl was followed, some time alter ward, will, a rnmtkiible nerisivcness, of th. whole of the body, that mid. ihn slightest touch very painful, Ut.iil n eently it has Id ken on it.- presents 1111 vfllous character. She eats on an av-- 'ge not more than half a crack; r in 2; hours, pnij bowel.- operate cm' v n. c in dC days; y..t her fice and retire bo.h remain In I m..! j.Iuci. f, while ,(, hilh presn -,-ee t!, LirniKS and freshnej-s o! healih. 'I'his may be enns'dered as belnngine o the pn-iernntorHl, tind ihn physical; what follows has relation 10 Ihe fciiner natural, and Ihe Hpiritijjl. She fallj into r sort of trance. 01 eatolepey, in which condition her sou passes 'mm f h 0 oihcr world. Heaven is .1 . ... .. :ij M.e;i m 1.1 , ; f ;c ;s 8,!? 0 . .. . I . t . in. j sup is a-jie 10 see au.i Us blifstd iub-blt-nry. '1 SCf cm verse will, hey biv she LATE VIMW M i:ICO. Intelligence from Vwra Cruz 10 the I I1I1 nlt. has been received at New Orleans. Mr S idell was still al JiUpa, from which place he ud.lifssed a letter to the Mesican Cuv ' liiineiit, in order to inq ure whether In shiMihl be a liniitid or not as minister, ha llesperu says ibai a long d.iluiu had taken plai;e -at Ihe Liiiincil 00 the recipiuiu 0f the iioie 1 i-ey soused ihe Uuveriiii-enl not to rei-eivir Mr. !Shde;: except ss Knvoy Ex uaordiuary (o soldo ihe iliffiinltv abon i'ex is. leaving all oilier all'nrs iinittcniled 10 until that shall havu been adjusted. 'J'he .... 1. . 1 ..... .. .. .. viiiftriiuiein 1110 1101 rejineu io .vjr. Situell I'he niprs say lint tlieie can be no ibnibl ihat the Government will follow Hie advice of the Council and refiisn to receive him, . . 1 . sava in inu inniieu capai-ity ot Lavoy to settle the qnesiioii of Texas Annexation, They anticipate decidud action on pari of this cinintrv upou thi recrptinn of this refusal The Mennrchial party is larjtlv in ereaaing, and the Santanutos losing ground Neaily all the influential men in Vera Cm and .Mexico were now adhering to the prin' iriples advocated by El Ticmpo, the editor if whieli is still al i its post, mil having been o'liiL'i'il to uave 11s reoonei . nn m conni n nis political opinions. 7'ne dAxicau press both opposition mil iid.imiistratinn are clamurous for wai villi the United Sia'es; and the ofl'uial jtur lal ssys the Ihesident i doing a'l io bis power to he able to cn iimciicit ho.s',i!itn s. It is aiionnced h a President 'art-tie-will t ike the field in person if tho war win tie United Slat's is eominei'ied bv an at lick on 1)10 pail of our ll-ct lying 'l Ven iJiiiz Iul.allespcria of dm 17. Ii ol March, i. s sli-.ed that a party of the American iirmy ousisiini; Ind men, had made their appear-onR.nt'A-..l-.!iVvvrt(lii... , ,. l,.txM, ,r. 11 has a gond de;d of pgiintion a-n.