ST ATOJ M E N T OF TliH AM) or COL1TM1IIA (C)rTV, FOR TIIK YEAR IS 1 5. The Auditors elected to mljuil and settle the public a'coimis of (tie County of Columbia, have cxamin r, iht mo from tlie 7ih tlay of January. 1815 to ilie 7,, day of January, 1816. both days incluxivo, and re Mindfully Uv before tlie Judges of the Court of Common 1'leas ihi' following siaieineni end report agreeably to the 2 J and 23d feciiong of t.n Act of the General Assembly, pasted the- 1 lib day of April, A, I). 183-1. DAVID CLARKE, Treasurer of Columbia court ly, in Account with suhl Gounty. To balance at last tcttlement Amount received from Collectors for the year 18-10 do 1811 003 53 5 00 80 25 811 00 2001 8!) 4010 71 301 00 -7933 01 da 1812 do 1813 do 1811 do 1813 Amount received from other sources. of tax on unseated lands 51 03 redemption money on do 140 40 of Jacob Demotl 1 21 L. 11. Rupert 743 38 Thomas and Wm, Barber 175 00 Jacob Cyerly, jury fees 4 00 1). U. (Jray 50 00 as premium on pay'tof State tax 581 57 of liecsc and McBride 5 00 of Supervisors of Jackson town ship lor C. It. Buckalew 2 12 -1751 40 Wliolo amount received in the year 1815 $10,290 84 ( K. By amount of Commissioner's orders redeemed 7048 48 By commissions on S7018 48 of 2 per cent, 110 97 Commissions on $3107 39 31 07 By amount of Cash in Treasurer's hands, January 7, 1810 3070 32 $10,290 81 Bridge Contracts. Amount paid R. Russel on contract in full 173 07 Peter Ent, Madison 100 00 Peter Ent do 205 00 Peter Knt exra work 50 00 Joseph Fuhon 100 00 Kobert Montgomery 8 00 J ridge Views. Amount paid sundry persons for viewing scites and reports on Bridges lioad Views. Amount paid sundry persons for making reports on public roads Bridge Repairs. Amount paid sundry persons for repaiis done to bridges in and built by the county Jurors Wages and Mileage. Axount paid Grand and Traverse Jurors at the several terms for the year 1815 Stale Costs. Amount paid Justices, Witnesses and Constables as costs in suits where the Commonwealth was plaintiff Repairing County Buildings. Amount paid for repairing Jail and Court House Printing. Amount p ad Levi L, Tato 77 50 Henry Webb 123 50 V. Best 79 50 Charles Cook 89 00 A. M. Gangawer 27 50 Contingent. Amount paid in store bills for randies, piper, ink, quills, brinks for Court and Com missioner))1 office, postage, fuel for Court House, iic. -030 0: 4G 00 230 00 470 01 1287 24 119 50 G 10 -397 00 81 99 HLAST1SG POWDEU. It I'gs of IS!awliiS Powder ol lilts licit quality, just lecme 1 by WM. M. KDLVV &. i December ! .New .More, Januaiy I 1 SO BARRELS of ,hc best .,u ility of A' I.I. prrsor.s ijue-. to utl rf cfived by WM' McKELVV L Co. Tux Refunded. Amount paid nn.duplicato 07 60 to sundry persons on land sold and redeemed 271 73 372 Orders Redeemed by new Jtsuc. Amount received during ilm year 1815 25 Penitent ia ry Zx peaces. Amount paid E. S. Puniienliary for sup putt, &u. of convicts Assessors Pay. Amount paid the nevrial Assessors for making tlie spring mne ssincnl, 151 J Bloom 13 25 Brienrrek 12 12 Caitawissa 9 12 Center 11 23 Deiry 18 12 Fishingcreek 10 12 Franklin 7 00 (iieenwood 10 23 Hemlock 10 25 Jackson 0 02 Liberty 13 12 Limestone 9 15 Milllin 13 12 Maine 12 12 Madison 10 12 Mahoning 23 25 Ml Pleasant 8 25 Montour 10 12 Orange 8 73 Koaiingcrcek 15 2f S.ti?arlonf 1811, 9 5() Sutnrloall815 11 2r, Vally 5 2j. do . do do do do do do do do da do do do do do do do do do do do -203 Constables Attending Court. Amount paid for 1I10 year 1815 49 Constables Returns to Quarter essions. Amount paid lor the year 1815 120 Jailer and Shcrifjs Fees. Amount paid Iram Derr; Sheriff for Hoarding prisioucrs &a Washing and cleaning prison Costs in Commonwealth suits Wood and coal for Jail Conveying B Stokes to E. S. Penitentiary II. Warner for putting up Removal Bills Summoning Jurors for 4 Courts Bud clothes furnished prison," & 133 00 23 75 40 12 30 52 71 25 71 67 22 00 00 00 : 0 00- rees. 10 50 51 00- Amount paid E. II Baldy Eiq. C. R. Buckalew Attorney to Commissioners. Amount paid Paul Leidy Esq. Court Cryer. Amount paid J. F. Sholcs 32 00 William Kitchen Esq. 11 00- Audilors pay. Amount paid J. II. Ikeler Esq. 9 00 J. C. Sproul 10 00 Peter Kline 9 ()i) E. Mendanhall as Clerk 2 00- Books and book binding. Amount paid for dockets Prnthonolarys fees. Amount paid J. Eyerly Esq. Wild cat andfux scalps. Amount paid as premiums Commissioners and Clerki pay. Amount paid John B. Edgar in full 1 19 73 Samuci Mears 1 19 23 Frederick McBride 153 87 Peter Ent 10 50 E. Mendenhall Clerk 237 50- Pliysiciam services. Amount paid .1 C. Murray 12 00 William McMakan 1 00- Bleclion expenses. Amount paid the Several election districts including Constables and assessors fees -700 Am1! paid El'i'n board Bloom 39 91 30 80 33 40 29 27 27 02 27 70 20 57 :o 72 28 05 33 00 23 75 27 3D 30 40 28 25 25 M 27 07 21 00 29 30 28 50 20 03 33 42 33 45 20 22 073 do Briarcreek do di do do do do do do do do do du do do do do do do do do do Catttwissa Centre Deny Fiuhingrreek Fianklin Greenwood Hemlock Jackson Liberty LinifMone Madison Main Montour Mifflin Mahoning Mr. Pleasant Orange Paxton District Ri;arii)creck Sus-irloaf IVIIcv Amount of Expenditures during the year 1815, S-0090 Meigli HBcBSs. TWO APPRENTICES WANTED To the C MJI'.'NTA'H'N UOINKS.S. (;od Kte.uly boys, 1 0 or 17 yrars rl'age will receive yood f iR-ouru;;einrlil by making iinni"ili tie npplic.itiuli to CHAKUrt CKAM.M. r.looinbiir', .laimaiv 17. I ST rrreiveda fe-h supply of donlile body, l"i,y,aud liiartin';il. Meii,h Hells, at J.. H, ICt I'.Hl' NOTICE TJ J? hereliy Rivr-n Q si.ilile f-.i 1 1 - tli: ifll tb il I have NOTICE tli folloivia,' iiuh-btiil to the snlmnilirr are re. to William 11. KaMiius to on the i;roiiinl; one mantle clod.; one be.nm-aii; four shoals ami u sit ol 'miners tools, unit bit the same in hi- po--e- ion during icy pli a-uie,ainl rail mill M llie (hi ir aciouiils aial loiilu: ll,inir,l:;it,. paynii'lil, us It i.-i aelually n.iei-s-fiary thai hi.-, accounts i-houM be ilo.-rd without ilc ioim ; ii i iv i - 1 1 i.iKin srJTF.MBXT or ouTsr.ixnixu dub riii: cor sty, j.isu.uiy 7, Amount due by L. B. Unpen do Iram Derr do Peter Irwin on note do J. D. V.itihorn do John Me Henry 25 93 15 15 2 57 72 tilt 20 00 -sou- 4 1 38 31 48 50 00 00 da da da do do do John II. Jennings !Si)!c 111 oil Razor John Miller Samuel llagenbeig 100 01 Samuel B. MeCany 75 40 Alexander Yablo 48 17 T.J-W. Barber on i'd't 35rt 28 Jlnwunt Due bij Collectors us follows. l. utility 1 ux. Isaac Blue Mahoning, 1810, 53 43 John llailer Montour, 1811, Samuel Freaso Briereieek, 1812, Mirain Phillips CatlavvisFa do Mohn MeWilliims, L beity da Daniel Furiiwald Oianga da Charles Meiisch Ruarinncreek do 5 193 121 1 98 15 60 02 50 91 Whole amount due for 1810 1-2 $173 70 23 95 331 29 51 51 7 132 71 30 71 27 201 83 11 72 25 31 109 07 110 01 Whole amount for 18 (3 Ehvood Hughes liriercreek, Cha's Hagedbueh liloom John Low Franklin Wm Ikeler Fishingcreek Philip Reese Giecnwood John C.Kinney llem.'ock David Reinly Jackson Frederick McBiide.Liinestoae Kobert Antcn Liberiy William Howel Ml Pleasant John K. Girton Montour James McDermott Bloom, 1813, llarman Labor Fishinsereek do James Yoeum Jackson do Itichanl Wilson Liberiy do J. Carnahan Madison do John l!6t Mahoning do George Brown Mifflin do James Vanhom Orange do Reuben Davis Sugarloaf do Caleb Appleman Valley do $1121 71 $138 01 1811 iTrnn oTTkI do MSI 58 70 05 do 190 47 100 41 do 108 80 12 08 do 30 83 123 21 do 118 41 02 91 do 41 50 10 79 do 111 17 do 333 10 30 57 da 30 93 12 90 do 11 20 19 80 do 430 51 do 205 87 409 02 do 68 21 21 15 do 108 70 38 19 do 130 38 23 9'J do 82 99 110 01 do 105 47 f-3 09 32 00 95 GeorgJ Derr Robert Russel James Patterson James Craig John II. Davis Thomas lion field Charles II. Hess Aadison Mahoning Orange Roaringcreek Sugarloaf Valley Mi 111 in 171 47 Whole amount duo for 1811 27VJ 09 Samuel Adams George John Brierercek 1813 233 17 03 32 Bloon. do 311 41 230 05 Centre do 231 07 319 5( Catlawissa do 21 00 'i'J 85 Derry do 305 39 Fishingcreek do 109 89 172 82 Ilamlock (Jo 178 20 380 01. Jackson do 37 50 78 15 Liberiy do 281 00 291 01 .Limestone do 202 43 50 77 Ml Pleasant do 91 71 88 00 Mor.tour do 171 80 70 SI Mifflin do 211 01 103 00 Madison do 235 85 213 25 Maine do 218 99 00 23 Mahoning do 577 97 321 72 Orange do 155 00 ISO 0' 252 !) 1 10 2! iSugur.oaf do 1 1 1 29 271 79 Valley do 172 00 85 2 1 Franklin do 121 10 31 7S Greenwood do 182 -10' 120 90 -07 50 John Ellis John Sterner William Robbins Adam Slroup Thomas Young Joseph Carr, jr. 25 0 -43 00 John 1 ii I ion Samuel Thurston John Richards Chiisthn IVolf .1. Carnahan Rudolph Shuman Edward Morrison Alfred Howel SoloiiionFetterma: William Roberts Joshua Sieiler Abraham Lilly John Robbins -30 50 33 87 180 38 1 127 80 Wliolii amount for IS 13 do 1811 da 1813 do 1812 da 18 1 ds 1810 M 139 277!) 1121 1 1 5 5 53 71 12 15 13 17 8 Am1! dueCounty on boiul.note & jmlg1! 775 Whole am1! ducCounty Jan, 7, 1810, 9592 82 -13 00 Subjpol to a deduction of 8 percent, lor cuiiiiiiismoii and exhonoralion to the Collectors. Collectors names marked thus have suite bctiled ii full vv c me unucrsigned. Auditors ol uoiumliu ),;., .i.,i i.,.. ..I ... i ... ..i . ,i . '"iu imij L'luriru iu iiojuni ami ft'llIB lilt! HI.'CUIIIIIS treasurer and Commissioners, have cnrrlulh cxitnined the accounts and vouchers of ihe same fur the year rertifv that we find ihc:n to be cnirecl as .set funh f......!.: ...... i i .1 i' . t . i i luircuiug aiuiciiirins aim in . i we uiHt a iidiallcu the 'Ireasury for county purposes, of three thousand nd seventy six dollars thirty-ivv,) ccnis, and a Inlaneo out standing duo the coiiniy J'roui the above incinioneil source.' of nine thousand five hundred and ninety Uvo duilais am eighty two cents, Giien under our hands this lOih day of January AD. 10 10. JAMES C. SPUOUL,") PETER KLINE, Ljuditors. WILLIAM COLE. J e tiic undersigned (.cmmissioni'is ol Hie Columbia do certify that ilie foregoing i.i ;i lull tiinl Statement of the Receipts and Expenditures of the said county, fur the year 1813. Witness our hands al Danville this lOih day of 7ununrv K. D. 18 10. SAMUEL MEARS, ") FREDERICK JA. BRIDE, I Comoiiioncs PE I.R ENT. J Attctl E. MENDEMIALL, CU,k. 58 32 "!! SOL '. "J J SO TONS Iit)s ICiirntin lor sale by liEFLEY )eeeniber 20 & MENDEMIALL. pnr !:a-eil al on- propirty hj lieloimiinr Ay wit Tno nnrs el rc 5() Tuns XOVJl SCOn. I 5() Tos LAKP. PI.ASTPAt, jii.-t receive ! ami lor sale by Wm. McKLXVY Co. t .'.'ijjbi r I iiieiu Hum him pur- n looms r, una Cabinet Ware Iiousc. Rlli; MiliMTiltn would re-pei ti'ully inl'min the iJj public, that lie bus taken the A i t.itrly (' iipidl liy .Viniucl Lilly, near the upper end ol MtiDiii'.lnirg, where he is ";irry ini; on the) ii ii H i(n vnriiim lirani'heK, mid here he will he niiiy O Wail iinm nil tho-e whu nniy I'avnr him .villi llieir cui liiin. llin rurinliiie in w :n ranli cl ti m made of (iml m itoiial ami iluiahle, mut he in- leiiililteepnii; mi hniiil Sidefiourds, Secretaries, Hurra us, Wardndies, Can Tables. Dining Tables. Breakfast Tuhlts, Cup boar ds , St a i d A I'd s i Standi, Iledstvuils, Dough-troughs, Coffim; tyc. mil nllkindn (ifwurk in his line, which lie will t:ell upnii as reasiiiiahiu tenna as lin y can he pin Iium il ii the county, -773 17 Stato Tux. 09 88 8 00 105 07 It V stnet attention t't husinesi lie hoii'-s to re ceive a share of pulilic iiulruiiao. m. i i;i:ov.-.. Apil 2.r), 115. lyl $183 55 12 47 An interesting Pamphlet, called tin- IVU (iratuilous Ciieuh'lion to all perhoim who .v ill end, i'l -scive. and l.rnd it, nt II. Oloonisbury. .lobn Moore, nvilb , John Uu.a i .Milton, W siller & Co. Lerwick Jill the. following nrnneil Jrlirlri have ob taimd unbound) d popuUtriti,rizi Rheumatism, Contracted cords, Still' Joints, roo! (.out, will p.Htivcly be cii-ed by Ihe 1'iln Use ol the IiitUnn Yrytulile Elixir am! I.hiiiin:il, Thi scepticu we invite to call and be personally u-l'i i red to gentlemen of the hinhe.-t Hlauding in tin, city who has been cuicd id' Ivheunialiran by tin remedy They are warranted the only nenuioo Ikitfiifs l)r .McNmr'u Aomnt'ie Oil has prov ed very uuccessful in cmiliL' even total Deafuc.-: 212 09 20 120 We have many ceitilicates from citizens who hai used this Oil, with ca lpli te success We i , : v i t who ino troubled with any disease of tha Ear examine t!iu ptuof Lonk'j'n tt'f-Yfi)! Iii'tina PaiiareaU the hrs: family medicine in the woild It is a cine for Dys pepsia, A-illnna, Live' complaint, InJit;estiou,C'o: -liveiie-'s, Jaundice, Mpilsppsy Debility, .ye, cVc M It It operates without the slightest pain, a i mild but thoiouli catharlie, and never leave -ilie person costive even it taken very olten The Tiles are warranted tj be cured by tlie t;cn nine Hays' Liniment and I inci I'alin ol china, i ilie money refunded V. ho will now Miller will, this li.-iticv.-iny complaint! K ever buy il without the singnature of ciimslodi iV, eo vtmnlw.k ami co '.s Hiostipurillu in as pure aiiu strong an Extract from this celebrated Root as can S 1 187 10 possibly lie mane I ms puce is so reasonably i.i.h lm poor can albird to use it, bcin;j but i0 cei;l- pcr bottle, or f -l per dozen It is ihe only aitiih that will effectually purity the j'lood I'ycin all nipuiiltics Those who have been imprudent in the u.-c'ol calomel, iVc, will find sure relid' fiom it. Easllmliti Hnir j)te This chemical pr.'pa.' a ti. in will tolor the hair any shade- fioiu a Ik M hro'.vn to a jet hlai k, and hot injnie the hair or -tain the 'uiu iu the Ir.i .l. I'resene and lieaiity tlie Hair by usuiii" O!. !i)-ii!e's lia'm o f ( 'nhllobia, which iinliiediati i tops the hair bom falling out, and restnni it u I en 'mid Never buy il without l lie h'uature of ('on. tock ilc t.'o. Worm- Ki!iitttcli Ymn'f.ii: is a s;ile,-ii - ml ell'-clual enii ily for oro in cliildicn oi idiills, ill eve; V ( :oc, Il i.; eiuirely Vem -labh.' aie '.iniiot injury the most ih hc.ile chiid nru .-Inn.: here be no Woiins. I'lieu cci.ts. Don't, con I oil t)i I Ii Willi litln-i' U'lllies 7',vc Mulh' ) 7,'(lias lu-cii thorou-lily tel.. !iv m.iuy year's csptiiener, l.aihes ixpcclin to become niothrr-in, ly ic.-t assiiicd that it ,i ilvvavs aid and asi-.-l in preparioL; them for Ii,. lials bel'oie them. It ijoi. I- all ii-roiis .-lb i n , all iVs liiorniil!,' sickue.-s. c,Ui-' s lia!ii.:il ai : 523490 09 1187 138 sweet re.-l' i ij' tile c'.reul.ilinii ol li.e b!-...,l. equities tlw sUniiaeh, and laeilit.ttes the b.r , u 1 1 Illicit such eci ucialini,' pains a. mothers i pcet. dany ul ulii best phy scians ihcitni lln'ti practice. .New discovery, by wliii h a I -t.,vcs- and j . : j . -or iatcs may be kepi a .let -Mill as l.e.i..:; till poli -Ii us a (.'each llody V. iili one apihe.i!io;i i y ear. It hi eps all and l'l e.. tiom i u -: -... thliHt;;ll Ihe suinlui r. This Vanii.-h is.,u eoli-i new invention; at.d siirpri.-cs ai.r delights nil u!;, il-e it, Specimens ul .- ti.'.e.- and I'ipe : in i-r n,,u ir su n at -l!.-: to et v iu il.e 1'nl; .nav be had at ihe Co.-t ol -o cents pc.- bottle. liiitirh uudutl lug bum: A slue remedy, 1'iii i J.r cents. I)r- I,tii7.ctt,!i Juno I'rocrealive -'Ii.v; remedy in ea-e 1 1 Iinpoti i:cv, llai u in:i-..s. I ,,, IIun-, Mcnsiructi..ii. incontincnie, and all di-r.i . iii-in:; f'oin ih ! ililaiwu of the system where h:.:'-i lii.ill is lcpiiivd. . Rev. Ur, liarlho!,. mew's I'nk C.-.pi'i-t.o.i-.t n:p, I'.i' Ihe cure ei' ( 'oiisnmptioi , Aslliu :. Uoiiiis. C'ol.i., Spiitioi; (.f ;lo,,d ,i(.lit iVn!,, l'lxpectoi.iiioii, i'aiu In the side Cvc, Vc Mnie Hiir (Jl It giws the hair a brant Y l ilo-:i, and ini lines it to cm I, and v holly i i.l ! i my other Oil. it never oil.- tli., ii in -I ladies' i i f ii .... . oo 8 if 1300 count ., 01 Mil 1815, di in tin . . 0! rasli lit ill the least If any lady or H'lleinau fclial! I .-. this Oil; uid find these slati-imn s untiiie, Ihe n money w ill be refunded t'ltulivii lo Ir itin(;iibmd The above named ii tides are sold ( ieiiuine in ibis lily by '"Unlock ,-Co, 21 Couillandt-strcet, and .NO H'ilL'liK couniv ol Kl.sK except ol tl eir countiv customers curreet Remember lake tin; din clion Willi you These articles aie to be hail iu this pi n e of. I brain I. hit. Riooiu.-biinr, John .lm-ie. Danville Waller Oc co. 1'eiwiek, John Kiimt, Wilton, .mtmbcf, I, 18 1.1 2v. Urn stop. i:. fTSTHIG subsrribr-r informs the pub lie :ha! be has r pein il a HlOi-: - -'l Oh'n nt Ihe loi' t r end el Maui Stint. Aloomsbure;, at tin i-torc I'm uietly occiipi in'i mis to keep a I'cnt r and boms, for men and CO A I il by p. I.utz where I a.-s-ortmeut of shoo .vomenswarr, wliicti lie win ell I. .tv .1 ,,r.l uwir than the i nine ounlitv (ill mil:, can l.r l oi.-.'h: be n Vhiml'ia eoi.niv. He will dsn mrdte to onlei tori notice. Iiav r a Mi. .ill liivlit. kinds of boots and shoes, at . determined to r-dl low, I l.r res-.i-clullv lovitics tlio-a w tin are in want (.1 in V tbil1:; io his line, to r.iiehiui a call. .N. 1). All z-xkU bouiit i f me an' J lo be as recommended. minrs 181(1. S II O E fin le C T AVJ IV KS T. 1 P,L ISMKS T u ff; TIN and SKHSLTIHCIT TIIK miluciiher It i v in u I,., o. .t I MU"e!(- H- -Ml . . , i iiiooiuswiii)!, I- .repaieo lo Inn. I . h all kinds ware, mid (inform ill kinds ol w oik in his hue of liilsine.s, ul i heap rales and al shoit notice lie has lurnished hoiirell with a new ahd splendid stock ol tooU, macbii:r: and malciial.- I'hila delpln'ii, aed u nde ii hirer pnieha.--r ol ( ( I A I, and WOOD .1l'()'i:.S, of various i Hiirins, to bupply ii's en aomeis. Ha will ron-lantly keep on hai d, 7'.". !l '.;.',; of every descriplioll. Si i,' I V.'.V, i ( Mirictv ally and substan tial;. Ion-lied, together will: I'll'i.'. H'ffl rs(r building. (O.I I. lit (liF.IS fif.Kr, lie irsjiiii fully so.'i its public pntruitrigO lluv ' '-S I'eeri lor .'oinc yea; a i iiimui d in hi business, and havin:; r-vpciicnced as.-islants, he feels coiili ilrnl ot' ski i.-I'viiig nil vdiu intiy favor him with lieil Cll-toni. f :n . in r .iii izcn.. .'.V7'V KtipplirJ on iilicial Icrins, Call on the sou h side of ,1ain-slreet, 3 door-i :e!.,u Ike oilier i f the ia 7;einociat. Oelober II, 1. la 1 1 -'.') S, E. CRAIG. IJLOO.MSlJUlUi, fj J) KSPI:( I'l l I.l, V inf.ins the public tint fl 1, he li is loeiitcd himself in the Shop lately onnpici i,y ziija i;( (;;i,i:s, i makkl'J'- n.'Ml.T, u lere he intends cai ry ing on the uhovu liusiuess iu a'l its vaiious I.ihim in s, HEAVY w,(h;ons and! and epaired, as Well as one horse vrA(;.oxs am rjifar.s'. if every ihiseripluui, uiid all kitals of Countiy 'A'oil;, iu his hue, dour at ,-hoil noiicc, and on the no. I reasonable terms. 'y'iood I, umber and all binds of f'ountrv Pro luce taken iu payment for wuk, Lut Cash will not 0 ii'lused. Apiil o, I rf 1 r . Gm.vJ DandTct h's Tills JT) 1AD in-l iiniler.-tainl ! The time wiil come tt'Xi when Ilia medicine, loainhc.lli ids, will be i;i;m ciateil us they ouuhi a;-d il.'.-enc; it will bo 'oe'.-i .(nod lhat llr. Ur tiidi i ih has the Ktroiijjerft cfiiui -i upon ihe public. It is true that eveiy in liii dual who makes n Iri d of ihe liiandreth fills oiicede t!:i iu lo be the bc:.t tin liiciue they ever ii-i'd. Thev are indeed a nndii ine about which lu-re is no mi-tak.:. Their value iu a climate so !ri,c;r:iblc us ours cannot be snliieieiitly tipprociat- I A Icec pcispir-i.ti '.i is ul once restored , thus ih.-y cure colds, and eoic-iimpti-.n is pievented. I'liose who have n n'diindancy i f bile find them of ihe most essential service, and should thert be a do lidc'ii-y of lb ! important fluid tile ilraiidrelh Pills inn : an eij'i i' beurhci.d ill', il. (ll'teii has this :in;ijlaiil ii.eJieinc saved va! i.ddr Jives iu those 10 in. is w hne I lie iheadlul y eliow li i r w as picv ail in ; A lew do-es t.ikl n i.Tirciliately upon the iu f. eli, n,' leeeiwd into tin s:V: I enl, W ill I'l ill most en lain to i. vent i.i.v matiiial inconM-ni' mo iid at Hostage of this ij,.-iii',; i- ulemic is there i loper a in. dieina a- Ilie I) cinbeih Tills. M- nieaicini: he niiiieis:!',' nx-.i in lids; Ii . a-r, null no loss el I I, i d niiivud, and few . -iy lew, would l.r it vii liios. ,v it i-, with other i:.-e::..c-. As.i.-I I. i: wilh this ;dl iniporraiit Heme to le: ni 1. 1 id humors from the bb.oc, -.1 i not rc lave a ' i oil lo bleeding or n.iaiiiiy, and wo ry u.i'at -can i:y i f pi .- iins iillliclcd la In .,. 'i he f .iliicri'iit.ibc theau c.i . .- v, hieh we i:ie ti e lords, are il, c':;'oi:':i n.a'a lie: ; m iiher should e not lor our ; line which occasions n il I ih.' locdieine vhi' Il ') her, v hb Ii mildly but surely re i ci iiies i I'tbe id a il.v ha h strrin;lh- vi'.h croii'e :nal. I.ll.ail idlhi-i, be il it i i i : 1 . ro .ami ; o e i 1 loo full habit a::aiu -ay tinit every of I!i and. elh Pills i.i., and that eveiy il luav be relied 111) ll. 'alula laid. I. Ii ' 1 1 1 ! i nil I i I .be mam with 11.7 1' hi!.. 1 s ,, : to iril'e the b.-lo I'.ei ll i Ih cl i. -."iiini to the ili.e. 'lions ai i . no a A r. e iN T :i Wa.hili Ion IJobert M'h',,. .!.. -.'v t.nv ii 1.. .V A. T. i'i-el. ! ' i ii v i !!. K. II. Ih-i nobis iV b'o. t'uiawissii (.', (,'. i'.r..l.-l. I'looui .luii'i; J. li. .M oy er. l,i:lie-lom llabbil ,. '.M'.N'iucb. 1 1 He k . ei I 'i M. t i. '-hoeioaki'i . I. line ilid.:e- how ilc Tiiau.p-oii :.-rwi.-l;-.l U .Miles iiav :!. IK-l.'i Iv- if used (.' " i .u i.' LV W, SI,' ' that I,. I . i 1 :f- I UiO'l'l; the illld'e .dll-.-l l l I t, i.nmhurL', bu.-ini -ss. bop. on . io. in Id the ;.l.,.ie .. y nppo-ilr t la-. Ion s : e he ir.leii Is i ,i 1 1 v i r i U.I ll- lai;-.H! I i I., i. V.V ' i nr.. ' 1 " i. - I .-.'I fur sale .I TAIL. r iron f.ri.i Houiied, .ul. in: Maniilai Hue. STOVE I'H'KS, of all .-ires kc t constantly on hand. Stoves finish ed to o. drr. licit i: di termini d to do hu-iness in the right way , he ivijc-l-i all to ca.l up oi him before they imri ha.-e ri.-cw In le, us he will fuinnli all articles in Ids line as da ap us they can le pnichased in ihe county. I). J. lilCE. Srplcnibe.- !(), ir'l.'i ly2 i Cabinet Faluns:- no sub-crih.'i lecpectfully informs the pub. that he biii- tal i li the ho.i l.itrlv (ieeuiei by I!. S. Hay hur.-t, at the b.v.rrcud ol'.Maikct. Ii.-'reet Hlo.nn .t-ur;;; wheie he inti mis currying on the ahevr i;hine.-s in all it.- I r.n dies, und solicils a share of ihe palroit;:;!!' of ihe pnbhe. In coniiectii.n with the above 1 1,: incss, he efl'era his hcrnccu a.- an UNDERTAKE.!. e w ill it I h avs be li iniy lo in e runic lain s hen' 'Inn U COITIN.s fr ul in Iilooiusbiirir, mil liaviir" mo ;. lied Inn. .-ell wi.'ii HIJACK v ill altrnd will: it'at Ihe i'uiit lal wiihout u:iy JOIIX LITT.'R.S' ru-.n tia charge. Mac ,10 If-M t, fclvtti.VK ami sjrznt '.'I'lZl. just ve ie. unul anil lor t...ii. al the .eiv ALEXANDER IIAZLET W lllij:ii .i.u;j; January 1 i ilu.-c or ollii rwi e VMiliout inv l ou-enl. 'Ji-IA1I LV.N.V. Jaimu'V 10, Nl'I l. ii. Rfr;:ur e ciuJ'ii 5 ,'ov, loth IS It. ( 11.