TIIU ii All LAM) With twutett fLuert $nrich'd, Fro'n vjriatH gjnkiti tull'J with cur." Tlio Violet nul Iho Bmo. ROSE. ' ' . Std Jlrj-cr ! why bloom'it ihon hcrt ilone. It oluuJ o iweet to uie r , Like you I would not bt nnknown, Shut oul fiom b!I good contpanj , VIOLET. Tint tf ry power that biJi me bloom, ,ndow'd me with a humble mind : J feel contentment wel at home, Which olhcri rove abroad to find. jUOSE, But look at my g ay glosay Act, Anu see if youti is half 10 fair.; And many a one 1 hae heard ounfeM, No flower with myaelf compare. VIOLET. "Tia true my dreai is very plain, l o via Willi ) uu i uuu i iigiemu, It ill becomes u lo be vain Of robes bealow'd us by a friend. ROSE. Put see what a fine form is mine, Beauty herself plays on my cheek, Sure taste and elegance combined, Jlave faseed each flower myself to deck. VIOLET. Ior silly flower i who made thy form, Who gave thy cheek that beauteous glow? The hand that shields me from the storm, The hand that planted me so low. 'Though mean ray dress, my face unfair, Though here despised by thee, I bloom, It is my thoice, 1 would not date To own thy charms, to meet thy doom. Alas 1 sweet flower, those very charms You boast may lo your ruin turn: This night from thy fond mother's ama Thou may'st by ruflin hands be borne, Scarce spoke this linle simple flower, When lo ! a stranger passing by Plucked the proud rose that very hour, ' Upon his breast to bloom and die. "Ye fair ones hence a lesson learn; Nor boast of chatms and gaudy clothes; But when you would true wisdom spurn Think on the Violet Bnd the Rose, The Farmer' Song. Ar 'TUB BEA.' A life on ray native soil, A home in a farmer's col, I'll neevr at labor recoil And ask for do happier lot. The city has no charm With its turmoil and noise and strife; 0 give me a snug little farm With and notable wife. A life on my native soil A home in a farmer's cot With my faithful team will I toil And ask for no happier lot Gee up! Gee up! Gee up gee up and gee 01 'On my native soil here I stand, 'Midst blossoming fields around; Where the air is plesant end bland And the hills with cattle abound! vThe river is flowing by. The boatman singing we hear, . t nit the laborers liriur ihoV ntv ...... .... . - . j r v While echo sends round their cheer! t How theerful it ia to view Whole valleys of waiving grain And the husbandman's jovial ciew With sickles prostrating the plain!- O, the song of uiv'heait shall be While earth her sweet products shall yield, The lile of a farmer for me A home in the forest and field. VALUABLE DISCOVERY. We presume few persons who have been observed the large amount of cinders thrown out and remarked its tlose resemblance to fianito. trap, and other inreous locks. If, therefore thio viol mass of now worse than worthless matter, can'bo formed into stone blocks to be used in building as is itidiea - ted ifl tbe following extract from & late for . eign paper it will be indeed a valuable dis covery. We hope it will receive a fair ValuMe Discovert;, k French me chanic formed the idea, thai by snbjecting iron dross lo the slow cooling process r hich is known to product! a tol d changfl in the nature of glasses new and uteful species ol might bo obtained; as and, iron drois, such as the large furnaces yield, is a wholly use lest substance, tha announced ucceiful re sults of his persevering aliempn cani;ot but t matter of great iuteres, more repecUIiv nl the present lime, when the smelting fui -naff i of England are in a hitherto unknowi. Kate of activity. The object which tin Frenchman sough to accomplish, was to imparl to iron dross the compactness snii hardnesi of granite, and, at the same time, to save the cunt and labor which the hewing of the real stone peqoiros. To thin end. he conrivrd to Icttiie iron refuse, while in s fluid state, run into iron basins, which were previously brought to a red heat, by being i placed so ss It receive the superfluous flame which issues from the mouth of the furnaci, and in order to iniure the lw cooling, thcie forms are provided with double elides between which sand is intro duced, which is well known to be a bad conductor of heat; the whole is again brought to a glow heel, and in like manner again cooled off. By this procedure, it i asserted the ingenious discoverer has sue ceeded in formirg paving stones, flags, Urge building-blocks, and even pipes, of any given form, of a degree of hardness and polish equal, if not superior, to tlio best hewn nstural granite, and at the most trifling conceivable cost. Y virtue of annlias testatum vend. Ex to mc dirc:ted will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House in Dar villo, on Siturdny.lho 2 Sih tl is v of February, 1840, ut 1 o'clock, P. Al. the follow. ing property (to wit:) A certain tract of land situate in Onilawissa ami .Mifflin townahips.in Columbia County, containing four hunercvl aero more or less, adjoining loU of Jicob fehumau, Jacob Fisher, Judge Cox and oth er! whereon ia erected 17 dwelling houses, I Forgo, 1 grist mill, 1 saw mill, 1. blacksmith shop, 1 coal house, 3 stables, 1 bam, and 1 furnace" Seized taken in execution and to bo aold a iho property of dam Miller. ALSO Y virtue of a levari facias to me directed, the following described piece or lot of land situate in Mahoning township, Columbia county, bounded and limited as follows, to wit ; Beginning at a post on the corner ot IVashingten-strcet; thence ty the road to Milton, north thirteen degrees east, two hundred feet to a oust; thence north sixty-eight de crees and 45-100 west two hundred feel to post, tnence south thirteen wtst two bundled loet to a post; tbonco north sixty-eight 'an . 45-100 cast two hundred reel to the place of bogiiirung, being a par oi a larger tract of land conveyed hy Alexander Montgomery to ihoinas Chambe.i by deed dated the first dar of April A D 16-10, together with all and singular the siid tractor lot of land, way, wa tcrs, watcr.-eourses, rights, liberties, privilcacs, im provements, hereditaments and anperlcnnnccs hereon is erected a TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE, . Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John II. James. IK AM Lit Kit Sheriff. Sheriffs ofllce Danville Feb. 2. 1846 P 2S 7 0NJSII1A G AE 1VSB AT THIS New Slore9. LIGHT-STREET, COLUMBIA CO. THE subscribers tales this mnthnd-nf informing.- the public that they have just arrived from Philu- Jclpliiii witua splendid assortment ol NEw AND ChEAP GOODS, among which maybe found a superior selection of Black, Blue Black, Blue, Green, Invisible Green, Olive and Mixed Cloths, supe rioi French andFancyCassinieres, Saltinets of all colors and prices Kyntucky,. leans, Heavy Buck Tweed, and Hard Tim;-, A splendid assortment of Woollen, Velvet, Ve letiia, Satin and Swanedown Vestings, Flannels of nl! colors & . prices, colored, bleached Si unbleached Cotton Flanneli.Furniiure andApronCheck ALSO Manc.her enk Scotch Gingham, Bed Ticking blenctieil and unbleached 1 aide ZJi'iprr;rnpi'nr fig ured and plain Alpaccas; Pondechcrry a new article for-Ladies' wear; Furniture ami Dress Calicoes of all prices; a splendid assortment of Shawls, Dress llandkcrckieff, Cravats and Collarelts. A full assortment of Latliei' and Gentlemen's Hosiery, and Gloves, Genttemen'slio'nws, Collar SocA'y, Gum Elastic, JVntsted and CoHon Suspenders, tyc. fyc. Togothorwith a full assortment ot ('rocci'ic IJa id ware and (iiecnsmarc witb a vaiiety if other articles too uumcrous tc mention , 'I'll Kubs ribri f xl confiden:, since their good. have been purchased on iho b,s tenns, and live ),cen selecli'il with great rare; that they cun sell low er than they can be bought at any oilier store ii. this fart of ihe county; they therefore solicit tho pa tronuge of a gencicui public I he highest pure pnid for all kinds of COUNTRY PRO D1JCE in exchange lot AMOS B. KNABD December C; 1M-15 3;3lf Co. NOTICE S hereby given that I have purchased at Con- Stable m)c. nst Ihp nrr.r.rrlu .,f I'ii.n,.. . I I J uu, 111 ji , iir, iiip loiiirA-iiig property, to wit one luy horse; one iroiiKrey hoic; nns two horFe wagon; one sled douMeirec and wbippktiee, and have left the sme l'orbil any person t.Wing them from him, either by purchase or otheiuian, wiihont my consent. CIIAKLES MOKKIS January 31, IS13. Uoods JAYNFS HAIR TONIC. We have herelofote numbered ourselvcp unong those who believed that the 'Haii 1'onic, prepared by Dr. Jajne, was one ol hn many quaik nusirtiir.s whose virtues on never ncen beyond the fulsome puffs ol dieir authors. We sre willing, at length io make public, acknowledgement of the nrror of our belief. An intimate fiiend, some two or three months since all the top of whoso craai'j.Tt was as bah! ss a piece of polished maible, maugre all our jesting and ridicule of the idea of attempting le cuUivate so barren a spot, purchased a bot tle or two of tho Hair Tonic from Pr Jayne, and according lo his directions, ap plied it, During the pr.eent week the name Mend nshnied himself into our pies ence, and uncovering hi hiihhertci naked head, astonished tin with a thin, tho' luxun ant growth of hair, from one l i 'wo incher in length upon the very premises we bid believed as unyielding lo cultivtiion as the trackless and that skirts the Alaiuic, Thir is no puiT, but it b roligoualy true, and tn those who doubt it, the gentlcmtri ran b pointed out What is more in favor of thin 'Tonic,' ihe case here cited w3 not one of temporary baldness no sndden ns ol the hair but was one of years standing, though Ihe L'enlleman is bin forty five years of aee. 7ilaei)ii(i Spirit of the Times', The above Mbdicine are all fcr sale it the store of JOHN II. MOYEH. IJIoomeborg. Cholera, Swnmer Complaint, Diarrlura, Dynentary and all other l cr an p( aunts 0) the stomach and bcwtla, cured by 1) r, Jayne1 s Carminative L'ulsam. , New York, 8h month, lsi, 1838. Friend Dr. Jayne It gives nio m.ich pleasure to inform you of the result of a case in which I ad ministeied thy Carminativo Ualsam, and I consider it a mutter of duty to thee ond the public to give the following statements, j'eing called to x'mt a utient a few days since, I found he was vomiting and purging moot violently, with tevero Tormina and Cianips in tho upper atfd lower extremities, and alto in tho abdominal parictics. The cramp was so violent, that it took foui men to mb him incessantly lo keep down the spasm, and to use his own words he said it seemed to him at if his bones would snap in two. There was also violent cholic pains around the ubllical region attended with very distressing nauscai In ehoit I centered it to be a caso of genuine choki'a. I found on inuuiry the patient had been unwell the day previous, with a oosencsa ol the bowels. That tix hours before I sawhiin he was seized with tho complaint and had gradually got worse. J lie cxlicniitirs we c cold and ho was nearly pulseless. I iinmeuiately gave him a spoonful of thy Kalsam which in a few mo ments was ejected from the stomach, but on giving it a few limes tlio stomach brramo settled and ho expressed himself relieved. I then gave him a calo mel and opium powder. In two hours fiotn the time I saw him he felt quite easy and fell asleep, anil slept well for five hour;:; but on wakin;? the umptoms again returned. 1 directed more cf the 'liiUim to be given him when the di.-ica.-e subsided and the patient wits convalescent. It took one bot tle to clfcct a cure. I have also so ofton witnessed tho beneficial efljCts of the Carminative Balsam in summer complaints and diarrhea that I would not ba without for its weight in bilvcr. I remain thy friend, THOMAS MOTT.43 Droadwar. N Y. Prepared ou!y at No 8 .South Third street, 'hi! adclphia The abovsMedicino are fjr sa'o 'he store of JOHN R. MOYER, Htoomsburg. Hill be exposed to PUIil.IC SALT, on Saturday the 28i doy rf f (bi liary next it 10 o'clock, A M at the house of Mr. Faust re siding on the prcuiit.03. iho WAMM, tielonn'ing to'lhc estato of Mouliias Shipman, late of in ieasant township, uccruscd, containing Acres ) or lliereabouts, with a tolerable good Home and Barn, a good Apple Orchard and a v-,, ieiy of other fruit trees, situate on the we.U side of bi Fishing ercek, about one mile and a half from I,i;,'!itstrect It is expected that there is E EI .'' OliM on aid preniHcs. Duo attendance and leinii madi known on thedav ol sule bv the sniiscnner; UDVVAKl) McilKNKV, Excuhr. February 7, 1840 -It-la Mew it:7 gccds. N E W A II RANG EM E N XS . So humbug but Gooih down to ti.t low est notch all through. fHHR sulifcribcr having completed his new H store house, on iluiti street near Alaike n liloomeburg,and having atockid it with a stock 'if entire new good, which were selected with ireat care in regard to style and price, he flatters linn self that he can oiler Iresh goudv, and new est -tjl s.and them nt lower prices than has ever be iT -ed in this place, ond as the assortment coiisiu ii evi,ry lliing for coinfnrt and adornment m tho t Dry Goods. lOgelher Willi a neral assorinniit of Qurcnstvw (some new styles) School books, Hardware, ( edcr ware, 1 iiii K'arc, Earthenware, Sutina or Lake, ground, Tine Lhboa and Dairy Salt, Sul mon Jackerat,und Herring, Cavindish, Imita ton Plug. Fine cut & Smoking 7 nl acco, Candles f Soap, Capper Aftteg,Stn), Jlar Iron. besidrs numerous other ailiclrs, nil of which wil he sold nt a very small profit for ready pay, and he would resriecllully invite all pcrsniiH to call and examine bis goods and prices, before purchasing. The highest prices paid for all kinds of country proc'uee. L. B. RUPRRT Bloomslurg, Seft. 0:h, IS15. S2tf. gleigh Mis. "TTL'ST received a freuli supply of double body, Oj? single body.aud martingale Slrfh Hells, at ih New Sio . 1,. 1), Ul l'Zi'HT Junuaiyl 7 N0T1CE A 1,1, persona indelilnl to tlio su ubseiibcr arc r f J quested to call and settle their accounts an nuke immediate, navment, as it is actually naccs- sary that his accounts should be closed without dc- ALEXANDER HAZLET Williamsburg, January 17 MASTING rOJMER. tiiyUczi ot tllastiu. Fowdcr ot tha heat quality, just received by WM. McKEI.V'Y &, Co Decamber 5 BARRELS of die best quality of just received by WM' McKELVY k Co. Pcember B TWO APPRENTICES WANTED To the C RPsN'J TiS 'JL'SINES.S. Good steady boys, 1 (5 or 17 years of ace will receive good encouragement by muking i ni r u i-i to application to CHAKLJW CRAMM. I'loomsburg, January 17. NOTICE 6 hereby given that I hove pnrehascd nt Con stablosnle. ths following property as belonginc to William K. Rasmus, to wi 'J'wo ncies ef ry on the ground; ono inanllc clock; one bcaureuc' four shoals and a set of miners tool?, and have leal the same in his po6ession during nsv pleasure and forbir any person taking lliem IVoin him by pur chase or oiiierwis o wituout my coiient. JOilAII LYNX. January 10, 1816 V 0LivijV TONS imc ISorncrfl COAL tor sale by 1IEFLKY Si MENDENIIALL Jcccmbcr 20 50 'font JiOrJ SCOIMPLASTEH 50 Tnn MKE PLASTER, just received and fur sale by Win. McKELVY ty Co. December IS, Ghair Jaufactory '1 111 eubacriljtr couiiiiue'j to tuny on the CHAIR JfANUFACTOaiNG businesa at the old stand of It- & S. liflgrn uucli, where he will be rcatlv at all timcf. to furnish Fancy & Windsor Chairs, Met tees, Boston Roc king Chairs &c, of every 'lesmption, which may be called lor, at short notice and on the most reasonable terms. lie will also execute IIoiipc, JSion & Ornamenta! Painting;, and House Papering, in a superior manner, From his experience in tlio business, end ins laciiitirs ol riianiiiacttirin v n,e varmuf irticies ru 1,13 imc, lie Halters piniscl: ihui lie sliail h able lo furnish ss pood woil, and upon as rcnsoniihle terms as can l.r donp in tlio counirv, till of which be will dispe of for CASH or COlLVFRY PRODUCE N. R- Orders from a distance will bf itiic'.ly at.d punctual! v altei'ded to. !! MAHKMiUCII. BIoomsLurg;, Dec. 30, 1013 AT TlIU 1TEV B'JILDIITGS. L. H. RIJPEIiT, 'PR"AV1.G disposed of his first block ef goods w.JX has just received n lar better an I more uplen Inl assort mciil hiiitablo lo the bca: en. colisi: till!. of ii.r.i.iil a vari,''v of ('(.Um; SuUliuU, i'asstmtre and nltug8 lor Mi u's wear, as (an be had at any oilier s:uri in 'be eountv all kinds of Mils, f.'ultuii, Uiincn. Waolhn or Witr Ini 'lotlia It r bailies' use liuls, I. a.-: ;tl.:n 1.1:1! limb loots and Allocs, cry cheap., bi-oide a large as sortment of (JiUJCERIF.S, IIAIinWAKK. CLASS AM) QUEKNSU AIM:, old in fart, ahnoot every thing that can be feu in anv r:t';er store in the eouniv. ueiiecing uini a nniiiue sixi ence is ;.( t'er tl.au n .i. -ii " .... . J nil shiiliic', ho will continue to veil his iiooi's ul o smull advance, for ready pay. He tlieiclore iu- vitesall to call, leeling assuied that they will be ati -In U Willi Ins prices. JS'ov 15 M Is The subscriber offers for f.tle his IT! situated on the corner of Main and EoM-flrcrtf in loomsburg, Columbia Coutily, Pa. Ii in wel calculated ,lor tue location ror a l uetic Kqmu o Slore.bcing tiO Fee front on Main-street, iil'l I'Vtfceton East-street, ind ihn road leading to the Illonmidmrg Hail o.k lion Companv'e Furnaces. This Lot ia well e.il- etibited for buibliiirr upon F.nst-.itieet as well ns on Mum, and being situated tu ll'.e centre of (he lion I'cgion of Columbia County, is well worthy Ihe acenliou of ihn rniitalists. For any information lerpcctinj tho conditions, enquite of JHARLrS KAIiLCR- fJicombburg, Dcccmbci it) ffififflt ttJH5WsJ e& K B par ST TTTfl r mm lot. nLooMsnuna Cabinet Ware House. f RjHG subscribe would respectfully infoitn the pnlilic, lliiit lie una lauiMi um u ii luniy i iipied bv .Vumnel Lilly, near the upper end ol Dlooiiisbura, whera ho is carrying on the in all its various branehes, and where he will be liamiv o wait iinon ull those who may favor him with their custom. His r uiniiure is wairanieu mi io made of good mataiia! and durable, and ho ill- lend i keeping on band Sidcbuurds, Secretaries, Jjiireaus, Wardrobes. Card Tables, Dining Tables. Ereakast Tables, Cupboards, Stands, IVush Sr ndsjiedstcuds, Dough-troughs, CoJJins, mil all kinds of work in his line, which lie will seH upon as reasonable terms aa they can bo purth.iseil in the county. llv slnet atlrnlion to business he hopes to re ceive a bhao of public patronage. till LKUV.V.. April 25, 1845. ly 1 Jin interesting ratnpfde, called tin FAIIIiir I23ALTII 115i:5:CTOKY. FCR Gratuitous Circulation to all persons who a ill cad, Preserve, iui bend it, at li. I.tuv. Uioom:.buri!. John Moore, JJjuvillc, John Kuser, Milton, V allcr & Co, Lerwick. PJl the following named Articlei hove ob tabled unbounded popularity, viz'. Rheumatism. Contracted i on!., Stiff Joints, am1 Gout, will pojlively be cured by the tile- use ot the Luliun Xtettulilc Elixir and Liniment, The sceptica we invite to call and be personally refVi - red to gnntleniru ot the highest ktamling in this city who baj been cuied of HheunuitiMii by tliit remedy 'J'hey are warranted the only genuine DcuriO-a Dr .McM air's Acoustic Oil has prov ed vc-y succe.'iil in curing even total Deafness We hava many ccitificates from citizens who have ut,cd this OIL with cu lplete succcb U'e ii:vin who arc troubled '.villi any urease of the Ear exainine the proof "' Lnngley't Wettetn Indian Panacea is the be.: 1 nii'y medicine in the woild It is a cure for Dy epsia, A-it!ima, biver complaint, Indigestion, Cot tivcne a. Jaundice, KpiUspsy' Debility, t-c, &e Ti 11 It operates without the slightest pain, av a mild but thoiough cathartic, and never leave. i!p pfrcon costiveeven if taken very oltcn Tlie Piles r.vc warranted lo bn rurcd by tho gen nine I'ayrt' Iiitiiinent and I iues J'alm of china, er l ie money refunded Who will now suiler with this d!.;iie)iing eomplaintl IS'ever buy it without tilCtiiugiiitlurn of cnnifitock & fo cfi.7cft nnd co 's Sarsuparilta u as pure and alrons an Extract fom this celebrated Hoot aa can uoesibly be mado This piice is so reasonably that the poor can aflord to use it, beinrt but dO cer.U; er botllc, or ti per dozen It is the only article that will cll'cctually purify the Mood froin all impunities Those who have been imprudr i.t in lie ot calomel, vc, will find bure relief from it. 7?rrs India Hab Dye This chemical preparft tiou will color tho hair any shade- fiom a lihl i invn to n jet lilaeu, Riiu not injuto toe nan or ..tain the .,kin in the least. preserve and beauty the Hair by usuinrr (). iiridge's lia'm o f Columbia, which innncdiuti ly -tops the hair (mm fillinj; out, and restore it when bald Never l-uy it nilheut the tf'griatute of Cum stock &. (,'n. Worms Kiilmatnch't Vcrm'fuge is a safe.ae.-j and eil'eeUutl einedy lor Wooi.h, in children oi idolls. in every rime. It is entirely Vegetable niid cannot injury tbe most delicate child even should i here be no Worms. Price 1)5 ccr.t s. Don't, con Mound ii with other liainen, The iVo.'.rrv UlUjw been thoroughly tented jy many year's expiricnce. LaJiip expecting ii become mothers may re.-t n-ureil that it wili dways ni.l and :isi-fct m preparing t'nem for the rialri lu lore them. It quiets nil nenotis nlfec I'.im, iiltavg morning iMci.nces. causes natural nmi w"i't O'-t- einiinizcs te.e ciretilalion n tlie blooj. epuli'.eatlm e'.oinaeli. and facilitates the birli without Bui li ixi.-uieialinc; pains m mothers ex peel, il.'any el out bett phyi-ciana Ui-c it in ti.rir praclice. .New discovery, ly which a 1 Moves nnd pipe,, or crates may be kept a Jet bl ick " ilh ns beanh 'nl poli.h ns a Coach IJoc'y wi'h one iipplicntion i. i year. It kecpn all Moves and 1'ipcn from m-tii j diroit!;h thn similiter. 'I bi.s Vami-li is .n eniin. new invention; i,t.il Hinpiit.es iim !eli;;l,s ijl -. ii.-e it. Npeeiir.i'iis ol i-loi p Olid Pipe :in Use inn la- teen at 21 C'm;l'nnni-stieet wberr llie I'oli. i, :nay be had nl tbe cost of i.j cents per bottle. ll'ncd undiCu L.ifi buuc A sen; letned), Priei eenls, - 111- barzett s J nno roahai.er Pro,-reative 1. eoudv in ease ( f Impnlcney, baneiiiit. ix;r n Mln.s, Mensii ueiieii, li.eonliiiei.ee. and all di Mil: e .iri:,ii j b oin i'el iiilaLon cf tl.e m! in w here rcttor Hon lb required. !!c. Dr, I. in I In U.mew'.t I i( jrep, fo- the cure ,i' ( i rsim : t'olli-hs. ('(ill:., i" !l l il p i I . ;i j K.vpeelorii'iiin, Pa'li In tl.e ude i.e. b. ecloi :n't . -ll c li 'Jd li ft c .!.!; CMtmr Uil II (.ives lie linn- n luatili n' (.lloss at il inclines- it to curl, ai.il v 1-. ! ly 1 1 I ,i any other Oil, it 1 cm 1 nii's lb., li 1 est b:ciis' a' in the least If ni lady or p: i t'en..iti i:, !l:ii I iih ni'i.l find tbe-e .-tali wenm ut.t.ie. '!i;i oioev will 1 1' elii'. i il Ci'..'.'.i in ( 11 H.iitiliied 'i I e ulroc i.eii.f-J arlicies are ,old Getiuiiie in litis ei'y l y .', nisi, , ; , Co, ill Cni;rllu'idt-.-.tifet, (mil JSO U'JiLliK liLfE except of tbeii conntty customers Ilemeinber take this direction with vnn Thci-e arlielis n e lo be had in this lnve oi f'pbrnni Llu'.z. l!loomsburf, John .Vonro. Danville Waller A co. Derv iek, John Kuser, Wilton, November, 1, CSv, Cm S2 O O T S AND STORE. nri'IE subscriber jj informs tbe pub lie that he hns opened a HiOE M OKE at the lower end ef Main Pliert. loomfburc, nt thr store f irmetly ocenni d by E. Lull where he intends to keep a rener .il assortment of shoes and boacs, for men and womens ware, which he will fell ns lew, if net nwer than the same quality of corn's ran le boupln n ("olumi ia eouniv. Ho will al-o nierke to order ill kinds of bonis and shoe", nt rliorl not.o-e. Jlav erii.inrd lo sell low, for a r nrll vrr.fi:. he respcc'l'iilly invities lho--e v.bo aie in want ol any thing in his line, to fi'ebi::i a cail. i.b. Allifooils liongntcf ir,e are warranted to be ns recomiuended, W. RCeJSEI,. Nov. 15th 1511. K E W shoe rJJ" A' TV ES TA EL ISM EX TIN and C2IIIB2T IROIX TUB subsciibcr having located himself in lllooinsluiig, ia pre) ared to ftirnii-b all kinds of ware, and peifonu all kinds of work in his lino of business, nt cheap rales ami at shoit notice Ho has furnished himself with a new nhd Kplemlid stock ol tools, machinery and materials from t'bila dolpha, and inmlc a large purchase ol OA I. anil WOOD STOVF.H, of various inilterns, lo supply h a ciiKtomers. llo will constantly keep on hai d, 77. ll.Bofeery description. STOViiS, a lari(e variety, neatly and substan tial)' finish' d, together with KI'Ol'TS for buildings. VO.1t. UffrJTW, A.C.&C. He respectfully eoliciu public palrorisge Ilav ing been for some yeara engaged in his buhinei,. and having experienced assistants, ho feels confi lent of sn;i tying ull who may favor him with their custom. VOl'ATltV ,WEltVJt.7.VT1 BuppSed on liberal tcrtn Call on the sou h side of ,1ain-slreet, 3 door below the etliee ef the Columbia democrat. Uctobtr 11, 1S45 ly25 S, U. CIJAIC. B. F. IIAl lJUIiST, 'wAacdw MAKER, "";I)L00MSKUKG, ESPF.CFTCLI.Y in.firms ihe public thit he has b)i sled him4 if in tlie Hiop lately occupied by ZI11A KCG.1il.KS, in MAIiKKT TliKKT, where he inteivds eairvii g on thu above business in all its various Oiranrbes. UKAVV VaGG0.nS ouilt and repaired, as weljj as one boro WAGCOXS AfM) V, UUU:' of every dnscription, ano'j a'.l kinds of Country Work, in his line, done t rboit noiicc, and on tho jjnt icasonable terms. . fa-Good Lumber nnd s.'l kind el fmtry Pro-Ju-e'luLeii in payment for Vck, but Ca.h will uoi e refused. ' April 5, lSir.-CmSd . Ba nrJr cslh's Tills UAD und umlarstamri ! '1 I f !!'!!r u--' frn,e ... A . t i . . .:o i - ii&, when the medicine, Lfra':c-i- n i r.- lc looiiwitilrrl nq ibev nimbi ni.l ti -er 6; it ej!I le undei&tood that Dr. l!randictc hn U.e atrongest claims upon the public. It is t".o t!.at i-vcry i:; dividual who makes a trial of the C n.nlec :h 1 .. concede lliem to bo the lavt mcilV::ne tl.ey (' t u::ej. They lire indeed a ruediciiic ab-ut v. ;.o .1 there is no mistake. Their value in a c, tv.'e 1 bnnger.ble a? ours cannot be suliicienlly ap'rocii ' ed A free perspiration is nt once restored , thu ihey cure colds, and consumption is prevented. Th ise who have a redundancy of bile find them of 'ho most essential ferviee, and should there 1 c a do licicney of that important lluiil the Iiraudretli Pilis have an equally beneficial rllect. Often lias this important medicine sated valuable lives in those rc iiions where Ihe. dicauful yellow fever wai jiicviiii ing A few do-ps taken immediately upon the in fection liciiirr received inlo tbf fvstein, will In nl most certain lo picvt-ntnr.y material inennveri lice And at Hostage of this ilrnnll'ul epidemie is ibco so proper a rneiliciue ns tlie Drenuietii j iiw, i.ci ibis nieiiicmc be univetsally used 111 una disease, and no Io?i of blood aliened, and few wry lew, would bo ils victim?. N) it is willi other diseases. Asbist nature wilhlhia nil imporrniit medicine to remove moibid humors from the Moor", ami do not resort lo bleeding or roeriury, nnd o -hall have a "cry cctt seaicily ot persons alllicti d with cronic maladies. 'J'be fealbeieiltiibe tbenii imal, kingdom- over which we ate the lords, aio not nlilic.lcd with chronic inalaiiies; neither tboiild we be if it were not for our prion which occasions) tiiam. I' iilliiw natuie. 1 se llie medicine wi.en 1rn10ni7.es with her, which mildly but surely re- nu.ves all llie 1 in purines 01 me iJinon.unu 11 si reni; Mi nis the I'eeblt'.and yet ledueev thote f too full habit lo a healthy standard, bet me a;:ain My that every depaituicnt of the ninnuf'acturo ol lirjiul cili I'tlisi is peifriuiillv f iiperiiitendtd ' y me, and thai every box wii li my three labpls iton it may be relied up .111 to have ihe beneficial Ib'Ct de.-ciibed if used according to the iliieeiions aeeonq sny'lrg. A (i V. N T S. Wahintoi' Koberl M'Kay. .lemeytown I. V A T Vjisel J'.invilh K II Keyimlds & Co (J.itt.iwiss-n C ( Hrol:st I'loooisliur' 1. 1!. Mover. Limestone babbit & MWincb. Iluckliorn M. G. boetnal.er. i.iioe llide bow ei Tlminjisoii civ. ick- J W Stiles N'av n, I Sib lv- 2. r TV f. XT. l"? r V j ;t rs, r X Us 1 i'ler r c tfi:!Iv informs tl'e public 1:11 opei ed a flip, on ,.ioii-sti e', ' bi li.nV 'I an in, in I lot tn-l-ii: n, earrvii.s on llie al-nvc I csiiii-s. rril'iT ih'al' be , i CI ll.'v Oppi'Mll In' iliti II !u a'l ils Mirious b'nnel.es. -ns i' 1 he, of eveiy ilescriptii n, wilt be kepi oil hand for sale al U hOblAl.i: or KM I'AIL. MIKKT IliO.N iTufi f.ir f 1 1 !ii dtiTi r, ri tn J el in i!, si(;Vi; I I! of all sjy.r.s kept eoio-talilly ed to older. I'cir.p; deteriniiied to do way, he n oists all to cail :.iln. bu-iness in Ihe riyl.t upon him tietore tiu-y putchn.ir elscw beie. as be w.ll minim all artieleM in his line a:i cheap as they can le purchased in the touiity. P. J KICE. trj teml-or SO, ISC-lylO Cabinet TaKins- TIIF. sulwcrihei respectfuil informs the pub lic that ho hns talii n the fhop lately occupied by 13. S. Huyhnnt, at the lower end of Msikel- bi-lrcct BlooniKburft; whero he intern!? carrying on the nbove busineK in all ils branches, and solicits a hae of the patronage of llie public. In connection with the above business, he offers his services as an UNDERTAKER. He will always be rr.n'y to make COFFINS fr llie same prices heretofore liHiecd in Illnomi-bur an J Laviiifr supplied lum.'-elf w ih a pood II E A , he will allend with it al llio f nnerui wuuoui an.' etra clinrr;e. joiin niTTRj May .13 I ."I'. !".m3 pctvii rf ?::r.s:zi svr.rr. just i ceiv,d and for rale at llie New tore. 1.. 11. KLTvRr- October 11.