A ftp? (Tl ftf II m HMW mtM A rinry.itivnfcr,x-iij . i hkva mi-urn nnm the Allor of rw. Urn at liusfllUv t every form uf Tyranny over the Mind of Mau." TUonias Jeltoriiiin Iff. WEBB, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Volume IX, M..u. v i mmUii. 1 Ori-ICE OF THE DEMOCRAT opposite Sr. Tail's Ciii'iicii, Main-kt yvkff cnr.UMiu.i nuMocn.'iTwiiih l"i!Hs!ii (l vverji Salnrdnj morniii!!, u J'iI-'O DDIJ..IUS per unmnn paiM li itl tifurhi in inlcnnce, or I wo Dollar '.;' Crnts,if not paid irilhin the year 0 o ubscnptioii will be 'taken lor a miorlt pcrin t Hum nix months; norma elision ti i.it.rve per mil ted, until all arrearage, are. discharged . sil)l'j:imsj:MEXS not erreedins; n .I'nare will he consjiieuousli inserleiLi One. Dollar for the first three insertion inul Tirentu-five cent for even snhse tnent nsertion. C7V liberal diseoim via le to those who advertise tnj the yeai LI-IT THUS addressed on biis'uicss,initsi he post paid. .. i... - i ' J. mm j.f Till. A IS LA X l 7 "jS - " With xirretesl fh.lvirn enridi'd, From titriniis gnrthwi cull'd with cure" a curu. How U it o'er l!iu dlroneni mind, 'i'lut trill, s liuKl sui'li mvny t A wonl n iy, i'Vii a link uiAiud M.iy darken all life' Jay . 1)1), in this world of d d!y care, Tlio thousands !hat liiivc tmi (.'an uny liaf ilnliip better hear 'J'han they cult hear a wind. Ala , tlw lium.m niould'a at fault; And still liy turns il chums A nohli'tuvs tliat can exalt, A litlenCiS that shamis ! C'f litrrnglh nnd wi akmss Mill con.l im d Coiiijiounded of the mean and RtMiiH ; And liilh s thus will shako the mind That wo. lid u teiiiieit stand. Give ma that B jul Biijierior power. That conquest over fate, Which sways the weakness of the hour. Kules litlh: thiiijja as great; That lulls the human waves of stiifo Willi woiJs of feelings kind, And Kinkcn the trials of our life The trials of our mind. mmffivy,'mm,mmm l'lmu llie I'liion. Jfly Cuiiatrj's native Glory. They leil of wave and waterfall Iu foreign clime at'd story; Hut give oh, givetn me, o'er all, My count! y's native glory ! My heart is where the waters leap l'':oin u-oud Miau'ara's ili7.y Bleep A. id vihe. i! the foam liiwloffs, T -''nil ' ill hat Hi Is' V dell, Illudve ape . of niiiwy shell, I li Ih'iU of ini'kv roses 'J'hey tell uf vale, and moiiiit, uid tree, t) caverns i!fci andhmiry ; Hut i.'vi' oil, Hive, o'er all In inn My ctiiiulrv 's li.i'.iM- h" j ! Jii'nluekv halll I Inarirlii.t'o i jve, Sor Ccl'ip's Intuit! iwr hioody gnivi- rt heio a'.hoUHind echoic i- i ak, And l.ecli.: slial- from heaii'y's cheek; Where runs a ila.h nieaudriiny ttieam, 'J',!l . irc'iies lend Iheir lio id gleam, V',i.i-e viilli;r chant a side ' li song, Like Aden's, lis they ro'.e 1 i eng. 'J'hey lell of livers wild and liec. Willi tales of feudal forey, iu: they have no nn, not for mo, My county'a native glory. I've blood hesidc the 'Mansion' old, To view Potomac's breast of gold, In summer's calmest wrathci. And traced in thought its windings all I'loin rock to rork from fall to fall, Till inadly rush together Two livers in their gi;ml might, Like freedom in her i.lrifi! I'm riyht. I've turned my gJZi' aloft to see The endant c ags and Imv'ry, And from my soul exclaiined. for me O'er all the world Inside, for me My country'H native glorv! Til Pi VAUmT 0 UHKGO N. On tliis point, Caplsin Fi e inon f, froiri liin talents and Ligl) character, is emi iitraly enliileil to - hear J. IIh speak' u)oi) vvlul ho himself lias teen, a fol 'Conimeiciclly, 1 1 1 e value of (lie Ore pon counlry mtit Le greal, washed a it is by ihe Noith Pacific; Ocean lion' ir- Asia pioduciug many of the tie tnuiila of commerce mild and heallliy in ils climalp, and becoming as it nam, Silly will a thoroughfare for the Easlln dia mid China trade.' "--v,e v - - ' I.". . 'VV - .Z. -ttlfc,4'.i.'.-.t , v UI.OOMSItUKC, COLUMBIA COtXTV, PA. SATURDAY. TIIF l'l RATE'S ATTACK. A P0WEH1 IT. SKETCH. 