if jVi -T-m -! ,.A s Oiiir I have sworn iion the Alter of Oml, etorual lumtnur to ovory fn of Tyranny over the Mind of M.iu." Tlioiiifis JcJl.iim II. WEBB, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR ISL0032SUU1M;, COLUMBIA COLXTV, 1A. SATURDAY. APKIl 11, IS (j Volume IA. .TuiuJier 51, 71 Hi A i j fll if? H ill I A lt iPiT'I ih lr ?Or1 my OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT. orrjsins Nr. Paul's Church, Main-si The VOL UM uSh MIOCIMT trill b, published every Saturday morning, ai J (J ut) l.l.AliS per tin mini payabu half yearly in advance, or Two Dollari. Fifty Cents,if not paid within theyeai (Vo subscription will be taken for a shortri period than jix months; nor am discon- . .. i .'i ti ' tuvtancc perinittcd,until all arrearage are dischargi d. JlDVEliTlSllMEXS not exceeding .square will he conspicuously inserted al One Dollar for the. first three insertions. and J wentu-five cents tor eve.ru subse quent nxertion. i7'V liberal discoun matte to those who advertise hi the yea Ll'TTRRS addressed on business,mnsl he post paid. '' "T IIIH i.,ii infill ly. r SPOON FASHION, BV riU DERlCK MARYLAND inters of grace defend us,' she liad gathered she had run so many hazard, and when op bet 'dry goods' hiiiI made good her re- she did vouchsafe to hear hi excuses, she (real from the room. 1 am not a coward, itill reproached him with ingratiiudo In ,'enilcmen yet, 1 am free to confess that all her behaviour, lis aaid, she behaved her ny nerves were slightly a;itapd Who self with grot decency and suitable to her an ah be? What can ah have warned Quality, ami mighty expectations there were here? Were question) that could not an-jof tlm future services she would hava done wer. Had 1 been a belisver in ghosts, I the English upon her return to her country ,iould yrobably have cone down to ths but she was taken ill at Oraveseiid, as she in the. vewy middle of the woom, a, in the. Penydarrin, Mine Woik", i 4,5 imbii'L Ti' lliu nuium nnil I inn 'kli ai .C' f....t ,t .. . I. u - .. i I. I. ' uattn v inv .ug.na-r lil'lcri uojiiil, 1 1 (J Bl I 111' K MIS inaildlll hll.) evway one in the woom; Talking of peculiar situations, genlle men,' said Mr. Tatem, '1 wan once in rath er a singular fix myself.' How so how was that?' said we 'I will tell you. Sageis and myself hail gone to Cape May, that favoriu resort ol fashion and Jolly, during one of the hottest seasons evei got up on this continent. was intensely hoi! Have you ever been ai Cape Island, gentlemen?' A goneral negative shake of tho head fol lowed the question. Thee permit me, as a friend and wel! wisher to warn you against the plaee. A more uninviting resort is not to be found I have good authotiiy for stating that it is only an unfinished ' 'portion of creation They have a legend down there which rum thus; The hands were at work on tlm spot at the tail of the sixih day, but niilu, . . - . n ,-. a 1 1 . ' I.I overta'uii ' them, iney ",prt ., suspend operations, and thus the island wi lt ft incomplete'.' To those who are famil iar with the locality, this is ceriamlv a plau sible story. I have more than once hear-! it called the jumping off place.'' Sunshiiif and sand knee-deep are the strongest in ducements to pay a second visit. To bi 6ure, they say something about the advan tages of sea-bathing but look at the risk, A you venture beyond your nose, the tin-dcr-tow carries you out. and death b) drowning is inevitable. After which lul low 'grappling irons.' and limn the dignih of a 'coroner's inquest!' The spot is die tinguished by a half dozen stunted trees, two oi three apoligies for hotels, and thrct or four cabins painted red 'But the story. Mr. Tatem the story ' All in good lime, gentleman. I said Sa gers and myself were foolish enough to g down. Some two or three thousand peoph were there when we armed, and ever) nook and corner was 'jam-full.' After rf pealed solicitation, we finally succeeded n gelling a small room with ibo oiivilt-go ol bleeping two in ii bed. Tho thermomeiei at 90 and two in a bed! thought is a warn, ball) of iiFell'!' 'Don't descend to particular, but give n ihe 6:oiy.' Certainly In the room adjoining our slept luo beautilul girls Miter who, lm reasons best known to :nv-lf, shjll be narneles". O.ie night about a week affi our arrival, I had gone early to bed, not wishing to participate in any of tho abo:ni ruble 'hups' that wets given at our hutel.' Pooh, pooh! ii's . ghost story,' said ,'a than. No genilpman. Then you were ducked with cold wa ter.' remarked Mr, Blanchard. 'Wrong again! Although a cold bath would have been acceptable at t!io moment. I had been aslrrp for some time when 1 was awakened by the mott musical voic imaginable, which said 'Zate suppose we. la j ipoon fjufuon'.' Lay ho?' inqni'ed I. 'Gracious heavene! whrre am I?' fj'icn latod my unknown bedfellow jumping three feet from the bed, lik she (for it was a wo- grave with tlx conviction indelibly impress 'd upon my mind that I had actually been n bed with one of the long faced gentry 'Well, what took place ilmn? Who was he?' 'U patient, you shall know everything The two young ladies before mentioned sa opposite to me at me tame, i lud a vert lainl suspicion that one ul'ibcm vs h pxrt o the transaction, end in order lx remuvi It doubt, the next morning at breakfast, t nquired 'Miss H. shall I help you to a liltlo ol this outlet?' 'If you pleasp, sir.' 'Will you have it spoon fashion!' s:iid I arelessly. 'I'he deep blush that mantled her hand io me face told more plainly than won that she was my ghost ol the preeedin; night. Having gone up without a light she had mistaken my room (r her own and but for tho 'spoon fashion' arrangemen Sabers would have probably discovered Us in bed together. I am happy to add , geir ilumcn, that the affair bad a ipasant de nouement. M.ss B. and myself aie no cmgnged to be married. When the cere inony takes place you shall bo prp.snt, anr if you di) not pronounco irr lliu lovelies and most accomplished ol licr spx. then will nnhfsiiatingly admit that thpre is ro mance in the phrase 'spoon fashion.' n,r TUIW !NI) M AKIil U'l'i -!' I HI PRINCESS POCIIM'.ON I'AS. It was in this yeir (1GI2J that the mar riage of Pocahontas took place, and it wa die accidental retdt of 'i act of treachery scarcity prevailed in ,Iaincto wn. Cap lain Argil was despatched to the Putonn for i carro of coin. Herfi he teamed thai Pocahontas was liv ing at no gieat di-iancH from him. . I J o p i n dial Powaliatan, in order to ransom hi' dmahlrr, would nfi'cr provision, he entic ed tier on board his vessel ami sailed P Jamestown; where she was kept in i 4at8 of hnnorabto napl viiv Powhatan more indigmnl at such treachery than over come bv mi'ifoiliipe. rejected the demand nf i ransom, but promised, if his daughter ere retored. to forget the injury, and up oly the wants nf the colonists. lJutiii lier residence in the settlement, Pn''ahnn.in oade such an impression