to secure lis depreriaiior.; thW fum'flirt i eirong ground lor pMlcciing iho note heldir Hi docs ot Icon the force of ihe r- , . iiii ri iiii son of the gvncral liability of the atockhold- , l'liilicl mtvd io jo mlo CTm ltshnuld Ik' obse rved. tint if ilif i'''''',n),Hl,e i'.ie W'h.dr, f,r ili purposo ; tion of a bank has a prtfericd rbiim upon (.iiieiitlircni ty m .1 1 1 n 4 tin following I t the corporate funds, llie aiiickholdera : 1 iin rcmihiiimiv. only individually liable far any d. fluency Resolved, Thai our Senator and Rip in those fund, il will be ttie interest of il,e le-riitetivea m Ci-mre. b limber in .( .1, nn lb, first do.ib. of bank BJ."" """' rt.;.! . P!"S" " vcuey, to eonvcil his deposim 11110 bunk ,uole. This will alwaya be done by thop who may be convenient to the himk, or are in favor with the officer, upon ihe Crsl in 'idiHiion of its failing condition, h le those wlio Bra nioto remote, or Lea in nrined.j aiay be left to witnesi the application ofj their deposites to redeem the eircuUtion by which tin ultimate liability of ihe stock holders will be diwinshod. llence it iH be. the direst inlcreil of tlie it 1rl.l1 ddrrs in e (ailing bink, whine liability is limiied to note rs, to protect lhematdv against 1 lose, bv rnnriilii; in ronJiiion, u nil the greatest possible Binnnr.t of individual de- posited are paired, Tlii furnishes ilron tcasons for extending the principle to the de'jls,in proportion to the amount cf (took held by each otockholder. Until this it done, and ample proviuion in made affor din the creditors of corporations prompt and 1 flieicnt reiiiediea the greut orjeei of the principle of individual liability, will col have, been attained. W iih these objections,! have diierleil the bill to be tetuned to lliellmiae eifttepreseri Utivcs, were it originated. FKANCISR. SHUNK. Executive Chamber January 8. 1840 (Uorrcsponoence of tlie A'ulihc Ledgrr.) LEGISLATIVE. IIarhisbuhg, Feb. 5 Evening. Tlii lLuse held an afternoon session, ir.d took -up, in Committee of (he Whole the resolutions ie!,i'iveto tli! tariff. Mi. Buirtll ppolta it consiberable leiijith in mppoit of his amendment to the resolutions from the Senate. 'The debate wag continued by eaveral oiher penilomeo, when the amendment of Mr. Uurrell was rejected. Tbii amend tnent confines the instructions to a Uriif uron coal and iron. f 7he amendment of Mr. Fiollet, op .. poed to the tariff of 1812, was rejected at the close of the morning session)- The Commiliee rose and reported the resolutions to the IIousp. Mr. B jrrell then renetved his amend ment which had been rejected in Com tnillee of the Whole, which was (giin rejected yeas 37, riays 57. ,7'ne Question was then taken on the resolutions as they came from the Sen ate, and decided in the affirmative yeas 79, nays 14, as lullowt: Yeas Messrs. Arms'.rong, liich man, drbrr, Bartholomew, Eutiler, iiuntz, Ilgham, 13ou(-ncr, Hoyer, T5roujh, lit ackenriclgf. Bright. Bums, Uurnside, Burrell, Chestnut, Chik, Cochram, Cunnor, Donaldson, Bott-E-idie, Fernon, Forsyth, Funtt'on.G illo vay, Gray. Ililey, Utllowell, Ujymi. her, Hili, (lyel'.e) Hill, (Montgomer. y) lltillman, Ives, J.icobs,.Jjme. John son, Keller, Kunkel, i.adlcy, -Bnkio, .Levaii, Ma(tfehin, Matthias, Meai,s, Morisnti, Murphy, McAbee, ilcCitl !and, Mt Crtim, McCurilr, McCurley, McFrland, Nicholson, Owen, Power, .Pomroy, Franklin Pomeioy, Mtr err Price Hider, Robinson, Kupert, Shuman, Snyder, SiRtr, Steel; Stetler, SUwMl. rFraiiklio Steuarl, Byccm- iny 5"irnuss, Thoma-i, ChestctJ .Tice, Twgn, Vnn Iloff, Wadsworlh, Wilson. Wot man, V.'mcll, Pjtctson, speaker) 73. Nays -Mesrs.Dird,Camihcll,Crost. i).ily. Knue, Fasten, Kline, Knox, Mir r.field, Piollet, Sttmiel, Thomas, !Su?a.l Weest, Webb 14. Tim turan h's vs a'ieed to. in. I the rii'tfs hciftir fu-rended, the resolution? cirne up on third reading as follows; ' Hhtrca. ibi! latih 01 eijjntcen nut, dretl an'l u.ity 'vvo products no mott - than buQurhI revenue to It fr n tin nCfsaty tspnu:e oft!;e grnfial ;ovpir, mcnt, and cllotdi ( nly an adtquate in cidental protection to Ameiitan induct ry and .morion mni'i;f:ictuii'?, n t. loreign comjie'.itioo an.l foitin policy, and a eonKpirnt rnct:tageni-nt It comnctcil c ntei prise, to atriculiu- ral p'Jrsuit?. and 15 l!e devfiopement ol our internal rcjcnrre And whircu", B is hcKrvtd toe peo ple ofl'rtii.vlvir.ia art! eppoted to any r. 1 1 c r a ' i 0 n in the f xifiii" trH until fur '.her cKnerience has eliown l.sal a t:i id 1 ficaticn is nquiii-il to fecutr a lonunu once of fuel: .iuiee";or!, cud 10 prou-ct-the ntitral wtlfa'.e, Therefor TiM-dvcd bv ll.e Srr.nte and IIo'ie of t r'SPiilativ"e: of lb" Comr,',nr.-,ealilijLsiit's l.iicr ri ll.e I of Jmiarv, thm t,( Pensvlvania, in Gcneial A'-fmli'vteal J mio can Ik- induced 10 abandon ,, V'o.i fin Senators and Bc rescn - (ativea in Congress be, and H y ate hereby rrrpie vnl, to oppos" i'l Si'.en'p'N m oitr or modil" the i. ii. ar ol ,u- ihir'ii r. ol A-'i'i-', one th.U'iii l e'.t.menl of tbn d.lScliy woulJ ntn to be Uuudifcd acJ ijity two. R-aulvfd, Thai tlu O.Vv'in r b irqueitul I ) transmit a copy of the abovi l"c"'bl "' re-Union to each, of ou & tutor .nut 1! iii-'ii ii:j:u'ci hi C ii: ' .t,blnhiiiriit of a . iiion il liink, th litirtbufiun ol the irocer dj of the pub !ic aud', and to vo tt lor the s-pt r t'iott of tlii "vetnninl front tb b inkm 111 iiiu'io"i;, and lor the cri-411011 ol a con itnuiiiMul irmS'Miy , us th b -t means pointrd out by the people and experi ence lu kci-p ibtf pure, io KOird le pttaplc'b moin'y from pecu lation, and t't piesftve uuiinpnired th" protection ali'jt l'd by a jtm tariff Ihw to I he indu'lry of lb peuple. Tot motion wh ajjreed to yeas 52, ntvt 4C, and the lBiute went iiiloC un utiiiee uf th Whole, inserted Ml. PiO lelt'a iniendmpiit, and reported tha ie olutiona as tliO-t amended back to the. Houo. The ledoliitiots as amended wi-rj a reed to veas 54. nays 4, as follows Yeae Mir-sis .frmstronc, Btch-nan, Barber, Boiij-hner, Buyer, Bi iglil.Uuro ide, Iimrell, Campbull, Ciie-tnut.Cl 11k, Cioms, Bily, Donaldson, Diij, E'tu-, FaskPl, Fernon, Fo'syth, FunstonCil! way , Gray, G win, Il tllowel, Mill. (Fayette) Mill .Montomeiy Htm biic, lloD nan, K'eS, jHinen, K Her, Knox, Lovatif Means, Murphy, McA Oee, McClelland, Owen, Power, Kid, r. liupe.l, Samuels, Snvtlei,S!arr, Sietki. Sieuar't, Bycomin j Tiee, Van 1 1 oil, j Wadawoith, Wilson, Womia.i, Wosrel, l'aterson, Speaker 54. N.iys Messrs, Bud, Kiioc, Piolett, Uebb 4. The Cleric was oidertd to as the concurrence of the !.v-nate in the amend (in-in, and the llou-o adj turned sbout 7 o'clock. THE CGEON NEGOTIATION. At Ust we have something authentic up on the present state of the Oregon negotia tion. On Saturday, a message was receiv ed in Ctngress fioin tin President, cover ing an important corresponddncp, as fol lows: 1st. A letter from Mi, Buchanan to Mr. Polk. 2d. A letter from Mr. Biichanaii lo Mr. M'Bane tlateil Dec. in. and asking the nieaninjt of Bng'ish wsr pippnnuion. d. A letter from Mr. M'Lno to Mr. Buchanan, dated January 'J mutiny U: he had an interview will; IiOnl Aberdeen, who assured him that war preparations rf Bug land had no reference to American af.'-tir.-t believes Lord Aberdeen sincere still t!iin!;s it possible that hostilities may come in which England would be prepared to deal powetlul blows against the United Stales 4 ill. A letter from Mr. Pakunliam to Mr. fjuclutian, d ited Dfc. 27 yroposii.j arbi- tratioii, 5to. A letter fioin Mr. I 1ch.1r.nn to M. Pakenbam, dated J in. 3 I, declinirig arbi tration yet ilif rifbing the bopo lint the dilficulties way bo amicably ser.'ied by r.e gotiatioti. Oih. Mr. Pakenhani to Mr. Buchatnn. dated January 3d, staling that he will semi die answer of Mr. Polk, transmitted above by Ml Huclianan, to the British ;;inittr in .nnden. 7tb, Anolhei letter from v.t. Piikcnhr.m to Mr. Puclianan, daled January vtbudi ho argue3 the question of arbilratinn. and conlioverting itfr. Pilk.'a objection lo f.ibi tialion declating that Bngla'.id hti lights in Oregon. He atks, whether tlie Uuited Via'.es is willing lo submit lo atbiiraiinn theiv claim to the whole territory of CAe. son 81I1. A Utter from nr. Buchanan to Mr. Pakeiiliam.daiedFebrnary 0, declining the last proposition for aibitralion, and bialing inn reasons wby. The leccipt tif ihe niesnge esused a deep snusalion in the house, and the retding ol the correspondence was listened lo with deep icttrcbf (Cirrf-iprmdence of the Public I.e'ger.) WAsntxeiTON. Fert. b:h. Ifilfr Tha impoilatit ;; i f th Pirsi dent, encloaing the lecent cji 1 11 denpi between Mr Buchsnan and Mi. McLne, and Mr. Pukenham id Mi. Buchanan, and of which I sent ynu lam etfiiii:;; synopsie, embracing tH tlx piomitienl ioint, is cf course i-iit all ah oi hiog tojic of comoient and d M iisioi at the seal ('f ..v ronitnt. It appear now lo be the almost unanimous cpinio heie, that a wr with lviglaiui is in ev itahlf,for no one nippoee that the Pic -idt-til wi!i rfpide 1,-om iho position a" "timed io the Itl erol Mr. Buchanan, 0! 4'b Ftlmiiiy, in rf :'y , lo Mr. I'ukori liioi'ji pi coud propo-itioti to arhi'mle; ;ii'l it applets to lie iqunlly impto'u.iblt ftom the lone ,.f Mr. PaKeoham's rotr of ihs lfi h, atit'i ibe eontpois r l Mr. Mr i I'.er '1 ilos lo lerritoiy.' Il ! 01 h f h: in 1 , ihciefr.: .-, areittulvcd to miota ii the pfiiiloo which they have wr.-', resort lo arma lor lite settle unavuid .ble Il iii true the Picn'ulent declares that 'io 'coidiiHy unite with tin govern unit uf Giet Biitaiu in dsiiiin thd lie present pouIi overy rnsy he annci ily adjihtpd,' and tha government or ; 111 ui 1 1 1 1 s inui tiii!, rrrtrritTTTi; s-t-r!.in -tally the decl.iriiion ol the Pi tsidcut. i 'ttroiif;!)' inclined to hop t lor an in nct le aeiilemcnt.' Yet how cm any .tucb aiii'Ciblt' arljtisiim-nt ha anticipated, ' ho as hu un loubio Ily is, be iucera in tliyiiij lint 'iho tit!) of Great iV ituii, to poniiin ol tin: l-.Tiilo ry is vilid, the U. S to the wholj lor ri t in iiiat any a tempt to rtter tiiinj f'i anon lo arbnralora "voti I I Only in vol ve it in new tliliieu-tiPb that 'ihf O. S. hoi I the beit tub h existrtiicu' that 'all ila comm.) I; mi lurbo'i lie in. rill of Iho forty niuUi paralt l' ind ih it the whole country io iinpoitanl 10 the commercial intern's of this cjuu uy, that its loss to fie U. S. would b. inepurdhlc. No intelligent imlivi luil, it reems In in1, can carefully p.-r-ue itn- wtiulu of i f this coi ti smo idoci', without Hnivioj t tlie coiicIuh.oi) tliit aibittation cm oevrr b't resorldd lo, no lonr a P.tsi-It-iii Polk is at the h'-ad o'' I'm govern ineii', or npgniiaiion ba resirnei with 'Pasnnabls )rii.xppct of an tiiicjb!e a.l j'liiinent. '!') boiifVd to t ,r- cootraiy would bo tj Mippofe that nut Lt'CJtVf would rt.ced.1 froiii the position which tie has so openly and decidedly asMim ed, or thjt Great hain could bi in luced to abandon altoietlier the c'aim which she has so strenuously ayse-ried during iho lal qui lei- of a century . Tne Utter of Mr .l.-Lim :o McUm chanan, is certainly of a chancier to diow tint tin considnis Ihe warlike 'i.-eu ai'jiiora uf Giral Zt itain as having i 'iinlir- cl refeience to ihe possible con tiiency of a roptutt' between tiie two countries. And such, il appears to be ihe urn versa! impression hcie.ii the r.a'urr.1 in ference to be drawn horn i!ig converra ion between Me. .Btne end Lin! heideen, though tlie 'Uiiion' does nut 'seriously apprehend w,tr,iiid intimales hal 'our administration do not regatd he letter of Mr, M Line as a signal of impending hostilities. Il wou! 1 seem to inoicte a very poor opinion cf !io fn rimers ar.d energy of iho . i:is!i gov rnmenl, to uppoi3 tliut lb? 'comsi cf ncasuies now under p.j::i.Lrs:io.i in Cjngrest.' cm hi 'boldly and activaly ;itiiMi:d,' Ihe 'notica givct'j' provisions 11 ido for iho 'exten.Mn r.f our !jws lo lit region beyond ll;e Iiocky Mouu ains,' and for such wir'nke prejn ratioii?Our"npighbor was very car -fu is becuniti 'a wis, toil eneigrtic people, Hid yel lead lo peaceful ics.;lt. The coufpssadly 'eoncilitory tor;c' main'ained by Itu govei ninent of Great Britain would seem r.ith(-r to stren.-.tlien than weaken this impics-ion. Il is certainly the prevailing belief hero thai FJnglinili prep.uingio rnaintaiu hci supposed ligh's to Oregon, and tint in he I MiiMjjj'i; of Mr. Mi Line bavin. : ji;iii nc.:t:.i in ,'l io tj i r i j .;.iii'i, sh.iijld she fail '0 ifTtCt a coiopioi.iiii', whiefi appears to be inevitable, stie will 1 tien'pi 1 l y and vtgr.r.'Ul'ly t : 1 1 hei iitiiio;.! power t j n.n ci th : ntinot nu ry upon our coun'ry and nil iu :nit ies!,' ncl that her aim 'will I e io s'r l.w tin 'icaviol b.'ov; at the co.'iiu'.t i.ceuifiit, in the cjtp etien of being ;!iet toy;L :o shorten the duiatiori ol i!o war.' Unn'pr the in:i'a-sion, it pp-its also 10 he the jii ''Vailing lirinf, tii- ' 'i of Mr, Fdiifi.-ld lias njw a fa r ' '' o! i'ccciviiig the. SiiiCtiotl 01' ti;e S 11 jo. . ntl llul it wutii ihu.i pa-'j ihe Ileus! Iiy largo rnt-joiity ll:t"i: t ,:! 1.01 ;t.i tiiadow of a doubt, The d bat. on ib's question w,ll now ielouktd to with, 1:1. in'.ercii.Ci as iheOfegou M-soiutioiiS -I' Mr. Allen also come up for e o r. -, 1 -i .. lion on Tut-'juBy, mi i:;ci i,.g nay be anticipate d. It io a cuiious fncs, that the resnlulinus ol Mr ;langiini in tl.a .Vtntite, und of Mi, . 1 1 .. 1 . . . ' I houias lluilt r I'mg io the Bouse, imro- dticptl stiir.e two t.r three v.oel.s t-ia -ii sk in nearly the precis terms of Ms I'cken nai.i's propusiiioii lo hibr.rate. Piota tli iJol'ily Di.i'y Advcrti'cr, IV.i. 2 We arc indebted toour friend "f the I J c r !d and Tribiin for the peiuHl o! a letter iroci Feiiaarola, v. ritt?n on Sjiurd-iy lust, fioni which we learn ilia: the U. ii. (i .'.-'inurrs had jiiT.t united a: that port 'ruin Vi ia Cruz, bring'.'ig liie i'nporiant ir:telliB Ji-iiee iliat CSen. Ansia had dei 1 ired against he Paicdes Govt ri tiieni, i,nd in favor ol he rtsteration of linira; that throughout he cetintry ihe ti"pie vtre r.r-mi.-in.g in tppnsiiion to tha piTnem Adiiiiiiiaiiatiiui, as gning as a icasop, their dread of war ind blond shed regretting their baviny per mitted ParetUa to'v the Ili'irera dniinisiration. ;tr. r--l,dei! was snll ai Jalapa, wi-h btightening jirosperts. ouch is iI:k brn'1 and liabiv account furn- shed by iha Ifcr.ild's coiresp.andrni, wlm wroln him ks mo man v,-,.-. icav iir', wnii a .. i . nromii-e to furnish full particular in iinoih-: cr letter. Pnuii the iiHturo of tlie iuieiii-! ncnto we infer that the p-opU of Mexico routitrv ij on the eve of another icvlu!'"1 c,jl- vv. '55 3 ma" wf no leatnin? anddack your own boots, ar.d pay fr your, ' 'cm-ild not even wtite his own nacie. IVj.'jiiewapji.ers. "riiuTH wiruoi'-r riit s.i rvi: i. 1 v, vr.i: it r.iitk jjrr u. If 6 have omitied through inadvertancy, lo uiention in ennneclion wi'.h 1I18 C0111 rnitsioneri stiifeuianl the y.ict, iliat tha in debit dncss of B I). Rupert Irs beer, paid in full, since tlie Auditor's sclilumenl. The Res.alution giving noico to Urem !?iilain of the abrogaliiui of the treaty for the j dm occupancy of Oregon, passed the House of Representatives on nonday last, by a vote of 1 GO to 34 Gov. Shunt's, Vein. We publish this week the veto of Gov. Shunk upon ihe Bill to incorporate theArm strong county Bank. It is a document thai diu-i tha governor great creilit.tvo recom- mend it to iho attentive sm-niirui nf our readers. We are glid lo sen tha Governor taking rrounil against tha wneaae of U inh crpi'.al in in thU Kuie, Sih-Ii inorpssp ii unneccasary and could only result 1.1 d,.n - geroui couspr.ut in es. 1 lie people ol ihe Stata can refetsaiislied thtre will be ni naw Banks created while the present Iiuiipp' Governor holds the chair of State. Good! T3io 23r.:jvi!:c Ic:!:.-)ri-al :i Sc tenvj. The Danville Democrat, iiidjiiij fir.-.i an editorial in iu columns last wee'i, hat h.-.,' its sense of dignity greaily n.iirai I bv some re nnrka made in Corsgres 1 by I j!;; Grtnidv McConnell, rf Alubat in re .' . to 2 sort 01 mongrel wing aou cii;o; d. ict IVoii ihe state of Ne-.v Yoik by the u-ju-.s ol Culver. It headj an srti.-!a on tlie wi'.h the caption of 'r.oeo-Pocoei.-jrcy,' just is if a party was accountable f ,r 'm vagnrie:; 0: oddities of ar. individual n: am ber. Our neighboi foes on to sr.v,- ' tlur ing ihe debate on ihe Oicgnn tpiration in ihe House of Rppiecsnlaiiveg,' Koa it happens iliat it was during tlie cons. dera tion of thi bill to cs'.ibliih pejt routes in Texas; a i.icasurj neccasary. and i-. hich no cut) was liii liah euoitgli to make a speech E'tont, Pxccpl Lis Culwr. not to give 'lulver's speech It which .UeCr.r.r.e'l r. plied. It is nbout the mealiest speech evt.i delivered in Congrc.-?, n iteven crier pui'..' Joshua )l (lidding s iicjro liaMir.-nf?, am! it riiented the reply given lo i; bv ihe v.-e-M-cm odditv Pel;:: (irernlv M-.-t.'r.nns.!, v, I.;. a nrt of Pa r... tfi", '. r. :iu:; nai '.ii.tilc U''ii!:e.- 0'ir neighbor of llie T)e.i-..-c.-.t i ;-t:.-n !v hiiurlf fanueni l. r p:.iiifi! ,!;. I.'tke a 1 ruer'.O'..- liul .-i-r hi r.r.; iin-iit.e-d to j.-nt the !i ' 1. ll'.'.l mill .j 1 : CO-MitlV : 7 tl i'in'0'.i'li inann"! J, so d'iT;'n-nt u the mid eourdv sw! j'".' nmri:.r,"l-y. Ha sp'i-ttcr? tn .1 nil l-i'i'i? oi :l of e ."le!', - tll ..I till c i ;! r : r ! a 1 :r :;n-i ,.f I'a liisco.f i v of a I"" 1:1 r.'j'Ui l:c.', nressiou. cr a lack of 1 bl:i'-':!.-mi our ciiiin-n", ns if li e r Ii c, entry depi nib J lif.n i hl.i 1 1 i'.icir iu up'iii the o,"ini-;un. B'1 is c,!,:.-pruu-ilid thi! 'all tin; tleef n.'i' an.' ..'.I iha Ifarnii'f,' as ih.- sr, leg l. in 'inn; t -.he political party of which l. i a tr.i ittl-er( and i!o irit cr.'ml will, ihe op;' s'l- one. Witt npfpsi lentPolk put fr- th a unto 1: ihe pen;.1! of ihe Bninn.anoi.g 1. ncr ttnn." dislingiiifhed f r the purity of its s'.le --i .riesnife ciiriipliinei'.ti'd for its li:er..ry mm even by nppoiiiij' journals hbrnad tl.t-P m ville Bcii.cierat proiiivum f;S it 4 v.-ibo e I' When from the far-off Orrgon there is fo- warded to Coi gnss a ini'inori i fur pi liter sud Pava: ' tion to its settlers ucainit Br tj(is-.ilit fur tht: cx' if tit!." law thitherward and the fuiunaiion of n trniiori al g.ivernineiit the Baiiviiii.' fi. mucrat i hoirihly shocked because muiic of the sit; n era make their mark, ieMC'd i f vrri'ini their irunrs in full in good cup lai- Ir.nd. or iJissian hyeroglvphici:. e ate rcnnid ed by this of e revo'tution uy eccihi!-. which we will repeat in this r unn'f -it.m. During the war, while il lagnl i i ihe Chtro- lin.ii), Colonel Tailelon, onu of tiie ino.,1 ac tive and daring oliieer in thn Mriti-h army. was defeated at the batdil of (,'ir,vper,a and hit didordered truops were hotly put-us.i by the American cavalry (-o'oncl Wab ingluii d.iiing the pursuit, ovcunok Tarlet.iii and came very near taking hi.n prisoner. In the ir.counier between ihein. Col. Yv'. bv a s'.vosd blow cut otT il"l'i.rLtnn's lingers. Some time alu i ward, 1 ei'ir.wl: ) was of a men spiri', beinj in acoiripanv , w(iUie Colonel Washmtion was said one ef the l.ulii a, ' Lift I bilicvs, sir, ijuu run Hslify I'kiI he U ulle to make hi murk.' 1'onr Taileton.says ihe historian nnU liuyns mid bit bis lips will agp. We iiiitigiue that in rueo of a wai 1 1 1 '.v , 1I11 mi Sninti liai kwuiioinen ol Vieyi' a-ill tenh the English and tie Whig edil itnrs on this fiile the nlcr, licit lln-y tin IcrslaiiJ inakine their mark, th I ilit 'n liavoluiiunuiy failurs. 'I'lie hardy pi 'iiei't who goes with I. is nxe mid illu into the il ileiuess anil by his iuduotrious andpuirn, toil makes il ' to bloom and bin. sum at 1 1 io?e,' fihy riot be a polite cr as learn I he editor of ll:e Diiinillit lb u:ncrat, but in d.ii k it rpiiie a useful a citizen and qu'.i as patriotic. W'8 confeks we loose all pitipnce will ilis evtil.i-sting snceriug, sometimes opei and soiuclinies disguised, at ll.e intel.'igenct of tlie mascee, by whij leaden and ni"A p: pert- A id then, when they are directly used vi;b it, boiv BturJily ibey will dt-ny it .' 'J'he fist friends of Lrionrpo!y am; v.,orhir;,i:ig the dollar with unfi ',-:gii'g th'- vntion, tin y profess an es-pccial U,tr llu pilr Contemning Hut aounJ a no sajarioii:) intKlligi-ure t-f the masses in ah ibeir ih'.iiijjhia, they niske appeals End court fivir in iliat di:-?ciiori. But fur Ui 1 ly ( USUrtliy gtn i!.UIJ1.)V4J at the i'.o box in a way to rebuke t!.ci iiieoi.nisteHcief ayd to tit ft at lluir puiposes u.-Tj:-t.-.-.--f.3 'i-a-.v si"! ! OiIov.' p'i'ii'cil (ipp')na:iti profe-i to be. gieiil sticklers for Maw and order.' 7i liava noticed a nmrbr cf iiiiisiuce-s, v. iihin i few years, cf such professioiis from lliem bin h has invarrddy aecn. ?7:P il v:cud :v3rk to t!...!r j,''.i!i:td u!ccm!:ij: In the of I!.1.'-'.!.; 'i-ia 'O tl'p f:!fMca of ih- 1 , -.r.n-aM'. in. rij.ise tna ia'::io- ' r.-.'.i : void ii: that State, .vi I .u the -Whi' t;!v.-i:,.ir.ii'j.,d ;he::i4.-M intj a Maw and order' i;iar, ctv.lcr the oil! charter jf 0 lurks 11 lo oppc.ic' !i:iitnjtion. At IIrruaiirj in 8Jo iluy w r I'd loud advuertes on Maw and oi ler' hcci.Uaa retuiiiit from Pliiliu'clphin coui.iy, handed in by lite S.-crttary of th-.-Coininonwealih gtvo then) a nnj irity iu iho Bfigisliltire. And tbia too when they i'-iU'.'J that lliey had been baaten in Pl.iii daipi.ia county at thu balloi bo:t and thai llni -xprsaed will of the pe pL' would l.j out-f'-'ged by their proceedings. Tii"y were a.lvot jt:j of -la'.v and ii.dcr' when they la tere:! to 8 rati tlie Now Jci-ey m embers mto Congrr-f , h'mIci hh.a 'hroid s:c d of ih it Sia-.r-, v:l., .; 1I.1 has.iC that ll.ey Lien h-fe.-ite.l hi ihe ! all.i'. box by t'.ifl peiijde And we h.:-. 3 auiilher easo in daics: tl.i.i win'ii" Mr. II. oel.e!ib,-i)ti"li was i. .... I 1. "a: a . 1 1 i!;c t'ite? 1 the '''"' did not -ome in v.iil.ln ;i Cd '! ih-' W iiij r .ad. 1 .19 " :.i a in n'i 1 '. i; m; '.no rt-cci '.'i;.!, t; .,ir, o'l Ui t 1 r-! ; i : 1 m n ;n ,t .. s a p:;.t A f.c-r an in- &'.'; itit ' ...:d ;: g ll'a' I',-: tl.; I.' gi. i i-!.'cied the lliiti.e cf 1J, ,-,ri-, r.tetivt; niv pen', the 'la'.v i.nd nrd r' geiinniuan rn ll.e (nut- unn i.u::ii;!td tlie t,;.!i w,; ;htt X. le rlinirn, n.l n . '! a r.'Vt i'l atur; a I'll; n .r it T. 'pi.wcii' i:;: Coiitt of 0 i ir A i t! .'. a :'.. t i. i' i m. ;.e ut ; . ii ., .n. ''j .!,. i.e ! , t. : r : ..ii .1 V.': i it i: ni r, tu'.b -.! til .' ' !' l ull pan 1 i i. u ut' 1 i -.. o, ".d. cis vlO r BAUiL.'i' V'e S"C it St i'( ! I'at IV (100 sir lis id'.- 7iM'! ut an Ih';: v. !..-.- pip. r :' ll'ie t s ;, ' in-r n'nu .ilt , in i. iin) hi, lor eiii!!;r.; i m, -.!..!' Iiii, that on0 ny tii'ie-'hii'lnrrr h '3 bet" mown to pur three- ihoii'i-ind p.-!!"!1. ti'll'i of il'di's ryr? oi'..' iiii.e tint (!' luni'i'ril aril rh.-".?n pi'rs iri ura nr,n -; i i ' v ii pt"M"! iii -.hit ci-' rn. ;' n nu v, in iiiiki'v nnall ' ied d wheys lunl, tin. I (i.i inn h : i tit . r i t annual! v rnr-nu'.f.l ii in i".' wiio len horses fir t i'i'.f u in i np-oi r V'Uihl lie ri tpiired in a fust r.i'e s-,lp of wai I bis i.i cirianny I'uin,: a I irj Lui'iujrs. ti.ough il be I ;r em in t'ers. n In) routfnt us !o; as yi.iir rmui h i:' f ti I and your body w ai in remember ll e pi kiss the pi-eity piil d-iii'l rob ycur neighbor' hi n roes: nr u-r pick ru editor poekei, mr h ,vo an idea I1 t he is coin.! Another PfvoInti' n in .1i.tiVo. 1 Ian drt'ared InJipntJent We ainio'U" ' i few (lava age. on ihe 1111 ibm iiy of a b ' t from fAilnpeaihy, In the Spani.ili paper M New Oilcans, that a revolntinri was c." 1 1 . r . ..i U;iHUl.lH'U at 1 lli'UH! I'l i-i.nnei nrnrc I 'ppiidiittion, by die Mt xic n (i..vrrini,riil ul ibc Irci'ties t iifred into viiili Vuiatu! by S inn Anna Biter inlelligi-iirtt k'iu'.h mat proc inre li'-,i abiolulely thtrljicd i;- f fidt'jien lent i i!ic Mexican' an'lni:i III .; in-.' f ii'ih'i ern 11H11I, an d I'm; bad t iilh of that gov 1 11 a .v a aep.irate rf p ib' c. I'ne in,tMli'. lii-c is ciiuvc;, cd in a leti'-r Ii- iui Mci'di 1 tlie Capital. January lit, ilid a I : 1 e-i-ii id tint New York Herald. Yi'i-.t.m i-i no longer a pais rf the ;lA x i 11 federation. Yesterday llie 'Asieiu 1 Yd D.p.inuicnlali' pionoiinced njainst heir existing fur 11 of govcrnuinr, and b tve rt;i-:i lr L iho deputies 111 lie Mexicri I j . 1 1 1 n r 1 f s , Tlie Mciica.) c:.g'e has been tarn from ibcir banner, and replaced by the stars ot 1 S IS. Tlicy have jone back lo the old tiate nf things, aj tliPV existed befnre tho ireaty with Mexico The cause of llie ru i Mne is iliis same treaty; a resolution having bet ii Introduced : d carrifd, in the Mexi can chambers, fur a revision of said eaial;. liihed trc.i'y,. Inci lt ut upon this ba hern tl.a resigna if iI,k Gut einor nf ll.e I)i p irunent, Don r.biinio Eopez and hi- idam is lillei! iy .li,:"ei I! arbachar.u, fo:.:ii'i'ly holdinrj lie s no.'! i l.'.ci?. The .r;:.-ling against Mexico, and the stato uf t!,icj3 iii Mexico, has been, fir a Imu; li.iip, eilcntly running in the trnler i-urren: -3itii' but for iiufficient catini to put it.-ci; forth iu boddy sbnpp, 'Vi'xicn, as usual. Ins bad faith towards this tecti m d ha c.'tif .-ilt racy. 71csico, by lit r treaty with ', f;,a bound to admit at Ict j)nr!s of entry t.l! productions of said tic- j.niliii.vii duty froe. ( i.ifi i.iij-.-miMi I :,i:i'; plac treaty l! )v:: thu basis end Inter of me Ciistnui? 1 cfusin to coui il.f re'viih, lieci niratinn wa-i mado by tho goveiiiiner.t of '.lie BejiaitniPnt to ihe gen eral government, which met with no reply. In ll;i'i slat" of things came cnstial inti.Hi-r-nce by the jitamsitip Caudal. ni;-fl, v. Iiii l; it in at I.Kj-iait, of n ruisior at the capital, thai u't;itiat.ioi!3 were on foot .' hypotht?-i-ate the cus'.o ii'' of Ym-at'iii, i,t thu i -1 a -liali, m' ich, nrol.ably, vaa a ruse, to terri fy ihe YuealecoeJ into co'iipliimf: wi ll li-.nir desirci, Thii lit-it;litPiu-d '.be f.-clini'? I'icii enne lhj rcoluti 'ii fur the burst for tli'j I'tvisio'i of a 8u!eiiiulyuiade tre-..y. and the i'no burst forth. Whet will be the end'i'.ess Cod o;;!y .nows. Yi;:'aU:i is one t.f the finest provinces hi 'ex ;. Its pppuLtiun ia iiPatly C00.0HO, !:,;, ji exceeded by only three other th n ; oi.'. t:f d..? t .. cut : two c ;nn u a in: ; - i.v-- a : r r u n ' I r: I---I. i I i ; -' T .1 ,t I. ....i J ! - '' : . ;,ar .in : ,.-l. IU i'l, ul , . t . n.l .Il i le-S dfl '1 Ini s-if. i:i i : ;.n y ; ' 'I ;' '' :' 1 ;' 1 1- '. y lit .i ..' V.i'u'O'ii, il tl 'l l.fl'l' I ill till- I 1 U -i 1 I l!- I III I I 1 1 i. i ir h ' i u;i" ii w:. pi f.' ,hl- he-'..-,, Cell. W ..f.'l - 0 i'l n ' ' i pi H' a ; a nu "'Vi' ' i i;. ble w i' Ii oy :. t ......I, a I..- !:- Vt 1 1 on tit 1.1 his l.r ;i 'll. i rl r.'ly l: ''i in ml. t ' ) I'll i.-. It! .': C I ') a-rl 1 1 i i d r in the "trat ii ,.,', -PV! I. lii'h II S It 'V. ,1 I ! h..n 5J Iiii Iibors tf-j ii c io it v r 'o buy less ', !", ;.' i'l eif wltle-h Ii i net I ' l i i o ui liiiii. s.rjss-.e-a i W IijS p -S'-e d L' ; -! : ' i a r f j nf l'ieS P i pi ndl'i'i.l whieh ii t.n:i!i pho A alicv.-n the jury io fty in tlour .1 licl, wiii-'liPr Iho efie'i-i-.c ail fuficr di-xth or he iii;.n isim J fjr .Tiinei 'lo' an, Lq . lb Di'invy of le V. S. for thp I i ! i ict cf Co'unil.ia, p;l on Mon'av Wj-I,iiia- tu:s City. )
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers