The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, January 31, 1846, Image 1

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r- rT,."',V,' JiA
f : Iff
I f tif a ... . r
I hare mwui-ii upon tlie liter of On l, eternal huitmty tn f si-, f n-. f Tyranny over the lUlud nf Mi." Thornns Jell'ormrti
Ol (Si J
orr)iiiu tit. Paul's Cmitm, Main-st
The CO. UMlil.l nKM0CJi.1T 'will br
published every Saturday morning, ai
I II H 1)111. 1..ih ver annum vuiutue
It. iff yearly in advance, vr Two Dollar
lijly Ccnts,iJ not punt wit Inn Cieyiai
So subscription will betaken for a shorlr,
period lliaii nix months; nor any discon
linuance per mil ted, until all arrearage:
are disrharzt d .
.1 1) I 'A'V 77 .V IIMIIXS not exceeding t,
sinner will be coiisnirunitslti inserted ui
One DolLirfor the fir it three insertion
mi I Twentu-five cents for cvrrii subsc
(jitent nsertion. I'j ') liberal disroin,
tint le to those, who a iv nine in ineyein
LE I'TEIIS a l Irtsscd on ie,iK
he. post paid.
. 4 .iu. .-. r m i fnif '-V S '" 'i'i-i
tUllTXM 'II,
' Ml '.J lU
Til K
With v . . yV.Mvrv ritrieh'J,
From varimix ('..mVm eull'd with run:"
v, on w
No star in yonder U (lint shines
Cull liL;Iir like wminm'scvcs iniinrt;
Tliciaitli li.iiil-. mil in u!l its niinc-j
A gem so r'n h us wniniiii'd ln'ail;
JTcr vuii-fi is like (mi mu.-ii1 swrct
I'uuml out I'iu in airy 'i n ) iUmf ;
I.ilio lli:it, wiu'ii miii tiii mure 1'iuilly beat,
II jio!Jn a tli-JiiT. ri' Iier tone.
Ami womnnVl.ivi' is n liolitT lilit
TiiatlriliiT, ii'i ;',li'r luiriis nye;
1 m is ciiiiiint ilini i !- niliiiiico liriglil,
iS'or even f.ilV.i'iuil (iii'nrl) its ray;
Hut lilii llio s r i'!' Hi I'.ili'hi'Mi
Dl'nlii, tu I-i'.iL'1'.i .s'n'ii'.ieril fjivon,
It M:nsliiiU ti!i it.t M'ily flimio
'J'hc riling i l to Ikhh'U.
Mops the Mmzriwr-
l.!i it slull i'n "i" tu j"R3 lliat ut eve'iinj tiim
it. rl .!!'( li'ii'.'- Zvm. X'V, 7.
V jmimey thrmr l. n v:i!n uf tears,
lly ninny a i l ni'l h'it cast;
Ami vv.irliliy cams diI w.irlilly fear
(mi i;li u In i!ir lit!
Nut In 1 1 10 Insl ! Til V M'litlll lull)',1,
C.julil we In. I n-:i! uilil ;
J'ooi 1il.;tiin ! lifi in li'';-e iliy lwad,
At eft- llieri.' flsiil in! lijjlit!
'J'hci I'll n-t h liw.n Ivulnws now mny i-lirouJ
"I'll y llinrny p.i'Ii mvliilf,
G ill's lile-i-ii'd wh'.I t j-t e.ich elouil,
Ami liiil tlio iiii:i:.!iiui' vniilo
Only ii;i.ii;vk, in living faith,
fit.- love anil nM-i r Uiiine.
An I ere lliy hum 'h ill ff in ilenlli,
li-lil -lr.iN ni.iu.l thee tliine!
Vlien li'iiii'sil e!i iiii'i are ilaik nn hi;li,
His liow ill' I .ve ;i:i I jn'.ire
M.'iium fwci'tK' in lii" v a 1 1 1 1 I'll sl:y,
Hi'luki'iiin ft.iniM -lull cease!
JI.ilil mi thy way. with lwn unehilleil,
liy I'.ulli aivl !i"t -e.ilil;
Aiiil'ihini n v;i h i-i '.vnn1 I'uhiili-J
At r. r. i r Hit a i :. ni: i.n.irr!
" niL'..i:o '.s n:i: o tdvini:.
A New 1' i ! 1 nil), r, riiling m a r-.iil-r-i!
mr n(I" Rnuil.-wtfi, mini! 'In re, swin i!
pailieularly disposm! !D aslit.i.-!i t"l? o'lt' i
p'.ssi:n,'f:rJ H'itti sinrii-s -!o(i l V;.nb ri!nm.
At last lif liiiMiil'iiif J Hial "'' l m iL'
l)nr owned an MHiiense ,i iii , a'i I m '.
tnillnin pii'in I-1 "f ''li'-i'si! U'ar v. 'I ).i
s:,,rv ('tnU'.i"e l uniiii' fi-iif.iii' n. a ni t'
Yankee ji'TC' vui Oi it in-i u r.ienv - s ii
i! .niicr iM'-iih: jU -ti iiicd, ii'-iiie(l lo '.
ftif ii'l, an lnlloas:
Trn-, iiin'i it, Mr. V. 1 fpfak of Deaci.t
Brown; you know Dcaecti Itrmvi,!'