'Tlipre tlify rp '' exclaimed iho captain who? eye had taken the direction of minr 'me rascal liuve rnaul clear of tie anil ate .lulling on from St. Domingo side. Stand 10 your arms, bo) f; ri'nues art upon us.' In an instant every man was at his post, uid on the alerl. 'Stand in the shadow ol the spars and rij'ng" t hn out of night, continued tlx captain, not a man ol you fire till 1 give the word.' 'Ay. ay. sii,' rewponileil the crew, wit nautical precision. And now, sayi the captain, who really leenl to work in a linsineH-l iko nvle, 'let is gelTliis gun to the ointr tack, Mr. Brae to be ready for the gentlemen 'Die muzzle of the piece was according IV I rust turn tue otiiiHite port, keeptni; n lead aim at die bnat, wlneli was r.oiv a lii tl e more than a quarter of a in.le distan from us. Strange,' said 1, 'that the fellows iliouh dionse to row against the moon, when by so doing, they must know we must sci the filler of their oais ' I Huspect'cplicd the enpiain, 'ihat lliej had no choice about it. Yon forjet ilia. we have rnoro or less w ind off the lam! since sunset, and are ut leaUsix miles frun whence we were then. The probability i' dial the rogues lost us nficr nightfall, bin it seems that they have found us at last.' Die boat was .low very near us, Siil not a sound came from her, The close? mil most painful aiiruticm could not hem he dip of hrr oar which roe snd fell liki pieces of niechanieiain glitieiing in lh niooiiligtit like bladt s uf bii ver. SJoaM, ahoy,' cried llie voice of Cajilaii Jelirop, in its most startling toms. No inswer was relumed to this summons, Bin1 the oats were pliad unite lively, 'Keep of! vnu taseals,' again should out commands '(rfT! or I'll blow you out of water!' This threat & the firehrand which fl iur shed v ith great fierceness seemed In maki i!ie pirates hesitaie. The motion t-f tin boat was arrested, 1 lirup tlm't the victor already achieved, and he nJain raised In voice in tones uf authority 'Throw yom arms overboard and pomn alongside.' A volley of mnskctry was the teply I this summons a ib zeti bullets whistler by and 'he captains Int flew across tin leek. A deep iinprei alion burst Irom his ips. 'The next intant a broad slreani o lla'iic issned from the qnarfi deek, and 1 1 1 -explosion of the piece broke nponjihe dead stillness of the elcnieni's w ith a iniso like ihnnder. A distant i r.isli, a heavy splash" in" in ihe wa'er.ai ive n hicli a cry of mor A :ioniv w.is icri it'1' v ilisiiiict, lud arisen .il ihe ilirecitin ol ihe fue before the smoke 'li-persed siillieientl y to Triable us to see the elT et of our shut. No boat was then to be ieen nor any trace of her crew, we had in ill pr ihahiliiy sent every tool into eterni- IV.' Piv (Jpoigi"!' ciim! ilia captain, with something like compunction in hi tone, tub biug Ins heid with his handkerchief, 'I would rather have tiuen the rascals and lud ihe in decently hanged. than sent them to the bottom ir. this off handed manner ,You couldn't have madi! a heller shot, Mr. Brae if-' A horiid yell, rising appirenily from the very depth beneath the ship, stopped him n the middle of hi speech. A boat glided nit of the smoke, and shooting under our ows,ailozn dirk f irms were seen spring iiig from il to the sidu of the ship. IJui in r precautions had been wisely tiken, A; viere completely sueeesjf'il. No eooner did they touch the slippery vessel than most ol them, with the most horrid blasphemies, fell into the sea, snapping t'eir pistols at us even after they were filled with water Ai die same moment their host w h'ph had beer completely riddled by our shot, filled and sank to the bottom. Three only got upon deck, and wtre immediately overpowered ar.d secured. Five more were with thffi cully dragged out cf the water, and i!i.pnsntl ol in the same manner. Orje powertil fel low, however, u:is not so easily quelled He had succeeded in gelling one foot upon deck, when a young seamen, named Ralph, dew at him with the fierceness of a tiger, They closed, and after balancing a moment letwsen the deck and the water, the pirate vho was muc'i the heavier man, fell back ward overboaid, dragging his antagonist villi him. They boih sunk, but soon rote ig iin about fout rods from the ship, cling ing closely together. 