To Bnthlevs SEALED PROPOSALS will be'recsivoJ by the subscribe until 5 (t'clm-k l. M. 17th of .Unroll, next, for building a COURT IIOITK, ill ilia town of BLOOMSlUJIiG.C.ilunihia county, I'. Ih wall if which are to bo of Zhick I'lan itI sperilie.itions may n seen after March it tho store, of Wm, McKelvy A. Co ulooiniliurg. i DANIEL SNYDER. WILLIAM Mc.KEl.VY. JACOll EYER, l. b. rupkiit, s JOHN RAMSAY. Febiuary SI liT The 'Luzerne Democrat,' Wilkesbarre, Miners Journal,' Pottsville, snrl 'Gazelle,' v illiamsport, will publish the above three tuiirs stid lor ward llieit bibs lo this office lor payment. M0 71CC hutehy giren, that wi have purchased at Con status mid, as til proteity ol John Sterner tin following property, to wit: I two hors wagon mil coal bed, 1 sled, 2 bay i. ...... -...1 k . . . . ii.. n ami uniiiFK, i cnuma no, I cradle aim scythe, 4 loaiU of corn fodder: 4 atiu: cue hal of seven Hero of rve in the ground- 'wo shoals, 1 wheel harrow, 1 grass acylha an J micath,2 shovel. I alone coal alove and nips, 10 bushels of tolalo.-s; 400 llw of pork; 8 meal tubs; 23 buhels of corn. 11 buahola of oal one wrilinii desk. 1 chest: 1 illltttlll nlnilr th 2d of f 111 ""v len we me ,n lnn possession during our picture; ami hereby forbid any person taking them from him; cither 6y purchase or otherwise; without ourconseeiit. U.NIKI84YYDi?R St SON. January 24; 18IG;40 OUR MOTTO.NOTTO BE OUTDONE .VA'II llLACKSMiriUNa USTADMSHMUMT Biy Sautce &, Silvci'lliorn. THE undersigned having taken the shori ftrinerly occupied by Marshal Silverlhorn, moat rcapeolully inlorrna the public thai they intend to carry on the above branch ol business and will at all times be read to do work a little better and cheaper than any other establishment in the place, 'and thet hope by strict attention to business lo mem j large portion of the public patronage All hinds ol country produce taken in exchange for work & the ready not refused ia m; wan rut;, MARSHA!. SILVERTHORN Uloomsburg Feb, 'i 1.18 16 11 NOTICH 38 hereby gi von lo all persons not lo Ipurchase a ceitain Note of Hand signed by the subsciiber, datudllio I lilt of Febr,j.iry,INKi,!or twelve dollars lnyahli) lo Ciilch Fox six months afterdate, Hav. lnij received no value therefor 1 shall refuse to av the same. JAMES McDEKMO I'. ' February 21, 1810 NO I ICY) "s hereby given, that I have purchased at Con st ihlo wile, as the property ol R. Miller tlm following properly, lo v it I Uurcau; I pine table, 1 corner cupboard; 20 yard nf carpet;! mantle chiek;! bav marc;4 collars and bridles; I sliovel,foi k, lung chains and clevis; 1 lotting bex;I two Iforse wagcon; I lot of ije sli'iiw; 1 riding bridle; I sel ol ImiKss; 1 horse bucket; 1 barrel uf rider. And hive left the same in his possession during my pleasure and hechy forbid any person taking them from him, either ley purchase or otherwise, without my consent. CYRUS HARTON. February 14th 1810. ALL persons are hereby cautioned against pur chasing a Note of hand simied by the sub scrioer, and payable lo Robert Edgar, for the sum nfseveniy dollars, dated Aprl 2S, 1H45, and paya ble six month af'.ir date, tho Miiii note having been obtained thronjjL fraud, I ohall rcl'uao to pay the a'iic unless compelled by law JACOn YOUNC. Jackson townsihip, I'ebiuary 13, 1840. 43 New (Sooils. Ilcfllcy & Itlrndrnhall, AVE juiti received at their old stand corner of Main and Markct-atrucU. a new and splendid assortment of rail and Winter Goods which Ihey offer as low as they can be purchased in Ihn county. Among Ihir assortment may be num. i, (lothx, Lammrrtn, Sullimlts, Satins oiVAr.T, MA' '-Ifc and other nrwutifle of Justin, Cashmeres, Crape, Jtel.aiiiftt.AJudin df. I .wines. iMcrinoes, Jl ojiaccas, J'uramelta (a new arliele) G'iij-hmns. and every variety of i'rmta from fi to eiin per varu. lLlltDWWtE, Nails, round, bar and sheet iron, bar and Bprint; steel, stove pipe, 1 uta, cans, men's ami woniens nun aim lliick boots and bbor: 6lc. ttc. in shoit all other articles usimllv kept in a cuuntrv itore all of which thpy will Hell in exchange for cabh or country produce. November 15 fiDBDfelac nIc.!fiieB'SfiFaflc. Mew ools. MO TICK. I II K several Collectors o!" Stole Tax in Colum bia County foi the year 1845, are heiebv nn- tilied that lliey are required to ehaiga o:i all .Vt.ilo Tax ieinoiuni!r unpaid since the serond Tuesday uf January, 140, in accordance with tin following direction of an Act of Assembly passed April V.t. I.S1I, viz . ' Any Stale Tux reiniiinin., Iinpaid by any idiviilual or Ciirporatimi after sji, 'J'ax is due ami payable by said cninily to the Com inornvealih, shall b'.ur an ij' six per c"nt. ;md be a lieu on the esi.ite on which it is chafed, till it ii fully paid and satisfied " " And the said Collectors are requested lo keep n eeparale .leeoimt ol all inteiest received by them on all Mate lanes paid since the Mine above staled and to render in account therefor upon tho settle- Jni'ill ol llieir duplicates. SUlL'f.f, ,)liARs, i'lil-:iK HICK M.URinu, I'liTlilt DN i'. Commissioners. CoHMissrOvr.a's Ori-ret; 2 Danville, 'eb. 0, I SCi. 3 St just received at their Old Stand in stieit, a largo and e Mensiveasson H YE Main nienl of Fall and Winter ioods. ,il,;..K .l.l.,.l i.. ,1..:. r .... -,,, ,i nmn u in mi ii lurim-r km( k, renders it as .nmplete as can be found in thu country, mon llieit Dry Goodsj may he round coarse and fine Broadcloth, of ail color, C'assimers, iSaltmetts, Oilcans Clotb.lVints of all qualities, and of the newest patterns. Crapo n..t..:.. . i . i- i. , - . 1 ... V 1 aiiijs.iiiusiiii ueiuines, i.;rapo tie Aixcnf anew name; oasniners, Jionnet Velvet, Shawls Silk and Cotton llande rehiefs.Silk and Collon oi,e, Cloves ind Mils, Linen, blenched and brown Li.llen SL"et iiiRs, llatsand Caps. Morocco; calf Skin, nnd Thick iootsanil thoes. India Rubber CShoe ami Dveibhocs. &c. dc. 1 CLASS AND QVLLSUt1tE Cholera, Su-nmer Comp'uinl, Diarrhaa, Dismtar; ami all oilier rientnzi in ni s o the stomach and bowels, cured bit J)i Jaijne's Carminative Ihiham New York, 8h month, 1st, !8:;s. I iiend Ur. J.iync It gives me in icli pleasure lo unarm you oi me result ol a case in which 1 ad IniuUteied thy Carminative LiaKum, and I consider i! a matter ofduly lo thee and the public lo yive t!ie f dlowiii sialeiueiits. in i; called to visit pjlicnt a few days sinee, 1 found he was vomiting andpiirgiurj inot violently, wiihscc-e 'J'orniinii a:id Ciaiiips in the upper aifd lower extremities, nnd also in tho abdominal parities. The cramp was so violent, ihai it took fom men to nth him incessantly lo keep down (he spa -m, and to usclih own words he said it seemed lo him as if his bones would snap in Iwo. There was a'so violent choln pains around the ululical region attended with very dUtrcssinij nausrai In shoit I rensidered it to be a case of genuine choltra. 1 f,)Und on inquiry ihe patient had been unwell the day previous, with a looseness ot Ihe bowels. That 'six hours bt foro 1 saw him he was seized with the complaint and had gradually got worse. The extremities wo c colli and hs W is nearly pulseless. I immenialclv gave him aspoonlol of thy Ralam which in a few mo nionts was ejected from ihe sumach, but on giving it a few limes the stomach became settled and he expressed himself relieved. I then gave him a calo mel and opium puwder. In two hours from the time I saw him he felt quite easy and fill asleep, and slept well for five hours; but on waking the symptoms again relumed. I directed more of the Jlalsamto be given him when ihe disease subsided mid tho patient waaconvalescent. It took one bot tle to effect a cum. I have also so ofton witnessed Ihe beneficial effects of ihe Carminative llalsam in sumiiie; complaints and diarrhea that 1 would not be without foi its weight in tilvcr. I remain thy friend, THOMAS Mij-JT.43 Drcadway, X Y, Prepared ouly at No 8 South Third strect.'hil- adc l 'hia The aboveMcdicine are for sale at tlio store of as goo i an assortment as ran be found in the conntiv. logether wuh all kinds of Kci! I'!arihprn-wnrp. Assortment incluilinrr every thing from bp anelior to rantbria nee die, ihat a farmer r.t ineclifinn: wants to use, inrludiiijj Knund liar, lieet anil Liml lron,suiubIe for wa" iron lire or any other ise IVoodi'ii-ivare; k l . . .. r i.i i - t urgi qiiainiiy en uenei ami rini l' iil and Tubs. JJatdicst, ol" sll bizt- X,c. t-i)incr anil l)ia0s IveulCb, all kinds ol I'in if, stove pipe, unit Upper and il l.rnllier. Dul what is the u.,e in prrtienlnriciprf, n hartllv an article in Ihrn line can ho askei r l'ii wliat l !i f y can furnish llieir eiKln n fern for prompt pay, or in all kintlb of lum oer, and cnun'rv iiriiiluce 'i'ov. 15, lulu o0' Hill he exposed to ITI1LIC SALE, ou Saturday the 28fA dvy of hbruary next, at 10 o'clock, A M at ilia houso of Mr. Faust ie- stding on the premiss, tin) FARM, tiolonginj to'ihe estato of Moiihlas Shipman, lata of .hi leasant township, deceased, containing US Acres, or thereabouts, with a tolerable good House and Uarn, a good Apple Orchaid and a variety of other Iruit trees, situate on the west side of bin Fishinc creek, about one mile aud a half from LiKhutrcet. It is expected that there is UtO OKU on aid premises. Due attendance aud teinis made known on the day of sale by the subscriber; EDVVAKD McHENKY, Executor. February 7, 1840 4lla J. IT- VANDERSLICK, Y virtue of analias (estntuin vend. Ex to me directed will be exposed lo nublie sale at ihe Court ouse in Dai vilto, on Saturday ,ihe 2Sth day ot February, Itjl6,at I o'clock, V. M. ihe follow ing property (lo wit:) A certain tract of laud situate in Callawima and iWiilPn t'olunibia ('ounty.coiilaiiiiiiy four hunered uciea mor.) w less, adj. mimg lota ol .Mconniiuman, Jacob r isber, Judged. aud oth ers whereon is erected 17 dwelling linu-es,l Foige. I grist mill, 1 saw mill, I blacksmith shop, 1 coal house, 3 stables, ! barn, and 1 lurnacie Seized taken in execution ami t bu sold as the property of dam Miller. ' ALSO KY virtue of a levri fucia lo me directed, the fallowing described piece or.lot of land situate in Mahoning township, Colombia county, bounded and limned , follows, to wit. Ueginiiing at a post on tho comer ol Uashinglon-alruel; thence ty the road to Milton, uoilh thirteen degrees cast, two hundred feet lo a; ihenco north sixtv-einht de crees and 4.5-100 west two bandied feci to post, thence aouth thiitecn west two bundled feet to a post,- thence north sixty -eight an . 45-100 east two hundred feet to the placo of beginning, being a par ol a larger Iract of land conveyed by Alexundei Montgomery to Thomas Chambc.s by deed dale.l lh first da ip of April A I) 1810, together with all snd singular the siid tract or lot of land. wav. wn- V.GS leave to inform the public, thai he id prepared io attend lo all ihe oner.,er8'waler'c'KIM'rii,!lls' liberties, privileges, im alions in dentistry , such as removinirl,'rOV!1"" "ertJ'il"nia and anperteuances- Tht Tartar and other Foreisn Sub- SlSMV 111 stances. I rom the tceih. rendering them clean, and the gums and breaili gweet mid healthy. The cavities vf Decayed Teeth Will be dressed out and filled with Gold or other lull; of ihe finest quality, as the i:ao may require, which will generally prevent their aehinj or furihrr decay, and render them uselul for year?; and in roar cases iluring lile Teeth and Slumps of Teeth Which have bpcnme useless or troublesome will bo extracted in ihe most careful man oer, with the latesi and best improved in siriiiiirnis. Porceliain Teeth, Ofiho beat quality and latest imnrnvemen iii i win ne inserien on pivot, or (in connection wiin Dr. Vailprchamp, wnh whom he is in pstcriiship in plate tvork) on Gold plate, from a fiinple looih to a whole net, lo lok as well as the natural, and warranted lo inswer all the useful and ornamental nur poses proposed by Hie ail. In short.everv operation bdnnnin" to h profession, will s reformed ia the hesi nanner. with choiseM ma'.erinl, and ni thr ihortest notice- He therefore hopes, b sirict attention lo' businesn, :o ub'.a;n a ah are of public palrona;e. Any p. r.-.oi, or pri sons wishing any of the above opera. ions performed, ate rer.pocliully reuemcd to 2tve liitri a mil. N. I) The public are hi'rtdiv ii formsd Ihat xve tits subscribers have ciiioreri pecial I arlneiflnp relaling only lo hereditaments Whereon is erected a TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE, oeized laken in execution and to be wdd as the property of John 11. James IRA M DTRR Sheriff. ShciifTs office Danvillo Feb. 2. 1816 &T1S 7 OXlWlACrAE ifsj) AT THE New Afls I.IGHT-STRliUl'. 9C COLUMDIA 9 CO, plate to THE siil)scril.erp tales this melhod-of informin" Ihe public lhat tbey l.avn ji.;.; arriv :d from rhilu delphia wilha splendid nscirti.tcnt of NEw A.J) CJiCAP GOODS, among which m-iyle found a superior s; lection of Clack, IJlue Ulark, Li'ur. t.'ri-cn, lrr;fiibb Green, Olivo snd Mixed (Jloths, ai:pe riot French ani!Fain- ('assimeres, Gaiiincts of ai! co'iira and prices KyniuckyJiiiii.',!l( avy 15nek I'wrcd, and Ilird Tims, A cplctidiJ i.saor.nirnt r.f V.'noilcn, '.-lvei,'t. leniii, U iiin and Cwansdown Vcstii)3, I'lannti'i uf al! colors &, prices, colored, blcacli-j J i!ii!,kaelicd or.on riannels.l'urniirtro a.nlAprunCheck, Manrhcr enk Scotch (, Kf J Tiekinp bleached ai.d ut.hie.iched T ,ble .i-.pcrji.upcrivr fit' oreu ami plain 'Vp u-ra; l-,:u for I. ailies' we.u; l''upoit:,rc a New Store. 1TE7 GCCESj V Y A H It A N G EM I: X T , .Vu humbug but Gondii d.avn to tin tow tat notch all through. THE subscriber having completed his new store house, on Aain wtreei i..,r M,L.. in liloomsburg.snd havim? stocked it with a yi, ot entire new guodw, which were seba'led will, great care in regard lo style snd price, he flutter himself that ho can oiler fresh good., and newesi tyl s.and them at lower price ihrni has ever beei. ollored in this place, and as ihe Dssrirtiniinl i..ii,Ui a.. of every thing for comfort and adornmenl in ihe . Dry Goods, , . -, g 'mini Khat i I Jill 111 Queenswwe (some tin? h,les) School Hooks, Hardwure, Cedcr ware. 1 j'n ware. Earthenware, Snlina or Lake, ground, Tine Lisbon and DuirytSutt, Xul. mon Markcral ,and Herring, Cuvindish. tmita ton Plug, Fine cut. ,t Smoking 'labaceo. Candles f Soap, Copper Krttcs.Sttel, J'ur Iron. 'lesules numerous other article, nil of which 'wi, he sold at a very small profit for rem'y pay, and he would respectfully invite nil peisom to call and tixurnine his goods and prices, before purchasing. J'ho hihcut prices paid for all kinds of countrx produce. Bloomsbupr, L. 15. RUPERT S'ept. 20th, 121."). 22tf. , n y worii as it is more run vcnieni fur t,.i alicnd to ilia nih r branches of the scirnc'riv''11 a 'T'e u:i1A,''; .'Ll, V I ' ,1 i new article ('encoc.- o! on bio oivu a. I'llOill. A. VAl,r.F.RCf!MP. J. II. VANDEIlsl.icn. Moiitil Ploasaiit, Nov Sth. 1843 3m. ILVOCII HOWELL. RESPECTFULLY, informs the publicthat he occupied by Win. K liloomsburj JOHN R. M0YER, JAYNE'S HAIR TOXIC. v e have heretofore numbered ourselvep imopg those whn helievid that the 'Hair I'diho, prepared by l)r Jajnc, was one (il lie many qnai k nos'rums vt bnse virtues are never seen beot,d the fulsome tiufTs ol heir amltors. We are w illiprr. ai lentl o -naKe public ackuowlctlgeirient of the error of our belief An inlunate fiicml. oiue two or three months since all the lop if whose ciani irn was as bald ss a niece of polished ntailir. ujaiire all our jeeimc and ridicule of li e idea of siifmptme in cullicalc eo barren a spot, purchased a bol- ne or two of tlie hair 1 onie from Ur. Jayne, and according to his directions, np. p'ieu it, During the prsenl week the same lneii'l nniureil liiinsell mio our pies ence, aud uncoveriuir his hiiliherto naksd head, asionished us wiih a ihin, ii,o' luxttri nil growth of ban, from one lo tvr inchef in length upon the very premises we had nelievtd as unyielding to r t,ltivaion as the rackless and lint skirts the Alantic This is no pull, bin it s roliuoualv true, and m those who doubt id lbs gentleman can be pointed out What is more in favor of this : .. i .t. - i : i i onie, inc case nrre cueo wns not one nf temporary baldness no sudden loss of the hair but was one of years standine. though ihe gentleman is bin forty five years if age. rhiiadrjplna Spirit of the Timrs i ne auove uicuicinc arc an (or sale it tho store of JOHN R. MOVER. liloomsburg. is moved into th the 'K, -jii ti r' in ,M k Co. store whom make odv kind nf clotliio,-. ind in Ibi! !uv,t und most f.nlniinii!,! long experience in U,o Im-,i ,.... himself lle.l ,. hiiall coiilinufi to civa . isf.iction (.ud thereby hop.j to reciive a'. public p,itioi!:n.;c. ;r'''i:it:cul.ic attiiitioii paiil lo cutting. All kiud.f of country produce taV'n in pnvmci. 'cj wor!:. lllnoiusbur, . uiIiInifT formerly i . .... . ... . . u iii .ii ju. ACIy xx ni m.vuvs i.e. n.ulv to nt tl.o shortest uiitin t le. Kron: he. flatter- iieral rl liaic olthi of?. 9 1S1.'). if 1(5 " L .V. A t. f:. A f The Fubicribrr (.fTt rs fiir sale hi. v8 B ...' ' ' ,t cl --kkfiyCrc.: its. ii nfcon.ncrii of iire-;H tmn-n-e ai.d Collar. A fu unites and icitumeii i M isery, and i' lores, Cat! li'.'K' t'.iEoroiiix, Cul'ur docfr.i, haul jidtisHc, Worsted and Coton Su-y:enders, lye iyc, To-etlii rwith a full assort. unit of A f) MIMSTPJI TOR' S XO TICE. Ihe httute of ISAAC C. JOII.ISOA lute of Grunge township, deceased. TOTI C'E hereby given that letters of admit istialion on the aboo mentioned EsleN have been frnnted to the subscriber, living in Or ango lovviisniji. All pesons indebted tosaiil estate are heictiy notified lo make immediate payment oj i.!i inose uaviiiL' claims are renucsled to um tui mom ijroperiy aiuncniicaicu lo FJANUEL LAZARUS, JOHN u. EDGAR. Administratots BUSINESS CAKUS. 4.-1 J 'JJ.!T A J). COOL, Attorney at Law L'LOOMSBIJUG, COL. c.PA. 0i"";e ' Main-sUeet, opposite Dccbler'i Hotel. CIIAKLES KAllLElt, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, AND RI.OO.MSDURG, COI,. CO., - Oflico, corner of East and Maln.stroeta DUAItLES Ii. liUCKALEW Al'orncy at Law, Office South side of Main-it. below Market rc-WIl.L ATTEND THK COUNTIES OF AND LUZERNE. COURTS IN COLUMBIA 500 POUNDS ef a superior quality of IRISH S.1LMOX Just received at the s ore of n , WM. MCKELVY & Co December 6 . January, 17, 1840 1 I 'V PlSWf x- 4 Js W iL O wnh a var.cly iiirui!on, 'i'l:. M.bsrr h:i x C l.'i L'i juiM'b.i. !.( UI :; h i led xx ill. r ti, i.i tin y cf c'vi r arlii V loj i-.:u:irroKi n f..f coii:i,;cn I en mo ri :.t cart; o hoiichl , t-ince their ;;o,-o '..i:n.', and live I tl.iy ciin III-, any oilier slo.c tti.-nforu solicit the j.a D.'.'Cii.lier i 1 rV liiis part ol the Cuiinty; tr lroiii;e ut a i;elr.'lous j iilic. Till h in h '.cl mi. a r,., 11 . I kiitiit ofCOUNTMY FRO I I , f - 1 ' I r ilM-s i"JVr, i eiciMiinrj m (iuodl AMOS KNAR isri-r.-,if l .i.r r u:i tk::':) Ilemaiiiir. - in the Fui.i-OiFi: p. ? t L!ol rns.- Mligri & Co. situated on the corner of Mai l and East-f!i-?.'f: in iloomsbllrg, Columbia IVutlly. 1'a. Itisxvel calculated ,tor the localion fur u I'ubiic JJcusc o Store,bcing (iJfi Fre front on Mainsrr(f, 1 I 1 -2 feet on East-stm.t, and the road le.idii g lo the Ll.jornsStirr l?.ii! x.d lion (Oinpjiiv's I'urnnes. '1'hia Loi u v.eli rj. ciliated for building upon East-siren wa II (, n!l Main, and being Mluaied in tlio ceolic of tho In i, xegion r.f C;,l;.m!,;a County, ij Well worthy aliention of the ca;,ilali ,!s. For any information renpecting the roudilions, enquiic ui :tlAR.E& KAIiLL'lI Illcor.isburg, 7)ecembei 50 ourt; lco'i.!ier L' Lien!) I; i'i-Iv. t J.,!,:i . 1'.. Cuaimiii K. ,.i L'iiarles ii.'.y IJiihri". IlpnliOf Sural. U.i Hii Isa-ic J i....:win .(.li'iib J ae o'iy .!iii?ph Liuijj Daniel Ltislt o I.). PnMic Salle N piirsuancp of an or b r of the O i j bans' Court JOHN L::w r.iiijirii Jol.a M. ..:ilcr 3 V.'ui. i'nweii A J. .-'tr.i.e ,T ii.,r-s ,'S'ii, en,., kef W in S. iir.iilis.i!! Ji:.'!ll U i,. Yj!ii,',rn V. :lii;:ms MOVER, !'. M. J.O:)iC u'u'V. AH porso-is inilt hfcd to tho solnrri ))' i ou liOtld, note, or book accoun1 make pay men! before I he f.i .vt day nl February next, or their Greouni will u( i rr I hut (late, bu loft wiih a Justice; he Fence fur inunrdiai? clleninn, ixi.:t:Ls: yd i:i- D-c 7 1 'Ij c51!IE ubsceibers respectfully iiitnnn thu pub ft lie, Unit they are now opt inng, ntlheSlort lately occupied by E. J(. U I CCS, on Market a i largo und extensive assortiiicut of FALL AM) WINTER iuti,j,iM, xiai ti vvaru 1 Km IkiC.IiVU VRIl, I7AUTHENWAKK AND .H i.nnj uiuci'j u .,u;.i,y i,iii'. in rniipioy noiu. niuoiig iiien gs'.ji'-Miti.l i.iv oo lpund Calicoes. t( ihe r.eweui'rris, Silk Cloths, Cassiciercs, oattiiicis, Vest in,', l'lc'c!,! d and Crown yiiirt inns, G!ovea'id Lose, land kerchiff? s:id Shawls, Cashmeres, .yc. on naving seiecrrn wild '.rint care as to pialily and pi ice, t!-y arc enjble.l In sdl ihcin a I o'.ver price, than thev liavo ever .efori been I' in luce, j'lr.iviuj uiai's arr.iv oor'aiit Kiiiply, any nr hav ha.x not uu ha:s.',.i .intivP. i Mcinily lor Cash or Country :.:uici;ls in Iho t'itj for a dc in th.'ir line xI.ich ',.o t'ui'ii. hij .it a weeks and exh.iime then Il'S fceived and for sale, at the new Tin JJP and tshect Iron Jl'anufaelarv, opposite C,lV .ii Hotel, kevcrnl kind ol I'.l H I ; K, SJHj f nd i';.va H'OVKS, of be.l pltc,us which will be sold low. D. J RICE. Oct- fOYE HPS for sale attbs Mow Ptore. October 11. DISSOLUTION. THE Cdpiirinerrshin herelofere pxiKfimr tinder the firm of Armstrnng & Iltijes. in tie rone cuitinrr business. i ho ... . ,,, oiiseni dissolved E. ARMSTRONG. T. HUGHES. Nov. 1 1815. MAKEUP YA I). e rontinupd by ihn land; where may THE business will oKsrnber al ihe old e nail : ail iimej. Mt-'MJMENT.-l, TOME- TABLES. TOME-STOXES, HE. Hi TIE JAMBS, MJXTL ES, F.UNT STONES, MULL EES, Sic. ir any oilier work in his line. Hp in dsn prepared to luriiisi WINDOW CAPS md SILLS, DOOR SILLS and STEP:' trt Piihcr of Aia.ble, Lime or any kind of tone thiil c;in ta procured in this vitinjiv. Si Having had considerable exerierr p. n the buBiiicus, he pbrdaes bis work in be e;vputed in n.1; handsimf stvin ie liiiiiislie-l from snv vard ciiher in il e city or country; and on as reasonable terms ti ll RAIM ARMSTRONG BlooniEbur, Mov, 3, 1843. ly 28 ir it. is ilia renue.-K'd t. aj..3 ai.d piioi's bcf.rc pitrciiainr elsewhere ai.;;:;i.;ht .;' .mencel. Dloota bin;, Ocl. II, 1 :: C. - 8 51 7 ? ? WATs-aTow.N, N. Y., Oji sO, 1811. Dr I). JsyneDear Sir Your II J onic u an csnelluni r.riicle. ,jnv is- peciable persons also offer llieir rernficuim in favor ol yotir Exyecloranl. 1 hilm.,. our medicines are tho bet prenaratinn list hav3 evar been offered io the nublie for the roliuf of the alllctad. fur ih rur. of ihe disaaaes for which ihey weie iiuend ed. Your Expectorant I ibink will soon be exclusively popular. Yodis icApeUL Elv. i IILADELI'ULV AND A.MC0Y 'L'TEIIS tonstantly on hand and for sale WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, y f .V CANNON, E'-imsbu-'g, Dc'cr.'nler 4 J. n asso, ..o- ,:t ,,f J ir.IjLf) V." .T t E t. ""Cii.'s ixet ii's, roli:. i.uiici.i, lea Ketller xpulers. Ci.!.;. I .'riddles, clc Also I.aige an V."i .; ,,n I.'. from the lle.uvilie 2.' (''oik l! L ir.c.'iv. d and for :'o!e by LT.I'LEY ii MENLENHALL. PtCernlii', !.0 NOTICE 1 hfreby wum nil per'ns not lo purchase twu 1, I . . . L ' If I ' . .... '1. ..I 1 1 . !...! ICll. ,1 I - oi XOiumoia r.oiiniv, on 1 uesilay me S-ltll (lay " ui.n.i ,:.... .i.umaiy i.ini; Io,-thr I 'February next, nt ll o'cloei: i:i the fnr.nniK "f f! dollnrs each; pay abla one 0n ihe '.i.-b billow-1 loseph Brobsl appniulcd Trnsiee to i,e!! i ing land drc. of Samuel fSittlcr late (,f 1 township, in said coui.ty, deceased, will e -aie nv r urnie v enoue, upon the premises a certain tract or piece of land, aitMMtc in Fi bio creek township In the county uforaid, adjoinins lands of John Whils, Joseph L'ant2. and Iinc Rantz, containing. 0. rin'1 ol 1 ebruary uel; oloeron toe Ililh of ..,,,! ,.,., .1 1... , ...l.r il,.. ,i '! . , ..-mloi U "' ;, mo Min nnira navinp !l..n lrn,..l..i,lT i.l.lnit.ll I .l.ll C. . ... nose in. ' iv.ii.. ...,....., . n.inu inu.eio r ay uie I ... I 11.L. t ' isamo unless comp'-llcd by law .1 miliary 1 r. IS IB J. EW7XS. Acres, and ono hui dred Sc twenty-nine perches, oi there abouts, all of which said tract of land is in wood except about tw enty acres, l ite the Cslite of said dreeaw d, situate in tho township nf ri.-hini-crcek i . . r , alio couniy aioiosuni. JACOD EYERLI, Cfoik. Danville, January V!9ih 1S-16 N OTIC i: S hereby given that I I, axe purchnaed nt Cyn slnble i-ale, as the property "f Yiocr nt Irvine the foil. miir; pr.'ji! rl v. to e-il one biv liuise: mn ironciey hor-i.; one Ixxo horse waon; one si,',! doiit'leliec ami wbippletiee, amlba' C lell Ihe same in his possession durirg my pbasnre, and herein forbid any person taking them fiom him, cither bv purchase or otheiwise, without my consent. ClIAIil.ES .MORRIS January 31, IS 16. fr7C II EATER THAN E V E R C1 tum-U Al' THE A NOTIIEK splendid arf.-t:m .it of GOOl?s IX hd-.j'1-l I.i'i added lo the former stock at 'iie Arcade; which we can sell clii aper tim was cu:r In fori; oil'eird in thisinaiket. (.enllenien who wi,h ClttlL) mid CEAP CLOTII.V, and Ladies who want FAMIIONABLE, C(.Ki) ,V. CMEAJ' iriicles lor DKESE'S, ofexe.y, wil ind it for their in crct to call, as we know Inev -vail fo satisfied w ith the quality and prices of our tnui. Our luoltu Ix i'i' Cl)c-.,pr l! ail the Cheap 's!.' we can and will live up lo il. Ca-xllltM-l-fN C-5 Cur.b per van, and every 'liing else in propoilion. ALililCHT MENCAL. November 14 N 1 ! I C , All person's lridi'.t,'d ifo-bit.-ind li El'I'LY. on iN' nr I'ru.i (nested to call u '!. .- ,1 , :,t,rt vime l etoie ihe p,-:, i , I'll. isc neglicliiig his noiict: m iy Dht. CHARLES HE ELY. I)ec.20.-IS13. irni ,-,f r.vrr. 'C.t,;nl .ire ?e ion! hi.',. (lt. i u u v i i:d. expect lo pay The following is from it PPYSIHLW ind a much respected CLERGYMAN of the WE'I'HODIST Society, dtcd Alodtst I'o-vn, Va. Au;. 27, 1840 Dr' Jayne Dear Sir I have been ut our Hxpeciorant exiensively in my pra. ic tor ihe last three years' and f r all a. tacks of Colds, Coughs, nlLuia , 0f ,.,. f)iin!is, Coi,s!i,npiion, Asthma, I'aim ii Weakness of the Uroasi, it is dtcidfillv is best inedieino I have ever iri"d. Verv pecifuly yours. R. W.,.I I). visthmu (in id ! Dr Jmne E.rnrctir- ';. Miss Mar tr Campbell. o( Nt II - ven, Fayette county, has herin cund of Asthma, of moio than e'tg teen ye-rs con- iinuanie, by Hie use ol Dr. Jaync's Ex nutoiant. She commenced mkinir n ... nsdicine last summer, and after n.-ino l v n bottles, was entirely rid of ibis distress-. ! Uisr-aie. e are assured ef ims r.iu, y o lady of undoubted veracity, snd r, , -nested to malic it public for tin b m lit of uheis Mount Pleasant I Pa ) .Vw;tr,. JAYNES E X P E CTO K A N T. W sieem il a pleasute In be able in reenm- r.end this uiedicme as the best calculat. .t or tho purpose of curi-e coxuhs. n.'d- sore thron, ssibina. and all aiTrciions i t' the luni-s From abm.r nersonsl arn.ini.n-. nice wnh Di- Jayne, we know ihat he i- no quack, and his medicines are not rm- irums of tho modern cry up, but ar il result of his long experience as a p.aciiM iixieian, no toe expense of ureal labi. iiuripiat Loan,) Ihnhj Review. N:'.: Y'.iii:, ,1nrch 10th, !-n Mr. Jhviic. U ,r Sir Uci-. w--v '" 'cl xv i t, ;.r:i.A 4 Col'., AUJMA olid iiii(iU)j .lrri- ri'. nt re!ieviiii roe, Cv mriTi in ip''-' tivi,.!i.-b.,t Ivy tiin, tv,.,, (,,,- I.' i ' ' i'.XI'IK.' I'OR ANT. I ix'ss ,es r..-.d I. ; . I'.-Ci 1 1 fa lib Respenfully yours J.-irv Em-, Late Pastor of ihe IJ aiiijsi Church. S jik- ',t! fot.Ct.