'Yf-i' I",' ri'lied tli frieii'l; 'lliat li'
I know D.MV..H lirown; I 'iou'i know as 1
ever lie-ri rei-ist !y Innv ur.iny poun's o'
Imlier an ! clierse lm makes a : a r , lint !
know that 1 lias twelve saw ini'.ls liial &
bv buucriiii'k''
A MATCH l'Olt 'MAIN'S. '
Uood aiifedule is mid in ile last Tm
A.rt rieaii of a man, rumtd Motley a urn'
coilirtned drunkard, wilt) WoJ'l never drii'l
. iih n liii nd. or in 0ili'.i' and always bit
(,Mlv derieii. when ranyht a li'.ilfi hio ?'p
tver lar'.ir.ti l ,,iU! ,li,v 'm'! hj'
wiiiic-i'S c(ini i'.i!''d tlirmfeln'H in bi.s roo.i
and whrn the Inpor "as niniiii:? down lii
' seized linn with his arm rinokei
1111 1 . . , i '. I I.
,1 m. mill oj.-'il aivl liDi'Illi'T lilil) last, um
him w i h an a r (if U innii'li
Ah, Beiit'cv, o have faughiyou at las
-voii i. ever diiiik ha."
Now, or.a would have sn'.poseil tl.n
Bsniley would have ackiiowlet.'i d the corn
Nl)t 1(.;wi'.h ihc inoBt tuui and n.ex-j.ies-,!,!!-
f.,1.1 lie r-imlj , and " a dign.iiu!
""" ... ,,,
'tiLil-iClil. !' It';' njlilU Is lltll u. .;.t'J
ceremonies. Thin wns a di'i'mma, cither pool, I slerp; lo which hi, answer wa, 'I' Trcatiircr'n Kcsxu t. , 'J'he ir.'asiir'.r m he required in visit ea. h
iurnof wltieh promifeil a loss to his rpnii-don t know. llu iIimi Xr. ssnl a 'I'ip Keport of Jamks llo Sx.iWDKX.ii.c l,M "-'"C M'"' "al(l " certain days, of
1 I A. .1 .... I .... J 1 ... i. . .1. 1. . . I I I . .I . I ' I .
.i h..i tl.-em.vd wfrP soleinnlv in earn- ,,P8,re ,ur ir a R""" SiatB Treasurer, noon .he liuaiiees of I'ei.i . I " " u nouee i.nan
- ' i i . . i- i ! : ... I 1 ... I ..i. .. . ' '
sylvania to the lieiislaiurB now in ftinr
-1JL.U .J.... . I. HI"
11 Lit C1SIL IL h CVD'fe .
From the Hi. I.uuis lieveille.
Thfl perseeiuions of thn Mesmcris's wil
ins day make a curious volume, for lhe
til be written, of diii.-e. The Idseiple
ifdalileo, Harvey,, &c. havt-btc
.'Xalifd in their Hriili and .ul!'.-rings, A
hos o( Mesiiit r i-U'ii inure luifhily i
ihilie ill M irivroloij y, S..j-iiusly llio iria
to w Ii i-h iiavell'iig Mriiiirrif is are put lo,
ire, at limes liuiinlialiny and painful enuuid
db''ii they uif'ird iiifunm sport to the imbe
iever. 'These travelling 'I rofrH-nts,' or
nany of them, are rbarlauns iliu? far; th;'
hey in lend to treat, scinitifi u y, phe
ioiiiciij, ihe real na'iire of lm ii ilu-v an
e I.l . ... I.. i ...tii .i I ig.iioaiH nu u,e ..,;, ... m . ij ,,,.., j, ,) wM,ever the . a-e might Iu
lit t air. t itt u i mn iiiiwii 1 1 n i r i i , i i tnn
il all fined for. Tin) ai" r!i .rl itans ii
hat tjieir f up' rfi( ial knowledan of mi le ef
.. i.:.,i, i;.,. i !,;. 1 1 ,u i.r .ii,.,,
, , . i , - . , . .. n i. iii r pi. ' i'icu inn.. in,. .i'".im
list a ready tininiphiui' iii bis detection. 11 . e . ,
' , , ', , ,. . who Pit drjwi an I pait jok of ihe lile
hey begin in look .fmlisl, a. hi... and who t,fl,flphmeill) M0W ,,,.,, ,,, ,f ,1P
.1 eae.h other so that the Wnlvermu lil(WlJll w-nt .,y Hiion more Hi .t nifthi.
noihing Ul'i for it bin lo demand, '.oidly m j Si)j(f .iltliiii(,' in a ft m. voice.
We had belter give ihe His nU ciioinl" In ) h-r then iosh tu
n the patient
lest ol ihe titniy as it was rel iieil to Immor-'l .le lesv.-; wh n il.e d1 voted one on
his fiicnd of nurd by the disciple ol Mea
ner, hillllicll'.
'Up stairs I went with em, nind as ihnn
!er, I li II yoii-fitsi at bi inr thought a hum
liu(.', ami iiexi, that my indn idnoal share o'
he Anit'rieaii rajj'e Khnuld be ron p"lled in-
'o a measure, by ihundci! I'd a iin em a
liijhl if it hadeiil ben for the seieme which
would a MitlVied any how so' 1 jest said I.
i ,. i it it
mvspii li i e.n t)ii..ff on i;nir r'leu manz: 1
f II as if I could a .1.'sineiiz" a h ire and
l'i ets is simply made available in ihe cfia
or exhibition; and the sucet -ss of the show
ii i'ig their (ir?i object they may be sm-peci
id, perliaps, in nome easts, ol a linle unii
gemeiit. At ihe same lime, the vnlga
idea of general enllu-inn which prevails a-
nioi'2 those who will not, themselves fx
lerimeut, would bo ridiculous if it were no
De Bonneville Inn! been eleetnfying Ue-
iroit by his more than galvanic (Feels upoi
ihe inns. Ics of scores of bis impressible
when an enormous Wolverine 'trying tin
thing' himself, found ill it he was quili
equal 10 ihn prnfcs-iiCj in selliu;. fn ks li
!e.ei and 'inakin' on 'em cm up' afterward
ni.l, aeeordingly. in the furor ol ln:J dijeov:
i iy, oil' he weul into llio eiiuniry to lectim
mil dilfuae ihe new light which bad ben
d pensed lo him lli sueiris was ire
'iiendiioiis, inwn and vnlic ?'J )uf wa
so:i:eihing it,' un'.il bis repnta'aon, as i.
D'bei eases, begal him flic rn it s. The i'i
vi Hue Mesmcriicr, after astoni.-diing a 'II nil
lull one tveni'ig, at s. one very, 'promi-in.
town' or oi'er, and which -lair l.on
ly lobe rpi'.e. 'a place,' returned to the lav
.-rn, to bt arn iii d in ilie bar room by i
score of 'first i iiizeiis,' who hid il.en am
these cnliiice gaieO 'jesl tn lesl l lm btiiniiii1
my bowl' '(Jootl evening, Professor,' sail
me. Woni yon ul,e a ritde ol lie fluid
said another, iind this hemg an evident hi
n ibe way of a joke, the ;i' uwi'u-
.iroct nli . In iiiori! .-( riuus In oi.iess,
' Ploli Mi'ir,' s ill! the piiucipil SjU'akri,
i eiant oi a fi II jw, before whose
tonseifil ine buje 1A i iTk rl -er lnuiie
siimll. 'IVHcmiT.' said lie, b.iLlisil "If liit
ml of a plug of 1 .b.iceo, and ti.rnii'g .
iver iu very lo.sintM, 'a f.-w m
, . i i . i
us, In If, in; v list ( occitHl-u to in.v i.u ir'
n ( .-xpcriiuciii, appinliii' oui'm Ives a itg'bii
onsiiiiii. d t ;:: ut i nee to repon!'
The Pr. f.-s.iiir bejed in apjnnnl a niori
I I , L I .
j;i..per piaic al.U !Uiur, iVc, or aeooruilig lo
t it- cijipi-i In hMMis ol t'.rf crown, tvnu'eo
the -xi ecttd desire I. in ike 'a t 6C
I'd in ike it squeal by ihuinli-r.
IP re il is' aid' they , and in we bundln
ni llu; room, gathering round a bed, wit!
ne slut in among em and Ihe cussed bit
ineiiiigtitened beaibeu thai did (he talking
'rnvieg mil an almighty big bow ie kinlu a
ihe sune limo, 1 1'liai's your man!' said he
A' I'll, there lav a miserable looking1 ciitter
tidi his eyes sot and his mouth open and
Ins i iw pot wider and wider as he saw tin
crowd and the bowie knife I tell you'
1'liai's ihe idea' saitl old bi login,
It se up in that bed! paid I and I tell yon
v-hat. must a looked at biin dreadful, for U
ie iinnned nn tend, as if he'd j.-st ut
stink of galvanic.
'(ill out on this nnnr' said I, with a wusi
ook, and I wi.ihf may be shn: if out In
lidcni fomc, binlviii wild, I u!l vd
'.Ymr. rut dirt d a serenmeil
i, and Ji'ltn (li.'iier d J ii'k-i in! il he didem
ual.e a str-.ihl :iliir! tail for the door, in n
I n-v. r in i!;e anm'vr ji is. Afier hi m I
vi o; an i uiei :-.: v'l prcu ips inei
v .scut the Ktau.ppde liloii tine
kit of stairs that ever occurred in .Michigan
. ) ivn cut old rhenm'.iz, !l.-00:;'i li,c b
i : r out 1 cut aftei him; over went Vi
'it o in ihe m.ih after both mi os I eh i-i
ioi roiiml to square h ihe f?iv'?ril.v
I'lifti headed Mm olf and il,-nnl h nn h !
i i!ie ho:el agin, -licre h" landed Ml a .
went, hi'g';ed ins li'e, cud i I ,'
in: nn tin property! Well I w ish 1 ni;.
-hot if lie wa'-eilt a fell, r ii,-il t'lev wen
'iV ri i a icvaid for n h n (V . ! ! I nidi! bi-i
hi 0-e;i'--e:ir-'d of his rheniauz ril
. 1 1 i ,
i rig it out oi ni rn. in 1 1 v c 1 1 ii in in in
snhralelv advisi d lli.n .o !uli(i Caie ol
hi ill Si: If.
' l'i ( cistdy al aqunlii of a rm'nu'e l
even ihermxl inoiciiog, the Vielim ol
(yiipnl, hiving b"n Csl ed according In
'lis il'.'siic, lie r promptly ilit-sril
I r . , . r ...
iinis -I;. 11 h . i me S' ii c urn oi ii
jliifn t.i.n-... I' .t-iihniil nIi.'I.IhI inn
'"'' ' .)
y; for no' evi n a soia'ch up in b'St'liio
ippe.K'i! if el ibe o jn I' ll loo, Ii wmiiii
set 111 Hill he tad duvo'eil a loij"r llfll
10 bisi loll el III in ll-ll I1.
47'ii" wiit.-hed man was aiiiicd in t
I: (ll I bill die-s C)i', Willi fro I I oiela1
'niitiios,.i while vv iisi cm ami nuikc'ii
roiisfirt, wilh pjleot lei'hi'i boms. lie
.vore around h.s neck 'i v.iiieg.U'd .sjHn
cirf, winch pirtiiliy eooc-!h'il ilm
6'wiazzi of his bosom. In lion! of ill.
L'iif w is ins-l'led a tncsl p'i) ol con-p'c
tons dinie.isions. Hiving dcc'iiile.
he 8iiiirca:J sswiih a q i ek stp, he en
ered tlii apirlin.'iit wnere Un b.o lici
m ! a few friends were awji'ing liim
I I-j pit 10 & hinds cordially with a1! pie,
nl. and on being J;i'd ho-v bo limi
lepl, answered, 'Very well,' end in
he I'.irih-r dem inded as to t lie slate ol
is a document possessing more ih oi
mry inieresti I'ne zj.d an fnpry nf ii.iw
olfi.ier, in mirshaHtng ihe resourcee . J the
t ?.i:li Hi on W oe ft ll , -It is well known, lias
(neatly cilnlnbuled lo place the credit ol
Pennsylvania upon its proper busis, and to
lecure f ir all time to conn!, the iuuoLbhi y
of i's plii;hieil faiili.
The fdlowiug is ihe clusing iar:igraph
in the report, which is indeed an anii'iiinee.
nenl checting m every paiiiotic ciiiz"ii;
'During ihe lasl year, the interest on the
I'l'idi'd deht and all other li .lnli.iei of I'.r
(' niiui'inweallb, wi re proinplly paid. ,h
"stiiiiates aniii'ijiaie a result for tin
present year. An appropi i ninn shnnh!
therefore he made for the payiiient of tin as il fills due ;-iiid as n ei-ini-annual
payment occurs on the lsi of Itbru.ny in x
it is necpsiry that the law should be
d viih,.ul delay. Sufiicienl funds ill he
mi the Tr easury lo make ibe payti.eiii re
l'ur the purpose of e xhibiiii'g llie anioun
il .suite lax assrssctl in the srvrrul coninie
during ibe lasl five years, and the amoiiin
pod in'o the Treasiuv in each year,we ex-
. i .: -t ie loiiovt ing:
' Tlieie have been assessed iu the sev ra
c u iiies nf the (' jiniiiMiiwea t'l fur Siaie
'alMineni i f livi per (( nt. be allowed ibe
i . . .i i. . : i i r i. ... .
'HI' tlj lie a ( oc iciW' Innrniises. n,.der.;,na.'lsnr sseo,blV re
.(i . i- . i i, I, nr. .,... ' ' ' J
V.1H oi inu I'.i'y Having ..i-i uji'm.
Uggt::)!eil lliat II Would IIS Welilol ,ke
oirmtl. in.'( b'-lmc lh n:"lancl.oly Cdf
nmiy was gi;:n. ilirnnj'. hu e.'.el jiiium.
villi sonic en. plus s. 'urci.ledly-:
lil'ca K f il Wis acconiinvily set vefi.'vlici
m ale IIim wh ili! of a Kimull loll, a
' ige rnu ii I rn I ;.,ii! , i w suiisges, aiii
li ce 1 1 e '.v lm! v 4 u , wiiieli lm wa-licii
i.nvii .villi i wo c'dt bra klas
ling to tba! suljM:t ihe f dlowing taxes viz
1'. c-lli'j j ear l.-'ll ..JCU'iiO I t
ii.. ls-J (ili.l.SV.) 12
(l.i 1M! OiCJ.VPfi SI
.lo is ii 'jii;.o.-i.r) i;o
dj I8i.j i,:tcu,-.rii :a
i .e.;c
il lit.
d t!
ni r"
I fi'llVl'v'j.'i
c, by iliundti!'