'Then commenced i combat the most singular and appalling I had ever witnessed. No one on boaid seemed lo think of devising moans to assist iur companion. No :ie darod ;o fiieupon the pirate; for so closely were they coiled together, so rapid wem their evolutions, and jo dim the light shed by the moon, that it was impossible lo hit one without endanger og the life of the other At Ihe commence uent of the struggle, their efforts seemed to dined solely at drowning each other. 'They vlurled ovtr on ihe top uf the water, dash nig it about like wounded sharks. Both hen sunk and for a while lost to our sight Presently they rose again, and exchanged hick and heavy blows, and closing with cdoubled fury sunk again. Neglecting thf use of '.heir weapons, which would have nil a speedily end to the fray, ihey fought nore like savage beasts of prey, bent on hrytiling each other, than like human be ings. Shall we stain! and see our man murder ed! at length exclaimed a voice from among he ciew. It opeiated like magic lo break he spell that had fallen upon us all. Clear away the boat there!' shouted the apiain, and six men sprang to execute thf irder. Just then, after an effort of unusual derccr.es boll) of the combatants sunk. They remained out of 6ight so long, thai he men who were lulling down the boat suspended their operation, and we all stood rc itliless with unrcruirity and anxiety a- vailing their re-appearance. At length a- lout thirty yatds off the water parted, but mly one man was seen lo rise. Is it you, Kalph?' cried the eaplain, in a suppressed voicfl 'Here, is some of him, at least, on my nifcbl.ide,' responded llie freebooter with the accent and laiih of a fiend; and springs ug nearly lo his whole height out of the vater he threw the weapon with greul force owards us. Another hollow laugh rung iver ihe waters, and, on looking round, vide circles of ripples were seen moving in he moonlight sea, as if some heavy body id just sunk into it. Vengeance was the tardy thought thai iow lushed on every heart. Some in blind- J fury of the moment, actually discharged heir pieces into the cantre of those waving lies, wiihoul slaying to relied upon this ittt r iiselessnessi Oihers with their guns m readiness and stood glaring upon the sea ike panthers robbed of their piey, stood prepared to fire the momein he should liow his head above w uer. But ha rose no nore. The winged messengers of death ilul had been aimed at his life sped barm- essly over his head; and had il bten pnssi- tile to penetrate the secrets of the gieai leep, he in ght have been seen reposing peacefully on its sandy bottom by the side of his late antagonist. A sullen silence pervaded the ship. 'The men looked gloomy at each other, and with lowering brows on llmir helpless prisoners, as if a sufficient atonement had not been for the life of iht-ir comrade. To one skilful in the language of the hu man countenar.ee, il was evident that noth inf but the restrain! ol discipline held them hack for a summary act of vengeance and of crime that wouhl have sunk them to a level wiih the pirnifs themselves. Judging of the feelings of Ins crew Irom ihf ir looks or more probably from his own, and anx ious to remove llie temptation to evil the eaplain oitlered our eight ( rii-onus inidei ihe hatches and they wue accordingly iiimblej in wiih very liulti c teinonv . How many of this band of genuine despsra dors had been los, we had no means of iis errtaining.for our prisoners did no! or wouhl not understand English or Fiench Bui when they fired tipor. us, twelve or sixeen men were visible, at. il ihe yell thai follows ed our discharge was surh as is never ex lotted from mortal man, but by the pangs of d.e last fgiiny. Six or eight, thru, o the freebooters had certainly perished, What chance ol success ihey might fancy . n.n hn.i rr.uhl l,ve aiMinM a vess. ir. t , i . i . j. ..rilta ei'ii j.r nun il rnmnltpl v u -......-,"-.,-- dersdustotminagine. "'7 been intoxicated, or in the situation of beast of prey, whom the goading! of hunger will impel lo rush upon a foe whose face he would otherwise have fled. Viewing ,t in either light, it was an act of the most daring hardihood. 'The struggle had been fieice and boisterous . bul had passed. 'The ship was restored to her usual ttanquiliiy and was moving before a gentle breeze from the shore, yet so slowly as scarcely to mill ihe face uf the ocean. Hogg's Ifcek'y Instructor. A TOUCHING STORY. The iVew Ymk correspondent of Ihf Washington Union, retalej the follow ing: 'My friend and neighhor a medica man lias an lrisii servant tin canou . i i 1 1 i Miry, wno has only been in I ha coun try about four months. Sue is a nan': working & kindhearted creature. Sin called on nvi yesterday to ask a favour. rvhi:!) was conducted something fillet he fullowing'fashion: 'Good morning to your honor.' 'Good morning, ilary, how are the; II. at home?' 'All well, I give your honor thinks ml I've just called alier asking i favoi. I i hi not intruding; upon your honor.' 'Not at all, Miry. Yvliat is it 1 cai o for yoy?' Well the doctor siys you snmotime' viite Iu Ihe old coun'iy, ami I wish tc know if vour honor cannot put mo n he way jist after sending a In 1 1 monej o my pour iiiilt; oro' hers in iici.inur 'Ctriainly I cm. How much dtj yon want io send, ivuryr May It please your honor, by har.t woiK, I have j i at sived 3 or $13. J have two little oioiuers in me pooi house in Ireland, between the ages of 7 mdOyeais. 7'ne living is very pioi for the poor hoy, who've no mother o lather. I hear potatoes will bo very scarce in Iho oi l country '.his winter: J im afra tl they'll siller for sometnint. o ti and warm lliem, when '.he weath t gets cold. 1 wish to send this mon jy, lo Uk ilieui from the poor house mil nuke lliem contforlble.' 'I shall be most luppy. Mary, to i draft on h g"od house in Liverpool : who will see Ihit the money jou en list io me shall he honeily and faiih fully applied as you wish, And nnm than this, though I m poor myself, 1 will sdd a small trill 5 to the amount. which mat help the boys U ba moir comlnriable.'' 'Oh! your honor is very good, and J lon't know how to thank you enough. I know your honor means all right, bu but what in a ci n77 'It is this; we pay G"od man in IV Y.our, money, who is an anei't for a pait oer in a eood li !se m Liverpool II 'hen gives us an order on his houso in England payablo to your friends in Iir Und. When it ie received your fiicnds are in formed of it by mail. They then 'ell ihi Liverpool honsn to remit to ilieui, or their mercantile fi iends in In: land, when they duly receive it. Tris iii safer than sendinj; ihe gold; hecausi if one draft is los'.can gel anoiheijwhpi f the money chotild b !oei, il waulo be gone forever.' 'Oh bles your honor, I jisl see how tl is. A thousands thanks lo you. Hera's the X3 and I'd jisl wish you to do with it as yi-u would fur your owi relai'Oiis.' 'Certainly I will Mary.' 'A ihousaiu! blessings on your honor. I mil"! he away tifter my woik. Good molding sir.' 'Good morning, Mary.' 'The poor wom.in had worked Imrd -vet since she landed in New Yotk, in a ni I vile situation; sliming herself in everything not abinluti ly necessary for her romloi t, in order lo lay by lhi null sum of money, to be sent out lo .le-r pour orphan broilers, confined in a ivoik h itie or poor house. Jler sim pli! sinry wa veiy t'fft cling. I !uve no doubt there are many such thus toiling and slrtigling in New Yoik io earn a pittance, wh fh ihey freely ili vide with their poor Itiendt left in ho land. Joy and Temperance and Kepose fcUm the door on iho Docloi's nose, FKIIItUAK Y 7, 18 ' -" never IIOilEAFKXTIONS. HV Dll, II AW KG 9. r. i. . i. ' .i . " "'""'ones 'nai cite. The rotieh rubs of the world cm . ri0 obliterate them. '1 hey ar .ri.in oriei f hoTli-, eerly home.' 'bent! a j : .. . sotint!. 'I'be.e is n, old Iree under which the light heartei boy swung in miny a summer day, yon tier Ihe river in which he trained swim, there the huuie in which h knew a parent's luve, and futind a pa ent s pioteetion nay ih'-rd is the room in which he romped wiih brother oi with sister, long since, alas! laid in th yard in wh ich he must loon he gatl -red, over shadowed hy yon old churcl wither with a j irus t roop himself, hi us olteu followed his parents lo wor ship with and heir the gootl old mat who gave him to G d iu baptism. Wh) veti the very ichoulhousfl associated in youthful days with thoughts of ferfule slid tasks, now comes hick to biiue. pleasant remembrances of nnny anocca sion that called forth some generous ex hibitioii of the nobles', trails of hunun nature. 'I hcre it was that he learned o feel some of his best emotions. Tnen- perchance, he first met Ihe being who y her lov& tenderness in afier life hat nide t home for hi mself , happier eveii ban that wh ich his rhildhood knew. Theie aie certain feelings of huminiiy, ind those loo among the rent I hat can find no appropriate place for their exer cise only by one's own fireside. Theie is sacrednesu in the privacy of that spot which it were a species, of desecra tion to violalu. He who seeks wanion- y to invade it, is neither more nor less than a villain; and hence here exists no turer ttsi oi ine ueoasenieni ol moral - . . . . I I . I n a community, thin the disposition to tolerate in any mode the man whodisre jjards Ihe sjiidities of private lift. In the turmoil of the world, let there be ni lean! one spot where the poor man may ti id sfL'Ction that is disinterested, where (e may indu g-? a conltlenct which i iot likely to bn abused. Gkkman Love. --'The story we give ihIow, could only hive happened h (rdt many, or he related of Germans. A .oung giil of 1, Lose Koble, shop tender, becouio acquainted with a sUi lent of Pharmacy, one Thejphilm Kp ;iler. 'This acq lainiancf, appneuil) very slight, was seon forgotten by I h . voung nian, bul excited a love, violent ilmost lo madness, in ihe heart of Rise A peasant girl, an iniimne friend of utise who hail discovered the secret oil ier pisaion. made shameful profit of it ntenstty. She addressed Ihe poor giii letters purporting to be written h Kep oler. and cajoled her lor fourteen years During the whole ol that period h never oncesiw hr fancied betrothed, but letters asking for money, sugar, bran ly, and eveu linen, poured thick upm ii'i. 7nft excuse for not seeing hei wete of the most strange and improba. ble nature, such as, ihat i i coiis quet.ef f failure on his examination he was la ken lo a house of deien lion in Ilolljnd. 'onstructed expressly lot the punishmen of defeated candidates. Such was tin 'enor of all the coriespondencp; misfor tune seemed to have lainpd on him. A one time h" hid broien on arm.anothei a leg. Sickness, suffering and especial !y destitution afflicted him; the last be mg nn appp.'d enduring and unending liuse, at different periods; had senlelev en thousand francs, an enormous sum 'or one in her position, to colled which he was obliged lo deny hersrlf all but the necessaries of life, and lo sacra fice her litle patrimony and that of a sis trr. At last after 1 I years ol continU"d inxieties tnd puvalions, Roso read it he newspaper an announce men! of the death f Theophilus Keppicr apolheica i y of Winter baph, whose disconsoljlf widow and efll cted children, &c.Tlieie iipop, on complaiiit to the u hor:les tht ci immal w ho had vviiheit d her youth and wasted her pioperty was found in he r bosom (ritnd. The punt si men in flicied is f. in 'een years coi fincmenl in a ilungein, from which, during a cer lain pei iod ul each year, all light is ix dtd. iNhi;t'i;Mn.NCE. John, what have yon been duinn?' Fighting lo be sure ' 'What Inne you been fighling nbouit" '1 donl know, but I saw two boys fisting in the strtet, and one thing 1 can ie!l you. when! see lighting going on, you dun i ?"'. V , I fill II III' fit tit I til VIII I I iiM in "in . . . , , i . r t. - : u,- ii has nol since been heard lo express llie h'iohpIi io fii'bt on one fide or iho utliei.,"" 1 bunufnenuani. whether I believe il is rigbt or noi .lumber lli. ' "1 ' rr j. :Md'SfS!2.ii'iJiMmm An Cm Uott le.A short time ag .a uieinberrfa tiniperance ocieiy,in ou t of ihe Suffolk Knp.iHlip. wild uiiusl..iJ r on old tippler who has earned an unen viable noioiiely by his coni-tant and lie Ktii'1,1 visits lo ihe spirit but le and beer Oiiriel, ami llm following colloquy emu--d; 'I ssy ! you tetotalUi.7' 'Weil, whai is it?' 'You are all wrong, I canjprove it.' 'II IW?' 'Od out of the biblM;jrveJbuen read ing it,' 'That is worthy remai king certainly, to but what do you find ihere cundtniutMu i v of leeioialismf' 'Wliy this here it save yon mr( pm no strong drink of no soit into 'old bo leg ' Docs it say so;' 'Yes, and you cau'i make anything of it can yon? 'Certainly I can.' 'No you can't 1 defy you.' 'But I can; you say men ought not to put strong drink into old bottles?' 'Yes that's it; h! ha!' Then you must keep all strong drink out of ynnrse!f,you are a regular old boide.' 'Hem! I can'l slop, waisiing my lime with you goodjmorning-. Every body has heard of the eccen tric Loienzo Jow. He once used tin pulpit as a sort of an alarm bell, to call he attention of his auditoiy to the fact of an immaterial fue existing for thoso who seemed to be more epprehensive of ihe material flame. Lore nzo observing considerrble portion ol his congrega tion nodding, suddenly ceased preach ing and shouted alouJ, 'fire, fire, fire!' A number of llioje who wera given to church somnolency started upon their reel anu eagerly enquired, 'wnere, where?' 'In h ilforsleepy sinners, q iickly responded the minister. Thf sweet charms of sleep were broken, ar.d the rest of the sermon was heard by tl present. CoarrAssioN. Compassion is an emo. ion ol which we ought never to be a shamed. Graceful, parliculaly in you'h s ihe tear ol cympathy, and the hea t hat melts at Ihe tale of wo. We should iot pei mil ease and indulgenpe to con trapt our affections and wrap us up in a 'elfish enjoyment; bul wa should accus om ourselves lo think of the distresses if human life, of the solitary cottage, ihe lying parent, end the weeping orphan. Nor ought we ever lo sport with paiii uid distress in any of our amusements, ir heat even the meanest insect Willi vanl or cruelty. AMUSING ANECDOTE. The'ZoHUDt'ile Journal tells a good an ecdote of a recent scene in Frankfort. It ays, eta ball in Iranklnrl the other even ing a young gentleman, il is said, look art undue liberty w ith a preliy lady. The la- ny made her complaint to the gentleman with whom she was dancing. Thereupon he last named gentleman knocked the fust named gentleman down in the ballroom The fight extended until, as we are told, 15 ir twenty perions were engaged in it. Fish pistols, and knives of all sort) w ere Astir, ished and some blond was spill, thoi g'l nobody was killed. Two of the persons, who look part in the affair, have si ice arri ved here with the intention of settling their quanel on the Indiana shore. t is said that ar. English officer, sojourn 'ng for a short lime at Frankfort, was re- narking on the day bt fore li e affray, that tie had heard much of Kentucky 'rows.'and that il was his most anxious desire to see one. When ihe ball-room fight got well under way, a gentleman, who had heard the expreissd wish of ihe officer, ran to his mom and told him w hat was going on. The tiffieei ran lo the ball-ioom, bul the moment he entered ihe door, a tremetiduous siray fist knorked him down. He siram iled tip and ensconced himself in a corner where lie thought he could look on in sreu rity. He had not been thu-a many min utes, however, belme a big fellow, mistHk ini him for another rushed at him exclaim ing 'This is Ihe verv seouin'rel 1 have been looking lor' 'The officer darted like lighln- .'inir Inmi the rojm, and siranee lo ssy. he , , blifiliiC6t curiosity to a Kentucky rov.