ff1 1:1 y4 . . , i i !. t:i. 1,1? am. I lime sworn upon the Alter of Jml, etnroit h'HttM'.y to cvoi-y furai of Tyranny over tti5 Sliml of M in.'' Tlioiimd Jcller-tiiti Iff. WEBB?, EDITOR AM) PROPRIETOR. Volume 15. lil.OOHKMirKK, COMfl-UiSA ,). XTY, .'VriKihcr .5, opfici: of Tin: democrat, oriusirK .Vr. Pail's ('ih-kcii, Main-st, - t, A. t'l J . 77k C)l.fM!ll:i Hr.MUClt.rr trill he l''t'i!i '( . irryi Siiluri',:jj meriting, itl I il i) )' .(.. f.'iS ,rc 1,, lillllil imtilHe It .' ;;. .7; i tiu'miiti, or Titti .'0A.1 I (V' ,'; 1 rii;x,ij Her iditt irillitii lite tetit. n-in.-,-!:'i"ii ir'hl be lukctt fur a shrti r ,-,) ,;t,';i.'.'' 1; iii) r irt'i tlhi iii;. ' j'l '-i tiHr l,ii, i!il all urrenwe r.'i' Ji 'J-. 11 r'-. it. .i ; 1 v:.' 7V.N ;.: a'.v ,) frf,-'-f I 'iiire trill he rciv'i o'.vy iiixertiJ 11! ).': hllitrfor lheji,'l three i Due ii!tii, it'l l T.ri'itfi-fife t'nits for errrtf si-lne- tnnir tixeriio:). jr . litrrtil tiiseomi 111,1 le J.) thoxf who ti iv rlise hi the tirnr 1 .' f ''' II V ihllreHxrd oil liit.sinrss,iuii.fl !,r jm .' intid. 11 t f " 1 v j: m t " UV.'A fliitnri rin-'ri'il, I' f :ni vurh'tn J, it , C'ti il irii'i ruin 'J hi e!Mi llc w -tit il.rvn I ;l I'liMi . !i-v:inl wrnc, A:mI ilu'ir :i j n i ( mi-h' I lcil Hi I i;i ir' "H. A-i wm.'.i'iiii'i -niii l!ic halliitvM DiiiiiJ H VfNfl vciiluri! (!n'.t, I j.itl ;! f.v.i -.n-t -i:.trs jy Im i!cjl!i's i;ti:-j' II r !. Th.':v W.w a tivn Me sent .V..iite l!i it cmii !i )! 1 ! iv U';i''!'i' i!t i!ie im 't.ier '.ile 'I'k ' ' J U lliii pi e.! i ir.v Ami l-lf-x r-ie!i i-il'nit !,n,l ' An'l 1" ii v I.!'. . 1111 f:'i.-, Tint l.re it'i'.l a i ;!i of IV i ;i-:inec roun 1 'J'iie iilu!.-. u her eaiP, "'!n! ltiiiii'ilcil Iiirds liml leiwn Far IV11111 tli' ir nc.-it mvav, Vet siill wii'iiii I'm . 1 1 r .'- " I i.Mi'p i'ii i li'eiile! ! 'jnTi lay; !::! surely ik (Im-p In il,t w i n- Oil l.in'rt I'nisieu li:e ."lielterihi; tree; And Mrl ".villi j'lyniis llijiit to Urjvcu S'icli rliiil ilieir ri-air; lie. TI!R TRUE DOCTIMNi:. A frifin! iln-s t'l'iqurn'ly sppafc1 Tin lrii iliietriin! is this if a man lias 10 rcni' in iiH puikct aitdowPi no icar. anMliiiig Ik is rieli yes rii ii !'C ahovo lhe win w il'iall tin' extern::! nf ivc,,!;h ::tl! ifiui atii! Iiii'lo'v lioari'd faliinii arc in r"ii'. pour in hvart, poor iii j.li'nsiirc. .lust a r tjt iiirrci-'i'S in ! t-ir-t h:; i!'V! .".v;e ii t!u (.;,p ii.i!'!v i f f! j m i"'; Iii". Ai'd I bold i tnli' id il t'i'' 'm!'I iV" ni ii'i; In In! f j . t v -c! ' ail 'I 'iii! d ii! l :u!ii( iy r : verv lin.iiiic J wi" d i'it !( a ii' 1 it 'ie'i a u it s -iri--! iin"i' It 1:1 Wi',.!'.il. A r;iiM ba il 111 bi 11. A vini"T I- ri ii 1 i 1 :ravt,r, wbit In iiin lital run loartied to mallei t'-c laneii ir. wont to !i:.fl " i ll a er:; lit-.nan (.a n I r.ir. bdfi.'lit a letter id i"! 'i"lm" i m. Tin- fl t Vli)ll-f!!!! P f f)l I lllllilf I i'l IJI'lUi''. 'M.i f"i!' o- I It?, 'In iii iiiji i ti.i iiiiieli si) n n, e'. 'I'll' (i.-xt day be wMied to on! t a diivk rn f ir lii.s d;mii'r, luit be ciTiid n it r- 1 .1 -U-e. liif1 1 if I111 )"r;.!i i'V Ii': turtle'' 1 i r 1 lie.' ". iaU'i -'. i'C i r - ;.! e,ni;ln iiili. of a 1 ailirr-i'n'.'!; tut n rbi.reh, I at you ell t: m 1 ? cii'! li'iifJ be, puitii- 'That i a chiirrh ijwci' nnswtred be iini'.ur of bote!. 'Den I wish voti have tbe k!ir:nf? to ! rots', von cbtireb toivcr for inv dinii'r. It js stated that a subject of the Kinir oi I'rtissia, a talented mechanic, heii'jj aboin to euiierat'' to Auierie.i, was aircMed and btoilfht it fire bis M'jesly. 'Well, my good fiifiit!,' s aid tlio Jv in r. how ran w C p( rstiadu you to rsinain iii I'llissili?' 'Most gracious tire, only by irakine I'nnsia hat America is.. He was allowed to emigrate. A '. Mi:t f 'p, a'untt s-.arlit il'iwn 1 Huff ,d i.i, j n jmssrd to per. h-ie a. lilt : 1 n t r. Oil yim'.I ii 'I w 't;l it,' si!-:r;cd I'-.c .(i'btgs i f wind won't sink.' '(lelii'H will always work its Wly ';:H',' f t' tt "aid, when ba BaWjliad (i irliilly rc::'e I i's tvi'ri,;, proeeeiictl ti.e it'jj iv Ct ins coal. WONDKIIl'UI. pki-.skuvai'Ion UI- lief II. A. Rowland, formerly pastor of die (' 1't'oil St, I're.sbv'eriaii Church in New Yoik, but now a resident of Houss dale, Pa., bin sent t the ( 'iMmier-ia! A !- vpniser a cii en in Manual aeetiun'. id ihe rirru dreadful calamity at CaiiMinl di, cjusijI by ibo (allir in nf ctia! iiiiihu nt tfi.it place. Hie nt uinrr in wbieli ilir 'ifu of Mr, J dm Ilosir, fiirnterly of New York, was precr vet!, is sit reioarka'de i'iii 0 ciinnil fir- near ropy mi ,Mr. 1, w 1:1 mi s tVi-ai ipiiiii;: Mr. Itti'iiJ wpii! into .' in- Nil, '.'.nileiiil- 1 t 1 . tit mg It) pun iir. laiiiou prr.iei.t v, inn; 11:11 prVf t (J y v! : built fi mile, w lien i' S'aiillv ihr itioiiiitjin over bis brad iIc-m ended wilfi :in vful rt'asli if every iliii'' w bieli npjmed n i"'re.n, ami I i t t dt'W'i over bun, br ing up tb road with rro-bed ctial and buttl ing him double, leaving not a foot of up an !)Ctivrrn tbesulid ma"1 a'itve and tbe c'liisb- ed imaI tit-low. Tim di-ia'ici) dttueeiitb.-t! , was 1 1 1 e ln'ijjht of l!ic niini', or Irom tx u ei" it c'tt 00 "rc-it uc tiroastirte f' ibr nir 111 it it prodiirtcl a tinlul sci'saiion as il Nittiii! sharp iiisiituitMil bad !:een lliius1 into bis rar'. All "ri 101 il darknr s,cvcr 'i;;!il i'i the tuitie oi mz iim imly ( x'iiiiii-li-ed. Ever and anon di" tliiiiid-r id' the fjli in" tna.st-s roar'.-tl !:iro:t;i(i Om rjverm. Af (er wailii a ? nil:. lib; :in'; ofiiruefjr lb roeks to eea-H filling. M,-. llti.-'ie btri remove t'.ic loose ma'.urial amuinl iii 11 and orieep. II irif d otii iy an I it was '.'ospil He t!"i'i prin-i'dlcd in die ollici i.iree'.n;;; and af cr niii" bmirj inecsinit !oi. .Teep:p, fir.oving louse ooa! end s'ato, ain! sq'if ; zillj bi:tts(df p tl (ibsljideH, ,a a-a..!e bi 'vr.y intotlie open mini. I'i'ii l;r tri ed In c;rl!. ( a li"'.'. I'i'l l.is ... : . 4 ' -.J 1;. eiinia dam;) ar.il win. Id pot in'te. lt lell aronnil him ,ii and di-covt'r d by the di rection uftha r.iili'oo.1 lb it, m.iirri;! of ma'; in; hiti way out, bn had jone fariber i'tt" ilis mine, and was cut nfffroM a return by .III! in laS wbieli hill Sft!!;'.! dnsn Htl the ro'Htl. lie the n bt".bon;it him of l!i tiir 'mle, a.id at'c-npte-l to r.-r.i b it; but the. p.v; ;h'i! bad been 1 rt.slted in and ebcd. IJe :ng in the vicinity of ti.s t.:i:,in;' cpntion. be lonnd koiiic po tier, 't d fprtr.iiii'g il or the floor, ft!leaiita with a pick to ipti'.e 't, but eo'ild not. fie found hio aeon oi bi, 'a1m;:!i bo vr-.i 1 ; d i i e:.?o id r.wi't tn it'-e f.n' fend. A!l ' ( -1:1 (la; ,. rount-ein ovr r liioi v. Itl off blin'l i'lt C'S ei him to rmi'tftit dse . ai.,1 lnc put m a'-o r r ; . 1 ; 1 1 f--. ibro'.v 1 '.?. a:;,l 1 .-ei ,i.j :r i:M i v ; .rp; ! 1 not a p'iri of ibe h t: ", e .; ;n c.i:..i: 1. jv. n cr ! Itl.t iy to foi ls 1'.: titer, .!r i! as bn ecu!.!; be l nr.er 11:1:1 l:i 1 hi...t-.-;r .v. I'I ,1 r :i ii .s "'i!.'!:. l;:i'l ft ll I i tJ lijlC bv lie , i.'i a pi-:, c of ph.'tl!;. V.rciil ': ces i,i:i r,r, no ami the be b itels. .'. rt'.'.e in ibi hour w he.) he ' i.t 1 in to'al liatklif?-, 1. '.'lain pom!?. I'jine f 'm iiii.-;.-;.:! his j'vv b.'i'. ". f'.-d led '...-m:.:'ri bis acrpiainl i'i.'D tvitli ine rsii'K to si t bi::i-iil n:'!it. lie first tried 1" r; aeh Mo. 1, but ftfier toil ii::T to that roa il, found that it w i a!o ci usli eil in. Ilis only chance sreinid then to n.-ot'ced at riedit angles wi'i the ri'.in e.rlcr- ics of l!:'j iiiltin and pp:ss over to No '), Bin! '.'lis he biboii'd to dj in ae-ornatieri 'Vilh hi ie.t jil.!0'ci!icii! At 0:10 limn he pissed tbro'te'i n narrow np'.rance inio a (drim'ner, an I m endfivmioe 10 creep mil the Other side. In: was ean .'lii 111 a narrow place by the lull a1' vt siuhr, do'n 1. pan him, and rem lined in l!iis juni lion an biiir, i-xpeetinj to die there. II 1: inother eetilir j of the mass ebushed 0111 -iiiiiie of the materials Mound biui, and In a.l e iiabd lo I'ipp hnnseif mid dr.i'V back int'i the chamber of ibe mine. In reuirr.i:. invvever. to 'die bolo bv which lie b id ei , 1 11 the ( ii'r.iiiee. be Itnmd In bis il : ; m a -;!,:.! it " 's c'.u-cd: ..ml be w::s o nt -1 1 t 10 1. 11 :.l a lie w iris -.u'1 nni I'i ii.i'. I lo Lis way mil " 1:1 It ll.'enli ,1. Tiiin, ;d:c r wi-i k i 1V--1X b"wis, be jt I , 1, mi l..r ir, . -re linn !.,n ll tli rce in d Nn. M, where be rented, r.i.d liien when the bid inward liio niouih of iho mines. On bis way Iifl met Mr lliydfn, onu of the iiper.CIIAKC().VL FOK l'LSACIl TiiHA'S. intondeni", w ho, with In intn was explo ring the cavern with lij!iis in ec lrrdi ol bin); and si about livi; o'ttbtek in the morn ing be emerged l ibe liylil of d iy, baviiiji bcou given tip as deid, and been i.iearcera icd in ulK.r daiknesi bei,ei!i a p c : 1 1 i n ; 1 moiintain for forty ei'it Itunrs Mr. 'Ins told mo many of tltesn pariirular", and tin others I (leaned I'min i!i prim ijial nlTicer. f the comp-tiiy, to whom, limy were nar rated. At one liiiie. Mr. Hn.-in ..iw limits nt di'iance, but ibey soati vanisbed Tbf wpie i!iu bhts tj men in number ihret ei kiui lor bun. Tli'-s I'i'it.s Itoevcr is siiied bioi that be ' hs 'iiiriii!i? the rij;lr 'ottrse. Mi Hiisic'jt h uiili were s eran lift Mid cut up by winkiiiL, so as to bo com ;deiry covered with Hnres. IIsiie"tr fo' j 1 1 C mo nenl lost bis sell pnesjin and ti b'.ti fae!, added to bis la"l and persif veratiel is 10 be ascribed bis deliveraiien. Tbcie went about leriy rn 'n in the mines vbea ihfi cat:isirop!i(! occiureil, and ih r CC tvlto ( sitapnj owe'l their preservat r.i:, in trr e-.it iiii.-asure, to 'Jr. !!r ;lo:t, n:m t: th 'iiji' i in'O'iilenls, who cot! Jin-led llie,-7i out ivnii ereat roolnct.J atn! sclf-no'-cs-'ion, vbic poiiiot.s of tin; bill oilier than those ivhii b first fell, were suttliitg down around dtsfi) Ijnniii'g thai one poor Iiisli labor tr, w'jij bail been sii;i'-!t down by a slate, v is left, wiih bi.i leg broken, l:e went back ilotie and bru'thiji ont, S nnelimcs be tva O'npelled to creep pud diaw the itinn idler inn, ibro rteviees wbieli wero boon alter tb.sed by tit.) seuling of i5u bill. In two boats morn the whole. 13,1 shut i'o-.vp. fo liia". if bs bat! been led'1 ll!5 Iftsr. bee a iacviinble. 'i'lmhs to .'.'r. IJry :ftu fur bis coolais'!, inl.'i ;:idi'.v and bu- Ti:a grsutust pon-i'Je f,'.nt3 are new e.ndo by woikin' n'l.t end day t.i rcat b tlid p!a: v.'bji'c the !iT..:,rn '.vert! t.i voil. nit faint iicpes, however i.vi ; licii: l.e I :e pif'.ln thorn, '"lis ;d.,e:i ir.r.ut prob .1;!;. e rcail.r.l hefor t!: roid.iiv of next .t.i.k if iben. Ti e pi'o'oibility ': li.at t'iry have '11 en erti'h.-d to daih. ;U.ist of tbetn e,,ri neii re br.v I i ko Ci iaiirtv 10 t'S il il. u:y-n sufKc: i r i ion m' yea: ' .iled T..i. a i ,i' ir f.erH'i'ion r. ro ll ft!,.- ft. , ti, - 1, f l-V . n 1 i It le.f SI,.:. (., 1 1 . r I tin 'it'-.vr; to tit) :ii'ueh e i.v :l -1- i .in .il '.'Us as w:Ii . - ', .,: ,'.. -;.v.ni I :) ' ( r .1 r ( 1 ' ., '.- si:' d 1 1 s't p nn , I ,r, er, '' 1 10 .i -:i : - r.-v '- f. ; ,-n t , . :...w. if br ' t , I : i--,v In -!,,iii:ii . ? 1 tVi.'il.l i.-e . 1 .1 . 1 j !i He ,r:,l, i (' ) w s ; !'; v.nr'.il I '.-' ''.I -1 I'd :,-y th-: :::o;;rnp And to the pallid iin r " imnor, r's U :rs, I tin - - no :.o And fricii.'s tl,:,'. 1, .:! And ''..:::.' i th''! il IM caii. e to me. I , 1 1.. C"; e -.'.. 11 -,.!.! '.trur.zrd. '-.o-si't And miii-lc r.s ..f o'd I And tli'i : 1 d us- tin p.e 1. id', s powi r To t-'c a'.l'T hli.li .T :::;-: .1, i'ill ift a ,r or aidii.i; bc'-it L'oul'I h the world ! b.n'el; Oh! ill 1! '.'.. ti..)' a! COie-it."! 1-1 !! (;ve Si"',' I men' . ,-iinbI "I tin: p' '' e' imp li propt'i ! v -ip;.-ieriaU-d ail billy .; 1 11 ,', on'. 1 1 wo'i'tl !) ' It 1, ! .' i i' ,'iriuo'H, 3ud r.o'utf, nt 1 i'i: cni .'. 1 1 )' iliciidvs as tl I-: -ji;i aa en ! V I ',! II! 'Il b.i1.-:- on tli--; m- It t i'u !-.- ! -tli: d lis t ' 1 ii'ii- nf tiie ' .! -i t t , its vc;m;r ; til b tvoobi 11 ' :' n : n e and d- t 1 a I, ita'" 10-1:1 fi oui i'i s .1 !l 1 ;ip V and in:-" id td (!-. Clt.l'dell I . 1 t. I ii- 111 in V lo :'.. ei i'ii- tvb;e'l d-' (1,1, 11:1 I 1 C 1 ier 1 it1,- - - ii'tp:; 'io bin i.t (jvc. v ',::.!; ! I .m-v v ' 'Vliim off Iftit f'.' t.'i.uld li'' i'iii;m'!ei ! I - S . tolled. If it V.'-lP p 'S ')'.- fif Ml i M;.t. of thine 1,1 t v-i, -be vrltl in s' r :t 1 o! b- 1 o e a pel I-p.i il ir Jirilm j.V b- - pu.- ' : I ! 1-n b':l us H i .f 1 1. en! 1 I'lured lis p.a'.V' t's. r '.;:' : ". t 1, :,',i ,?;' -7 ..'c.v . .j J.). A -'.imui.irv U t e-naboe-. Inr '.lie l.t-l t ear up.,:i lie' ial.c donn liii' period of n.n le-iiimi, MVit t!n i.umlirr ef Ijves lost a (id; ves-ela a!lon (:p-,; i-ti-.d -vreeks vii); a, .) o !( o(K t!::uiges. A 1'nei'ii oi 111, ue iij. pisi im inieii "inu;t: tvnn mckiviini, anti iijim m me of Hie success bo lias im t wi:li, by Prop or two of ilia', ami iln-n oil, an 1 he application ofcbaicjal 10 bis if pcIi l,l"n liy clover, and do not b li,.i-oii'- ire'es; a I'-w y-nrs-to bo b id sum-" fine U1'1' if ll"! fi'-l emp of clnver is n iei a in bi-i'.i d which in vm ibly bad n 1,1 ek a ymi onld wish, hut u v a nml woiniy leu t; w!mn fit: fiil.t w.i 11,1 ber C 1 op, and 011 w.l I soon lnvei'i tbo'it Hn. s z cl in ti bh s, lis had lb-; isf .(V i'n i f h":im j )ir tv-r.i on "'.r' leinnvcl Hi X. 1 '. 'Jh r?3 a'.v! 2 ' "nlsio 1 ! "C y 'i ;!..u.:'t.. Vrt liontnl und J inches deep, and lide ir'oo, I uoilld ny lo Hip firmer, Ilia in v.'.th ehaiie.ot!: t.i tc.-ull w.is 1 hat be Irmt trew 10 .1 li ip sizi I'ri-e fiom vvonns; and every yitu i'iiie, t!):' fin .1 11s bein jjoof! , and ihj trees hecmii liealihy and i'tei; I'roni t;'i 0; while Uvi rt.es 1 11 wi'diiinl !he t'lMfcoa't c 11 ' 1 mi 10 bear woiniy (nut, arid lint li'tj tin nealiht ; as tti.s will lis in ' i . 1 1 e; t .r tin eidcis of the Chntiv.tt'ii Ij in kc a liia. 'b:s car, aril shinibl il ja uv a.s gond villi o'l:"is a 10 this cue, it wi.hiM In if ",i'-'ii heiK lit in iin; It ml flower. Il'l irtri' is ti:i j 1 .1 11 1 their pumpkins. ill 11 , and 0' hi.r vins on land llul 11 ptmbi corn I i 'i j ear I hi.-y v : 1 1 nevei ae in:. hied with lb? yriped bu.;. 'I hi' nure lias bean praetist-l Itero ltt many ,'r,ir.", and his jl.vays proved Mieres- ul, wlit u vinos pii:.'.e:l o:: land that Inn iiiy oilier prop, even vine ibn yea ntvioJus, ai e dcsHoyed by tin: bii, y 1, km no UMiEK ci.ovi:;;. Mr. Tucker.--T!ierr' i, pnl.-p-, inuthutt of cuncbinj lands m ite r Hi ' entiy, ami at so tibeap a 1 ale, as tlni o itiowing down pecn clover. (J.sv.r :. icki'iowlctlsd by all proclical l'.i".ner. n 0110 of lha best, if not tho veiy lies' grif? is rxisl.incc I'jr feiti!iz:nr; !mt! l' long tap roots reach inlo th sjb ,tJil la"c-n kna ,c,,uer , u'r dev.:. vonhi'"c;! l,v 1 ,,r""w: l,,r,' ,s ' uiuUtici! witi.M. ;.tt:rts err;: ti 1 ni "ft col.? over p'ovcr in the I' .nn of 1 ie.!i nol 1 vl""h ! '!;h'-. no ! 1 1 - f v 1 w : t : 1 j n i Ye.t Wii il these ;;cn hi? eyes of f 1 r n i f v j yul n .mi ted ' o bi ! v; ;,-d enr:c!.io t :i jnl fi ho'.v :"; fi lit:: j:'t ' fsw (.1 its i l; :d ol" r-r,c in vort. (.'.;! L.tiJ". my of im f inner ll.SL 'V3 ":' 3 Ct t.ll it r!0V5e "I'll Wli li-i ',i I j ;dm H :n, ns it l-.:')'.'i 'y JO.I to li V.Uil'.'sd, ll.O POPS' (,'ONie tl.-it ,t 'ii put for 1: iy, :-:d le'i fltai.e-. ci 0 ui if :t t.i net npuiiid it) m !'.!;',, i Itjt l-.y iitj '11IC i! X'J'S it'tlo I In) Ii.-.:::, I nciL.ti bn' a bi:-(.'i i-f stjnts, 'i'li.-M t .r.aoy A n'-tcot ( ;.'..miis as i. 0 lb nit. 1 :!.' M ol 1 in'.' 1 r, at1.:! us tbn in s imr o tuintfH il UliH.- Ii-.i' put 11 bi'i; I.e. mil. T''i::e ;m iVr !o inv li:. ,1', t i: ii- loi s Iii" ,' p..) .. 1 ti.a; in 'Ins slat:- il. i ', im) !) i'ii-i-i-It :'.-is ., .,.'.:'; -I.I ' '" ',ry e ( i 1-it ! il o,i c-r.e " I 1 1 ; ' A '1 ..e, a,:t! 11 e'u a i., tj r ei cit , i e 11: I. .1 I,:.". ma- - I t: i.tteo vltl- it -. .' 1,1 , V,T, lo;;"l e a'.!;:1'! ! :-. t.r j: - i i ,7" Ml 'fee. lot n"d uu':i:r :. I is 'l.e ea-3 msy e ! ;r: : ism;; l.e .v :' I, v. -- 1 V I,:-; t ,. P ( I -.- i 1 if 1. .1 P. f,;i 1,1 Itti'-.M Il ; i.,vvie;. ve, i ,1 I it:, t O ', tV ti ll! . , . .1 r ' S i:t) fill- - 1,1 1 I V. ill .. r.v o. 1 1 iT f" 1 ) v,l .I'.V ru (I'.elf . " iii..-, 1 . :ir-,.-i w b'.'it. r f:;-i , . ilcr a 1:!'. ' ii r 1 , j). at. : -.i . -.I'i a.. I in Ii -ve 11 v in t ' t ,r let-1. .i -i l :if V r, ll; ' it.ry tin 1,:.'. want to S"W .-,11. i. , r : ., tin i; '.. i t .. ue.h iv 1 ::,! in if '! !; doctt i-.e ; laiti in: u ..U lliat tnc" :. 1? a.i.tidoi 'I is j, if ail i-t i-'es iv i" e.i.' ( b.op : Ih-; ) I hill!; ih' 10 'j'"!1.:' vi 1 , , v i:...i ihe b c 1 I iei :e 11 me: r )- f -1- pint-.' p; J m si?tt, at lb:-tain-: t!-3 . re :t e piiecs. Th -i imli r e ,i er, is i:i .1 et I in" -.vil li i hi ft!. 1 : ii ' I .t . 1 i 1 t-1 . . ' . : 1 , 1 1:1c is vv b :n il. 1 ii.u mil an. .Vhere 'he Cl'-'p 01 c'oVi i' is Iii in h.,tV- III tbt' 1. nil. a hcnvx, . .'i.iinc wi: I over it i l.e iloivii su: ' If 1. 1 1' ymi p: .'"--, t.i y press it ,:Iet.ily o 'nt :i il under. 1.1 n a 1 -a;'! 1 I'd 1 1 lae p. u.V 1 1 clover down, vill do lb" tn'd If 1. lei li .! ,. r. -'.1 u.il Im V v I '. I a! I- turned Um ..- n I I, .v.' i.i 'b'. e 1 1 i 1 '. I lib :! I'i1 -.!'. in "-b lilis t.1 , t!i ':n:ii- lo-IM't!. () "'K t ','.'"'. ' " 1 . 1.1 ... 1 1. 1 1 l.niiiti 1 r. 1 1 ' 111 t 11 1 ,. ; 1 j 1 1 j;,ii a no 1111. lotv I!i! it mil- I.t . id I v in inv. il,- I on poir. w orn out binds, it wiil be oU llltle'l-.n !') SOW cb.ivrr. as tll-t B o! VVi-ii ill! p(ii(!,icj lb 1:1 UUJWi r !0 lhi: I I would siy that on such lands, m m I ' '"' ' on '( 0 in four plover o '"' n "'ider fceo, or m i; il intn hay -otv elovrr. t Dl'UAXI). Ueiby, (Innn , ()!. In. IS L". i'AIi.lMU'S llOVS..vJ W1NTEH KVKM.Sf'.S. We popy tlie ftdlowin "otnl ami iT-ly s'lyjrsiiong ft ,in Uie ''irn,er' ! I a b 1 n ? t : All know lint it is by lillle and Iii tie tiiat i he biids build their nest, and iin? bee ber pell. lodnstiv wid e sr verenpp wilt accompli h in time;, fai more tinn the unrellee'i'i are. a; t h ii pirt. K,irmei'. boye, for i:i-tane' , .vbo would ()end a cuupdi! i f lnui l! rsj l-tn winter evrnii in j tr -t use I'ul books, wn.ild, a 'co'iijilisli n 'Hrrc or four m o a ' i 1 what would sut ji iso one win is ip-o-'ouied lo b;:'er 0; nvty thes" rpiie! pm I iocs of ii daj vliiihoiit employ in m, i. Sbyy Ito'ii'" n Ibe ' in'Miib, saved f.ooi evenir.cs. vbi.di tnibt o'hrrwi"" Inve bein spem vo'ibl attiootit in iln (";! si of a Imi vinler, !o as nni'.b tini", ami va i!d eo j t'llij a Ijtl 10 ace, ini,:,, ,n n.itti a Vwt.l.l StVl'ral iser k-' stlt inli "S. ;i'i' iho lioy who w.l! ibti pci scvcri ily a' lend lo bis o'vti iinpr ivempii!, nriv r- ipnn it lli.il bis i ncre:ij"t! iu'elli'Mic vill not only a l l to Ins rei'-rii'iilm O'll bo w.ll be ail tlio In tier filled lo be t.c'ivt: and i,ponsible diri.s of Ii, inwards whii h b'j is oil'jn iui:.tt ten : 1 1 lookin r i ! I Hi It tok I ir r.la lioc, w- ny lo fanner's boys reject su.-li a- b'lndod on fijiioo, and choo.-"; 'hose on y wh'ch ''ei! w 1 ' 11 ii Lu'ivj lac s is 00 o '.viral bis'tii't , vma-'s, travel .nil bior.iplii.i, tincieiil am! nioderi is, lor y li,)t id' your own pmiiiiiy ii 1; el'- ffoeo lo ull oliieis V'lll vil V'jtse tl: ill Wa.s'e your Inn- l,y deVot:nt t to ftPlit ot;s readni '.vhieli thoiii! enin.' iiii-S inio'iiecilitllabit! ill i S It'll W'm -, i.i r 1 1 1 1 1 e of a coo'i.iiy ciiarnc'e ml 'luldo."-! indeed really u-e!ul. A mrrir! ri ers h is oi- rted. j ou si o ii in as par'icMibn 10 ins pho:ee of ymi ion is a; in ib" 1 In i e 0' your frieod. If vo-.i eaily contiaei a IikIjiI of tieVo'i ai vctir ;-is'i: j !::in; lo us( fill readii'i'.voi vi. I lio'J the lute to ;i 0 v'!i end "'11 n;; !: 'tow wiih vi'o ti v i'h you 511 I 1 : -. : 1 yi'.l vi 1 i'l !teeii;.. iltllitOVPtl r ':'ji fi.-.? c; In-; meui'ii novvei, a- v t 1 1 r b.'.d ies ei e b v ai" nn. If iho you,!- ci--i.M btP jtl-'Iy nppte rsiij'.o :ir.' i;:es'i:ii.ib!.T v a!u of kuowed"". lb" p.i.vtr it lia atr " lorant-e tin !i.li'!.'-...-a il Inn .seoiii.n.i,' vir'ti", ip ,;t.::..bii,: ;, a:.. I ni'i 11 woild 1I11 ih , ::.r-' in-y nev'.r vtibl sp' nd in fiivolous ,1 : 11 1: ' iin ti t or '.v. .-'' in i ib-iitss, a sinalt .1 j: J'i'-::r of witi'er ( Ven 11 i whirii lb -) On. Iloi'ht devii. e In profit a Id;: Illdy or tea. I r. Win re lln re i- 00 0 poi'tuuily bn il'll l.e' I "d SOLS to eet ii.niks It mil libr.it'. I 'b'-.r p. :e:,i. hould by ail in -. !, put- j !,:,, ibnn fi-r lie in if pos.-.biy wnhii i!,.':!- -...r.ver. ,n :io or !r. 0 noii be :!. pal li wlitK 1 would b,i of t,t : 1 dv.i.it f !:) i'.::n: l..l im'e d; tin- Uiilli'l-I -. -as ,:.t-y '.on:,! l.e heller ill 111 loo ill n.y, '..tciid im lk"ly lo dciivt llOipptt.'! fllilil hf.'o.iliii' will ae pi.lii,';;! vvilb ibf tonleoLS of J few.'lon I, nn a : up' I lit 'al peti'..t! of r.'any ()nC' nt. "i (..-. d lit n 1 I'i'.!, or s'J Iy, ,lCie,K. s tvini', 1:1.1'. pit .1: u-r't:;e!y mir. . 1 v 1, ,1". 1. ." s n.t'Vt 1 : 11 1 1) "a ii", , 11 is '.pjlih. il. , '.vb. in pni'i l ejiijiiy as it may decline issuing hs proiin--"iv in:!ei tro enl: ii-t d li'.uid p...s.i.'.-.U'S tuiifi.; tbeii w by tliimlil t!i li.t:ilr. v id i's lifi-i.il---, PoOiptie.i Wild t Si iiilbt; ear I !'.! di.fooi'i is nn tioT !ii:i roioin"! iilu'. f oi'-i s' hons, we art? a.!dipss,ot o;i in p-n iirui..i : impiove whjievnj 1' t'li.tiili.- .'on liavn t, ioM.r.ii Vo.lii 1.,.,,., iJZ'.uW . !- a.u...l liial whett v. i ...lil'ssiifrieieiittopayal!; but .,.:. pcceiv" dirt ve heroine touoe; Oilmi. i".n- iiib'ienre .1 in' ' in 11 Vast ileal ;'. 10 so t ';01 it? 1 tl.. v 1 ' lif t)' 00 I- exit nt of - oil' ktlO'.V P'd-i A mi.', is 10 ooa linpor- liu.t ip-p-e:, !. ertne i aoo'I'er, ma bmueli its , is Vll,rc uucinaettl M,ao n .i i : . ........ 1 , I.. ...., 1 -i v inn ner a on ie noi amu iitu.-i ) i'-.i ; ti Imtp lo 1; now ie o ,-r. S'Oie i', lb' 0 Im our voiilh lot i rtrcinbcr tho Iru.h the l : (,(! -.-.td, ifitnniiMn ol UoiUsliii'.h, '"I'ilO b") IS i.l.ll 10 a 111211 7o the, Semite and House of fifji csetira tcwi nf the Coiiiiiionweuth nf Vainxy a vim in, (T;.vru:.u!:x: The Hill eniidcd n to 1 'i'-mpor,itiii; the Armsiroiis; eniniy 11 id;,' as presinted f,tr my lignumi on ibe lit ii lay of April IjuI. t t-rlitriri.l.m r tl... ... lablisbmr ut ol a 15 ink ai Kitiannii tr, wiih a apiial of fifty thousand dolhus, who b in v )t iiici-ptneil to (mo hundred ilium n d i , , ir", at ibe pleasure .if ibe- Smekb dth 1 s. This bill invoices the policy ef incte:... illg the banking eapilal of ibe i'-':a!e, nail n e -siablisbitieni of new J inks in vannus ff dons of ibe (lommoiuealib, aga'iisi whieli I hive fxiressed my views at I, rep in i),e in -a're tr-insiiiiitiiil to the JiPei-bimrtt at be commencement of the pn sent S-s don. I'here do 's notappe ir 10 be any ')ihin: m lie eoiidiiion, pursuits and biis'itii ss ,i ii,e teopls of Armstrong county, dilT rinj: fimii 'nosd .f many oilier pounti'eg of ,t,.t vit'iin whine limits no banks exist, wlm h iresent peculiar I'laims lor the establish- uent of a bank. 'I'licir piitsuils are es:-fi:. idly a;;riptilPiral, wliicb of nil t!m in hi . rial enipbivineiils of the renple, rn-ere, ml happily require, least the biiiil'n ial aid ro-n I't trik lieeninniiidalioiis. Ilowtiver useful limks may be. in fi.il. italmjj e.itnmereiai trans iPiiniis, 1 x,'iii n---has shown, that those aeiictiliiiral ibsinni ' bieb Inive bern ftirlliHresi re-onnd fiw, 11 'heir i'libipnee, bare smll'iretl le :,si li..ni o.ifiir and pecuniary eiiiliarramiiic:' ', It is by no means pertain, ib,,i ibe p m 'iifra-;ei m the inereasirjj manoi'ie'inefs , ( 7: msP'or.'j cotinly, w here eapilal is so ip nedi.iic'y piodue'.ive, r (jnire the aid, it viiiihl lie 11111U-1 i.dly liem ,'iilei bv ihn es'-1 -ishcitiii of a b'ink Tln-ir Innini s, on,-, cii-itis coiiejiiiiaie in I'ltisbiiri;, l!ic tireni n irkel ,'nr ilieir Iron and other producD-vi Vi that p.iiot they lay tlie found itoms , retlit bi: J e.-Ublish claims lo aceoiiiuioib The ercatlun of a bank dors no', ni-.,Vr my eirc.i msianees, present a stntt'y Ined ins!ioil I'! tell of these iii.Milti'inns xth't s proportion to tbe g"neral cuciibiiuin of aper noney, and thus rd'cols ibe ciiiit iu " I' ibe whole Ft.i'e, in ibe pnimdness of vh i b, nil are inlerpstcd ()nr euneiii v iiiw is co nparatively good, and 1 tre nd a an itiipctativn (buy of tbt Mxeeunve a ve I ns the Legislature, to juaril 'letiinii i's leprueiaiion. We rre adiiioni.-h'-d ,v re tut rxperifnec of the dis.istriMi'i tll'eeis i-f xees;ivc ban!; ii.jr, from which tlie pi'iz.-in hive not yet entirely ipcovred not to inc 1011 a course nf policy lemlinj to prndiu d ikt! letutbs. In addition lo ihese reasot, fur withh,.!d- :11a my ajiprrn-al of iho luil, llinie can I11I iiiaultation limn I found leisure in In . -tow ipon ibe su!'ji!i.-t duriiif' ibe liist uimiihsi of 11 V l'l!'i 'ial duty basKatirfled lli lhal in oi ler m make the pririeiplo of i (dividual ha liny of s'.oi-kbobb:is eli'eelpe 11 lim:b .'Pil.rai e all the liabilities of the eoi in iiine. lie the provisions of tin' bill bi f ie me, li la niir.ed pi not' bobb rs. It is inie that de posilt s are nude lolun nrilv, v bile men are coinpelb d to re. tit" 1:) p.av ui' ilt of ibeir dues the cut rein- v who Ii 11 in I'ei.eial I'iretiialion. I.ulti.i- tlm imt ff 1 t ibe nilu that stockholder ; m Im tl- rit e 'io!'; s (una a corporation, should iimnr a f riespoadiitt lubiliiy for a' I i s t near. meiils. AH tl'.e enniiarts of a bank are olon',in' I ri.f ir 11.. n 1., i ...i . .in.,.. 11.. .... m ..l ' lian folders in ease of failure, cot Unl '0 all its debt:.. It is Iran that one colil' i' t may be more favored by the lavv tli-ni 01I1 t rs, in ibe order of p i v iiieiit, u hen the bmil 10 ii.i-aoi lor exoneraiiri a Hinveui 111 icnr '1 out ),e payment ol all his deb'n. Indeed be (IfpoMbor of moneys for rafe ke -tniig, i . 1 ... 1 t . j (,, n rejanleil f.s a creditor if lh 11. i nit n'oi iou.s r ink, as be b it-iins neitii- :(,r 1(.,ft. ,l0r rri r,(i hi partaken id iIsh true-1 ebitr.i'-ler w hit Ii '' - j i--l claims cl,1" Vtrum i ro:,'; S M- ' l"'4 ln iiMa.i.re w nini auumi zes im- i i. -mi'u n Pjiipct current)', a ui.dt r sjun 11 t, :io