-jngst tho Mexicans, in their caiuniinient, I'hey weie waiting for reinlnieeinenis villi ll hid hern llesp .tchej Von Monterey irul San hnis Fo'om, lo a'-iifoo a 1-peela-la aniuide nn ihe banks id i t ; IJrav.i Th Kspora z-l, 7'a'nnii-o puprr, S'Hto ,1.1. si .th .'" ii criu siiiv:,ncei villi ,): 'llliiered li.holry 10 n'.taek tl.c ni) v,i,;cr 'rd of i;ic .-o.erir, ,11 nrnir, , laiHi p.isl al .S mi 1 sa'i( !. Il iii;-e;.rs -,h ai ',, reile.s' poveri,,T,eiit jii-l ciiiih iCi d vl,h tin. h,iu.-r; n' Sera, cut. r rnni iv. to . an. I (. ife 1 1 r u r 1 1. it it Co.. 1 1 8 i,(K!() 1,1 hf ;,!,, !i, , eve , 11 iiia I 111 m I San .luaii (!u !; o.-i 7'ne .li-Micnn (J ii-rrnmrr.r, in i'a ities. eoi,,.-M-i-nd,:i- to i!e,;i i!ch L'(d I) I.I. - ' .man 1 aeo i-i ucalan to s.ili.-i; ar lo ecute ihe war -.iL'ainsl our eininrv 'he Archliishop r.f jiexi.-o X,-ni,r ) m ianuel 'osndiy (larduno win iircichiiiv ii favor the monarchical nysicin. 'II. ,0 hunt 4000 elergt rm-ri and Mars in ?ie;ici ind nearly ali ot tiieiu uro in lavr i f : nn-iari h . r ,,i,;,... . .... 1 -I. , mi 11. i- id leeeiveo in ialinico (l e.til I epic, '! 1 h l eh. il.-ippous l l :ii:e rev hl'ir.ll was nn 1 1, 1- pnin! el' .ic;i!,.i-.r oi:l 11 e,t portion i.f ill-; Me,-;i; C -,..i.-:,r S Jj (- 'hjei-l (,f 11 lii.-l) in 1,) irri, Hj seu.ira .s.rirtloa ( hll.u dm 1 an I D.u M-r 'rom ihe ri.-hi ,' th" n pij !,!... (J, n. Urrea who h.-k hir K'-me lime heen in -would it is saul lm s'di"ited in 1 ,1a com mand of the revolution f reis Lsii iidjr'j ii a 1 " ran m ithoi't run " birt ujf.u; .it tit 1, n.iMii. .-pi. . n 1 ... i lie 1 Msi k' !, s ill's j : 1 , win, !i ,'o m- J aerl 111 our cii'imm iIi'm wecL 'n .! it, .0. "jino-jt importance, and indicates tint otir ic daraon, wiili l'lil-iiid on tho Orejiiin ques " li on can biirlily be seulcd amicably, thill ,.we linpe fur the In Ft. Koikof nil kimli ...... 1 1 1 . . . n avo i.iiu-n cousin ctamy in 01. r ci'lis ! conserpicnce uf ilie mcss'ien hIIuiImI lo. ocusi:i,vi:s. (),io number morn will complete tlio fl.h year since we cointnencud the publication of . (Jolumhia Democrat, and we have a large amutinl due us nn our hnokn for Sub sciiplions, Advertising and Job W ork. It is absolutely necessary thai our accounts should be cloed up to that lime, 10 enable us to satisfy the demands ajainsl us, we shall have therefore our accounts arranged for seitlcment by the 18;h mat, and hIi ill ex peel every mau lo do his duty Those who are lo pay tis in lumber or produce will do us'a favor by bringing it along as we shall have no difficulty in storinjj it away. CJCan any one of our subscribers send as sumo Maple Sugar? Til E NEW COURT HOUSE. We mentioned iwo weeks tdncc, that the coulract for building the new Court House had been awarded to h. II. iy t'o., of Lewishur. They having since declined taking it at their bid, it has been given to Geoige Aears, of Franklin town ship, lie has signed the contract, and we believe the work will be driven forward with despatch, and completed at an earlier day than was anticipated. Mr. Mear is an en- Wo (1 usl the 'resi.b'in's recomui-nda lion for angineniii'g our hand and ia val force.