on Mt. U'df1' h vounij man of rank anion;; the senler.s tin1 ln ofTi-red his hand tin 1 solicited the ron put nf y'o'vhai-irt to their oiart i in Tliis was about to embark for Virginia and died in thai town a very devout Christian, 'lis said, leaving only one son. named Thomas itrtlle, whase posterity now il.mrish in Vir ginia, and ciij y lainls dsceudt'd lo tliein as ihe heirs ol the Piincess Poehahontas. Frond History of the United Stales. lluxh;' said sh 'lush.' putliiij; hei hand ud to his mouth, 'my hustle has all hitched round lo one side.' V. 0. Del was pranled, and the ceremony was pr firmcd widi oieat pomp. 'I'he old kmc was ever al.er the linn friend of the colony mil this event had a very favorable ejector h neighboring Zi'dians, n treaty was eon hided with the Chiceaiioniinies, who lo be called Eiijilisliin"). coi-.sen'.fd to aed'f-t tbi -olouisis with ilfir arm-i in w,r, a,:. I le peacfl viih tlieir provirtinu. The rccepiion and m-ini.igo i'f Po.'t.hon las in I'.ugland, whnlier slie acsMMipjuiM: her hiifbunl, are thus dcseiibed by Sl nor Kn. g Jaines' queen s,nt! cport paid l.tr the same honor ih.it was due: t. a V. i. op'an la Iv of the nam'? quality, aftct they v-ere in oin'ed by Captain Su i;h w!;at n rn :es ehr !iad done the English nation; and pi ituistr ly ho'v she bad saved the rapuirs life. when tits bead v?as upon the bhi' k. But i; seems before this princes married Mr. liclfe, she had b 'en given to understand dial Captain Smith was detd; for re was die first man she had tn her biTcCiinnt up A 'Ri'DlC'MCNT. 'No; let the eagla i hniga his plnme, The leaf us hue i he (lower iis b.oom. But lies around tho waist were spun Thai could and woultf and weru undone Many evenings have not elapsed since mii-ic, with its voliijiiiuus wel I, i esouu led in one of fiur public, saloons, and Btighi lamps shone o'er fair women and brave men;' ye, women as fair and men ao'hrave ever assembled lo pay to Ddine; Terpsi oi e. It was on the occasion of one ol ur public balls, and all that (jiieiy and v'aiieiy prevailed which aro so peculiar y ch.i' acit Tesiic of tlctjaiit intfi cou s Hid iffloed society in A'-?W Oi leans. lo h it set (Unc d ih da' keyed girl of ihe North, with auburn locks ami aile mo ion. '2 . a gciit ril l ulo ills diesse. vere Lull less; it least, I hey were fash- I inatjl", and a g' t.ai u -ste was uesioiven hi the drcisio ot ihe hair. Ol the Dale members present it is uiincceni.ii j o speak ai any length; they were a. iPat and as spi nets as polished p:ileu leather shoej, kid gloves, and wluu est" could uiakt: I lit. in. any, there wis oim whuss evident z 'inn aoce with city life, and a.ipiiein losoiiSiijtica'ed ai -liesness, am acieu tut iiteniion ol more thin our; lojUer on o Vienna.' Siie was still in lior l ei j 1 1 m t veigint; into woomaiiliOn.l .7 lose wuh all its sweet leaves folded. Her dies-; was sjcIi us i l'.ii imjd mod sie would no) Mid I'll1, and tlmO;li 0 lie what awk v r I, she daiiC'd not n t - i act fully. The. t c.i I- she Came in lorn the tavern prt of ihe L'.ta'e lo pay visit lo so Hi e c 1 1 v ciiit-i risJ, and they, vnhoui n.uch iii.ikio Uj loi the met mo, prv vaikil oo lu r ut acc)iiij,ii!) them to Hie ball, for which ihev had I ( k (.' 1 S of i:vitatinn. i,.Uve hoaiit) he wanted none, though sho ceilanily id in neeil ol that easy ele iiiinner winch intercuuise with ich ied society alone teaches. A jooud penny I wool ! he a uiember of ihe 'upper h imainl,' noticed her in a ilinc'; and 'onki'ii; at Ik i lliioiii;!) his (ywzzn ' h id l!m iiiiiliut.ry lo reiii n k in n atidihlit tout: of voice, lh.it 1 1 !.' !