The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, March 07, 1846, Image 2

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    '1 flft'il.t'nt sir,1 mid (he boy. J
Ao! why conld'nt ynu'sanl ll.vfH.
2?;Cause mimtny look il lo boil lh
pudding in!'
Tne doctor (itheri'J up hit herculean
frame, flood erect, touihing ihe cailin
with h's win: he started or q linied,
indeed, looking sny but the riu wy.
At Itst, will) mouth wide 'open, (none
of iht) smallest, ))nJ sta iwch
svtlhsomo diHtculiy recover el his.breatli
and looking il B iswtll, wuli the luni
of Ste.itor exclaimed
Mr, 7?jswd!! sir, leave ofl huith
Inz, and under pain of my Hernil dis
pleasure, never uiler a eingla sylshle nl
ttiis abornnnble sdvemu'-e to any aou
living while you bieath.'
'And so air,' said my hosi, you havr-
the positive da' from the aimpla mouih
of your humble atrvsnt.
It is a book of Uws, to show the right
ind the wrong.
It ia a book of wisdom that condemn
all folly and ma keg the fooliah wise.
Il if a book of truth, and tests all er
It is a book of life, that ahowa the
way fro 01 everlasting death.
Jt is the most compendious book in
ell the world.
It is the moat authentic and interest
ing history that ever was publiihad.
Il contains (he most ancient anliqui
tits, remarkable events end wonderful
It points out the most heroio deedi
and unparalleled wan.
It describe the celestial, tarrestial and
(he lower world.
It explains the origin of the angelic
myriads ef human 'tribes, end develish
It will instruct the moatjaccomplished
mechanic and the profoundest artist.
It will instruct the beat rhetorisn,ind
exercise every power of the most ek i 1
ful arithmetical).
it will puzzle the wisest anatomist
and the nicest critic.
It correc'i the vain philosopher, and
contuses the wiset astronomer
it exposes tne subtle sophist, and
drives diviners mad.
It ia a complete code of laws, a ner
fct body of divinity, and uniqualed nar
-ri its.
It is a book of live?.
I: ia a book of travels.
It ia a book of voyages
It is the bast covenant Oisl ever was
gresd lo; the best deed that ever wss seal
It is the best testament that ever was
It is wisdom to understand i.', to be of it
ia awfully destitute.
Il ia the houae wife' beat guide, and ibe
eranl a beatjinstructor
It is the young man's bear companion.
1 ia the school boy'a spelling book.
Il is the learned man's master piece.
It is the ignorant man's dicionarr.
ii anjiu xnowieuge oi all witty inven
- tion, and it is its own interpreter-
It encourages the wise, the warrior, and
(he overcomer
And that which crowna all, is that the
author, is without partiality, and hypoera.
- cy. 'With whom is no variablenes, neith
er shadow ef turning is God.'
.Female IngtnuUy.k widow woman
with seven children, having applied foraome
tma in vain for hired lodgings, at latt prac
lised Ihe followingrjesse lo obtain a shel
ter for herself and offspring. Observing a
notice of lodging to lel.'in a house situated
rexf to a chuchyard, she ordered her chil
Iran to play in the churchyard while sin
inquired respecting the apartments, The
-first qusslion on enloring the threshold was
.Madam, have you any children?' to v. hid
ehe replied in a saint like ami pathetic
t )ie, 'They are all in the ehurch yardThe
iffect was instauaneous writings were
tlrawn up the rooms secuiad, and die lady
-carneloUko, posseasion of ihenv The
boiitsse was horror slrurk on beholding
her children, end refused them admittance
(juf nothing being sud or, this point 'in the
bond, she was fain obliged to make a vir
tne of necessity and make ibe beel of a bad
v' birgaiir
Tragic Romance in Real Life A cir
from Ohio arrived at Wincester, Vj. on the
7th insi. in draiitute eirrnmslanoef, to se
her parents, who had li ft her, seven ean
ago, in the family of a friend, being com
pelled by sickness lo leave Ohio, and re
- turn jo Virginia in pnranil of health. 9
disappointment may be conceived, when
ehe found, on reaching ber home, that her
fdther, anxious about her return, having
collected his little does, and sold eomo of
his property, had just started for ilia weal
But deeper grief awaiin her as till. A In-
ter received by the PostmaMrr al Winches
ter, communicates the sail tidings that hi I
iiffentioQjts parent waa shot by a man nam
ed Martin, who threw himself into his rom-
pany unuer mo ginee m irienUtiiiip, and,
.I...I. t r .. .1
muraered him fur his littlu money. The',, "R "omiirming extent in O:no
(Piter enpleer! nrt n'lltP r.t.1 I
t "' ii'il'ltu
JFlie murderer was arrested.
Old .M.ij r Somebody ,of Arknnsus. related
that while on a j.iurney soma time sinee, h
sine to a small house one evening, ami be.
ing weary and in need of refreshments, lie
inquired ef a boy, whom lie fjnnJ al the
loor, if he could procure supper.
'1 rerkou not,' replied the boy, 'for we
itiini got no meat, nor we haint no bread
tor wa haint no uters.'
Well, you can g e ma a hed can'iyou!'
i reckon noi.lor we haint no bed cluihen
nor we haint r.o straw, nor we hniut no floor
in cur house, '
' IVcll, can you give my horse something
to eat!
I reckon not, for we haint no hay, not
we haint no corn, nor we haint no oats
'Why in the name of human nature, how
to you do here!'
'Oil very well, I thank ye; how do you
lo youraelfT
The Major waa off.
TkeyS.y.' They say ,'aaid Kerch-
It is not truel'sxclaimed Faustaina.
What is not true, Countam?' asked ha in
Whatever begins with lhay aay, ia en the
face of il not true.
FAtL or Worm. W find in ihe
last Congregational Jim Concord,
N, II., the following singular and won
derful account nf what appoint to have
bean a showerof small worms in Conner
lion with a fall of snow. Toe Rav. I
S. .Davis, the narrator, is the brother of
the Isle Mayor of Boston, and a man of
ihe most exemplary character ami un
queationable veracity. Ilia statement
is as follows.;.
'Ai I wa relurnins from Pisrpom
on Monday, the 1st of Dec., I ssw on
the enow which had Mien during the
)ihl,whai I supposed to be oat,spreail
broad bast; but not seeing any track
m (ho snow, for I was the first thai trav
lad the road sfler the snow fall, and
curiosity led me to descend from my
carriage) and examine; when, to my
jreal surprise, I found that the oli-;c'e
i mv worn living worms., auoul an
inch long lying on Ihe lop of the snob
by hundred; and these were acalered
along the road I traveled for a distant
of not less than five mile. I woul I say
farther, that theie were no trees nesi
from which the worms might haveben
on Ihem, Ihey would all have been fro
ezn, for it had been very rol l, and (lie
ground was frozen hard before the snow
fell. The worms were alive, for thev
immediate coiled up when I look them
in my hand- They were of a brown
color, with aboul 12 or 18 legi.'
IIerr Diebach Combat with
the ffolvC.'Q Rock Mountain
wolves escsped from the cages in Ihe
msnagsrto of Ilerr Driesbach at Zmea
ville, Ohio, on the Illh, and the G,i
zette gives the following account
the conflict lo secure ihctrr
Al Ihe lime, there were four mot ii
the building, Ilerr. Drieabich, I.u
Moresn, Abraham Shimer and Anhui
CrippenjUit accuslomed ss they weir
o sucn animals, they Ihought only ol
.saving ihe smaller animals that wen
fastened in different parts of the build
ing,wiihoui spprehendinc personal dan
ger to thmelves. Crippen ran out ol
'he building lo gel a pitchfork, whet
closing the door alter him, il fastened
itself, which kpl him out. Morgan
naatenec lo lake oil the riding monkey
wnen one ol the wolves attacked him
and go hini down, and aa Shimer ran
to his aesistance, he was attacked and
overpowered by the other wolf. Jl. thit
moment, D.ibach was the only one
lisengiged; and picking up a chair, he
lashed il to pieces, to obtain a iound
for a club-Wnl) tMsat one blowhedisuna
')ledthe wolf that had attacked Shinier
lilt Ihe other held with a dealh Erin ami
rcquireu rtpeateu blows; nor did he re
.... "
'loq jiMj the aliack umil he waa knoc I-
"I iltnd. The dinnabled uiiu ws snot. Ihe men were badh
hiln nrl k'wl il.. I ,
.-, j uiii iijvo nun ai'jiit
would ineviidbly have been killed, loi
me ol Hum was s ready (jiniing.
Gonu W e do n.ii know who
his, Inn ii aounds hka somebody,
we should like very well to have
t firs', ourselves. Hut a, (iat is
possible, wo do Ihe n, Xl beat tiling.
giving it a circulation. New'.? Oazct
wc.-it if, a pnssion fitter f.n flip,
and ir.neria than ror
A ..... ..
llt-lilf fif S finrl l,nn.,it, f. . .
some ..o. only , ,;; ttial sufj,r u lT b l'lVr,'" uaH ',0M'
iu iiiobo i its i !:ciuiii it.
1 ITlin III I . W U'liuv.r l. ,.u.
,Arr,, , ,.' '""""-i"i
vexa'ion arnl lo the
.-' , J . fi ' ,u J our ow"
Vex 3' Ofl HII! I lit h(t ann... . t n
r.iund, a ti J leave aner to the wjp.
1rTBmous end or a Aother axd
ii eu two IUdas. I he Cincinnati
Commercial relate the following tragic
lory, which it does not seem lo doubt.
On Friday last, a box wis seen fljsl
ng past New Richmond. Il was about
he aiza of a sperm candle box
ay three fuel Ion and one deep. The
inhabitant, auppoiing it contained mer
chandise, caurht it uu au4 lowed il ta
ihe warf. Immediately, on taking off
me covtr, in acme their eonaierna-
Hon to find it contained the drat bodies
ul two infants, and ihe legs, breast and
'in r portions of the body of a grown
female, undoubtedly the mother of ihe
childrei.! The wholn town wis thrown
into excitement, and Dr. Kojera was
lent for, e well as all the moit promi
nent citizena ol that place. The unlor
innate mother t was the general opin
ion, waa young very prbaly the
victim of seduction, and while travel
ing on a boat, was cruelly tnurdsred,
wnn ner OaDes. ."urn or the cit zens,
who wiinessej this scene, give it as
their belief that the murder was com
mitted here, and iliat one of the up riv
- ... I. ... L I . I . . . 1
er p.cneis nan lanen m oox (o some
phew abave Atjw Richmond and thrown
it overborn!, so asio allay all sujnicion
of the parlies al this point. Tne opin
ion appears lo have gained sirength,
from the f)d aa Ihe box bearing the
name of a firm, in this cily, which had
been planed off, but thg wler had cann
ed Ihe letters to ahaw plainly as ever.a-
. , r . . i . . J . .
caiiu tvewnnnoiti ihe name of Ihe
firm, as it might unjusily attach blame
io.innocent persons.'
We gutter the following particulars
of a fight between Mi Ritchie, editor
of Ihe Richmond Ennniier. and
1 '
Mr, Pletauts, editor of ihe Whig from
ihe Washington Correspondent of the
Public Ledger:
'I learn by the cais from Richmond.
this evening, thai s rencontre took place
in inai cny mis morning, between Mr.
K:ichie of Ihe Richmond Enquirer, and
Mr. Pleasants, of the R chtnond Whig,
in which the lattr r was tnoi Lilly wound
nd. It seems thai Mr. Pleasants, Lst
evening, sen) Mi, Ritchie a
In f ffocl thil if he did uol meet him
Hthe 'Col'on Preys' he would post him
is a coward. Mr. Ritchie te'urnerl foi
his answer thai he would be ihera.They
accordingly me at tha nour appointed,
Mr, Ili'chie armed with pistols and a
bovvie knife, and Mr. Plesents.wiih pis
tols and swoid cane. They commenced
firing at for iy p1Ces, and fired foui
rounds, approaching each olher us they
tired, (the b.dla of neither taking nn ef-
feo') until (hey were within cIom'iii: dis
i!incp, when Ihe attack was continued
with sword cane and bowie knife. Mr.
llitchio was wounded in the mouth
bieaM sril aim, and Me Pieasin's wis
?rli.ely c t across ihs abdonen, a-ver-mg
the intett lies, and ledcring his re
covery ii)ijions;ble.
Exocution ofM'CaJfati.Qov. Shunk
lias fixett ui oj FiiJ.iy, ihe' 8th day of JJV
next, for the exvruiimi of Jmcs M'CaflVriy
un . ri ui me iiiittiiiuerLunri,ii) llun
:ingdon county, for the niurdor of David
(Ia!er, at Mill Croek, in July last-
Prtr'uuch Father Harry, as he is railed
) Hapiisl minister sged 111 enrf.nrear heil
at Cticaon Sun lav week Ilesnoke frum
the passage in Eccletiaslea, M'or (loii will
bring every work into judgment, with ev-
cry aeciei thing, whether it be good oi
whether it be evil. lit tPXl was piven
from memory, and with great accuracy, a
biseyesighi hs now became too much de
cayed to read.
UHtVeJ Slam Mint. The Presideni
has traosniitiod lo Congress a report from
Mr. Peterson.! ths dirretor of the Mints,
which slates that the wh,.l eoinai'e for the
yoar, at the three mints in operation, a
oroumed to 83,75(1 ,U7 in gold, $1.873,i
200 iu eilver, und 830,018 in copper rein.
Vottab'e Saw MiI. A portable liors'
power mill, for aiwjng timber, has been in
vented )y Mr. (j-ori-e Puce, of (iahimoro
I he mill is taid to be cHitable of cultine
. I A' . 1 1
mi a ioui noise power, "no thousand to
lhten hnndied feet of timUi per d,iy, ur
from eighteen hundied to iwo ihounjnJ
eel per ilnywith a six hoae jioivcr. Oue
real advanlago it p mei it the fjeilrly
wit!) which it ca i ho removed anv poini
naking il valuablo to persm a owniug large
imher iricts, and saving the troublo and
expense ol rcm rving logs.
Mammoth js.' U Hichmnml .Va.
S,r, says, thai air- Heckler, near thai place
has ki.led a hits which weighed liOO ibe.
a rj -
onlains an rtccoirul of the (Inscinir of a sai-
ii i . "
lor hny in the ritibh merehani service
4' . n
''arici i-ever id prevailing lo an a
0:iq hundred j
childrtn (lied of it
. . - . I
the vicinilv of
20.1, lilt.
")j".c oi -iiiniicothe during 0 weeks ending Ihe
mri'itruv, ninvm, isio.
The Weir Court House,
We publiali on our (irsl page, ihe specifi
cation for llie nsw Court Houae building
to be erected in this place this aeason, the
plan having received the spproba lion of the
County Commissioners, h will be s beau
tiful building of (he Ionic order, 50 by GO
feel, standing end ways to the stres(,hving
a portinu in front supported by six columns.
The dome and spire riae about 80 feat above
ihe gieund floor. The oflicca and fire
proof in ba in t)ie baamcni. Entrance lo
the Court Room by steps through the por
tico. Ii will be an ornament to the town
nnd do credit to the countv.
Al the laat datta from Washington, the
Oregon notice was still under discussion in
ibe Senate. The only difference that ap
pears lo exist among the members upon the
subjoci is as lo (he time and manner of giv
ing Ihe notice. There was no doubt lhal a
resolution in some form, directing ihe notice
would pass by an almoat unanimous volo.
The 'Vilmington, N. C. Chronicle says.
' Spring is fjst opening upnn us. The
uces are putting out their fiibge, flowers
m gardns (several of them ) bio in bloom,
ind every thing betokens that the reign ol
winter is closing rapidly.'
ICpNot so with us. Although ihe eun
is clear, and the weasher warm and spring
like, yet we have abuut tvvn feet of snow in
tlte woods, and every pnupi-et of its con
ttr.uing oo ihe gruund for weeks.
Iloorback$ucoii I.
Oliver Oldschool,' vhe Washing'nn ror
respondent of ihe United ytatcn Czmte
siattd in one of his recent letters that Mr
Walker's Report was forward' d lo England
and orJered to be printed there, btfure h
was printed and laid upon the tables tf
members of Congreim al V;ahingtoi'. We
are sorry lo spoil such a good Whig storvs
but we mttft d.) il nevertheless. Mr.Wa'k
erRpori was read and l iid upon the table
of nien.bers of Congres?, on the 31 day of
December, IS 15. l'.irliameiil ssaembled
on the2'2d day t-f Jonnai y, 1810. Of course
then, our great correspondani in htf anxie
ty to find fault, has come very near tellirg
what istnutiue. Shame, uli shame oi
you Oliver.
The DcrnncraJic S'arJy
ways I!i"s!ii.
When General Jarkaon came out s"iini
the United States Bank, his opponents aaid.
Oh, General Jjrkson'ii di'airnying the cur
rency, he wains lo ruin our cuuntry, we
'ant get along without a National Bink, we
niul have one to regulate the ennency.
Well, let us nak ihe question, who says t
now f No one. When was our currency
better ? Never.
In cunneciioii with this mibj.-ct, fienernl
Jat-ksnn told the people ihut tne credit aye.
tih, as it then existed, was injurious lo the
poor, and should thertfoie be put down.
ilut the Whigs cried out wiih most t'irefu
lauieniation, that he was mining ihe roun
try ; that he whs opposed to the intercut of
the poor; then we lud disiron committers
to go lo Washington nnd implore the old
Hero to flay his hand, ut til nould not
do, and down went the United Statu Bjnk
and ith il t!io iredit atslein. Uhuwil!
now say that the Dernurr aiiu naiiv was
"lung vii uioro i o o ij o u
were right, Biid lime will show lhat we ere
r ght on all sialters of national policy.
Who would nut be a Democrat I
We hava received the two first numbers
of a new beautifully printed paper ptiM ehed
by Baldwin L Sisty. It profnspa neutral
ity in politic, tnd is ably conducted, the
editorial department being under the control
of our old f iend Nitty, late of the U ilkcs
barre Advocate S ucci'93 attund their un-
A Wnjhington eorrespocdenl of ihe Now
York Commercial Advertiser itattts, a cur-
tent rumor, 'thai Mr I'lamplon has brough
out insiructions to Mr. Fakenhain to re
oien negotialiona by an offer nf tho 49ih
parallel, the whole of Vancouver's island,
ailU 1116 navl2auon 01 ",e ulumbia lirer
. . . ....
for twenty years. It i said that Mr. Folk
win not take lite responsibility ol aceepunp
the ofi'er but will submit it lo the Senate fin
ad-ice.' The Union erys.- 'We will not
umiortake lo say positively that such dea
Pa,(,ha have not breti received heie, hut
certainly wc have heard nothing to confirm
t rumor-
An examination of copious files nf Kng
I lull and Freneh papera, aaya the l'hilsdel
plns Saturday Courier, by the last steamor.
lias brought must forcibly o our minds the
rapidly increaMiig imporianee of our pol li
rul and aocial inaiitutioris, especially in the
eyes of the mosl powetfiih as well as of La
Ihle France t A quarter of a century ago,
nay far less than tlul very short period in
the history of nations, and scarco the
number of a lozen lines p-r mouth' rtlaiing
to the United States, could be found, even
with ihe aid of a microscope, in miy uf the
journale of haughty, self suflicii til Britain.
And the sneering and insulting question l
'Who roads an American Bookf w;s pro
pounded on all occasions. Oar putts were
depreciated, our legal decisions unnoticed
or misrepresented, and nought ave Ihe
frontier and acmi-batbarian breaches of
peace and law noticed il cxtemo. These
latlei ocenrances seemed to afford the live
liest gratification to the monarchist mil ami
republicans, mere rolled about under the
loncue, like a pieciout morstl, and with the
round assertion thai ihey firmed the gi ner
al character of American Society, were
held up a io:l of '1 told y on sc.'' to the ad
vociites of sall-gimjirnient f'of , howevrr
1'ie case is strikingly gloiiovuly changed,
Ail oiher themes pear to luvi been for
go en. Dverv and libarary
gr.ians with tha creations of a Cooper aii
Irving, a Tngcotl, ihe Evercits. a Bowdiich
a N eal, a Jamci, a liongfellow, &c, drc
l'heir Halls of Science are lighted by tht
dmcoveries and reaearchts of Silliuian, an
Edwards, and a host of others; their legal
hall resound with the profundity and wij
doiit of a Kent, a Livingston, a Marshall, i
Stury, (to whose memory the English Bar
have resolved lo erect a umiblo slultiejj
tlmir pulpits biighten with tho thoughts- tl
a llobart, a Keecher, a Chaunmg, & Whin
itc, ihe Continental Kailwaye and hillf
echo with the lliundiirs of American loco
iiiotivea, fir outstripping and overloppiiij:
in speed and power their beat tfljris to
i.onipue with Yaii,ee skill and ingeiiui.y.
The Legislative Chambers of France too
are 'all alive' lo ihe 'doings in America.'nr d
now in the Brituh I'a!il!amrnt itself
while the nuiuing eaiutation of every eiti
zon is, 'What do you think of America?' or
Have you read the nes from United Sta
tes,' every local suljcci u given the go b
until iho all-abaoibing one of 'utir reUiiuns!
with the United States uf America,' have
been rlistiined nrgued in all their bearing.!
The dear conveniently blind prftic, ton,
haa got its ees open, and to the ex-dujiou
of all other topics, iia culumna teem with
efkc.ions upon lf,e (.fi'aiia tf the MwDia.
Kt.ruDLic, and nr tilled with the hveiiftr
lenioiisir.i'ioiii of fricndkhip and considcra
ion, (kind snuUJ ami the utmnai solicittnle
that iinthii.g may or rn i to interrup t th mu
Table relations heiwecn the two iu'iiiiip.
Succcssto Jlinerkul Saturday Courier.
it taivubin umi juu u .--i lacririfion i
rr" r i .... . m
preparing lo come into the Union- The
jucition it to Lh mhuiitted to the! a
ihe Aprd eleetiun, nnd w lii tie cariinl bt
lull nine iPtiih'i of tho whoia tole- Thru
is a differ sure kb regards ihe details ef ih
step. th(f)ih bul one opiiiiun express.-d j
itiutni c iu us ejtpt oienei . a ela.e ceo
sua is to l;u taken in June, delegates are t
be elected on the con my Mmi in See,
teiiiuer, ami mo uonveii'ion is to assi mbh
in Octoler. Iowa also intends in )rv he
uai.ii again, i ne eecuuU altcmnt. i t, v s,t
will be tut cuUul
... 4
Commercial I'olicu cf Sir Rulurt Pie
a i.oriaun letti i ilws eonileiitn s ii!,i h, .,
iiiniia aaketch t l ihe new Commercial p;,,
icy pro)uaedby Sir IJi.l i n l'etl, 1. Vi
abolition of nil duties upon cofr.-e hhh Ic.
uf iriamiiac uiea hi wont, entuiii mA iu,,. ,
duies on ihe finer aur.s teductd from iJO tu
10 pi r ceni
'2. Reduction of the 'k dutirs of SO ne
.-ent and upwards, to a find duty of 15 pi
.1 in.
3. Kednciion of lha lallow dutv from a
dl. to Is. Od. per cwt. and if dhtr dutiet
on uriiclei ol i;i ceral use.
4. lCedui.ii.iii ol tiuty on brandy and
itlar spiiiis, from !i3. 1 0.1. per gallon l
5 Abolition of the corn laws al the end
if thiee tears, meanwhile the dutv to 1
10s. when wheat is under 48i- a ouarirr
Mltng Is. for every Is. r'se in uriro nil th,
latter reaches 51s. whui the iU.iv is to r
main lixul Imhun li-iii tn do ad.-nii
ted duty Ficr.
0. Coiiiprnsiltoii io l,i;d..n(rs (v k
tew arrangement ol highway riles nnd Hit
w ol Hctileiiieiii; loans lor imnrovrnnni
and relief in tie cost of iraustitiiniirt ri,if,n
ersd.icioring llie aiek pour, and the niciruc
ttnn ol pauper c hi dren.
Two women laiely set fire lo a nirct.
int; hoii4R of ihe lv-lormei s in
cotiniy Ivy. and bur 1. 1 ii to a8lie,lj?r,nise
ne cnurcn t,au rtlue.l thfni memhn-.
I 1 ST i
nip. v tint tvorihy church
they would have msde.
On ihe 25. h of April there will a pr",l
eclipse of the sun. The decree of on -will
be about 5 digits in Illinois, neu!) 7
in Boston, and II in Florida, pra dually tn-
ereaaing as we approach the Island of (Mm
near the middle of which it will be tentr .1
ind total. This wili be iho hai l irgn n
elipse of ihe sun lhat will ba visablo to us
until May a Otis' 18.r)l.
lr. Gilmore, the new president of the
Western f.Mass.) Railroad, has the offer of
five other Himaiiona btsides that which ho
has accepted, in either of which he iriijlit
Have a talary of $3000 a jear. The Wor
cestcrSpy ays it is less than 20 years since
he went into ihe ity from the country, a
comiiinn laborer, and was for soma tuna
porter to tho etore of Whitwell and Bund
4tid while laboring- with hu hand carl waa
ia distinguished for his faithfulness, indus.
ny and intelligence in thit humble einpluy
menr, as he has since been in oilier avoca
Two brothers named, on
Tuesday alternoon in BJiirnure fell inm
company with live persons,- a tavern wln
first lorrowed suma money, then rtMempled
to atfal and Ihally, nfter llie MeComassra
had left the house, followed and catching
one of them, Ihe elder beat him horribly
'nl robbed him ol $1-10. His jawbone was
"i..!;en and one of his eyes knocked out, his
I oil and person being otherwise dreadful!
)t:.t fn; so much so tint he died yciorda
uorning. Tho party .Inl, and had no
been raiM, althuuglt i: is thought tba
ihey are known and Ihe police trd un tho
iere are nmv no
tlian f'jiirteeii
packet tihips, inaludnig
due al New York. The Massaih'jsctts is
iu Let thiriy-fiith day.
The United Siatea Hotel (Company tt
Boston have appropriated $20,000 lo build
ntothtr addition to that already suipeiidnu
establishment As the exiensiiin on KiiM.
ton streel was called 'Texas' ihe proposed
addition on Lincoln street is to be calltd
A Gaiveatoti correapondent of the New
: Orleans Bulletin tavs;
'As iUonday. the 10, h, vvys ihe day that
the Siate Government superseded our lie
publican Ci)iisiituiion, wo had the pleasure
nf seeing for the first time the Star Spang!
ad Banner waving triumphantly ovrr ihi? Star Flag, whose sun had set the day
;iieviuti, i. cur tn rie tj'n. It was a
.dieeni.g ami b-'aiitilnl sijlit in behold this
li lppy r hange, to wimss the niMpn of
American f,-ded.:m floating over owr wholtt
a i d to dm Uio Grand and the enle pluni
mg hiriiki-lf for further flight towards i;e
f'itfific. The U. S. Hi.;, hnisu d ai il.r;
' Tremont,' Was the signal of great rej nciii j
.ml I have u: doubt thp i.'av ,in ce!el. i(
i, a L-cu mi J 1 1 1 tt 1 1 ( : t-r .
H e lift' lnl'H tiit'il, , 4 (he (
'.Xprejp, linn, a . li r i-,. (timitd lo r;n!,i,
tn, Ml. In lot; ocr Miiirii f , ,,!,,!.
and Mr. Kii.g, our M'r.ift'.rr ri l'au-, an
b'tth ordered to rK,ir m,tl..u. in e,.i, r
with Mr. M'!. .m. It in Mijpoei! ih h iU
On- nn and 'I'anil' r-ui-s i ns wi (,( ct.'?y
:.i ii at'.r niinri.
..' ""! at tht yrti PJe Jr.
I.o Imh.i (.'kciiiim j in irvci). in i : . t.
North est. a few years sgo. 'discoiered
Lie iNori I le, on '.he South shore of Take
Superior. The Cleat-eland Herald 'ef F.i.
iy last, has a Inter fnm, icii,i;V i f tho
fo!c, dated 7th January. 7lo winter hat,
been unusually mild thrre and o!' -1 f, t
rl'snow which fell during ihe winter onlv
li feel remained on the ground. Iu fact i!.s
ground was n,.i frozen at all
The Loiidon Chronicle denies
the posiiiju of the Times, thai ,i war widi
America would he popular in England, run)
mldc; the middle class regard the mighty
iransatlanie republic not only with !Ul,ira.
ion but wuli pridcas a magnificent demon
stration of ihe progressive rnirgy and self.
,'overn:i;g pcvirof ihcr own vic.oriu'js
A rumor is in circulation, faya the N,
Y. Mirror, that V.x l'lcsidcnt Tyler's wif..
hassrp naicl from him, anil .elurned lo hu
home on hong hland, N. Y,
Tin re are sercn hundred miles of U ,
road in operation in Massachi sf.:s, cosi;;
u-eaf) -t-ight millions of Mlar.