-, and puiting ih cmi-nry in a siiii able stale of defence, will h,i pro nt!y res ponded to by Congress- While England 1 preparing lor war, and straining evrry nerve to make her army and navy as f ibV as possible the U ii bavo liern iinc nc and done nothing to be; to t hcLk ihe rirst blow of an iiivadiiij enemy. Tun 10-ces-ary appioprialions should he made l y Congress at oncej (Jeneral Vv' as hi ts tun. in the early stage of our history, wrote a ircn! ir to the. Covernois of lit" several States of the eonfedcriiev' callir.f f r con- ni 'd aetiviiy in fn rn : ah ' n troops, ani concluded Willi tins insti u,:liV3 n ir.i 'r ;'' . -.Vra nation V'ff re.l in tre th. bj i even in (he inotnnit rf ntgoliutim. 10m vigorotmli fur the ft el:!, ' Let Con gress I ?ar 11 wisdom Iro n the -father of our country.--Danville. Democrat. V l bn il, l v red in ti I est y e- i 10 Church, by Mr. CIU'UCII, l!i;s lv. . lieg. Fi)!J CI.IF()IIA. The li.depaiiden, e (Mo.) Expositor savi In the comp niy forniing fur 0 dd'urni 1, some of nnr tf.-1 eiii.-ns i ill he anion..' 1I01 nii-u'i -r. Out Mel 101 HI nin.i.l, t. V. , luidi 'vy, we nml rsMaii , wiil w, ih fill If, IVe'-lhl f such a In i' ol rn .r--1-, he is at pr,-. .. 1 1. . t ... 1 " ei i, i,,i , in 1,1 iii me ciioi :iie IS ol c'nn.eli r .5 to resign; il.' IMl'OUI'AN I' I'AC I'. The American Agrieiilmral says that 1 pound of lean, tender, j ney mutton nan b 1 lisul for half the cost uf the same nnaruitv nflat pork. Sheep can be kept in fim gnawing ort'er where other rJomcstic aniinds will scarcely t-n i s l , at.d ihoiisands of acrtf ergetic and experienced contractor, and in the State, tinder an enlightened system those interested may congraiulato ihem-"f sheep husbandry, may be imn'e 10 pay a selves that the work is committed to such good interest, wbera now thev are r.earli competent hands. In an editorial I ist week, there was a typographical error which was nut perceiv ed until after our paper was pi i rued. In lead properly in the hands of their present owners. N AIJVOO. A gentleman lately from the Holy City . . 1 . 1 1 i.i . 1 11 . .elation lo the repairs on the North Hooch .Slal"" 10 l,b ,aM weciv l"" 11,8 c,i""19 Canal.'we meant to sav that the I'.csuient "P''11.1' ""'"S ,,,t;ir I'P"')'- Many of the f 3 1 1 a r d of Canal Conmiissiom rs ' hiol ono along the w'.iolo length of the line wiihin ihe last few days examining it win re must injirei!,' it a. 'J'he word fiv was inisprinti.d two, so that we represented Mr. Foster as having traversed tho whole length of the Noith I'raneh, examining injuries u. ihe canal and directing tcp.iirs in two days; which was really impns si'.de. of the firms about Nauvoo have changed liai, ds wi'.bin a few .weeks, and good citi zens from otbnrSi ites and 1: unities have be come the purchasers. He gives il as hi? opinion, from the intercourse be has had uiili the new coiners, that they will give tin i'otinienaneo lo the Jacks, and will join the old settlers in insisting 0:1 the removal o ihe Mormons 'uruiv Signal M'irdi 13. on: .u r, hr 1 i..v,"a Cj'Wc barn iV-orn i.ur .! n-bants thu.' they are making niMitgeinun!.! fur a far cere etn;.'n. 1 li ne, unal.l.) lo loiinj tlieir Rumls us eaifr as former ly ly cui i! thi-i an: i!i terinima! nt loln 'iiiul lln ii neiyli'jois ill ri-j.leni '.'un:; tlieir .-lock- Il ;! 1,.. Thcira;, 1,'ir; treat an DJUor l)j;ni I la tt.'' The happy editor nf ilie !inham -cen : n mlverli aoiirnl iu our columns in- ij editor, louadeil . lor he'if.r or wor" uougli fur one 1,1'e, hut in admiraMnn of t!io unit a ;:r liy gul to lake l.nn c,' w.hich were !) irs c '.is ladv iieiehboi? u:d ; cry i loan n! j I I ' pro The American U liort,' sat s the Cnur ties, New York, is of ;, i,,. voild, t!ic couniry wtih u l.i--h Enghind i most -afraid of a rupiiirp; lei ih j.av irnr: -prbaps il ia the oi ly coun'rv avuii whicl he fears one, She fears ilipAmericn.s he anso her power has twice received a slim k rom them and bec-misc ':rliaps they an tie onl) c.f s whom stiereg .rls hs e juals' 'j'hf) ure of the iimc tiock il:.- nio rare widi hero-lf. In her eyes i,,. iriericans ar rebels .-ind iiuciviliz-d, hi hey are, the rlocend ,r.u nf Euclid, infi. nil surh is the inria'e pride nftltis Anglo Saxnn race thnl on this ueeiuillt llriiain r. S ,iecls herse'f in ilie Y-an'ire And shu-e MiiTt-.-i' is now it,e treate'l mrket for l,n(iane; she contains the bread, the life f her manufactured' A whrwiih the U- nion is speeit of civil war, f. r iis i nme- isle ( fleet to close all the Eccdiidi inarm- laetiires, to nun millions of ihe. people will on t rei-mirres into ths stiet I, and to ru in al-o dip catniahsis who that AI.'JUJ'.iHT oi;I, l.avo taken t!,c l;-ail, nn 1 I rcn the t'.-st in sni.nlv ibeni -.-le.-s l.v ihe Hail I.'ecJ, with an s-o'-t:r,i lit of fmii.- ,-o d tin j an- iltveriir-g yi.m.g n.eii, ve liopi 1-Mnrotn con,)! The wi ti it r.. ir f-.... o...'.i t;'., lie In l!ic .--de of ilieir .tnoda v, lii.-U I r'.r in 'i:. try in il l I'M irvroicc null::.- ( lib, 71 ef , -or 11, . ;. luant- u.-e ect Ir ir fii II. s .-oku,, 1,1,,! v I en tl ailive. w.i no il 'iil.t alnll have an ni,eoitii!:l--. a., l.crot..f.:re, of iiil'..rmi,i-the puMic ef (i... . '' l,i,r!,:r (i,"l'. a '' C'ltin.i, a sol r I I. . ...I.-. ... . .II-,-,.., n I..... l . I 1 iic im-io.ianisi.i la- iiei-nii.iriii' villa"'; v, in. I.! , 1 ' "ul: "i eii eroci.erv WatO , tin I it f.r lie if interest I cii'ji of ihe eniiirr.cling ur-.ii?, vo sent in :J few ,; n.iiions the nsintr.' of iba ini- erot ir annoiitice; at he w kefr, ,w (,',, .. ... ... wrks I, n grt' 10 recciie furd.rr (!oi;;iiot;s, and ackrtmi ledges ilreasly tlr; rer eipt id the ioh'owie.;, viz. fl hat','.M:n,- centre table EEGI-'h T1VE Oi.'lUilVVTlONS. For the iiiformatiou of i!;c ctuiotis, wn iitin-x 1 ta 0 occupations of the niembers f the II. iiiiB of Keprts intalives, whieli shows that the agricultural interest is well rejui--ented. Tho bouse consists of 100 mem ers, and is m ule up as fnilo vs.-Farmer-ill, lawyers, II, merchants, H, doctors 0, millers, rnorroeco dress 1 r, 1, (Jarpeu'er-, i, saddler. Ij, 'J, tanners. -I, ar Onl, 1, clerks, 3, teachers, 4, 11,11 keepers, i, printers, 2, oak cooper a id gua-rcr, 1, r'li-porlfr, 1, courier, I, gunsmith, 1, gro logtst, 1 Jl Pin it a LaJ:fH liar Twenty fair Venn About twenty f mr vears n , ly of Andovsr, Mrs. (eiMcj m, no rMrii-g. it nibt put up f mr curls 11 p 1 iei s and ,iitts hi I ' 1 c moiiii.ig, one of the poa wn mis-si n and from the painful sensation in her ear, she was cirifih-ut it bid pone, rated there. It was extracted hist week at tho Eye a n! Ear ..lirnviry in IJot'ou, after great suffering on the part of the pi tient. Il was notpcrntpiily coirodei'. COOIl LsllOO TINC. A Mr. I). Mill", a gunsmith of H-rn.dsn burgh, Ky,, with a rifle of Ins own make, running HliHo the pumd, lately uiada ten shots al a target I 1 bv 1 0 inches, and hit it eiaht out id ten, at a disiance rd 4 lit) yards. Th. question is asked whctlit r he ii lor phifty photir phoity.' pu;., 1 irin; ta lit tin" t iihii.: I.IM'.v uh il ii,v aliiui, and uni'.::viivj lo t'., 0' inuien tint all i'ii- lm-im-L -i, in III, a:.i -'en i; l-ci-011-.o ilicy see i a,K-citi.tii:e.-it.s from an-. (,;ii cr iji.ia.-k-.'. II Ah' I) CANE. The Kev. M(. Torry, row in j ,il :,! ?, ,1 lin ore, !'oi slfalirg slaves, i a p .inl i,f deaih. The persons who wire idiiui to o'.'lai-i his hberiy bv piying for t.'.e s! jvi :; have 1 on s ill e red it 1 1 c s 1 t.) resenc tl.e n:e tiey 1.-1 tbeii hands for i'.o b .-n-'i'. i.f his vile and children, 1 a' t'"in pav it (i,r tho ptivilegu of taking him hou.c to die. ?- f h.riT7)TrT;l' k e r.v. I ne Cincinnati Times says thai on mill" vidiiri!, named Nathan rari.-kiver, living in ('ovingtoii, while siiaeii g, on Tlntrsdav, had liia throat cut hy his 1 1 i 1 1 1' eirl who, in ml u-nly aioi voJenily opening the rlcor, i.roae ue r;;2or li:i:,ti-li and ibrotigb thu jugular vein. Thrre is a large number of hands epii-,,-. Jed in rjlmildiltg I'lshiu -reel; ;,(p e h.e ; and li e piers u:l be iro-i'y ecmph ted 1!,,. w.o-k. 'J'he wood Mo.k will I,- p;,e.(t up 0,1 :.S m ii 1 ;.s eiiM-ikle 'I !u , aktlud .nee, nr.-.-1 of boxes, p;!iy , . in-. 1 Ihcr with a variety of small; ('en, Hottst oi, t'viee iicpuhlic of Tex is, h is 1 1 , . 1 . e . . 1 iibioriii r, tin iu n his scat iu tin i;a'(.a as one of tio File hist,.. - pairs oi) ib I' ; rii ;re.-;s: -i 1 ml l.o, es aie Mitt r . 1 : 1 n , ( b, i:,o et ihe water in the. ft,,-., part of M iv, ! 1. I I'll.l '..I'rinel.s'O'o r... Keii.-.n i'.-.i , 'hf C in I I. VO. I Oai Oi 1 1, III) U) r inin the da!-:'..-; ' t'lU htle f'ii..-,i. I he Oat,.,!- , oceaMno'l Til' FI.OOli AT Tii E E A I 'I he p'oi ij uid p.,peis are (,.., 0 u i;i, isi-TS !y l!;c f!'.od on the K 1,1, el ; c IVnobpcoi. Tho b.ifcin n.i'ls m ( ),,,.., ( ""3 iwrn .1.1 lllil: (, .'.i n in im 0-1 Friday r.i;-ht,;,!,d 0,v eiiv mida v.i u remcvn! Irmn their foundations. The I'. lilih.-col 1, is noi bi t 0 hi-h ;...-. 1 S",c. A s'ip from the .Mercery nlii.-c, li e nor. f-i ,i,...i ..: .1.. . . . 1 . , ' ' ''. o-jOi ai 11 hi ,,i;ii s,iv)-,- i ,, loss nf prop, ny Un- ihe ) 21 hour, cioi not le less il,.,,-, I .orjij Odd of d.dlais ' 1 he "reels in laiicor mu nil flooded, (),a t' ,:i nrilay i.'-bl there was six f.-et in tin; Foe Odiee, & ,. F.relii.i ce V, flee IJ-li-e elm nol he pproai-lie,l except hy boats. Three perries h.,d hi en drow 01 il. Mtucte ef ilie Uni'e Sun nors of the Sia;-. e,' '!' ;; .3 ry 1 f lids js f:);i (lf reoi-i.k;.b': vent.;, ,,f ilicm: his appear lii.'i; al 'v' ,i-io... 'o, it this thu-, under the i-ircem -lam a s o! In.' case, is l:ol:,e least ri nook aide. T,n lie . .OS S .;.), I) ,:;, Uyt ,., (,.,,,, !(t -iiri-t'i'ie ii-.'u-e of i; 'pust'iiiati t.s of tin li.iii- d S-,i-!.'.. to l,c r.'pri,n;iiii!i-d bv thi S,.,c;) m h.; b a !:s.i,(V,ic.-e : i ila'.inii, fiehievtil a re .oi :.: ion, orgai.iz'-o oi iioh j.n.dent s;;wri-igii!y).,,tl t!.;..v .i-.,.-.n 'd wtt'i the -dory of :a ci.. rj.i,rr..r : i,.l i. I: ti !,e leii.m.i v, I h iii.i ifeobies l i'. ;'.. -I, luiii.g i.r.t.j;iii i-.a ti. -t . 'e '' ''n i '' t l'ii '.;e eiooi 0 i- o;.n v.ha: 11 . , . . ,o..'j no f oti.Mi.. r. .1 m i..-. r Mil llli.OlIC Exr;:o;:;;iN.i:Y .moij rAurv. A child iihout m 0 year3 ohl il.-. d r.'cet.'. 'V in Eio'lanil, fiom ,,fs ef blond, ariiiio iVcm a sligbi conitision of ;,n up; 1 r gmo ! he r hi',! fell agi.iiMi a chir, and em i.-t Hiv.i. but to, 1 si vert ly. ' he wonr d err-, iif.uti! to b-1 d, iiniwid.siaiiiling the noHt s ' - ii'i'Ois nde-ivors of t.'.e mreotis to sti'iiiic', ii, hi! the third d;y tl.-e aeei h'tit, when the child ditd.Th? ;o:':cr, in which we find the aceoiu I of this .n.V'd- r ci'curn rce, slat; s that t::;:f?en h !ividi.