The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, April 04, 1846, Image 1

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1 1
i i iu i rc.a m i h i i r'.a rt.i c l a
Volume IX.
onv.sira Sr. I'aul's Church, Main-it
The COLUMliLl 1) EMOClLITwill h
pttblhhed evert Saturday morning, a
TUX) HOLLAR fj'l IJltlliill .ijiji..
I . ' ... .. J"
wiij ynriy inaavunee,or I wo Dollar,
m.Vl Cents, if not paid within the year
i o suHsrrtption will be taken for a shortci
period than nix months; nor an y diseon
iintumcc permitted,untit all arrearage
are. dur.hartd.
jM'EETJSEMEXS not trending
square will be conspicuously inserted at
vne imiarjor the Jirst t line insert tons
and Twentij-fine. cents for event sidmc
quint nscrtion, cjv libcral'disroun
made to those, who advertise hi the year
LETTE IIS addressed on busi'uessjiiust
oe post paid.
Elackwood,' is publishing a series of ex.
tracts fiom a wotk 'A Campaign in Tex
as which appeared last ym in Leipaic,
from iho pen of Von H. Elirer.berg.a young
oerman, w ho served ihrough the brief bu
terrific struggle in 1835 between Texas and
Mexico, and who look pari in soma of the
most fearful scenes of 'iffat campaign, being
likewise one of the three or four who es
csped from the treacherous massacre at
Gulaid, where Farming's men were murder
ed in coliibloud by order of Santa Anna. Eh-
rnbtrg give the subjoined account of lb
tcrest scene, which we think will be read
with in though the incidents are in sortie a r
already familiar.
'Afier the had been ral!ed over
the order to march was given, it wo filed out
through the g-aie of the fortress.'the Greys
taking the lead. Owsido the gale wo werp
received by two iit',i'iu"w wf ckahu.
lafjiiuy. viti. inarched alpng on cither side
of us, in the same order aj ourselves We
were about four hundred in number, and tU
Cavalry, of which numerous small groups
tcre scattered about the prairie. Wi
K arched on in silence, riot, however, in tl.t
direction we had anticipated, but along tin
road to Victoria. This surprised us; bu
upon reflection we concluded that ihej
were conducting us to soma eastern port
thence to bo shipped to New Orleans, which
upon the whole, was perhaps the best am
shortest plan. There was something how
ever, in the profound uilcnca of the Mexieai
(soldiers, who are usually unceasing chat
terers, thai inspired me with a feeling ofun
easiness and anxiety. It was like a funera
march, and truly might it so be clled Pre
sently I turned my head to eeo if MillerV
people had joined, and wero marching with
us. Dul, to my extreme astonishment,
neither they nor Tanning's men nor the
Georgia batwlion were to be seen. They
had separated us without our observing it
and the detachment with which I wa.
marching consisted anly of the Greys anil
a fnw Tcxian colonists. Glancing at tin
escort, their full dress uniform and the ab
tencs of all baggage, new for the fust lime
struck me. 1 thought of the bloody setics
that occurred at Tainpico, Patricio, and
the Almo, of the faUo and cruel character ol
ihos in whose power we were, and 1 wa
siezod wiih a presentment of evil For
moment I was about lo communicate m
apprehensions to my comrades; but hope,
which never dies, again caused ino to laM
a more cheering view of our situation.
Nevertheless, in order lo bo prepared foi
the worst, and, in case of need, to be unen
cumbeied in my movements, I watched my
opportunity, and threw away amongst the
grass of the prairie a bundle containing the
lew things that the thievish Mexicans luri
allowed me to retain.
A quaiter of an hour had elapsed sinrr
our departure from the fori, when uddenU
the command was given in Spanish to
whcid to the left, leaving the road; and, a.
we did no; unduistaud iho order, the oflicei
himself weni in front to show us the way,
snd my companions followed withoui
l.iKing any particular notice of the chaise jliis wounded companions wero shot and
ol direction. To mir left ran a niu'keiHuyoticttd at Golaid, only Dr. Thackleford
hedjje, live or b.x Itel in hoiijlii, at lijl.i
singles wiih the river Si. Antonio, whii h
flawed al about a ihoii.jui.d re in la
"," TV",' fTH I f TTjTJ- if J-J jj
between banks thirty or forty feet high.and
if which banks the ono on the nearer side
f the river rose near perpei.diculaily out
if the water. We were marched alon the
ude of the hedgo towards the stream, and
suddenly the thought flashed acioss s,
U hy are they taking us in this direction!'