(dl'W.ll)!l! HOOil Winking, vhfl IS tho lOtlS nowaul, art krt'J CiVttaW I liaVd tVaW ..en.' 'llu'-h,' s.id thr permn to w lnm - poke, '.hit i , (miii ; the niy rhiki ol' the nchcsi plantsr io tin Stai. ?' 'Aw,' said ihe cmu'y pors-', lint a' ui'.j the fuse. I M.oil'i not liitv an, il-j'M'sion inys 11 ti n if. y a plu.inliou ud a hood f-v! of n.'i.ies, 1.J n m I -ll !! !) Jtvac f.,i :liei:tl ret. When AT- !l,.d li.ii.nH. I he) ti.nca ai.d '.iben l.rr mm', ibis jjiiiilc oian in st r.rcii id a nil'.- rjoo.u", vt as h.-i.iilii polpe how, .b a Ike. I hc-r if In .vouWi not hsve ,ii . vv of daucio wish hei i:i 'he m xt set.?' So isplied, wiih.tvii(h irijcoioij fie?, 'cettainly,' for in tru'h she set-inciJ 'o I ke ihe amusement. Puces w-ie oid -red to brt t tlceo for he next S' t, and hi le i out lii unso phislica'ed hen ess Sns ilaoced with li'eai fpir.l ltd ab.iut tha middle of the hnil liure, when eheabrup'iy d prt: ctpiutoly rviiied lo h'-r s:at, Ifaviiij; her p'litter slonft in his c'nry. 'Ie w.s thunclci i tick couWl not sc n. and I maktt ro dcubi he had prom io marry her when he w8 in h-r faiher's.ccuni tor socn conouci; inr iiiu-j as n , , . . . ,-, ,.,. i,., leivo htr cu'.lil for kiiuwi'');, lie had no' court: lor when he csme to wait upon titr,.' . . ' , , . , anticiti.t ol that sr would s' t va bin. m her arrival in ii.glariL, sho appeared ' " " rue!) a triik inai. i ollowirg nor o- ,.i. priced, turned away Item hiPi wuh , . , . MrM'sed her inany' w.iuld have jumpeil further, bill wanttntmost scorn and resentment, and it w as! jn a tone rd' ilisplea-tu e saynitr.. 'Aad- of room prrmilted no striking display of a gilny Here was a situation for a modest hi mi.' Btfoit) 1 cou'-d say 'angels and inin- some lime before khn would be prevailed al))c, tn what may 1 altwihtite conduct ' . , . . .. ,1 . t I ! . ' iv mi to see lion, 5nn could noioiiievr tiny in mi would have deemed her, for whom A K AO IT Y CASE. Mr. Henson, a shoemaker, who resi ded at VVoodend, nuar the "pot where the V illag House is now iep', was no rem.ir kable for acu eness in hi inenl.. perceptions. llt kept for sale in iIip front nf hi shop a few IiNIh matter most called lor by the neighbors, sucl is ot'iT, Citntiies, nun, oreau, yc. urn 'iiornin a wag stopped in and ptirchas d a brittle of beer. Ha stood tiikina a few :nomtnls, and (ioally slid thai In vas souy be hid purchased the beei, ind requested Mr. Ilenaon lo exchsngr it for a lo a f ol bread as the price was lh otmfi. l o ilns the, worthy cordwainei readily ssien'ed: t hi war took ihe los eat it while in ihe shop, v-t he was go loft out, the vender h e (,i t ai i n !y remin ded hirn that ho had no! paid for tin bread. 'Cei'iainlv I have paid for Ihe bread, I 4ve you the b.rr f,r ji. 'Ii'it t n you haven't psid me fur the beer.' 'I ilitlo'i ttka thn beer It ii befor vou at (his moment. Tho worihy Crispin was abounded. Hi looked sedately, nd rubbed hit 'ortheail, but all lo no urpoe" Tin ca'e was snll a mystery. 1 1 ue said he, 'you tve me a hot 1 of heer for iho hie nl, od as 1 st ill Imve he bottle cf b .t r I can'iih' m and pay foi hat; but I hid bo'h. Ooe imw is fj;oiie t nil I leceivud no iiioorv.' Ti en he a 41'in nravely coosoleit.-d thi matter, and iinally, abiupily brika cul wiUi lliu con clusion ; Scualh, tk jl.nejihhor, il Is just as into it.' i 1 I 1 1 piece 01 snaie, ami tit the suiiii'iso of 7 0 irrite in various Colors with the same Pen Ink and. Taper. Tak a shell he woi kmen, n iroj; leaped out of th,,,01 I);,'n" l"t,1 wel "uma l,iirls "f 'di a so- deJt. hen firsl ohservfd, it ait wr- 'ol'" carbanale potass which iiiust ed very weak, and though oflnri! z .Jb diluted with watprso as not to appeur "mi til erawl only with d Hi uliy. (J , on the p .per when dry. Wel soma other CIost examination, sev-ral pJcul mm parts with diluted muriatic sci.l. ,,r ,th ties were observed; . eye were lull L.ice nf lemons. Some mber ,.. n..v h, siZetd, though it could 1101 .see, a, u,)on ouching the rye, it ivuuos no (elini. l'here is a lint) indicating where iIh nouth would have b-ieo, had it not bvo Mnlioed; but the mou b h-t never been pfiied. Several deloi nyiti vo,- wer A o ohsei vahip; and the spine, whicri lias icen forced to tlevelope ii.self in ao an ulnr form, appears a swfficieni proof of is having wrown in .1 veiy conliopd pice, ev n if ihe hollow in iln pitjc 1 f hale.by conespondi g to th : shao of nh hack; lint nol place Iho nitt er beyond 11 1 1 . riii eaooaiiie riouo! ihe nog continurs n sizo and weight, ihougd no food CO' ie given lo ii;ind ms viulily is preset v- d only by breathing through Iho thin kin covmmi the lower 1 iw. .Mr. V EHis, with tho vievv of giving his priz s much publicity as posible, hs ilepus- ed it at the iew Ion, rihyr, where is exhibited as 'Iho greatest woihIpi n the world, a frog found in a sione 45 eel fiem the surface of the eon ti whti- has been iiving wilhoui fujd for the jsl 5000 year!' vet with a diluted solution of alum, an J on others with an infusion of nut-galls, (water in which bruised or pulverized nut-jr-ills h ive been sieeped. None of thesa prep,.r Hons muit be so strnng as to color the paper my. When these are dry, take s me fine ly powdered sulphate of iron, and rub it liiihtl on sumo parts of the paper thai have b ien ivpt with subiarhonaia of p.ilass, am) infusion of gills. Then wuh ihe joico of vi;!?ts or of ihe leaves of red cabbage, write m the paper as usual with a pen The ink is of iisidf a faint purple; where the paper 'i wet with 3"id, fie writing will be bright red, 011 the subearbouaie of potass il will take a bfl.iuhful groan; on the alum it will be brown; on the sub-carbonate of poius ihut was rubbed with powdered solphaie of iron, it will hu a deep yellow, and on the infusion ol g ills that was ruhht-d with pon ¬ der, it will he black. The juice of violets will lake a biilliatl yellow 011 tho alkali, if ii be 6tioii The juice of vi ilets or red cabbage may be kept a long lime by means of I ti e addition ol a few drops of alchohol; rnJNACITV OF THE ROHLV A corresiiotidonl of ih M t .zine of Natural in-tory relates the fullowine "r lht) lei"ea 'oe (1,'ied b w lire' ail'! exlraoidiuary instance of iherubio (Kty'thus may be kept ready for ine; and il is ihaca Hubecilla); Heari.ig one Wai -jonly icqusite lo steep them in hot water, riling in tree adjoining my house, I in order to prepare Ihe ink at any ti ne. was iii'luccd to place en the window A WORD I'O YOUNG MEN. Wishing, and sighing, and imavmiuir, A Moduhn Newton -A dehatinft st- tiety out to Mirhigiii had Ititly ul nilt.'