(Train tin- I. nn. ! mi l'i h.j
T'lis riioi nn g, A f l 1, ai ball' p
le v c.i precisi !y, an iiiilm 'l.n il.( vo-ni;
I i s , rt ,
na.l, :lr W I win I'.liK'il V. llo'lci V;n'
h-1 exlienn; p"n ii y of ii.t'itu iimn, b
vpit.ling hi.v atl leliuir hi lo Muy Am
III?, iu IV mi of Mm AI'-h' r,iiliu.'i o
.I. Mn v's Cntiu ii, I-liiig'.-m.
'1 1' ..ill b- in i !m i '-c ill cl Ion "f al-
llO.'i! Irien.i-i of I hi! ,U'ii's v '.0 Well
I Urn J m iis p-.i"- ai Ijnx'.m, iw
ears agf, Hi., i .Mr. I'.o k n - . w .1 ' ' . f 1
ml I hei c ni -1 ml 1 ndii J e.-i in M.n y A - i im
tn whom he m!-,o ly h".;in !o din .
iiarl I'.'ii1 ir a b niion---! .1 in' i . wi.h lo
no h'.-s ibi'i s.x seN il,,! eve .:ng, a
li imlioi.; Ii. r ibii.s -i suppci 10 th
r 1. p 10-11 I'. il pi r.n
'ei e.--cr' icsinu-d the big dn:i' h f vi
nidi island rignl, 11 1 c .ill your MesiliCI Um
1 'it (ilie j'l agent,' WIIO'I) uicaiis, s'p.ise,
thai it cures iliii- J'
Tlie dis. ipl.i of si lencc ri f rred In divers
cants about town in which he ha l in cm mvoieii n -01
..I',. I in ;.v nnlhii'.il i.f ll.H Llu CO 111 'll ' II CI III" 1 1 1 I , I II 1 1' V ml'A-e.l 11,, I
1 iv ii .en I .'i 111 1I1 a 1 el in Hi:" m. I on. 1 C .
1 ! 1 -li opl;i'
j r)or l'i !;.i' v Hi. I bv ! up .hm.
1 ii his 1 w. -fit ' e: ::. hi ;i i e-ir ,' ui !n f i-
c t M 1 1 we kaow mi' krn .1. huh rim emu ibt j.. ,,., (l, 1,. ,,.t. ,, ,,, t., .
teroee jd v r mum my.V , picuiii.Ty i.i.:r--, I .-'-o,.l' li :i'
'Ii.ll nnina'.o. v or chrnnii ?' demanded tin I o.ivc cm-,'-e 1, i i-i 1.1 , i...uii' ly 1 !
. r ii ft . h-.'.vcvr-r ,'i iv
1 in b s 1 It 1 I'M .1 ei 1 , lb
1 j
n; ;ai.
11 1 .-1
!. 1 j.'y t
ncif.-ni, al I, Is appeiim. he tJ.
lm liu i i.ver i'e ; il hrapii r in his lilt
t r t
1 1
1 1 . ,
e cmil
tv ing ii qoiieil lim limp, ami
ne, I il; it il wi.s ie 1 ir.inll es to
lm r in rl; (I ',1 will .soon
II s hio lii r ih.-r-i ii ('iired
ll ) Mil v li 1 0
ni l lm sin old I.
( h
, h 1 id ; woe 1 Ii
10 have a gl 'f? n
1 1 . nn'
di an !;
t US
I'J ill I
'i'j . 1 Li I m.-.n.- iii n'i'.v
l'i li VII it d III" I ' 111 ' ol 1 g
.1' h.s iiroii in o,ii .li ill'
1 I I, lis l,.,;! lill
VOIll I -Hill 00 I Oi
a ppmir h 1 ng
In id j 1 ' 1 ' -anmog
,11 1. 1 s h ie)i I.
r W ml 'i'ne 00
from this deduct for
collection rxulicra.
ti.uis, Ac, e gilt
percent., $il.V!,92'l U
D1II.1 I'.iin 1 i-r eei. I a-l-(iili.)nal
1.11 the 11
in.iii'il nse.-se.l fur
I' l'ur le
yiler la.v,
51.117 57
le j' iVf III
a n'l 'it r
eh 1 ' ge I
et th' opcuilolis he had jllsl I'Oiltludtll liis
lecture, wiih,
Yes' si d the challenger 'y ti'e tic ; th m.
w nn' krn Him r;
a'll stranger, we ain l 'iiurti given t
lo.-loi's hot.le iMons, but 'Ve rei k.m r,s a
inul the wnsl kie.i.'
The .". s-nl 1 isi W is iih'iut In defi .p llu
diflt rence bctw i-en infl nnm aim y atiacks am
'ncal ailee'rnis, when by was imrnuptei
bv the iroiiiBiiuri wim radn r al!-rvnl iua
IV. 1.1 ioillll
, nod ICS In t.
(: emit l..f will.
segn c .e, t 1
. !) icon S "p.1'' a'-d he
n o' in r I loo. y iv Hi 1,1s 1,,'cli k. y , w 1 .
': r ie- -mis 10 .! li v, i- I' af 1 1 al I w 's ..
1. :', v,ii line ni' m y lo ins l .u li i'ii
'Tin; cl ck il f-i'g I s i uck 1 n v-i-
il I at 111" ten fi . . 1 i. 1 . t lie was iiil.ii rn
d Mi i' a ed) ua- t Ibu dmir. II-' mm
lly s r I 'I on ii' id v ill I all 1 w
n-.i-i ll' in h c.iml-ir.ii .1 'o i!m ve i.c'i .
lid inin wbirb he t'' t wilii Ins buiWi.' f.-lli.w 'd in ndleis.
'A- r 1 ivd it l'i.- ir ig C il sji'il, 1 sh o'
ml a.. Minis il. I y i.e 1; dacc, aim
viili'li tiicy weri ii ii I nv um lim
villi h 1 Ii t i.. l.i 1 1 w-i c siid o
i'iu r M l-, mil .M -s G .le, w.i'i c i--.nil
1 V d''C mis -i d lens. l'iii;n-
11. '. :iv oi'eil ii) in . sei ve a rum po.-iii -. ;
nil .1 ilig'H 1 1 I e '.1 i 1. a l'i I. is .11 nl'li aoc
I'll." ill siared hicbelor hiving mo
iil'ied (j'li. ily In Ii iVf birg wnit
i w riinned mi Lis I ui'im bule, oov.
v 1 !. 1! '-i.le by s de widi Mi-s (7il '.
V nil : li' ill S ep lo til.' aii .C. I 1.1 S-il
1 c I ihe inijio 10- p ir i' i .m.s will
'a' m 1, r -s ; and " '. d, mni'-iVeil, on 1 1 1
m't 1 aid into ihe
'I'li-.iauv 111 ISl!, -:13,'.'02 77
1 " t pn.l 'ii'. 1 the
'rie.. n v iii Hi-.;. i.'i.i";j s'5
in'l pinl inln the
Tivi.iny in IS ill. fi.njOII "8
in't piid iiiln tin'
Treisinv in 1 S 1 I. 7al,-vl0 01
iu"l paid into t!u"
' 'lV.M-.ui-y in 1S1--J, l.:.lst 01
40s!!71 If
'l,0lli.'Ji7 H..
,11)11111 ihie 1 -l Deccni' er, I S lo,
3si (V
?sn,.')H". mi)
tion to t'n! expiation ol l'i... Si.ite
i 'anees, in a clear and nilel'milde. ni nimn
ie Tre inner 111 ikes.
no v in - d li s in w j.d
a, t.
t-. g m.n, who a I'm s 1. .1 l.v I he
li l .liling ll 'hiid I lift I lii'iigs.
t bad a in r s. miuiim riglii lo ibe hu
and th it fiirlhcruiore. it was jest txpci t. i
of iiim ih it In: bhould lorihwidi visii im
cjsi, aii'l hid him lj.;e up bis bul and v.alk.i
A rli.iig
i n e. 1. ceu 1 1
V.itmil hil ll minis ti-l,; li .llli'. .1 I,'iou rrs . J 1 1 1 ' s
.o.;;f an '.ii ics 1 -.
he lia- sull-r 1 d.
'Ilie iii, bai'ii ', man iias-t-d I
'light ( I I is b .c!n l"r (Xis t-i ce i'l I
I'luaiV (inn I) r. l'i mn In 1 ! p i ehl ')
W(.i j in-, I c ''as Im-i'v 11 g'f-i' in writ
til I'l.g l"H is .M.iirt'j ahei i' o o'( l.n '.: , tit
I inn g In ... I j. 1 1 1 . ni y 1' in. cm il al In
(ildor.w hen lie ilonuiil i,ol!l (.lit bin
,1 i r r
1 '
1 1 VV i.-ii 1. I lei. ,
ii- I 1 1: elm' y f -r -n
I.l' U-,1 ii iju .
ihmi 11 1.
v l,i( !l I!'
'ir-ci v en
or he hiiii.,1 ll won!. I
1 serried out 1.1 low 1 ; p in
n a firm vtjirp lo curi e in.
sK' il v. In ri
ll In in 1.
1.-- imii oi' 1-1 h i v i ii i
an I I'm pi '."i i '"
ii s- I'lim; tin 1 n
- inn e i.i pill,' 'Wih i .,',, 1.1 .r 1 .y w 1:1 1 .
r.eli y nn '1 r - -1 1 1 1 r .1, i n a (' i
'I w.ll.' 11' 'h".i j nl th-
f,i - 1 inii ll; on M -1 (1 I 's I'l ' ; g 1 I , ll'.i
mvn'i.l imiee iv 1- 1 11 -: ( ii n . I lm
pi.Mi 1 ...j'.v Wi 1'iieii nun 'ii.riunn
11 V '
.. 1
'I be I'i'MV one tel 1 1 . ..!' of a F'li'.i
lh:,l svvih.iw 1 d :i rnub twiec II ki I.e. I i
ay 01 t e 1 b tune, mid liualiy l.rlid l'i''
'im I i-H-iiun-.- in n:es f;i"'i r . vi-i v mi nirianl
-ine'ei 1011:1 an t rci'C'iuriie'iii iiimis 10 trie
!'.uri. On.' (if t'o'si: i:i th il tin! I a -A
u: in I'li'iiged '1:1 In allow an abatement 1.
o alhiiv an a.) iteiuenl tn ll e l.nlii l.lual lax
11VIT who pas hii laxes pr.mipily, il) oi
ler In secure prompt ami 1ap.1l payments.
The folloWH'g (Xinei I' the ri'purt it
clf is. in our 'ipmn n, Inn iinpurtanl not l"
.c cotiicd in th'.! la-igmge. of ili Treasurei
'Tli p'-Tilie sji'iil 1111 I enmgy of nn
i1'. us lim i.ig I ,ie 1 ..i-n y :r, Ii 1 re i i
il'"d. in s mi 1 rn 'i is ii"1, ihn w .nt ol lo
til can. nl', lm! il is pi i. per lll.ll tin
Ir.v should re. nil ll'.e and tin
,eg! g" ii. I1 is t'Vi.ielil U1.1I moil
)i..m ji!ii s mnsi li ' st c.r d in llif C !
b'C'i-in ,,(' li.x.-. ami ihfr pay.Ticni into
lie ll ( a o' V . 1 1 is the lot rest of III'
'oifiiiionwe iltli, and ah i of lax p.yeis
bal U'lC l.lXi's of (Mi :1 yr.r sll' ljld I)
oilce'eil wuiiin ihe ii'mfi ye'-. lOicl.
'-imiiv, nod. r v st'i'g laws-, is h 11, id 1
en iis (j'ioi , of Si .t" t ix-'s, 00 ilm s.-c-i.i.l
Turc.l.iy ol J itiu n y in acli ye.u.
1 it lb" riili'-C'i I's Wiirni nn Vall'd i:
heir hand-lul ih'ee y t 1 s .-tFi, .1 -
ni m;:use fn po-np-'i wr pnm-ir-, h
'liny CrtSi-i, and II in Ine i.xcs of lii
. lis iii the it.j 11 y of ill" 1 i'iz il and of lb
,V i' :ne (.ihe. ed in one ve.,r. I prOins
b n (he W i rr.ii, - I c 11: id v.. id in 'he baud-
, -l- 1 lllll '.li till' li :0 T..'n! : !' J.n-
mny in -iili ye.r. 1 u e mui Jit I'n
I lie a J -i V , so aa lo alliiiv ii'in It i's tr'ii'.--uim
on to ib" Tr-asim , b 'l.n . the p .-i in.:
.', In 11 i.itticst'wiil be rli irg.-d I raroe-M
n en. unit ml tins .'Ion.; e i i ilm li'.v, rIooi',..
:b" l.egi: ! .lure i...' i-u- in i.e imp -i-
ill no -.4 iii. ne, v iz 1 h i
I. ml o
u ,0'
X paver, il be pays hi lure n rermin iimn
o be taied, say fie 1 5 b of July between
h .1 period and ibe 80ili November, nn (U
,'u Imii to bn made and il not then paid
he peison in default lo be charged iu'errn
,i ibe rate ol six pei cent, p r annum, end,
i be ( os's of collection. To n;eei the . aso
n I. rge Hid popi.lmi (lis rict.-1 r in the
eioni of the treasuiei's uiabilny 10 ti.eiiil
Ac., ll'ai the oflicer lo have Ihe power in
appoint ihe deputies, ho and bis suieties be
n i. held responsible lor their faithful dis
charge of iliiiv, The timet ol Ibis rneas
m ills believed would produce innre rap
id am! coucentr ited colleciinns dimini'li il.o
. id collections and be greaily ail-vaiii-ag.-nns
to the people' Ir. the evenl of
suugPKiion nut meeting with your approba-
lon.l hojio tlie re commend ii'ion in reler
.iice to the wariails of collection will be a-
The above plan of collecting the Slats
nxc", we (I'lubl no', would always in-
ii e their rollfCiion within die year of
lb r ase!neii!,and by dispersing wild
ihe machinery of Cnlleclmg ihe abde
nniit of five per cent, lo Ihe tax p.yer
or prompt piy mr nl, wmil I not b aitiii
ibe if -reipls into ihe Tieasury, hut mer
ly iraasler ihe five pr cent. Iro n tli
uron ot paying couiiiies ic j.itn i a .
ma individuals.
A fn- r slaliivg 'hal a ennfjl invcj'igi,
ion of the averao-o profits of lands in
tins State do not yield lo the owner
time than three parcen'. p-r anum, ami
hat money at iritenul yi-lds six mr
,.,.,11. that lands are always tixe.l, au.l
thai the law laxnig mom y at inicres',
hie from solvent deb'ors, is very i n -neifccily
e nfoiced, he suggests ihe pn.
sign of a law prohibiting the collediuu
o' inleresl in all cases wheieihe credilof
has failed to hive (he asse m 'lit tnad ,
H'jl one of the mn-t imp-iriant stig
tr.,iion iaihp CONSOLIDATION OF
rilKSKVKKAL LOAD'S ami the.
r i. . . I Ill .. .
issuing ol coupons, which wujiu ua ie
.eivable for all tin is lo thf commoo
.vnalili. It would, in Ihe end transfer
inr loans inio Pennsylvania, and m.ikej
he rtccivers of inteie-t our own cili-
.1 . ...
ens. .Almost every man wno tvai a
h would bold smfi'J.etit slock lo piy
us own laxes ilie p op'e would hoi, I
iin'ir own stock it vvuijld create a
m nr iniercst in lavor of the puncunl
nymmil of iniere-!, and place upon mi
niiiuveihl'' his'xs the credit of ilie Com
nun wealth.
Toe following are tin views of tho
fi t a -tut r;
The loans of the ('ommon wealth an I
ln; ii tn.sler of st ick-, cnnsitiu'e, il tins
n-r .od, ilie most imimriani part of tho opt'iMiiims nf ill" g.ivei liineol.
i'lm ct i lificalt s of fun. led il- Ol are sign,
cl by ibe acc.iiuuiaiil ollici'is of tba
(Jiiuimoiiivealili, bul llm Iransf rs bhi
ii iiie a' the IJ.ok of Pennsylvania, ami
vlip.i in id c, im w c. ri fi mI.'s am issued!
-.viue'i ai e signed by ihn p. csul.'iit and
Cj.-hier nf ihe lunli, and llitis t ie pow
er of binding ihe Coiiim niwcilili is t-x-"'cisr.-d
bv lli'j (iliii'f'is of the iiislniiiou.
Inlsi I i XI. It . is and feel llie greaie-t
Mofi Il'i.c. in uiiijei", yel it'seeioii
to urn, lo h-' contrary t i i - n'iiiciple i f
mic g iieinmmt lo place o vir iii il a
Lands uf llwse who a;e in espmioiblt' to
ll, and in wl:osj lildiVidu ll selection sil l no ag ' cy wiiil- vec. I'iia l.iuiiigj
;' bonds 1' ni k. lll Slale respnusi.
olf ,'' Ii'-ir ca i 'i and to hi 'g' in tut, ii fCi-n.s
i) ni", s'muld he placed um. r ihe eon
irnl ol ih ('Hictis of at
Ian i-hm g This arangi'iiieot would it u
i ue east a gre U ailililinnal l.bnr liion
toe i!c piirimeiil lime, bul it is ligl.t that
thes..1 i npui t ml 'rin-ai iioiiti sbouhl Ii
ml el' I be cull 1 1 nl ol idli 'el s lo llie peo-
1 '!. ... I 1 .
ni.; inere aie ininy seven nuaiic:,
loins whic!) compose our Siaie dt In, a
..Vei'iie n't nf booksi nml fccciitinis is it
j ilicd I i be kepi, and in eoosr queneo
ii Ihe uitiiy iliviiinn ami if 'f l , ihe)
iiliil" 'S e ..nhi Otis and d l!i u't Wnll
i view ni -irnp'if log a- u.m'li as pu :--
n'f, n hu b -eii t-. i f f .-s.t d tiut limse v.i-
l l i : loans' 1) Com. 'i 1 I cl into a It S.I
inmb- r. If 'his can he douo wuhmit
jui v io 1 hf ("n.rm o i ci e 1 1 ih, in 1 1 laiic n
i lo.-inn" ol' ii imhiiis ii n', ami with
il! d j i i''jis' ce to he Imiili r of tllti
t ). I, . p i : - i !- V"v evideu'' In
i He i-v '.I if Mi : lier: hi fg OOliSI.Iida-
i.-d and I P'.V : I. ii li- is er I
v oi t e y nl l . ir i , w be
'Imr b.r, it
the issl-
e nliictd in i!.e briiob ' c "pons woohl nm be mlvr.nla-
. . . 1 : I ..
I 11' ,1 ' I ' 11 l 11 I' ll I . 1 1 I .'-: '-.' ' j , i . I , ,. I.,,..,,. I , .-i
t y.-i ' 'l'i..- i i-hon was slid.'. 'I'ln- miiir. was hrmw'-it fimu tin; r ,,,,, iv n-ei-n rcr .ami di-m' life w ill gcous and prpp-r. 1 1 would render ilia
,;lndii of a tall. V. lib ill
uci.oii.;.;:. . ;i rg li.r i. j ul '.
h ni Lo'.v
h.ui'i'lii be A'n
oo tr,
Ol ii
'the nnirencv uf towusl.ip or ward cjlleciors. H'ock books and accoun's less curnbi!