The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, April 04, 1846, Image 4

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    THE (i A ULAN 1
With twikat flxmrrn mrirh'il,
From uurioiu garth im enll'il with ant."
Imitated fromtht Italian of Manzoni.
lie loo rrposci from hi toil-
Tho mighty mind lm fled";
And moiionloss tlio morul coil
Upon Iho earth i laitl.
Mulhinks, that, at a blow ao rude,
Tho Earth herself a moment aloud;
A moliuulm ami mute;
Ileflnc-ling on the fatal hour
Of him who i'way'u so f aal a poer,
AnJ doubting if the fool
Of one so great would aver place
lis track again upon her face.
1 w him, throned in glory, reign
In his refulgent hall;
I saw him sink, ascend again,
And ihcn forever fall.
1 ilallercd nol his hour of state,
Nor meanly moek'd his adverse fate:
Bui o'er his funeral urn
I came lo chanl a mournful song,
To which, perhaps Ihe curious throng
- A passing glance may turn,
When future centuries shall cast
Their eyes on the recorded Pasl.
From Egypts flood to St. Bernard,
From Madrid to (he Don,
His crashing thunderbolt were heard,
His lightning terrors shone.
From North to South from sea to sea
His very name was victory.
Was this the true renown?
Let other limes the question scan.'
Yo hurabty bow before the plan
Of thai Most Holy One
Who deignsd so copiously to shower
Upou his head the gift of power.
The joy of wild Ambition's drca.ra
Its inly-gnawing care
"Were his, and has ihe last extremo
Of good and ill to share:
"Suecess by danger made more sweet
Dominion . jlorbwe defeil
Twice master of the suSj net-world
And tiweein fury headlong hurl'd
1'IOm 1 1, at- "-' u ts "
lo grovel in the common dust.
Two worlds the men of yesterday
And of to-moirow, stood
Engaged for years in furioiw fray
Drenched in each other's blood.
lie waved his hand and all was peace:
He bide the stern contention cease,
And then he pasd'd away;
Hut still in ruin always great,
The mark of boundless love and hula
And reverence and dismay
And pity on his distant rock
Mankind' perpetual gazing-itock.
How oil as some poor shipwrecked man,
'Mid ocean's raging swell
Willi straining eyeballs tries to scan
Tho life-preserving Bail
Ilotrac'd in vain that rock-bound coast
And when he knew that all was lost
What shades of black despair
In horror o'er his spirit fulll
How oft in Memory's bitter well
He stove to drown his csic
And still at cvey fresh design
Left incomplete the attempted line!
How ofien a wiih downcast eyos
And folded arms he stood;
When sunsoi stained wiih golden dyes
The vast Ailanlic flood;
3cfore his thought would Fancy raise
A dream of other glorious days,
Of tenia extending fair,
The Hashing s'.eel the countless host;
"The glittering banners wildly lost,
Upon the troubled air,
The vollicd charge the maddening rry
Of onset and of victory!
Ah! then kc felt his faWl lapao
From that resplendent show
To his rockpnson ami; perhaps;
Had sunk beneath tho blew,
But from above into his soul
A gracious voice of comfort stole,
And told him of the bliss
Of oilior worlds by Heavon desipnedj
'To welcome the Immortal Mind
On taking leave of ibis;
Bright Worlds beside whose uemiiiiig furr
, 1 1... -I...: i i
-us giuin; die out iiouiihfMicis.
Faiih-iaving IYuh-lhe cvr r-blcsl,
Upen the record-roll
Of tier acliievtinei'H then impress vl
Tlio noblest of the whole:
or never ye did pmmlir kuer,
iefore the Man of Culvury'
In homage touch ihe "'.
Chen brtuihe nolu'er his lowly tomb
lisp- of hale or wrath lo co ne,
Hut lenve him to hi (.od
Who deigned a holy calm lo slicu
Upon Ihe soldier's dyinjr bed.
0 Yis! 0 Yis! O Yis! 1 1 Cried an Ir-
mhmuu in ilio sneet a low la m' r"'JT
a bfll. 'Lobt beiwane twilve o'clock
nd Mr. ALKinslry 8He,on iUaiKai mrair
Ume brass kay. 'II not bo nfihiT ttllm
L ,u it u::i. Inn ii wis the hiiV 01
vu vii- mj - - - -
ihe Kink sure.'
''or Trial ul April Term, J' I) 18 JG
i l. . . i, xf..,'..!! .! im liwauli l.nrtKtn
'j JOI11) V.'. .,ltv;uil ii .......
