The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, March 21, 1846, Image 2

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    l'i i n t'u SV.uiiii k : i i t'oiwitl ( .ui'-iuii-
vim's i;x ,v:;:;i!'. rr.M j.;r
, i;zt:ii. .M, January !?3. 13 1(1;
Mi I if v i ii j thai i few line liuin i1 i
put ct the w o 1 1 I Would prove intoi.
lino, lo your leidoiii, 1 Hke i ho libit')
i f 'orwar liiiij 1 1) o enclosed foTumuiiica
lion. Thus fir the sou h of Germary
ami Swiizailattd have been blouse.! with
a vety miU winter, which, at this lime
may, in teality, bo culled i blessing,
wlini the rnntmo'is tiih pri?es ot pio
visions ami fuel are taken join ttonsidei-
nion. People could labor out of ilot.
nil winter, nnJ up lo Januuy 3, w Iml
h .ii illy froM, utter ih it timo a link'
ooldar but no snow, whilst 1 am writ-
i ii . fine- (ipiiiiu weather. Of
Iho moiniMju", en. I p.iitiruh'rlv the
Alp', ore covered with snow. ctua!
vmt wi!) not ha e xneriencd in tlies
tin If, hiuI pirii'iiln ly in Svviizrlad,
where the gnyemnienl of Iht (Liferent
cmlotis have niaJe ample piovisioti lot
'Ihe- uneigpuoy. l-are Lots of grm
have biii'ij purchased by ihsin in lite
parly part of ll; fill, suflie.ent to Uit
.next hirv'ksi. I indication is, that the
presonl lug!) price of gram csr-iiot be
sustained much, longer, although in some
part of Get many rcareity, if not actm!
want, it already experience.
Exeiteoieni of diSaront kind ire
agitating thiii country, which ha a ten
dency to keep people and opinion! in
perpetual motion. Tha religion (foi
Kongo Excitement) ha Uken i now im
pulse by ihe nnnly and humane action
cflhelladert Chaaibrfl. They hav
come forward and pracla to the
world, that in Iheir count. y (small a it
ii) proplo ihould bo permitted to wor
ship thoir Creator a they thought prop
er, and if I mistake not, the nut ef Ger
many will lollow mil, although onif
ef them will 'die hard.' Tho eyes ot
ill Europe are turned upon Bad an ii
being tho most enlightened and mesi
liberal chamber on the continent of Ivi
rope, and will cet (ha sill in motion,
which will proclaim civil and religious
liberty to the whole ef Europe.
7here uc, liowewfsotRe exceptions;
as only last wee!: one of in members
made a moat illiberal end ungenerous
attack on the government and press ol
the United Stater, e.i the occasion when
the question of tLaliihiaj th; eenscrahiji
of the pres wao k-efor that bady.llvei
y word he uttered wai false, and for hi'
authority he quotcd'Jc'eif celebrated
work on dmerlcu.' .The alare quei
.iion wn of court dragged in, and the
whipping aod branding of tha poor
jlacki wae poitriyei in the mod flow
ing colon. All the erilf agisting in the
United States were deeulbed ao arising
from the liberty of the pre. This ig
norant being duct? not ifclong to the
Tolka ParthUe, 'liberal pHy' s!
they ore called, but to tka govern.,
rnenl or ministerial party: which are
however, in the ci:co::iy cf tine tea
iion .
The President's rcasisge ha occasion
ed considerable excitement, but, with
'.he people of Germany aud Switzerland
is generally approved. Tha iocongi
tency ol Guisoi' courae in 'who ; French
Chambers waj plainly shown by ao ti;
minisler. Mr. Cuizol in conesion with
the English r.ivcrnmeof, opnositi the
annexation ol Ttras on the ground o!
the United States becoming too power
f jl, eye. Yal ca the Oregon question,
' s cnys that (lie French government
will preserve a strict neutrality I llu
remarks in r:ply to thtPresidcut's nies
:-?gb were ret epprored Ly his gdvern
rnent, nor by tha paoplc. At this tiuif
all kinds of pnjudicea pie brought to
;jear against the United ttateiand lalel
)he Duke of Richmond, at a meeting ol
those who are opposed to abn.&hing the
present c;rn laws of England; made us?
of the followi if; Lciiae: 'i'he great
a evil he could iiD uto far happy K.ig
ind was that Hipy would be oblig-! lc
lo'icil l.i eailstusT from Aiiict ic-ii.n' Hot
vy Kngland, I ."ho'jld thinl:, oiirht t:
lejoico that tht-re wes a country wh'ol
rould raie Mificicnt prr..luce fur tluii
?taiving population. Ci late the gieai
i pai t of the comioenlal paptrs l.av
:ome to the eoricluion 'itiai i'.iHrif.'a
is destined to becume the p,rri3i y ol
the tnanufHCtri' ii ci ui.lritii of .'m
Mexico is iil-o the topis of ni'ich d.i
cus;on in tho pspr-r-; iml in
;hem a ltl'.cr was la'r-.'y miLllalud Irua
a iutl; iil'.:.ii in l:ut cu'.ju
try, saying: ! jj.'o fsruu't t.:.t r.iuc!
longer as u j'.:Uic, can have hot on
.'orrr. anc! cue o:. iu uf piv t-i nmen' , ii
tv.ust be in corsnexicn with .''niopn
(he form rnonarchia!, Msn oi ijn .-'p .ni
I preiumc the cp'.ren a -'psiarii iin.-f-i-.
and li.c kin: oi.e of the evji ! :--i'i d
borg, i, liuwever, tiit: icil c ! i 1 1"i,,-:
a 1 1 r n r ' i ri n 'ml a rui'Tn i;l'.ihiI. i (. "i'.r..;i
rnatt'T hmv M.i r .J '! I':-.:, hut a co'
urnn ' i !" i rw uk ;' .' '.),. .
the Un.t-d h, i -. i, .
greM is watched ei :l '.-.: ;.i;.i.i'y - i
pan oi tin jni;eci in . ri,f co;n ; j
r.nbrs arn traiitla'cd, - n -1 ti.ptts luivcj
'al'fii pidef, lit:: ch. in ll.w 'J'lt
ly npj-rove of M'. W. htciN rnit-ae.ind
(jaiiii ulai ly his perch in Iinsion iwIimk
i tlu ninirt lihcikl p'pi'in, ('ilin.tii which
m; iPi :", t ho ahnli.slmii; Ih.i cpiisorship
if ilri ni ") ft'i1 pltMM'd wiili thepnccli
'ml tii . : ton iif (en. I'ais.
This .'oitinry i far frmi being qn'mi
Switzerland. h pnrncular, is !;k a 'i'iirm
idj tuf -hi v(r--not only nre l!ie I'ntholit
nantons in commotion but the Protnitiani
one also, p iriii'tilnrly HfrnP, VhiuI, itc. In
moiiio iristacccs ihu form of gtvi'i n.'itent, Al
though exiled republican, ii lr!ily atiilo
craiw, nnd pt'0la wre dsirmiof having s
change, nieciims.mpfiiii'j'.and spucche,
nre the order of iIip day -both piriiea. The
moneyed arisioersey has a powerful i:it1u
encQ in this rftuntry tho old consiitmior p
were formed by their, ami ttny can-iot be
hrouijhl to hcliBvti tint a.iy Jieialinji it nc
ccss.ify, TIih p ' r i t . 'f liidica'.-j.'
ts they are called, think different, and can
not he uisdo to hiiliitv that 'titdics brinj
wisdom.' In alt a Pinicitinl canton of
Vaud, the government nd elfijy ro at
outs Th majority f the latter have re
li'ncd, or n dmniissed. All priva'.a re
lijiom meetings aro pro'iiVued. Lately
juch a meeting was dipred by order of
government with watur beinj thrown op
them by fir enjinns.'
The lite risil of the Emperor of Russia
in Ciermsny, Italy, te, has crfated a good
deal of talk. At Roma his Majesty em
braced the Pipe, and promised to b mnrt
libn l to ilia ('.ttholirs rrsitlinj in Riuih
thin h had been horstnfor. H alaf
tisiicd Victim and witnes-ird a great ft a
rade got up expressly for him and, beforf
'eavini distributjd lorn ihonsind of ducat
imong th poor of Vienna. I should call
this 'robbing I'etr to psy Paul,' as, nn
doubt, this money enmos out nf ths ponke's
vf the ror of Russia. Whilst attondinj
thii grand review, wbnro about 30,000 mil
itary wer aasemblctl, snd the cavalry
tas making a charge in full gallop, a little
iny. who had strayed too far in front, and
would inevitably hav been crushed ti
loath by the thousand of hone, had not i
private while under full gallop, stooped
lowe, caught him by hie clothes and draw
hira on his horo. and with tho boy before
him wont through all the mnoaveres, noi
m i h e i n rr a single hit, or step. This hu
mane, and at the same time most djiinj
feat, was wi'.nossed by ihuumnds end s'sc
liy th Emperor of Russia, w ho, afier the
reviav went up to the tnldier and shook
him by the hand, at ihe same limo presrnt-
ag l.iut with a considerable sum of wo-
The long talked of niarriaje between nn
AitMrian prince and Princos Olga, of Rus
'., (c ftvorite daughter ot the emperot
althoOL'ti a fomale ii a cnltjnsl of a rc'iment
sad calif d ono eftltc best riders in Ruscia)
is broken off, am! report lays that tho rrown
Iprince of Wurteti'jurg ia to b ths hsppy
Traii'.-e is quiet. Iu llu dumrs, il.i
uiiniitet Lave it etill their oau way. 1'
is thoujlil that !u will be the proper th:.'
fur Lou:s I'hitlippo to urgd his daiiinf pro
ject, tii at die nation thould pay hits 'pooi
ion, tho DuL of Ncinour?, an ntilftl ol
oiae niiilions of frauus. This being the
lust with of his majobty he will then '.V
in pctce,' Uepott nay he is ftiling fast
and that l tiisli for I'taiKO tuut wjc.:t laki
V ban i fay that tha lladcu ehambcri
are lue Uiosi lira;, I can al-o nay that il.ufi.
of tii::.ony aro t't.s v.-e!isslr Tho poor
SaizonH-Uiust tauee i'i every refpeet to tht
Ivasriian CJulrf. In tot.' iSivaiian cliain-
'jets the ciilhulio pti:;i o Wreda has creatiti!
;uite a beUbati'jii the hlniidoiimciu of tut
!0iiVctiU or t ltitlm in that tountry nml al-
0 103 Oli'iiil-.-Jl 01 000 01 Wie Kll b mill
impih. 'i'lie i.i'.' hub over for soitu ; : tit u
inriiij; whi-j'i tlicy a:0 eiics'tid nl '.l.eii
chese), capabU of iintiiilainicg two in'.llioiw
of lieople Wcslihy Jew in Eunij'.e, md
particularly iho Rothachilds, at said to be
luitlieriu the uiidei i dling. At ','ori'I.h in
iiiviizr rlaii l, a military orjaniz iiioo f o
.migrating to the United Status ii lakiuc
place. The coirpany to consist cf 50(1
non, each to pnv "."H freiich, fn
which he it to bo furnished w'uii a liilc
tc: and to bi delivered (Trea of txp-iit-e
in Texas
Su"tfiul of the small princri are fnrilicr
inj niigi:iiioii, whilst ihe lin nf Piu.'sia
is opposing it. One t.f the former being
inked why ho did it, replied that ho thought
it would provent the increase of l' ft in hi?
.InMiniona! They even futuisli ibctn witii
A decreo haBjott Laan m ule public, .that
on nnd hfter tho C4tli inst., nil kinds ol
utain eorning from nhtoad ara to he adniit
icri fret nf duly into iho Jihe:ii.- h I'ni-si i
provinces. The nqualiblc bef t en llol.aii:,
and lle'giu'a is pioviuj tube of v:ui bci.ui
io Engl.tnd. Thsy Bta su,. plying b'nl'
countries with article!) which wcra rjcr
procured from iherj before. Althnngh
rraiu'O is try to edjust tl:e hfl'.or, Krpland,
..Ivi ..ill iirKvitni Ii u j'I nnnm'ilf-
III iiu.juit j'-. ..... I. .
oicitm. Iu other parts evciy thii riimair.i
'jhl.toca t f p'atver aniung t!ios;i nations.
and all of ye, g'iilitiHi', Rive m th
'iin", standing aruiit t whit is iiecs
'try to maititoin this ej'sieot, an 1 I linn1
-fevtry 3.1 million!) of pojl o.i th'
.i. i i u p ti ' , si'Vifo ci'it.i will never taste1
vhoaieii bread, or m;!, or sugtr, oi
vcar sw -! IVi: give in tin; cun'ii.ti,t,
ho whtilu cot'.tiocii', and noiliio bi'
the continent, undt r cni confederacy,
md every 33 sf p?oplo tipon t1
vill fare ns well as tho twenty mi'lion.-
lo now. AnuMican votus think of
these things. Public heJe.,;
"tiictii winioi.-.- rr.u
sirrr.i.'.n; n.inta st.iait!.
n.7"T!w commiioi . '.i ju t'ru:ti 'A (Joi.f.n
bi.v D;:mjc::at,' is ih f',:,c 1 for tho j ruien'..
;v llri,!-', at tho m .ut'i of M tlioni, Ureok CO.MMt)DOliE .'.li.N Vlf.L A
i ml th U.i.L'it aertss llteeanitt site lui.tittari IS.'.A.NU
i Rjlliog Milh D iumIIu uru hoili ifona.
TIIK YU))) AlliiOAD.
(IrOat anvisty was fell i;i the pivnm ;nlty
for tha fato of Ct'iiuiodora .1anvill, d.iiing
lli ! I ila Ire-'iet, an it Was w .11 known lliat
IIlm', had .,o m ill, Hie ptst week, Mm ab-ndoiu-d the Island as long m ho
ve ar irnblii to giv any poiiiivu uc f,,,,,. a p lt t left above water to re-ort to.
: Hints ol tii tl iiin,.e i to ca i tued by tha , ISial wo are l-a.nv ti announeo t i i i n liner
tie fresh..., in other parts of tho State. Lis, th ,t he is a live and ki; .l.iiif, iL
01 '
Df?MocR.vcr Axn Ar.:sTo.-;;A;r.
Li Kel'orinp, a Fretich pnhii'j itioo, f ays
that of 33 million f people IhIm ancivT
millions d j not drink win?. 31 m.l!': an.
never tsi "iiir, 20 millions navcr jj'
meat, 18 millions cat no wheal bread, and
4 millions are cloths d in np. Jct n
sieto ihesu facts in a different mod.'. 0
33 millions, 1 3 millions oi.iy, or Uss
ihtn haif, ever eft wheal bred, 13 mil
lions onlv evr wear shoes. 1 million?
only ever drink wine; 2 millions oiJy
'Vereat meat, 2 m lliousonly evcrlnste
sugar, and only seven eighis ae clo'.hed
m anything hetisr than i ;vi, or drink
.vine, or wear st.oe.s, a poruon can com
mand sueli tiomfortj, or as Ainurir.jiii
would call thTn; nccess.iries, only occa
sionjllyjfor vvs must nuppcje many -i?-Iition
between Iho.ti who constirna such
things cariStanlly, ar.d tliosj who nevsi
coniiri3 ihsm at all. llenc.; so.r.e pro
cure one, or mere, or all of them, only
on SiJiid.iy, o:iien only on holidays.
Surri'i can- ccm'. annlly proi'iire meai,
tvithout tho re"; so.Tiii bj'a hi2.1t and
".vine; ' ill fttwei, m a', vv-sie an I suir,
.S'.ime vho in vr r tasi; ins', -.vina ot
sucr. or wear, shoes, or whole clothes,
occnsionally find a luxury in wheater
We ask I'ioirricar.s to thick cl Oiij,
Where, oven among the i.n.'ctahly porji
of our commr.rria! citiej, do we linrl
those thus rnhilhslly rjestituii Tchc
irsw::r 'wherrr' And who .11? thi rn t-
jority rf tho KiSirli population who
never eat wheaten hrssd, or nat,f)r so
jr, 01 drink wine, or wear ihoovThoy
no iho agi ictiltnral population.' 1 n til!
It, aye! and ths owners of th soil -'a.iitcis
to 1 'hiitid men' ct i'cnnsyl-
Vatiiii! 1 lunk ft l!;s'! llitnt, on Ml-
1114 down io your vsll loidad
will, anii'.-!' s : li".-pno.l by toil, am.
jitpt pride inspiifcd iy frtsdom, l',lnl
j 33 niilhous ol t'ipp, n.nrn uytisty
per cent, liisn iIih tvliulo po; ulalicn nl
he United Sin'.tc, :f uliotn tievaii elhlf,
tn l a ni.y.iity ufiiin Ju;me i', ncvri
touch who!,;n Li;;..!, or iiiea', wr f't,".
or wifttf, or wtar tho.i! (.'an yo j t-
vrn imagine inch jovttiv Anuthei
iiortiou oi tlic-e dfcHiiiute salf.-rois an-
Last Tuesday was t!ie day of Idling, and
a larj nuiitbitr of proposals were liuri'Icd
in by conttactors fnrn nbro.T!. Tho cou
tract was awurde
Ilepoit says it has hco.t very detfiuctivc
both up and down the river.
The iridgQ over ihe Nuth D. aneli of
the SuHi' Nortl.U'hn,land,has'('pli-t'1,l ''"'cur, lo leave, until his much
been entirely itvrpt away.
The Siato bridgo at CI arks Fcriy.ainl
1 ha old Biidg.j at IIiir,buig, aie
bo gone.
The Canal squaducl.over Pjnnscreel.
and the brdoeover th same stieam
shot t distance above Sulinsgrore, gn
one, as well as taviral other bridge?
on Penr,crr k.
The C.:rta beloy Not thumbed and,
pirlicularly in tha hsighbcihod nf Ponn
creek ii much damged.
Rineo writing the above v;e hive reeeiv-
safe on tliu main ..nd, having IilCii l.ronght
oil' nub his family, on Sunday morning by
a boat 1 1 ii Eipeytown llu would not
loved l.-i.ind WHscovrred with six feet wa
rer nid Im hmi.,a io tlaui-er of destruction
tin 11 it. e !lo:iiing drift wood and ioe His
rofi.sMerable bv 1 le wav nf I ,un-
v j ......
t.. and oilier toies, thai ho had laid in
d to L. R. Crist L Co. d'!ni1 ,Ijrris,,,"rf J nhdi.vhh paper, Tex a' U. S. xATo.ts.-Tlte New
V' ?ra f''" ,!,?m .I1'?1 ,lt"' ll,llk::1:OtleansJ(lI-r,o.,ialuns by pr;vat3
The celebrated Halter's family, consisting
nf fivo persons, will givo a Vocal Concct1.
in tlio Academy, in this place, on Wednes
day evening, tho 25ih inst. The programme
considts mosily of (ilcej, with lew Sonj!-.
Ticket 25 cents cbil. lien, if aeeo.iipaiii
ed by p'ire.i'.), or,::.?, half pru'e.
I). .ors open m C o'clock, Concert to coin ai 7.
I'he lltkcr family wre rrnownc-d f r ll.tii
3'or.l tingirg, and a rich ire .1 may bu ex
pected (0 tho IOVCIS of goud I.'lUiiC.
01 ilia accoiiiiuodatioii uf the watennan,
;T?"Thete must hate Leen a great loss
d' luiiibtr up ihe rivor, as an icunciico
iHiouiil has passed down Several thciiis"
an.d feet of pine boards which mu.l have
d ioil"d olT from the bank of the river in i
body, have lodged on tho fljls near tha
mouth of Fixlii ntf cieik.
mcch-'inics of tfie yteat cii.i.s. "')
utive.-. of i'huaJt.'iihi.i, ::.d liain
Cld I!5diiii', fl. l i'otlsvillc
'avu;;ic Luiilli'-.S fCgtllali'ig piiVO
'Ihe long prnmi.-ci! I'russlau tc.i
nut not vet in ao a ib tiit;,earancc fcii.l pre
i.n.e it vi i. I I, a dtdattil till bfisr tha dctit;.
I Louis I'liilijipr, when, 110 doubt the cry
uf war will a- on !,e raicd on il.e banks t-t
ha Roir.e.
A puii:ivi.l roii. ;o. .e-y I. us L'i.u i.i.iuuv-, :i
red in thu 'it!!"i.iii e.iv i.f Tho. 11, in tii
mil 'X, a no er it guauy, ami Jj
tut! Vcik, auit Ciiuinb:; !. rl , ami
I'tt'nany, ii.'.i -Mvid 'i , le, lliii,k (.1
And vt!. at is tho iii c tlik
p'tori? I 1 at' Ot: ittfij iitlc'.tl i:.l.3;
of Cntii.t i.tal i lui MjV. I's nit.'i ..'
.Vfullll of f !:!.' smI, t C.j.i Ihio.
u ill : ; er! 1: ;.-re pfc; 'e in c. u.U-. 1 .
hail tin! f nnv vf. it l.''iO 0"O f:-i:ii:'
' i',
1 .1.; tin ih.-l c .i'l!,
.i' fjitCi is a n.t.i.'ti 1 1
lis 1 o'. ci f il 1. 1 ';;
...I..' 1; a in i 1 1 . tj ni
3 V l U I
S ( OliilL I. US I.J J T. Cl 1 I I I.I ; .. J'
It !:,:. a '. ..ii..- 1; i 1 m tm.o til 11 ac
nil an ath:) t! ,'?.) OL') ineo. Ii Las ; r.;. tNe utiv", "f i;ru'
:;i 0 t.n .i:ct r. cf ; :r.n i's goverriiKM.t i-
:h !(. I by only J,j,ijOO vote is,
'Ii j.M- the iir:l,i s1, ! 1 u in f.u adult
.illations of live c,r ."ix milli'ns. And
V (lets it tiiaihlnin Ihii fJical nrinv In
'us. ill, il.'.y ;.tlt;ln ha C
l ady ukcii piii'c and tli- in. i'.iry a kepi
Hi pot ;i:.l.,..i III. .i,..ll.
I'a!-tip(..'l i.l t. ;i n. '. l' -, t, cooili'' ffiiin
tauefc and jd;:inio aie 1 : innned v i;h the
e iie-t prcf ' ti-.- ii is t rpecit d t',n; tl:e
.it l.t'Lii it-, i.lii in tl.
i.n.'i tiu.s 1 v. ill 11 11. 1
1 l 'v io j. ", u .1 In lp:n baud .
!,.:'; ! : t!." I 'niifd 'i.tlt?s in
:..''i! il:ito( t.:i v p.eviuus yi'it.
( fli. r'ui 1.: j (.: luiinjt a '.om
'.rta i.i J.h' '.1 ;i roi..c.y i.l llu
i ; lo le a Murk r.un t rn. ; l.ui e?
A i;iiJi i! Ia,.a k io Le pin
ll (i; to :
-YI10 1 r 1
wiii t
I'he l.:;-f (J
! ,i 1 ti V , hi 1 1
ti I
broad of llr- psoj-lii'o ma:n-
i 1. n a k'h on i.i -s t'.i one, nnd Iu maio
in, 1 a lioiii.pi i.-.ii.:-: foi-.t:Li;ojsualioii.'
c. i. ti t.aliv 'ii ji.t-:' '.heil .'Iii-t
. .. 1, ... I: 1 ... . nl u, 1,!
Mil II 1
.all)- Vl .t-;t
li ly.- l!u
:HI Jli n
ir;il S ait, hci) '.hey hip
l.fciif: l..'-
; 01 IDUI.dwil
l.v the nation t.l (;:inad?. the r nun of
Ur(;i;n, the im'.ioo !' r-ieMCo
!cu u;.un Mr. JI-l)-AUu' it
i-1.1, into Mlm coilult: i.e..
1.', Mi. WiLsu 1 . , ot.
inn 1 11 ! '.' I''jii.' jut. ii.', .ij
COi.r .!,;! ii.-.t--.
N-tuti..t-,ni.- ii.--, e
i l ilctil ii.ii uli in t. ueau.i ,1 vt
Tha frculiut in Fijhing Crmk on last
Sjiurday was certainly greater linn an;.
0:1c since 1817. This fact w-is clearly s--oortained
by peirnaneni loaiks o;i ihe hliiil
'aiilt of roc!; 9 fv:;:j ilie streani at this
'nee. Tho 'jiiimpkia' in 173.3 nnd
ha 'Aiig' fijol' in 1517 aro tho only
high water tvents, siiica tin? settlement uf
'.lie co'in'.ry, t'ut can Lo tlalu.f.i iu coiiipptc
iih tho rnuntrr lloetl t f r'vurday, :,ul
so&iO i.l' our old citizens declare thai ihcit
was a giedttr body cf water in the ncr.
by pr;
.. - 1 . . . . 1 , i
leiirippptiiioent tfi:i ueneral iiru'on
n.d (J ner,il A'ok have bceii i-'pet'"! to
i'.ti Senate of tho United SmIo, i..;,cIi
i'liiid has received but little c'.amatre, but
tho npghborhtin-l cf Harrii,h;:r!;,ih tlesirm
tinns of property has bean jjroal. All ac !
cotini.', no'.vt ver, agree, urat 11.0 u on 1 ;e
to the Main Line of Canal and N:i-:pu:-lianua
Divisim i.-i i;,i;.:!i h a ihan was at
tirst aniieip I'.et!, It will bo seeti by ''r-
i:i!loivimr rv'r u ; (coni the 1 1 iri u! ur t Tel
egiaph, Out a pari only, uf tho L'tidjo al Gerire?ee couniy, L lt-.y, N. J.,
('larks Terry ha? gone. j'jiicu! nil ,j in tha Wti-t. Tr.iia is
B--lween 10 and 11 oVuck on ratnn'ay
"vt nin.'J. ihe pieis id' tl.o old Il.iiiifclo,:
Tit!.;.') (''tut ( plib;a'(.'i siuic'tirt', ll.ti
"nil O'tr ;.ip oj:.,ii' oai 11a iniiit ny rjurr
01 ii. ; ii -li joincip::-, ;.l a cost of t-i'JS UOO ' J. M. Spear, one of l!io radical ref' rm-
oi.ic.ii. ni fed 10 10i:i and completed in eta' uf Doaton, comes out in favor of huvi,v
. I.-. . ..1 ...1. 1.. .1 1 0
'"'V 0,"" ao "" "y " "'S'clergyinen. who approve ofcapiial punish
.1 . C ... ,.. r, tKt tl.lL- . ..l tl ..1 J 1 t t 1
......I, ' . .ii j 1" I, u j .'II .nn HI 11. 1
...... I
Having received 31 out o! 53 votes.
New FiiAl'n. Nt"-s ; nrpirtiog to
ha issued by Ui FjinviV Vxr-W of
uch IJaiik iii t x!'i.pft.
n 1.
. t . 1 1 1 .Till- u ;:v nn 11. n uii a tt I
nd t,, yield 10 ii'.o itiishiy ,.tIin.i;i''''.t. Pppoioud hangmen. Rev, Mr. Mm.
L-e..ii;. ra.n of ie a..d on ojiut-. c 1 ."is, of ihe (Live Braat hj i;.;imatis that ho
wo oi
(cn ilir.-i atid four o'tlacli. si.cui'd h.ivo no oljecliou to ibe ef'tiee; but
t!io r; idJls epati of arches fell
.vctc :.'.vjr.t do tv n llu
iiici?e of bis1 appointment he cautiuiiti Spear
lo luok out
Blreamj iheso r.:e
.11 .11. 1
on:-. iiiHOCTii ny iwo o'.nsn, icai'in;; l,ut a
f f-pa.i, next lo II atT:-hur; whieli rlsi,
el. aiMti t?;o o'cicck and 1' jjicJ u;; 'ys i-al'.,-
The W; ?t part uf the II mi-bur," T'ridci'. pos, ruvirj; insulted a vnur " lai'v by the.
"XtHuin Z hum Hi? Island id i!,p (.i ij.t.rr
Old JifoC is i-ull H .l.lllli Inn w t . ' 1 . i r
ei tii.kii.'i .t ,1,
1.. I' S'-, vt .;ico
,. ?usUt:i;Ci! ii ji
Uf the na.v L.a
A iiian cry)!''!, railu r in V o.hing-
p;03?!!rss cf '.he ccnvrr-aiifoi uli; h he ao
Rf .--fd to her, she tumid hmi'.f wii
I eo.kiii, and jam kim a i-pleni
licit, COI:l .I'll J'.i'u Li'.
Mr. Ki.kl.iifle,
diis liirte than upcu citluT of thfl.o ot c.;?
ions. T!i: e tna! A.j i? over the ihouili ol
L'lshiu; (.'reck is 'uove iialf torn awry.
T I.e o.')'J:n poition of th siructure had
jutl b:c;i leiitiiltut a.i pxuciuo (irichiding
repairs to th pier.s.) of aint 3,0(tO, ain't
ilia canal agents wrie cnniattilsiini; tlieiii-j
lelve upon theeconoay an I dau i.r.y el
the woik. Hut the old yipri wcie t.ot .':
reht. ill, Mid two ef tfeu .', cuiinhie 1
n! torn away i y the tiamcidoou't rt..-.'.i m
w&'.p;, th wo: as iduva i;e, er'-i:i!y kiotif
uowi.. 1 ma was mlns .,,- c.;i.'-i.s-i ,,;
i-'i-a in ti-.fl r'.vrr. R 1 .'. !i n--. i..l ..r
p!:-.ce in ti.-no it 1, . '.-.!., .i'y bai s 1 in -',:
-l'J'lCO l.'l' ti.C l iCi l. !'j ii..Jl!--h KI.J
oral. -XI': !..- :: pet.: -tvei! ii,-f A.-tu-dut:! I.'.uu
I'll:.", id' C..I'.-'A Ml.
tirra wrre iiniil.ed and four ;-piii,n
ii'arci w&r.i waa erecKU on it.'cm.
itpans of this M'ent jufl Lsfi'ie i'ie
itrg R.-ii'.;.", i-ild tin.' Ian u;!:er -j.-.
! wspt oil' i.y the Dujicui's !!. . d ng.iii'Pt it in u .It si . 'I
lf-.irri.-bti: j s:t!r. c! '.in ii' i r .: : :
ped of ai b:'i;!;.,:i ur
,'irrn b'-irg mr, iiy .v. t ci
plscra or.t 1'. -v. 1 1...
d il e wa 1. ... it ;
ail tie
t f liit
tvliippiiig. If ilitie he any ri(
iym h he, -iii:. i's '.he sort.'
:!u kind of
. v
11 joty.
I.' it
a vii- i.-i'iow t.;e:::it.; be
A.j . L-f. v.Liii il i ioke iL.tvu
I'n 1 ra.dt look j.lics .ht ii.
0. ai :.ii,;' uittiti t eurecu l:ia i
a st Lap ca.: j,: the !.a;;-! .,!!
r v 0 ;.
,:t- t.r,.;i lin
, lie ran a
I ed v
1''.!!,.' v.v.ii ether
..-re it L
1 -.
U' r.:!.;.
n 1 ii;:
::: i':. i'
i d 1.1!
i iion:
1 .' ' -1 t.iu bii:r.;j t'.r. ...1.
l'hc canal is in'.ieh 1. r;i . iiji-
!-.', r f 'I IMS .act! a :-.i I. ,ii,k.v 1 ::
anal l:ai:!;a aif I n-ltPti ll.!..u;;'i at
town bv ihe M1...1I .-lie:.:o th; I v..;c-
iliTcrvil b" '1 fiiilvi-.!, pi, ! ti f'n;'a ;i;rl
r.'l-l I-ild-JP UiT t!." M.i, i"l i t a'".'
ni" away, 'l Im r-u.-d i. oili.-i-w i -a, uc l.c
::v.: mtUP or h's.- ii.jol.J ftom t': - n:;., i
if I'l'kiie- Cieck to Uorwick t-n I the op. it
2 of navica'.ion upon i', v. e ferr will l.t
lalayed fnr into the puniuier. A 1,11 uber of
ni;h:r? on Fishing ('reek Lave bcfii eani. 1'
tway. The bridge over it b.-t'.wvu nineiu.s
mrg and Mout.t Pleacati!, cuir.i.ionly cilh-i1
he M .dliik Rri.lgp, went on r:a!i::.!.iv
uoinii g. Tlie va'uable bii !-e t t ip mouth
f lluiitii'.glon Creek, 1. ti 'Il but a ft i-ai-
'go, is gone, nnd Hit! li'U.toii Uri.!;; hightt
Fishii;-' Cretk. 'I'bi: btii'to i.l I.i.i,
T .0 apt.i .1 (
ni tjjt; at jinn, aii
tne of liit- i.:i.''. -v ii. ': tui.i ..-::! : ii-.',
: 1 go over luc ::i-.n-iu t.l : ti
I- llll L i 1. I m tin.- IV:.", C
;.J ,iii I ;;: ovi'r .'.'l.i ti.'.ao's t
;, :o..l
. th: u !
1 1, 1. it li
. r
Joint A Low.?:!, E?q , rf Rostnn. has
vv.i'.p a li'.. ,il doiiatioii uf one hcihlnJ 1 v..iil;t4 t.) if t M .tiac!iU.-islts Mor
;. in'ii'.-.l .ociciy , lo t;u a'v.iidrd 10
I.--: :.: c.:$e;!..jn (I l!i.. .0,-n.ic,
I rcmis
P! "110
: t r.-i -i I ni 1'L'i
:.. V.. I 1-,,.1,t'.
t-v. .'.y. M. j ihe I
7 'ho r
r-r of V.
: nlv
"Ci I; iu llu:
fi'iiiit i
It'ii; IT. it i
. 1 s ,
liiln : y
la. c c.
1 .1 iiciiu)1:. ; :, oarn a:-1 o v v.-.v j
v. lib t'i a v:..t ;;-:;v: hid la ;ory I
1111:1 ;: lli-s " i.'e.i.- ; : ct ; ft:i.t aii
11. .1 aw ay , .i..d o :.- n: )'; ;.
! r i-.ii.i8 1 a;, h v i.i : ..:!' n-
c 1
i'lt:.r 0 1. 1 !,
0 liciii L,.-;
i: ns, :u
iii I.
j v.: l'..e
ua'ht-r 10 .li .'. ." e iie-.;
iig (log and a pa.r .- ;
r of a vioVj: i ,;
Vt-'iVS p.faUr.t Hi ( -
ier in,; the alii;.;. . 1
.le to tuke solii-ry w.d
o liiiuh I j -to.
REVOI.ItTiO.-; ', !.
p.1.0 0 i
1 1
S:rcet, or .'iidlelown. Viuicc.s 1 j r 1 1 ? j 0 ncii
i.od ,!ivi- jOiangi.". ille.iihd the cue below 'iLoinn Aiiir.1
too io-:artf injuird rod w iii ffjo.if i.--i.a,.-ii.g
1 at: r . iu a.
0 !R0" V.'OP.IC-
.i...;.-i! t.'i:.-:'
.-;;!',;:; it'd
i:i:i t. r- r. j i e to
.',;i v.t-':; g in i
u llu.
1 1.1 nip: .-or i I ti j.s-i 1
bej into -ilitiiJ a pr if. t '! of A-i...p-.
in I. n.t 0:; it y ol M.ijcovv, b,
1 ' 1 m.i ic:i :u: i pi.'.di .i;cd a lim.k 11 n -
! (f ''i'l.O Rovolntiun cf tl.o
ii i.t to W .Uc.
.-id llu: 1 nl;.
s the nan
:lo Ptoii i i i i...
luif. d w ii'..
inn c-f the I'
u i l1 net
i j u i.e.
i' 1 1
a -i
e:. i
! ; o- a hi
. .. it-it i",
1 -1:. ,'!
I ;,. r..
1 1. c, , vi r
. . -1 . 11 i.i. 1 .
I'iio t'iuu a m! l .tc
C l.-. iK
r'nin 1.
'!.. 11
.11 l c r.
u; it 1
tii 1. iii
11 ? : i .: J c
v-im new pun-d iiMif tilde to w iil..:t;,nd any
iVfa-hcl thai mr.y juid ..lily ever hipjici in
I'irliii'i'crt el; :s v. as j.j ,j'ki if jM
n;lier, it::. ti any ottii-r eter L110v.11 cput:
y the old .M tritli-rs.
I !
i; . '.I 01:'.' 'vi
1-1 0,1,:;'. '.I.i . 'i ii' ,'i
VK e to i-oiii.'t lei '.
I ll' nut lOeiUt. i
t it: cairn 10 lli.a
0:1. i'l i'i t .11 icn'. '
! a .-ii-il
.he t
I of rringntii
,tc Las tl.t M'r-
1...1 1 otn the pt.h.ic
. . . ri ins ii'i ui iea i p.i,
r, i. tt."r will i'' it
' 'll.. II, W lii.-'l We I. :.'.(
A fr
ii ti !
a. hi, hit Mr.v Ilu'eo,
: :!'., ii'it c;i ht r p-iss-ici
li UM'.-'.il
rfori.i.'d i.: lite or i-ix ilays.
The in rre cViif d" 'rpiiibitiH of Vtrtin
f.tfher now lir';n:r, ::.! a p--nnn in favor
-f 'ht oi i? ai out to b" t -'.jhlished Ly tnecni
of r iibiiprlptins.
wiif.a r.
Ti.P (i den- (liLj n-.z-'tcVf February
ItJ'.h, f ;v: : Chore i- f; at'i lo fear
hut the w lu'iit crop he t:u,T''n d sevprrly
.001 lb 1 if. ol ti!' ihe open winter and luile
T . . .
-now Iv. pa-roii;! lliri.ti.'o ihe cnuturv a
fow il-tvs t-ic-e wc i r.v ri trrvl Innje field
lal iiupeaicu i t '
p ( u'lri
dv tliJiroi ed '
CO lll.C'hl i'
v ihe C..:i
a nl IU-
lO-li-S i hii
;lj Jour-
1 1
Mi .li:-,
v,'-.,: 'ilu to
'',! t.ild J"' iedt!
us. y 1 it c'oald PJ.ehliain. M.'ir I'tlil-
ai.t. e of .1'xicMi indci'ci.t'en'o undt nl-lft abulmcei one on lbs CattawLa !..!.
I. CO.
a. Lo-
bnd:: (: J
i(. , t:i:,.-?i.titi-ip,& Li ir appointt. lu ,2 the
I'I,,. ...J I,.,, I,.,. , , ... . :. . r ', : . .' . A 01 in al.oliiiitlii C;,,-li is a tun,: 1:
.1,111' 11. ....... I.-V, (ll.t.ltlt,
"'''iuj.ntivis atiJerwii-k. Tiit I'snville li.i jr" 'i"''llf;n ''' ll U l' '!il'' f'l''J ll"
"and live out o! i.v arol,p3 of !ia Caiuu ,h. ;i !' " u;-'"'- v. here .rKt eil oU id he ilir-
!i;riioare.'ofo, 1 naming one l-cing ,TU l! 10 ,,T-"rl"f ,t:" 6 ''''
Hi'wW, pivi. (-iion. iv u--, :.,'i flu 7..)'. I m't l.nd;:c Cnn-pi-ny i-' Mtd t-j hive a ;
A I ;.;n 1,0 11 toe
L.'.'ii' tj
Mi?s Siis;,:.
; tl.t biiJa
1 ii v. I. j 1 U t. il Lti I
' 1'
cut binking fund id about 61,0?t). Tlio'coua- vo-.
It f-.v.n! that Mr l.l:o, M. C. from
c W Y.':k lii-i- b: en pn.i.,Ti,tril for sJ'JO,
inr I Wii M.iiiiUros , li.P 0.-t-fill;ci' act, Hi
r.,i,l..i.c iv. t. I. itcis for 11.Y (.'overr.or Sow.
VIip r f Ii.diii:-...) e Las recric..
d iiisiiiitti u:s from iht Postiioicr (Jenerat
iilorniirj; hint that It-net- for TeXdS einr.e
is ailiiiicMon iii'o the li iion may he f.cnt
is to nay othir pint nl the L't,iit:d I.-ialcs,
u'.tl h tl.o pa.agi ngt.lai.' are tha