.l lor d'-C is'io'i lint silhj -ct, '.Iocs tho woi id 20 10110 I or 1I0' s it no1?' Pne h lir reui 11 k)d that lirt dul not propose t b cid"' lliere was any doubt 011 lh . . . . r . l- I t'l'o -ct, out 10 'letc o tui tiij uraiors i'l'ter the lir-t speaker had occupied a ioiioi ten mtuu'es in the discussion, In at down and was succeeded by one t! he 'lights' of ihe town, who tJcliveitd linns. II thus; 'Il (lit! woi Id wis round, it would' lie 1 Hj.nl.ir an I even as it ii, AUet you'd travelled a liiiln ways, youd be gin lo slide and slide, ail') burieby yrni'd uuihlft (dial Iho edge it you dulu catch ho d '0 so'iie'hiog lo hold on by. villi 'h 01 they iaik ol stihnu round the woi Id'. Uiy II 1 lie wol liJ was ruuiui ind went 100 id as ihey say it ilid, the ciipliog d have no'hin,; to do, but tie his ship to a tree, and tt'tl go, rotrvl nf 11- l! My opooin ut Ins ii.'.ked, 'II tin world tli)cS 0"! gi iiMjiiu, t.mv does me uti tl round to Ihn light jiUcm again.'" I an.-ivir lor a very plain leasm, when 1 iloii'i 'it's m 1I.11 1; y o;i catit 'e it!' Tin" 1' s.tid the ch.iirmart, and Ihe youn rtan -a l down, and H was sever- il nini'i!r b. ini" 011 recovered from Ihe Hidden sn.ieK iiis iin igioaiton nail exp? en need iii.HKjcio oi me 01 mors 11 jonres, who, .11 t lifl K j i 1 ii ioo of lh toiif, aif ff.qi'.Mtly lost 111 Iho obfun- ilit-OI 0! list 1 H-1' 1'ROO'j IN Si'ONKS. We h ive t.v I'-d iippitenily well au li'.fliiticaitd iiislaiices on cchi I ii fini- md toitls having b'.'eu found eo'loset' ill miTises ni loek, lo thti ini-l'ior id vliich tiierc w is io prtcptitile mfeii- ofiiiiiitss. I, ins been ihe fislnoo, lowtVSTj wiin iiaturtflis's.-'o d soiisj al ii, h cases on ihe asiumption lint (her nust have been some cn-fi or opuoint by which the aiiim:il was inlini'ieii whih 1 enibijo, or while in a very yun po stal'-; 00 one, so tar as wp are awaie.bi- ieving thai ihe sperm or young anion! oiay have been enclosed when Ihe rock was in the process of formation at tht io'.lom of shallow waters. VVhatevpi mny be the true therTy regarding im- m,ls bo eticloied, ih-ir hisiory is cer lair.ly one of the iiljjheat interest, am widiool aiteinpting to aolve tho problem wn piett nt t.ur re;.d' rs with an i.istanc taken from tl.o mining .lourntl of Jinu such as you have ju-l been guilty of? aiy 18, 1 S 15: -A few days since, as Vou accept tiiu fut a pawliuw, and liien IniiiiUj natii'jil W. was working siii a buaul ifoll Siufled s;it citiien cf thi btii!, in ihe hope lhat t would siirac tho iiltenlioii of his living b.oihci. Ner was 1 disappointed. 'I'he sorg be came lfiulir...iid.iu .W,'fy raui.;., ami far as the window. Sniittlv ai'er h .lew Up 1 1 o 111 ins lite, a 1 ti rnnle so viu- fin ai'aiu on ine sion u specimen, bs 0 ibiow it from a he'ght ol two slorie: 'ii ihe ground pii'Sding i even wniii iilln.g, and couliotiiig its visit-r, c when down. I then perched 11 n no empty b.iX in tin; J aril H e liv ninl rriiianicd within a lew leel oi- in. ill the tim ; and directly I hail v lim 1 few paces the attack was icm-wet with double vigour, and sa ohs'inalely, hit I con1. 1 ei!y have caught die li nig conibaiant. On my withdrawing the sniffed bin! roui the unequal coineni its opponent re iiitued his place on the box, sunning ahou with an expanded tail and erect muiude, il claiming and pronouncing a victory. 1N0- icing the bird 10 be rtili hovorieg abiml tht dace, replaesil mv iilulleil specimen on he window sill securing 1 he sianj by n iriidawl; anil hardly bad 1 dtnid so before ihe robin resumed ihe war by seuling on the head of his unconscious foe, diging and picking al it wuh such ft-rwciiv and violeot'e ihut had I not interfered, the niter destruc tion of my poor speeimen inusl hava ensn ed- Thri expeiiinent nf course was not r iipived, bul the robin during me rosi ol the dav kepi watch in the ioiineiliate ueleli h.ith" ..I, and ei'oiinoeit eliiuiioj h 1 a times it dctiatio oven in ihe nhade ul the Li'tisiug MO!) URN I'tiCl'liV. The folhtwii.g delccuh'e liulo morsel is n exira-1 f'nra poein,' furiushsd by a. ,'oiraspondetil nf iht Norihern CabiuPt nvei iho signature of 'Sy noiicinijus.' Truly tht poets ata nol al! doad yet! ih.irf whs a man in Canada. a cobler by tra.lti ti is mi'rriail him a hiustim wifa a ii! alter words she du d he martisd next buty bur cheeks wcih like the inse bur eys like sparkht? Iiaions i i un vurtur did diacioie she settled down in Stockholm upor. a pce of land and mars they bill all for there ua a log fi tin si And a bar.-i. and die tiinng of gieatnees, s lid Wijliain Wirt, will never make you i:,!'?;!'v.B."' ii-s? Head Foster on decision of charac ier. That hook w ill tell you wh it is 111 vim r power to accompli!'. Vou iniisl aiid up yoi.r hiins and go to work with all the iiidoinnii'tblo energy of Hatinh.A sea' ling ihe Alps. It i ynur dmy to make tho uosl t.dt'iits, time, and ippnriuiiities. Alfred, King id Ungiaud. though he per lortiii d more, business iliau most ul hto eob p ets, stdl found time to study. Franklin, in the midst nl' all his labor?; mind lime lo dive to tin) dpihs of philoo ihy, and exnlora an uti'.rwdden path of sci- 'liep Ficderiik tho Oreat. with an Empire at Ins command, in the mi'.Lst of war, and 1 n he eve of batlledVund time lo revel 111 ;.ll ihe. r . 1 ti 1 1 r.. .... 1 ; ..... '1' cliarms ill piiiiostinny, .in.i iruo m ill the luxuries of teaming. Boiiaparto with Europe at his disposal, md kings al his ante chamber begging for vacntil iliroi'.KS, am! al the head of ihoiissnds if men whose destines were auspend-d 011 his arbitrary pleasure, had lime lo converse with books. And young men who are confined to la- !ur or oilier business even fwelve hours 111 , 1 . . . . f ... 1 ..1 : . die (lays., may ukb iwo moots 01 nn is eft for sniiiv, and which will amouni lo ;wo monihs in tho year. Is that nothing? Ak Elihu Burrilt, Ask Simpson the great u. llliPinaticlan A-k l.-i -i-hi I, die fust of astronomer; ounp , . . 1 . on worked at too wpvel s inoin ami llersctiel was a poor fifer boy in the army. I, el votir own txpei ionnt of what can e dt ne 111 one year st'Ule the question .vheiht r to acquire ns?full information by ei;i.-t,ir and hard study, be pricttcable or Itsitable. PF.USEVEKANCH Al! the peifoi malices of Ionian art, nl vliich we look wiih praise or wonder, aie .ostaiicis of the resisiless fmce of persever sin e; 11 is by thii lhat the quarry bct.om-s 1 pi ran, nl, and ihaudistant countries ere it oiled by canals, li'amanwas lo ennipiio ihe iffeei of a single stroke of ihe pn-k a..; ,r of oo impiession nf the spade, wuh ih general tlesigr.and lasi result, he would be overwhelmed by the sense of their oispro junior.; yet those petty operations, inm santly entninned, in lime surmount il ! . . . . Thi nreser.t R-volu i'in in Mexico, is grcattst dihicuiiy, and muunlaitis are hie- lie tenth since il tint w od lliu Spauisli'ed, oteans hounded, by the slender foi-.v ot yoke in 1 S 10. I u 11. 11 bcir.gj. D-, Ju'iiuJti. In just about 3 mon.h from ibts iherd was a tiouthcr cry that he had gavu bur pison sluf, Od fur to msko bur dy.'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers