The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, March 28, 1846, Image 1

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r-jr---,'',--- rr 3-cjs:iA.3i.i-:b-
I huve sworn iini tho AIUt of ;!. eternal lnsttf to every form uf Tyranny over tit Mind nf Man." Tinmen JdlVuim
Vol nine IX.
ii I 'to -L
ori'jfiTB Nr. 1'aim.'s Citinicii, Main-st
VOL I'Mlll.t DkMOCItJlTuiUhe
ut'.ilU'it d eren Saturday viaruinst, at
J'lt'O J)(),f..-1tS per annum paijahh
h i.'f ijenrl i in advanee, or Tiro DoInn
l-'ifii) Crn'tsjf not paid within the ieui.
o t'lhirrlpfiiii will on fulfil for a sltorttr
rio( tntu .tlx months; nor any iliseo"-tin-inner
iirrinilted, until all arrearage
( 1 f dlS'iiur
i!'i .
it I) I 7.7.' Tl.S ;.; XS not nrrnHnst a
.11 mire '"ill he eousiiieuousli insertid tit
One Dollar for thejirst thrt r insertions,
an'l Tirentii-Jice. rents for iverij snhse-
quwt nserlwn, ICT". liberal niseoun
mi le to those who a lv rtisc hi; thryeai
LKTTlitlS addressed on 6iies,iu
he. post paid.
w-if v K-r.v; vvs ) vt
From 1 !i t- I i nnd (MiMYIIow's Mirror.
'I'll set my cap fur bitn.'
What an evitahle personage is the marri
ngeah'e ni;in.. lis lives in an atmosphere
nfsii.iled. Ui w a i U a in the Rimahina ol
love: in. I lltwi'rs 'laU'l'til Id the eye, and
fr.i j; ran I t' I'm s-ir.r'l. spring up iliuj his
p.uli. A ihotm mil i;nii.ini evts, with much
of wishfulne.Ji in their g'tZ'', are tumeil tip
on him. Wln'ievei Iih may go among Iho
oi'ipi sex, hi; i certain of a warm weh'onif
His 8i)cii:ly is equally (dialeil by the mation
I tin; mail'. , The mo'.hei courts for her
'daughter, whom elio is desirous of seeing
'vrcll setiled in the woili!.' The datightrr
fixrs tij) h(:TTiuiiiin:niee into a mnl anjii
lli! expression, imports lo her hlnshin;
cheek i stulen Itv, ejrr's pn)mi,'tiico In
feature', never in'ornled hy D une N utire to
Mind out in h'll.l rcltt f!l boriows from snine
inloTiil'iiiM of inoi!ier splfre, a voice ihs'
cannot fail hv its angelic sweetness, to rap
tivate the in arrive. ihlu maiij and thus fur
nished and equipped far ihu on jet, she
imkos a deiiioiisiralioii upnn him. Tint'
ofjiyinL' l!is aiii'ntion of hoih tho old lad)
anH the duskier, how can lie fail lo he 'thr
happiest of in ii? And if the good graces
of 1 Le mother arid d oiihti r are lavished op
en him, he n sue also of thai of the faihei
arid tin; rous. Indeed, all are his fiiends.
I'l im tliu (Mil L'findmania, who gnjokes her
u in ni'.C' eoii:( r, lo ,n cotem porai V ihf
I .!!v est.v ho Wishes Iwr hen in i i" o , o r .
V. h v r .i i ' must he a vry modest leai:
i.-ti to f. e i J.iiuce'f more at homo i'i the
!;, ,u-. of l!o in oriagabjc jjir! than t fir mas
ter of ihu "o'l-eni liiniseif. i'lvery look
pives is .mil uT.ii anni'e! l'.viry worii
1 1 e utti-rs ii a pearl! livery joke he er.iek
n II S')l
Dverv 0,'oiiion hn ui
coiiiu'di'.l i i hi; wortiiv
t'Tt i- on ad I1j;h1s
l" a Sulonooi ?
Is he -a poet ! everv yoiiti lulv in
riii'leu! In -h i j ii it n 1 1 1 M-f . M iid- h'T
ii ii
to have hii: ri:e
p'i ce
i: !'
x writ.
