OF TI1K AM) or COLOUZIA COUNT V FOll THL'J YEAR 1815. The Aiu'iton fleeted to atljust anil settle tlie public ppnnniii nl' the County of Columbia, luve examin nl ttio nme from Iho 7th day of January, 181.1 to iho 7ii dav of January, 18-1(1. both days inclusive, ami re- nPi'tfii'lv lav hrfore ibc JuiIa-m of Hie Oourl l common 1'leas ihe folio win r statement and report agreeably to the 2M and 23J eciions of an Act of the Oencral Assembly, paiseJ the 14vh day of April, A, 1). IB Jl. J) J VIJ) CLARKE, Treasurer of Columbia coun ty, in Account with said Qeunty. mi To balance at last settlement Amount received from Collectors for the year 1810 CO do . 1811 80 25 io 1812 811 Ott do 1813 20(51 80 do 1811 4610 71 do 1815 301 00- Amounl received from other sources. of lax on unseated lands 51 03 redemption money on do 140 40 of Jacob Demon 1 21 Ij. B. Rupert 743 38 Tliomaeand Win. Barber 175 00 Jacob Eyerly, jury fees 4 00 D. B. (iray 50 00 as premium on pay't of State tax 581 57 of Reese and McBride 5 00 of Supervisors of Jackson town ship lor C. R. Buckalew 2 12- G03 53 -7938 01 -1751 40 Wholo amount received in the year 1845 $10,290 81 11. By amount of Commissioner's orders redeemed 7048 48 llv commissions on $7048 48 of 2 per cent 140 97 Commissions on $3107 39 By amount of Cash in Treasurer's hands, January 7, 1816 31 07 3070 32 $10,290 81 JExpciittUures Bridge Contracts. Amount paid R. Russel on contract in full 173 07 Peter Enl, Madison 100 00 TeterEnt do 205 00 Peter Knl exra work 50 00 Joseph Fulton 100 00 Kobcrt Montgomery 8 00 Bridge Views. Amount paid sundry persons for viewing sciles and reports on Bridges Load Views. Amount paid sundry persons for making reports on public roads Bridge Repairs. Amount paid sundry persons for repaiis dona to bridges in and built by the county Jurors Wages and Mileage. Amount paid Grand and Traverse Juror at the several terms for the year 1815 Stale Costs. Amount paid Justices, Witnesses and Constables as costs in suits whero iho Commonwealth was plaintiff repairing County Building. Amount paid for repairing Jail and Court House Print in sr. -030 97 40 00 230 00 470 01 1287 21 119 30 0 lo Amount psid Levi L, Tate Henry Webb V. Best Charles Cook A. M. Gangawcr 77 50 123 50 7!) 50 8'J 00 27 50- -397 00 Contingent. Amount paid in store bills for randies, piper, ink. quills, bm.ks for Court and Coni inissioiicis' office, postagc.fucl for Court House, fcc. 61 09 tM!lf?! ns 1 j"""ia i BLASTIXU POUDLlt. 'Kogs of HListin; Powder ul the hest quality, just n ecived hy W.U. 11c Jf KL VV &. Co December 5 the Acw More. January 17 80 HARRCLH of .he rju dity of LL i -inotci 9 .,.,., list received by nrv mat ins an i: lay; WM' McKLLVY A: Co- Tux Refunded. Amount paid nn.duplicain 1)7 50 to sundry persons on laud sold and redeemed 27 1 73 Orders Redeemed by new Issue.: Amount received during the year 1815 Penitentiary Expcntei. Amount paid 1.5. S. Penitentiary for sup poit, ifcu. of convicts Assessors Pay. Amount paid the Bcveial Assessors for making the spring asmsmeni, 111 j Amount paid assessor of Bloom 13 25 do Biiercreek 12 12 ' Catiawissa I) 12 do Center 11 25 do l)i,iry 18 12 do Fishingcreek 10 12 do Franklin 7 00 do (iiesnwood 10 25 do Hemlock 10 25 do Jackson 0 02 do Liberty 13 12 do Limestone 0 15 do M.iilu, 13 12 do Maine VI 12 do . Madison 10 12 do Mahoning 25 25 do Mt Pleasant 8 25 'o Montour 10 12 do Orange 8 75 do lioaringcrepk 15 2.r do Stugarloaf 1811, 9 5() Jo Sug3rloall815 11 25 do Vally 5 23 Constables Attending Court. Amount paid for die year 1815 Constables Ilclums lo Quarter Sessions. Amount paid for tlie year 1815 Jailer and SheriJJs Fees. Amount paid Irani Derr; Sheriff for Boarding prisioners ka Washing and cleaning prison Costs in Commonwealth suits Wood and coal for Jail Conveying B Stokes to E. S. Penitentiary II. Warner for putting up Removal Bills 133 00 23 75 40 12 30 52 71 25 71 87 22 00 CO 00 ! D 90- rees. 16 50 51 00- Summoning Jurors for 4 Courts CO 00 Bed clothes furnished prison, &c y U0 Deputy Attorneys fees Amount paid E. II Baldy Erq. C. R. Buckalew Attorney to Commissioners. Amount paid Paul Leidy Esq. Court Cryer. Amount paid J. F. Sholcs 32 00 11 U0- William Kitchen Esq. Auditors pay. Amount paid J. II. Ikeler Esq. 0 00 10 50 0 00 2 00- J. U bprpul Peter Kline E. Mendanhall as Clerk Books and look binding. Amount paid for dockets Protfionolarys fees. Amount paid J, Eysrly Esq. f 1 'ild ca land fox sea lp . Amount paid as piemiuins Commissioners and Clerks pay. Amount paid John Pi. I'Mjjar in full 1 19 75 Kaniucl Alenrs 1 1) 25 Frederick MclJrio'o 153 S7 Peter Ent 10 50 E. Mcndcnhall Clerk 237 50- Pltysiciam services. Amount paid J C. Murray 12 00 William McMakan 1 00- Bleclion expenses. Amount paid the Several election districts including Constables and assessors fees d EITn board I5loom 39 91 do Briarcreek 30 80 do Cattiwissa ' 33 40 do Centre 2'J 27 do Deny 27 02 do Fishingcreek 27 70 do Fianklin 2(1 57 do (ireenwood i'O 11 do Hemlock 28 05 do Jackson 35 do Liberty 23 75 do l.imcione 27 3D do Madison 3D 40 do Main 23 25 do Montour 25 so do Mifflin 27 07 do Mahoning 21 (in do Mr. Pleasant 29 30 do Orange 2.3 50 do I'axmit District 20 05 do Roaringcrcck 33 42 do Kngnrloaf 33 15 do alii v 2(5 22 Amount of Expenditures during the year 1815, S-CGOC ' Hefdy liovs, II, or IV riirs ff'ST reeeiveil a fech supply of ilouhle body, 'eiurai'inent by ni,, iini; sin-le boJy.ailJ niurliiicalc Slcii.li Hells, at HI L. U, KITAHT- I!lonmsliur?, Jainmrv 17. NOTlCfc S hereby ?i ven that I haic NOTICE. ft stable salt: th, fttllowiag pio,,crlv ,h I., I. ,IiLm i - tl) llhaill I-;. li'jHllllll, tl) Wi I'u,, :,nr. t.i call and selllc tiieir ..e,m, I " '. b" : ,.,IM"- "' ""M Tllltr LlmtlU .1 1 ,, I .1 cw.t . . ... , i, i. in, nn it .- ilil ,1 ,.' ..,.,.w- .1 . 'ii' iii'iii.Hiiu ii rriu iiiiiuiri: ounls slumiJ i,e cosed witliout do c i ; 1 ',. ul ul' fnilil' liny oerson akinc t ' IOC s.lliie III ln im...,,.i. chine or olhtr.i-c without sTJriiMr.ST or ouTST.imr, nui: run vouyrr, JjLW.ihy 7, Amount due by I.. B. Runeil 25 05 do Irani IWr 15 15 2 57 72 0(5 20 00 23 29 4 1 33 31 43 50 00 do do do do do lo do do do do Peter Irwin on note J. I). Vanborn John Mclleiiry John 11. Jennings Molenioii Razor Johh Miller Samuel lliignnbrig 190 91 Samuel B. McCuriy 75 40 Alexandrr Yablo 48 17 T.frW.Piarberon i'd't 358 23 Amount Due bjj I ollccturs n Jollowsi County Tux. Isaac Illuo Mahoning, 1810, 53 43 John If ail r Montour, 1811, 5 15 Samuel Froase Briercieek, 1812, 193 00 Hiram I'hillipg Catiawissa do 'John MVi)!iams, L beity do 12102 Daniel Fnrnwald Orange do 1 50 Charles Mensch Roaringcreek do 08 01 Wholo amount due for 1810 12 $173 70 James MeDermolt Bloom, 1813, 331 20 IIarman Labor Fmhinjicrcek do 51 51 James Voeuin Richard Wi!on J. Carnahan John IJ"! (Jeoige Brown James Vanhorn Reuben Davis Caleb Appleinan Jackson Liberty Madison Mahoning Mililm Orange Sugarloaf Valley do do do do do do do do 7 71 132 30 71 27 201 till 1 1 72 25 31 10'J 07 110 01 Whole amount for 1813 $1121 71 1811 lTtTTu 205 32 Elwood Hughes Briercreck, Cha's Hagcdbuch Bloom i!o 372 23 25 95 1 381 5.S 70 05 190 17 100 41 103 80 12 03 3(5 83 123 21 1 118 41 02 01 4 1 50 10 79 111 17 333 10 30 57 3ii 03 12 00 1 1 20 10 80 43!5 51 2i-5 87 409 C2 83 21 21 15 1(18 70 33 10 136 3.3 20 D'.i fc2 0!) 110 CI 165 17 f.'j 69 52779 GO 3 11 47 -1 3 ! 255 17 01 32 311 41 230 05 23 1 07 319 51! 21 03 2J C5 305 39 io'j .3 j 172 m 173 20 :;.:'0 Ci 37 50 7i 15 231 (L) 291 01 202 43 56 77 91 71 t;l fiO 171 83 70 :m 211 01 If,: CO 235 K5 213 25 JI8 09 (,3 23 577 07 321 72 155 00 isi; ;;r 252 91 29 1 1 1 29 2? I 70 172 00 ,'.) 21 121 10 :u r 18?. 10 121 '.)' .M.'9 521-1110 7(. 27V.) 0'J I I h',' 4 V I 121 71 43'! 01 dir. 12 113 0; 5 15 CD av 53 4:1 't ;t5 17 $0502 ;i mi:o : 40 00 John Low Franklin do Win Ikeler Fishingcreek do Philip Reese Gieenwood do 120 05 John C. Kinney Ilnn.'ock do David Remly J-icltsoti do Frederick Mc 15 1 ide.Limrsioae do Robert Auten Liberty do William Howel Ml Pleasant do John K. Girton Montour do CJenrgJJ Derr 'l.nlison do Robcil Russel Mahoning do Jamps Pa'.teii'on Orange do James Craig Roaringnreek do John II. Davis Sugarloaf do Thomas Benfield Valley do Charles II. Hess iviilllin do 171 47 Whole amount due for 1S11 Samuel Adams Rriercreek 1815 George John I'loom do Suloman Nyhtrt Contra do John Ellis Cattavrim do John Sieincr Derry do William Robbins Fishingcreek do Adam Siruup Hemlock do Thomas Young Jackson do Joseph Carr, jr. Liberty do John Fuliiiii Limestone do Samuel Thurston Mt 1'lras.int ilo John Richards Montour do Christian Wolf Mill'm do J. Carr.ahan Madison do Rudolph Sliuma'i Maine do Edward Morri.ioit Mahoning tl i Alfred Howel Orange do Solomon Feller man, RoMinp coek.do William Roberts Riiganoaf do Joshua Stetler Valley do Abraham Lilly Franklin do John Robbins Greenwood do -07 50 25 0 -13 00 -30 50 33 87 180 38 127 80 Whole amount for IS 15 do 1811 di 1813 do IS 12 do 181 ih 1810 700 87 Ain't iluuCouiUy on bond.nole & jinhj't 't:, 17 -13 00 Subject to a deduction of 8 per rent. l.ir"eonim"isMony and cxhiiiHii'ii.'ion to tlie ('nllccioi s. Cullecturs names iiiaiked thus ' have f.i,i(c setiii'd loll We tlin undersigned, Auditors of Oolnmbi.i being duly elected to adjust ami fettle tin; aec-jm ,; Treasurer and Coinuiisioncr.s.have e.iiefiilly ex nijitiri! (.r accounts and vonehcMof iho f,n, io hr the jcar 1315, dn irrtify dial we lind ihem to ho correct w. t for;!i in ,.. foregoing Maleon-nH and tln.i we lind a ImIuvc uj" t ::i.h 'w the Treasury fononniy purpose.-', 0! 0, ire thous.iu.l !;,! j-o vtMily six dollars lliirtytwo cent--, nw. 1 b-,!vn-f rmS Manilin duo llio county from ihc nhon- iwatioiic l s,,:!.-, ol nint; ihous-nd live hundred ;.nd rmi'-iy fvo i!u,l:us m;,' eight v two cenH. Ciiitn tinder our hands this lCih ib.v -f Jhiu i-v ' I) 1810. juir.,:; c. sprolt,.") PKTFU KI.IM-:. .Jn-lUon. WILLIAM COLM, j VV.. .! 1 1 . "nun: mimi m'li'ii oi!i ill 1 as 1 on r" 0 i t (j r? r r CoiumljM do eerlilv that the fnre:,"iii:;.' i -i j'nll mi ytateniciil of the Receipt and Fxpcnditnres of couniy, for the year IS 15. Witness oui hands at Danville this lOdi dnv of . D. 1810. ' NAM URL MKARS, ") Vli F, I ) !) WICK JA l!K I DV., CD.r.-.shna pi:iv;r i:n t. J Al'.isl F.. MKNDISMIALL, Clerk. 58 32 f n.,0 wi ,,,(.(,ivr l( ienii. - ili - t,; applicnioii A I! IJf.i CliAMM. eJrO T" 1.2 r.i! FJiiiiks COM lr .,alr l-v HF.I'LF.Y A: MLMJE.MIAI.L. 'net ml or "JO mm ha.t ic,.n. "I"' bci, 'iinicaii; iooi, a,,,! ,.,lf. , ft K Tons 'SOV.'t SCOY'1,1 '.. .1,..: ... . "Vv piciione,ai,, r.t Tnt ."' ! I 7V7V7' hii.i IV I.;... i .. . . 119 CHS ,. . A , iie.ai,. y pnr- my cm-ent. n looms iuM Cabinet v;aro ll'sac. rny.W. nuUvrWm o!-l r.-j-.-tU.Uy J j iiil.ic, ilmtlic lur t-'' ii Oie ! ' ' "'''X '"' ',ijc(l ,y .S'i.inn.-I Lilly, near t!m M'l r ""' 1,1 Hlo'innliiir-, wliere lie i c:irryin:( on tint c m - v-i ' r'O n- -, ibiu. oi :i'lils Valium l.raiidii-.', ami vO'civ In fie !i:iiiy o wail lipiiil all lllii.fwlj i limy Javnr nlm ailii their eui.tiiiii. Ili.-i l imiitwe it: w ai r.i'.t!' t loj n made of ('.phi! iiiatciial anil d'lialilt', iiml tic M-ii-iiibkeci'ii'i' tin liainl I S'iilrxiurdi, S'crcf aries, L'utfans, Wardrobes, Card Tables. Dmuig Tafjtes. Breakfast Tub!,,' Cupboards. Stands, I f 'asli Stands, IJedstcads, Dough-troughs, Co! in; fjr. Mil all liiihN of vvur'i in hin line, v.liieh he :" iipnn ns rcasiiiiaiile terms an llu-y can lie jan. . .. . in tin' eniiiity. Oy Hliict aJtcnliiin to Iiii.4iii':h he lioiir ; t i re 775 17 Slate Tux d'J 88 8 00 105 07 ceive anliac of pulilie iatrniiiij;c. $183 53 Apn! 25, ISIj.-lyl 12 17 An interesting Pamphlet, called, t'c: 212 57 FAftZXL'Sr HEALTH rVIk (jralnili.Uii (.'irenlatiiiii I.-) ail f-rvoiu win. 01) 45 will fail, l'l" t-ive, ni:i I, ."ml it, nt 1). .';. .jloo.n -hu ry. John Mooic, Da iivillc, Jul. :i I : .1 ;. i r , Niillcn, Waller & Co. l.-fnik 20 80 12(5 20 .'I'd the fotloti-ittg minted Artir.ui hare .)! tailed tmliou..ui.d pt''tiUcriii,rti l!!iciini:.t',i in. (y'ciitnirlcj n,uU, Still J.'i.ils ai- 1 $138 01 00 "(il (i'il, will i i.-tixclv I e cweii l' ll'fl i -I." 'i. e i I ho I ml' -in "i g.:U,l,!e hlisrr :t-:d L'ni'umi.t. 'i'lie. cr;:ti..-.. wc invite :n call aiul I'C w n.iuliv ll'li I I . .1-1 re-i lo ;ei,;i(-!iien ol tin; nieni-it staii.liii-' in i'JM iiv who b:4 l.een r.ureil of K!:eui-i ui.-.n 1-v lint . let'SUily 'l'liey are ".-.inanteil oii!; peni'inc ilruf.ir-! :, McXtiirN l.-''--7;.'"C'.'.' ;.i- ;.r..v cil very Hitecc; ul m ein ;!i;; tvu t ital 1'. aim .- n !i,,v! li. any c.-ili...-it'- Iroio c.'.:7i n v;. o.vi .seil lli'u (M!i '.villi e.i hi!, to .wis Wit ii:-.it( v.l.o arc In.nl.li .1 'a: a any (j.,ra,of ll.j flar examine the roof l.inli ii'n Wi -.Ucn lntlii.il. I'.Di-fxu is die in family inedieine in the v-.o.M ll in a cure i. r l)y-i cp:.ia, A'iiiiini, I.ivcr r.mipl'iiit, In li i. (.'o, ivea .j, .'a',.,!.!;,:.','.-,,!.!!. . y jjo; iiily, .,e. i-. : .N ii II .-;.cta'.e:i -.:l!e.ilt ti ts i-iiVct ahl, a i milu hilt tliot iii,U cal'iarli", an. I never Ici-.i.- .lie 't i '.'"ii e,ilive e.en ii tal.eii vi-ry oileii '1 Lo 1'il. f-. are warrant 1 I., l-e emeil !; tin! i;eii ' line ! lavs' Linnceiit ami I in.'s J'.ilni olc'-.'iri, n ' 'In-m-i.. y reiiiii lial U !ni will now fjli'ti- v, ii'.l1 .hi.: .'i.-ilres-in ; cuiiipl.tiot! evi. Imy it v.' i ;'- i j he iii!;ln,t.ir.a i.-l em.;'".;.ek t& e ' ri,nl.ir.'.: a.: 1 r ' i'i(tx :f3.'i!ltt h a pure ai,.'!' -.Iron.; a:i I'.vlra.-t 1'.:i:m th'. 'l.-'-i'.ili .1 l"nt n-ii ah! 1 ; i .;!! ily I e loaile 'i'i.'.n p: i-c ! .-) ,"i.i 'i n i-.l;. Hi::' , 1 ee no ir i an r.'Vo.l t.m-e it, liinj l.ut .') ."' per ii.jllle, or .' 1 per il;.en It i t!t. ou'.y .nr-!- : iliat '.i!l l ife -t'eal'y pmlfy tlie .-'!..-. 'ii f.'o.:i : '; im!iiiic.! 'I'i'.o. e r, 1. i l.avc !.-. -.i i, i; .-. V. i.t - ' lie tl,e. ,,t vl.....i v.!!! t:.:.i .- i-Y, f ft. .' ; : it. :..' , ::, a :-r ..--'i. ;- :.,:..'. li.in vi!l color lie- ! ,-.r any i-'n'.- f,-ori a ; 'i.mrn In n ji I !! ii ':, ai ii '.rl c l!:1 '.,:'' ' lain ll.- in l!.:-i U j , I'.e ,-f.c i i l ' iitiv l:.e il.-er i,.',u ; f'-i' '., i.i .'';: i':n ,) f ('-.: i.;?, i-.M-.-ii i.Tf. ;.?!' ,:. h-.ir !-.-:n f.i:ii : ; . ..!, r....! if ! r- .''.'' 1 ' ilM :-rer 1,11V il Wit! ."I '!.' ;,: I! of'.'. .:', ' Vt',i':m-,.li-.':--, I .ml t'M'i ' I'm! i o-. -l . f - '. ..! i-- : i.i , I .i- .i i,lul'-i, in f.-rrv : It if: aiui'T iiijsir? the rro I ' 'e-; - I.e. no Worm-:. l'i : -c ly Vi ,!'ia''l' h: !:ii j cv. it . ' m!". L'.-.u. c: i I i. . il '. i, I! 7I' "- :t ?...". i.ciiiy r..;r'.i i" - 1 1" , .!!-," '.-otlif I : i : -. 1 . ai'l mi l a i: i iri's la loi" il.piti. il ''i i -!:-. ii!i;.y.. !il ni' . i : ' t-.c!.! s.vei ' r-v c:pi:;ll.':--i ll..- .-' u-o.1.!. .' tie! a; x'.tll i'!t .ei. li i ' I ' i .i"'. iv i f ,;i., la- ! p :r:t '.i'-". I i.f :! in : ::i - i' in I .Ni . i . C, i e..r. 'i i . ; ; lill :;ll;'.: till! : In.;;: it--.'.' iiiv i :- : ; ;.r.. -, --I en .1 I' in. iv i-e !. .il . ,'.) eenls. i ol :.- . .', .' - A . eonr.tv i ;'.e!! .- a :'"'! c rcijn IV III c. : i' a --. Mi I. ii tri-ii. ; f,.e i i:i..'l is n ;';li !:.'.. ii,-, !'ol-.'!l -. (: I !"-.; .- '- . :ii.,l 1,1 l:.i:.l,'--1 1 1 1 1 . II' Ihe C-,!-e tl I r;; .'Ii. - if iii -i. ami I' ' I: . 'i . : i'- other Oil. :! I l n, tie let If :-.' in . lo oi1-. i.--i i. .: i: ' '(' '1,1' . . l,-ti;le: a-a s- l.l I. ir Co. lit .;--... I i '' ! 'Ml c-.ee; I ,.; li e ; ivmiti v e-,.,1 I .u'vr- '. -he ti.i i!ir.: tl .n 1 1 1 1 . IV n. l cinrcc thu s.iid .,n.ni s -I Till' : .n lleli lire to 'e..' h nl ,. thi; ...,.c r. !ir:i..i l.lnu. llloi.m..'. Hi'.', .iol.n .l,:o..ie. I.'ai.v.ll. W illie,- i.i, Ilerwi. ':. ,! "l llu. e:, Wilton, M..;,';-!1 1 .-, ', 1- In- v. lha i?.l ',', .i i ' I' AMI siioj; stoiji:. v Ljj i.iiorm- the j u1 lie lie.! he In... i;r.ad a Si if)," -mi I t'llll ct 'hr h -m 1 1 J,, J rim ol ri i, n -u M'l.i'in :i .."n-liiii:-. l the e f.i. am ' l-V TL I.ii' "'!. re l.c ie!"" I in i ;' in r , -. for ,-e, l aie' 's e -li vi '-Oil ;' : ..ie:.k.' !' " l-i ,t : . :i- e. il a 11- wi d a.-ol't :a-nt i I .--li.i- n'.o ee. .i rie,'-; w-i.-p, '.vijn-ii lit v. i.l f. ,i -IT .;-.;, ..l.iJ-.ithtV I''-. . , ( ..: n. I!- '.'! : dkp.ts ::,! ' :.: i i 7.V77:. ,- re -1 -.''i: I-. n,i o, : It .' i. !,,. ,.-:' i-v urn. : in I !-' l;-i. I.' '.:'" hi n ' IN. I!. Mi -; 1 . I-,:;. ; ! of i,,e i be a t n eoio-i;. ,, '' i. t , ,.'' , -. t ,.J t,-.p ..j C ' J w -ii (U J Till; p'ili,.-i il er lii.ii.,; loenteil hinifclf in Mitt. ui't,'. iti lepai, il lo lurni'll all kiliiN of waie, ii::. I e.l ., in ill fiiel a of Woik in hin line of lin-iim a I ill i i.r-i ami at uliuit notice llo leu lo. i i-i.i I !,;iiiwii -.villi ii new nlnl hplcinliil yloi !, ol to -, iii. ,-l.i, :rn ici'l li.utci ial.i from t'liila .1. !;iio:i. m .1 n a !,- a lar; e ,nn !iae ol COAL ami VH -I' .'I'.'. ';, of a:'t.".!.-i oallrrim, to Mlpply ' i . . ; i. He will i-oii;,t,iii'!y keep on I, a d, V " ' .i'i icy ilccription. S ,;i't. I l-fwi- Vitriely. neatly anil Hubstatl j,,,. !. !--,fi; 1 1 lviu. 'ft PL. fi'-; v". s -'or l-hil lieti -. ten. i'i !--rs. Cr.kr. ; ;,. .... .t;i -: ,- , ."i -i's pi.l'lic I'tilrouago Hav- i , 'i,,,i.e'e vi is Ws;il:l-il ill Ills Illsilicc.-, ,. ,j . '.'...,.! i. ct. t il i. i -talil.-., he feels cnnli !, -I,; ' ,.i .., ;ih v. In) )i'-ay ht him Willi rorA'tsiv .-.:;.'."icv.;.vy's Kuppiirj on ml leu..--. ( -Il m-r h il.le of .!?,:in.slr., 3d1)"' ' ,'V I'.e ; :". ', i ' ;iie I 'i.Iui.i'ii.i )t!tiiocul. ii p,:. -r 1 1, :.::." iy2.' S, 15. CRAIO. c tt - e i.t It, ' I. J vs?uj:ht, f '-I 7 ,'T") II Til' i' II I.I. V" ii.f.inis llio pnlilic tiiat i-.X !:! d hiir'elf in the Simp lately I ! ; I.t Ci.i.Hs, in MAIIKK'I. ''i'o.llir, :.: lei:.l. carry ini.' on the ahovu ' i . , ! , e ' s ii; :. , il.- v.,,i.i-aa 1,, atieiicri. 11 i:vv WAG (IONS eiil: an 1.- ,, -in 1, will as one horse il'.-.rrv .!) i il; -''on, -Hal nil kiinl.t ul Country .'-'o I;, in In . ! ,..., i ti.t! at rlniit noiicc, and cu tl.o 1 :, ,-, 1 I.i .'rail all kind of fount rv Pro- i;;, la i.'.int lor wok, hut Cu.-h will not .--i.ii," ) c rr'H-c Am. I 5, I- - ci h:s Fills ii ;. . ' ii'l 1 'i'hc time will come ,. -..I... Ilrain'ri ,li ill.-, will lo . .. 'I an.i ni.-eru:; it will l,o I; . i, ., iliclli has the stroinjf.-t : '.:! ii. . It is true that evcy in. :i .. a ''i ii oi' tl;n IJiinidreth J'il! I..- lli" 1,. ; niedieiiin they ever .- i;,t!, -.1 a on iicine aliout which I . 'I heir vain" in a climate so i . .' Mi.isut l-e fi.li'u io.illy approeial- - i.'.'i ;i is at once restored , lluis ! :i r ii .'iiiiij tir.a is preventi d. :: ,-'-iniidaiiey of Idle fn d iheni of I . .-. vi- e. iiiii! .-liouM there he a tV . : l ilt Held tl,e I!r;'.i:i!i'et!i 1'iil.-) :': '-i.i! if;" i-'. Often has tin i ;i . ((' v.il-!.ille jives in those Ii -,' .-. '.-.II'.jI ;, eii.e.v fever was prevai! ; la n i.iKii. -,ii it. iy tijieti the i:i ; . I in?: il t svsii-m, will In nl :.' .... ,' V.c 'liul irtconvi i i' in o ' il.l i.-ci'l::,! ri'idt'iiiir is tlicio ' - . the Hr-ridicth Pill-. Li t. i I - :ve'--:ii; v ii- nl ill ti.i-i i "fi. e:i i.lli.wi d, and few . 1 1 liii!--. i' O it is with other :. . V i.li this ;i!l iitip'irrant v" i. .'d hiiinors from the I,!, mi', ! t . ' ' ' -.!,!!; or men my, nt'd wo -it i ear. :l;.' of pcr.-oiiH i.flliet. il '-. The f. -ll.erciltiihc the ml i -r r i:i."h w 'o the lonls, r,n e';' .-ir. m;i'i!.'le-; in ilher tl'Oiil.l :.'t en' '.t,r j fine which occasi.iiK ' i.e. L -e (!; tin dii ine wi.i' !i i -. r, w'.iie'.i mi! Iiv hot snn lvre-i.-f.-. ,.l tin 1 1- .i ' . v. ; i i 1 1 1 r t ri ii I h ;, . I i. -inn- ,!;ive i i' too fell liahit I: '. ! .t-t i.-.r f 71.111 s ay that every - ; : . 'ifi. M:.e of Ulaiiihelli 1'ills .: .- ', d ' ;. ine, nml that i u ry l.'-'i Itpt'.i il ii;:y l-e relli i! lip oi'f " ,1 i ;!t ill .-l'i'.; cil if Ui'.'.i pi.i.y in :; N r ;j. .1 AT K.;v. A. '!'. i noi.ls A- Co. ili'ol :-t. Mover, .'; '.vrXineh. I ': ,- .j . ,'!y infi.nnsl'iepiihlie. 1 ' , : fed 11 : -hop, nil .M III II" I l'l I I, ".!.!. ;-.i, 'is 'i'r.'.ein, in I'loemvimrtr, ''I:'-.!:,-; on ti.e ainvc hu.-ine. s, r,'.'v ;:.;.':. '. -.11 ;" I. 1 1 mi h.'.nd IV-r f : ;i lo t.mi,. iiiiiV;' IUDN - -.. v f"M !-,.. i -rd, ri) !: i'li'ks, .ii I ,.ti Is .tin'. i-tOVC'; lliii-ll .1" -! i i do hu-.iness in Ihe rieht a i to , -..i e ..ii him Is lore tin y - ;e. i" he will fn.nith all urtiele-i 'i. :p . I'lt-y cm lie purchased iu .met'.-' -,1 hi lie he eon:,, D. J, KICG. In ivr ,. J x ... J. v. ti ' Ul j h Ix J.j ' TTlil I', el -ill ei ii'- eelftilly informs the pub tj ,,. l'i..' 'a I at tai.: n the : hop lately oceiipicl v :;. y-. II . I.i;, -i,n. i'-.c lower cod of llaiket--.ire ; !,i . : . ' u,-,;; uhrre he iniemhi earryini; on die ai.. ee in.. -iocs ill all ils inaiiches, mill solicits a It. c ,. in ' at.oli.'-ite ol ine piiiiiie. . ti., a v. itli the above business he oilers .i .i.i 1NDKRTAKEIL ;.s l-e u.'i'y i" make COFFINS f,,r V,v In ri !oio,c hai; cd iii Iilooinsbiirir, - ; : l.i.iiM ll ih a Homl HIlA'tMO mi Aith i'MiI the Fiiiierat without any SOU7, VATTTAIS sen ti . .".-.re. l. !!. r.rr::n I' ALEXANDER IIAZLET lilirfin.-.hil',', J.inua.'y 1 7 jn.-l receive) and for ..ah- bv Win. iMiKLXVY 4--Co. rcrin rr 1 .-, JJecembei , ,r , ... "IMI I.V.W. January 10, 1 v. I';h l-il. o. i ll.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers