1 'I'd I! i nf M ijjiatii TJjjr ip'i, It a - wi i ri i cry of Lin c if.er ml 11 tn ii ti I I I i I.V'M-tfiil 0;Hlliin;i. A LONU JOURNEY. I i i snrnrt Tha 1 Liviu-Miiii airl Wei U ir v.-11, ,, by thi'in-clvi'S an I ih-.ir u t-. more ili.in 'Jj.OOO niilea in pursuit of Inbbtra nf ilmir e irr ireiit. tilt TAKINO Till: VEIL. Ai tl.fl fi-aai i.f liie Epiphany, Lit week. Mini Framis Miowiip, Miaa.Mary MrCufiy Mis M. IV nuifity. and Mi" Ann Caul liflil, ri'i-ievnl the White Veil ir. the Chape df the Convent of tho Sislrri of .lnrcy, l'iitshurg, from the hand of tlie Iiishop. M l!i:ii:n On the Hlh instant, liy tho Rev i'liii n J. Ever. .Mr. Mhoi fhn pi-kuii Id Miss Mint A sis .'m m'.!.i:ii, il'liii.iiin,'cn-, k On tin- 7 ill ol' Jiimnny. by the I!cv. J A Foersh Mr. J.'iiv hut 1. 1. iiui r In .Mus LVriuniMt lliAK ol' M iiitiinr linvn-li;i tlnllio I'J.h .l.imrnv lv the lii-v V liiilhr.iuf Mr I'' ti win ii (iitnssof linen rock I'uvo hii toMis,- SUiill M'ALL ofTurinit lowu-hip, Noithuin- 1 1 mil i-iiiiniy l.i Hush township, A'trthtiinherUnd en I'iIhuhv 5. hv the Id v. J W, Yi'oinans Mr. oJiinKHT V. Hl'SuhL (if DallHile, In Miff IIaiiuut N. Kirp. In Jt r w hk J iiuinr v Ul, by Rev, Jnhi. 15 ncn, Mr N. (J. Wi sri.i r to h sj Hap. lii et II. (liin-liifi nf tlit- Hun J. C. Ilonon of Northumberland. DIl1' l) At JldllTshiirir, M'TPPr POiinlV. 1 linnis, January 3, J8 1 0,U i:iii:cca Rauijiu. ilaior'iii-r of llrnry W. and ELzjhcih F Thornton, aged six ueek9 iirnl 1 1 1 r e t (lavs It Liberty i(iwnshi;i on Will Urn Wilson oped 59 the UDili oh. NO I ICE H? hereby pjven, th.it I have jii rch isfd at (inn plihle sale, as lln: propcily of Peter 1!. Miller tliL- followin: property, t.i wit 1 llureau; 1 pine table, 1 corner cupboard; 20 va'ds of carpcl;l mantle chick;! b iy inae;2 Collins ami bii,'los,l shovel, fork, liny chains and clevis; 1 :uttin? box;! two mrc mi .".pm:l Ul of'iye straw, 1 rii'.iii? 1-riille; 1 tut nf h-irni -,s,- 1 Unrc t-uoUi.'t; I barrel of cider. And hive left tlit- miup in hi.) possession diniiia my plea ii": and hereby I'm hid imy pi-r;on Inking thi-m from him, cilhei by pun h.'.sc or otherwise, without in v "con.-oiit, CVKL'.S liARTON. February Mth IS 10, NOTIt'L" 'A1 I.T, persons an- hereby cautioned against pt-r- J chaxius a Note of hand aiucd hv the fiiI- hcriocr, nml pny nl'lo ! Knlici t l!i!'r',ir, f...r tho su n of si'veiiiy ch.l!:iis, ilitril Api'l C-t, ls., , ml pava-Mi- sir mo'ith af'ir (l ite, l In sniii note haviji;; n-t n nl.talucil tlirouuh frond, I sliull u-fimu to jniy '.In-taiiu- unli's ooinpcll.-il I'V law jAcoii vorr.'G. J ifkiion towni-hip, Foliiuaty 13. if -Hi. A'J jXO TiCU, fSl'ni Rcvrrnl Colin I us of Statu Tax in ('cliiin 0 lia Comity fin the year IS 13, are lioicliy no tilicil that tlu-y arc rnjuire.l to cii.ir jie intcrist o:i nil A'liilo Tax K-iiiainiiis ui'pr.iii ii.ct tlin nt-?mn! Tiicsilay of .January, HIO, i,i iu-.-i-ii! n."o v. iih t!iJ fullnniii'' lliiCCtl'Ul of ill Act of A--Y!ii!iy ,i.-M'J April -"J. 1811, vi. . ' Any S.aiu Thv rciiiaiuiii:: iiii':ii.l liy any i"iliiiilnal nr c. 1 1; ji .i l i. : i ui'i.t i r,i Tux is line and iav:.lif hv i-aid i uiioiv to tii.: Cin.i inoMvc.ihh, shad L.iit 0.1 11 .'.;(... J'x-.C per C:i.'. inn! Wa I'm on the i--tale r:i !.i,-!i it is ch.uid, till il ii fully paid and -ati-l'i- -,i " An.! ll.e said Coll.'c'nri an- iroep-ti tl In keep a fe-cn.it.' .lci'.oinl of nil inn 1 est re. i-ive.; by tin In n.i all l.ilc Tiixei pii.l -iinc l',e time above stain!, and t 1 ri'ii 'ei (icroiii.l ihi r.i'or upon the m-u!i:-i n iil nf their duplicates. smi,:i, ;::ai;s r.;i::;:i.!'K v ;:;j!!jI', rr.iv :. :; r. ( n.i! 1 is ,-ij :: n'-, I ir-ic : ; , D.iii. illi'. ' ih.-O. C'l J'srn. .V. '.-( ("i,:j:i, ,,., Dm n l.eru. Ji:, i.'i 'd! 11. hi n't 1 l',:r .-,'r ( ;r ,;,s i;.' i.'.r .') i.' ' i ii: .'.),; .v . .. ,i, H:,Ju;j.lt'si ('(..; taller i'Jf!s-;,,i -Ni- v V ..... i..., !.. I 1. l;'...:'. I'licii i !'r. .! ;, iiu It . i.n 11 n :, ( ii .1-j:e t(. i f.fiu y.; of liic rciiil of a ii--,ii Wi.lch I i: i:.-t.-:i it l.'.v t .'ji 0,'iie ii.il-.i n, I e-.u-.idci i:l . ,-: In s 1 1 . i : 1 In' v. . l:: I. : i- -. .- e i i-ri-.ii.:-ini 1 !- . . r . l--.n;ii-.- 1 -ii ii ti. , 'i he crump ..l.i.-: ' 1 .It- 'l-r .-j in ti.o 1,': diiii.i 1! V.-AJ a- vi dttit, II- it il too'. I.0.1 lecu to 1 lib bun i ii'-.'.. --.mily lo kei-jidoivu tlit- tpa-iii. und lo iut' ni i.W.i 01 uJ he s.dit itiKctncd !o hi 01 lis if hii lion.-! x.-oaid annp two. 'I l.cre was ai-u vi dent cholii pai:. a r.'Oii.'i.i Ihc lihilical region ain-iidcd w ith very t'u.-tfivaini ii.iusc:ii In blint I rciisiJcfcd it to b. a c.i .e of ijiMiuiiie iliolfa. I f'.und 011'iiupiiry the ) a'icr.t had li.a'ii unwell the d-iy previous, ui'.ha l-)ii;nie.- 01 the bo v. els. That H.v hours b( f-.n! I 1-1 .-. him he was se:zcd with the e.impbir.t and I ail fiiaduilly (-'"! Worn-. 'J he cxlii'inilicr. vc c i-o'.i ind bc:wa nearly pul.ic-i. i irjiinei-.Loti'y give i.ii.i a spor.iilol ul thy i.i:.,.i;n w hie ii in a fev 1 m- i:ien!s was ej.-etil Iroin (he siom.ich. hui on t;iii;t it a few times tlie ttomm h became s-elt!. d ami In fxprrs--J lii-ns. h'ithoved. I lin-ii ;, i-c l.im u c,-hi-liicl and opiuiii fiwdcr. I i iwo houri ti.i:,i t.o ti'iie l?,wv him he fell ijnito c i-y anil fill a-.h-ep, and slept l('II lor live hours; l ot on waking the sl.i-to.oi ajr.iiil rc'uri.el. 1 din-etcd lnmo of -,!n- '),:!-. III! 10 he yiv.-ll him V. I'.r-ll llill l!i e.l -O S'li'i-'Ol 1! I.II'! ill pl'iCMt U,l,CciV;lll'-i.'l l'.t. It took "111' Iml- 1!.-t.i 1 lii 1 t r. cure. I liave uho --c. niton witue. I. it- l.ci.i ii-.i 1! ( IV 1 ts of the ( 'aimiii jliw Li .1 ..i.-, ir. Piiniiui-. co.'iipiami.s ami oi.11 1 i.e.. that I viualil lint bewillemt I'.M its i.eii;iil in silver. I rem ii n l,v fiii-id, 'lll'iMA.-s M()'l'T.4 t lir'-udivay, N V. I'rep'ired ouv ni x,"0 $ .S.iiitli Third sneer, 'hi! a.',,lh:v Tl''- ahovtMcdicino arc fir sale a lli p. si ore ol joiin n. mo ye 11, novum-:. Ii.'u-'iy givan, th.il wj havi' pnri-'oii-i' I at I'mi talilo e ilu, ns the piocity of John Moil. or tln- IoiI iiviii prnprcly, to w;l: I tw.i lionj w.ijoii nml coal lio.l, 1 sl"d, 2 buj Ii i'hi-k and Inn nis, I cuuinc I'ov, 1 cni llo nml si-vtln-, 4 ln.uU of fin n liidihii: 1 shiicp: oiiu hal ol ii.'v.'ii aoii-i ol'i st in tho g. nun. h 'wo shoals, 1 ivii 'id luiioiv, 1 (jra.s sr the and mit-aili,- sIiom'I I stonii coal stovo and pipn, 10 biishi'ln jl 'pnlators; 1(11) lli-,- ofuwk; 'i hum t luhs; hu-ln-U of coin, 'j'l liuahvli nfualt; one writing dcill, 1 chest; 1 in t it 1 1 clock. ami have h li ihe bjiiic in hid possession during imr ple isiirei ami liL-n-liy forbid any person takinu thi'in from bun; iiil'.itu iy purchase or otherwi.-e, without our cniin'riit. DANIKL S.VVDA';i & SOiV. January 21; 1H-HJ; 40 Ilcmey .V T!i t!il(iil;:i!l, 3"U"VK jiiM received at their old stand corner JiJ. of Main utid Markct-blreuls, a iiew und -pii iuliil iissorliiicnt of Fail a.nil Winter G oods, rthicli they offer as low as they can ho purchased in th county. Among Ih ir assortment may be i'olind, Clolhx, Cnsfiimrrcs, Sultlnflln, S'alins, Xilkx, Silt rtvt!l and other new sl;tc oj Vtxiiri ia, t'a.ilimcici, Vnijit. Di Laioes Mui'.hi tlr. I. nines, flier hints, .'I up a can, J'uruiueftu (a new article) (Jing hums. .ml every variety of 1'iilits from (J J- Jto ccnls per yard. GLSJSS 1D Q UK - AS 1! li , lLJIUAWilUi. .Nails, round, bar and sheet iron, Imr mid sprit);! steel, stove i'L', , ats, caps, uo-n'ii ami women- linn and thick boots and she ; A c. mc. hi short. all oilier arlicleti usually kept in a country ntu.e ill ol which they will sill m c.thiu;u loi c.u o country produce. ISoieuiUr 15 MI1VE just received ut their Old fluid in Main tt.'ie', a lafijO Cl.d iMc:,iJica3.ort meiil of 5';i!l nnd IVitiler oocN. .iliicii H'S'li'd to 'e foi incr stiK'k, renders it a.i :u 11 1 pi 1 lo as can bo found in the tui.u'.ry. .'loiOnc' ;l,cii my ho fiuind coarse anil fine Vo.idel.il.i, i.f a' mors, Ciimeri;, !r' iltnielt ;, OiI'-iim J.ih,Piut I all iiualitic-i, am! of i!ie lo- vc ,t pn'.ti 1 1;.-, Crap. ! i)i.!..iu,i.i,"ilu lin !)"';ii.c ', t V,,i.c de .'Wc:' 1.. v iiiiiic) ( 'nf liu.i r.-i. iho.iii't Vi U.'i, "i.iv ! i ;;:'; ;.'i ! 'ul ion M:,iii!iic!i! &,! i!''. -tn.i '. " ,;. ' :! wl Mil.- !.:.;. 1. 1.'. '..-! ... .1 ..: ;! iii.'.t:, JIliiu:id (.'ain. oi hi ..ceo; , t-'i.:n, mci del: yimts dtiil :dio-.'a,l'ida JltiUvr fchui-g and 0,i:,!.u3. i!Lc. ii'- .' "l o C l, A S S , AND : 4.. Jr,- V'r.rv c (Ton'! an asorlmrtit p cti lie fi.-.i-i'l in il r I'.ii-.tiy. (to'tiher v.i'.li nil l.u.d.s t;f lln1 r.aiilHrn-warc. A-?nrttii"iil iiicliplinir every tiling from rr Ktchnr to can,! 111 1.. fii.e, thai a fi.rn.i r . 1 ir.e.-ilMii.' wuiiii 1. if, ini I -n';: I'mimi i!.r, Siii-et in-. I !iii;:l i r t: ,r,,i 1i.1L-lor iv.j !;nt, lir-j (ir anv i.ilur iii' A larrP (ii inliiv ( f ('i'.ii-l in-ii I'mi 'Is a','! ';"..hr.' H:'l.i'M. (.1 1.11 li' ". ('( r.per v id II.-. s Kc'l'v.. a.i ki-.-' ..! .'ill 'V. IP, (iidi i" j I,- '. oil'! I'i'p-r ai d Si.il I. "nil:! r. I5ul wl.'.il is ;l.p ii-sp in partn iilarisit'., i.-rd!v an artir b- in ll.eir line fan Iih r.-ki.-i ir hot v;i it t'i"V can io.'i-t.sli ihr-ir ei'slinn (.ts fi r p.inntpt j -.-v. 1. r in u'l kinds of lum : ,, i.tiil eon 11 t'V pi" iliiiC, jaYaK's hair tomo. We havp'hereidfm' iiiiiiibci'i! utirsflvri. .ill'I'I'O llldli' Wb(i lil'llCVIll llilil i!iu '!l .it i'i'i.1". pr- pari-u !-v llr Jijn, ..( ni.c (! In- n.a.i v i'i ii i. .1: .'-'ri .lis w hi'se - irini s iili iitur. -itn bijoitd tbii fo'fi.jri.e poll's nl heir author. V, p arc willinp. ;.t Utijiii. n niike pibl;e. ai k un w Ii 'tlgiiiiier. I id :Ui riiit nl' cor lulii-f An hiliinati! fiieiul. iiiiiH iwo in tl.rte itir-nttis miicp al! the io f ! , 1 -. s e ci an 1 nn v. s as bald ss, a j ir-ci ,! ' pi.liehi d m nblp, man ;:i til oi.r jr-fimi; un! rid iciile el tl e idea id a leu pitiio ii. lulivule. fn Larren a npul. .nrcl,,. d a bnt i (.r iwo i.f ti e Hair Tonic f uei );, iavtic, and acrntui.'g ta l.ii t!:rci:iii'im, ap. ; . 1 1 1 it, D i rir.fj the present ei k. tlip i'.-ii'.' dinid -.'.--litirrd liimself ini 1 co,r pies -lice, and nricnvt-rino Ins biib'n.i'.o nakrti lead, artonisiied us with a it. in, -. i.- ! xuri ini ornwih of ban, fnun ci-.o t.i t . i.ici :n I. i-cth upon tin' I'tiy pnu.iHfs wo b id ii-lified a ii-iMi-'dtt'i to ci.!'iva'on ;,s the rai k !-- ato! thit tktns the Ami-" -. Vi,,-! s no jii.it. In, 1 it is 1 1 li;;"Uly t.i.:-, m-d t -j to so Ini i!,nihl i 1 iiic o'lill'.'tli" :i r:,i In: nil, led (Oil h.il Is 11. (HO ill I ,Vnr id' li.l- ' I Olilc, the CiiSe I,: re CtH il W.U I, ill (til f d U Hi p HI H' V baidlitaS lill il'ldcll Inss (! he hair bi:i ii-m ni,e ol yiars stiOMliii-i. Imiioh the t'tntleiiviii is bi.i foi'.v live ais if ate I'ln'.aili-'phiii Sji'n it rf the ''imxt 'J'hp ubnve Alcilir.ine aie til lor halt it the sloi e of joiin i. M(.yi:r. j5!uomsl)Ufg. I'I'Itr.tC KAl.l!.on Satr;U the. 23iA dl hbuanj next, J ' J J at in iicl.ii-U, Jl at ll.a liouso ill Jir. J-aul ic- siding on t'.io prcinijes. (ho . . m i ,,t- .1- i . ( lielonirinj In thoest itn of .VoUoi.is M.ipiuan, lata of Ml 'basant tonhip,dccca.i.-d, conlammtf TI RTTJV I iiPJrf'H.y M dj U C t!V Cj ' ir Ihorcahoiitu, with a loltfrahlo good Home and Hani, a 1100.I Apple Orchard and a viriety of other fruit trees, situalo oil the wet side of bit; flshii)'' creek, about one mile and a half from Liirhlsticet. It is expected that there in tKO.M OKI! said pieuiiscs. Due atlendaiice ami trim J inula known on the day el sale by the gubserilier; i;WAUD MollLMiV, Executor. Fehiuary 7, lS4(ilt'12 J. Il- VAXDIllJSyti;, . - c .1 ii- .1 . mid singular the s lid IrAd "r lot of land, way, v.a-l-.(,S leave to inform the public, that . w !:Vi ,,u iv.ie.es. in.. I jUhe 4 i)i-('p iri il toaiii'iid to all ilif opc-r hIioih in ucniiHiry, Kticii aj removinrr The Turtar ami ('liter Foreign Sub iiincev. From the ippiIi, reui'ffrin theiii clean, itnl lilt 111118 and brev.li iwcel and healthy. The cuvitijs 1 Draiijcd Teeth Will he (hcssei! out and filled with Ci'nli! ur oilier lull; ul ihi finest quality, as thi ols may n-iiuiip, wlndi will gpntral!) )re-.'i.'iil thjir aelinio or lurlhr-r deeav. anil lander llii-in iii'elul lor ytalr; allJ ill III iHl i-asnu iliinn Iif Titlh und Slumps of Teeth Which have bec'iiiid 11-f Ifs? nt lniil)lfsom' will I e fxiracliH in the moHt (-.ireful man tier, vviili ihir htesi und 'jtui iiiijiroved in- slniiiu'iiis. Purceiain Teeth, Ofilie Irt q 'i ,-. ! i ; y am will l) inspr'.n) mi pivot, or (in cotineiiin iviili lir. Va'larcliamp, with uhoin lie is ii: i it( r.i-iiiji in fila'.e wmk) on field plaic, from 3 .single looth to a ivliuht Mt, lo loul, well the n-ttnr.il, jinJ w irratitel lo answtr alt the u-if:, antJ urnamemul iitir pose propo.-i'd by the art. In rdiorl.cvcry oi cutimi hi '"P'-:;'(' lo h prnfosi-Mi, will t.-i pifornnl i.i thn b- inp.ti.vr, win c ;i oi.-f 1 1 ir.air 1 1 .!, und al i!w -liiitlcl iioti -c Hi; ihr 11 fijro hopec, hv ilrif-t :it'cii!inn t.) bi:.ii;( s, tnt.biaiii e .ih ire if public p.itroii-M'e. Any per-oi. or pei iiiiis ivtsiii-i any i-f ihn ahovy o;n?t!iiions MTe:niit'-:l, a-ft rcsp cifuliy rrqucticj to io lii-n a i-ull. i li The pii'.llc are li..-rcbv I. formiu! thai u-e the subscribers have ( iiU red itit.i , ami un....-J ; :-;-M'..::.r 1,:. I,. . , - , , iUiOiirtiiil plain AI111 .o.h; i mid. 1 in-, 1 v a new ,11 tli I racial I Hruiili.;, nlal.no only 10 ply.e f(ir L)J, V ,:u,ilr, rJ.4 ;;,i,uu, work s it is morn t-nn vrnif m fur each iv,.ii ,.,;....,. ., .,i..,, r.,i .-t,,.,., ,,r .Itend t.i the oiiu r biat.clii of the 11 Ins ovn ai.-cntni. A. VAl.l.KlWfiAMP. J. H- V'ANIMiRSI.ICB. Mount Paasnt, ?;ov 8ih. 1313 "J-n. i:.vocii ircp.yi::.!,. TA I IiO 2?. Ki::-?iir"lTI.I.!.V, if.r, Ih,' i e.blic dim h. ;.is in - c! m'o tin hiill linir, f'ui m'-i a v iiivnpi.-il I l.c 'h'.Mi-l.-r' in Mail.it sl.fci in ai t.i. Ki hv V. ( '.i. Mmc i her" .e wd r. . i l.i rcadv to ,;.,ke anv kind nf clothiut', ts? '.he id. ot.'-t n.tliie ...d lo I he hc-t an. I rm-t I'.. !,i.ii,..l Ic .-t-!,:. I'n,m lis bin,' cXjierii-ii.e in !,e .... he (!.,(., ,-. iiiii-. ;'if ih,t ht! sh ill cntHiii.e Iii -'.-. i- -i reial (".: .-I'.n-' and lei r by h..j e I t rei ei-1- a i-l.ure idil.i .ill-lie p.oroua:.-e. .;' .".nti.'iii'i.- iiM.'ulien pni.l tn riidir.?. II I'.'i. Is nf cnunt y produce t,i'...'u in ay,-., en! i.t v. --.'I;. Lljoia.-lur;', An . 9 IS!.", tf I fi A 77 O ml a '1'Iip f nbifiibn (dn r-i for sale his FT ( rrcn . - i ji. r. situated mi ll.e (Orcrrcf Main ami 1'oM-f.Mf 1 1-I in i'lor nisl.u rr;. ('(.tun.! . i Crutiiy. 1 a. .'; i-utl.T"" 1,1 riiliuii.iii ! .'.it the IwCu ion for u I , ,.- Ilijorc o ! tijie,beiii CO I'm f'"it rn Mii'n-r'ft. Ull -O' r-"J 7.'.'."-;i'', and (lie road l.-sdiin; I.) the l.'I'-.'.ii'-!.:.? V. a I Irca t 'ci'opioi'. 's I' i.nia .i . 'I'I: ! I M i , ,-! c-il.it. a! fur imii'diiii; upon I' i !--!rcrt - ii u Main, nr., I (ic'-usr Mtua'fd in '.lie Ci.i'.e ni'il.e Kf.'iiion of ( 'i-i'.i, tl.i i i"i ntit; , is veil wittny at.r'iition of il.e c.i,-i ulists. Tit any infj. iiution H'-pcetinj tb-? f.Mu'.'. criq-atc of xuii.::; Lleonuburg, rrcrn.'.ci -0 .! 'Tl -.hr "4 i J 6 (V.irt TTX ritisuan-e of an oi,J,r of tb Oipbin f-1 ol Cidimhia r i-.u.iv. on i'u.-l.y thn -I'lt :! ay I 1'idiriin' V I'O.t, at lOuVio K in the l'..:i-nnoii, .li ,,-ph lin-h -t K-.i-i.ii-tid T.'1-tfi l-t i,' 1 1 ii.e h,h,,w- I ,v c. i-f .-.1 I'I.' i.f 1, !''.' il -'.la, 1,1 sai l f '..!'J hy i'ij - . ri'-di tl or 'ei Ole '.'-', i i' i.f !.;ie ti .l ( ...li: .ml . i.tli t.'.l I '; t-. :,-i ,p i 'alula ..i'.li.iiii '. ll,:i:i., C'.-l.i.iiii!!' k i'irt!;ri oil ' Mil Oli' I ,v. I'.vi iilv-iiuie . relies '.I I iii-k: it'oli's, all nl winch :ald I. jet of l.o.d is in xcept atieiit t'.vi-n'v cere.., I ,te the li ,t 'to W.ll, fsai Irci a-i.'d, siiii ito in Ihc township of ' ,Hij rceii. mil county alnH s-itd. JAi Oil LVlllil., Cloik lJ.iliwIlc, JaiiU.i.y '"J'.U l i lb .'"P'hY virluo ofniialiaii tistuluiii vfiid. Ex tonic f bi'- I'fY'1 f L out t oui.11 III l),ii ii o. on .l 1 1 u rtlb V .1 lit) .Mill dm jjrurVi sui r ' 1-, ''- M 'he l.tll. ,'ini; prope't'v (to win) A certain liuet ol l iml sitn itf in Catlawisss am! .1iillni towm-hips.iii ColuinlMu ('oiiuty.col'lainliic lour hiincr -il acics niore Oi less, adjoining lots ol "l' 11 II I'"' "I JUV"i l-ii.i) w-i-t- ,1,. ...... i,,,..,,.,! 17 dviell,,,.' bouses I I'mii-.' I.....I. :l I I. I ' -1 ." n I I :. v mill nth. ji ,,r.a ..,1.1 1 H.,v mi. 1 l.U.k.umU shop. 1 coa, ihoo.-. 3 stuhles. 1 b u n. and I luniuou- adxcu u'-'e,t '" exH-utiou uJ to be solj as too properly i'f. dam Miller, ALSO jr-p. y ..;.. (,fa i...ui; ... . ,lir.eU. the F f 11... ..... i..,..t ...1 ... .,i'l,.,.,l .im.ii. . ,,..1.,,..;..., t,.wllh,i,.. (1).,,i,l.u cumv. bounded ,mUnd limited as t'ulhiivt, to wit . lleiniriiB at a post on the corner ol Uii.:.iii;iiu-slreel; thciicu ly the road In Millon, nor th thiilccn dcjjiees cat, two hundred feet lo a uo-t; llo-nco ninth aixty-eiht de (.rees and 40-100 west Uvo bunded lei. I to po"1, thence, boulh lliiileen not Iimi hundred feet to ' post,- thence north sixt v-ciu lit an 'l.'i-lOO east two huildied fuel to the place of Img 1 i.lu ny , being a pur-' nf a lurjjtu tract of land conveyed by Ale.xandci Montgomeiy lo Thomas t'hambe.a by deed ille-! tha lir.it da of April A I) 1S1I), together with al proveinriits, hcreditaoiunls a id apjierleiiames jfc1" h ti-oii is elected a f.Tif TU0 STOliV IVjH riiAME UOUA'E, , , elzell lai.cn in rxecutioii and to be smM an the proixtty oi John 11. James Il'.AM Dri'eUt Sheriff. fSbciifr efflce Danville Fob. 3. lei 10 "irf viSlOMSIJIAa 'KJJ7SXd AT TI1K I.KJllT-SIKKEr, COLUMBIA CO 'J'llK subscribers tal ea ibis tnethod-of informinu the. public that they havo j j t arrived from l'hila ih.'lphia with a Fplcodid .: .orimctit "( NEw AND C'IjKAI' GOODS, among whii !i maybe found a supeiior lei.t'mn of Uht k, IJ'ne Ul.iik, i$V, U.-cmi. Lmstbh (ii'nen, Olive and M:xcd ('loth, nnpi- rioi l-'r-'iudi ciii(jl''.i:i Cassiirion s,' y.r tine'.s of ail cnl-ir hikI priccj K v ntiu ky,.f ir.ius.f I . aey ILick I'r.il, and Il.r.l ,i,i.:nsi A s; 'iLi:,:iJ .-. liiuii'ttl tf V ccILa. ' kin'n, ioi an.; bill l,Ve. V, rl 'etinoi, r l Jul! prices, color d. I'lcr.i (' H-Pl'll iiL'i'.cc! Julion I jnneis,!' uii;."t:: :n Mid A . r A I. SO M-me-hnr ci-.I: b.-ol.-h 0.;--;h en.--, Id Jabi; icitr.i-'Ashttwd; Dress 11 'III!, 'i'i' I f.'.'L"', Cri'vuli and Ciilurcls. A fu'l iifsrirltiictil i.f Lit'ies' m.d d'ciitt'wrii's II' icri, am: Gi'Vt:, (jrtiltrrJtrn,s ). w v. ( 'o'm SVr.vv, (!::ni IUcstir, Il'orslrd ar.fl CtilXun Smi.rririt ','' &;. Toj!i't',i(-rwit'i a full j!-a;.,"ln,.:i.l of (irA'ViiyV.nvc- virli a v.niitv tf cihtr uiliih.i too numerous t' Tin t-nhi HVs li 1 1 e-ii!'i'r.-:, r-ii.cc il lirpocd.- iiivi' 'ti e-i puii ii.'S' d on Hie lies' l-in, an 1 I -a .i:.ii -c! i Ih. n .''e.l iMtu '.in at ( Ti ; II. at ',n y can si Ida v h. v can !'' I .',!: t i.t any (ilher Pli-ie in j.-jri nl 'thee lunl; ; t'ny liiii:c!ore Mil.eil the pa ir,.,, I'.o of a :;ci.ii ins pi:1 in'. --jfv. I :." liighru' prie e pr.ii! for nil y!:,lZJ l.i-nls ,, COUNT'- Y 1'KO Jji' I fXcle,.-!, Il i i.iii.la A.VO-S IL K N A C " ,t Co. lb ceni i-iii-nru 1 J:Sf (),' L!i l l'KUS Uetriiiiiiii'i,' i'i 'ho ''i-Oiorp, at Rlonuiti bnro; Utvcui:-r 31; 1813. Jacob ii'i'l.t't J .1 n ,1H- . l! C'l'iitnin N. Miic'ieil Cbailos (;.;y J )!:ti M. Miller 3 I -iiiii--', I! c-iipf ;!i'p Win. I'owe l A itn II o . -II A J. Smne J ...iii's Snucir.nkri V. ni Siiii'.hs,,!! John V' I'ls'l J .ll:Sutl I 1,-oii o si' I..HM.I. I. If j 'JaMil W'll, .in jn.' K. .:ovi-:u, i'. m. LOOK OCT. in !. bled t I I) 5"'.-f I I ii ti.o i r ;, r ' (ii!, nc'ii'in' f. sf d ,y O' UI.'S W.ll sf : . '" i vi' I I ,; v lie X ' V. b; it tl-r -,tia! 'lM", !'. ho IVace f ji i'li'i" IM P. a Jll-itlCr-i'P f , IrV'Win, djn!i:lsnyd:;r- D e. . i A'j N OTIC E 1 he) e"i v vani ;ii persorK n ,t o purrli a f; II ales f Ii.ll i.ii.l'e.1 I "ill of .1 m wry l.lo; fur t,. n n if b .1 ib.ji - c.i 'I.; pay.i'.le oi.o ni the iC'i' oi i'i In ! .iy i.eit; no i o.m'r in li: ; I'itu i f .b'aub .j:i tl ;ii.al lo iii ' i,-i: d'i'i', tilt: .-.-i:.l notes li.uiie. b.:-':i i.ii-L'i :. o.''iia' d; u'i .11 icfa e lo pay ll.e Mm,: uni'..-' . ... or.ehi 1 by' Lev. J. HW1SS. .! '..i :: -' I . l-i In o t i c i: pS hi-re'.v iri.cu th it I Imv par 'linsnd at f'.in r'ahl.t s ne, iii loo prnpeity of Vincenl liviue -.11 -... ii::, r i, i.i'.y, l. v. il - mo lily horse; our ...jii-.n , i.or.. ; duo i.vi liur-a w I'-ou; one sled .J ni.' .re a: d v.'iiipplet.ee, andnavo loll tin: saini m i ii )i is-ii'ss'mi iliir'rs; my pli asii 't', and h-n hy ' lot "i i an;- pi r-"ii i.u.,u ii'.eiu ii'-m nun. i nni : ni puicln-e nr olheiwisc, wiib.uit -nv consent. ui.uill .voiiras Janna-y 13 1, 1S1H. 1TEV N V. Y A It It A N ii li M i: N 'M Vo humbug hut (load J wn In liie low est notch ull ihtvtigh. Tilli nuhseribcr baling completed bis new store house, on iliun htcet near Maiki , ii Oloiiuuhuig,iind having slocked it with a slock if entire new Kouds, which wire -elected with .jreat ere in ri .d lo uti le ami price, hellaiiiis aim self that hu can oiler lre-h goods, mid neuisl sty! s.aud lli' iii al lower prices than ha ever been illeied in ibis pluce, and as Ilia assortment coln isl iff very thiiiff tor comlort and adoriliiiut in liie lORCther wiili a g-unrul uasoiui.ii.i fl (Juecimi'wr (soine titto ttitevj Sflwul lithiki), Jfiirdwure, ( cder irure ware, Kiirtnenwure,, Sulinu r J.uke, ground, line Jbun and Duirifl Suit, Sal mon Murki:rul,and llvrriiii!, Cuuiwli.ih Iniilii ton Plug. Fine ent ft Sum kirn' 7 abaceo. Candle f Snap, Clipper Ketlrt:.Stit, JUir linn. lesidcs iiiimeriilis other uilielrs, nil ol fl.hhiw ic sold nt a very small pri-lil for lends puv, and hi would icspcclfully invito all pi rsni s to call uni X Jiiiine Ins gondii und pi ices, la hoe purchiixln;;. fhc. hi'heat prices paid fur all kinds of counlr; prut. uee. L. I!. 1.1 T CUT lil-ioiihiirg, Sept. SOlh, IS 13, "lf. JD.VIMSTILITUIVS .VO TICE. 'Ike Kstute of JS.J.1C C. J')J1.S0. lute vj Orange township, dtcunii'. WTOTICE is hcrebv (.riven that let tern of u mil istration on (ho utove iiioiitiolnd L-talc lave been granted to tlie biilisii il er, livmi; Hi Or jngi! town.snip. All persons indebted to said tstaii ira heiel'y iioliiled to niuku iuni.tdialu ayi:.ept tnJ all those having claims arc requested to pre .cut ihein plop-oily authenticated lo FJANUEL LAZniLS, joiin i). i:i)OAi. ,1dninhtfutot. Januarv, 17, 1S-10 1 s.9 -il 9c few OS oo sis L iii-secilinra ropcctfi.!lv ii. ten:, the pub JJ he, that they are now uiniti;, i l.c ( '.Holy ocitipieil by L.II. IlltiU.V, i n .Maiuct. i iurjn and extensive a' soilu cut of FALL AND WINTKR DZ2Y ()ODS Groceries, Hardware 1 8c.iii:vv; aim:, L'AUI IJMNWAKi-; AND n fact, every mtielo uf usiully kept in a eounl'i tore. Anioua' their assoitinent may o liiund 'aliciii's. n the iiciiisl p:i!iiir' . Silk (.'Inllis, (hi-shlif re. !"' .'UIH' its. V'esl Inys, llleael a.) d Hi nil Ii b-l-li l- ll.es. (ilmt S and llosr. Hand kerchiefs and Sh.iwls, Ca-h-n. tcs. iye. Vnd hiving elected tliem wiih p rent cn'O nf ti pi.. I ly and p: ice, tbry aic i nailed to 'el! Ihcni a ower prii i s than thee lone cu r 1 1 1 .e hi til o! i-icd in this vicinity i'or (.'ash or C'utiiiliy I'm luce. ' Jfaviur made nrr.nir eii.eti t h in the I'lty fori. uiii.1 nit sup;-!y, any nr'iilc in their linn n hid hev have not on l:and,cau ! e fmi,h.hi'd i.t a wei k. I'.ttiee. i'eisiuis 'i'P icipieslrd t call and runirr then ; oods and pi ices hi lint pi;i. ha -ii.p ( hr u In re' ALHI.'I'ilir .y MIIXOLL. lilooni bin 5. Oct. II, 1S1.S -2") 9 ? 1 to V lILAIiLLl'IIIA AND AM HOY ( fcTEI'S constantly on l.nnd and fi.r f.do WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, y J V CANNON. Eloomshurg, Deceipher 20. A ,, assn tmi-nt ,,f HOLLOW XV A Ul f-uchar. K-t lis, 1'i.ts- ;u,-iS, 'lei Kettles -pitli rs, ( tike (i iddlcs, .o- A-.o l.nrje nin .run, I W n::i;iiii llovcs, fuiiu the I):iovilli, - Woika. jti.-n i,-ceivo-,l B'e.l fi 1 silo hv HEFLCY t M EN DEN (1 ALL Drceu.l'vr 0 "CHEAPER THAN EVF.R jt Tivw Arrival AT TKE A lj r-?0yiT r.r, jplcrrlid asMtrmf r.t tf GOODS i'li b j'lst bscu arltied to 'lie iinv..et s'.cck a; b A "!-;-; w!il--h we can sell wr trial sx vsi i;e .'i.Tfie,! in this market. Oeillie.oeil -.vhf C'.'-iH and CHi'.M' CLOTHS, and U.ln v.i sr.' FASHION' A HI.E, GOOD & (.Ii E A I' r'i-:! fnr DKESSE-S, of every d.ififiiption, wi "nd it for their in rcst 10 call, se wc know tnei -vil! I,,; satisfied with the rpiality and p.ices nt 0111 : io!s. Our in itto beiu lihcnper lhaii the C'he.ip-t-t.' ive cull and will Ine up to it. ':t,tnt'l,t'tii tJ.) l.'eii a per yard, and even thin ,' clop, in pri.p'.rtimi. AI.;:!1GHT & ML.NCIAL. "Novi'mbtr 2i N O T I f: E . Al! persons i.uieiiti':! lo the late linn of EYLH .i d H lil'I'I.V. 00 .Nou-nr Unni; ai emint are ra ;o.. i.al tn call mi the suhsi-ii-iers and .-.citl-: ihi -one biforo iho liist, day February hexi. riu.se lieeectll:; ibis notice may v, eel lo j -j -lest. C1IAKLLS IILFIA. Dec. 30,-1313. Mew A l) COOL, Altoriu j at I an ULOOJISBUKi;, 10I. CPA- Olii.o in Miiin-ftrcct, oj puniiv J o blc 'i. Un li, jusjuck of 'nit: riSACE, A.D va:vA.ci:is, UI.OOMSUUKO, COL. CO., OiliL'O, corner of Last and Malu.bticels UJI.1KLKS It. liUCKALi:W AHorucy at Law. Office South aide of J!uin-t. ii'tw filuiket, V7"W,h ATTEND COUPTS IN mi-: countiks or loluaiisia AM) LLZI-KMl. $jly VOl .N',)S ef a superior (piality of WISH SJL.WjX ust icceived at the a ore of UWI, MCKLLVY Si Co. December fi is s. y r xj J -JJTl'f T received and for sulu. ol tlte 11.1v Tin 3jS and Sheet Iron Mav 11 tin tiny, 01 piunc (.'lay -11 Hotel, s. vctal kimlsol '..'. 1 (.11, Hii V mrf LOOkl.XU fi'llVLf, of lhel csliilti,i, vhich villi he sold C'.v, I). J lilllE. Ocf 23 , 3fOVK Fire foriailc Ot tha New Siere. L. 13. KLl'nil". OtiVuor 11. DISSOLUTION. Til E f npariiiprrslitp herctofcre fxiiimr indi-r ihe fii ni of Annsiroii & Hiijiph. in he (onfi ci.iiin buriia-sj, i by ii.ih tl i.instiil diiuivtii E. A RMSTROX 0. I. II L CUES. Nov. 1-1313. YAHD. THE bnsinpsj wi'l bp coiiiiinici) by ilia ubsi nber at liie old Btandj nhere inay ;( bad at all limps. ntxuunxTs. tomp.. tjkl r.s, TOMD-STOXLS, Illicit Til J ;l MBS, MJ.TLKS.11L T STOMiS, MULLKliS, &c. r at y oilier tvmk in bis Iuip. lie ij dsn 1 11 pai'Pd to Iiii'iiik 1 WINDOW C A I S md SILLS. DOOR MI.I.N and !S I El !-', Vi! oilier of .Ma. lie, Lime nr any kind 1 f tone that fan be proi-urid in ibis iiciitin. fi'?-Having hail "nnsidcrabli- i-x j e icin n n the luisiiifhs, rie plcilijin bis work in ie t xt'i-iiti'd iii 11s biiii'l.si.iiie a Mi le as u n ic fiifnislipd from any yard tuber in il e ity or cutinin ; and on as rpnseiiiihle ii ru EI'IIRAIM AN MSTKONO nioomsliiiig, Nuv. 3, lbl.). ly 2S Chair r.-vaufactory Til E eubscribci i-iiiiuiiut- 10 cany mt he CHAIR .VAXi; FACTORING ninnies. si I lie old i-lanil ul 15- &, ,S. Haetn nidi, tvlivro be will be ready ai al iimr .1 fill Pish Falir V it W illilsoi Chans S, 1 'ps, liislotl Rui-klng ('ball's A.!-, ofrtclV csprijiiion, ivbicli may he caift-il Inr, h hurl inilice and . ri the un,si n-oMi(iahli .-i-ins. Up ivi! also rxecuti IIhhmj. Imci, & iinamcriijl I aiiitin, and Ili.usr; Pajx fin,,, 1 a snperior manner, Fnen his pxperiptipp in ih,. buvinnii,atd if) f.ieiliiiej u :itaiiulu':iurir. ihc vainii s ritplfK nf bis line, he llaittis hiinHi-l'. ih,i shall he able in furnish an jjndd ueri , id iijion as reasonable term" flM ,-n i-ine in 'be rountrv, al'nf which lie vvll lispuse of fur CASH or (Ol'N'l LY PRODI OE N. IL Orders from a distance Mill it rictly at.d ptiiii luallv aitendul kv. B HAiEM;.(riI. nbnimsl tin!, Dep. 30, AD.iMNISI'ltA TOR'S ICE. ThtFMR't tfTkma Tahner, lute tf Flaoni tnmni'tip dfcd. NOTICE is herein' yivm that leio rc ' f Itiiinisiraiiun 011 -,t-, vi,Vr mt ii idnrd I s hp. have I-pii fr: fti d tn hP n.b,,-, , 'IPC in IS'inm, lowm-fij,. ,,frs,,, iidebted to a, i c-tmi! ,,1-e .,,M,V ,.,,;;,,. 1 in .ke intnir, hum prjyn.eni BI , 8H ib - . avioo . h. ini ttrM rcijnt-aied to ,n s ,,w teiii n perly Wj-hf mien 10 OI-IAKLFS IILFI.E Y. druiinhtw-.ir, Nrivpin'cMSZ-fu-. 31 IL'R .UOI TO.NOT I 0REOU I LO. It zsz. ckj, : irmly Or tc t a pl i- jt.v r. uy ukousj sailj: . I'llE iinili'rr'ini'd bavingr frn A$ t :u inriiiprlv i.iei.pi. d by Mar.-lml iir:il,, nnsl re-pec dully li.iii,i the public ih hi-V itttiiid in carry on the above biancl. . .; iu-if.( ss and will at all nines ,e remit n vnik ;i little beiter ami cheaper than n- ilher i r 1 ab! is li ini nl in ihp p.lacp, 'and i. hope by lri( 1 atn iiiimi in I umi.ch to : 1 t 1 l...ro.- pdniim ol ihe public pairennfp Ad kinds c,,i tilry produce Iumi eri h.nioi; Inr woik klli rtndy not r, ti. . S I El'llEN l!,'0!i.sT ' L-AC NA.YM'J, Bloonis' tro ts, j.i, i:its'i5i f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers