I ous nd eomplicati J, and greatly sim- plit'y tho piyni'MiN of inttrest. The coupons could Im im lu r oiu .ijltj loi n'l dues to the C immonwealih, for WJ in'tnd to cniiMnii llie payment cl the intereit a it fill.) 'Kip, ii M die nine thing, whether ilia inter st nid in I ixf , or (In Uses p -ty tha inteies'. Connected w lb this ni i'iii 'Mil, Hi" fi vo per cent, 'ir cMLriing might b .1 v e c4 lo the S ate, by authorising t h county treasurer lo nceiv them in payment without the inlet venlion of the colleclois. The rcpor'. rerommeni'i tha Oxing of guarantees of tiitrre- on railroad nd einal t ompanies by the Oominonwetilth; and al so, s Ijx i I' ten cents per Ion on Aiithraiic coal, Finally, the Tieauir r re commends the f siabhsinent of a Sink in" Fund, for ihr gradual cxiini'uishir.g ol t,i public debt On t ii subject bo remarks- -We have a great prosperous ai .1 wealihy Slate; but the pub lic deal i a f-iievous burden. Thu firsi dollar tint would go into me Siukinj Tuiiri would bo ew-enre of oor ssfeiy. amt every dtizen would breath mine freely ' Ev rry t-pecirs of property and every varietv of bnsiti! would advance under im infhi- t'lu-e; and whilst tlio debt would be dinni:- isliitig, the public revenues wuu!u be in crca-ini(' We eaitnol tbtr.k the inipor- t.nu-e of ibis mewure overrated, and stneere v liort the recommendation of the Treas urer will have it! effect upon iheLrgislalure. Walia'. 3 now claused at lame of llie principle reeo mnendiiions in this admita bU repoil, pe-iusal of which will be gialify ing to every tine Pennsylvania!). No pa triotic individual can read it without leel- ing proud now assumed by this honored Commonwealth, bhe hai repudiated re nudiaiion. and will never acain allow net to be sullied bv the violation of a -single en gngement. Hiriesouicei are undoohied end her course in prospetily on J wealth is onward, 6uon. B".. S.JJL'U11 ODD FELLOWSHIP. In the Newport Herald of the Times of Thursday last we find Iho following . . 1 ' . "ill article Ircmthe pen ol its eenior an u u Fellow: 'We have noticed an Brliclo going the rounds of thu pipers, among others the Providonce Dailv Journal, from Ihe Lancaster (Pa.) Republican, -Riving an account of a Irial recently held at that , plice, where the question of the influ ence of the secrets of Odd ' Fellowship, to the predjijdico of justice, and .conse quent injury of those who .do not be long to the order, is being debated. ' I1 seems one of the parlies to the uit wis an Udd Fellow, and a witness was pro duced on the aland, who also belonged to the order, but who by the wn' fiom i'nis anawer to the question pu1, otigh i "never to hare been admitted for be was f-a perfect simpleton. He was a good deal wire drawn by the counsel, and fi nally blundered out tha' the Pltifi (who was the Odd fellow,) had siid he want ed lo have some talk w ih his 'Jrlendi, -before the trial; and bein hard pushed he said that the Pltff.did not say friends, exaclly, but 'brother Odd Follows ' He was then asked if there was anything in the obligations of the Odd Fellows which requires one brother lo help a riother, conlrary to justice? This ques tion he rcfuseed to answer, and alter some conversation between the counsel the ma'.ter wag dropped. A'oV, we unhesitatingly siy ibai there is no such requisition in any of the Bftcrels of the order, from the lovvert lo the very highest grade: but on the con trary, Odd Fellows are strictly com minded to renelsr justtc e lo all then. whether of the Order or not, and they cannot befriend a brother to the inu ring of one who is not wiibout violating its fundamenlal principles. And the wit less in the above case on'U to havt stated so, anu there Ihe mater would have ended, and the lohnlt truth beer told, but he evidently was a weak mind od man, or ?!e he wanted lo give an air cl dangerous importance to the Or der, which never will b-.'long to i This witness was very properly ex pelled fiom ihe order, by llie loilge to which he belonged, at its nej;t nii'etin(i t)t to fltg'ant and wilful niisrrprf scum lion of its principles. ri-'t''? yi 1 RESULT1 OF A VUV.-JCE, 'One of the belles of the 'upper ten.' and Ihfl rei;nirg to-tit hcr f.r t wo e8 on incp, took a trip to Madcus a f A months ago, accompmii d by h pi bio b or. The captain of the bnqi-; ir which ehf sailed chane.cd lo be a younf dashing Zon Juad, who bad baen s,mh to sea in order lo be r claimed, if pcmi bio, from the 'i.un.ermis litilo vipp!','Ii. had arqiired on rliore. The. ir p i. RIaderia was a p'.esar.t one, and the ni, entered fully into the eojny menu of t, place, and embaiLed on their reiun voyage; and l!:e BB'onishr.ter.t of tic brother rr.sy be irr.magiimd v.iier. tin lady announced her intention ofhharin the slate room of l!.e 'nobl captain,' and exhibited the marriage ctrtitcan dalcd throo days before. On their arnva! here, vo underc'and the fond pair vere cruelly lorn asun der, and the modern 'Non condemned o a nrobalioniry termoftfo-nl behavior bifore the parents of tte.Ndy wi 1 con-, ;ent to coun'.eaanse. ths u;iiui:.-.V. V.. M'tror. ' ! "THUTII W I l'"IH T FliikU .s in iin. iv j.i.vc.ikv ih io. IH'W IUnIoi) f XVjOllllll, f'H Htllt'- i v,ilulil mid iiitcMliiy Uoiili. l'rico Iinjuiio ul this Ull'uv. V!ils Doctrine the OllTCiOM (lUfklloil, The Whig Cdumy-Meniiig held ai Dm vi'le, on the JOdi iusf, udopted the lollow ni(j resnlntiiin .' 'Hciiolvrd That we spurn as disbonnia- de and highly m mm ttie uiu'inpi m uln ti) die dreiuiiine and unprinf ipled ludr ol iiir opposing pany, to plate llie W bigs in i hbe posiuon on i lie momentous question il Oregon' J hat we solemnly believe wi lfon i and of right ought to ba ours,' and hat so far from concerning. to"a coaipro uine on llie line of 40 degrees, st.sen iu r clear and uuqiieilionahle tide to ihe whole) teuilnry in diputo, and pledge our ieve lo aid the adminitruion iu suitaiir nig ibai title at all ha.irds." We are glad to see iho 'V'higs of Colum- 'ua eounty taking giound lo support the ad 'liinisttation upon lliis great luiionnl ques- inn, 'l'o tht ir credit they have )iikeu ant in lavor of American iiiu-nsis, and we bid ihem (!mi speed in every similar saga intis and patriotic mnvemt ni. 'I'he firs part of the resolution is, however, incur rei't, and ihereloro objectionable. There has been no Bllempt, froui ihe quarter they indicate, ' to place the Whigs in a false po sition upon llie momentous question of Oi- egon,' If there has been an attempt to place them in a ' false position,' it has been the atieir.pt of their o;t'i leaders Foi years the opposition lo giving Great Britain notice nnder the convention of 1827; lo ex lendi.ig our laws ovrr Oregon, and to pro' leciing emigrants thitherward, has pro ceeded, mainly, from the W big leaders in Congress. Dr. Linn's Uill was voted down by them in 1812 , and at every session since ihey have stood in a similar hostile position. For ihe conclusive proof of ibi statement we refer lo thaj lurinls and uV bates in Cougress. There stands llie evi dence upon record and indiriputabhi. WV know o!'no belter way lo ascertain ihe 'po sition of a parly upon a national question, than by ihe solemn votes of those whom that patty bus elected lo office, and who ?re acknowledged lo bo its leadtis audio express its seniinn uts. If, therefore, it is ihe desire of. ihe Wliigs lo assist in a'srrt nj our light to the whole of Oregon, ihey oan only complain of their own leaders for placing them ' in a false poi iiion upon thai uioiniiiiloiis ipiesiion A ."Vciv roxitiott Foi about five jears the 'Danville Demo moeral' has been the organ Whig newt-pi per published in tbia county. We of entire iook lo il to express the seniimeim and i!e f.na the pnaitio'i of its parly, in Ibis coun'y. upon publif! questions. I'ur most of tli. t iime tlie Oiegon question has bmi a sub ject of popuUi disciiision. How happen it that that newspaper his never taken ground in favor of Oregon during all ilia time ? How happens it that it has acqui esced in Mr. OJhoun'n notion cf ' a wi.' t and masteily inactivity,' and never express od itself iu fjvor of assnrtiugAmcrican righd in that gi cat and valuable territory ? 'J'ht truth is, the Whigs in this county have taken at.tav tuition upon this ' moment ous sulj'-ci We are glad of it, fjr altho'" ihey iiave brrn incon-uncii, thuy r.re now right, and they aver that for the future they will support the adminmr ition in defending mr national rights an J honor in tho O.-.-goi territory, T'.c nomination f Judge Wilwarj (r u -it oil lliu bcMiL'h of i'io I'liilt-.l .l!-j A-'tipriiin Court, Im liccr rrj-.-ctid hy the i-nutu. '1'hc m "Ptin hi-M t L.iuvillr in fuvor of hi? con .Irtndiirt.i !iJt week, was otigiiuikd at tLe hu;';ci ti 'n of nr. old n!"ir.)f;i of tha lii-l'orm t'onvcut m. I'riPiii lliiH coiuily, who m! in t'.i.it body idon;; v.ili: .Ii'd-e 11 ., mid uliri reluiii, iu coinuioii with cJiet nriii'iCb ul't'ic CiiiiviMitiiiii, h 'rifiLN' rc ;'. fur u!i!i'.ic. nn'l elmincter. 'J'li nihetm i-f lliis part id tlie Sljte; in ll'.c neilihorlnxid of tlie pennn iiomi :.tl fi , u:i.' r ilnhi!y Li tler iddc to jude v( hi -juu'iili' iiliuiis slid i liaraetrr than llm.-c of utliei -"il itcs mid i.f tlie rilii who l,.!Vo ititcit, rid i:i t'lf in.itte.r aiul r-jn trolled ita det isi-m. TLerev:.!; ity litiW bu-iiirs.' of ptihiic interrit iransartrd in i',e ('oi.rls la t week. JVot a soiiulo ' (f, v.;. O.n'id ic.il Tnm I'owliniT Anotll-;.-',- v.i t'lcd in the (.'jailer fcns-iona. In thei , . rv r,' ,., I.uh i,n-,n the Twee t;i.- i! o. M.'i' ttirt vii- Mcti d!:atn a new trial wtn refused, t'.M (.'.rtn" .'o tin; Supreme ('tiitrl. 'I'ltP. Cn'jrls tel'-'-tiriic'd on ','ii In-,-. At I rancor.. a, A. 11 , tl.u r.i'ieurv Irli In .iS ilfgrees orluw ito, on Ihel J'.li un l l'ii: i t'e 1 1 u-e where it is paid inn trrtuis 1 ari mi Led d.rtvily fioui t'ne cov.s in mid- s a Hi i.f. ' v. u u,i (!i.rv ?ji:i:mo, li Tucntny morn iir of C urt week, wo oli- sr li.iiiilldlU up nt vaiioiiH puhlie. 1.ut in l)iiiiille, dilliiij? a Ilia eounty ineel;ng t the 1 'ouil lloiec. tor the liuiiiu d:iy. When the limo .line we uttouiled, bom rinioHlv, uud it vi j.h oiu if llie most qoeer and iiiniisini; m-eiicn we eei vitiie-4ii il, (.'utlawiai'ii ami Dmivillo Imd ihe Imn ir nf fin nii-hiinj nearly nil llie iiHi.-em of tho tneet ou;, the FpeukerK.uud the meuitiers of the committee 111 tCHollllioilM. fill 'iXtOII W.IS I'llOHI'll rf Mlltollt i)' an f nthu- ia-iio anil t'iimipliiiiit vole of onk.iiihI preniiled with thut i;rue uinl diffiiity of iriaiinei for whii Ii be ii no reiunkiihlei Mr. .meroft wan i-alled on for ti eecch, ns n m:tler of eoursc, aM lit i-i iilways tho dejien leiue of Im party in that line -it their founly eutbeii.'.;s. Mt. 11. tame foiwarii ifler snine lirsiiulson, iii"i-le thu bar; look,"! riuml at lie oittjity i,eM!.i when) Whig oujht to have been ami wvo not ain) finding lit) bad M-nire any of disown political fuiili as no audience, m i lna qnctr olid random s;i"ci-h to the larj.i number of Democrats who si od ouUid ilia railing, looking pleasanlly upon the procerdinga within. Having a icpvflaKe uudiinco of 1niionnln to keep hhn in coiintenunce, he made a p.ettf good Bpeech on thi- ivli de, ami wound up by p.'ojioin-: a resolution in favor of tlio Ameiican liiiu lo the wbolo of Oregon. (icoijn A. Frick, L'sij. in order, wo suppose, to throw the in itler into ridicule, proponed an amend ment, lo iho till ct, that the whole of .North Ameri ca belonged to us, noith ol the Mexican line. The 1'reoident hero mono in a great hurry, nppaienlly, to give information thai i u v r matter InJ been aii uriun;vd mid that the comiiiitlo would repjit a ic.-oluliou upon the subj 'ct. 'J'hi.s announcement threw the proposition)), ua the p'iiitem tay, into pi. uiul in afi'iV inoinentis in caino the commitleu with the reniiit of iheii profound labors, in the shape of u prraiuldu filled wiih wnr.ar.ASKa, and a string o! reanlutiona denou 'ciio,' every body and fvciy thing xcept tho tariff of 1812; which iu lli6 beautiful languago of the comiultKe , nnlcs " llie comfo ts- Hid lireaidu cnjoyuieiita ever cluster around tin hearths and humus ot the hnnt'nt children ol tod. Thu resolutions were sejiarately adotrd, by a pmv- rf'ut vote of six or uijjlit in their favor, including oincofihe mcmbeis of tho committi o reporting them. The meeting thm adjourned. The resolutions have sinco bcou publinhed, iitui aro distinguished for venom atid bombast; qualitic.-- that will not recommend them to tho good fciisi if the people upon w hose minds they wcro it.terd 'A to produce effect. This mode of treating public lucslions tin J public men, is alike inoperative and improper. Opposing ieutimeiu in ilua nee repub lic, is not, and ought not, to ho beaten down by sweeping denunciation ; uml wlien Honest puinic -eiviinta aio venom'iu.dy assailed, they usually sui ter no injury. The motives for such unseasonable iiitterness, petulant iftuper and thwai'xl ambition, are nu,k-i!;tood,and tlie oulbiealiings they prompt i'c disregarded. The long looked for steamer Ilib'rnia urived at IJostnn on llie I, liiingine t'i lays lat'.ir djtr3 from Knglatid. 'i'he mort liiiportanl news i-i tho restoration ed the I'iiI ministiy, rid the pacific tone of ihr liri'.ish press in relation to llio Oregon eo;i trovcr ?y The tone of ihe Preside :v.':, message appears to have had a alutiry (f Icct on ihe nerves of the English F,dito:. Tiie elTi.-cl of the news has bern biL'bU favorable on stocl.-i. Tim restoration o! die I'cel .Miliary m. I lie uiodet i!e tone i: die lnglisli press upon tho I'tt tidiiii': Message, ere l.elievtd lo be p o i i v o ir.di rations of a strong ilis-position to prcsfive he present peaceful relations bcluwn (Jrea; liritain sr,. tlii-s routitry. The I'rasideni's Memge v.-ns rer-eiv ?o mi Live rpnol by the s'jip Se.'i,('ap!ain Fie. man, on the '22i, in pevrnteen il vs fruit New Yoik, and was ronvejed to Londoi in six hours from its arrival in t' p. iMirsev fl v;is eoiivrycd by express to i't itit e tn.t' Germ any. rarliainer.t was suuirt.otK (I to meet fit tlie ut&p'itc!: f b'.isiiichx on il.e C'i l i.f J in nary, '1 'hiuslsy. Cotton wrs a f'm!i iift'-r than at tl.r date rif cur l:'sl atlvi'-. s. l ictir abo'it il.e mt, tl g'l pri.'es w.ftf i!n)c!!l'-d. The Or.-gon t".)ir"S;)()i:t!etift' bad btiljns reacbud I'.i'S.'lst'd w hen tha m it-ii: 1 1 i j li.lt 'f eoursu il bad not el hern spread Ik fur' i!ie ppopli', ijn-.'i- ci the pt'pera corhii.'i" ipon ii v. i.li .iv1: ni"'e oittert-es t!;T hey b s ovv.'J upon 'us meesa. For in--tance.'lio ypfcttur pi'f;Vly eharai It i zer r it i:s. on the American su.'i, tnannestatioi f dishorn st ability. Tho 'i'u-if.s makes it- iirongest j m n : on 'ne prvHitir.eJ incpiiipnti- ility between the Spnuiuh title at; tl tha A- incrieen title by diie.nery. There was a dreadful ntorm -n the Lug- !ibh coast, Dec. 13 1 st and '21 which raused .uuierous ilison rs to tlm ebipping, am! :li low of many !.;". be 'tnes s-ati-s that (it) vessel had been lost in the ccnite of a few da, and more than ot.u bnt.Jret) lives. Attiofg h" veot-ls aro two stealers i , , . .1-1 H , - U ....... , . Cen.fltlcnse, with a cargo woi 1, 6 i 0 , -000 a total In".'. On the night of il.ii fith of lieecnil.t ;, il.e French Coremmt-nl Steamer 7'.i;ii:i vva l on tho African roast, near .M:i'":d ire,1 'and half f her crew, 75, pe r elied; acing r.i em vere M. Mer-.y Mjag- ibe t'orscl ' at Mag'uiorc, M. Fleuriot de Langle, coin iiiamla it i f ibu vessel, The Arabs displayed upon this occasioi as much courage as humanity. In than two bonis ihey niceese'id in bringing oil -1 1 persona, carrying them upon then shoulders, & swimming wi.b tl eui tluougl a very heavy sea T,he cummittte of tint London 1'eaci joct'ty have meniorializcd Sir H. l'ecl in favor of sculing the Orrgon question In peaceful rather than by oilier means, whai ever provocaion the l'rtiili (Joverunteu may receive to adopt a warliku lone ant! policy They taiuently depieeato war be tween the two ii a t ons, and urge the pie prieiy of settling ihe dispute by arbitration. WSSJE !il"5!T' 3 Mexico. -duller advices from Mcxxo in tfxience to the revolution in that countiy render it very tb u'iilyl whtth-T Faiedts vvill bi successlul gaiinst ths ioVeroment The federal pnrly hive siui ,i-d to llerrea their intention lo suud by him. The people generally in Ihe tovvm where thu soldiery have declared gainst the gorrnm !iit, exhibit no sy in pithy with the movement 'hirf private lettets from Vera U tiz possiiivJy rs r r', and the least check' experienced by Pnedes to bis muieli to tho capital, would be tlie signal of a reaction, which ivould tumble lnm and his adherents lo he tiound. Tne'Sii'c, (!' llie 22 I ub. nys that the iniiab. tints of thu c'ny ol Mex'co show the utmost drtei minaiioi, i ii . exhibit the most undoubted entlni ins ii hiking measures lo defend the capital aoaiuM the revolutionists, win; no pushed to this pariicid.il act by a dc iiu to substitute for tepuliiicatiism, mo urchy or anaichj, or anjtbinft which my trojbh Ihi; na'ioni.l it at quiliiy. Hie Monitor, of thu CM tilt., ,vuie bat letteis have been revived fiom II (am, proving, vviiboul doubt, 'b it II i niii'i ecuon of I'aiedes ha been brotioh ibont by the fiieudj and enii-s.n ics & Santa Ann.!. LATEST f'lIOM .MF.XK-'O. The news from Mexico i3 ol a most iui porlant character. It bring." us an tierouni of the sticeesi of Fareilecs, who bus pos- session of the rity of Mexico, the dpi', d o the country. 'J'bis news shows t!i at Mcx . . , - , i . i . ico u in me wont cotiiiiuoii iin3ciiia,.,c,uin govcrntnetil too weak and imbecile to aus, tain it.S'L'lf, the peojile too ikklo an 1 (iiscoti li'iiti'd lo support iu own law?, and the country a prey to the ambition id its milita ry leaders, and the army which ihey i,uvi always at command. Any pietext seives for a revolution. I lie late government oveiihrow Santa Amir, because l.o fqunt.- lered or misapplied the public, inonry, en leavorei! to iliniinish the r.uust queues of some of the miir.atv elueis, and bv bw n- irt'mtv agiit.'U the Ttxir.s, wa suspected nf favoring tlieir inde.en.!i ul ri.ovra.icn!. Ilerrera's g iveitirueo! is ovittuvo" n U:m: r,pr v the same can fen a ' ' leounr-miis? with the United Iji :'.e; oa the Jatiurxation i!tl:ii'ii!;y, and to eontr-d utid te i , . r . , .- ;n -e U:e power ir..; ( oiisetjur:.! r in t.ii.- ai .iV, at;d provide a su!;.;itnle for ii llow .i:i;,' ihe lie w g ivcrui.tci.t w '. last ia i-n-)..-il!e to predict. The firs', net of tha rrvuh, o i-i i will be ,0 eotivoko a'i extiaordict y ('. i to wil. org! ii ':'.-.' tb'i i xefii'.ivc powrr, v!.i be riven lo I'.iudt -nbb; , or to y itila Ai.na, :i8 tome i f t'i'.' .xici, v iviy j-iuriiids bav e liiitted. K'ot.or i-.lrr; tint C,m. I'.irei'e?, notwi.bht -luting the Lti dt cliira'iou c! the n-v olt'ti.oii stn l'itl the govi ruinent nf II'.'.Teta h:;.l 'I i.II lesjicc t .hoitv t en i i ;at v to a ,'.: M.nui-t,' l y l n'. ig a p'ciiij.u;( :i'i .. , if lb" Uaitec Orel loot ir. ilict; i ntry, l..'s ii.aii" lest' d ii ?s r j-posr.iou to r. Kitdi II. v li I re llSi'ii-S oi li.it'aj.ilol .'.li'iir.' ibe isslo of events, thai' I'lisitlirt l!,!iir.t h 1 1 r. -i I If Mr. fchdtf.l. ii well pn vn!(d wi.b i.ioitev in bis in-got, i.iion, po ib.it il.e rew '". 'in iff nt may be nipp'iitd wiih ii'-cT.s to Ker; e iiiii'.y vci'l! h Mid p .id, n i.- cpdie piob ,'dc that I c V- lii find fjvor Wltti the l:CW : d .Mtiistratioti. V v si. ill v-v. From t!is V.'i:bi:i;to:i Union of the P-lth inst. Hy ihe u'ri'.al on tl e I -Mi itisi. of the Ii litti! Slates brig I'tirois-e, hi. I'nisaeohi, ii 12 days frcm Vera Crii2. il.e ;nu-l!igenci of a levoluliou in Zltx'wo lias bser. toi firm ,d. Ii tuineafs iba! mi d:e mo.r.in; cf .!. 30:b nil ihe irocps relied ifpon bv the cove in ,n,,ii I,, il, fi-ml it iicaiii--: . ;, . ; a in his fa-oo, and li.e -r ' i no .,,! ( ,uio ternis of cr ;-i:i,!.ii;"o v. i:!i ( ' ; '-,-t lb s. lie Cftcred ai d too; v.-.--: .. ,, ',,e ciiv io ib'sl dv,' ::!;.! o; ;. .-..i :,. The itiinur war, that Ce-n I'.-rrdcs man i fi-H tri! less rrpo; ii'.oil in tl.e rec p'iou oi ,1r. Slide!! tliati t!i3 la'-e F rc-idc-.M, Ilnrer ra. K-?.iV.l T. Fi-k. V. l.tts ii'tired f.o.n tl u S. .louui; -li.,!l' 1,1-1 i.l vc .'.-It- bed iu'lii.-it'.n'i ci'V I V .!' - 0 F. The r u i i be c' ii '. 1 ; i ti r . l)w, Ltil. a-i-rted by ai) ul'le cd,or. Tin: Nkws Fur more than I wo vens past we have asseiled that Ji iiisb 1 ivci nmenl would not wi'i war a ;iiost ttiis country for Oregon; that ii j oil. I not enig" in such wat; bc.euist it was too much emb ii rassed ut horn' ti 1 1 ii colli not dt;''iid ()ieion in wai unl wtiild lossi more by such a w;i' .Ii an 5'J O:"gous vvhih woMb; tint such vir would embioili' with o be,- powers od send the French into h;ypl and tli Uussians imo I idia. 15 it siooa th.i pu' tic iiion of the I'ees'.ileni's At ss.i", 'n tommicial j inrnals of the great ein. nve been terrilid wiili the apjr hen ion of war, siymg that !l itain vvis -j tfr for it, would deva.it tie o l oasts bef.iie we could even b '-i i t d fend ii, and Hut nothing could she u but submission, and a compromiss o Oregon UjOii Uiitish pi lpo.silio.i.s. And these terror! have been sorei Iv aoo mentcd by the debates io the Fnleml Semie upon the motion far in'pi ry by Cl fiieral Cass, as too call out soiu-; oi lbes journal! iu defence of tlie Hi tttsl. claim to Oregon, 11 u how stand the case now? Ac coi ding to tlie I lie news, Ihe lli'iUsh ovoi nmniit will not vvaog war for 0 e ioo. They hve discoveivd that vvr cannot In iutimited by threats, i ro ton many lo sii ike .without counting thi cost, and well know that thu c o-t o! striking would far exceeds Iho pn fi . In ihe course ol latil suoviif-r, the Lnwsh ore's exploded ir. threats upon tin I'tcsident's inaugural address, and Brit ish sta'rsman in parliament talked Vf.r) omoioti-ly about the President's claim to the wliols of Oiegon. I'l-rceiving that wis heard all these thi eats vety calmly, ami tuTired no sigi'8 of stibmis sion, ihey cbangeil tlieir lone, and con seized lo argue Tnej b.iva read in the oif-sssg a rejit'iiiioii of i ha policy pro-tlaini'-i! in Hie ituugoal address, and iave become mora calm than ever. lo- lead of war they talk cf its elisisteiiv ind !osest of iii iniignilkane of the ):egon rjuestion, cor.ipr, cd with ihe c .inniies of war aboti it; of Ihi nurml oieicst of the two i.utions in pcacefu' it d more ,x!en.i ve cotntiiMcial inter :outse. 2oe lone of the lii itiedi uatioi Ojion American afi'iifs is precisely w n i .va expected , moderateind daily becom tug niiie fu. Wo cont'i aiulate hi una or Archer's nigsj lint wc may mctition other signs cf ibis p-sccful lemiier. L-od 7jhu 11 is o.d coubl not form u cibitu", becausi Lord tli ay won1! not join it with 'alnm.-ton at ihe head of the foiugn -!I if ?, and fiicrtly bec-u:3 lbs policy the '.iller wis too rl i; Ir.drrdi I'licn the Wh:g psrty of vaglmd have no dcsiie It ivu with ny body. Lord J. ibu Uu-?'.1 a no I (vcieed without Lord Giey, and the lalt r, holding the 'bal.it, oo ol povrr, vvill mi wave a wa' ir'iiiusti r at tbo liead of foreign iill .i unl ihtisto ;,r c vt ti an aMit'onal chanCi 'or war, t'.ie W" I , t ;.s abandon the at!t u t j r i . ! ii c t I lio c o ver ti me n ' ! And thi 'iin.;s b'ck Mr i-fi!, who r s nd be- iti.-C! I.n piuld ;o! nnv ,1 uieaMiiv tlit oo.',',! the Cj' iir- I vvct.'d put t ti f i be iicsi'oti a vv.ir lo I '. t'i;; a l!:e te.'i r'om t: i s. i ,i f: ci v w .ii like im.iCjii'jij jio lio U It WN.il is ;ie::i p.,-,- ' vv-'l not ; i , ' ti' v vvtl! no' i!'. j j - 0-5 ( j e ! ? If a rc I'te I oils" i.f Co'iioions, nb'v p ; !b-.' L'-uN; I n i 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! t r 1 1 1 i f c ! . e I : -1 1 i ' ilv w.:i:i,'ll .1 S I I"' '(. 'i'i'.l.- !,, (is 10 a I,' W ( o r'l' o, 'v no n iciiiS to i' 'i iCi par i.- m con', .-' ; ! il ti.e; 10 p' '-i-i s s'm'cm d in i, i!,t y v Ii b ni'ivcn t ll.reat- of i' vo!;:'i-r,'o loire 11" ii mi as . , i . , Uic lliKoih I'm' L"i d-, ' ill l.ii hblv fl i'l-t to !i In ihe lat'ti i ,-i. All 1 1. 1 - vol, net ii pv i; nid fit s x ni'.iitl.s ii i ye .1, if on llio: t , r' III ice i lii s I i ;oi., Oe, e-M i;., Vi 1 1, ill u i Ii t V 1 1 ook si; 'lit' 1Iui:-oo . jj V Loo, i; i r ( 11)1 !'o VI i i, o C'li I slo ubl ill;, f.'r lib Kill' lb, It V i I f.,1 I : i ; . : ( il X'-lo o;..M Miiniy il-.iM : il i i'i i i.( v i r on or ,jc. 'i c i;r- -e a i e;i" and l! ' l.-lf I . a v 1 it t lir' i co ,n . .' i i t ill la WS l VI 0 I i , I n I r;;:hv:v -o.- '. It ,'Oj;ii k V ;.0S-... ''Olid .;, - lie h i i i'ci v. f- '. : ! ib oo vv i ll M :?, pu lott lo lb ,ii'l I V (M',1 ep oi ii ,': , ' : McXIC 'ii an ! I ' i .' i a ' I C:0 " '' a ' ' X '. en . ,,,ii ,,. to o l.v " y fi- ' O -Vi'V O' I i.'OS. W'll -t V ' ? It VVOtlbl - IVC llie w ti liuudt i d itiiiii"1" ni-cce-.-i.' y to eon duel the War which these m,noi cs would pteveo', btid which will come eveimully if ibty be rot 'ndopifd. Il we .sit iv tli folded ni vii till the I'l ilisll tic on! of i,'i(ic e! !Ii ii 1 1 ii f, we eh ill be i.' m ,o 1 (' '" ' '. in1-'." ol . ,'" . ':'. . i . ... .. .-' , t J" pcino r oil fo ,1. free ufu id' tbn li.tti en idoved in t , ,r mi ib-i It : be sup'-ilied with the l.tal ji'..blica-!;'ie ii n-. id the d,.v i i to besdwa's warmr and l:o;ird Ib-r tio ir c-oti'oit aed . improve i.,n,t in i--u-fic i:---crs. Tlt.-y i..-d bnore a tdec k tiie next ntnrniiif. sevci.tt e n ).mn., ....... . ,ir.. ... i ,ii . t . ,.! o ioi:l ii.,') vo Iii 'i- s. to v loch t'.c v are rr.t-st.nili .abili! addoi ii.'. for ui.t - io ol t..o opciaun.. Thu Senile nf ibis Stale ln ' nntisly adopted a renolutinn inatru.c-t g mr Senators and Reprehen'Hives iu f'1 u iess lo opfoss any alterations iu tbe riff law of 1S-1J. A bill has passed both bouses making Mipropri at ions fur llie p,i) incut ol the Feb niaiy inte ret. A resolution has parsed both house's mstiucting our iiiHoibcia nf Corgress id jipos-i any iucrtiass of thu present rates i posiajip. J oic K S Kiwden F.-q. has been re IrCted S ale Tres'iirer. A singular "id Ua! lately taken plaeo at Dedhaui, Mess , f jr criminally abducting an unmarried woman, under a new law to punish seduciion. The piisoner wa up wards of 10 years of ape a married man, wilh a arg family; the femalu was 17 years of age. According lo her statement, s'te agreed 10 leave home with, and they wei.l to New York, and theme proceeded lo Philadelphia, where they lived. The jury found him gudty. Another of the Mormon elders, Ale. 0. O'ncy, has come out with a pamphlet ex pose of what he terms 'Spiritual WilVry at S'auvoo.' He etieloises the statement of Smith with 'regard to the eoirtipliona of ihoir doctrine, and gives as a reason for his own course in ihe matter, thai he expected to find Nauvuj a place of peace and piety out lottnd ii jusi ihe contiary. Driglmni Voting says, ("according o (Jiue)'s ai count) 'The llible is no moro to the people of tlii generation than a Uji year's almanac, for I am all iho Biblo iieeilful for people now, if lliey obey my ro u tsrel. Two Oi!aibcr of Coiresj from Illinois, .Ufjsrs. Wetilworih and Dmigbiss, having uats adjoining, in from of die Clerk's desk, afford eonsideiable a muse me ni to the House when they rise together, as titty soaietiines do. Mr. V tut won't! is six feet seven in dies in height, and Mr. Umiolasj live feet four. They are Vae long tun! bori of it.' A GUOD VLevLHCT. At a Ute term of the fc'upeiiot Court of Virginia, held a. Stannloii, J-utou Copenha gen obtained a vetdit't ol SMOllO against .Simpson lk'tten, foi tbi ssdueiion of the d.ugh'ter of t'ac fonner. JWti was n mar ned in ni. lie was able to pay damages, ilako exiaiples of tuch eiea'.utt'f ! m.fxiTWS.Tt' -J I),eJ, at the ifcii'.'ciit: uf !n.r ao'i T, II. Ward, of ttiidiniou;!, Ly., Mra. V-'ard, in the hundred and eleventh year ef age! Mrs, Vi.rd witnessed niauy of llie exciting scenes of the revolution, and has lor many yuais drawn a pension, as the widow of u revolutionary soldier, Jobhua li I'liehcoe. a poor inccbanie ir. Ualtimore eounty hud ad ad lo his lainily the other inoritiiig three daughters, whom he name 1 Mny Fioridi, Maeiha Texas, aiidJina Folk. h." no.v ovs:itoen cllli'l'Ctl. i 1112 AMHKiCAN 1 111.!-: TO 0 HE CO N. In JLlte liriiiiV Ce-ngr .pby i standard wutk book Mvei,'.;. i, li.e, is the bolovv i.ig O.i tl.o. west si.bi of ttia liotitiiaiii! ,'Ko, ky) ihe Ann nens have an in op.icsior, nl t bum lo do; cnuuirv Ii-iii the 'l-id o ll-.e i'J Ii p:-t.;l! i; and a l.iorc dnn'olltil e.ulin, wilt, h is dpu'ed by Kus-ia, lo iln; c untry 1,100 the -!9.li In ihe liU.h parallel.' 1 his eelfhrated .n or jdur iaks no no ire ol iln- iJi'i i;di c us. The ibi-puie hu la etn the Uuii. d fe'oi.cs uml i!o-Ma w a ad jaied meiiis ttu.e ;.na , l-y a nuru.il agiee nifr.l in lav or cl the p raiit I ol 5t degrees and -10 mi lit' s, as i!m bmunlaiy 'Lie be . vini lilt- itsp.ciive leiiiliiiKS (fine t'-to o ,no;,-:. Tvvt'iiivot.e years n.'.i I'u iidfi t ,1onroe a-sci.id t'lesiTio up;. ,i--us wiih r.i'trd to or in ii i'J ().,'.'. in ibai President I Oui. j , ' , .'(. li-i.-'l, Willi pnl l-'V 1, i w.,s i-'.i i ", Hi '.' C : I o! ,S;. J iiili'S p.blnhed by II! I iv: 1 XV lien the in rived in i.ontloa :l,e vv luce ( i ll iiit el ex :. I l.ooMii .' o-.'i i i r .1 flea; a'.ienlino t'.c i no-? vi as loii in (b j-ioi' s uere ; wn upon ii ii; l! S, -i Ol t 'j ' i d,- V, f,.e in t' e s'o !,:p o l-b A n , ri' id ti i llioili a marKcl. ai d ihe il o V n( the n-'w S: it. s Iroin a i A I.- ro n c ivri ion WiiS eonsid.neil no l-mocr doi'l, ,, Terrible i-LuaUon wnl F.-nrful Deaiti On Wednesday, Derrick Hariwel', ef I.angdon, N il., went into the woods wi;h a t'vo--h-'irse ir.im, iiiid was reluming, sr. is n 1 , 'b" to-, -(' o . v. ;i;i citlllll foriV o- er i:ti' -' r :'..d, with i fell under il.e knee.--. I.i en, no th't , ;' vn nr i '!! 0, . o i'ii; s led c i'.obt LOO' ronid Tlie reins , in v. it;;t. b"r-e-s coubl not pmend. Mid here rc ir. it",: s-.-rt am, n;: in not on ii; ihriiii-b ibe I r.ter cold iiic'i!, i.n.il 3een u' In.- ii.M.-i vnre iciiooi, in-- a;oi u a la lo:' no I. - 11 1 .IliS. :u.- ;. i- ; :. e- ) . lii .u ..I