A rulf, woijjh'inj 210 poumli,' on'v fou innntlia olil, was killed iit Washington, Pa few days ago, by Mr. I'lioinaa Cox. A great cu'f, crtlainlv. DESCENDANTS WANTED. In lli e debate in the Massftrhuaetis Lej Mature, on Friday, Mr. GiVs, of Boston said that he wai endeavoring In find anme of lha deaceadanla of Miles Standish. as limy h id. al the present lime, locked up in llie Hriiiih Court of Chancery, no loss than ix oanora, yielding an annual income of 00,000. A Pin Factory is in opeiation at Cabols ville which turns out from earh nurhino 210 pint per minute. A machine also alicks thorn upon paper at the ralo of 1200 per minute. A UiGirr.v Colored Statement. Tl e Lehigh linlleiin relates that a Mr. llmngie, ol'ihit county, while riding alorg was accosted ly a while female, and req iesitd to cany In r b n Ibox II complied an. I iifleret her a seat in his wagon inio the bargain, but aha refused s requested, he carried the box to ihe next tavern, "liinilfil it ou', and wailed for the luly to come up. 'After his own and the patience of lha inn k jr wax exhausted by her delay, the box was o pened and lud in it not a new cap or bonnet but a jet biaok child, fast a- ile p: Ii is perhaps unnecessary to ia a that the 'lady' never came to hind and iha inf.nt was taken to the pooi house of Lt high county. A down Enl Skipper stales crew of his craft consists of man, a liltlu boy, a darn'd fool Frenchman. thai a an o'd and e SEASONABLE The while of an eg?, is said to bo a spe cific for fish-bnnra sticking in the throat. It is to bo swallowed raw, and will carry down a bone easily and certainly, Ji New Female Sect has just appeared in a part of Ohio, called 'The Female Kinffs,' who hold that the order, of nature has I eMi reversed that the time has now arrived when 'the last shall be first,' consequentl) that woman is the lord of creation and man her servant They have auccetded in ma king a numhei of converts among them probably ladies who ar disposed to wear the breeclua. MARRIED. On the 27th till, by C. II. Hess.-Esq Mi. Wiu.iam Smith, of Dan ville, ti Miss Habdk."" -. , t flin township, both ol jJulumbia county. In Jackson township, on the 12ih inst by Jas. Yocuni, Esq. Mr Henry Gutty to Miss Anna Rbmlbv. On the 5th ult. by Ezekiel Cole, Esq Jacob I.utz. of Sttjiarloal township, to Mu Mary Staly, of Luzerne county. On the 5.h inst. bv the same. Solomon Datis to Mt9s Elizabeth Cole, bodi o! Sujrarloaf tp.. Col. co. , B!UMW.'J!I "'I l il H. J" ! J" DIED. In Danville on the 25il inst. Emsha Brown; aged 31 years and 10 days leaving a wife and three children. On the Gin inst. in Mifilin township, Ja con Zimmkrmak. ai-td 77 years 4 mouth ' aa and 7 day. In Wishington township, Lycoming county, on Sunday the loihtnsl. Mr. Lu MUND U. lINTKR,aged 23 years, 10 UlOllUlS and 13 days; formerly one of the editors ol the 'Miltonian. Tho Milinnian says; Mr. Hunter was followed to the grave by a large eonrourst (if friends and ndasives. and also by llm lu depend nt Older i( Old Fallows, in regalia he being a member of this benuvuleiii Ol der SEE li.?.XET3. Ih.oOMSl'UltCl, "Wheat, Rye, Corn, Cloversecd, Flaxseed, Jiutlei , Oats, Tallow Li r.l Dried App'rf White eans Ueeswax Apnl 4 Its 1C (id 5 Oi- 1 1 1 K l oo l oo o I.J ST OF LETTERS Remaining in tho Post-Office, at Blooms burg; ifarch 31; 1840. Jacob Under Fanlar. Uarra C. O. Rach.nen Riahard Cortney Thomas Dadford Lewis Folk Green A: Kunkle Giffin McCully John Morris Robert Oleman Willirm Kees John Kella Ceorge Scott Henry Sthlasser John Snyder I'etei Ileinbocli Mws Julia A. Kline A. J. Stone John S I-itile Jhn Wanieh Jainea McLauhI.n Mr. ees JOHN R. ilOYER, P. M. to in: in (a: in imh.ks IjKAMuU rKlMH.-iAI.a will be received ul the hou'o of JhchIi Dyer, in tint town of Cat iiiviKn, by lli" PicitiiliMit ami .Mmiiigei oflhoCal tawissa Uridyl Company, tinlil Saturday, the 18A hint, at 1 o'clock, lM. lor lin-liuililiiiK tho lliidgo over llic (Susquehanna River at llial place. Main ami Specification to be seen nt the house if said Jacob llyer. liy mJiir Hi llm Hoard of Directo . DAVID rl.AUK, Treasurer. Apri 1, o V.'Jitnn in Simpiehanna Vully nnl ut I'otts- ville, will confer a favor on Col. J. I'uxl.m liy giv ing the above one or two inanitions in their papers ii:v taim)::s(s K.ST A IS LIS 1131 i:T- I'ho subscriber respectfully inform tho pul'lir lti.it tlirv have cum Diuiu eO (lie TA I LOU IN (J UUSINF.SS in lllooiiisliurc:, in the (rendu fiiildiiiir, over the store ol Albright , .Menual, wherii tliey intenil urrv oil! it oil in nil Us various titdiicliorf. Hiving haJ soinfl cxiieiienec in lli liusinens, llipy ll.itter llii'iosi lvcit that they i-liall he uhle to do all the woilt inti usieil to tin in in us fasliionnlilc ami woikm in lika manlier, ami as cxieJilioiislv; an can he ilotii in anv o'lier hIioli in the county. They, then lore, ak a nhare ol'juililic patronayei ut least, they winh to be tiuu. I), WII.SO.X, A. T. LVELAND. April I, 1810 yly50 NOTICK. I.I. person who havr uii.settleil accounts on 1L 'he Uoiikii of the Mihserthcr, now rcimnii Iron) Lilnomsl'iiiK, uro lierehy iufuroiril thai his ue- counl hooks ure lelt in the hamls ol I human fail). (r, a Justin' of the. l'ence at lilur,inshiiri;, fur set tlemciit aiul collection. 'I'liuse who do iml iittcii.1 t'l having their ncrounts HCttlerl ami paid on o; lie lore ltjinl day nf Mm nrj't, may exyvcl to liavo cost added to Iheir rcsici uvc dues, withoul expect to persons. ELI AS WKUTMAN. IHoomaliurg, Apiil l, ltlti. 50 PQfitoISc Sale OP PERSONAL FUOPERTV. FM. lie sold at PuMii! Vendue at the Iioiim of losejih Kirkond ill, in Center townshiji Saturday Ihe Wth inst. all the personal properly belonging lo the estate of olni Swank, deceased, to wil : f7ie Mare; one Cow, three o.i, ae 2 horse Waggon, one Haggy ll'ugtoii, Chair n,'l'ub(s Corner Cupboard, Stands, Clients and Kitch en Furniture genera! u. an 1 other articles too nurmoin to mention. bale ta commence nt 10 o'clock, A. M. when terms, will be made known. STE'IIEN SWANK, MUA.U KlIilvliNDALI.. April 4, 1810. IIUSHI'.I.S 77.TW771' is UK if, just received nt the dure of J ii. i f. i . i r v c. vm. .mcivi-jIjv i ) u. April 4 NOTICE TO TAXAUI.I'S. The county Conimtssioneni hereby give notice that in accordance with the provis ions of an act of the (Seneral Assembly ol the Coininonwealth nf Pennnsylvama.pass. od ihe 15th day of April A. I. 1831 ,'L appeal will b held ai their (.