I) Tobi is Mnrl. el ul v I noma .tloornc.ui ci ui
I'uler Bahlv vh David IVliikin
g liamard !"tilcrl s Thoma.-i McNair ct al
) Saimirl l uailly vt Ituwler el ul
in llrnrv iinlinl Vh JoKCim I uxioii
Dr 'J'huma r iUli vs Iliimuu f liuiii'aru rial
'I h .uiittit S Hutit)iird el ul vj (ieoru;n Muu el al
1 TlwrnaH lui khouo vu V aiuuh Kcest! el ul
H Daniel Cioks el ul vs Henry Hi Mi
lllienezer (ireenmiuli ' t.aleD I islier ei w
Hi liunj im'ni Jielerith vs Willi i. -olt el ul
17 Frederiek Leilij v Uunjaiuiin' etleiuian
18 Henry I,. Sinilli vs Aine Cole
I!) Hamucl Conner va . elienlum li
JO Samuel iSliedman vs Cwer J) .eU el ul
'21 Numvel Slnilman vs Owen D leil el ul
22 Samuel Shediiniit vs Owen D la ib
3 Micnacl U Ilower v Llijuh I'rico
'24 Mioliael Low v Georo Kolner
2S Mieliuel Low m Ahrahnm Hair
2(1 Michael Low vs Ytwl Hair
J7 William lh lnncr vs llelirv Miller
.Alexander Uesl ct al udniimttlralnr ot Janicn
Luugheiddeceaiicd vi iusun ita
Fur April Term, A, I). 1S46-
51oom William Neul
Uricrcrerk Jucot Dielciieh
Center Thimu ('oniicr William Edwaids
i),.rrv James Hutchison William McBrid
William iendershot 1'hilip 'eidlo
Franklin William Ocurlicart
Hemlock John Olo Isaac Lcidy
Liberty Andrew Billmeyor
I.iinesone David Lilly John Shearer
jlahoning Fruncw S. Smith Kudolnh Scchlcr
John Lunger
Mum Abruham Kcaso
Mt 'leasant A.rino Vallorchamp
Madison Ixaae WcUrido
Montour William Vorks f. John JJoycr
Mifflin Cornelius lliltcnhouso
Orange Hcnjainin Hay man
For April Term, d. I). 13-16.
Catlawissa tl'illiuin Davidsou, David ("lark
- -J Cwiav JuVan Oliuwvk JxJOKtAt Oiulot L
DcrryiSamuel Pollock James Loko
Fishingcreek A W Kline William Evan
uecenwood ianiel McEvven Isaac Lvans
n l , ,i i
iwi iiaru j oiiock ...... j.cner oic-1
plien II Miller
Mahoning-. M C Grier Eli Trego Edward
Young Suwell Clibbs A G Voris Saeob techier hen
William Morgan William Colt Joseph Haitman
Montour Junes McNincli Mieliuel Heiideihhol
Madison .Newton 'l'linuin.4
Main Kudoljili .Sliuinan Isaiah Lunguberger
Mt rieasanl Noah Dtalo
Orange Morris Klino
Sugarloat Malliew Mcllenry John Ikeler
Valley William Dluo
FP.CLi.Ui. TIC lTc
Wfll'.R?,B, tho Hon. Jobehi C. AsTiiexT
I SB rresidentol the Court of Over and Tor-
limner and tiuneral Jail Delivery, Court, of (Juarer
I ' . . . 1
JSeiisiona of tho rcace.aiid Court of Common I'leaJ
aim urniians Uourt in the eighth indicia! disiiiel
Jcomposed of the counties of Northumberlaiu'
Union, Columbia and Lvconiimr: und Iho Hon
mmwl Vttli.1 and Slriihrn Jlultlv. Ksouiie:
l.ssocialo Judges in Columbia counlv .have
issued their beaming datn ;tho i!4lh day ot
iuK in wio year 01 our j.orU one thousand
leight hundred and foriy-five, and to me directed.loi
Jl Court Of Oner and Terminer. n,ul ll,,,.
, i;i I..;.,!,.,, .., 1 yi.
...... 1.UI, jyi.iL 1 11, ijcnriK wuaricr
Sessions of the Peace, Common Fleas
and Urplian 3 Court.
1.1 u.vimii.i,i,,iii ine i.ounty or Columbia
IV IIIVinllD L .1 . . ..
oh tho third Monday of A pril jext. . beiinT
I'JOtli J.iy) and to continue one week t
iiijuce ii uiereiore nereov ffiven !r
: .v i - , .
ine Loronar, the Justices of the Peace, und en
la!)lcol tlic said county ot Columbia, tha' thev
I'm men anil more in tlieir tiroper netaons. nt In
lo'clock in the forenoon of taid day, with tlu-ir
iccords, inquisitions and other remembrances. to
1,1 .i.: ...
"" loiiigi Hintu io uieir oincet apiierlaiu to
''0 done. And those that arc bound by rcc.'-ni
aliens, to prosecute igainst the prisoners thai ;
.. i IUVJ..II ui uKl touiny 01 t.o inn un
i..,.., I... ... fl... I 1 .... I ... .- . .
ire io no men ami llieru to prosecute ngaiiit them
I is shall be just, Jurors are leiinesled to be i.uu.
Ilual III tin ir atleliilance, agreeably n, ibeii iiuiiee-
u" l wiiiMlle, uui lo'th day ofMnreh.ii.
il,.. ..-ip ..r..... i i ... .i . .
..... j ... ... ...ii i, i, in 01(. iiiousauii i'i"lu
liuiidicil and toly-six and in the llUlh vvai
of the Iiidepcudencv of tlio l.niltd .S',.
ol Auienea
IK AM DEUK fitmff,
iiKHirr's Orvicr., Danville
iVarch 1J, 18 IG.
S hereby given thai ll,e c.pnrtnerMiip herelnlore
, eMslmi; miller Ihu brm tl Piu.-. und .inlee U
ll-Mille.l anil ll.e ai ei-uunls u i-:li, I ru, I...... I
I ecu
silKiieil lo the Hiibseiiber, who aloni
, is million.'!-,
lo collect the i-aiiiC.
IMai'li i;i i . i;
Mew Stoa'e.
IV U A I It A N l I! M H NTS.
Yo littmtwq but (louth ilucn lo the low-
cut notch oil through.
killirtrrilirr llavii'g rnrnjili'tnl bis new
Hlore holme, on Aam htreet near Maike,
mi lilniiliijiliru.and having sUieked it vt illl a ulncU
f entire new kudos, winch were twlecleil Willi
ureal cue 111 re(-urU to style alio jirire, lie naiieri-
. I ' I A . . ..
liiin sell' that be ran oiler Iresh gomls, ami uewesl
Ivl'Vand litem at lower priees lliun has ever been
olli red in lliis plaee, and us tlui asmirtiueiit consi:-U
f every thing lor eoml.'rt iiml uuoi mucin in I lie
Dry Goods.
iL'elher wiih a K-uerul uoilinenl i l
fyurcnxwiee (some, tirw ul ytctj school
iiookii, Jlunlwurc, L'eilcr ivare, Itnlit
ware, Jlurthmuuirc, S'tlina or
Lake, ground, Fine Lisbon
and Dairy Salt, Sal
mon Muckcrul ,und
Cutnndiah, Inula
ton '(. Fine cut fc
Smoking 'labucto, Candles
Soap, Comer Kitten, Si e.e, liar Iron.
benldes numerous other mlit les, nil ol uliii li wil
lie sold ul a very email profit for readv iiiv, imd lit
would ri'.iiicctrullv invite nil peisoim lo eali and
luinine his good mid prices, bclore pun basing
I'he highest prices paid lor all kinds of counliy
jiiuLUi e.
I.. IS. Kl I'Llil
lllnomshiirg, Sept. SClh, IS 10 22lf.
frTAS 7 0A7.S7A G NE ll'Sfi
AT lllh
New Siot9e9
THE subscribers takes this nicthod-of informing
the uubliethut they have just arrived from Phila
delphia with a npleudid assortment ot
among which maybe found a superior selection of
Mack. Illue Ulack, Hlue, Green, Invisible
Green, Olive and Mixed Cldhs, supc
rioi French andFancyCassimeres,
Sattincts of all colors and prices
Ky mucky,. leans, Heavy
Dock Tweed, and
Hard irnfs
A splendid assorlmont
of Woollen, Velvet, Ve
lenia, Smin and Swanudown
Vestiii)s, Flannels of all colors &;
prices, colored, bleached fc unbleached
Ootion Flannels, Furniture andApronCheck
Maneher enk Scotch (iinghams, Dcd itkjng
bleached and unbleached Table Jiuicr; fig
ured and plain Alpaecas; rondecherry a newarlicle
for Ladies' wear; Furniture and Dress Calicoes of
ill prices; a splendid assortment of
Shawls, Dress Handkcrckief,Cruvats
and Colarells.
A full assoMmeD'.ijs'U'r', nriu
Ladies' and Gen 1' i'j;,,mns. Collars ana ue Boww., ,
MomMli'L...... V. ':,jntCUaml
1 iu'11 ouspenders, fyc. i-c,
Together with a full assortment of
turoccric. isarluatc mwl
wnb a variely cf oilier 01 titles too numerous to
The Kubserihm fi el confideri:, since their pood.
I I I n I. ...... I .1.1.1 .
"J'- "" I'uii.tmn. u vu iiiu m:oi iriius, a id have
been selected with ureal care: lhat tliev can si ll low
er than they can ho bought nt tiny oilier store in
Ibis part of ihe county; tln-y thcrt'fum solicit ihe pa-
ironnga 01 a geucioua puMic.
I he highest price paid for al
fr 1 w K 1111 is nr 1 .1 1 1 1 if v I'l.'ii
I' , r,...,.i.n..r
in exchange fui
December 5; 1S-15 33tf
TOVE rirE foraalo ut lh New fctore.
I. H. KL'Fi'Kft
Odobor II.
HEeeveriil Colleetora of MutnTi.r n, r,.l.
.-. " - ... - 'WIUIII-
Uued hill Counlv foi tlui n ar IK IT, ,.. I. 1
J - ..iiij nu-
lhat they are reiiuired to ehaiL-c i n-i ..
111 -Malo lax icmaining unpaid since the sc.aini
1 noway 01 Jiiniiarv. nllj. in accord on-., u-iil. ii.-
lollownig direction ol an Act ol Assembly nassei .0.1, yi. . jvuy oiaic 1 u.v ren in.
l.r.l .111 IU1 I ..I.. . . A . " .
"ojiaKi ny uny lniiivinual or coiporalion al'li r sai,
!,,-...-,, .
I ax ib uuo and payable by said counlv to the Cm
ai.imvcalth, shall bear un interest ffsU 1)Cr r,f
mo iicu ucn on 111c estate on K uci it 1 i- i ,r..,l
... , 1 i- .1. . . . ....'
. :o :. : i-.. 11.. . - 1 , ....... o u-
un 11 11 idiiy pain 11110 sauslicu
And the said Collectors are requested to kecii ..-.-ntni, i.f nil - I i .1
ill Mala Taxes naid sini c il,,. ,;,.. . ...... i
1 . ui, iiii,.ivi h i 11 v1.11 ny 1 leni on
, . . ' . " . .11,11111.
I4"" 10 remicr an account then lor upon tho belli
neui oi men duplicates.
riiTER EN T,
Lojutisntoxsn s Offici; ;
Danville, Fib. 6, ls-10. S
usiaic or ruiitam tUen.uh. hile. of
n ytrp. ...
ni . . . . ' . I i
liianni luwnsltin. deceased.
TVTfiTirtO lu I,',. ,,!, ;. .. ...... r ... ..r . i
j-V ... ... .. ..j i.i.h, ui.ii 1,1'iit-rH 111 ah.
X. uouisiraiiou on me iil.ove mentioned estal,
im.-i hi en )-iiiiiioii in mo Hiiliscrilier, living ill Cal-
lawisMi towiishin. All persons indebted lo tin
"slile lire hereby notilied to in.iku iiniu.-illiiiii ii
ncni, unii mi mose liming claims are leuuestud to
. ... . r .
luva, m iiiuin jiropeny auilienlieiileil. to
JOSH'H yiliOliy'I'. AJm'r.
March 11, 181ti 6w47
S hereby given to all pcrsonn not In purchase
mice .void ni innil; or I bu sum 2u.Mii
n il. dated April I I S 1:1 signed ,v th hii!,.eti!e
payahle to Absolon ISomboy, one Apiil I -Hi
one .piu I. -i I.; am,' une April I 1 s i, in 1 sli.ill
icIiim'1,1 ,;;, ibe same, lining if reived lui e.iiisid
i ration loi thenr
CST received a frcdi mipply of doublo bod mul Unirlinuil 1 SIcilIi I'll I , HI
""' " .. .., iw n
Ihe New Mre. ' u 1X1 1 '
January IT
hTTftTrisc, rufnVnn.
,1 ilio bil iiu.dlly, JU'it received by
I )eceniber 5
BAUKiXS of iho be.t ipialily of
jusl H'CKlvou vy
WM' McKELVY ii Co.
Dcember 6
ttd TONS Lime Enmci CO.iL
lor sale by
Z)ecem!ior 20
nut received and for sale by
December 13,
Chair B'laufacto y
'l illi buOicriber continue 10 cany
business at the old stand of U- fc S. lltigen
Iiueli. where lie will bo readv at all U'Cf
10 furnish Fancy it Windsor Chairs, Ket
ices, Boston Hocking Chairs te, of every
description, which may be called lor, al
nhiiri notice and on the mosl reasonable
terms. He will also execute House, Sign &
Ornamental Painting, and House Papering
in a superior manner,
From his experience in the
his facilities of manufacturing
. .
business, anil
tlifi various
articles of his line, he flatters himscl'. thai
he shall bo able to furnish as pood work,
and upon as reasonable terms as van hi
done in the country, all of winch ne win
dispose of for CASH or COUMIiY
N. U- Orders from a distance will hi
strictly ar.d punctually attended 10.
Dloomslurg, Dec. 30, 1813
L. 15. UUPEUT,
"CT STAVING disposed of hifl first stock ofgnodn.
E J2. has just r.-ceived a lar better and more splen
did Maori iiiciil.suit.iMo to the season, coiibirtine
of airood a vnrie'v of
i"i mens wear, as can be had at any other ulorc
elulhslnr Ladies' ,,e-IIn.H. CaiUiin n.l ,l,i,l.
ic eoiiniy all Kuiiia ot
Moots and Shoes, very cheap,, hwides a lare as
sorlinent of
and in fact, almost every thing that can be found
in any other store in the county.
Iiclii i ini; that a nimble si.neiuv isbrllcr tlm,, n
-lull i-lullillL', llO w ill Colltililli In Ki-ll u , ,
mall advance, fur readv nav. llo ilnii l',.r,. In.
vilesall lo call, 1',-eliiig a-suied that they will be
1 . - - -
sali.-hcil with his urieu.
Nov l.rj
The subscriber offers for sale his
Kiiuaieu on ine corner oi jiiain nml La.-t-ilrceli.
in ,'loomsliurg, (Joltiinbia Couulv, Pa. Il is w, l
alculalcd ,1'of ihu locaiion fur a I'ublic House o
C( Feci front on AJainstrut,
iill l-"ifceton Fast-street,
and the ro;:d leading lo the llloomshuri; Kail sad
Iron Companv's I'uinaccs. This Lot is well cal-
ulatcd lor bunding upon Lasl-streel ns well ns on
Mam, and being situated in the centre of ll.a Iron
icyioii ol Columbia ('ouily, is will worthy the
uuenuon oi inn capilaliMs.
For any information icspcclini the ctoditions
ecquile ol
'Jfl.-tr.LJM KAhUill
Elcnmsburg, CtecniLcr 0
TA Si O R.
KESPECTl-'l LLY, ii.fornie tho public'lhat he
lias moved into the budding louuei ly occupml b
Hie l.ej.'ister 111 Alaikel street ucai Win. K'eln
it Co. store where he will akvavs be ready I
make any l.uid ol clothing, id the tdinrtcst untie
and ill the best and most f.isliioiiuble s.U le. I ion
bis long experience in tho business, ho fallcr
himself he shall continue to civu general cat
.faction and thereby holies to receive u share oliln
public palronae.
(! 'articular ultclillou iaid (otuMiug.
.in kinds oi country produce taken in iiavincul
loj wmk.
Hlooiiisburg, Aug. 0 le-lo. If 18
All personn indebted to iho sohyrri
ucr on itoini, notr, or hook accouni
make pay nu til before the first day ol
February next, or iheir aecotin's will uf
ler lhat daif, Lr L it widia Jusiict; dl
(he I'eace for immrdin'e cllerlinn,
Cabinet Waro SIousc.
HIE Mibseriba rii;iild resperlliilly inloim me
pnbhe, that he has taken the sli lute-y 01
"Pied by A'aniuel Lilly, near mo upper vuu
liloomsliurg, where he is carrying on tho
11 all its vurioiH bianclies, iiniMMiere lie win i
!i u:iii iiiHiii 11 I lose who limv iar
' " I , T I "
11I1 their cUHljin. His 1 uriiiline is wanaiiicu i
... ni'.il., .if irit.i.l maleiiiil and durable, and bo in-
lend ) keeping oil hand
Sidewards. Secret urns, juirrnus
Wardrobes. Curd Tables, Dining
Tables. Jtreurfasl Tub1.1,
Cu pbmi i ds. SI a n ds, 1 1 'ash
Dough-t roughs,
Coffins, ic.
id all kind of work in his line, which he vid .el
pou as reasonable terms aj they can be pi,., !i im.
111 iho county.
II v aun t attention to busmen he Iiojk s to rr
.civo a share of public patronage.
LI. I Di.'JVl..
April 25, 1815. lyl
In interfiling Pamphlet, culled lh
rC'U Ciratuitotm Ciicub'tlc'i to all pemona win
ill cad, 1'ieseive, and Lend it, ut 11. Liu.
l:io,.nbur.;. John Moore, Danville, John liusci
Milton, Waller A, Co. iiefwuk
111 the following named Article have ob
tamed unbounded jiopuumiy.viz:
I.liPinmitism. Contracted cords, fc'till' Joints, and
done will n Htivelv be cured by the Mle Use ol
the Indian Yeaeluble Klixir and Liniuteitt. Tlx
..-pi.liin we im ile tn call and be ncrsonallv re'er-
ri-i to L'crn enie ol ma umuesi mainuiiK in uu:
, . .. r .1. . I -. . I ... l:.... ... .1,1
ity who has been cured of Kheuinalum by thii
mncdy '1'hey are warranted the only genuine
lkaiiiemVt Mc.Nair's Acoustic Oil hasnrov ei v successful ill curins even total Dcalucs.-
V e nave many ceitincaies iroin cui.ens wim nan
e l this OIL with cu udelo success v.o tcvili
who ure troubled with any diraseof the liar
examuie the proof
Ij'iiigkjj'n It 'extern Indian Vunaeea is the lies
family medicine in the woild It is a cure for Dya
oensia. Aslhma. Liver complaiiit, Indigestion, Cos-
tiveue-s Jaumlice.EpiUspsy Hebihly tye, o
N It It operates without the slightest pain, ai
a mild but thorough calharlic, and never leave
th.i prrson costive even il taken very ollen
The Tiles are warranted lo bo cured by the gen
nine Hays' Liniment and I iocs J'uim olchina,
ll'.e inoucy refunded Who will now sutler will
ibis dislii'ksing complaint! Neva buy it without
ihe singurituie ot comstock v co
i-'iimlack und co s tiarsiiiiarula is as pure nm
strong an Extract lVom this celebrated lioot as can
possibly be made This pi ice is so reasonably that
the noor can ullord to use it, banc but &U cent
ucr buttle. or SI per dozen It is the only article
lhat will clli'ctually purify the Wood from all
iui'iuiiltics Those who have been iinpri di i.t in
the u.-e ol cu'.oinel, Vc, will lind sure iclicl I'roui
East India Hair Dje This chemical prepar
lion will color the hair any shade- from -a Ik-
Ii -own to a let black, and nut lnjuio tlio hair or
-.tain the skill in tho least.
Preserve and Leauty the Hair by tisuing 01
bridu.'s lia'm o 1' Columbia, v-hich iinmi
stop. tlie hair Irom falling out, and restore it wlici
Worms KnliiH-tticJ't Vermifuge is a Fafc,aes
nid eM'etlual einedj for Worms, in children oi
idults, i:i every tuse. It is eniirely Vegetable nml
cannot injury the most delicate child even sIumJ,1
ihero be no V.'oiius. J'rieu :;5 cei.l s. JJoii'i. con
lound ii with oilier nnmrs,
The Mullicrs Jicliefhvis been thoroughly leftci!
by luauy years e.vpi iiencc. Ladies ixpecling
10 oecoine ii'.oi:ieis may rest insured t!i a wj
always ni iin.I asistl m preparing them for the
irials bcloie them. Il quids all nervous
lions, ulhiva inorninj sicknftK. causes iiulural am!
sweet rcsp the circulation o( t!ie blood,
regulates tho ntoma:.h. und fat ililutfs the birt.'i
without ueh cxciucidting pains as jnnilwrs c.
peel. .Iany ol oui bctt ii'.ijsfialis Use it in their
New discovery, by which a 1 Ftovrs ninl pipe.
or grate, may bo Kept a Jet Ll.icl; vith u.i beau'.i
I'ul polish as a Coach Lody with one ni plication a
i ear. It l.eeps all tloves and l'i!ieg lVom i n '
ihtougli the suiniiur. 'I'his Vauiih i:, an mlire
new iiiventioii; ai.d surprises anrf delights all who
use it. iu'cLucus clluves and l'ii u i in u t.,i
seen at '-'1 Couitliiihli-streel wheru ihe I'oIe.L
may l e llailut Hie Cost ol S-J cents Due botlli-
iulUCt UIM Lit ill
Milt A t uie reiiicdy, Trice
'i. cents.
lit- i.arzoii s Juno coriliul,or I roe.-ralivc I'lixir
reinedv in case ol Jinp,ilenev, Laneniieis. pi. mi
Albus, Mensiructiiin, Inconliiicnce, und all disease
arising Irom debi!itati(i!i of Ihe sj oleiu wheieictor
llioli is required.
Uev. Dr, barlhololiicw'ri Pink Cxpcrtoraul
"yrup, fo' the cure if ("oiisuinplioi , Aslhuia,
voiigus. .uLi.i. .--juiinig ut ilood JSi-bt
lixpecloraliiui, 1'ain In ihu bide Vc,iVo
.Uiic Midir Oil It fives ll.e hair a beautiful
(ilnsf. and inclines it to curl, und wholly tml.kc
ai. y oiner un, il never soils tlu, fi ne-1 ladus l.ais
in Hie least II any lady or eei.t email sb:,!l
this Oil; and find thenc utatttiieiiod untrue, then
money u ill be refunded
Cutilimi In Lc remembered The above iinine.!
arliclesare sold Cieiiuino in ibis cilj by t 'ni.e-ti,, ,
.Vl.'o, "I t'ourtliindt-street, and IvOll'ULKr
lil.K except of ll'.eir eouiiliy cuslonierH
K. nieinber take thin diieclioii wiih vou
O'l .11 . . . . . .
i in se ai lien s arc io DO liail in llns pj, c ol
Lpbrain Mill., Moi.insburg, John Momv. Duiiville
Waller & rn. JJcrwiik, John Humt, '. iltoii,
Aovtml cr, 1, 18-15 28v. Cn
fTi'llE nibicribcr
(jj iiifiniiB the pub
lie that ho has
opei'i'd a SHOE
rTOI;L at tlielwei
end of Main Street,
yyloomsburg, ot lln
store iiirmclly oi cuiii
I by V.. Luly. where he intend)) to keep a gener
Hssortment of sIioik and boms, for nun am!
voiiiciiK ware, w bu ll he will veil us lew, il nol
wer than the name quality of gondii can brhoucjii
i 'oliiml ia ruimly. 1U ill abo linke toonlci
I kinds ol In. i.t- and shoe?, at r hmt noliee. Hav
U ilel.'i Hilneil n, hell luYV, lor n Miiall pri.1,1.
in rcspee'liillv invilicv those vvlio nro M want ol
my thing in biw bur, lo ;iw him :i fail.
.. H. Alluonds bougblof toe ure warranted
o be us lecomiueiiilcil.
Nov. I oil, IbM.
THE tub.-i'iiher having located hinic!t' i'iirg. is piepan d lo (limb h all kii;iN 11.
waie, mid peifoiii all kil.d- of wmk in Ii if line "i
biiniiieiiH, lit ( In ap v.iIch mid al nl. iiit noli. e ll.j
huh luruihlict hiin.-i!t Willi a law uhd i.dri,ili
r-loi'k ol lool, liurliiiierv uiid ItiUU'i lain In. 10 I lill.i
ib lpiua, ninl made a laie un ba e ol ( l)AI. a,J
V t)l) h'J tJVLM, of vanou, 1 .illi ins, to alipplv
!i c i i,..Ui,i,.i.i. Ho will co.iHt.iiitly ki eji on ha
'J .V, 11 '.Hit. ui 'eveiy dCnCIK.lioil.
Srai'tiS, largo varielv, neatly and auU'ail
I, I'.I.Mod, t..;;elher will. i'H'!..
Si'Ol 'IS lor bnil.lioyH.
vt.n. in r.r.v,&c.Ac
He lepeelf'illy .ili. ilM public patrol. ago Hav
li en b,ruine yi-ars M.gaged in bin I.umihm,
d having cxpeiiencid u.ii.-luiils, be lu-ls tm.i;.
1,1 ol rulilyii:g fill who may favor him willi
heir cii .t 1111.
lOCM'HV JIKIICIUA'TH nupplird on
liberal li'iiiix.
Cull on the loii'h hide of .Vain-ntrect, 3
below the nllicu cl'lhe Coluinbia democrat.
October II, let l.r ly'-ij
II. F. 5IA5JrJT,
FIB KSPECFTCLI.V informs the public tint
Hft, he has loeuled himself in tin' M.up l.ili lv
icciipied by 7, Hi A KLCCLLg, in MAIlKKI-
STlii;i;T, where he inleiuls carrvine on the ubove
business in all ils vaiious brancin s.
liuilt Hnd re aired, as well as one hore
if every dincription, end all kinds ol t ounny
Work, in his lino, done al ohoil in.iicc tin', on tho
nost reasonable lernis.
(TjtJood Liiiiiber and ul t kinds ol foutitrv I'ro
luce taken in payment lor work, but Cash will not
April 5, 18 IT. Cnilii)
2a ndrtih's ?ms
liAl) and understiind ! The time will ci.nie
whi nlbe inedicine, llrar.drclli 'ills will le
ippieciuied no tln-y nuglit and deserve, it will bo
undciMoiid that Lb', liianibeth has the slroiie t
chiiins upon the public. It is true that every in
dividual whii makes a trial of the I'laiidrclh Pill.)
concede them lo be llic best medicine liny ever
used. 'J'huy a.u indeed a inedicine uboiil which
ilu'i'C i.i no n.i.-laka. 'J'hcir value in a tliinulo so
changeable ns ntirs cannot bo sidiicicntly appreciat
ed A free perspiration is ut once restored , tbuj
llicy cine colds and consumption is prevented.
Those who have a redundancy cf bile find ibeiu of
ihe most esscnli d service and should lin n be a de
ficiency of that iinpnrl.iiit lluid the L'landrclh Pills
have uu equally beiieliciid tll'tct. Often has llus
important iiiclicine saved valuable lives in tboso le
gions where ihe iliesdltil j ellow lever was j.iovai!
ing A few doses taken iiiiiucdi..tcly lij.ou ilie in
fection being received into lln system will bf al
most certain to picTcntany nialcrial incoiiM i.i nco
And at Hostage of this dreadful epidemic is ihero
so proper a medii iue as ihe Urendielli Pills. Let
lliis inedicine bo universally u-'cd in this
disease and no loss of blood allowed, und few
very few would bo it victims. So it is with oilier
diseases. Assist Until i e with litis all iiiipurrant
medicine to renin'.' inoibii! biuuois hum llic blood,
.n,n. nol r,'M,rt lo bleed;,,,; r ,,,.,,
-ball have a cry Brunt scarcily ol jier. mis alHieted
wild croiiiemaladiea. 'J'he fe.T.heiedtiibe the au
imal liingdoui- over which we me ihe lou!.., are
uoi iiiii.cicu wiiii eliionu:; iieiiber sbould
iv e
e a ii were not lor our nruio wliieii o,-er,-;.,n
lllam. I'ollotv liatuie.
I'se tlir medicine v 'u. Ii
narinoiiizes Willi her,
which mikllv but mn-.-li
U1I..I-S .ui i.ieioipuiuie.-i oi me hlooikwlii, , slreiu;th.
ens the I'eeble and j et le.hices tlu,.-.- of too full
to a heallhy slandanl. Let me again say that eveiy
department ef the lnaiiiilacluro of Jliaml elh Pills
; H.. ii. . .
lui s, ..,,,, ouieiiiiieniai. y me, and lhat every
box with my
nee labels upon it inuv be relied m.
on to have the
bemficial iD'ect desiiilnl if n-, .1
lccording lo the directions iicco;npuiiv:i'g
A c; E n t y. '
M'ris'hingtoi) Kobert .11 'Kay.
derbcytown L & A 'J' ii'isel
Danvilh J U Key m,lds & Co
Oattawissa C (J Urobsl
aioomsburg J. !!. Mover.
Limesloiie Ilabbit iV M'.in(
liuckhorn M. G. Shoemaker.
Lime Kidgc Low & Thimpton
j'erwick J VV iSlilea
May a. Id!!) ly- .
ffVUi: nil-teriber i
elfully inl'oniis (he public
.1 I... n ,1,
,) ,i
as i l imn a sboii, on Main-. In 1 1.
..j.,..-.-.., v .. .-, luvcin, in Moon,! duijj,
whee ho intindKca,.vii.gon the ubove',,
ill all its various bi.inehe.-,.
of every deseripliui, will be kepi ull hand for sde
ai vvju;ll.--ai,i; or kltaii .
."ilunufuituicd ililo ui,v I'm in required,
STO'E 1'11'ES,
i fall tizr.i l.epttdislal.tly oil l.alu'. t'luvrv f-i,;..b
i,. i !. . , . 'i- ...
I'd to Older.
l.i'ii'g uelf ruiinr.l to tin
I u-ine in tlie riJit
way, ne rn;oMs all lo call
upon him befoio they
pun chew ueie. is ho will lini.iili I..
in big line as cheap us ihey ca:i Le punhasid iu
the counlv.
frrtcn.bcr C, !F0 1!2
Cabinet ESaliinrc-
mllE MiliM-rihei res rctfullj infouna ihe p..
H lie ihst ha lias tkt n the tbop ,,!elv orrumI
by Li. S. l.'avbnrst, lit llic lower end nf Minl.i.
Lr-trtet lilonm burg; where l; iulei.ds cr.rrv ir,-; on
the above bu.-iness in i.ll it., bruiieliis, and solicits
liiiie of tlie patronage ol the public.
In connection with the above bushier, he ofliiu
bis scrviccK un an
He will alwavs be ready In make CO PIT S ,.,
the nunc piiees In lei,, I,. io 'biiieid in I .' In. .i,,,, ,
llld having mo . .bed liim.-elf wi.'b a nood 1 1 p. '.'.VI:
lie Will iillend w,!ll It at (be J unu. williimt
tra charge.
May ,111 ISK-.- fiiioJ
CSi'.winiii sm:i:n snir. i.iM ,
ceind rind for luh at the .nv Siore.
L. U. I;L l'.'i; '
OJd-.. 1 '.
Much::" ISJC
D.c 21 l?-!5.