-!ih 1 f tl.e f ; , 1 1 y to ivhich lb;- el,;,i :elo,- d :." l li ; to ilfiidi, nol '.ne 1 f t!., !;i 11 M i dy ii.ii. red, the ,,;, ,s oal ii'o l.i " ho 0 r-.'iy h. e 11 hm... I.letl I ral Lid lor c t : i r; -1 In Ike td -.dl 1 In'" I IT. 0 1. or i-roi. in tn .'1 . -1, tii-. ii e 10 .'i.o'.i 1 ky 1. .'. bavir, s ly ,'iii'. ': e. it.- f. .l,,. A- T.l'l'i' IV, '. OF Titta in .1 of A '.ert ,f (iltire'er i.l 1 iria A'o. Lo i..!, d f ) :-it:: 1 hi--t, v. hie!) u as en J'oe-.i! ,y, ' ', h 1, It in IJ n;,!.!, -s.ipr'-.' e .f o.'r i;,! ( 'o;,rl, j-,r , ,; .! I.,,Ml. - ; r I y lact. cd " l:Otr. r, ...iro , rr,dv to :i I . . . .- . -.. ,. ,1:1 -n , .,1 -,! - 'oi tli' :'r in'i 1 ,-f 1. 1 1 p-e '' i' tit n ri of lb.- ji.r, i ::--:-rii .0 010. 11 hi: l v t'l 11.: ir: ( C!iE..T i ii,;'. I Y. Tlo- Ilo.tsnoi T,.:ej.-.p'i s' -.h.ii Ct.U. ititr and I, own- hate n e; n, d ihloruiatti'ii ' n .: a I .ri- cumber of t!. , h.fc. f ,c .1 piiper- OlilO. Flu people of this St i!e, th--; f.ere say, are 10 h ive a erd,l( .,!,.,.,, r,,r ,1,, .1 , 1 mi! rf iiifir moncv i;i Uim rinnlrv. Iihtn hi i i ... king brother .lonaihm. .!, , lv(11.,, " "-'"n au.nori-.eU, wbiei: ,s ..: a million of dollars f,u tin I (S, IS.- coi" ' , in.-. Mil Uinr:! e n tnr li'e (iiirti, -vidi their Ci n:' l.'nii; tl vol a'-iCii unit tun t!i"oi.i i. r bi l-ir.) a.i'irt) o l, 1 1 ii: of s. , 1 le ,:l,i 'vs. i), o-r ( r ; i i .-1 ,1 ln!i Wll una a tilow n! I, is on n bead nn ! b. n-i I! will i.nly commit lb is e tr'rilrn j()Ui a.iSll,li ' h erection. That Finn nunhi ru d,. in the very last extremity. hh,n' very haitd.-umel v 1 ie ,;(,i'vs, J 1,1, s s of Ir.di- "".Cinhle at f.'ii-Ji.'i.: ro' coiichi'lie-' a 're.-1 cat Falher.' l,e Fir-nk 1.1 i,l 'tail s. A ohoo; the n . to 0 f is a I it;'-- b .iid, ri 1 1 1 ; 1 ; l'ii' ;,. riii.ia. i" ho ,'i tve nei thi) M ! 1 i I ( holders I y are ailied io Pie hip ins a.:. I ar.a -j - oosci; to beali.i.oli 'if tint S.-i , !j (he ludi.,nson the f.-.jotief eni.'ri ila ilo- in uost respi'ei and i.ue ol th-' p, nvcr il tin I'restdeni ol tin: Fiiiled it, -., and manilcst 1 strong desire to cnltiva ,e the j-,,,,,1 n i' il the country, since it is atijehed to the C ni 011, I t.o Wdiie, E,.:,' ., : to a f lore c.-i Sa do I 1,(0)'.' dot I - cel.'.e t: ..' , s .ri B I r 1 ' : '.I - ' .'i! (i ni': ir i t ,,. -1 f tl Was ... .. 1 1 It, ! irv ' i- :, f-1 r .-- -1-.'--I'.r. f J.ii'. ion nf as !;,.! c.-c :'I:t i"! e I - is . n :i. fr;'::i the in 'o t i,"n; ,-(' o r 1.01 of tl.e l b ,. ,'y Afrin-y ! I r- 0 ' ' ha i I...I .... ., , ir.o.r tniciti lor ai l ie nvi o-re. V :;ri. When the in rjiel 0 .s ri n to 1 .ii'c c :-.!,. 1 ! , 0 i-" .1 '. lier, and eo on ,v is r 'in .e .ii-j lie I-' In : red, 1 1 1 i ' 1 l-i' . I