Pisv a tutu' for Mr
Meredith, O.ivia,'
says iIhj mother.
t'iivia s-sumes an abashed look, ilinces
at Mr. M" and says,' ma, 1 can't play be
fore so good a judge of music'
'Yes do play. Miss Olivia, and j nor f-is-tei3,
Miss Ui.irrni and I'tlinia, will sing an
acromp uiimcnt,'
'Ob! please rxense me, Mr. Meredith, I
never sing,' said Emm:'.
'And me, too I have a cold, a-hem! a
! (in! coughed 1'elicinr..'
f.'o'iip, of your rrnicrs,' savs
'.be iinitbcr, rising from her scat, and
i::i; very afleeiionatelv near Mr. Merrdiih.
y i u e.m all and play, and as Mr, ,.
i.;.? a-k'-d yon. he must not be denied.'
' iVeli, O.ivia, I'Dinnioinre playing,' say
ibe oihrr two, 'we'll try our best.'
Mr M. sini'ed to !ii,n"!f at the fl j 1 1 r i n n
lr,(iui;bt, that the yo'.ii'gi Indies H'ero de
ligli'ed at the riportun:'.y of jdayiug foi
i.i:n, and folding his aroui sti;,ight( ning
himself up in his chair, throwing back hi.
l,ca 1 and closing his eyei-, as if the melt
r,n'. c'palion (d tbes.vret (.trains was i x
(liisniT a rtiajrntiio influence over him,
1 c listens.
The your;; riled niili nice i!is -
crimination, ami with touching sweetness:,
'I'hoti, Thou, leijju'st in this bosom,
There, There, hast thou thy throne, 'Sto
And thntigh tit music lies before them
on the pianoiis etrange to eee llnir glance
wandering fioin it, to the face of Mr. Mre
dilli," ihey are reading there, lines and notes
and bars of far deeper impoil, and il in ilit
rxprsioii of his ruiinterianee they ieaJ aj).
ptnbatioii.if tliey see a suiiiu playing around
In manly.lips, they all regud it, is a sign
id personal i'ui.qus:! k. then the trembling
key s of ihe nwi cvioiu'J itislmiiicnt vibraU
more poweiful, and n.oro inciting!)'; nut'
the voice tones nvell ion ineri richly, end
fade away wit.'i lalnetie swrolnrss, right in
to the heart of the riirlisnted inairigeahlt
linn, arid with a potency inesietable, th
Am I not fondly thiiro own?'
"Oines home lo his afl'tctions, and lie feel
ike claiming all the dear creatures ai lii
'own,' but then, it recurs tu liim thai he c:n.
Ii ive but one, nnd his mind is immediately
tilled viii noirirv in conton plaiin tin
'isiip.poin'.ment that must necessarily msur
hi those he cannot taka, ror lie knows thev
II have equal l.npfs of him. The mui'i'
lrftu, lie expresses in cntmsiastia tcitiis
uis admiration, tlm young ladies apfdngise
'or tho many defects in Hie execution of tho
pi'iee, th(j tnothei siniies, and they all look
with so much amiability upon the marrije
hle man, llrt he almost im'ginsi liiinsrll
.he very essence of perfection.
Ir. walks Mr. Ilcnpatik, a worthy neigh
bor, blessed with a partner full his (quid.
and a host of 'little reiKj'Oiisiljiliiia- Mark
the diilVrence of the reception he meete wnh
No smiles encounter his gaze, the yumy
adics never t ike 'h- ir r j'f off tie inrrit
'.'eablc man to gieci hinr A cold, foinia
ilow do you dn, Mr. llenpeek.' is all thai
is said to the 'nun of family,' whi'.si thr
men in the 'murhcl' continues lo bask in
-hower of seniles. The niarrisgeable man
take leave of the l'iii:ea. They retira ir
iheir clumber, and if the bed rui tains cinili!
