The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, April 04, 1846, Image 2

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    "thvth rr(ii': rtiu
HI1Tlltf.IV, .WML 4, IHHI.
Two numbers more complete the eightl
year sin re we commenced the publication
of lha "Columbia Uemociat. v a aro .le
ermined Co have our account nettled up l
that lime. Those of our subscribers wh
owe u for one or mora years subscription
willgivcru themselves accordingly.
In cntue queiiea of the high watrt, weie
rot utile lo fulfil their engagement in lit i
place aa heretofore adveriised,,but will give
t Concert in the Academy on next Monday
Kvening We give the following from the
Home Sentinel to show what others think
of their performance.
' Tim H-''r Family, contesting of four
brothers and a sister, gave a concert in our
village, but week, which surpassed every
tiling in the line of vocal music, that has
bean performed hero for a long lime Their
voices are so perfectly disciplined, that the
hearer is astonished as well as highly pleas
ed at their sound. They will give another
concert at thii place, on Wednesday, and
we trust, on that occasion, they will have a
full house; for they ire ginileuianly people,
and dcuerve it.
lit every great national emergency, since
ire can remember, the action of i'u U. S
Senato, In the outset, ha been hesitating
nd unpatriotic. It was bo on the Texas
auestion. It was eo in the matter of French
We need not advert to other
instances. We nave now a new emu u ui
EenalorWl folly and hesitation on the Ore
gon question more than this, vt have the
spectacle before tw, of Senators arguing -
gainst and depreciating the American ti
.tie! In this however as in former instances
a hesitating Senate will be impelled to act
and act correctly, by force of popular will
That popular will that has so often goaded
a reluctant Senate into patiiolic actiou, will
fitme no to the rescue again, and wo to
whole of Oreg'onj' aneTdYey will holcl8 fl
Deeds be with an arm of force. Timid or
- recreant Senators cannot prevent the devel
opement of republican institutions in Oregon
without stopping the tide of emigration
westward, and reorganizing with new sym
pathies, the American mind. Gut the un
patriotic conduct of Sanators is calculated
directly, to embarrass our government, and
give substance and life to English prelen
(ions; and is, principally, on these ground
to be regretted. The ultimate result of the
difficulty however is decreed by 8 powe
fully competent both to decide and to main
tain its decision, and no feeble or fearful
Senate can blast or lhwart eventually, the
topes or the will of a free People.
In this county, there is a rare and grati
fying unanimity of feeling in regard to our
f'lig'ili on tbe Pacific coast. Democrat and
"Whig, differing upon almost every other
.-puLlic.qucslion, agree on this; and are rea
dy, if needs be, to shoulder muskel in de
fence of American right. Our people err
not noiiy in expressing opinion, but they
are determined. They desire peace, sip
cerely, but they are reidy for war if it grow
out, of a firm assertion of national right
oar western bordar.
'The Whig Slate Convention held lately
at Ilarrisburg, nominated as the candidate
of that party for Canal Commissioner,
James M. Power of Mercer county, this
is, apart from political considerations,
nomination thai the voters of Pennsylvania
should uever approve of or ratify. Power
is one of the contractors who bled the State
eo outrageously on the Erie extension.
The reccollection of the extreme profliga
cy upon that Extension is fresh in the mind
of the people of the Ctate, end now ono of
the plunderers on that work, is presented ir;
them for their suffrages. Is it riflit to
commit any power over the Sute improve
tnents into such hands? Power has grown
rich upon iai contracts, end now nks that
the State that he liai atsintrd to fleece
shall bestow upon him one of its most im
portant offices!
A lawyer in Bedford, N. II., "hiving a
tittle time on his hands, has prosecuted the
towns in Iitllsboro' couuty, to llie amount
of about twenty thousand dollars, fir not
erecting guide-boards at the comas of the
. c r?ds,
No appointments hate yet been made
by lite ('anal Board on the A'orih U ranch.
As the canal will nol h opened for several
weeks, and as the present Supervisor is en-
etgeiii-aiiy employed in urging lorwaru llio
rupnirs, no pressing necessity exit for
-peedy action on the part of the Uoard of
Commissioners in malting or announcing
lppointmenis on this line. Appointment
in oilier tines have mostly been made, an
navigation is about being opened on most
f the lines of I'uhiic improvement U i
believed that navigation on lha North
Drani'li will be opened in about four weeks,
a much tallied period than was generally
anticipated. The President of the O.iard
has gone along the wliolo length of the
line within the last two days, examining
it where most injured and instigating active
exertion in it lenair. The olhei
Commissioners have been engaged in til
ame way in other parts of the State; an
upon the re-assembling of llie Hoard ii
llarrisburg the members of it will be ihor
otighly acrjuain ed w i if i iIih actual coudnion
of ihcPubhc works tliroughoul the common
The icayiiiiH aver that intelligent Eng
lishtnen in Ilavma rnteriain no duubt but
the troops foimed by recognizing the mili
lis of Cuba, aud enluing every white ma I
under 40, are intended to operate in Mcxi
co that the Spanish minister in Mexico
has drawn upon the revenues of Havana for
$200,000, half of which has been paid, and
,t is to be used to mould public opinion ir
that republics towards a inonaichy, whi
many neble families in Acxico still favor
and that the governor general of 'orO Rico
Aiiasol, who knows Mexico like a book
also favors the intrigues of Spain, Franci
and England for the same object. Th
ricayune handles this matter with ability
and as its position is favorable, we cunlid
to its vigi.ance to watch narrowly even
development of Furopean policy in Soutl
cm North America.
Many of our readers will remomber Por
:cr, the American giant; he ie still alive am
resides in Louisville, in his native Slate A
correspondent of ihe Christian Watchnai
lately paid him a visit, and says that he is i
perfect wonder in human shape, walkinj
and 6 inches in height. In gazing upoi
this mm, says his visiter, 'We feel an awi
greater than that produced by the presf nee
of a king and a kind of shrinking away in
to our Ifuleness. It reminded me of the
report ol the steps, sen: by Moseg m i.
wildeaness of Airen. lo search out llio lane;
of Canan, who said on their return. Vt
law Ihe giants, the sons of Amak, and vv.
were in - our own sight as grasshoppers
and so were wc in their siht.
Calafounu Indepexeest Wf
sre surprised lo find, in conversatioi
with some of the emigrants who are pie
paring (o depart Ihiih. r, that the fid ol
the Government of Upper California,
being independent of Mexico, is no'
generally known amon ihein! The in
dependence of Upper California was o
chieved in lha early part of January.
IS-lo, and Captain A.V. Suiter, former
y a citizen of St Liuis, was placed a
he head of (he civil and military depart
...viii.-. wi mo uui men iiicxtev
lias had lo much loo do at home since, e
vtn lo think of attempting the re-esisb
lishnient of htr authority ovfT so (lis A M r SI ., I r. A I , I
mi" a uiuruiut: ui h ion. wnirn n.
now become so strong as lo be bble,suc
cessfully, to resist any force I hat AfVxi-
co may send against it. St. Louh
Ilev telle.
Working women in London save them-
elves from starving during the winter, by
mortgaging their summer earnings. Many
4 the laborers of that 'merry' country de
clared at a recent meeting, that they knew
meat only by name.
tircat complaints exist in the different
counties of Ohio, of the havoc made bv
ios among the sheep In Warren County
it is estimated il.M 200 are thus destroyed
annually, bbu that m the Slate r.e damage
s $80,000 by this mode of destruction a-
"lie. A farm in Warren County, latelv
lost Cfiy sheep by dogs in one night.
An American ger.tleman saw an Almanac
in London which contained n list of ihe
Sovereigns of Curope.' ,.is list he
found in regular order, 'John IMk, Amcr-
To the Senate of the LVited States-.
In mswer (o the inquiry of lha Senate
conlainod in their resolution of the lStli in-
sunt whether in my judguieni any circum-
tuauce connected will) or growing out of llie
foreign relations of this country require at
this time an increase of our naval ur luilita
ry force;' aud ifso what those circumatan
cei are, '1 have to express the opinion thai
4 win precaution demands such increase
In my annual message of die 2d ol ue-
ember last I recommended lo llie favora-
ile cunsidemion of Congres an increase ol
mr naval force esptciary ol our iieam navy
mil ihe rawing ol an Hde(iuaduct ns 1 1 la i y
(oire to guard and protect such of our ctu-
zns ih. I itiighl think proper lo emtgrato lo
Oiegon. S.nce that period 1 have seen no
cause lo recall or modify liiest recommen-
lalions. O.i the contrary reasons extsl
which in my judgment render it proper not
unlv that ihey should be promptly carried
into effect but that additional provisions
should be made for the public, delence.
Phe consideration of such additional pro
vision was brought before appropriate com-
nutlets ol the two bouses ul Lot'gress in
answir m calls made by hem, in reports pie
pared with ny sanco3ii by tke Secretary
of War aeif the Secreurv ol ihe INay, on
the UUlIi of December and ihe 8lh ol Janua
i) la.,t a mode of communication with Con
iff not uniisual.and tinder existing ci r
eunist dices, believed lo be most eligible
Subsequent events have confirmed me in
the opinion thai these recommendations
were proper as precautionary .neasure".
It was a wise maxim cf ihe Fal'.in of Iks
country, that 'to be prepared lor war, is one
of he most efficient means of pteservinf
neace' mid that 'avoiding occasions of ex
expense by cul:ivaiing peace,' we should
remember also that timely disbursements
to prepare for danger frequently prevent
much greater disbursements loripel hThe
generil obligation to pfrform this duly i
greatly sirengincned by fads known to the
.vholo world. A controversy rpccim?
ihe Oregon territory now exists beiween
die United Stales and Great Britain and
while as far as we know the relations of ihe
alter wuh all European nations are of the
r.ost pacific character, she is nuking unti-
ual and extraordinary armaments anu war
like preparation?, naval and military, both
i home and in her IN uliii American pos-
li cannot be disguised thai, however sin
cere may bo ihe desire of peace, in llio e
rent of a rupture these armaments and pre
paraiioi s would bo ued against onr country
Whaicvei may have been llio original pui
pos? of llicss preparation the fact is un
doubted that they are now proceedings
pa-t, at leist, with a view to ihe contingent
nnsiiibililv of a war with ihe United Slates,
The general policy of making additional
, ......,,. .,j riKiindlV 3":
late as January last, and has since been re
neialed by die ministers of I It o crown in
both houses of Parliament. Under this as
pect of our relations wilh Great llrilain,
cannot doubt the propriety of increasing our
rieans ol defence, both by land and sea
This can give Great Britain no rauss of of-
;'ence, nor increase the danger of a rupture
If, on the should fold our arms
in and al lasl be Middrnlv invoii
id in hostilities for the maintairanco of out
juM riglils, wiihout any adequate prepara
tion, cor responsibility lo ibc country would
'ie of the gravest character. Should collis
ion beiwr-uu the two countries bo avoided,
is I Mm eiely trust it may be, the additional
ibarge upon llio treasury, in making iIk
necessary prepararionSj will not be lost:
while, in the eveni of such colli.-ion, they
woul I be indispensable for the mniiiain
anceofour nalionp.l righ:a and national
I have seen no reason to rhanijp or mod
ify llio recommendations of my annual
-ness.ige in regud lo the Orce in question
I he nolico lo ahrogate Ihe ireaty of the Gil
of August, 1827, is authoriznd bv the trea
ty ilself, and cannoi be regarded as a war
iii... i f ... .
ime measure; anu i car.noi witlilin.cj my
itrong convicnon itial it should lie promr.t
ly given. The other recommendations are
in conformity with ihe existing treaty, nnd
woum aiiora to American citizens in Ore
!jnn no more than ihe same measure nf pro
lection which has long since been exirndei
to British subjects in that territory
Tho state of our relations with .Mexico if-
still in an unsullied condition Since tin
rreeting nf ('nngross another revolution ha
taken place in that country, by which the
government has passed into the hands ol
new rultis This event has procrastinated.
and liny possibly defeat, the sc'ileiner.t of
Ihe differences between the Unitrd States
and thai country. Tho minister of ihe U
niled Stains lo Mex:cn, at the dales of the
lasl advices, bad not been received by llie
existing authorities. Demonstrations of i
character hostile to ihe United Sutes con
tinue to he made in Mexico, which ban ren-
lered it proper, in my judgement, to keen
neariy iwo-wmiii ci our army on our south
western ironticr. in doing tins, many of
rue regular military posts have neon redo
ced to a small force, inadequate lo their de
fence should an emergency arise.
In view of these ciicumslances it is mv
'judgement' thai 'an increase (f our naval
and military force is nl this timo required,'
lo place ihe country in a suitable state ul'
delence At the same lime, it is mv bpi.
lieu purpose in pursue such a rourse of
policy as may bn best calculated lo preserve
both, with CJ real Britain and Mexico, an
honorable peace; w I; u.h noihinir Mj fl)
eflecluaily promote as unanimity in our
councils, and a firm nninlainancc of all our
juHt rights. JAMKS K. POLK.
Washington, March 21, lsifj.
A correspondent of the Cincinnati Ga-
gives the following account of one of the
nosl disgraceful instances of mob violence
and lawlessness, we have ever been called
upon (o record,
Nashville, March 1 5th, 1815.
This city exhibited a scene, on yesterday
fierunnn and night, of one of the must ciu
l mobs it has ever been my lot lo witness
For some lime past rumors of a painful deb
'cate nature have been in circulation in re
gard to a lady of thie city, which, coming
1Q ,)ie par8 0 ,cr husband, inducod him lo
earth for llie source fioin whence they
emanated. He traced them to a Mr. H '.
C. Judson, a man grown somewhat notori
otis of late. They mel yesterday neir ibe
African Church, and the meeting resulted
in the death oj the lady's husband, Mr. Rob
ert Portfleld- It seems that Judson had
b'ien down near the Sulphsr Spring, prac
ticing wilh his pistols, and was returning
wbenhemetMr Porterfield. The latter
tired, it is said twice, without effect; Jud
soli one, hilling his victim in the forehoad
mil inflicting a wound of which ha died
last night.
Judson wis arrested and taken to the
Court House for examination, before a jus
uce of ihe Fence, Almost immediately, as
the matter became known, a large crowd
gathered in and about the Court llouse.and
symptoms of violence began in be inanifes
ted. A brother of ihe deceased, justly ex
ited ugainsi ihe murderer of his brother
went into the Court room, and shot al Jud
son a number of times. Judson ran out o
the door; Porieitield followed, and ahot
several limes more as he went down the
steps. Judson kept on, and reaching the
loor of the City Ilotob Porterfield placed
isiol at his head and fnrd, bill Judson
lodged; and escaped wilh only the loss of
ock of hair. Whilst he was djdging about
nhers fired ul him, too, b'lt he had the good
lo i tune lo escape.
When in the Court House far cxamina
lion, soma of the crowd were Ux shooting
others or hanging, him, and oul sids il
crv was 'Fetch him out U ur:'To cor.linu
my narration: Escaped from the crowd
Judson secreted hiinseif in the hotel: and
after a search of some fifteen or twenty
ii innics. he wa discovered, and a rush ol
hundreds of people was made for him A
he essaveti to escape again- he fill from the
ihird slory of ihe hulel into the yard, an
broke his thigh. Supposing him lo bn dy
ins-Mr.i;,id,.gE5mitied the Shcnfl' and
Here, il is hoped, llie matter would em
thai nil violence would cease, and th
law permitted to vindicate itself, Bui there
wasaihirst for venge.inco excited, and
must needs be quenched. So al nighl a par
ly wrnt lo the jail it demanded the prison
er who was given up tothem. Maimed and
aln.osi naked, ihey ihrew him into the
streets to be hung. lis begged for a minis
ter which wasdenitd him he feared not
loath, but requested lo bo shot and begged
f th ere was any gentleman present thai
A-onld shoot him. They took him to tho
square and run him over the rail of an aw
ing posl Uie rope bioke, and lie fell, when
he was taken back to jail, where he lies lo
lie some lime during the nighl-
Mr. Porterfield died ibis afiernoon, Tukc
in all, it was worthy of ihe Kripn of
Terror in Fiance' I was present, and at
tend d closely lo all that occurid of laM
night's proceedings
Freeman, the murderer, has been fully
coinmitifd lo stand his irial at Auburn at
the nexi tfnn, for llio murder of Mr. and
Mrs Van Ness, their child, Mrs. WyckolT
and Mr. Van Arsdale, live persons in all
the whole family, in fad, with the excep
tion of ihe servant girl, who escaped
The best and most pithy d-finiiinn we ever
heard of good farming, was given by Mr
Kar.e, at a late agricultural meeting in Dor-
Plsliire, Fngland. lie said, he fed his
land befoie hungry, rested il before weary,
ind weeded it before foul.
Lieut rhompson, with 25 dragoons, ihe
wind fiuro al Praiiie du Cliifn, and Capi
Summere, with a small foice.are in purstiii
if ihe Winnebagoes, and about thirty Indi
ans have been taken at the Kickapoy settle
ment. The volunteers under Gov Undire
ire near Milwaukie. Tho Winnebagoes,
500 in number, hive crossed the Wisconsin
river and gone iiiio ihe Pinery.
The total exports of ice from Huston
luring ihe I isi nine months, was 25,831)
Po core ihe looibaclir, plunge your feci
in cold water. Ktrance, but true, savs nn
jtxchanjc pa;icr h is easily tried al leaM,
An ElEctimcal Ciei Among the
recent novelies, which have attracted
ho attention ol ilia 'arisians, is an 'e
ectrical girl,' of whom the most incred-
ble things are related, liar name is
.neeliqtie Cotlen, ihiitenn vaan of age
a native fcl llie uepartmen i r initiiem.
If i he accounis given of her are mm, she
l)Oiife 'he eledric power in rj-untiiy
and foice, that the y nuy he called (p is
.Iinnlr ', n it ' II nlirtlll IlirCA
HIYCIJT rMuix.wn,
i .i! i u.. ...:.i..i a
was oniy uuuuvubu vy .
rttl which she held in her ha ml one
lay suddenly flew ul of it, to ilm as
onishment of all present, tin its Doing
replaced il shot ofJ'ain. 1 lieie was of
course a sensation produced by the cir
cumstances. 7'li icientifio were in
formed of lha singular cii cum .tn'iees,
nd sundry experiments wera put un
ed in the presence of rsgo, Ma bieu,
jaugier and Ooujon. 1 tie following is
ihe account of these experiments
.7 pi ce of paper being laid O l Ihe
d"n of a Uble, was immediaieiy anrac
ted lo her lft hand. Holding her a
nron noon it, she approached a eneri
don, wh:ch 'retired al her approach.'
She was then placed in chair w.lli hei
f..i m ih orrnii,id- Ihe chair was
thrown with violence against ihe wall,
i ui v ' n
n one direction, snd A-igel nua lum
bled down in another. 1 tie experiment
was rntd several times, and with
nufcrlv ihe same result. JNext Monsieur
Arago, lha famous aslronomer, laid
his hand upon the chair, hut could noi
prevent in moving. I1. io.ijon then
ii unon llio chair, and it was projected
is bffre, the moment Angniique took
her seat. Oil a suhsequeut occasion two
men held il down but ihoiifeh il did nol!fl
move ny uuunce, 11 wax uiuncu ",lut,lie vengeance, not 0 uly on ihe captain,
pieces, a taoie Bnu suia
resist her electrical power of repulsion-
Dr. Tauchon asctrtained to his own sat
isfactun thai the cliair was nrsi attracieu
1 .1 II-. I II ;. Molo.l ihol
1111 en rennu. i i n..-u
whenever ihe gjrl is isohtsd by a ulass
-tool, oiled silk, or any other
of ele cti'ici'y, 'lie projections do
not lake place.
A magnet, says Ihe account, being
placed near ihe left hand, which is a
lone magnetic, she experienced differ
iTerent ssnsalions, corresponding with
ihe different poles- She thus felt what
might be properly termned a Norlhen
gensalion, and a A'ouihern rensation, she
i) not arcti:in her tste, Ii w.vey fhc
is rcpelod by ihe Nonh Pole. When
the electric discharges lake placi, she
is violently agiiated, experiences very
reat comriiotion,and complains of much
Wa find her electrical power much
Klil'A'VMVf.'.Pf hhe '1!,s dined; end her
of electric energy runs up to 120 a
ininuie. Oilier wonderful ihings are
recordnd ol her which otcouise require
some further evidouce befote ' y cju
be credited.
Shocking Case. Our aMenlion was
aUrncted on Monday mgh, in llie First
.1unicipialily , by a large cron'd of peo
ple sui rounding a good looking, neatly
dressed young sailor, and a rather prel-
')' girl, apparently not more than six
' ct-n years of ate. The ntn was alter
nately weeping, cuisir.g, and tearing his
iiair, and tin earning to kill both him
self and ihe female near him, while, ihe
.-tood wilh hands clasped, her eyei red
with weeping, supplicating him not lo
kill tier, ami Legging hi:n no! to 'lake
on so. Un inquiring into tna cause of
the fli.-tut bance, the following deplora
ble circumstances wero related, The
sailor had just it turned from n. long
crtiiso al siv, and was on a 'laik' about :
town, full of frolic snd -seas over' when
hn encountered the female in the s'reets
s'nick up an acquaintance with her, and
invited tier lo acconijiany him !o ihe
(llube H.ill,? From some unaccounta
ble reason, tho girl fall a repugnance o
going with hinijbulal lasl consented, and
was invited by her companion lo enter
1 neigdbjring cifo ami gel a drink. A
they stood at the bar tho countenance 0
the mm sor;med familiar to her. and as
he put nut his hand lo lake Inslass ol
I qiior, she obsnved a do?p scar, and
diupping lier g!as, exclaimed, 'Great
(lod! your name ii lyou're are my
brothei!' and no ho was. IIn had no'
een her for e ight ye,irs,& when he last
left her with her paienls in New Yoik.
he was a fair haired prattling little
child. ILs horror and anguish at fin
ding her away from home, and a com
mon gill of tho town, can be better im
agined than described; and yet, amid
his paroxism of grief, bo ihamed heav
en thai ho had made llie discovery lltu,
early. A polica oflicfr succeeded in
eparating the unfni tuna'e pair and ge -ting
1 1 1 e 111 safely lo their several homes,
ami wo have no! heard of them since.
N. O. VkuyMic.
The Iresheis in the Penobscot and Sarn
rivers arc desi nbi d as disastrous. Tin
jams' of ita in ihe 'ennbit-nt have in van
mis idaces, caused much alarm and damage
but as yet we have no details of loss ol
property. All the booms on lh; S'aco have
bttn cairicd away.
Oorrespflnbcnce of ibo Tulilrc l.cJ"er.
Washington, Ahrch 25, IS 10.
Great excitement was created in
Washington early this mornin. by iho
report that ihree or four persons ha 1
linl their throat cut during Hie usi
nijht at Mr. MiDuITm's b f a r d i 114
house, on Ihe avenue, near the Capital,
ind lint Ciplain Rimsay, of ihi U S.
Navy , was amorm lln ntrnb'-i Up-m
ring m till proper q'lai'er, 1
I. ma 1 tho slain 01 ine nu to nmirv
a colored servsnt al Mrs. Dulliu
(vviinrj Captain flimsy and three son,
the eldest aboul twenty, boi! the youiiR-
si about twelve, were bosrdiog,) opei -il
the fioui door this morning, with a
view to open ihn window shutters, ha
was atticked with a largn kni'e, by 8
man named Tucker, from Vir ginia, who
ind been stopping at the United Slates
Hotel in this city, and who, for several
days, I am told,hs been laboring under
the influence of mn'e a polu. The ser
vant reirea'.ed up stairs lo Capt. i m
lay's room, followed by Tucker. Hero
lie wag met by Capt. li., who had been
iroued from hi bed by ihe cries of tho
servsni.and upon whom Tucker ii.fl c
'ed a stvere w)iind in the fica wilh hi"
knifo, beforts he could be ecured.The 3
ons of Captain Ilimsy rushed 10 the
rescue of their f a 1 h e , and before llio
four were able lo secure the mioiac, llio
oldest was severely cut n 9 plicfyha 2 J
in llie ureal and face, and Mi'? ynuugett
across Ihe throat, but ntithei if ibem
was dangerously wounded. Tnclur
was finally secured and convryed lo
jail. Il is slated lhal Tucker once sail-
ep wtin uaptain ivamsay, tnai no
eJ b him.and thai his object waslo
but on all of his family. This Mate-
menl j hjye gQOl, RruulKiiH f, deolarip
Q b(j wnov unfoU'iilel . Cptain Uam-
havine s.en Tucker until this
3 0
I noticed In the car hou8 of lha
Washinulon and Ziallimore ilailroad
Company, about 1 o'clock iodiy,a man
apparently in low circumstances and
under Ike influence ol great depression
of mind. On inquiiy I learned that ho
is a fisherman, and that six or seven
days since he cut Y'n throat, while en
gaged in his vocation on lha l'otonruc,
and under lha infl icnce of temporary
derangement lhal no surgical relit f hail
been atl'orded him thai he had been
landed ihis morning al Washington by
his bio'.her (ishrrnian, with a view to
send him home to h s family in lliiii
more, which is his place of residence:
Inil ihnt the agent of the lir.e declined
taking him en. (though some benevo
inn individual offered to pay his pas
sigp,) lesl scmething mihl occur lo him
in (be rout lo detain the cats. I'm throat
was socut badly th3t Ihe water lis drank
was discharged Ihrough lha wound. lie
appeared to be fuflering greatly from
thirst, and hi situation was evidently so
critical as lo render his recovery exceed
nly douhtfoul. lie was lo leave in
he 5 o'clock cars I understrnd the a
gents having been induced lo allow him
ha same privileges accordtd to other
These Iwo incidents created, lo day,
quite on excitement at iheeast endof tho
Gen. Houston, one cf the new Sena
tors from Texas, has 10 mis at Brown's
Hotel, He has been somewhat indispns
ed for several days, but will nevcrlha
Irs, like hi? seat in the Smata lo nior
The present week willl ba one cf in
terest and excitement, as lha vole on tho
Oregon rme'tion will undoubtly h la
ken on Friday or Sdlurd.iy, and in tho
neanlime Mr. Webster, and one or two
other distinguished gentlemen, will ad
liess the senate. The notice will ho
lia'sed, but il is impossible to predict,
villi certainty, ihn pier iaa shipo which
it will finally assume,
This is the name of a new and simple
machine for cutting down trees, and
which is now in town. It can be fixed, il is
said, 111 a minute and a hill, ami will cut
through a tree al ihe rate of three inches per
niniite, without causing 1I18 waste tho
voodinan m ikes with his axe, leaving u
groove of only one half inches around l!io
ree. Il is applicable f.n other purposes,.
such as ihe culling of Mone or iron, for rut
ting iron piping any size or in any position.
ikewise fui turning llie mouldings of ml
olumns. Lnglish aprt.
Stag Canals The A h my(N. V.)
iiizen i f Thursday, says that the Stai
Canals vv II bo leady for navigation by
lie 20ih of April, or near thai day.
A large majority of the members of
be ISalimore Mathodiit Confertnco aro
npposed lo be infatiorof rem lining with
ho North branch of Ihe Church so
ays a letter in theTrenlon Daily New.
With a population of a liulo over 10(1.-
i.lliO, WiscoiikIii has now fifteen nensiiarit x
ith 1 fair prospect ol some half a dozen
'tioro the present year.