'TRUTH V (TI'llfT rtill utmtti.iv, m rrw 11 i-tc. STAT! C(5.lr I j"We would lie in lit h obliged to any oiii'of cur snbsciihcis lut fin fnnii-!i u Willi a r r p y of the Ciduinhi i Dt niocuii, dated January 4di, 1815. That numbt i nl out paper is w unieii and in missing William II, rosin, jr. 'II. is gentleman having brfii regularly pill in nomination forth) oflico of Canal CnilHllissiiltllT, liy tllC Dr'llHICIalil! Stale Couvf mioii, il becomes llio duly of every Dinner il in support linn zealously, ami leavo no convcriionl bk! honorable maans mtiied lo sccme liU flcrium. TIip oflicp of Um.d Commissioner is one of great re sponsibility, ami the Slate in vitally inter ested in having il wonlnly filled. Mr Fok li'i is, probddy, more ihcrnughly acqi,ainl ed ilian any ether man in die State, with our intern. il iipprovemmii cystcm, by his long experience as an Hngineer and n Coir misMoner, and this is n piwerful recom mendation in hisfivor. licsides this, he i known lo to thoroughly hnnest. In the Convention and out n! il. the fiiends of oth er candidates have unhesitatingly com.ecd cd his ability and integrity. The office ol Commissioner is not lucrative, and a can -d'niato for it cannot therefmo have private interest veiy heavily al slake. It nugh. lo bi rather a subject of congratulation lo the tax-payers of the Commonwealth that they can secure the services of such u ci lizo n in conducting our mighty internal improve ment system, than to the nominee hniiM.lf Under such circumstancos; having a can didate able, experienced and honest pie- The Delegiica choNPn lo rrprcfent ih dill, k m con ii i i of I i - 1 1 1 i Iviinii in Dr. nmiTHih; Sun- Convention; ,,r l8 luiiiiin i iion of a candidate fji Cmul Cnmmisriinncr, convened at tliu Couit lion- in ll,u i isburg on Wnliiesd iy, March 4, I8lli. "il Couvt ntioti was tailed to order at II o'clock i'i iho- alicrnnon, and temporarily mgmiined by appointing (!cn V. T.Kogeit. 1. 1 HueU county 114 1 h.tii uiari. Tliealnr ilium and evening kps.siou whs taken up in elding the (ti( mioii of disputed delegate. 4 1 .1... -I . I' .1 ii mi: 1 Him: "i nit evening ahsmoii, or. III') tioii, a Committee of one from each Sena torial Distinct was appointed to lepnil olii I'ers for the pel inancm organization .of l!ic Convention1 On Thur.idiy moniiiirr ihe Convention incl pin so mi in adjournment, and ihe com mittee appointed for that pnrpivp, repoitci ihe following list of officers for the prima neni organization of iho Convention : thi report wan accepted. 'resilient. BENJAMIN C II AM FN FYS. l ice 1'miJtnls. IJeubpn C. llalp, Michael 1). Wailman. .famp I,. (Jillis, Mj. Willum Try, Dr. K. McClelland, Samuel Cam, Altx.Mi'ker-ver Alexander Small, Alexaiuhr M. iliark, A II. Kceder, Fi nn ia Tiermui, Thomas Over ton. Junes l Hoover, 11. I!. Ilnblcy, John SiioilynihH, Alln-uii White, John li Man- deili. ld, J. I,. Smith, A:.Mier Kelly, Jacob Brmkcr, Isaac .V. Montuc; James Majjcc, John U. fcJierijjerc. Sirntitrks. Cicorgo K Riddle, John Cresswcll jr. (i. W. Tenbnivk, Joel 15 Ilanner, John Stall inan. Jacob liedticcker, Adam Slenimcr. The ofliccn took their seals, hen Mr (-'hanipneys, the 1'residtuit, returned lliank? Ic io- woiM, vc lock wiih corfi'lencptej. an J tv!ios infrlu. i, . ?,.,,. ..,..-.... :.. -n . I'jr Hie iKiie wh'i ll.o iidiriiloui amlLven hi; ,n.i 1.. 1 .. . .... 1 1 v,l' .., 'P.. . I ' 1 -" 1 r.,, 1 mii vu rcco'iiizi? senhid for our sulTrages, we bespeak (or him the usual majority of one thousand i 11 ne;l1 ani- ehnucnl address hundred in little Columbia. If it should exceed that a few hundreds, it would bo 110 subject of astonishment or regret. liy the proceedings ol the Canal Com missioners Convention in another column, il will bo seen that WILLU.M Li. FU3 TElt, jr. is re-nominated for the support ol was given by one of the ablest Conventions Unit evsr sat in Pennsylvania. Air. Foster's ability and integrity aro unquestionable, and m trust to see him receive a very large vole in Columbia County. 0:i the G:h instant, Mr, Matthias from tha Committee on Pensions, ir.lroduted in to thellouse ofllqiresentalives of lliivStale, a bill for the relief uf Eve Cary, of West- inoreland county. The claim of ihe old lady for a pension, possesses unusual interest. It appears thai diirtti' a tremendous attack made nponllair nahstonn fort, in Westmoreland county, by a large party of Indians, British and Toiif.s Eve Cary distinguished herself by extraor dinary bravery. The garrison were frightened and about to yiult'j bul K'w declared thnj should uut give vp. Shs inspired the men with cour age and the women with fortitude, and ai .is:cd in loadinrf t!ie guns, made bullets for ihe men nnd by her active exertions con tributed largely ir. successfully resisting tin mnrdcroiw asan!i by whith many weit sived from a horrible butchery' Mvo's fa ther and two br iiIipis had been killed by the Indian.-, only a few days befote the at tack on llannahstown fort. Her conduct throughout thnwed that she poested the most indomii iblii coutagc a quality by nc means rate among llie women of Kevolu lionary times, live n now old, inliriu and p ior, and the Committee, on Pensions have acted most rnniisur.dably in reporting a bill for her reli f. On inution a committee of 13 was ;ip- poinled to prepare resolutions for the adop tion of the Convention. After the consideration and rejection ol icsululions l)v- dreideit voles, in Lvm i f the oris term principb and of a new man ; the Onvcn'ion irocfcded lo the nomination o :i c iindidate for Canal Comi:iisio',r the result of li e ballot was os follows Thomas J, Power I. G. Clover William Patterson W, K Ilufliiaglo Samuel Dunn K. A. Wpynohln K. Y. Hiiijhi do do do do !0 do do 8 'J :i 4 1 2 William I5( Foster jr. having meived 111 .j'Tity of all the vote was (fc.lared duly nominated, and iho Convention ai'journri! until :i o'eloi k P M. Upon ihe reasafiuhling of ihfConv.jiii.,.,, itrofaue snpci-tiiion of the divine r'v of king woiihy only uf ihe dark d.iy. ivhen Kivvpr wis but onollipr namu f n tyran iy i 1 1 1 1 1 hcco'iirf a mockfrv and by ivor I mnoni ail i.i'ion id llm aril - wbcil 1 In; ncpli e of I lie 111 00 .11 ell yliall only bu fo'iod dcprxitcl t with thf 'ib-nlpit! hetm.'i and slindd ol ln rriMa- Icr .Hid wlien focn Hihhl'MiPil by I'lin.innii y nod 1 f pnblicaoisoi .s!i.il hiok bark wiili wonder ul their ini:ni hilny lo l!'.eir own power their own ri phis mid llinr own dignity. y AVvotr7, Tint yt; liouhl Pinlav or as the liri step in l!ii ureal win li lo pteMiVi' li ct and inconl uniii il. d from the iidlliii int f'lot ijf lyruiiiiy. Ihu soil oi this ureal ronlinciit. and hit our do- iy lo ourselve ami to n m'iind as well is gratitude to l'.ovidcnci' for the polit ical bles'iini we eoj y, ikj i ie in by i'i jtHtiti ihle meann, to cheni so I cn lourage the process of fieo insiitu'ioits upon this pooliocni, until ihu 'est"tn world 'i.ill bp a e, 0 1 .. x y td uhlics. 4. u'dr-'i, I ml w ri 1 ic m Ihe iiniZ'i on ( ,i. -.1. 1 -1S "ssent, ,1 doct.ine of Democracy, and , n,c f0, ';,, nf a letter fro,, CVn one of the mniy and iniooiiaiit heueli- ' ,, , ,. , f -"f-ed by ,he hber.1 . rit 6f or i"r" ,,uM",,e;1 ,ba ( ' liliiiiii., Unit the radiam light of F.eo iUy- 1 1,8 l''lle' I""!10" lo be hVm loin Irjoi oor soil slull con'inn 1 lo cm l" ll"J e',iu)r of ,,,B A"r"r''. which Cl.romi 1" gleam ol j y upon tli. oppressed of 1VP 3jys 18 ' Spanish newip iper, publi-li- Mi.,,. .11.-1, iiKi our t'oiimry will uo as m ion toy. uevoiCii 10 llic (Ihm.iii;h mm. Heietotorc, a common viiitig-; grou id vliere Iho emigrant from a foreign soil diill bn welcomed, protected nud clier slied will) tlial h ear t I'c 1 1 lio - ,)i t u i i 1 y. w t. i )) should ever characterize ihu cptrit of republicanism and cluistian charily. inl v; tlicfefuie cordially icsjiond to the scniimenl unanimously ndoptPil by Ihe Democratic jValioual Convention, thai eve.-y ulienipt to abridnp the privileges ol becomi ig chizctns and ihoowinrs of soil nionj; us, ottihl lo be resisted with the J')ia spirit which swept the alien and tie ditioii laws from our book. I t. Ueso.'veJ, That ihe renduct ol onr Canal !l;i:ird liai shown an econom ical, cateful and dliiienl spirit, find tlu-y ire f n II eil n n ir i!fio..t nimn ,riii. undeniable evidencp tlut the 'ico li of:,,,,! rn, r, i. U'l" tin 11 u IIVLl is country arc nulled as una nun in Iheir ilcii rmiualioii mail tin even to lln- isl rsorl of all nstims cur clear and ineoniestibl,' right to Okki; or; 1 liiiht vu dpmonsii a'ole and i m ;r cnalilo llnl nomhi hoi rapiciiy ami injiMict) would ask us lo suriemlor it; and that in otn opinion Ihe tto'ico to terminate ihe j)int occupancy should be with all convenient di-sp itcl). 5. Ucswucil. J lint the nolu and mas '.eily exposition in deinonstntinn of out Mile by Mr. .Axil annan" and the dci led advantage ofnained by him in tin discussion, cuiilie hiir. lo our thanks and eileeni, and provo still more con clusively his tab nis liij n search and his patroi-tn, and wo npprov of tli course of the members of 1 1: e Senate ami Uotisp, and Heads of the D 'pat'lmen! forlhn advocacy of American rights and piinciples in reference lo our national lomain. (i. licolvci, Thai ivo have Ihe fill lest confident''! in the integrity, Ihe lal nt, and the democracy of Jami:.; K I'liLK, whose adrmni'tration must c le- vrite Ihe characler and promote Ihepros oer Iy of our Country , whilst it will earn for himself the gratitude of the pppple and the eulogy nf ihu hisl iriin. 7. FcirvVc 1, Thftl lite IndepcndTreiis. 'ir, as rpeo'iiriicnded and su.it.iiiifcil by M ; till Van Huron tht onj'hont the suu- l.:.,, it 1, tt.irni of l.;s ; ind driiled by ot.i op:, ':n 1, I i:i I 1 "i nutiai principles in It.e r)i;inn!i .::ieri can.' We give the letter Irom wbnl; 1 will be perceived that the jnrts likrlv 1 have given il crnlu are 011, untied 1 ir w!u it may be wordi; 'Cants An insurrection ii al tint t . 1 of beinj declared in this city, all mm,1- la ir.g wearied out with the continued rem t ,! of v lions by the infamous robber, wi n has been sent I.) us by ducrepil Spam. The inltrpid sons of Cuba, Don , ),.i, Don , Doii' , and dnt ijimdijki:. in. mm.'. i:u::i: I lie P.'.l.'i'ifj ("'i ! nr .' J iii-i i' Uiis i!,i; --4Vi ol M ',! 1 ,', i'.i i' mi in n! r.'Vn r, I , . . 1 , t I -. unk 1 ''I'd in tlit' I'i ii 1 : i . 1 - r el i!, il c 1 1 . Joiim il a w env.i ;: ni i: . 1 li mi pruoncr l'iii-ii u t 1 'II )..!., - n 1 1. 1 ,11 1 1 i 1 1 . ' Fr .!. ,, VV I'.'l t'l ' ', 'II I I' u , I III 1 11 111 I u rroH o" : ' I !' In 1 r . 1 'iy , I 1 r 1. 'I i'.e idt.i i, ; j . ' 1 '.1 1 Oi-, .1:. i,i. i.e i'. in ,1 1 ri s, vi iin.li w; re 1 1 1 ,1 1.1 1 ' II.. I. v. 1 r ii, 1.. 1 . ' 1 ' 0 I.e.. 1 ; , 1 llll g 11 Ii ; 1 !"'! to I...II ti ri:ulvi 1, itrul, ts:uruli d hm loil w.tli ,'ivp iirmiii'- Iwhvs prep. ml j Iho 1 15. lu'voc'f, That the thanka of this Coiivention aie due, and are hereby ten d.'ied lo the Ivtilors of the Daino.':r,it:c .ournals in lliriibnr, for the lMlhl'il ni'l accurate manner in which thry have coileeted and published the Ita! of d u 1 1 jies lo this Convention. On motion of Mv. Ji, r wlpr, 111. llano! ca, Th it the thinks of this Convention be given to Ihf lion. IJ-n l-nnin Cliaiiipiu-ys, for ihe abo and faith 'ul manner in which he Ins disch irg'.-d ins dulled as lVesidonl of thi. Conven iion. On motion of Mr. X'Tr. 17 llewlrcd, Thai Vicn President I). lias is eminently entitled to the grate "nuenient cun possibly reach here in re fill acknowleilnmeni i.f ihe Ui-niihm acy 'li;'i' li e glorious Hag. ihe symbol 0f our in il this Sute, for his 1'iithful adli'.rciui? Jd.ipendeiict', wliich my own daughters :i:ul lo Kcpublican principles, jihose of our noble friend Don are now 0,, potion ol Mr. l.-i per, . o,re-e!y eng.grd i embroidering, n il 10. jicwr car., inat ine lnai i;s 01 ii: Convenliou be Kndered lo tht C .mini. sinners of ihe Ccuniy of Djiihio lor th noble repub'i ihii, Don td a phm which will be limbic to our! Spine!) aggressors. 'S.iiior possess? many of the seerei of the gnvrnir,8iit, a fact which i!l rimhr the success ff mil scheme eerliin, which ii 0001l.fr linn toji!;pralo our imfor'Uiiatel ,'nlia from the tyrannical yoke which oppresses her i iii! anuix nunclvt-i to the classic land of lilieriy. Please to publish thi-i urtiele over mv own signature oiuce I desire that in idl eom mg lime it may be known thai I uas one ol the fnsi to announce tiirongh you to the world, this glorious rtvo lotion which will have been accomplished without fail at l'ie coming carnival (Irom the ii'M of Ftbriun to Ihe 'Jd of MarchJ or at an earlier day. You may bo certain thai befora tliia an 1. ,11.11., v., sialic mm ol a physician or rh.ipl iiii, nrJ ibis cvnJcncu ol .1 d iegi roin l,. ii, ti!i. :;o from the lung!!, to which he , hi-..,..i cur 1 I'm I to j. Id, a d.H'u-ii'r . 1( t n I it-p.- r .'i'io. His di)eicrii wi ',.,, . Itiin.'S, to Cligagu tin- mi lie n 11 j; .'..i.ir 111 1 01 . vcrsa'.ions, in which be. woo I become -n! li 'iciilly cniin aed i( forget ,h punl I Irea'.hing, but. on the instant tlm ; .,,, rceo'ilttl h, instil, the ililiicu.ty vin'd n turn. 'J hese r.ictieen, 11 i, ,ii,.1(.,; !)i-i.'iil:l on the iJi-eii-,0 which li 1 ihinai l his lile, and ha died al l,i of a pulmoiii.i afleciion. Uiiiil two weeks before his devfc'' his disease had not ussiimeii a I'.u uiid.nde lypp but then, he bej'.-in to Miik npnllv. I'p t, this period he had sicniy ami vi henicntl itstni'd his innocence, i,f the crimes i.n-. .vavc in iriiimjdi over our forts and harbors, r 1 s . use 01 me iourl lions;.'. 'J. Wesolcc.l, Thai li.e pMce, din 4s 0! this (Jouveii'ion be puMi-hed in j!I ihe D iiiocratic Papers ( f the Slate. On mo'ion Ihe, (.'on vi n tion adjourned sine die. dial and fivorite mcasuro of ihn iJvimo cratic pai lv, in the pt f v, nrces.sitv anr! Mlicicr.l uiiliiy of which we ha v a tin- Opinio it .ii.c.U liillirst confi 1 ene.''. 3 Wesourd, 'bit in our Demociatic administration vays suiroutnl iiself widi ii.s no!iti"(l friends, and 11s the oFi i :. 1 Matioii of ib. country ore lo hp ipgird'.l nol rrV-nihs' nit as grave lrti' of ii.fhi.-ncj and p".w r for which 'ins hcKUrsaie rr riiH'i.-ible V.rom the Episc'iprtl. Recorder- 7'ne 1'ev. (leorgn C. J)ra';n having rcsigu'.d tlie c!, irgi' of St. Jimi s' not ncrm niPiii in ss of Mi.?, J), Unsolved, hv the iv.-l dens ie,l '., !,.. ' r:i "i m i o ! i t - 4 ...... . . r s a "riciifj oi ii.e .lertotis. 1 if St. J.ltl)C' Clibl ch, t!i at iiiiiol but ailmil reason as.,i ncd whiit The Noifuik Courier of Saturday h:s ays il leanii from a respectable iceidenl ol .. 'it's Maud, ('tiriiiick county, N. C tliai the 1 d'ects of ihe Lie slorm was most aw fully experienced on that p ut of the coast, lie says thai fifty fimiliis were drowned on Noll's l-.li.nd and 100(1 head of cattle de -troyeil. 'J'ha wild fowl suffered moa se verely .w ihi ( ejc might lo taken in id most in any t,u,n;tii snnw: killed and oih- 'K ing unaidc lo r5,.i(,,,., lurnirnxFiTiioTi rcr. i tj: puled lo him, bill so soon as he bcc-iim) Iconviiiciid that bis recovei y w ,1 w-n .vi.,i 1 he, confessed his guilt, an J alihoii.ih we an) ifs'.raiiU'd by pmdeir.i.d eoi siileiai' in Iroei Inriher eliisiun to ihi, pmiii, wem.v vm tiiie lo add, that in his coiii'e.-Mon l.e I,: s implicated .several person v I 0 ,i lu-en fri:s;)ictcd of punieipaiii.g in .n 'i line?. Il is known tint I1i;idiiet's wflc, who king to him during Ins ni,,, und nigics cd by her presence and the signs cf j I'.J m ion, thai beautiful apostrophe to hue in inguish, with w l ii li Mr- linhlie in lir.iil lee's defence tdtciritieil the iniwiled :.;;i, nry. had ticen ttnlaiibfid to her vims, ni. ! iiiirried nno'iiifr (Juring Ilia-,! iet'.s impi i.-ou-"eiit. Ho was not iinde :irqnaiatcit wili iiie l.ict, ard lor the live vers !,c was m ci'nfmi.mtiil, lie was luini n,' n:i oppcrtiii'i: y oflail.ing about 'h s wife and ihniiren.' I!-; poke of them in terms i f v. irm :. l!:'-;:"ii ; and uruloiibt.'dly his d.sjV U) rfrt,r j ,.. iibcrty was ;:iii."itilaied l'3 iiilatlimi r.t 1 -- - I.. K. ,.an must sooii die, h.n de.-ucil en il 11 v. pri. in TOWN SHU' I'l.r.CTIONS, For Columbia cninty take place op Fri day nexl- The election fm Uluom town (hip will bu held al ihe house of Jjbert IlagetLucli in Dighlstreet. , We learn fiom the llariisbng IJootiei of Tuesday la:. t.th..; ti.e bteam boiler attaidud to the power prcjs in the office of the Dj iiiocratic turnip exploded die day previous injuring ll;o wsll of the building throwing several forms and rajes of type inioi ..1 1 1 1 1 iiiiu sevtiei) iiijiiiing iiiongn 1,01 oanyerous iy several of ihe workman in i!i ( flico Atjildnchosler, llnl.ind, a few weeks since, a Utile cirl, pvci. years of r, n f,. in a il igecii yard, ami the point n a cl ninit', witti wt.icii sue 1, a t tit'cn cutimir the Cotnrnittee or, n soluiions ihroii"!i ihcii chairman. A II. IJtadir, reported the follow mg which were unaniirtoiisly adopipi, Whereas 111 accordincn wilh the well established us.igcs of the Democratic parly it is hcco-nioi; mid apprnpriaie hat the D.d-gilps selectrd hv ihn nun 1 . . ., . . ..." " pic 10 tonccniiate tnc public vvillotid oialie ihe necrsny pitparalion for a nolhn poii't.s'.'rj maiiHain (ho nipremj ... f ... y m our inrtv, Mionbl rtilrrale and make known ihe mcasuics we odvocaif and iho piincipla we rherish in tui siir,l of fiankiitss ami 1 t J :t i n of d, .,;,),. olaiion which has always in l'.iced ui 'to hang our banner on ih, outer wall, ' Th enforc lie-ulval,'Yii IJcniociaey aiming al the grcaieM good ,A ihe gteale.sl number lia ing lr its single object the peifec lion of human govcinmoni the attain, mei.l and Ihe sccur.ty of Ihe political right of man, and being in itself ,( only means of allait.ing the great am! ,. 1 ...... .1 ..... 1 1 'unuus tun ai wnien 11 aims is hi j. vitd essence one and iinchan -able ; am! allhuiiih in 1I10 iniral.i! '.? of hiiimn nl lljirsand the f,.!iibility nl huin.10 j idg ment means of loiwaiding the g.wo! work, may al times be l.nni.tlj choen wliicli nainro i-xpci ;eu ce in in ogre s-iv; h.owledce nuy .a5i,. I scard, yet in llio btauiy and ,s'iiipi:,:. oy id us truths, and the g! ji ! ti,j ;, .. pose to which i'i .-mls,i i- y.,,) . , always the same, and like the Mo-a pillar uf fire and dotal, will b,; i,, -Icady, unfailing Mnl biiMiant beacui, 'hat uriNll lead and light i,e pons of 1111 1. throiigh Iho nights, ul adveis.ly and the days of prosppiiiy -0 ihe piomNcd land of ffpial lights and civil libuly, while i r:nny anil superstition are ki o.n bn lo be mocked and d( (.pi,Ld. 2. li'ciohrd, Thai in vie w of the pio- gie.in. emigiii,,,, ,,t (,r 1C ,li:e d iiiv.ifiab "1 the pecplc, ihpy (.hoi pliced in thi' h hi of the pnty who nr rcjinnsible f,.r their cxi'irue. and t, ihat and nth'T obvious roason.", Ihs p-it lon.-iga of Dmiociaiifi r.'Imiois'raiiou should be deputed lo Dcmocnts alune, 'J. HeSfjrcU, That wo would resnTi 1 oily cill Iho al f cr,! Ion cf'Pi 1 M.le-n! Pom ind the heads of dpp.trlmcnts lo Jj 1 a n n c'c', and asstire them cf our opinion th 1 higheon-ideiotioii of policy nrj'iiie ll,,i bin Kxeruiivo paiion ge ohou'd 1,01 h, bestowed upon onr political opponent, iielifcving as we do t!i a 1 tj bestow it tiV'O:. them or solLr thcu to ,in it, will p'r, jti'lice the inlnrpsis of too p.iny and p.n ilyzo the 1 Huns of it n.t mbcrs. 10. I'eiored, Thil iho .'idminisiralion ol'Fr. J. Siicv:: has been v. hat ih. D,;. mociacy of iho Siate expecied fnjm (, man able, hnntsi nod inire. Thai be has by his wi?o and pruJent council.'.!) he s ig iciiy of f.jv nlliciil and CahinJ' ppoininitrts -his undoubted and ad mitted 1 11 tf iff 1 1 V r,l eoriilo, I .,.,,1 ,,r'i. f moiive, il. set ved and lectivet! ihe an probaiiuu and ihe 1 .sic-m .,(' ih.,- .! tatic paily, and In shown lo ll.e pub;,e iviiat wunu.i- m..y be acbiivedin i-i-v.i- img ihe , !,,,ri r CK(:, i;f S(a l in reiui ining am! retrenching in tx pcnijiluns 1.1 trim; iilizlng and uniting the p.,ny he ilir 'us d n n-ion am! I Oritclillg ii.s ( 1: Cl.-' hv t-n rivie t.f feet of hoiM ,-ly ami inlivri v.a id hv !, Careful s.ii.el.on (if hnr.esl inn,, a . - in' Icposi'iii it s nf ii nee ;n,il power i cooisp o; coriiluct ul.ich lo ,. ,,. .1 . . . . . ..1 u 10 rtjijottriii! ami mo lien.'its ol Wllli'h 'in V ait' ,'mvii,us 1 ) irl.iin - 1 1 . lit so, Vn, '1 !,,,( we sir CM'ly re juice in ri s'nrai;n:i of Ihe credit (.,f t,, ""1 I"'" ouiy 1 pp i cia'e ijL. mdmti y ( oniicclioi, w,: dee ii- oh cxi-i's Jo: a v 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 Vi If Stlllii'i -I'CV of Mil V Iho Uf V. (j'-orirr, (' I 1 . . . I 1 . '- I 1 it iv , i.'i' lii.-Si.lvii; I . .. A 1 I . -. 1 I 1 o.ch 11 n 1 .1-1e11 m- nvf 11 ii-.- I . . .1 . t . . . I y of pio' 0 1 in; necessity u th;1 sppni a!, on. li' IH.'lVCil, '1 j) jl ( p sMvcs of Ibis o;-c,s', n to c .-i pre ss our ,'ete KS'tlli) alid i,;!, ,'lioll ,,r ,j ,,. itoclor.wlm, t'nt'iiig his M.jom,, ;;rni... us, has bei n 1 ,,de ire,,' 1 1 i,.( vvf ; ";V '!,! itinnl' ii.;,.!, ..1 .1 . J . " .' 1 "u" 11 "is ciiar- iiutmn ictf r as a rn.tn iter nl '..,,! 1.1 :M r 11.1 11 . '''.. nil a r.nn ariiiat,U' dej) irliii viti; lile; ,'iiid thai : bo our prayers sh ill a-'ceud to t!, ; (; , ilea,! of the Chiit th; t'i.n in i,, .,.1,.. r.( .! :. 1 , ij'jiiumi vo nit- nue i-,i ni (. ;,i' f u i) ! iu I ..-.! .,,-,1 M ..at. .'we 1 . '! ... ... ui.u ... -.., i,i iu i:,-.. 1 jr n. . t- ,,, ,' . ! tin ,-,..., t , I.'r,..,. I . , '" ''' ut Uics. t .J III 1.14 1 ,; in his fimily. am! i 1 1, . t s;i, ce-s in miiiisirj nl hbcii's, ch 1 : 1 1, I . 1. . c . 1 , o niu l-cill ir Ul II1IJ IJi'.lol, nir St. Uesulved, Tint a re,! y cf tne i;.s0 bilious, a 1 teste ti by t! c ( 1 t,si,; v,ir. Cirl iry, In pi e-mied to th, " ;"' " 11, at l.o !' be it I.Ik ri v. III il li.irn lo il,.. , . .1 'hat he mi.'! ht imt iiii . , '. . " 1. .v.,. 1. ..." . f. 01.11, I..H .,) - ' wi c.ii.K i.-t-ita i;i i,!e i"" "i as no learneu I he Ci'iituet of .,., u 'ni.lains m o letitrs from Yina.-an dated Hie ,,e -s',aV,-v' vfuH'il ' " f " ' r fi ". (i,. iiii 1.I1 . ..!,,.! . . .. vvas tht: i. n;,l h'ou. I,-, ll, ,,...... . iica'.tco.s " "" u tiaii; mill t:e 01 tin. i,i-n;. ,,,, .,lur.,',i .., ,,, ,,,, I . . ' - " ' inxiou.i to have the !Cit , . ele.-- !.g.iiii:!i.Mc),ic,) in ihejf "'ice. rind have ;ir lermiiicd to .'.ci'id a (; no -loner lu our v.'overiiinmt bu im; r1""1 "'' iiiiie; il- i.isioDce. " i" no- oi r en ivic . 11 , liil!''xr,c!ul ;l:,l:M' I'ke Unit which . Mo, .,. ene 0111 pur i :;,' lie g ne 1; liflil d i lie I'iOl The f.o.!.-," mi),,1,; fc "!'''.' lil 1.I11 'i-U'l. iscd the r:!.vi. in:' 11 io- 'rrender. ei.ii .-,0or fclimv l;''"' 1!; never alter me h.hl. or detired to move ! 1 "is 'di. Th2 n;-.,c ,.r )'.; ' 'lnH ill, :il;l-,o:.,;, C ,r tll:i I '. il Tit ;;i:d ,',r.. i;!:i ;.-,, ,1 1 ;.rs ,t 'oi.il-li ,'l'lliu ;n en n 'ri.'Mimi ;v;;s a II." hi i l!l III- pii. r Jl lif't prof..iif 'oi'ol.f.j (j,. loot ol li,i:;.'ir or 1, , vp.-iinig is ;:;,.UI rr, i '-i'o,.,',, ii,..-,,,, t i; ,!,;,,,.,: 1 v . . ni. a I'i'cjcii e.-....,.,. ... J in ..ie ('! I'"'' "f li! il! U hi, T,,:r,:i',! I 0 i 1 ir,',i;i,.iie, 1 u'iC'.h r J.r.chifi: ci;',!,j i,:,',; or iii.s l !! iiii 11 , ... 1.. . . 1 "" 1 nr coii'j eo ,,cH1; :ji ,11, h: Is so graleiul niiinsicr i,l : ri' 1 d ;. ! r . f, :i Ir e li :.'(: i -I'Y ' t:oM hi till! r.'. ( I : i r time r.i, iiii', wine. ! i it w as Siiliiilic'oii! o f., , , . ii, in. ' ! ; l'"t ''I 'lis lll:;. I ' t-"'!ur'1,"' 'he iitiO'.ma W;H t.n. !i.,ell. 1 ic 1', ! lo I1i.1l 1!, Inn and v. C or; I , . l i ., Ilesulyed, Til it ihu fur,-'go'ir resiiln. 'inns be published in ihe . i , , . e r, J.nu. 'i:i!i Ariihr.'eite C 'Z "'e, li.nnprof ll.e CiOs, and lipiscopi! U-conler. ,V II 1 1.1., Wuiden. Cii.i:i.i:.s W. Hi: i., Sec. 1 1- ! rn,". id by ii,,, colmcd nr.- - h. ; old a National rot,vrnlioii .-ove (.,,., ,,. :i imi, in tr 111 Cir.tvc'niil, Ohio, 'pirn ! j,.,-, s lo concrnt,-,,!,: opinimi among tiipin-tdvfs 'l-mi some plan cf rn!oi;iza!ion. Mi)j;ll. hem think of asking for a pm of ();,- ,,,. Ih. Thornton, bde kerprr ( f the Demo ''ratio Heading room, in IJ.iMnn, uho Id' dead in hisnliice last wi-i k, had take;, out r, policy of 'VKH) on his life, abuiit two weeks previous lo his death, which sum was promptly paid to hi-, widow. The i.-e across the Connecticut iivfr "rung niot.gh lo I-ear In idnl vehielis. - I li:: Army under Uun Tavlor i.hrisia, ;i New 0 I C.i'i v f'iltl:! CIU l i'.-!'Olii!enl , ' ' in IiilU. Igi i-ei-i- -,:iv?, ii!u; l is In advance ii'ion d I ne t.iitor i,f iiii ' '-1..1, . . , ,1 ni' retentiv ohl.wl.ie!, wei .l.,'.l '; ""'-, n.- ...... ; . '1,111 VVIli.ili ''n ,'i.hy, m 1 'il-'. vie 11 1 i ivi owing l.icis 112 in.:,:,,. i miry l in d. At CHILD. weado ) C.n,' ill!.''.' II prep ; "v.v a cl.ih! th, over On" him ',-, ''. , 1. 1), J ( i . ' ;n's m-msi, 1 I, ,!,,- ' -; ' .:.m'i- ;,',i',d and ''o his mother t:,e 1 1 "'"-l IXtt il lil ho 'v.is ,, li di-liiy and ahiliiy of our Sintp Ti i-a.-ui Col. Jiims . Si,udcn, in biinjin - a FI' read of ,( i-n !..( ., . , . . ' ' 'oi - 'i. ........1.1 . . 1 . . I ptne(r.,i-."j nit' j ijm.ir vein, and causc-l her .r'ttlh. uuin 1 11 is iiiippy r 1 -nil. 1 -i. Ilai,ni, Tliiil ivp prrsinl v i I pi ide and s il Ki .,iu i! j,,,, (i,,. .l)(,, '!' iii S ale, W il l ian 11. F,,M ,;i:, .,-. 'he iii-mime o! l!i:S (Jon vc ntion a g( n !. man worthy, in tvuy rcpeet of their 'I'Mii.il ul.ll llMlni l ...I . 1 iralin ll.P i.ii..P...f 1'.. ,i- I . . I'l'u.i ouo-e ... 1 " i"1- 1,1 "ii guv rnniei.t 1 nis iind Mien '-.vie .111 rvisioi ati udmiiing and ivm, I uci" ,..,1 ii... 1 I " i. V 1 I now ledjjd and l ivihiiion a'oo; 1 if, el of iho f Xiiii'ple and haopy and powciful f (il,,CiiJii ' I I I , , r MO'l i;iu( ions) y ii: -JI'..U- ilic Ik pi;rrnu n!s aie ol 'V'S'j i.xpvi ii'tie'c is mat 11 r SliOii.MAKINt; MACHINK. We 11 ei"1 shown, tin1 mher d .y, s:,vs t:,( lioinlnul ,iiiv inrli In email, a I 1 mm. I t 1 1 it .. .... nil iiipioini, awarded to .vJr. A. Winter, ol r ...1 e.. 1 : 1. ... in i,uu'.ni 101 iiiuuoi a .snot' (.:i; (, (,-,, peice of leather and widniiii Kam, whid . . II 1 . was ex'iit.neii at a fair tic Ameri" m In- lilU, VI' I I .. H' '"oil 1 ? oiii 1. n , u ,s n, 'oi'temph.iinn a i.nchini! for ihe 11 1.1 in; fa, Une uf ibis ;r licit; of thecs. 1 r positive oi-. ".ce upon the. I : i . , f : r. ... .. .1 ,,,,,i .in novo le!U':u,l (111 n... C.i ..i' 17.1 - " ! 01 .u ,11 1 11. iori dioiii.d bar.pls t.f proii-ion- 1 iv c a ie n y n u.e Po-iv id .,.i i,.i ;, r 0 i.l ioi 11 .,11., vt oicii 1 1 1 ( 1 1 r n ! r- 1 pretty i,:g M'ji,l!n;; U,, tUi,.s , . 1 ,. . 1 1 i ........ I r ": " 'I'Oli u Jor lieiliu I. VI' ,'l-o I'd , i,.-MM(,., j , operation h way nf ilK llllt.rio.'l, C. I 'I ( ; 1 'rial of an army, i'hc I li 1. o V sti j 111 !.;; g 1 tiny vi 1 A icpoit has been eiirrciii, for smnu timr dial ihcie is a big Hiake in a puiid. near li i- avia, Ohio, and the people uf thai icgioi ire al nut to club K.reil.cr ar ,!rilj ,),, pond, which is not hii-i his tiukt ship. iu order lo rat, I jp trail's- iht'V will l i!;.. iu. ''"'ir ".-i."on al I'.unl l-;,! e!!a, which i within Ihrtf or f,;r ,,!,:, ,,f ,;, Ji,0tirand. A WI,; S10IJV. 'I'hc N. w Iind,,,,! ilvnuiy states t!;:1, ne o irao at AI,m,,,i,,U) A, J.-fati, to,,!, ;, ;oo die blubber cf w -t:'.' .i';i! wcn-hi, ;..i e so-. h".-c i rr, ml !..:tei..iii,r II ! iv as U'-alln, itiencei! grovi , oil. .. . ' "Hit' VI , ie;:', 1.0 Weigh." dred poiind.s, ;:,),! j5 :H j,,,, ,. '"c- , i'i in ot l!,i.;:i, man 1 1 j is mieil beyond what would "d I 1 r smi:,. ,1 . -i!"l -i' w !.;,. j; .. '''"''"'!.' good, ho e, :n- unM ti'.u', one li'..,.. round i!.,; o ordimin' ! Ven'. piav f'd and Rcu. j 1. ne suj.posp;!. i,J , . ,:?n ""iher. is the in:;. f j,;,,,, ,, ..,. naturae iv e l,ve rvi r Ci.,.i A MNCUJ.AK i:p;.;T'P' j;. A remarkable case of re;,,',;!,:,, a , ;. . ' drnu'Lirir lately ,,.,.. ; "' Ir. Ho'on w,s cossing ,ie rive at j',,--,J"llisor 1,1 a "l'''iil'i when ihe ice ,. ., 1 ... i' pncipitaiet !,,,;, ,., uii.'h ti.imtd Ward tolls iml 1 1 ,it'' e 1 1 vt r. Willi W.li I:, 1. 11, I.. . 1 " "til w em 10 ,'ii rsiiUrce "'Hid see was H. d, III li 13 ,lli'.'li,t J S:;Vi 1 iti'.le '""'s spirm v. iiale, in i''h wi.i f ,ni, 1!.,. 1 ... .1 idnnit a loot of ll.e niai,!, f :l i....''l' narked '!. la'-i,,,,,,,, VI. I I I"" -' IHO 1 () i s IV. .- ...I. ... If . 'i -1 1 11 1 . I 1 ,(P ,' e. .i 1., , ., 1 - . " . , . I,' 11 I I 1 11 v, ii- ,', m,r .,, ..... ,. rV"'"-. vvlilehheheldoo no- 11 ,,', nc w in i . -: lilhl leiui Oilld tl,;- "'"S'P l!'-.t. he reached lariher UV , J(1 '" '' noi , el ins Kr,.i) K 111 lilt .Si!leelCj p.M i" lilt alia lin, 1 simile ,ir ;, ,,u,c c, lli! 1 l' klo.,,' 11 nil! l,c 0 O' '.:'. I'j Wen. I ,i'..,i 1 , il . , s ive, 1 c .one