(lice in Dan ville on Wednesday the ZJih nay oi Ajrn insi. when and where you may attend il you think proper. UV Order ol tno lyommisi'iners. E. MENDENIIALL C!e,k. Commissioners nflicr, Danville April 2d 1813 CAU HON. All persons are hereby rsuiinned arains trirchasinir a certain iNolo (it hand, tnt'en l v 'lie loSienhci! llrobsi, lor llu: sum ol ' iweic n .two dollars, dated Mn: 1 Mi 1810 llavinir received no eonsideration for the said Note. 1 "hall refn-e to iv il. .... . MARSHA!. S1LVEUTI10KN April llih 181(5. WORMS! WORMS.! WORMS!!; To remove these troublesome and dan gerous inhaliitaiiis of ihe stomach and bow ¬ ls, which so often impair the heahli nm 1,'Htroy ihe livc.j of children, nm J ay ne'e I'onie Vcrniifun', a ctrtain and safe prepar ation for ihe removal of the various kiml I Worms, )i spppMa, Sour Sinin 'fh Want f Appetite. Infantile Fever siihI Ajjue sinl I Debdilv 'f the Stomach and 15 iwels nrnl 1 xi 1 .r.vin nt niiri.mi.tn. rriti:trr d Oh v he . ...... - 1,J Dr !) Jivne, o. 8 South Ihinl dreet lf- t'l.iladulphia. SKIN DISEASES are often n inn to a jemima lianu oi nouv, anil in onii r to ei i f t r i i i i f er.i a permanent cure the oninn il cause must be removed. Jayne's Life Preservative one nf the most jleasaiit articles ever offered to the public has been founil riot only to cure ?.crolula under all its multiplied fnnns of Cancer! Kings Lvil uoitre While Swelling etc. but also lo remove tho deposition of lpu .enry to diseases ol thai elass and fill cases originating Irom obstructions in tjlands or pores of the skin or from impuri ty of the blood or other llunls ol llic uo'iv. Prepared only al .So 8 ioutti J nird street, run irli-Irlua Ttie aboveMedtcine ore lor sale at the store of JOHN R. MOVER, OF uss:vti:i) lame Atfteeahlv to (he nrnvininn. of on Act . " . ii. . , ., IHutt.iil.f' m, II uil A i. A.,. .1 . ait 1 1 i ll.u "I ' i"'""B mode ol selling unsealed lands for laxts, anil lor Other ptirfiosns, pussud lha l.'llll day of Mav, 181(1. and the further siinnUincnl thereio psisud on (he 13th day ol March.i"''"11"'""' "' Al"il m'u' '" - Lm IlCM 1317, and Ihe 25h of March, 18,'JI, the i. . t ii , , , I raaaurar of Columbia Counly hciaby gives notice to all persons eoncerneU thsre. in, that unless ,'ha Taxes due on the follow- I Hit (rai'ls ill llnaealei' I. am hiiiiiiIhiI in l.ii- luinbia Oounlv are nail! before ihe duv iifi mile. l!i ivholo or mir.b nai l- nf riieh ti ael , , us will tuy tho laxes and costs chargealde thereon, will be sold at the Court House in the town of Danville, County of (Columbia, on the second Monday in June next, and be continind by ailj inrnuieni from diy lo day, for arrearages of Taxes due said County, and the Coats acciued on each respectively. Jicres, Warrantee or Owner. Cuttaiviiisn 'lownthip. 173- Jamas Allen TaitS $0 54 200 John Kunklu I Bo 300 Jol;n KunUe 9 "JO V 1 II 21 120 Christian Rucol 25 l'eiir !St:li(iiicli Fiahingt reik Township. 100. Cain Widow 150 David F.i ler :tt; J K oh 1 Mil, r 102 S.imurl and JoHeph I.iliv Ldward MclJ-iiry Greenwood I'own.ihip. 1)0 ISoijainiii Chew's lieirs 100 Widiam ("oil I 18 Mason V, tiardncr, agent 00 Maion F. (Sarduar, ajjent Ei ward Mc Henry 00 50 SI I .10 SI till 01 67 80 Da.ntl Mcllunry Hemlock Township. 150 Robert Montgomery Jackson Township. 5 40 53 25 7 2H 087 Hill Joseph and Mitclian 200 Samuel Yorks 218 Daniel Mc Henry 78 Oh 7" Jana (Jordon 3 200 rhomas Gordon 7 17 Liberty Tuwnslvp. 27") Charles Frickle 2 1G 2 25 3 fi!) 2 1)7 2 It 2 Id 3 0U 23!) Abriha-n Kinting 1 1 1 Robert Irvin 3.'t() John Davis 235 Jackson Davis 235 A Espy 1 1 1 Win. Uenson Mifflin Township. 391 John McCalley Montour Township. 10ft Thomas Wnodsida 28 Dr. John Ramsay 10 Charles Rirer Mount 1'leamut Township. 30 R ib.cri .M.'.'.n'cniierv 200 John Flack 3 42 70 22 15 100 Robert llonter 200 I hiitnas Gordau I 80 51 1 8t) 1 HI) n on I SD 1 80 I lis 3 (it) I II 2 711 27 .'! tin 00 Jane Got dan 200 Robert Uenily 200 Robert Lyon 101 1. Appleirate fi I. ti'iinrattii 200 Aaion I.erey, in pari 200 Henry l.eho, in pari 210 Mary Montoomi ij ,. in part 103 James Rupert I GO i ho mas Rarton J00 Alexander Scott, in pari 30 Ann Galbtailh tOO James Armstrong 350 Elenor Atmstroii :t of) :t 8.") :i cm '27 150 Hannah (5 1 flin 100 Tiiomas I'urioti 30 Thomas (Jranl 300 Mary Oornelison, in p'irl Hoaringcrick Township. :t82 l!eore Ahlou 1 Thomas liillinglou 1(H) Nallianlel Rrown )2S 'I'hnmas Ranon 120 Christian I'.irely 20 William Iirev.tr 30'.) John Cook jr :it:t William Elliott a 2i I t 07 15 10 11 81 23 81 i c:t 71: ID 12 Cl Samuel I.ob'Vl 400 Philip l.oudeubeig 4110 (Jeorgfi Long 1(80 Philip Loudenbeig 382 Caleb Lot'lllS 2'.)'J (J"orL' Miller 221 M irv Myers 100 Matbew MiHer 191 Ja'I.es McNeal .f." V illiam Milb r II 81 1 I 81 14 81 I I 0G II (Hi 11 tl'2 8 13 7 Ul (5 21 lo O'd 13 CM 7 1)3 15 70 7 03 7 CS 128 Henry Never - IO Stephen I'eabody .Vil'.iam Porter Mary Rustnn Mary Roftati Dii'ihI Reese Andrew Kemday John Young George Pattei'nn (ieorge F-Kpy Siigiiih'iif Tu Wash ip , JohnV.akly 'J'liomas F Cope R ihert (,'raig I'eter Grobb, Ftq Francis Hall John I.ockhart Charles Hall taxes for 1813 Jonathan Sargeattl I d0 33 400 12 03 1 1 111 ' ::)5i) 12 If. HO nu- 3 .oi m - '4oi ; 42l 2 1 the, CHARLES F. MANN, Treasurer. Thkasukkh's Oi l k.i:, ) Danville, March 29, IMG. i ii"7-The ' American Sentinel' will pul llls",,"e a "nir T ' .' . . ., i r .: .1 IV.. I- U.,r. jlir.ci, ano inraru uieir atcuuin iv iTtcasuter uf Culuuibia County. NOTK'IF. is in:ni:cY U1VEN a eir1,ti (Hi rrclitdiH ami oilier ieisonn in tOientril ju ih, eht:iU ol llm remii'i-livn ilrre of ,'" """ o.laa.ia.it a a".ai ami una, "ci'iiunls nt the hdid olales hawihn'ii III ., .... ill I he ,,l , ., i , ,,i ,i r i .. Inmhi ,! m he i.,-, .eute.l i..r ciiiiirinution nm nllinvniiee In liio I )i iIiuiih' (miiI, to he held "'"vill.r, in unit lor llm roi.nlv iil'ureMi'ul on i , ,.. . ,' J '"'"' '"rol lli il.ile ol (.alhuiino Uruily, ale u( Kou Mt.H, lownh,lil. ,,,.,., , ' s u. eouni of I'liilm Anule. executor of tin last will ami testament of AiiliuU Anylo lalo ol . Jl ill) lit low nslnn. i iicimiI. 3 'J'he uccounl nf !. H. Jackson. ailniiniHtra I lor."1' "," c"uh) u( J"l" Jum'a. Uo Uroutf ol He rwiek, dceeaM'd 4 The uccoiint ol Saiouel Okes ailininialralor of the estate of Leonard y'liiiiiuei, lata of Liberty township, deceased 5 Tim ace. mot of (i, o c Kaiifmiii) aili.itnistru torol I'liilip Miller lute of .l'onluur towimhip, d ceased (i 'J'ho account of Az iriali W, Dunham udinin istmtor on tin; estate of lOh.ibelli Uuiihuiu lalo ol Hemlock loivnuhip, deei aed I 7 The account nf (.corns Weaver gnaulian ol :Mary llartmaii now Marv V'uiutta, one of tho mi ner children of (ieorge Jlartuiau, lato of llcinlocl township, deceased I 8 'J'ho first and Dual account of James ('aid well adriiiniNtralei of the estate of Alnahaut Wal ters late of Limestone township, dCeoased 'J The lir.st uud tin;, I oceouiit of James (.'aid well udiioiiUtiutni ciflho entate of Joseph Walton- Into ol l.inu'ntitni' t"Wii:ili ij, deceased CIJAHI.L.s CO.NMil!, Kcgiattr. Hkmsti.ii h Oi :Jlli I Duindle, .Mai.h-0, LJIti iNOTICK, S hereby iven to all ersoiis not to purchase a 3. certain time of hand uieu hv the su isciiber lo 'corn,. Kelchner, 1,'sq. fr ihe unm ofsevenlv dol- ' m, dated on or about the INlh of AulmisI. IS1.) liavniij mceived no consid. ration for it I shall re- losc to pay the sa,ne. JOHN' STINER. Willi amsburg, March 21, SU), THE WARM WEATHER. The sudden'cliaiiKCK of llie weatbar, (Itirin? this icason of the year, exhibit i most luuelul ellcct on . i. .. i i . . inn numaii sy.sioiii. ueuililatoii,' and p'ostrutniK it. I lie btomach and bowels b icoine deiangeJ, ejwne timely nulii'.e lo all, who me iiicliind to give atten tion (o tlio Wiirnui!; voice id iialure. At sucli linn layne a arminative never fails to nll'.ud immcdi He reli'.'f, checking tlio di..case and re.slorins tin il.ilionl l ui.T..r....u 1 liK M .1 ... i .u """"I, .ii "huts caiMiiU lie loo Million.) with their cbildien dining this iinnilb. and Ihe months tollowtni;, and in th,. vaf,:i slaves )l this siiimner (liH.iase.wiietbcr from tceilnii, ressive heat, or ollur causes, they should n on,,, res.irt i.i this never .'aiiiri',' reiiicJv. lluiidicl.s ol ertilicales from rcspeclahlo persons in this cHv; a:e in prnsessiou (d' ihe inviirictiir. readv to e'v- hibit to all who mav d .sire too .si e ibein. it bis of- lice, Ao. 8 .South Third street, I'hibidi lpbia, LIFE! FIRE!!! FIRE!!! Ml that a man hath w ill be eive f,r bis life ' f we II. n recorded in the must nncient and best of books, but us wo see thousands dying around us wilb Consumption, Croup, Asibina,. lirormhilis. Spitting lilood.nud olber I'ul nonarv all'ections we are led to doubt l te coned," s.i ,.r i n, t. ...... jassertions, espei ially sii co it is no well Known 1 08,l,:,.t,"-tvri, r,!'!,'i.y ay be obtained, which al- amis ol 1 1 1. . nT . , 1 I J, n ., i , j '" '" cures, after be p. iti'-nt had been given up by all his friends and physicians. S n jt n t ut ns 11 c . KLii'iya. nun. Kattia KTV virtue of . 2d alias vendr etp-ina to tin i - i , -iii i . i.i:. .. .1 . ... . I . U lireclco, v m i'e e jmim-ii oi , i m- in i o t.'ouit House in Danville, ou Monday Hie litlid.i f April iieit. ut 12 o'clock noon, tho tollowiu properly '.o wil; .7 i-rituni 1 1 art if land stluule in d recti wood lo'.vuslno, i.ol miiii.i coiiuiv; coniaiuuig. Blf Acs.es s more or less, about. 0 a rs cf which is clean il bind, bounded by binds of W illiam .MeMediael 'ili.-:r Shoi ui.iki i; ''ililis St.idou and others whereon i.. , ri i led a laigc two slmy bii.'k house,' .1 small log bouse, u saw mill, a clover mill, u lalll mill; frame si.i Me ami other out buildings, lw apple orchards, Willi the apju'it, nances. Seied taken ill execution ull.l lo be sold as tin pfopertv ol William Lemon ALSO, Hv virtue an alias i -ta. vcirdi. exponas lit tin same lime and place Oir' ci rloi'i h:t rf grniiiiil sifiinlf in i town of Jersectimo; Maibsm I'lVV o.-hip, (.'ol. co I'oiitaiMiuL; one ci''h'oeu an i.'.'it more oi less, hound- ed in fiont bv tn. on icbai'C' lvet. and In laud of Him Welh'.cr and 1 fi nine Fri.il, whereon iscrccte. a )YFJJ.I.( nousi: mm AND SHOP and ."s I Ail.K. Sei".l taken ineveenlion and lobe sold n- tb prnpeily ol J.iu es rr;; m the hamls nl nis at! iiliiii.si.ato,-J..'.iu Hni' land llu-b .Mc.KIiatli. ALSO, Bv virtue nn ili.-.s I- vini faciei, to me di,r.-le-.l i the same time and jd i e .'III that certain Mrsnnuzr an I lead of laud, situate in Mi!;hn town-brp, t.oluml'i i counly ..i'...j .1,1 h, in i I ii 'i l.dlo A-: ! ! i -1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 ' at aloiesnd. hiiuuili l in l.illo.v..: '.") ,.,,rner in a toiblic r,i."l: Ibence by lain! partly U2 llcn v Volie, Clonic- Miller and (.'In i.-lioi M dbn . Soulii n;)ib t;rec..nivi. lol pen be-to comer tli ' hw land of Jacob Kiis!enbod"i , and p.ollv of Dm ic! Hobo; lloith Till dei'rei s. west lo.'i perches to a 7S post, thence by land "f tiei.rge Kileluier, (corgi i1 llii'her ami J ..In ltr.nlie.lll mill X Hrgree-,, as' isi SO 7-10 pen lies, koiiI.i s-I lrgiee; ea-t K percbe . on ! north 87 degrees raM 20 ,ereheii, wiulh 0 dc Igrceia.it 32 percl'.es, north 7 des'ecs, e:i.;t IS ' 805 -10 ,,,,,,.1,04 to I'eter ( ie.ubeart'i" ntlier land r 1 jtlirnee bv the "nine south 20 ib -recs; ta.-t 2fi 7 IIS iii ,..', li4 I.i llm in uiiiniiiir. roc.t.iiutni 'J. acre- H 1 pi ,-ehes and nl.v. m . be the --'imr m1' ' le ; l.f'etiiiT wlih the bi rr. h'aiv.rn's unJ ippn ti ii ied, taken III execution and to lie sold fl thr pioperty ol ol I'eter Cea. h.i t. IMAM DF.Ix'R, Sheriff . Si t: i i t 's Orru-r . Danville Match, 2j.Ii IS 10 v .f. ir vrAni:nsi.ici:, 3jijI.'GS leave to inform the public, jfjhti in prep ired to attend to all the n lha' OI)(!. attons in dentistry, Mich as removing The Tartar uuinthrr Foreign Sub tfaiici'v. From ihe tceih, reniluriiiij ihrm clean, and lie gums and breath sweet mid healthy. Tho cufitiei .J Decoyed Ta th Will bo dressed out and filled with Gob' r other Iml; of the liucsi quality, as in, je ina reij ,re, which will yeneralU preveni H eir aclnni; or further decay, arin eiidur ihein useful lor years; and in in a in :ases fluriiiq lilu Teeth and Stumps of Teeth ivi.:..i. i i . " ti n n nave neenme useless oi truulilrsoiiii will bo extracted in the hiomI cirdid man uer, with the latest and best improvt'il in strumenis. Porceliain Teeth, Ohhe best quality and lateM i'li.irovnrieni he iimertert ou pivot, or (in coiinectiui villi I J r. V ailerchainp, with l0m be is u pilcrnship in plate woik) on Gold (date from a siniilo tooth lo a whole set, to look is well as the natural, anil warranted mswer all the useful and ornamental pur poses proposed oy llie art. In short.evcrv opuration lu'loneing to I profession, will hi peforuicd in ihe ! uanner. with choisesl material, and at ilf horlesi notice- Ile therefore hopes, h iricl attention to business, to obtain a shan f public patronage. Any person or pei- sons wishing any of the above operations periornicii, ate respi cilully itquesttd ti tve tu in a call. N. II The public are hereby ii formei that we ihe subscribers have eniereil inio i pecial Par'.neiship relaitiij? only to plan orh us ii is more convcnienl for each l tteitd to the other hr.inchts of the suienc n his oivn account. A. VALLEUCflA.MP. J. II. VANDERSLICE. Mount Pleasant, Nov 8ih. 1813 3m. O U R M OTTO.N OT T( ) BE OUTDO N F .VK 11 ltI.AtKSMHIIl.NU KSt'AHM-IMU.XT 11 y (it A: SilvrriSiom. THE undersigned havinir udien the shor formerly occupied by Marshal .Stlvenhurn. nost respectfully informs the t ptlSj.'K! ey intend lo carry on the above branch ol lusiiiess and will at all times be readv to do ork a little belter ami cheaper ihan am ther establishment in the place, "and they n)e by strict attention to business to :ju-rii ai on portion of the public patronage AH kinds of eounlry pioduco lakrn it. Scliatiire lor work v the rendu not rcAmed ISA Wj SAN FEE, MARSHAL S1LVERTII0RN. nioomsbur Feb, 21,181011 ILcttLBsar. louVe" nT5liTii,,ftW.niV,,,1li H M$m: township, on Thursday ihn sixteenth da if Apiil next belv.eei the hours of 10 A. M. Old 2 P. M. of said day, for repairing rriila over bij Fishinjiijref k at the motit ! if the Huntington creek, in said township ,'If.SO On FliJay ihe seventeenth day f April next, between ihu hours of 10 A M. and 2 P. M. ol said day will be let the chuildiuj; of the abutments and repairing it llie superstructure; uf a bt ide over bit; I'isliinncrei I; near llie ri i-idcnco of Johii Vance, in Orange township. 'I'he Icttinj." o he at ihe hridt'P. ALSO On Saturday the Ei'.'h'eenth lay of A'iril next between the hours 10 A M. an I 2 P. M. of said day will be lei tin rebnililiiio of one of the abutments and re ;airiii! of the superstructure of a bridgi over bijj Fishiiiuereek near Williamsburg in I'loom township. The lit ting to be a he bridoe Slid biiibics (o be repaired according ! 'ie specilieattons exhiliited by the t'ounlx 'oii'in iss loners en the d.iv of letiing. 15 y orilcr r f the ('noi:iiis.ior1trs. E. M E NDEN II A LL, Cleric. Dmvilln March 23 18 Id. lirrCMKAPER THAN EVER TiJ IVcw Arrival f A l' THE A NO'l'lirn splendid nr.soi tinent of GOOD Jj has just I ii ad.lt ! to the lorn.t r stock i rcaile: v. tin It we can sen cln '' per in.ni a. bet'oic otVered in tb)s market, gentlemen win m-:i t I it II ) am! I ll'iil 1 i,i i i ii aoo i.ao .flMI I I .l e.i,,, .,( r -n t i; i.r:. ;.)-:) .v ciii;aj i , I i , b s !nr liKK.M'., of every i!e-ciplion. vv lind il for their ill en st lo call, ns v.-e 1 mw tm .till l. .,ii-l'"d x nil tie oualilv uud in ices o; nor oiods. line motl'i Io nic; Cheaper limn the Clie.i) st we can and will live on to it. lill'l '2" t en s pi r yard, and eveiy tiling el..e in proportion. Ai.wi.Kiirr .MK.xr.Ai Nov ember22 AN AIM RENTC'E. To the. t in nil Shed Iron Manufac turing 'osiocsi. is ivjii'! .1 bj tbo subnlnoi An ue ive tioy, I'oni ' to I, ye,u of ae will ie, eiv :" 'l encoii: j,C;in nl upon luimet'iale apt'licatiai o i j f:K. t; V I'HI'.MIS rfa.-upertoi qiulilxol .7.S7 S. l.MO.X. red at the -toie "I VM MCKU.VV it inbei 'i lll JHJSIM'XS CAKDS. A E. COOL, AlloriM'5 t Ollice m Maiii.h(rcet, opposite J abler ' Hot, . J U STICK OF Till-: PEA CIO, AND ULOOISItUR(iJ COL. CO., Ullise, corner of L'ust arid .Maln.lreela AIIOI'KC i) ,aw, "ftce South tide of Main si. Ltlaw Mmbt li-7'V.L AT I E N I) COFRTSIN I'lli: ('OU.NTIKS OF COLUMBIA ND i i j.erm ;. R ty'.'l' iceriveil rind for sain, at the new 'I'm f and .Sheet Inm X'liiiufa.'liii'V, n posile ( 'lay n n Hot, I. M veial Kindsol I'..' f ',,. ui.u coina.xu h rovi, u ti,ebirt puttini vbich will be ou)d o;v. j). j i:ici:. Op 25 DISSOLUTION. Til E fop.irlrierrship beret'ere ruistini nider the linn ol Armstrong & Hues, in ho (one eulliuo busliic6, is by n i.tua oiisiail diosolved E. ARMSTRONG. P. I1UCHF.S. Nov. 1-1815. THE hnsiiiehj will be c oiitinued 5iy the ub.si rtlicr at the old stand; where may ie had at all limes. UOMTM i:ts, TO Ml!- T, III A US, TOMB STO XF S, Jllwlll TU JJIMDS, ULLXTLFS. IVIIST STOSKS, MULL FFS, kc. ir any other work in his liiu He is so prepared to lorms i U IMMlW GAI'S md SILLS, UOOU SILLS and S I LI'S, t-n either of Ma. hie, Lion; or any kind, of tone that can be procured in this vninity. Ji jHaviiif' had eottsiilerable exteiienco in the biisiitess, iie plodcpg his work to ie executed in as h.nidsoine a style as ran ie furnished from r.nv van! either in the liy or l otinti ' ; and on a.s reasi-nahle ti'i rns E I'll l AIM AlMSTFO.(! ISIoonisInuj, Nov. 3, 1813. Jy 2S EfSlV virtue of a writ of vend, rvimntw lo nm w1 ' ' .'. .... .. c-. i...; fn.. a. I, .!.. Court Uo u-n in linviue, oo omu,.i . --j ,f Apiil, is tti, id I o'cloi.k, I. M ih" following iroiijilv. lo wit : . . . ........ :.. I I....... .....i.-i IIIIIO HOOI1IU 111 I'll" hv ,' ,., mo a.lo'.vauee, aooui oo a, ns ,o www u , t o " , ,, .. . .., ... n t ...I.:.. i. ;.. ..) ...I on!, bounded bx lands of Isaac lioiidman and uM i; whereon is elected two l.oi Houses and two "! barns anil a good apple orchard with the n lenanccs" S, ired taken ill cxecuth n and to be sold as the liioperty ol xv uiiain x.auip'ii-ii Ai.so V virtue of sundry writs of ll. Ia'i at the same time and place .1 certain lot of ground sitUMle in ttoaiingercrk loW llslni) UlllUIIUIlil conn J , toiiiaiiiioi; md ninety perches more or less, I'ounoeii ny lanos Samuel I'.ck, Aaron JlerniiiKcr and l elei uau r, whereon is erectt d a frame house. Wciind taken in execuli ilid to bo sold as the itipertv of Jeicmiab iei ninecr. AI.M) A certain lot Valley tin it ol ground situate in .vnnersviue. town-btp, ( oliimlua t ' Ullty irolioni; he road leadue.'M asliiiiRlonvillc, eoliiaiu'i g m nl oi said road 70 feet ami in length 1 1 4 leet narked olid uumbeicil lot Ao. M: w hereon isc.icl- a .Morv aoH a tl ill . .1 v ;V I I, J'-t'i iii.cKsirni siior . ... .-m, ,, ... ., ......... .... ... t; piinili -.ml puunu ioao,.ii iio lu.iio " "' db v. N'ixed taken in ereeution and to he sold a-tlio root itv of David It.u.k. 1RAM DERR hoiiir SberilT's Hiii" Danville .Nan Ii i hi imU liLAMCS!! PLANKS!! Ftl'R SALK..T THIS OFFICE. AnMlSlSTil.FFOlVS XOTICIL i h: Fstu'e of is.i.ic r. ,ionyso. lute of Orune IcwusiJp, dcctuid. -m -rrel'l Tf ! I...r..t.- ,,'oroi rl,:it 1.. Iters nf a,Tl ! i-iration on tin; aboxe .cnlni'id l.siv. lave !,'' O uraUUM lo l lie -IIOsci ln, nn"! in " a,, :.. 1..1.1...1 , i.i .i. in."' tnwnsriip. .'o ptv.-i'ii.s no" " ' .".-.iiu - ue hi'icby notihcj to make iunn. -diattj payi; ei i ., id ail those Il ivin;; t.boins are iii iested to .: .ail tiuio pmpt rlv iiUIIh ulii Hied lo 1. .IAN PEL LZKCS, JOHN U. El)(J-K. .Idi.i'uii'triitvH J.inu-i'v, 17, 1 S4 i f. met I't'HOM.OWW.tn 1 Blli ll H- let les. Pots, loilt'ls. Ti l Ixev. -oiOcrs. Cake (.riddles, iVf A Wo l.n. in .n.'ll 'ii'.:c,on Hum's, troii, tli e Danville ; . ... Well s, just received and I'm sale bv HEFI.EY A. MEM DEMI ALL. Ucciber 20 Bloomsburg.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers