The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, February 07, 1846, Image 2

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    CjiumjmuiJimcc uf the I' ildi..' I.cJ,;er,
Vashi.u ro x, J hi ii i y -JT-lSIf?,
Tha debile in the Scnjie yesterday,
of which I sen I you li-t night an extend
Pil synopsis, embracing mot uf tin
proninonl points of Hi ! d'srif-ion, In
plodllted u great .-IMiMiliull al the seat ul
;; ivcrnnier.t.ow icg to t'e pt iiinineni''po
11 : ion of st-veul ul the Sciuiom r ngi-pp-l
In T lie debate, end fiom il.c upposrl of
tkul cluraeier of som of tfuir s'aie
menls, ai i-ing out ed li e known re I a
lions cxis'in between those trntlemaii
fid tha ICxccuiiva of thf Nation. 1
will he seen, thai while Mr. Calhoun
considers ihe intelligence liom Kwopi
id' n decidedly pc:f:C character, Gen.
Cim is of Hie opinion, founded on ad
vices received by the government, tint
action o.i the meniJics for tha nations'
defences should not be delayed, anil
the sentiments of the I5i ilish Cabinet art
not of achmacier so pacific a i lo wai
rant Ihe belief thai tliui will a ban
don Orrgnn h'nhcito put forth, ind right
which she Ins hitherto enjoyed, 01 that
the difficulties between tin two countries
are any neater an amicable adjnsimen'
than b fore the arrival of iho Il.bernia.
TI12 impression ccrtiin'y prevails here,
lint no proposition for se'tlemenl on the
basil of the 49th decree cf norlhjititude
Will b! made by the Ur tiah Cabinet, and
that neither country wit! recede from
the position which they have a
6umed. Those best qualified to judg
believe thai no proposition to sininii
the settlement of our difiiculliea !o arbi
tration can receive the sanction of Con
crcsf , and I am enu'illy persuaded tin
no resolution can piss which proposes
nn unnecessary delay in gvinglhe nu
tice, Public feeling, and Ihe feeling ol
the majority in Congress, are in conso
nance with Ihe declarations ot the l ies
i dent's message, and it will Le difficult
tositisfy the public mind with any
measure of a temporizing character.
Another most interesting sud impir
1 ant debaic occured in ll.e Senate to day
on ihe bill of Mr, Faiifiield Chairman
of the Naval Committee, malting ap
propi ialions for the augmentation, for
Ihe A'ivy, and Mr. Hangman's amend-
metii, for ihe construction ol ten war
After the presentation oftte usual
number of memorials, petitions, Siclhis
bill came up agreeably lo assignment,
and Mr, Fai. field, Chairman tf the
Committee, said it was probably
expected from him to give some history
cf the views of the Committeee by
-VfllUlll llio lilll lldll UCCll KUilJ. Tha
protection of our widely extended com
merce, at a crisis like the present, wax
deemed by the Committee a sufficient
refson for Ihe inciease of our naval
forcP,even though an immediate tup
ture with any other country might 1101
bo apprehended. IJjt ha thought be
saw a spirit abroad in the world, which
would ultimately compel us lo fighi
for our TVic progress of
Democratic principles ts viewed with
distrust and anxiety by Iho powers of
Europe. The timo is not far distant
when ihe syslem of the old world shall
totter lo their foundation, but this will
not ba effected without a struggle. When
that struggle comes, the altar from
which Ihe ZJjtnorratic fire has been
kindled, will not be overlooked. And
when ihe object is for protect! in of our
Democratic institutions, who would lies
i!at(7 Our destiny must bo Itilfilled,
and he who would shrink in the defence
of our liberties is unworthy of their n
joy men.
The interference of foreign nations in
the affairs of Jexico, Texas and lJucnos
Ayres were referred lo as another reas
on to induce energetic measures of the
character proposed by ihe bill. I5ut Ihe
state of our affairs at the present lime
with Great Uriiuiu was the principle
reason why we should not delay action
on these measures for the national de
fence. The various questions which
have been Ihe subjects of dispute be
tween the two countries in pist years,
as well t'i which have bum partially
as thc;e v, hich have been dt finitely ad
j . 1 t e .1 . were then adverted to and x
amineil. Id"t the Oregon question hi
considered iho great cause ol the present
difficulty with Great lhiuin. lie re
acrted our urtqucficnablo right lo tin
whole r.I that territory, and declared i
to be our duty 10 maintain iho, right
at all haztrJs. 15 it it vvou'd bo wuise
thin criminal lo shut our eyes to the
consequences of war wi.hout prepara
tion. We she Lid not incur the bight
ing and scathing m pui ition of 1uiion.1l
dishonor. Hot lur sitecessM resistance
we must rely with ii: 111, unf!ti.t lug con
fidencp, not oly rtu tha jastice ol our
cause, bul up m the struiigtii of our
defences an 1 -11.2 ex'ent of our ie
ajurces. If we look up n wir as iin-v
itable, this bill clh for It s, Mian would
be necessary in su'th an emergency.
And if peace is to h preserved, even
then the medium suited t a s'ato 0!
peace, winch Ihe r-onmiiMee bad en
deavored to nuintiiu in the hill, should
i'i view of H.e preint movemrnt-i of
C-'icit Lntaio, h j sd ,j,t..,. r?li-
'.ions wish .IjXiO is .mother reiion
F.'iiy this Jili shOJlJ xseciva ths favoi a-
hie consider!1 ton of Congres.
A -commuiieaiio:t - wi here read
ironi the Si-rretary of ihe N ivy, which
lud been mule by ihn co in m it I.'m ihe tu
iS of the lull, and seviM al other siiite
11 en It fuirn el lor q 1,11 ti M,,H Cih:u'aed
ii snsiain ihe viev,ii.l the cein Hi 1 1 lee,
.ml 1 1 to t 1 ate I he le'ounu of tha conn-
11 y. I lie l uge ajipi (ipi niions eontem-
illi'd h' the 1)11, and (tie ohjictions u
-ed, releiied lo, hot, lie aaiu, the
"Xpendiiures, cor.ti-m jilmii) were led
liseretionny wiili l!io l'lflsident. Tne
ippropriat iont for the budding of the
teaniships was Ihe only one not left
discretionary, and these it was pel fee ly
ippareol wouM b whrther
war shonld ensue or peace b preserved.
Popular exji"f i nion tur saiil, is decided
ly in tavour ot Ihe measuie, or no iie
oihei ineasure of (he kind. The pub
lic eye 11 tinned to our Navy, whose he
roic deeds during the lal war were en
-brined in Ihe hearts of eveiy luie Amei
Mr. 5;nton, contrary to general ex
peclation, mad speech decidedly pi-
cific,find in opposition lo any increieol
our naval cli'lcnc'. Ho siid that hu had
not made any war speech this .esiion,
because he had seen nolhiug which jus
lififid the belief that war would ensue
And as he had no apprehensions of vvai
he Baw no reason lor adopting war nieas
dies, Ha was decidedly opposed to
tha bill, and to Iho reuomnieiida'ionii
of the S.'cretary of the Navy. 'I pro
visions of the bill were ex imined in de
tiil. The present expenditures for the
Nivy, ha sai l, amount lo about fi 000.
000 more, milting in all Si 2 000,000
for the Navy of the United States in
time of peace. Th shill conns forward
is a war measure, in time of peace, and
n appropriation ol $12,000,000 cKed
for, when lha whoie government, ac
cording to tho estimates, is expected to
be carried on far 21,000,000.
lis opposed the bill, as a war meas
ure, because he was not willing that the
American Senate should declare to
Great Britain lhat iho American people
are prepired lor war! Hu had shown
by his course, on former occasions, to
which he referred, that he 11 id not bsen
iltogether bliud lo what was necc-issary
lot Ihe national defence. Hit ha was
opposed to mejsures, in lime of peace,
filiated lo involve ihe country in war.
From Ihe close of the war Ihe govern
ment has acted upon a plan, a system,
which he was ready to carry on!, but hi
was nol reaoy to ilepirt from that sys
wm, to phnge th-j country into war,
cat when ti2j! i nuiliingtooliow that toe
peace of 'he country is nol to be prtsev
d. His position in regard lo wir or
prMce would never ba equivocal, and he
wished ihe mcasii res at the coJutiy to
)e equally unequi vocal.
lie went on lo show that lho?o pro
posed were of an equivocal chanetcr.
and alo thai the fflarts which ha.! been
made in past years lo aui;uniiit our line
ind naval foiccs hid been unsucees.fjl.
He would not undertake lo argua I In
policy of the present naval pence e-tah
lishment; but are we prep ind () double
treble it, in time of peace, and lo nuke
il a war eslablishmen7 Aie we pre
pared lo establish a permanent military
naval eslablishment? II va tho eoos;-.-
quencss lo flaw fiom su;:h an establish
nent been duly considcrctl!' lven
Great 1'iitiin does not Ittrp up Ftidi an
estabushmen 7he ordinary expense
of the navy in lime of war is .CIS, 000,
000, and in peace, about .03,000,000
And are we to keep up an establish
menl at the same expensa in peacs and
in wai? Are we prepared to increase
our expenses fro 6,000.000(0 12,000.
000 of dollar.-? At the close of Gen
Jacksar.'s administration, Ihe nnmbei
if mrn employed in our Navy was a
bout '1000. if nis has since been boub
ed, and now it is ' proposed lo double
the Co iblc Tha present distribution
of our naval forces he considered i ijo
Jicious. 1 here was no more neeess.n
now for naval force in the Meiiteira
nean than there is fur a Navy in Ciicsi lViy. He wss opposed lo lh'
bill, 1I: saw no necessity fur any wai
meusure; and be in ivc.l ihe pn.tnoiv!
lien, of its coniideidtion to tiie If. si day
of Miy.
Mr. Ilinpgan mide one of the most
doquent speeches of the session, lit
won" purchase pear neither with lane:
dullars and cents. If we are lo run cl h.
iur righ's ai all, let ii l -,ih our lib
He rtfertd lo a rem.rj which had tc:
made Ly Mr. Fairfield, that hercgrr tt. i!
nit Hie ardor ot ihe Senator from In
liana ws not nioie tempered will,
ereinri. lit- might Ik; ardent, but hi-let-lings
rttie not ol Irs own making
nty w:re givui hnn hv Ihe .7,
15 11 I. is c uie hru w;ia to he i.i,l.-,-,l
y ui- iict, and nut I,y the j;d-r of in
!er.ip:ra;i)eni. He uppeaUd lo the Sei
a'e lo siy wht-lhcr hi' course here haii
been niirk--d bv indi'Cre lion, or wIikiS
r the f e'ins rf uriy senator had evei
jl.etn i"ou:i.rd y ay expression 0!
i.i-. Nur h,d he ever aimed a'b'ow at
p. fiien I w th a rmiie
on hu countcn
Ik dented also (0 sav n word io!',l"'!"'l! '!,' '' h
l,ii il'ingnishf-d and valued
f. J, sujr, (Mi. Unton;
fi iend,
-a roan;
wticim he had followed as his politic il
nod. I through I f , and than w ith i horn
uidillercil wiili no mm more reluct ml
ly. Ilii regretted his cjuiso in the
Senate tuilay
IIj ihcn n-l'erred to llic provisions of do
lull 10 the aim ndnieiH whieti he had pru
iropod 10 tin posicon of our allan
wiili Great ll.iiain Uift naval power ul
Knglaud, ami her strength in war and
aid lhat lift would laiii!i lo scorn, the in
vauon of nny foreign power. I'lngUnd
ill never recedn and this eoniriiy will
icver recede. The 'Vest. Iiiihaiu Mi
souri, Illinois, Wusiein New York, and
oilier Siaips had spoken on this tiibject
and ha had learnt ol bis friend liom .Mi
4111111 lhat in 1 morning intellionee bail
I). en recci vtii thai that S. ate a's 1 hud 1111 111
unously adopted reflotuiions living forever
our boundary in Oregon at 51 10, Utno,
ie believed, wotihl apeak also, He repre
sented here, he said, lha interest mid feel
ings of 11 portion nl llie Wrsi, and he felt it
to ba bis duly lo represent it fail'ifall v
Our relations with Mexica weru referred
10. If Mexico strikes a blow, he said i'
rill be because she. knows iImI shu is
lacked hy Ureal Urilain. U ho ran sa
.hat Great lh iiain is not the insiiuaiur ui
die eveuis now transpiring in Tlexico? Il is
die secrecy vviih which her nioveiiienis are
dways cloiheil thai makes her armament ai
ibis limn dcHPrvini; of the most serious a's
teniion from this country, Ii was our duU
9 be pippared lor any emergency. He
was tor preserving the honor of the country
it all hazards. A'.i fsr he was fir war, and
to far was iho West for war, and no far
ther As a Itcpresenlativfi of llio people of In
liana, he hail inirocdund an amendment In
die bill, which he believed lo embrace the
views ami wishes of his consiiuenis. I:
tad the subiance und not tho shadow of '
neastire for the na'ioiml defence' lie tie
precated a war like ilia last, lie did noi
vwh lo see our coast desolated by the war
-hips of Great Unlaid, and for this reason
haiHie brouetit.-I'irwiird the measure a
neasure which, if earned into elfeet. woul i
shield our country from invasion, her eiiies
and towns from tire and tho sword, and her
lair daughters from insuli and brutal viola
tion. A is? iiid li:niiyof Font Children
Saethl Ly a Dog. Mr' Solon K. Hones!
of Sandlield, being about to go out for nn
evening 'i-il on .Vew Year night, directed
his elde-tboy, a lad of some ten years ol
age, to p jl wood into the stove and leave
a good fire when lie anil ihe oilier children
'-vent to bed, and to have llio kindlings read,
y for the morning fire, The boy did so,
iiit put the kindling! tin 1t the, .so
tb'jt the fire communicated In tlicm from
iho stovo VVhrn th r fire communicated to
uie Kindling, trie children ha I nil gone lo
ocil in the cluus'ipr, but ihrre was a l iiih-
ful walc'iui'in below. iVr. I!. Iiad in inial
ligenl spaniel, which seeing t!i lire com
uuuieala lo the wood ami from that to il,p
llour, rnouiiied up si;in to givj the rdarm
but finding lhat he eo;.i, r.ntmiike the hovs
undersiand him, he laid himself down on
.me of ihrir beda fir a lew minutes. As
if aware of die increasing d!icr, ho Mini
returned to the (ire rgain, aed on his ihiril
V iiil 10 llie cll.lOlhrl III! illi'CI-.' l!"d l y his
barking nol howlini' 1:1 a -v a king the bo?
ill of whom had fillcn asleep in tha mean
lime, 'fho smoke soon uontioerd them
ihat the hnn.iii wii'i 011 fire, ;uid when they
enieicr! ihe room below where the (ire was
ipre uli.ig, tlie-y f.mnd the f.iiihfid scotio' i
it Ins only, stuving to r r i e-3 1 ihe progrcsr.
if iho 11 inica with sill his rne-gir--. ?rv!
scattering die burning branda with his teeth
and paw ia every direction r-.hojl t'le fioir
ibinking, no doubt, that if I. J could nut pro
cure water this wrs his la-l les-nt to s ivi
th 3 house; Il seemed that ho had been
doing the Hiuni liclorc hf sucee'fded in a
rousing the boys 'I'I. e fire burnt large
hole throue'i (he door before, liic bnvs suc
ceeded in extinguishing it
J,l i'ncxjifclc I but Jrfi: Mullig
gentlom in ro.'iding near iVarlborongh, in
lais county, Sam.'.' days since, ivcnl to new
York to oet a hand lo work on I.!' farm
lie chanced 1 1 h ivo recomiiicii led to bun
1 young nun who had just f in gi a'.ed from
Germany, and through hired persons, (1.-
be German could net f; .k F.n'lish,J he
engaee;! lo work wi'.ti Mm an I iirrmglit tiie
young man ovr; to hia ur-'ulciice. Al dorrk
iho ger.ilc.n 1:1 sent lo a neighbor fur a man,
who had emigrated Iron Grriirmy many
years since, and whose s'e-.dy habits bad.
is much as auv ;! ing, iullacnced him in re-
ironing the juun 10 01, 10 come and l.n,;
with ihe new woi k-'.i.n.d. The Herman
who was sent lor, came, ami .-eaie.i iii.iistn
. . r . . . I . I I : 11
by the lire. hick, of the other, who was
Jrinkiug lii if'. The family were wait
ing lor l!:e nieal lo tie nnisln il 1 peetin;' lo
icur some regular Duleh la k; did !.)
wail in vain, for tho niomeril thu 3 r u 11 ii
man turned liom the table, his eyis uie
fi.xeJ on the oilier Oernian, lloili stood ul
m Jinrnl f 1 ardinir each other-
d then
others r.ruH-
lin y were
Lrolhwa, r.nd had met for the ti : -1 time
many year--'. The kind lei-lii'jr, the un
bounded joy, the repealed emliiace, were
wortiiy iif tovcrsT These two honest Dutch
ten ilid r.'.il hutch thai night, and wil
probably do so a long time, as.ihey work
hi (a-ins ihat adjain eai-h oiher. Man
.nnuh X J. .'nquirtr
ijl) uu jd 2d L?2 J. ui1 o
"THUTll v 1 nine ." t
miriuuv, ri.iutr.tstvi, irio.
Wclait week lueiili.ine.l tic arrcat hy Cuiisla
hli! lteiillcman, of ill i ce men I'm jiiiMiui; cuuuleilci:
innner. lie wcra in an error as tn the naino ol
John teller; it kIiouM have liocn William fStetler,
mid whu leport sxys, has beim but a alioit lima out
of tho lvaUeru IViiilen liary. The oll.rr whoniwc
aiiipiMcd to bo Rill' has travelled through the coun
try under. the naino of Johnson nn.l is uoiiou'.it an
old oll'oiuler. As the hills tound uji on them arc not
uienlioneo in lite lulest Dttectorii, wo (jive below a
more particular description.
1 eii .SeliMiectady Hunk; ddtcd Juno It, Ijtlo
payable to II. I'ratt; Thoinaa rnlmer cashier; Ar
chiliald l'rai(; president
5a The t)niut;o ank, .July 4, 1313 ; William
Maun cashier, (Stephen D. Day president
fi.s lloiic-idslo li.'.nk, payaide to .f J Fish; dated
.lanc.-jry 2, IS 13, S II Ward cashier, J Mealy pres
ident. 53 Dank of Middlctown; .S'ept 2.1, 1S39; payable
to J Ciole; Simon Cameron cathiuii II. Jordan pre
sident JOs MerehimlH anil Farm.-rt, Iihaea; dated
May l, l.vl.l,- payable to Thoinas J.,iii'?; J 1J U'il
liams eadiier ami T ti Ti 'ilt i j f 1 1. piesident
20a liank of Lvwiritown,- January H, IS 1.1; paya
ble to V Cl uk; S D Ward cashier mid II I. Sen!
Nunc blank fives in Biurets (,'oiiiinereinl Hank
Hon. S. Ihldy of Tue-
tiiy last hilled a f,t I log, nvei.iy mo . I -old,
which weighed fivj lnuulrei and s j
pt Uuds.
The hast accounts from (' -lion
the Ii ). ling of two ol Oie iin n luir i ii
dive in the mines al ihat place some week-
since, 1 hey were ti nil deal, line had appa
rently lived sonic lime, the oiher bad been
instantly killed.
Elizabeth Van Valketiburab, who was
oiiv; 'nd for the murder of her hiir-bunl.
was (Xf-entcil in the yard btlonijlrig to ihe
i'oi.ii.,on 1 ul of L'ulion coniitv, A'ew York.
in prvseliee of Home hundred ivitnessi s, nil
Saturday, ihe 'J lib nil , al three u'elodi 1
President Jones, f the late I'.epiib'ic of
Texu, has i-s'.ied a pro; Lunation pallicp
on the f.ejii-.i.auru to runieii!! al on
the 1U Ii 1 cbiuary. n or ier to oigamz?
'siitc Goveniment, and adept sueli nil ei
iicasurrs as they may diCia itcresiary foi
die geniral well'aifl.
The. G.r.umbiis, linlima, G .7 say?
that they hive 150 000 ihws in lhat Stale
tuv one r i wiiieii can suck all tf.c rr;::' in a
iv igliboi hood, te..r up all t!,e bouts, bhees
hi,! clolhe.1 about a house jonip on ihe table
ind eat his breakfi- l, run three iiii'es, lean
1 sheep pen, kill o() head of s1 cej, tike
hid dinner, then come home and bite every
mm worn m and child widiio two miles nl
lij k lint:;,
A New Ilamp.-hiro son ot the muse, in an
explosion of poesy, ppcaln of a I nly his
ibe ynsoia s liiie a w liiiew aslieil
A Decisiirll tvaslatily rendered itl llo
ilal.imnrn (,'ouiiiy (hinrt,by Judge- l.egrand
lit llio "asa brongbl by I'.'O owinrJ nf tin
-te-iinboat Hoson, to recover vT'J, the a
iriounl rliarged for the 11 -e of the sai I boa
whilst pr ri' an exeinsinri no Siind iv.
The Gnnrl pruiiDU'iecd that llio eonlrac
havinj been made on the i:hib!;t!i, and enir
cqtienily in violation of l..w, il wai liters void.
A primer's money, says the Al ton Den
cratie Union, may be found se
curely slowed away in his subseribe'i'.'
pock t is.
Il is assered in ciediiab'e qnarteis, that
Hiir.a Anna ia luny ul llavjima, in negotia
lions with S-paiii, Rne'and and Franrr, involving-
thu relation ul Cuba and the inde
pendence ol Mcmco. 1 idiucal intrigues
are rib.
Wm . "HI 1 1
ForhJa .S.'gnr. Much mti ntion is he
ing paid to the cultivation of Sugar in Flori
da. The Tallahassee Journal says, it will
at an early d anions the nnii les of ex-
poit Imni this Miction and wc doubt tint,
Vvil ,;, the heavif-t article of expnrlfrom of
the Faiuru and .Seuthprn tiisirieis of the
(S,, (y ; lie
FtomlhtS. 0. I'.caijunc Hlh ult
"I'he cily filled yesturdiy with eon
r ulii tory rumors in rcgaid to Mr. Siidell
Tim import al first credited was that he Imii
een ordered from the Ivepuhlic; that hi
ihereupon deinimled an escort ironi Jalaj)'.
to 'in Cruz, which wis refused to him
Urat Commander Gerry, of the Homers,
then lying l Vina Cm, upon this proceed
ed widi a detachment ol otlieers and nmnoc
0 fiscoit Mr !Slule!l to the eoasi, a d'sianee
of some 70 or SO miles. We- do nut ai
rich much credit to this rumor it pp -v
impossible. Again a It-net dated the '.) h
from Vera On 7. say s, that up to 1h.1i d re
Mr, Slidell had nol demimhrd of the new
goveinuieiil any recognition of his nili i
rapacity, bul the popnl lr b lief was 1, it
such recognition would be refused. An
other letter dated the 13, h says; Illc. S 1
dell has demanded hu pmpofis, ba i"i!
failed in ihe olj 'ct ol his mission This
appears lo us the m 10 proh dile versi in
The Mexican papers belore us say until
ing on the subject.
Jl number of important despatches wcie
received by the Pario, which were yester
day forward to Washington by mad. So
far as we can learn, 110 letters hate been
received in town from Mr. Klidell of a I a'e
date. Our own opinion is, '.hat at the time
iho Pario sailed thai gentleman was at Pue
bla. The U. S brig Soiners, (mminaiider
Gerry, arrived at Vera t'rez on ihe O b
iiihl., and was ly ing at S.-.ei ,ri iis on the
l.lih. Tiie Priush brig Fenian, the French
GrilTuii, and the Spanish bug Pa'riota.w eu
1 1 li e ivise lying there. The ti numb brijj
I ison was in pt:l. These wore all tl t vessels of war al Vera Cruz. Tin
1 hiKKii r (.'renbi and hermaphrodite brie
lYie'ruburg eve re 111 port.
The rrvidiiiioii in Mexico appears to b.
0 npltli!. I'efore enirring the Chy o1
Vrxieo coiileiuiii'i-s were held bel.vcei.
!i'ii P.iade and Gen. Vulencia rejire
c. ir.e.l ihe former Government, end for ;
iitie, indeed acted as Pit siih-nl nf llie Ife
piib'.i-.-. In their 1 onfi lei.ccs, in whieb
Gt!i. Totne-I shared, the stihinissiim of tin
capital was fully arranged, Valencia iiimir."
to spare any effusion of blond. Tho en
irancu was not mate till the 2 In'it., when
a portion of the garrison ol t!i6 a--jo:a'
maridicd out at. d joined the troops un.l; .
Piiiedts, and the whnhi thtrenjion eseni'c
him iniii llie capil.d in uiiiii.jdi, r.iniJsl ...
vr.s of 1 riil'cry. An address of the (Jcne-i
was immediately i;-sued. lis eontenls an
uni nperiiiiii, save that
to he tolerant and pcac
In! urges il.c t.uu;
Gen Par l'h s had previously tdo'iess; d a
L iter to (Jen. llener i.ant omicing his inex
orable ietirniinrtii;n lo nny thriuieh tlv
revolution. The later appean lo ban
yielded his authi-rry to (icn. V..en, i 1 evith
out a sin. utile. 'i he 'state of sn ee' r
whicli the eapilal bad been phteed by II -ma,
viari declared at an end en llie .'.111 d
'1 liero was a mpning in Jexico nn t'o
21 i f .1 01 , 01 (!. nft .-.I iliii-eis and otb' r
Called bv tlrll. P.iruhs. Ai'ir avctiie
'he promiiiriat.irnlo at S in Luis, he !
' hired lo 1 lie Jo 11 la his n-adiui .?h as lo 1 1,' -mil
lo ihrir pciit! -nl resnlminn, nml tiie re.
tire H ltr.y v ii.-a ra.a eijiyiil lo p -.
inuer.ed his i-jjinioiis.
Gen. Pan des w as ii'.i.iiiilinua'v eho-i 1
I'lesidi nl id the II-piibii.-:
N olhini.' is s.iid in the p.ipr 1 s in r 1 1
'o the feel I lies of P afeih s to wards this i ne 1
TV, but vcibaliy wc leant th d he is nr.
L MoilitCr, (if the 2 1 i-tst. Cin'. lie.S a:,
irticlo upon the critical situation in v. i.;e'
tbil Galiforitiitis r-r.' placed, widi :i view .
irotisii'g alien inn 1.1 the f u' jei 1.
Ill liatl lli-ti.r'o lliecs have li.ikrn Oil! a
hesh iii several p .rt.i nf tltc Nor.h exeinni.
eeneuil altoni. Ti e anil oritit s of t'tc I)e-
,!ar'.menis were takit g active measures n
ncet this (iicrT'cy.
The latest d iles fioui this city vv!i!cb tin
Vera Cruz rili'ms 1 ul reeeivid, wern tlo
20 h Nov, TI.ev infer from ihetn soiin-
what str.i"iely thai ihe Cabinet of Wash
ington was in 11 measure alarmed at tin
Renin in? rpecl of our relations with
I mil and inclined lo recede from ils exireuii
oreicniioiid in reward lo Texas so far even
as to restore ihe new Stale ed Mexico.
llalleiing tinetioi J'
T.mii'ir.r.n .'!e-!iun. The return from
ihis State make it r viilenl that he Dein 1
'ralic ranitidines f,r (Joveinor and F.ieiitiri
.... 1 1 ' 1 1. . . 1 . 1
in wimniiir, jorinsnn nr.d l-.iiiiiy, art
declcd by about 1000 m- joniy.
Mdi rh.l in Jitil. A professor i f music
w tiv 1 11 a rr it d 10 thu J id ol hycenoii g cnuniv
last week, lie whs commuted on breach
prom, se, and loanietl the lady f.r
Ptp - - P m getting om 01 Jul, alter which
a'o-'l'ia'ui in.".'.
On Thursday afternoon last, while two
aien were nt work, digging ore in adiifi.on
ihe far n nf ,1r, V. Kiesler, near ibis vil
lain, Hip .nil above them caved in. "ner
.si-iiped w iihoul injury, bill the oiher, llen
i v t 1 i t r, a Herman, wis caught uiulei tho
f din j 11 s, and although every exer'.ion
' l.irn. (iialely put ill reipiisitl ill to cx-tifat-
1 1 ii, 1 el, it was near twelve hours
11 I ire in' was reached, when be. was found
, ,,,, ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,.,1 ,0 ,aVe been immediately
j .,,,.,1!,, r, ,) by the earth, as iheie were no
i'mui-e. upmi him. He was about ibiriy
1 1 veins m . ee.
A child, appaenrily about a week old,
was found drowned in Providence tho oili
er morning, u iih a rope round its reck and
a si oic i.u tehed toil! What monster wcais
ha human form!
The .', ,ine Culiivaior says; There are
i.,.v iiK Siinday iapers published in New
York, devoted to grog-shop trash, fashion-
.hie dissipation, and libeitinism.' l'aiher
evi r!
Th-',Iiraz ban Governmunt has protested
against the capture of its a'avers by the
!!iiii.h. Ihing out your big guns.
The Mercantile Library Association of
New York, lias added 1,428 volumes to its
e.ili.ciion daring the past year. The num
h ,r ;s now 22. T 10
a nila Anna is bigger than llie famous
(hdossus of lihodes. He stands with 0110
font 011 the hland of Guba, and '.he other is
in tho city of Mexico.
I'i; 'M Canada papers nf the 23th, we
ind die-e extracts it) the Albany Athis'Tho
I on real 'i'nnes of the 2Gh says that des
pa'cbes tvnr received on the 2.idi, appoint
the I', irl ol Cathcai't Governor (ieneral
ol ihs (J ot 1 1 is, and adds that it has heard 'the nub tia is to be immediately eui
iiih' d.' The! Transcript regards the r 11
nor as 10 the militia, as 'premature,' ba:
,1 - as in me new Governor:
Tnc appointment of Fari Cnlhearl lo the
.ni eriinii nt o! Jiis province, has been, in
.I! piolmbility, suggested by the uncertain
nature r:!' the iclations al prc-ent pxisiing bo
.vein Great I'riiain anil the U S. Al'i wo by no means apirehend vvar.wc
an per, I', ctly understand thai iho appoint
in "il of a nan'poi sessmg the military rep
I '.'i .n of Lord Gathcar; may be useful n
a -re w;i) 3 1I1 jo one.
Tho same paper makes loo following
i'lnoatirciiii nt.
1; is staled ilnt 1,1000 troops of the line,
nn In hn' two companies ol sappers am!
ii is, have hern ordered immediately to
l.:s country. This will account fnr some:
1 ihe rr eent movetnents that have taken
I 0 e i.i iho i.uwer Provinei s,
K V9K tiftrv
l ili: TMAL OF 1)11 SCO FT.
Wo ii-reuily published a stitincnl of the ac
ouiti 'I nf l!r. Scott ill the trial before- tho
i'l' i-'iyieiy of Louisiana, of the charges
1 ado itgaiiis
1 1 1 1 iti ol lalsliontl and certain
eiMi-'ioi, t a-t a minister.
The fo'!owi"ir are the charges and the
)!a as ;",b!i-hid in ihe New Orleans Dv
1 1.
'('.'.v' ('.':irr:;c FmIspIiooiI, in staling tint
!! nryCl r. had played cards on llio Sab
1 no till; r wards denying that he had so
to: d; and iv,i'ii, when informed of the cur
e 1 li j oi l, thai he had not taken p-oprr
i'- i-uies to correct il as lie, Ur. Scott,
1 ul s nl h" had done.
' I:' 1 ;
- he Rev. Mr. Smylie, of Mis-
'. Inn rfering with, and
! a!', ring the records ol tho
1 I. is rase, by taking away one
1 11 s.iytcry
1' in..',.-;
V .' ' 1'
vi'.h !
r Hihl ein
itrd on 'I
1 ,' '
I substituting another.
.;,,);,', J lnqillllnl.
1 "' .eting wi.h unchristian
1 -.- I '1 tt per in a fofrespondenvn
(. leoseiius, Peters and H'-rnrih
u, in refemeiu Mi. Clay playing
do s .haath.
'..; one m grtiva only, that of
he lh:v.
Fiumh Vi'iarzc Heresy, in preaching
lor trim s contrary to the Constitution of
die Church, in the charge delivered by him
it the ins'ai .iiioii cl the lev. Mr. Siionton
in i.itnw h as he assumed Ihe so'.e t ijjlit as
I Pits' y 11 ri in paslnr of n conoreiiion lo
lirert its worship and con It ul ils fond 3 for
II neeoh nt ptirpei'i'?.
.liqiutlol I'liaii'iiiinwiU.
The Pi-ni-h Press, llioi);;h iliey condemn
is was r xperied, the tone and spin'l cf the
Prciderii's M "s-'agp, sprak highly of it as
111 abb: snd well written document. One
"ihe I. nu Ion p-ip-rs say thai, although,
Mr. '.,
iii may '.1
ave been a
nouvtl'.e homme
ie ti rtaiuly vn '!; an able pen.
A no'.v plain has been discovered by
Professor lieiiekc, at ficilin. The planet
has been named A s t r e .1 , uftcr the goddesj
of dustier