The appearance of a numbsr of Janccrs,
Lanteiing abwui in Iho fields on our right,
ilso startled us, and just then the foot-ool.
diers, who bad been marched between us
and the hedge, changed their places, and
'joined those of iheir comrades who guarded
us on the other hand. Cel'ore we could
livine the meaning of this manouvto, the
woid was given to hall. It fame like nr ,1- r,t.u ui ucui, a ma vault imiiiieiii
it was uttered- t)io sound of a volley ol
keiry echoed acroi-s iho nrairie. Wt
bought of our comrades u;id of our own
robahle fate.
'Kneel down!' now burst in haish. ac-
enis from the lips of iho Mexican com-
No one s t in eJ- 1'Vwofus understood
ha order, and those who did would not o-
hey. The Mexican soldiers, who stood at
bout three paces from us, levelled their
louskets at oui breasts. Eeu then we
eonld haidly believe that ihey meant In
hool us, for if wo had, we should a-eurediy
iiave rushed forward in our desperation, and
weaponless though we were, some of oui
murderers would have met their do-un a;
our hands. Only one of our number was
well acquainted with Spanish, and ccn he
seemed as if he could not c.omprt;cud the
ider that had been given. lie stared a:
he commanding officer, as if awaitin it?
repetition, and we stared al him, ready, at
he first word he should u tier, tosjuing up
on the soldier. I'm he seemtd to bu, a
hat iho demonstration was merely men
ice, used to hduce us lo enter the .Mexican
sui vice. With thr. atening gcsiuie am!
dravt ii KWord, the chief ol the aasusins u
aiu ej iculalud ihe command lo kneel down.
The eound of a second volley, Lo:u a diflVr-
n t direction with the firsi, just then reach
ed our ears, and was followed by a confns?
id cry, as if those at whom it had been
timed, had not all been immediately killed
Our comrade, the one who understood
Spanish, started from his momentary leth
argy, and boldly addressed us.
'Comiades,' said he, 'you hear that ro
port, that cry. There is no hopo for u;
our last hour is come! Therefore, com-
A terrible explosion interrupted him
and then all was eull. A thick cloud of
smoke was wreathing and curlin,' towanls
die St. Auior.i'i. The blood of our lieuten
ant was upon my clothe, and iireund me
iy my friends, convulseil with iho lat ag
ny. 1 saw nothing more. Unhurt niv
ie'd, I sprang up, and .concealed by the
ir k smoke, lied along the side i,f the
hedge, in the diiertion of ihe river, ihe
loise of ihe water for my guide. Suddenly
i blow from a heavy sabru fell upon my
head, and Iroin out of the smoke euiergrd
ihe form of a hide Mexican lieutenant, lie
timed a second blow al me, which I parried
with my left arm 1 had nothing to risk,
out every thing to gain. Ii was life oi
deih. lichind me a thousand bayonet,
before mo thi powerless sword of a coward.
I rushed upon him, and with Hue Mixiean
valor, he fled fiom nn uuanr.ed man. On
I went, the rivrr rolled at mv feet, the shout'
ing and yelling behind 'Texas forever!'
cried I, and without a moment's hesitation,
1 plunged into the water. The bulleie
whistled around me as I swam slowly am'
we.irily lo the other side, but none wond
ed inc. Our poor dog, w hich hid been
with us all ihe campaign, and had jumped
into the river with me, Ul a sarnlice to
Mexican cruelty. He had leachtd iht
middle cf the stieam, when a bah struck him,
and he disappeared.
Whilst these horrible sccnrs were ocror
ing in iho prairies, Colonel Fanning and
and a lew hospital aids having their lives
-pared, in oider that they might attend on
the wounded Meiieans. Desi.ies Mr, Eli-
renberg, but three of the prisoners at (!o
Had ultimately escaped the slaughter.
Having crossed the Si. Anionia, Mr.
Ehrenberg struck into the high grass and
thickets, which concealed him from the
pursuit of the Mexican, and wandered
through the prairie, guiding himself as best
he might, by itin and stars, and striving to
reach the river Brazos. He lost Pis way
and went ihrongh a variety ol'stiiking ad
vemnres, which, with some characterise
sketches of Texan life and habits, of Gen
eral Sam Houston and Satila Anna, and a
spirited account of the battle of St. Jacinto
at which, however, he himself was not pre
sent, fill up the remainder of Iws book-
Descending again by another path you
list-over al the foot of the roefcs a si4iph
rural seat, or bank, overhung by ihe
ireee, and with ihe flower-garden lying
lisplayed at vour feet, fliia aat used
to be ihe favorite resurl of the uncle of
ur. u Conntll, from whom he inherited
Jen ynane.
This gentleman, who seems to havo been
i mao. of both powerlul physical frame and
ofty nioral character, lived lo within one
year ol a hundred. H8 was for some
years blind before his decease, and delighl
td to ii here, where, beneath ihe fresh can
opy of trees arid roeks, he could hear ihe
I'Siant Sivind of ihe sea, That sound, so
loll of m ijesiy, reined not only to soothe
him, hut to drink, as it were, a visible per
ception of ihe seenes around in which it
made o grand a li.'ure, and reel no ihe
- i
vivid acis and imigts of oisl life ' There
vas no fear of death in his strong and pre-
paired mind,' said Mr. O'Connell, one day:
-leal, at some uistance, grew a plenum ?h
m it... - ' -
treo Once, having sal for some time as in
Itep thought, he sid, 'Daniel, I have a
favor lo request of you.' 'Of me, uncle
Win! can that be?' 'Measure me the giul
if that tree- 1 did so, and told lumw hai
i was. '1 thought so, he said. 1 inongn
it wa as Ibra as tint. The favor I wuuh
ask, Daniel; is, lhal that tree may now br
felled. ,May be felled? What ihe ira
vou have always termed to lake such pleas
ure in.' 'Yes 1 would hao il cut down.
I'here is r.n occasion to ank lire permission
ifine' 'Yes as ibis place will ho yours, 1
would rot do anything without conniiny
you. 1 thaiiK yuu lor giving me icavu in
ell this tree, and now 1 will le!l you foi
vrint purpose I would fell it. It is lo make
my ceflin of its wood. I have f.n some thought that it would be largo enough
md now find that it is. Send for the
arpentcr Tha crpenter was sent for 'New,
caipenter,' he s.r.d addissing him, 'J want
vou lo nuko my collin. You must cw
own lhal a-ih. Saw it up inio boatds ol
an inch and a quarter thick, and of iwculv
two inches deep. The entire boards will
e large enough both for that and for the
boltom and lid of suitable proportion A
for the length what do you think lhal should
be!' Tha carpenter running his eve over
the fine old man, and considering in hintscli
foi some time, replied, I should say seven
fett, your honor.' Seven feet! Why, 1
lever stood more than six feel ihreo. Age
has decreased my height, but death, I know
vill stretch me out again In a certain de
gree, but, seven feel.' w liVj lhal is the pro
portion for a giant Lei il be six feet fi.e!
With this ihe old gentleman disuiisred iht
man und the subject. Tne tree was felled,
the hoard sawn and seasoned, nd the cof
fin made according to his directions.'
Tint's AJagazin'."
A laughable incident is told of a nervous
man who imagined himself Very sick re
ports were in the neighborhood that he wai-
given over by the dnotor. He was observ
"d early in die day making rapid stride
through the e irrels. His alarmed neigh-
hor met hi.n:
How arc you friend?'
Su k very ick!'
Where now?'
After some ono to sil up wiih mo lo-night
I am so plagued for watchers, that theic i
no one I can depend upon!'
II is singular what shifts love will
make lo accomplish ils object. Uolis,
Urates, and bars are of lilllt avail against
Cupid'e pic (I'.ck contrivances his con
n i ii j will devise ways and means lo open l"xiuiiid with the condition of afl'urs w i
them all. A vounir cenlleman had;,ri"fi",!0''cal'
cotirled fair la. Iy of ihie city and
was supposed the Iwo, in due lime
would become 'one flesh' Some little
qiurrel, of a trivial nature, as lover'.
quarrels generally are, oecured. Neither
would confess the wrong to be on ihen
side presents and conesnondonce were
mutually sent back anil Ihe match was
broken olf 1 he young gentleman imme
dialely started for New OtleanJ, to en
ier inio commercial business, thinking
hal elmtanee would lessen Ilia aitach-
mpni he really fell for ihe young lady.
vvricn a ivmnan is injured or think
die is injured, hy the one she loves, sh
s more apt lhan the male sex to 'bit
off her own nose,' as the say ing is, to
milict pain and be revenged on the of
lending opted. 7 gemleman lhal " the
young lady once rejected renewed hi.
propolis, and was accepted within a
week afier her old lover had embu ked
for the eotitli. On reaching New Oi
aris he found that the distance, iutead
of weakening his attachment, only madr
ihe lady dearer, he became melancholy
nd low spirited. I lie first letter In
leceived from vWw Ym k fuiin a fiiem
of his announced that his old llime wm,
dioilhly to be married to another. II:-
ooiirfu was quickly taken Ihe nex
morning saw him on b iaid a tucket ship
bound lor Gotham.
The nis'Sig.? was unf iritinately long.
and Ihe poor fellow chafed and fretted in.
much, that the passengers began lu
ihink him ileraiig"d or elso a fugitive
"capingj froin jiislico. Tlio instant the
Vessel loucheil the warf hi (n
lu supposed the litter vva much sur
prised to fee his fjiend, imagining him -conp!e
thousand miles away. At er ill'
usual silujlion he exclaimed.
'My dear fellow you are just in liuv
'o see ihe wedding, Afss , yom
old bwetheart, is to married this morn
ing at 11 o'clock. To tell you lh
ruth, I don'i believe there is mud
love about il, and that the girl really
thinks moio of one hair of your hear;
ban Ihe (oi tunale bridegroom's who!
'Good God.' Where is she to bt
nan i' d in elm; eh?'
'No, At her faiher's house.'
'My dear fellow I yes no yes.
I have it. Have you any case coming
... i ... i i. 5-
on in eiiher ol t lie courts at u u oucu:
'Then fill me up a subfcjia with tin
'iride grootri'd panic. Don i slop to ask
ny ritiofitions. It milters not vvhethei
he know any aboui Die parlies to tin
suit. L'v htiivenn, Julia shall be mine!'
His Iriend siw his object at once, and
promised to cany on the niatiet'. ne
ubjce ia was made and placed in tile
hands uf a elei k to serve upm Ihe un-
.iisppctii'g bridegroom the instmt he
.vas seen to leave his residence, and wa.
lespiiichcd in a cab lo wetch thn house.
About ten minutes before eleven, as tin
ioon Irippy mm was about tillering s
coach before thn door of his residence,
oe was sci ved wiih the subpoena.
Cant help it,' says the cleik in reply
o his gesticulating about 'not knowing
he paities,' 'going to b mariicd, '&.
We (.han't reach the Hall now be Com
11 Ihe case is the first on calendar
.nn 'i keep you Inn 1G minute. Il'yoi.
lon't go heavy fne, irnpi isoninen
:or contempt. ' eye , oj-c.
The bi idegtoooi, who ws i alher oT a
imid nature, finally conseired, psiiico
ariy as the chik piomised to semi e
rierid of his who sat in ihe ob, wrap
pKl up in a large cloak, to the bourn
d his bride in exit'Clation, cxplaini..
he reason of his absence. The read? i
an iiiiag uo who this person was.
Klevon o'clock came, but still no biide-
,rrf,1i,ibe pi if hi began lo grow impatient
and the bnue that was lo i.e, ioomu psie iv:0miiihus ! thank vou. saul the fnlle-
agitated wlu'ti n carriage drove up tie
rang and 'There he is!' Theie he
muttered many voices. . A i;eiiilenin
indeed tiner w hoe sppparanee e-reaied si
most ss much astonishment ss that of Ed
irar Kaveiiswood in the hall of nshton (Jas
lis nl ihe mamaec ol Lucy Ashioti inbcoti a
Bride of Laii.menno.r.' The lady fainted;
nellf'lln fivn 'innlinn flnoilui ri'ltVPI llPf
if a I'un. nmuiliiliuil VIK"Ul.U il
. -..i .i i . ..i.i i. J
t iri'kii'H mui irii' iiiv i r :i ii i i m itfMiiii
that ill 10 minutes ullci iho two real lovers
AP!!!, j, Is'tC.
were joined in .he .acred bonds of
mnnv muni, in il aUiiLr....i t . .i
Tim bml mnm ihx wa. . i
soon made his iimearriiee DniTimr X-',!...
ing. What he said and what he Oi l
- beholding his rival, and bum nude a
it ',,ie story of the subp(8'u w It inly
Ipahiwl mil urt.l l...d ... .
. uu, ,,,u I, , ,;,ciir Hr inueii auiiiHe
mem thai the poor f-lhuv daclares be wj
sue llie lawer lor 810,00;) dam ige.i in ,ur,
,uiiaiMK in. ii its ii wiuietis iii a case ol
which he knew nothing and by which Ii
oist a wife h will he A IUiVmI suit iiwIiilj
flie should do so. N V- Sunday Times
Simples, at which tint public would
llm lit. ll.ui. r.ana . I T . . I
r "uses, ii uuerej 13 iriem
m Iheir plain common unnes, whei
Iressed ii) wiih s sou i.ling mis becom
mm.ns-ly ellijacious mi physic A linl
nulleu, or elder, pepper ami vinegar
fcc, make no app. lo the marvellous
md will no! gj down in these days. U
suppose you fix up a mess and call v
he calarambis extract, or the comnouml
fluid of piscaiaqna.never mind whai it ii-
naiuor, there are som, and nol a lew
'o constituted lhal Ihey will begin lu ex
per lenco renei, even odor ihe tneii
cine has pass.-d ihrough the (rack of thi-
'"ophagtH. writer in the Now Yoik
News, thus fairly hits the mop- n.sity
it the medical piofession to conceal
-mall things under pompus (li.gtiijes'
What wliould becoma of ihe. dignity
nd exclusiveness of the profession, were
Is vocibolary lo b stripped ol lis an
iq'Uidd j ii gon were us bil ks and it
nilbs, its drugs ariJ ns simples, its diied
eaves anil roots, to be, Wuhed of then
uKEnnii'i anni ap penaiioris IJliW
, ...l I . ii . a ii
votild Iheir 'carminatives,' 'diiti.spu.s
modics,' 'lenitives,' '-eiLMivcs ' 'anti
phlogistic,' senimerngnguy 'diaidioj.
u.iiuu icaiiiic. iwrtifiy h ii it rt e're
cy, rebuked by a doctor if ihe 19w
:enlury Vrenly, the ideas is enntig'
o make ihe crying philosopher hiiih
Kind reader, Cast your eyie upon tin
Mhitistics, which ate a houa lido pren-
ription used by ihe faculty.
U.1!v. Rip. Kb.
lly.l. Chlur. Sod.
Acid. Acet.
Mel. drsp.
Aqua Flov
M. Ft. Grag. sig. Sum. p. r
Utiles you are one of ihe 'illuiiiiuatl,
his specimen cannot fail to be pip, ml).
od,' ami all a inystpiy of myittrud li
your option Will it be moie iitelligt
ole lo you, if we icsioie to the;
words the members whcih this anti.te
net fraternity bus lopped ulL If you
wish to try the ex pel i men i, behold n ;
liecuipe Pulveiia Fipesi Kubi i,
Hydro Chloridi Sodit,
Acidi Acelici,
Ills rlesptimati,
v'Api. Fluvialis,
Misce, Fihi 6'.irgain)a.
S gnt tin, pto t u nata
This ieci ipiion, which, doubtless,
iflen in cases of seat It t fever and ordi
nary sore thioais. you have g.zed upor
vvilh r. sect and awe, and wondered a!
the deep knowledge ofhiniwho could
understand Mich mysterious medicines,
is, in plain English, nothing mote oi
ess than
Ked pepper,
Mix, nuke into a g3rg'c.
Direction.- L"l them be used accoi
ling to cii cum.-l nice.
rZnl all !ngi llitr is a simple garlo fo
Im iiiioai, to be used uccoid.og lo ctr
Ji gn'tfman list week, got inl) i
B oad way tltge in which were le
pre. ty tit Is. Upon asetiidii'g the sip;
he pueil for a niouDii', dzzt"d by lb
beauty belore h in. 'Tlu ie is room.sii
sil down' ssiil one of Ihe ladie of lh-
,mn. nMlifiv in: "I ihniinlil of ireltilli.
inlo so omnibus 15-: t had I nave en
. i ...... i;..t
In speaking of the ariangetnenis for re-
nns, al ,. i,n.r.i a (.,,n A i)oal. , taJv
keJ , j , llttk of ,,epillg
mi a liMiL'fl ran. anil ciiVtrii)" iCibc'll WiU)
- - , - - - D
iwo yaids ol tape.
.Vtiinht'i- 50,
0 1, T 10 .MJjil J'AI-M' OX, THE AUUaH
lloi li took mo lo ee punlei's b
to, and as we cany away f i,i)s,;fved 'O
nin that Hie li;!ji Were aH atoo led in
heir faces, the fky loo bhu-, and i:.c
lees too green. Yen, said Uojle, lio
eenis to take loo uiu:h pint in liia
bi oh.
iinn we cune home, I told my i
'T ' ii ? piiutei wss eiever, hut mui tl
'oo showy ; hi fkies areas bin-? as my
c iai ; his I icen rnl a tin keys, h:s coi
s V''ilryV as S,Weri:roa mi:!n I ur-iui r
- n - - - s
mi wlieo u :n:io slopped uid hy siyiog,
mi uo.v you are tili'm lo.i (ifj-:.i uiiul
mi 'he biuh, neiihew
I hive miuy liiin- ca g Is myself an I
ilheis in the xime ttiin 'I'o- i,,,nn
s as dark rts p'd', ud tti-i mud in ihm
r nd in ii) to one's kne i; the mm dii-
)e as stoo a $ horse, aod lh W ioi ,i,
ays die was 'nhiened to death .V.liy's
louiiel is hoi-,i,.j to I iok at, inl v-U
;ve ini.ltj i irn-oid uUiiiier of us
s this morning.
Now Ibis is an irregularity which u."-
4"ittly r q ilres lo be checks d. l n.tei.
ere with a calm, dispa-snnain vie v of
nog", and can he harmless in our inter.
Mtiise witli oih-MS, only upon tim bu
minting su j)pJf. t on Ih-t (hey never ie-
lly believe Ihe strong la ifiUivf th I w
ise, but hive got int.) hahu, b' ny.
ience of abating a great amount liui;;
he) ti U ) mea.'iioir ol evhal vvisassr-ii.
Hit then wn may eoiim anions sonii
siraogei- once in a while, wrio d...- noi
know lh ,t ii is our Iwbit lu idiu li.n
mui h paint in ibe bru-h md he tiny
he greatly misAd, oy taking our womIs
according to llieu sli id in" .mug. V
may, a.v in ihe case of the piini-r bfor.s
nenlioned, ilo ihat ivlneii m HstU'-c'.s
4II1IIOHI lt lln.aiin.r f I... ti.i... - ....
That man nitglii have lost bis I vel--iood
if in y wot ds had been uorlt stood
sli icily, and if my judgment t a i been
leendeil upon.
The wise man 'Wh iso keppe'U
us mou h and his tongue, k-epeili his
oui from trouble,' and ihtl'silm's' pr o
lounccs his eletei minaiion. 'I will ihIi i
heed to my ways that I sin not with my
ongue. 'iiet us lake ihe advice ot
he one, and form lo him whose powtr
md glace alone Call Ftiahlp os both lo
hink and do of his ood plea-uie.
TlIS fl.KKK AM) 'JJIE Dr.xiL. s
nt'i chant's tlel I; c ime iiito aprn'ing;
illice a hhoii time since; anil a ein .,
oile of papeis lying on ie table (it t). -
ug the day ol publication,) uncremo
iiojtly helped himsell lo a copy, ii'.d
ilieitd the following to the piintet'
levil, 'I 'sK;He you don't lake psy lor
just one pa pel ?" 'Not alwayV leplied
bedevil. Shortly afiei wards ihe devil
enteied the store where the clerk be
longed, and raileel for a pound of mi
ens saying 'spose you dou'i charge any
thing when a fellow dou'i lake Lot a
'No said the cleik after seeing the
lisndvantagtt under which he was pijp.ed
hy h s own stingy liheity low-
a. Is the pennyles' printer's ili-vil, and
ouking d.iig' i'3 at ihe I; tie nn;, ii.dig-
lantiy; ' lien 1 set any inuin ijiokis
torn a printer, IM pay lor ui.'
Tommy, my boy,' said an anxious sire
ti his learned buljuTenilo son 'Tommy,
vhai pari of epeuch is a bank?
'A bank is is a bank is,' said the
youth f 'i I gtammarian, running nis digits lo
md (ro through his hair, lhal overhung his
forehead 'a bank is a rtegaliis f J verb, pa,
realise as ho w il deniei the active veib to
ony.' 'You are wrong, Tommy; but I'll
iy yon again. What part of speech is 'ie
u inpuon?'
'It's a vcib, tir.'
'N", Toinrriy it's a noun '
Ii aim a noun eilliPr, sir, because a ioi.n
ts something of which We have a n ili.n1,
and we hainl any noiiou iheie's guin io t
i resumption of specie payments.'
Go away, Tommy; your master is fpoi'
ng vou; I musl send yoe to eolligj.'
iEiit Tommy.
Solus by the father 'That Tonimv
ia a boy ol bright ideas! It he dou'i '.
I'lesideni, he'll be at least u. uiciubei' of
' 'oilglOsS.'