The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, February 07, 1846, Image 3

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    Will b evpiH.'d t, PI'IH.IC SAL'"., 1'u
Stitir l ; the 237i i'i 1 ebrmirt tirrt
nl 10 nM.ii-k, A M lit llii1 Iii.ii-)! id' Mi. I'atlsl If-
iiluig 011 tin. ri'uiirsj. llii!
. .WA MM,
liehm :'n j ti'lhe" iif Motiliias Nliipm 111, late of
Ml 'h usual .umisiii,i, ceased, eniilaiut, n
or there .i'uiiiH, wiili a tolerable House mid
11 I'll, 11 ij.i.iil Aiili' Oichai.l uiul 11 virii'ly of tlwr
li-ilit Ircc.i, Minnie mi I !li west l' Lii; Fistum;
eve!,, ii'ioiil one mill' ami n half from LcrliNtivct.
ll is i'm' ted 1 hut there is IICO OKI on
Ml. I l' (IIIHI'I, Hill' lltll'llll.lllf C llll.l l.'IIIH 111 U ' 1 1'
kmuvii on tin' il iv el sale l'V llit Hti 1 - r 1 1 ;
ritU'AKI) M.lli;.M,V, E.oathir.
Fcbtuary 7, IS III It !
V ii 1 1.' nl' :11ml' n tc-tatum vi'ihI, I'.x In mi'
.dr.. - I. ,i u ill he 11 V I t.i ,ii,!,h. s:i!o nl I lll
C ...( .111 -it' ill 1 11 villi-, mi Nilunhiy.llir 'jNtll day
'I I'Yirmirv, I" hi, 11! I i)'rl.)i'l(, I'". M titu follow
i n .( t v (' wit:)
A i'. r ' a i 11 t'ni't o' I imiI s i 1 1 1 n t e in Cattawissa ami
M III 11 t'wii-!itis,iii t'.iluii.hia ( 'iiiinlv, 101 laiiiine
I ".r llUIM'H'.l ,.'.M U.'l'e 111 ll'sS. Illljoilllll.; ,lU lif
J 0I1 .-.human, .Im ili l'i-'ie.', .Imlm. Ca 11ml nih
ers whereon iiti-iivlril 17 ilwt'lliiii) limivi's.l I'liti'.
1 U'i-t mill, 1 smv mill, 1 Mil, ksnihh simp, I coal
house. :) stables, I liu' 11, 11111I I luniaee- S.-i.e.l
taken in e.voeulion ami to lie sold us llii! irn.i'rly
of. Jinn Milli'r.
iij.M d:i;i: iieriir.
tshci ill's ofllcc Danville l'b. 3. Is Hi
rni'H' several Collectors of Stale Ta in Colum
S hi.i ( '011 1 1 1 v I"! the .'iir 1 s !,"), :11c b,ich no
liii.vl lliul l!i cy lire ri'iiirc,l.ti chaise h;!c;cst i:i
llll '! III! icilisilllli; Unjiaii! Sfl.01- l!lf SlV'dM'l
'I iifiliiv nf January , in ace. ml nice w ith llis
fiillnwiii'' t'iifclioii of all Ael of Assembly passed
April "'. Mil, vi. . ' Any Smio Tax remaining
mipitiil by any individual or c-m ji..- ition after caul
Tux is lino anil ki ,:1.lo liy .iiiil cmuily to llic Cum
liuuuviultli, shall .'y.vr an inlaid of fix ; out.
ami hi' a lini on Hit' i'-l.ilo mi which il i.n chari J,
till it i. fully piiiil inn' nali.-linl."
A nil llii-cjiil (,'ollivi.irn an; rvqurstri to lii'rp u
fi'l'arali! .nr. unit of nil inli ic-t rricivnl hy llicm on
u!l Mule Taxes jKii.l xim-c tins liiyi.- almvi: slalnl,
uiul to ri'iiilcr a" 11 . T.uiiit llinvfor iij.-m the scltlc
mriit of tin ir t ; ! i f ,i t -.
s mi; r. ,!: a us.
!-i;;.i)i:ivici ak-buidk,
i i; ri:u,
Jtr r 1
(.'.) .!::':; o-':-i'h O: ; ic;:; p
Danville, V!i. fi, 1.1. 5
Chilcni, Sifimcr Comp'uint , Dm rrlaa.
Dixriitari uml alt tit her Jcrunnt mt n!
ihr. sttiiiiadt (mil Lartl.i, t.iuttl in
J)r, Jaijur'n C,initiim'it:c Jldlnttm
.New Vurk. N '! mill. Nl, ls;5s
I'lieinl !)r. .I.ivne- ll ive.i tin- 1:1. :eh ple isu elo you of liie of a case in which I 111I
niini -leieil l!iy I .'ai mi.i H iv- lial-iun, ami I eonsiiler
il a inall. r ofilu'y to thei; ami llie piihlii' In nivc
thu following si ili im nls. eiicj callc.l to visit a
I'llient a few il.iy, since, I fnuinl he was voiuiliiiK
uiul uii,;iii mo t violently, vilhsee e
.11 r'ni iijis in lha uii,'!' aif'l lower evlremilies.
uml ah'i in llie :i!nl iminal i,ni. iics, 'l lie cramp ho violent, lint it foi.i nien to 1 uh him
ineess mil to t ! -1 1 1 1 1 . , '.v 1 1 Ine spa on, ami In use hi
own uonls he sii l il .;oi meii to hi ,11 as if his limn s
w mill man in Iw.i. There was al-n vioh 11I eholic
pains iiromi'l the uhilical ri'io atlrmli'il with very
ili,lrt's.siii!( nausea. I'l-h'.-l I icn-iuernl It In he
u case nl 'eimine ( hnli -a. I on i,nii!.y the
paiient ha I lieen uii'.H'll the il iy irevious. with a
oosimcss o the Ihiuc.'s, That si hmws la fme I
aw him he was .-eiM with the c"iiiilanil an.i ha. I
(!ia.!u iliy wor.-.c, 'J'he 1 .vtieiniiii s we e eol.l
mi l In: w is nearly ml.-.c'css. I j.iime.ii.itelv L'ave
him a of (liy h'als.nn which in a few inn
inenl ; wii-1 j I'tc.l lima i. st.iinach. hul 011 L,iiu'
it a lev li.i.csihe sloinai h hecame settle.l ami he
evj.r.'.-i'il hi iiicll rehcveil. I then iave him a talo
inel ami ii'iin i'vviier. fu t,vo limns fimo
lie 1' I - iv hi'. 1 .. I, It ,.jle ea-y ami fill :iseei.
an. I sh',.1 w, I ir live hour-; hut on vv.iki'U
f''i'i'l' rs i:ii 1 re'urne I. 1 ilin ."eil uiore of I lit
!J i!- mi t i i.e j.i ,-,! ,j,H ,v., t;(). ,li-c,is-l slll'si.lcl
im I llie i rie nl w . hc mv ileseent. It took one ho.
lie l,i elV'ct r. cure. 1,,,. .,.. s,, jtul, witucs-eil
lhelirm lii i IIVcU of ihe (..'aiiuinaiie Il.i!.-am in
niimmer cmiipl.iinls ami ,iiar:h.i lhat I ttoul.l not
e. '.vi'lioi.l f'l i;- we:.,l.l in silvi r.
1 .'el.l .in I1.'. I ic-,,1.
'I iHI.M .'..s .;n
1'u j iuc I oua ai ."o 6
T'ie al ove Meilic
T, V; Hr :
.v.utii i'.i i
X V.
the s't'rc cl'
7JN p-n'.-'i itiee uf an onler of the Orphans' Cmiri
j ol ( '",i.u!'i 1 coiiiily, on 'I'm-1 iy the Mt'li ih.i
. f I'i iiroarv in .!, at '(' o'clock in tic foi.'mimi.
.1 i.eii!i liii.l'sl ai.,.iui "'I Trnslec to sell the t'lliow-in-;
I in. I it v. of i.iHiil S'lller lain of Ifeu.l.'k
to", n. hiji. in s ail colli. ty, (!i cessed, will e '.i-e to
s.'.l.i hv .'u'.i'ic Venilue, lijinii the ir.'u.i-es, a
c.-iii.. Ir e'! or i;eee of l.iml, siluale in 1'i-liiir
:re !: I. -,. :.' -I.ip in the c.ninly iilor.'s.inl, inljoiiiin:'
iail'ls r.'f .lolgi V'.'i.i'..'. Josejih J.'iinl.'., ami l-.iai
iiai.lz, cnlainm;,'.
m A SN F ... .
nml onj Inn il.-cl it twenty-nine perches, oi there
at.r.utH, nil of wl.i.'h s.ii.l Iraet of I, mil ii in v.. mil
. ..cejit a! out t'.M'i.iy tieri'S. I ite the t .! of.-.iii
('r.'i a -i ,1, i I u.ite in the low in !.! ji of 1'i.ihinm rcik
an,! i-t.iii'-. ..I' M' s..t'l.
JAfur: KYUiM, f'lei!;.
!illli!i.', .luiimoy '-!lh I : i'i
N 0 T I c i:
BsJ Iir r.;.v unci lhat I h.ue pur,-i,....l a' f.u..
s'aMe -..I,-, Us the pi"j e:!y nl im enl Irvini
1 ... ; j!;. c ;r - 'i -e 'i 1 1 v , wit u;:e hiv ho. - ; oie
i. .ev !: . .i! ' iii'i. e w.i.,..n; one te.
il 'i-t i a;-.! hi '-.' tiM, ami l.'i'. e I'. Ii Ii,- :,i: ,
i,i his n'. -i s i'-u ilui ii u my (-I ;i i-u;e, i.:. - I li n !'
... j I any r .- -it ' u.'n lhct:i iioi.l . ti'l.t ' h'
:. m i-i..i-..' ..r ..M',w::i:.Mit i.v i-t.!.e:i.
l.ii.MM.I' a. s
hunt -ii, :
H ln'ii'lv eivcn, lliul wn haw pun hascd 11I Cm.
stable mle, u the iri'i'ilv c I John Sterner the
lo.low iiiij properly, to w.l:
I two horse Wilson uiul coal bed, 1 xlrJ," lm
llii scs uihl 1 1 it 1 urs, I riilliiu; hoi, I iiinllii mill
ni-v tin', I loatl "I'm-
ol si'vi'n in n's olive in lln' l;.iiuihI. '.i kIioiiIs, I
ulll'I'l I'.IIIOIV, I J.1 Ills il'V llll' lliul Mll'.llll,- hllOVI'N
I MnniM'oal sl.iM' uiul 'in'. III IiiinIii'Ik of n.laloi"i;
401) llis' ofpoi-l,; " me 1 1 lull-; ?.r lnnlicls of corn.
',") lmii'l of oaU ; mio writing dusk, 1 clust; I
111 1'illr i'l"i k.
uiul have li lt the same 111 Ins n)ssi'siiin ilunm;
our plea 1111',' 11 1 1 I Ih'M'I'v loi liiil any n'ioii J ikimj
llii'in limn him; eiilier hy puii'li.iie or Dlherwi.e;
without our roiiscent.
January 21; Htli; 10
New ooaSs.
Hr(!Icy V ISiiKlonliall,
f t I! just n ri'ivi'il nl tln ir olil nlarnl conier
J of Alain uiul Miuket-stri'i'ts, u new uiul
.leililiil IISMirl llll'llt of
I'all nnd Winter Goods,
ivlii. h lliey oiler us low 11 s they cn he puiehaseil
in the county, Amu ti th ir nsKoiluieiil may he
Clnllix, CasHimrrn, Suttinrti, Sullim,
Silk. Si'k l''vii ifvl othrr nrw stife
vf Vs'i'iq-.i. Ciisluiirrn, ('rape.
Aiinf y. Mut-in Jr. 1, 11inc.1t.
Meriniirn, , I apacea,
'(iraiiirHii (a new
iirtieli ) dug'
uiul every variety of I'liuis from (J 1 J t" 2
evnts per van,
Nails, romnl, har uiul slieel iron. Imr uiul sjuiiiK
.-.lii'!, 'iie, 1 ills, eir.s, men's uml womeiis
thin uiiil tliirlt Imnls uiul -In ? ; .e. ,Ve. in shml.
ull oilier nriii'l.'s iiHiially In 't in a ceiinlry sl.'re,
nil of which they will h'I1 in;o lor ra Ii 01
C'Uinlry proiliiic.
NoNeinher 15
Mew Gils.
"PI'TJHVIj just reccivcil at tlieir OKI iSfand in
g j.M ain sticet, a lai;;e uiul nli tisivc annii I
incut of
whii'h mli'.i'il to their firmer stock, reinleis it ns
eomplele us can be f iiml in the country, Anv'j,
Dry Goodsj
nciy he-f.uiiii! coarse itml linn roailelolli, of all
olors, t':l-sii)eis, Sal I metis, Orhiilis (.'lolh.l''illlM
if all .iialiln's, mul of the newest a'teriiv, Crape
i). l.ilii.,-..Mu,liii 1). Ii(iues. 7,ij e ile .N i i c 1 1 ( anew
1'ime) ( 'n-1iiui rs, llonnet V'el' e!, M.av, Is Silk an. I
"nl Inn li.imli rihii'fs ii1. uml Cell.m, (
mil .Mi!-, I.inen. hi. m !;. i! uml hrown ( ollen SSlicel
inus, Hals. mil C.i;s. Morocen; e.ilf Nkin, nml
I'lili k iiinls ami shoes. Imliu J' Miuen mul
Ouislmis. cc. ic.
''HiK.y 5.)
Xk-r (ivi:i:sir.,nE
, ... ......
Af goo. 1 1111 assortment a ran lift fount) in tin
country, tceul'icr wi'li nil kirn's i.f ei'
Ilarihi n:-ware,
tn -. ,H,'S s " S-T
A - o r l ' 1 1 c 1 1 1 im IiiiIh o i h i y iliitii; from III
eiiellor Ii) eainl I M lii i tl!l', llml il larmi r t I
mi'clinnie wains In i.s.', itieliiilin Uuuiul
li ir, Siicel aii I! no! I ilile I, if ivaj
! emi lire or nv use
A larjjf' quaiiliiv of Dcilei nml I'.m
llls a'lil Till'-. li.slifsl, ,l ail ne.
;ite Cn,)er nml I'r isS !ell! s, llll klinlscl
I I'in w. ie, stove ptj'i', an I li'i'jur tiiul Soli
I?ut what is '.lie in p-iriietilnrisinj;,
hanliv Jill '.irliele in ll eir line can In! nski.i
ir hul whil lln'V ':ni lurmsli their rusloin
crs ( ,r priimpi 'n , nr in all kintls (if luni
i', ami ein.iri v p f '.li.i'a
Nov. 15, lSio-oV)'
JAYNFS 1 1 I i : TOMC.
We Iimvi' Kf reiofnte t'uiiilirred onrselvei.
,i'i,.i e those w t,D 1 1 !ii 1 1 1! thai llie 'Mai,
I oi.,.'. pit paieil l.v Ih J.iMlf, VM'.S 000 ,i
Ii iii an v. i'i o l m .s run.s w hose virlncs ;in
curst en litciM ilin fu!i4iiiiie pulls (i!
heir amhors. We are willing, ;ii leiieil
o 'iiake ini'ulie. nt know It iljune n I (( lln
'mil nl our helirl' An intiniilt' fi t ; n .
soiiiii U'D or three mot:. I.s sinre nil the loj
if ; lion ( lain was as halil fs a piet;.
il polislu'il mailile, maiiere mII our jesum
iml ! Ill .i lile ol ll e iili a l l al't m piini! I'1
i tt'livalt' m barren ff"l. pnr. Imseil a hot
ii; or U ri ol ihe ll. ir Ti'iue from l)r
.1 ivnii, ami aiTotilii't' In his i!:rerli(ii, -ij'-;)'i(".l
it, lhirin" llie pr sent ivielt Hn
-aire dieiul liliurtd himself n,r r.i. s
lire, mul tinrnveriiijj his lii'.t.l.erin r m I. ' r.
head, a.-loriishf (I us with a ll.m, i!io' I, ,i,r'
int prowih ol han, from one lo uvo ii riir
in etirth npnn tl,ti very premisri we h-ul
hi lieveil us tioyieltling to enlu vaniii as ilu
r ii Lli fs r.::t! tli u i-kirtc ihe Alantic. 'I'his
is no pii IV, hut il i.s M'iit'oit.iiy ti'tir, pml to w ho doui'l it. ti.e (,'t iii'rui ni enn hi
pnirilrrl out 'i' tr.l 1st inure in h.vor ( f lhi
'Ton'e,' ti e raff In re rttt (I 'im i.oi m i
"( lenr"rnrv ha!. "m t-s no tuh!en l"ss c I
.hr: lnir '.t.'. w oiu: nl jmrs Simula
!.mi h ill'' i'i-:,tii-m: n is ln i.,r'v five yi
f t :( .-- I'hi'.tttlc' plua S,::v..t o:he 'I : v '.,
'i i.e. : l i.vt. I'KcIiciiic iire ail lor s..!t
it '.in.' i'.ce o!
't.':::-; . M(.yi:k.
V A.y f f.i .1
L. ). nurKiiT,
SAVINtiiiispi clef his f'.r.-t "tiik ofs-o.l-has
jutl r.'ceiveil a lur heller uml inoie nplen
I tsmiiiient Ktiilahle to the neu.suii, consislini;
of us Roo,l a varie'y of
Cloth; S,ttUrt, fViWrnrr anil VftOlttgn
lor Mens wear, ns mil he had at any other aloi '
Ml 'he county nil Minis ol
Silk. Colli,,,, l.tni, HWAm Of '''
clolhs for I. ailies' iibi lliils, ( 'n iis;i Ii i n uiul thick
lloiilH mi. I Mines, very elicaii,, hesiiles u laro Un-
sorlinen! of ,
(;Ki)Ci:mi:s. iiakdwakk. cf.assi
AiND Kill iM.i A hi.,
..... . , ml
ami in tact, mnmst every Hunt; tinit emi ne uiiinu
iiiiiny othei toreiu Ihe c. unity.
lleliei'inn that a nimble silence is heller than n0l(1 (' ,he iliguMliif! li.iu.sea 8CCOIII
.lult Hl.illi..B. ho iH' onlinue.o sell I,.h R.hU t n - , , ()f swaow, , jr.
small nilvanee, for pav. He theielore in- I "
vitesalll.) call, feelini; assuicl that they will hul'ONiSUM I' I K)N, 15 KON I'M ITS, AS-
sali-lied with his p ices.
Nov I.')
.) ll
VAi)i:nsi.i i.
K(!S leave lo inform the ptinlie, iliaij
lie is prep .red lo alleml ID all llie Oper
ations in il c 1 1 1 i s t r y , Mich as removinrr
The Tartar untlothfr Foreign Sub
stances'. From the teeili, remlerini; them clean, and
ihe gums and breaih sweet and heahhy.
The ctiL'itie.i f Decayed Teeth
Will he dressed out and filled wild Cold
or oilier loll; of the finest quality, as liie
ise may require, whi.-ll will generall)
pri'veiu their aehttii: or fiirlhcr decay, and
rei'iler ihem uvel'ul lur year'-; and in inanj
ases durinyi life;
Teeth ami Slumps of Tcelh
Whieli Iwive heeome iisrlen or Irouldesomt
will he extracted in the most careful man
rier, wiili llis latest and 'jest improved in
slniiiieii's. Porceliain Teeth,
tlfilie heft qutlity ami latest improvement
will he inserted mi pivot, or (in eoniierlioi
null Dr. Vailenlii'iip, wi'.h whom he is in
pan riiship in jda'e woik) on Gold plate,
from a .single tooth in a whole set, to look
is well as the natural, and wnrranied It
answer all l!)0 useful ami oriiami tital jmr
po-es propose) by the art.
I:i i-hori.evrry operation belonging lo Ii
profession, will Ik pefcrtned in ihe b"'
iianner. with ehoii-'esi niaterial, and at lln
shortest iiotic.-e Me therefore hopes, b)
strict atirntirin to business, to ohiain j.iart
of public pMrnnage. Any pcrsoi, or poi
sons wishing any of the above operation.1'
pel formed, ate resp'Tlfuliy n qiitslt'd to
.jjie hiin a call.
N. I! The public are herebv ii fnrmei!
lb il we die suhserihcis have mteii it into a
4 p.'i'i'i I l'ar'liei ship relating onlv to plait
iv or I; as ii i.s more convenient for each to
ilii'iut io the other hraiichf i of the'
'ii bis oMl aecoiint,
.1. II V..lli;is,icp:.
Mount Pleasant, Nov 8ih. II5 :i,n.
'B' A B fli O U .
IM'Sl'I'.r I'l'l U,V. informs-thi- public flint In
;, is nioM ,1 inlo the ImiUir
Im mei Iv
cupie.l In
he 'Ke ri.-l. r' in Mailo-l -p
( 'o. .-tore w here he u il
nuke iiiiv kind of clolhiiej .
iiil in llie hi s ami l ii--1 I
a I i ii n r
ii!w:i s
he re.
,ly ii
lloli. e
f r.ui.
i't ihe sh.olesi
-hi. m. ihle si', le.
Ion,.; I' nee in ihe hii-im -s he llallcr
imsiii' thi' .e shall caitinue io -ne cel. end s..l
fiction ami llieri hy hoes to let live n share olllu
lib lie piilt.uia;;e.
; V 'ailicul ii' ntleulinii pai.l to eullini;.
All kinds of eouiiliy;icc i.ikcn in payment
i v.oik.
l.'loOlll.-l'UIL', Au-. 'J lSlo. tf lfl
I!t!e rf . Viralmni I't e'er
: vf
Tislt'n'acret k tm.
':.'tfhi tlceensril.
TJOIIf V. n hereby uivcii, !. at lallei.-nf .10-'-
miiiistrati ni 1.11 ll.e above menlioiii ,1 csi iti
i'"" been I'ratite I to the ihi r livhi.; in I'eli
iii.'re.'k town: litp. All imhht.-i I.. li.i
stile aie hereby notilie't to loike immcliale payi
menl, ami all lliose h.ivin j cl.-iins are mjiie-teil in
jiresciil ihein properly riiitlien'ieatoil. lo
.h.lil.N l'i:i;i,!,lf, -,l;,i'r.
Xovrt'i'iet ', is :."i-i;..v:; 1
Tin' Fiibscriber off, rs lor Hi
..kl 'l if
I.1M J
7 I I ' . .'
I 1 . ' V
t - 4"J '--V
.J Ll J A S IJ M
. -j
inui'ul en the corner of Main ri il I'
: Mini
I; Is v e
!!nl:se 1
II i'i.'.
ir?' uri'. Cohiml .a uiijiv. I
1 1 1 . 1 4 ,1 e r llie ha a'ion tor a 1 1
spire, heim;
'ret frnnl oil Maiil-st -rt t,
"3 J B-C'-' em Ant -.ifr erf.
ind the ro 1,! h-aOm; !.- tin- I ! bioir, -'.un -j h'.nl
lion Cllllipill 's I'm 1.1. '.. 'lln.- 1...I is i,-i
(ilutcd lor '.eieiin:; upon ' , t is w. II 1
t.-11n. .uni I ' mj .'iio .m.l in ler iml
ie ol llie Ii on
l.'e-ioll l.l'Cllitiil
''"'':'. ".ll winll.y llie
at.rnl'i.iti i.f llie f,i;
I'm any inlor.nal.. n
. - 1 clin,; the coiiiiiinuir
npole i l
111 y. il. i t i'.i 11 -0
: ' iii 1:1:14
. i !.'"
'! 10-'.
..!' lr::;
l!.- ,.
,- Fr
A 1.
i'1 - ";!-
r vi.
1 e nt ,:.rr m..
( " j erf lo ft;,
Dc. l;?.
( I , N VA'Al, s CllO Y U I . A A N D 0 0 1 T R K
A in I i xp riei'i'i) Iuh tiiovcil thai 111
iniiiliiiKiiiini nl' iiitMlu iiKi linn ever iu'i'ii hh
1 ll'eetiiiil in reinnviiiii ine ulnivo ilisefiM.'s,
J ij lie's 111 I'd I'i pkit ull ve. It lias Heelt il
t un n tli;i' have lici-n truly Rutmiisliiuti, inn
iiiilv nl Ciiiccr it 1 1 ' I oilier dtseisfi nl ilmi
class, I) n I I) ;is r 111 1 1 v r d ll 1 e inosl titiililiori
)IHei,st n llif Sk ill, S iv( IliliPH, Km 'pia
, & ......1....,.,, rnlel, ln ,. ,.,r(.ir
al), i t , ,,M.ilMM wlil.'iev. r In
c-tletl. ll purifies llie hi, mil am) nllier lliilili-
. ,,, ii.. r ,.... ,, I, t, ,,.,;., i ,,
p,ires ,, (I,,. UlM, anil re, lili'l's .'iilarijeiniinlf
,i ,. ,, .in,s nr ),iiien. It inrn-asi's tllO HI)
ifii'e rfiiiotfH lit' att aelui mul tlrowsintss
mil! invigorate ihe v liolu sy in, mul Kit -
...u no .....ill ... llirt ..1..1 .1.. lo 1 1 lu .
" "
Iieif I'liiisiiiiiiiiin. There is iioilniiir miioii..
,r 1() j, ,ie vv hole inatcitH ini'iliea ll l
neileellv ..! am! fXtri'ii'elv lilratiaiil. anil
7'HAMA- Mo remedy Ins ever hetn
louml to reu.oee thi; above diseases so
promptly ami elf, -dually as J i y iie'n L-xpec
ior,:ni. It idealist i the lungs Ironi all rita
tiner maiieis, w lnle at Ihe ,uiie time 11 IiimI
auil in v ij(iratt:si ilu in. l'repaied only nl
No. 8 South Thud stiret, l'hilailelphia.
'J he above .1 1 du'ioe ai e lor ale 11
the More uf
(f j- is 7 0A7.SA a NKirsxd
New $B.ye9
i,k;h r-srui;i:r. colu.mima co.
TlIK .subscrihers tales ibis niethinl.of iiiformin
ihe public that they have ju-t arrive.! frulu i'hila
ilelphia Willi a splendid assortment of
inning which maybe found a superior selection of
r.laek, l'lut! IJIat'k, libie, (Jrei.ii, liivisibh
(ireen, Olive and Mixed (JIiuIih, supe
not French andFancj (assimeres,
Satiincta of all colon and prirn
Kynluitky, Jeans, II ray
limk I'weed, and
II ird Tillies
A silcii'.liil assortment
nf Woollen, Velvet, Vr
leiiia, S itin and S wannlnw ti
Vt'Stins, Flannels of hI! colors
prices, colored, bleached Si unbleached
Cotton Fl.mtK Is, Furniture anilApronC.'lieek,
Man, her enk Seo'eh (iiie;h uis, ('id Tickiuj
'ileacheil ami itiilib-n lie.1 'I'abl.' 7Jijpi'r;supeii.(r Ib.v
ure.laml ilain Aljueea.-; I'onili chei ry a new . 1. tub
for I, .lilies' wear, fin intu.'i I Die..:, Calicoes el
ill prices; a -,!einli I a-sorlne 11'. of
Sii, Drew H tmHerrekicf-, Cruvuh
a ml Cull a 1 f.
A lull ni'Siiriiiietii of
I.ailies' tthtl (ieiitleiieiii Uosicri, ami
( l hires, ( Icntlcmeii's Haiiit, ( V.V''
S ,,', (! it in A'. , Worsted ana
VtitUin Sic-jiendcrs, i-c.
T. .'Iher willl ;i Ii.ll a--o, luieiil nf
rotcj'itj ISjij (lu.'irc inn'
v. nl. a v.inclv
ct oilier aiiich's too eitu.ciiiiw 0
iii'iilinii .
Thi sii'i -a iibi
,iae I ' t"i j inch;
, le
1:, sin' (' heir yi
h,- Mm,.,
hat they can si-P !
it ;i 1 1 v oil. r s..r
e:'..!oie solicit, .h.-
,-,11 sel.' -'e.l wiih ureal can ;
r t'i '!' v ''an hi' hoii-hi
M i oari ol ii!,' 1 'oinili ; the-,- I
roini'M' 1 I a iV'iicioiis nublie.
The hlgliesi .iie pi id for ah
. , i , , 1 ,"r 1 1 1, ii,.,.
v. fr:
J lillllls n( 1,111) l I IV 1 1 lt I
LUCK i' exchatigt' ho
( inn-Is
A.".! OS II. KNA15I5 & Co.
December ii; IS !;'.--:i:tf'
"l.-JST i),' l.ijT I'FKs
!em:.ini!ig in the I'o -l-t.Kliee, at IJIooms
bnr'.'; Di'.-ember 31; 1815.
Jacob I!''c',.ct John l.iw
A. Ji Oi minings N. .Mnehcll
Cliailis Onv
John M. Mil!tr 3
Win. Powell
A J. Sume
.1 .1'ifS Shot iiial.t I
Win S. Smiibsol!
J,,lin Walsh
W illiam Willi'ims
,','i lllgbes;s,tp
Sarah Ann lloweli
Isaac .I'd. i.aoil
.I.icti'i Jiicaby
Joseph l.oii
Dantt I Lllsk
JOHN I.'. MOYFIf. I'. M.
A'' icsnris indebted to lb.- subseri
'.,i'i- on b.uii!, not", (.-r bonk fici'ont.'
r, -kt- i ,',111111! tnl'tiif; the liist ijay nl
Iiil nV ins', or ibeir iccoun's will af
1 r ihil il tie, h it with a Juiie 01
be lie for ii.iir.e,lia'i elleeiioo,
1 hi-.,cbv '.' am i ll persons m,t to pui.-liase two
nl, s . I ii.ihil, liiili'ii I lilil of .l.intiary i.; ll',, ,i;- tin
s. in ef li 1l.1l! us e.i- h; p . .ible one 0,1 the Ivh
! ol f . Inn e .' in !; , ther on the Hiih.-f .bai.'h
1 iiml siio- i I v liie s,ii . 1 liber, ttie ssi, I notes bavin;,
I , ,. I, an ';';,:i ol-.m,,-,!; I ah.ih relii-e to civ li.r
',..,., ,. 1,. c.n'noelled tiv law.
. ' ' i
J. A'Y. AS.
1 i;.i' IV. 1 - 1.")
NO TP 'ii
iven. Ill, I I have pur, based at Cm.
. a . he pi'.lj.ell v ol I'cler i;. .Mlhl"
1S '
Mh'j p: ,j, rlv, l i wit
I I b-v ui .ie. I l-iv, 1 set ol il-iiible h oni - s
1 ! I hi ' in s ;i ,! :;!! , J.! an s of i ve, I i ton ., ol hay
i , ,i tii'pi.i . I in. 11, tie 1 lock, I cm ner t Ui
, beaiil, 1 l-iuini, 1 , km; chair.
.a - :.! h-.'-e h it 111" -..tun; in his
possessit.ti ilinin:
irr.v pe.i..ine run I l.ereliv In. I any
s 'i lal.lii;
:.'o-.ii i-r n in n. either ey i uich.isu
without rtiv con eiii-
(iKOXOi: S. MlLUTv
.l- .iij-; i sin ;n
n v. v a it it a x a r. m i : i s .
Yu homlmii but CuhhIs (' ten In liie luw imteh nil tin on gli.
fnrll''' stibsciihei Imvirg romplctij his new
J slore house, on ,1ain kltii mar .Mink, 7
in lllomtisbiir.iiiiil havini; aim keil il Willi a stock
I entire new nun. la, which were scleeled with
;reat care in ri t'aul lo sly le and price, he flatleo
hill! self that he enn oiler Ice.-h, nml liewt'si
sly anil thein at Inwcr prices; than h is ever hcci,
lleieil in Ibis place, ami as- the a -soi I nn-nl cniisisl.
il ewrv lliiii'.; fm t omlort and mloi nmciil in the
Drv Gooclr;.
oeclher with a ; -iiiTal ussori n.t nl of
(Jurcitxirwc (atmie item xtlenj School
llotiks. Ilnrtlirtirc, i trure, iihIIi
viirv, I'.nrCn iiirnre. Siliint or
J.ul.e, 'jriimitt. Fine JAbtm
uml Dairy Suit, Sal
mon Mtirlit riil,uiiJ
C(i'i'o(.i. Imita
ton I'lujr. Fine cut &
Siiiokiirj 'I nbticcn. Vumlfc
f Soup, C,,jir Kit lex, Sin, Lur Iron.
lesiilcs numerous other aiticles, nil of vl.iih w.i
ie sold at a very small profit for ready pay, and hi
.vmihl Ii'.siecllu!ly unite all poism. Ir, call am
xiiiniiie his poe, Is in,. I pines, lefoie pi, ft l.a-iug.
I he hi" hc.-t i, rues nun! for all km, is of coiiiiltv
i.. it. i;rn:i;T
Illoonishur, Sept, ICPth, 18 10. S'-Jlf.
.1DMISTI,1 TOR' s yo tic:.
llttEitutc of IS.I.IC C. J0l!.SfK
lute vj Ortmve townl.ii, Jictuictl.
tJtTOTI CD is herebv tuiven that h tiers of ni'mii
islration on Ihe above ineiitioiiri L.-lal.
inive lieen (!iiOiteil lo the lihscribel , iivini; in Oi
lliiii lowiisiiip. Ail .e'.-on.s inili hlc.l losaiil t-slah
mi hcieby iiolilicil In in. ike imiucihnle payinciil
Hid nil those haviiij; elalnih are ifijiii ati il lo pie
sent them properly uuthcnlit uted In
JOHN Ii. ldcjai;.
January, 17, IS Hi
'VIE ubsreiherd re-pectfuPv ii.toim ihe i nl-
he, that Ihev are now opening, a1 ihe.Mon
niely nceiipied by 11. II. LMritiN, on Manntai
i lar;;u nml extensive asatntiiii ut nl
Groceries, Hardxvarc
tiv.i .'ii::uvt Aim:,
a fact, every article iisusiially kepi in a roiinli'
-lore. Anions their ns-oit.neiit may le l'nunil
('alicoes. of die newtst p;,i tf r tif , Silk
I'lolh.s, (Aissnneres. S illiile'.:'', Vi.'sl
lugs, I'leiiel.t i! a. nl Hrown Shirt
ings, (!!ovis utni Hose, . mil
kerehiels and Shawls,
C.'ish ni res. ..Vc.
ml ten ins selci Ic.l ihein with treat rate lis , ami ii ice, they aie cnaMcil lo sell tliiui a prices ihan ihe'- have ever holme been ol
aaeil in this vicinity for Cash or Coiititiv I'm
.; ' llaviii' mad.! arr,i'e.;eti,eiits in the City for:,
oiislniit supply, imv article in their liuewhi' l
'iiev hinc not on ham:, cm he ttntilslii'il al a Hits
I't rsiin me ri .jiie-icd I call anil examine then
ooibi nml prices lii-for-" pun luMen elsewlo-ie'
Al.UIIHiHT 'V .Mr'Mil.l,.
nhioin bun;. Cel. II, I S 1.3 - !!.'
' esTDK'S consi iiilly 011 ham! ami foe sale
wiioi.fsai.l: anu ki;tail,
7 .1 .V CANNON.
Ulooinshur;, December 0.
A nassmtin.'nt f J J ) 3 4 V WAIJK
2 such as K, I It's, l'..i s. .'oilcis, Ten Ki.llle.
Uli'rs, I like ( i, I. lies, .Vi" AVo Large an.
iinail 'a'-..,oii llovcs, I inn llie Danville 'aP;,
Woik", ju 'l receive. I ami for sale hv
Derctiiher -H
IS'l'lt:!! .'
a r Till:;
I'lII li sjilcnrlid assortment of CfflD
pi .1 hi en inhled to llie foi nicr slo.'k nl
lie .weaele, w Im I) v ecail sell clo ipee than sur
ei er b, fore oli'er.-.l m this tuaik.-t. (a'c'illemi 11 w ho
,vis, CtKtlJ ioi'l IZKAI' CLOT I l.v. ami l.a.hc--l
1 1 : want l'.iili).N'Al:Li:, (.(Mil) ,t (hi;
11 ti. les for I KL-'si' 10:., olivcry t'ei .1 iplinu, ui'
iml it lor their io Hi st to call, le, we know tney
vill be s I'istie.l wi'li the .pn.liiy nnd p. ice- ol fm
:oo,l.;. One in. t!o living ' ( 'hcai cr than the Cheui.-
st, we can ami will live up ,j it.
'jl!ll'r's 'i't I eu. 8 per yard, ami even
him; else til ITein!lol.
.Novetnbrr 22
n o r 1 c v, .
All persons nidi la -.I to ihe late I'iriM of AH;
T.I I1UI i'l.V. en ,ote or Look aeruimt aie e
jne-'ed to call mi the si'ibseiihc'S ami si llie the
-nine befon; ihe first, day February i.exl
"hose lii'elt'Ctiiig his noliee may expect to pay
C.' IIEl'LV.
D.e. 20 IS 1.3.
A 1). COOI,,
UoriK) ;tt Law
liL)O.M.SliUKC, l'0l. C,IM.
Cllit o in Main-street, ii. jiosiiu Uu.bler ' Ilu n l.
h;va i;s:,
151.00 MSIil'UMJ, Ci), CO , PA.
tlliice, loi net of Last mi l ,!a!n.sln eta
CU.tftLKS K. I51C3vAIJ:H'
AUoriu'y ;. ;ttt,
'!Jiex South iide nf Main at, btoio
Mm lo t.
vni) iajzkknt:.
50O pc
Ol'.N'DK ef a mperior tj' ulily of
i fish a.i.x'ox
-t received ul ihe $ ore of
Dei I'iiiher
BT VA'l' reccivcil i
Jjl and Sheet Iro
ami lor sale, a: ihe new 'I'm
Oil jlui'lll':ll IllfV. "I'I', -l' ( 'Il'V
ai Hotel. Heveml kinds ..1 I'.i K I. It, lit, I'
nut ;,:. XU STO , ., lb, le.-i , am 11. a
.vliich will bu sold low.
I). J KlCiJ.
Oct' '.'.3
TOVE I'lIT, for tale at lln, '. w St,,,,..
October 1 1,
Til C copartnership hereiof. r" r.visline;
inder the lirni ol Aruisiri iie it Muges. in
he lone cutting business, is by miillial
onsent Jitsolvtd
P. IJlOMi'S.
Nov. 1 1813.
TH K bllsinCBS will be ronlinoi d .v ihf
nl siriber ut the old siainl; where ii..y
ie had ai idl (i me4 .
J.I AIDS, MJSTl.I'.S '. il. T
t any otlier wenk in his line, ig
ds" rep:ired to liirnis i IMMIW (' A I S
md ILLS, 1)001? SM.I.S ai d S i l l'.' .
Vf ej'.ber of Ma.ble, Lime or :ui kndif
tone that enn be procured lo tine i n iiti:; .
fr"; ' Having hud 'miisidi i.ibb: c.iri'in
ii the buinrsH, he pledges I is work m
ie executed in as handsome :i stU. as i mi
m furiiisheJ fioni !,ny yard eiiber in Ile
ity or country ; ami on as reason., I, t. u in.-.
i:rin?.i.M Ai.'Mfs i;
F.loonisburg, Nov. 3, lf;.'. UUA
Chair iviau factory
Til subscriber con tin in i io (any on
c ii aii? .vaxi:facto;:in(j
m .inost al the old Maud of H- il i. Ilnrni
meli, w In re bo will be readv il all timid
o furnish Fancy Sc im!.-. h Chan , .'i I
ees, I'osion Ivnckinc Chairs k: o( ev.iv
leseripiion, which may be called ler, -at
hurl notice and on the most icsoiiahli)
lernis. lie will also fXCenle I loose. Sinn V.
: Jiniuiiental I'ainlinjr, and Moum: P.ipi iine,
in a siijierior inanntr,
From his exjierienee in the busities.aiid
'us facilities of ;n n ii it lai'tti rt ii o the vaiious
iriicles of his line, I.e llatlers hiimxl' that,
ic shall be able lo furnish as iniod uml.,
iml upon as reasonable leims as can In
lone in ihe conntrv, all of which lie will
hspose of for CASH or COI.Y1KY
N. U. Orders from a dit:iice will be
trictly and punctual) v atientlcd to.
11 IIA(O.NI!l CM.
rtloonis! urnr, I)er, ,?o, lis ;i
I'he. Estate, ef Thomci Ftilmrr, luti.
Jiloiim tturiisliip it it 'tl
NOTK'L is hereby fiven i'iai N iti r of
tilmiuisii ation on he above in. niioiu d l isi
He, baVH heeu granted lo I ho 4ubsrii)iei,
iving in IJhmtn townshii. ll ( smisi
ml. Ined to said estale are Ik n I v no ilied
o make iiniuediate pauncni and all ihi s
lavini; ehiims nre requested in priMnt
hem properly auilirnliealed lo
.idmini .tiutor.
r iH'i iiit'ei
nX.ACK.s.tUTHlMi 1ST AIH.I JJJ!!". t
"I'll t nndersifined linvirg iken the Kl opj
lormerlv oreupied by iMarslial .k ilverihorn,
no." i respei'tlull V informs the public lhat
they i i:ei d to carry on llie braneh of
busii't ss ami will at all times I : rei'dv to dn
.vnrk :i little belter and cheapt r than unv
..ilu r estahlishilienl in the dacv. ;t i , ( l ihey
hope by strict allt lition lo hufii t -s in
i I a roe ponion of ihe public pain ne
All kirn's id country product, ifl.rn in
e;t hauye for work & ihe readi; not rt fufpd
1.sao san n r.,
U'.oumsburg Stpt, 1:), 18-15 ill