ji? endowed with the power of those who
vield tho 'gray goose quill;' they might '
tale unfold,' of warm disputation, as to ihe
-trotigest claim of each rtspertue lady, for
impireover the heail of Ihe uiarthigealre
man. We know not that the loss of inncl,
hair would he reported, but the spilling ot
ui at) y words, the Hl'-swa f'f certain ir-ndei
niton itions of voice intended for the edific.i
ttivn of the mat ra'-a idc man, ihe laviriK as-
de of particular cxpie've einntioni, only
exhibited for his h-n. fii, and the (lis robiny
of some exits appi,nd'ig.,, worn for ir.e
eye of Mr. Mendith. would certainly bt
'Oh! ii.e niirrane;.b man, how'.ldr
ins lot! U jut a (rfpai: !.e n'u uf!
I a i-rrniui . wti i!,-: v ua
finer, -j he t :.i it-. How i.'iii'ii.vla
iitn e oiijr itio.i of ;
t.'.ii 61'N, IS liiS lasil',1
s pen cp lon, ho-.v genUe! hi?
I i w I II'
!i ..hi I'lo' ui. V I. at I ; I v could heln lovirf
u oif 1 1 lie a pre.,'ln r? w'nit crowds til
in: ntber sex, perceiv? his power of oratory
i rid flock to hear ns ministrations? Is he
wverr l.e ajvi.-es his lienl v.'ith .o
much ; irf. e, snd sympaihy an elrgsncc'
Is he a iiiercbant?-he selects his joods with
sucli I'x.'juitite taste and is eo very polin
lie hears with paiience any anioiin! ftf,jo
mg' without a murmur lie pulls dovvi
naif the gooih in his siore, and alter asstir
iiij? me ef every article, that it is the finrst;
aud li indsonif st ar.d che.ipet in the city, i:
i only buy a lip. pi nnj bit ( cotton-m
i row of pins, he smiles- couipi.H' ntly : and
leems lo l.e folly rewarded for tiii revolu
.ion of silks a:id calicoes which has taker
plaee; and if I speak of ihe tumbling I hnvi
cnist-d his goods, with such a winning
Mi:il 'Oo it, is no trouble al all Mias, ii
ui my line of business.'
Oh, the marriageable nmn aie nice tliingt
ind so are the marringeabla women.
Dut lei ug lo'ik at him, after he is 'snap
up.' Is be hc same paragon of excellence?
The same pattern of every noble principli
mil manly viitue! Is his name the theme
of female conversation, around every lea-table?
Are Ihe ladies all asking each other,
'when did you see Mr Meredith?how doe;
he I iok? whose pew did he sit in on last
ffunday iiight!' &c, Ko, no. lie scarce
ly jets out of his edduigliood, beforo ha
doomed to forgeifulness-And if lie ladies
meet him they look at him with an every
day look, aud speaks In him with a voice
heir own, and not ihe borrowed look, and
.oice, which met him when a marriageable
man.' Oh, ye marii.igeablo rain, if
you wish to lo-e your influence and te
robbed of your popularity among the young
!:ijm(,et . married. Get married unci
the sunny lays, which now from tunny
bright eyes light up.youi path, wi I be o
clipsed.' Get married, and the blooming
(lowers, which here and there etnilo npoi
veil, will uitlier and sliiniU away
from you! (Jet married; but the joys that
maltimony will substitute fur the bliss you
tiny lose, we wi.'l nut declare to you so long
is you are a "Ani. liable iiiinl
, -
Description of thvllotlculots of 2ngru
J'f(juiit, eye.
(Ffon the Jtfrkuu G'uuio Trade.)
The llot'.ento'i are raco rf small
people se 1. 1 out exceeding 5 fet 3 or 4
ntlies. They ire lliii) tad attenuated,
heir skin, even in tho younger one?,be-
shrivfilieil and loueli. They have
qn.ire rotintenince, high rheok bones h
'lit nosi deepiy sunk wiihio tho hole
in", fmall eyes, not it all prominent,
largi wide, with tho undue lip
'morally thick. Their teeth aro dark
of'eo decayed and irregular. Thoir hcaJsjders. They havo iu vriabiy a pi "'.' o!
ira not st all inlellectusl. llieit fee:
nid hsndd hovvcyt r, are mull n J b:au
tifuliy foimJ.
When first mot on thi coast liny tv
ide.mly liad been in tha habit ot ucei
lioually communicsting with shiis.
They itivaribly poMosed a s'eel, ailho
they had no fou'igi) weapons.
On visiting them jn efoie they re-'
eived us with looks ol tno lea'.OM ana.
the snd iinliflrrence, oviden'ty waiting
'or the first advances to be made, they
were in a sittinj," posture, tho weight of
'he thij;tij reslii'j; on the legssbovo the
h f a I . It is somewhat singular that this
ii thn manner Jiul atiittide in which a
New X-alander invariably iocoivts
sti anpere considrring it a nm k of res
peel towards them. On apprca: hio
md shaking hands witfi I h e n i , i fi . y ,ci
iceiiied at ease, tjuickiy asking tor wt
I snd tobacco. Tney had wc-pon-with
them, basing, as we sfteiwrtit
discovered, hid 'hem among the rcckr
they alwsys hive a grevl number ol
'os. Their women never appeared.
Hid du.-ing all our le'err emse viii tben
hry rrere rarely seen. WheiLiti' ti'i
nroi eeded lioui natural liuiidity cr o
' oso frooa forrif r ill-trcatuieut, it va
diTicuIt to dtlerrrine1 It is Jiovvevti
.elieved to h?re been fie in the Isti.ui
muse- They ceen to be cahabla of ta
'--vf, in at once a week's piovislon.
Whn tit at mol ui'h. tv.c of thun wtn
oi ci f'ht tw the vr3tl and it cnrlsinH
Ift&rt rl M'l if ll ITl-f.''. i I rfi L! la tr. lq'i.
II' I ... .1 -1 . .... . L. C... .1 I .v- I...
i j uisni vnn it'vu,.r.u ine coin pur.i lit)
,,w il.n i,u!., ,!,;,
it I I 71 m 11111 l J j ' " 1 V4 1 1 i i u u . n J
- i!ri'.'ijd in a nici exti aord ie ' ry man
'ner. showed hov iiiucli thev itiemtd u
enjoy their fond When first uiet wi'l
they used a wny coil of grmj bu1. mw
nably preferred lobarco.
Hafin; one day whu two cf llici;.
were on board obeiv.'d sotmi cihsi a
moiigil till rocks at a d'utanc- H.l.iii'i.
m.l atippejinr tbe.n to ho women win
it this lime had net hewn stitn, the :nri
vrearcottiiaiiieI ;i shoi - fiom wine
hy did not seem inclined In slatt. Oi.
v .ilking about ho'.vever lirj iccenl fou
ru,t ol a ciiild was il, covered, whicl'
-vhe.i pointed out lo Hum, S';';i')-tl I
glials llieiii ('onsi'hi ih!y, I) jtermin
d if po.-i'ibf: lo fee; their dwellings, tin
'not n mis wre followed, the native.',
il-o cj niii, Inn cvidenfy ii.sp'eascil.
About one mile fiom ilia beach tvvnind
iiuts Wile seen, v 1 1 i all their wenpor.
nid property. The wo.'i-en Bi d iiui
lien liowtver were ginv, whirh iccmer
n much lo astonish the natives as lo dis
ppuinl u. 0.i ol I lii-m i .ui al once Ii
he place where Ihe (lie lud beio, posh
;d h:s hand laiong lite ushtsand feeling
io he', seeuv.'d al ooce nver wlu.iintn
iy pss-ioii snd di-appoinimeir.' Afiei
niny ai)iuenl vml.-ni expressions am'
M'tuifcs h e qnie'ly sal'down fidcd hi-
!H5 Willi a Wire bokiili! dried uras-
from a skin big sjypeniled from his ntckjcahnr On being lak'-n into tl.o i.g.i i
md smoking a lew st ponds became rjoili loom, liowuvci, tho s'ghl sccmc-d c.:ui
-ixciti-il presenting exactly tliu same ap-'ph li Iy t" atou:sa l.::i.. I - givo a I v p
pcaranco as an opium smoker. Alter
tho axci'cnitii.t; liti pyet st fir.-t toilmg
aboullike those of e mauic, becamo fix-
! 'iu ne luo.oieu over mi ma gouuit
lying fer eouie liinu as if dead.
Tiieic Uoguage is exactly similar u
Chinese, being pioilneed by tho tinn
eltckio sound of tbe tongue ogiinst tin
i eof c d' lh inoti'.li. They, in conaiatr
iiiimcoiiHu wnli the news of ihe vessil
diinni; two ye.ns, did not make mud
riiogrcss in erqiiiunj Ji,oj;'i-Ii. Oo'
i , .ber iut lif,f nl lllu w wlio went iiy
'In English Cui;riein8ii t.f 'was soui
iv is i ri o is I easily understood by word-,
iMi, and expiession, but tiny aro cr-
'ainly as much buhmd tho ootilli sea -and'.is
in mental ii in p t y i l c I ij-uliicj-iiius.
Tiie Pcas.soU)) v3 ihe ujiuiciii.
jf the pit ty hiving an instrument com
pist d f a piec ol wood ibuul 3 lee
(mj;; a piece of sinew string guiug lioai
n o nd to ihu other, having near ooe
mi a piece of nicely a;)"d sinev a-
ieni a qu irter o: an ivjii orcjo. in:.
tiini being tth'ened to tliu jun
uiisini, ho applied his to the puc.
of sieevv and 8i;rently with cenJu'wta
ula exertions pc.d icod a few oeles ui oi
lUr to tho low notes u iI.b b'leocb horn.
fhen listuniiij to tha Mimic u; bojii.'
he i'ie"ied much del gtcd,ud o " of i!k
ssilois coinmoi'.cini- to dance a hoivpip
ho immediately jjiued ua I k.-pt uio;
excellent time.
Their clothing consists simply of i
kin mantle cj-nposoucf tho ukuis o
various wild ntunta',, it is tie 1 round the
neck and hinss loosily bVer the shoul
-kio shout a foul eq mo sukoou Jed by
ailing tied round Ibo loins. They jjen
rally a sort of sLtillcsj) of rl.ia oi.
their liends vhich have only a little
wou'y ha:r, At times wlien prepiieL
fur a jutit ney liioy luve a co;i ot lueccis
sk n boot.
Thiiir waijorts sio bowl sod arrow
mid sj.eais. '1 lid bow is tnido of -wono
anunl iec in .en ' .. njn.'jiv i a c !
himboo foitheit-ri it tho iuner end. A
lie outer end a picco of atmneood boo
:its into the biuibuy, coo end of the
bonn be,n" cloar, the other ioiieneu
witb a Ua.k p.tchy lowkiuj subitiiiCe.
l'heit J o iivtr ,;'(tifcrjlly on a ctd abou
iOor !:ny Jirjw. 'i'lieir fjieai is ab hi
7 ft, a', loai;. 'hi; htr. !l madH of wod
.lie had luvsriatiy cfsteil, of i.a'iv-'Voilt-iacsh'p.
Thsy possus coos:Jui
bio daMerily ia the usa of tht.s we a
pons. When asked wSre ihey c
hem tl ey invariak'y replied a lu.i wuy
aff whero theio were plenty of p:,;.!.
I'ney eorry their up(dy of water iu o.
iiith " "i, k:jiu; a feinu'l bole ia ou
Jl il.
lit y had also a supply t" tt
Iv'vo, ng sitW-nce, v.i h wbict
ficiia thev
occa.sion illy saia'ec
hen bj.i s. 'i'tuy aie oxlieaitly tilihy
in ti)tr pei sous never wshio then
bodies' 'ihey Srrtu to tiusl va thir entirely to euppbei Jrived froui
:l, J'ouoj soils, biro i aud nholi in!-, be
mj; Ihn o:i!y food '.hay is'.'ixs J u usi
I'bvV Mi'.iio J'b'. ii.diicsJ i 1 1 v u oi
il'J CO 'il Ii Oil if-i C, ;'j':j Oi klKkliu
t;S!s. IOl..;,ir ol'tu ik.ty W.t'l
.'tj'hcd ticut tho vo-;;eis, they ahtay:
ij p.aiti tha fil jwi.ig J iy ij ife u karos
iiui rnusl Nave hid ihe clothes iwsy pel
naps Ut ilia jutpo.-e ol (Miryiu,; vviti.
hei.i, they it j'l iu d Iheir tribe; Y.'mt
jf four of !';i.tii went avsv-io tin ioteri
ir i: avel.'in u tbj !.:;. 'i 'i-.o .v u d u--e.'u;
'ie,' :.''.'. r :.i i.i s':.i...: o,i i ns jntiis.
i o
iCCl i
;w tool-
i.'.uici; cl w!isl tliey ap.p.r.r ;-o
o have etjlisi.'-lod on llicir j oirnev ,'ome
hin siiiiihr iu ajipcaiance lo llid u.'i
JillM tool.
'I'lie IJoltcntcH do not nppe .r to hav
J H-I'o""'
i.l Icnt 1.0 oh.ii I Vain'
1 1 1 v was rict.C'.'il
deas lin:il th
eas tin:,n tl) .1 suni-Ct colilil not lie as
-ti riciiiud iionid v. Ji.t of the iupiis,ii!
knowcldu of thtir lainuigp.
They arc txntrr.i !, ijinti imlird j
nl in tl.eir iifiitanor, itever i.iti"Sp'i.-
'o touch '-r hk-.i anything i...t v,i In
Iu in. JNj ii.-t.,oce of rtishnpi ov wi
known on tlie c-fany of them, ihu
ivl.en hungry and tlnl-ly they hiv
.itvt r mad u ir,j It ast sutiiipi iu r.-i
.litln-eives; 11 ii M I a.Mieil, a-llcmgh ill.
abut was envied wulilood bt f;,i x. tni ni.
Ij.l sillV.VIIig I
jndci noli, I
.... i
1 as s lop i , v c i I ;i s' f.i r-.i
C SCl lie. d hi. hi V til i'i '
en ii. i t i i i y llrng p ,' am
1 cry II. ng
he p c.i ui c-, icoKin u ; i' 'a--, s, a:..-! vai
ous o ittvi: Wuditous in (J.-ii am 2) i U
pn i;.nr v. ..
i v .-vn.c'.itii:
' 'h', e ug cn th': nvc,ii,n
without fj.eil'i.g.
Uoiv dark aud disconsolate the path of life ,.vr L,we ,., JortIu ,ovej Mj.
.. .y seem, tliero is an hour of deep and mi- ry (jlljblj V(Jiy ,.,, i.eler was , Ujaktr
hsttirbfld repose til hund, wlien ih body r shoes, hut Mary was a h.dv'a
nay -ink iuiu a itreaml. h idmnbor, l-t ,!r(,i;t ,llaker, and .her relativee set her up a
o. the .....ignuuiin b, stalled, if ibis Ue 4bove i8l(r. Jtll.r wanlej , (f,.,rry
ug place, iiiBtcad of being a bed of dowiijury al,d wvite wersass Sam Vtllersays)
ihM bo a bed ol grav.l, or M! rocky bed of )Ul ,.,e reivts , ,
ie tomb No maiicr wlicie ihe poor re
oainsofa itinii nuy be, the rrpuso is deep
nid uii'lisiurbod, the sorrowful bosom heaves
.10 mutt, the i.mis am driwd up their foun
tains, the aching head is al resi and tin
-lotuiy waves of earthly tribulation, roll un-
oee.d over llje ailent lonibf.' ,cl arinie
eiigafe in fearful cuii.l'ci over the very bo
som f lite de,d, not ene of the sleeper
need thi fpint s'.rivmg triumph or lesponil
to the rending sbwu's of vic'.ory. IIuw
inil thnsa ciniiitU'CS millions slumber ii
ihoarms of inotber earth! The voica
liuui'er sfull not awaken ibem, the Ion
cry ol ihe bleiaants tho windlhe wave
nor even t!ie giant Head of the CHrihijiiak
shall be able to cause an inquietude it
the chamber of death. They shall ics
end pas away, the last great battle shall b
fought, and liieti a silver voice at first softly
leard, shall use to a tempest, and penelra'o
the voiceless gtave. iV ibe trump;! slial
etind and the (IcmI slull hear ilis voice
A CJt:jJi
When you find a well discipline! charac
ter ia the fntiiclo fjrui, what a uVjiu um
t i.', tha h.kor of the uuJersuiiding, th
education of self coutrul have uiadti lie
.. ft-'- , I l l .1
ouo is i uuoia uosi, look at nci
tiiuuonce iu Decictv, see tne iviatustv u
ier deporliasii!, llnj easy a.surineo of Lei
euQtODiinca. Hew common men q.iai
efoie bar! What respect and attcuiioi
ho exacts from ibo tided proflig aa and ilu
.a!;uted (iciotis! ts'io is all that is cqnilltc
jii osrih. 'l'Lera is us beamy to couipari
nhou.)b beauty, no wealth with siic'j
hirins. Tha is iba nicest woiknian'-Iiii
f Uid. and in lirr dwoils a soul ihit scat
'crs blessitga atnnud her. The heart o
Uer husband deligblelh in her, and he ha
a o need of spoil,
. It.'.L'Tii't t. '.Knd is like a preciou
ind pro1.!!!'; seed- tbo rnotber of lovelines
iobiitai i o! liii.j the produce ol ijaan
(ej. ured -,ii.l iiie.-iiinahh) Jjwsis no dau
i;' can de face, iinr tit;.j destroy. livet
should there 1,3 tlldiOof its lovely product
dut ptu'i :,v ay. xi il.3 gotirrs is theto
ihe seeds rftui iitis to revive to remojifv
to place sg'jin on our bosom aud neai
oar liii'ir:-", i;i renewed beauty in ibo sami
li?p ioteriMi and winninrj po'.vcr sa al first
'Vt gailicr it f.s the tidiest possess
on i;s tho v.ell-.-ij'.iing of the purest, mo
ilutidant a rndurin joys as our eup
port our cornl'ort and th c ckfrisbeJ ob
j'c'., wor'.by cfoer hig!ie?t adoiraHiu. and
' C'-a!J ;.; to it, thanking (!oJ that il i
namjital iiv,ng f.rever.
A E.:i'i it-vi
: i -s !'ke
"id ii. i L li ,;iUit r.'.A ikdightfi.l I .
:'i i!; ojio i. I'. i, tiled I.y a i-ir.fior hand, wi
ivatcfi in cLf ings w ith a tender rcgiid
!''r,:" on it v. itb fTm-: i nr, would
'a ear ii in our binnmmd win it ci our own
fur awhile it i.i the lii'inj idol of our dail,
.irai.-tc l!i i cliarm whicli hinds us wiih i
lviil,"3 I"MVn- I-Ml '"e breeds the r ink
r- Its be.iuty iliiKMithrs it- f esliness ii
!iJ"c; dceav i-can e le.ives a li-icc .f wha
hm once a nndu st d worhin It i
mr Sii.i tint :,ia-.' n is fifiu in ni x
i .
that il fhoui'd In' nnrt.. I, i,;,d must pt-riah.
ConadtiXe nw: td th. United 'Slat 'cs
The I'-e Ivin' hi- diine ibo buMiirs, sin'
tlanaibi is annexed I i I ; Suite el Michigan
ry a bridga rf ice n.;ross ihe rin r.
. 'c ..'.'re I'm I
: a i -, 1. 1 r r s o .
,! : o --'i n i 'v .',
A ci.l nut W-'i.ii I.m
' ( i e, 1 ii ! fd :o l:i-,-:.'
h-r.yi . i'.' t s!t
i . .. A ii ;;! i.,-:.'!..'i
wr i
'i in; i'Ai:
on il in n'.it :' I lit i r: bh, i n re i.i
I ni ii di .-iry, Mul mi cinbitiiui Lul iricr,!.. ;
is tbe side l.tng su oi-g u.-en, :.rd U.e only
111L.I1 Ult'.'I'JJ kit gi'
'I'll took poison,' say s I'cier.
'If yon do I vvill ion,' adds Mary,
1'jier brougii the draught, and the 'lovets
valked out on ibe bank of a river to die i'
ach other's arms. The trees were frajrant
md ihe nnnn was bright above iheiii' Il
did not seem good lo cut this tnorisl coil.
'Mary my datlin, I do,i'i like pisin
ipose we diowns!!'
Well Peter, 1 drowns if you diowns '
So I'etcr took a run and plunged in anil
Vlnry plunged after him.
'Hallo there, you couple of flounder?,
'ci earned some merry fellows in a river
d;ilT, as they sbol up and caught the met
from the water. '
'What are you doing here, you he and
'he batheri?'
'Vy. 1 loves Mary, and 'in blown if
he didn't think I wai going to drown my -
v if for Iter, but l'suoi ihe geritlctrnn v. t
downs foi any gd. vcu 1 scoots like a d.,-
'Then you wasn'i goinj Iti drown
ic like, you hard heatted I'dcr1 Well n
'II marry lid! Ua smi jisl for that I'd- a
you'd ei.0 if 1 dju't.'
1 siw a ptl e inuur ier beudini over
ho loni's nud his lcHrB f hsl and oft'- ii.
J ho raised his litmible eyes to llav-
in, he cried:
'My brother! oh, my brothei!
A sijie pasiud lint way and siid.-I'or
vhom dost thou mourn
'One,' replied be,' 'whom I did not
ufiiciently love whilst living, hut wli sj
uasiimabla worth I now feH.'
'What wjuld'st thou do if ha weis
e'!oi ed to iht e?
The mourner replied, 'tint he won'. I
ever offend him by an unkind won!.
nit would lik every occision to slvv-
lim Iri n 'ah ip if ie couhl L ut come bac.
o his loud unbrace,
' Tinn waste not thy lime in tisch'S
ricf said Ibo sage, 'but if thou ha
icods go and chei i.9i the hving, it
no rji liei in j that they will soon be dca..
sn.' 4
What a lesson may be learned from
'ifew Uinta to Arnxmi'tUcird Times,
ivise in tha m irum", and be dillig'in:
iriog (he day iu attending lo your hu-
incus and not worry ourselves by our
icigl.bors concerns,
Instead of following tho.fishion of
,'jiirwpp, let us a sjiirt of ind' -, and rlecido ourselves, hn,v
or coals, hats and boots sh ill be mad.
Kei'pouiof the itreet.s, unless bn-,
ii 8i Calls us U transact that which vi
annol do in our stores, shops and dwel-
1 11 f' s.
l'y a!! menus k"rp sway fiom diink
ng snd giinbling house.
When we buy an article of clolhinp
:iidy cyi iinendahle economy, at tlo
tame lime g"t a good ailidc, and ivlici
made lake particular care of i',sml wr r
il out regardless if any chaiig'of fal -ion.
I'Vliion i a grp;ii lyranl, ami
men are fools to he slaves In it.
ts'ay at homo nights, impiovo '
indies by re-.tdii'i!, or vtiiting, or m
'truc'iv .! nuiivei'itiun: and retire to on
ii'ds .it an r.n lv.botii'.
I5o k iid 'o lelat ve', obliging lo o;
liiciiiJs and chr.rai.ible lo a:l.
The Iioston Joo nd records :h t't a1 n
hi thai city, of Il 'i.ry Puikctl, li-rp
If's i'ht j cr. Mr. 1. was as c'.i:
'itnab'!'.; and much l'OSit i"ed lit' .-,
I.i no h I I".- r.i ,iiii,i,in d, I
.: it
, i,
' : ' i in
i ' I'1.' i '.arr".i
c A'uriat on. c r
-i 1 1 a ; i c . ,
1 in I '.'.,
j, r l;v M..M V1S 1
i' i
puiisibiu o-t Utidil tilt: Gjyr'
i: .