! TIN anil EKIinsTIRON iij ji J THE Kuhseiibor htiving located himself ii Illouiiwbuig, in .rcp:reil In fumi-ll all kinds I wait', uihl peifonn ol kinds of woik in Ins Inn' ul bullle'H, Hi llll'lip lull's und lit sllolt notice Hi Inn furnished himself will ni'W nlul (.plcndiil utock uf tool, inuchintrv and inuleiiuls from 'Inlit delphi's, and made H lurc puichuse ol ( O.M, nud WOOD. STOVES, nl viiri.niH inlii!iiiH, Id supply li t customer. He will constantly keep on h.i d. I'M 11 .JZf.'ofcvery description. STOWS, a largo variety, neatly and substan tialy finished, togelhcir willi I'll'i:. srOVTS for buildings. ro.ih iiiTKKrs.&ic.fic. Ho re.-n'clt"ully oli'itt public pnlronui;o Ilav in tuvri I'orMimo years coieniu'd in his business, ,11 ul having experienced assistants, ho feels coiili dont of satisfying nil who may I'uvor him with their custom. COIATIIV MKUCllhVTS supplied on liberal terms. Cull oil the eou'h aid of .Vain-street, 3 doors below the ollico cfThe Columbia Democrat. October 11, ISl-")-vlj23 S, LL CKAIO. ll, F. II AY II IT IE KT, waggo: MAKER, HI.OO.MSIJURlJ. fpE.SPEC 'TELLY informs thn public linn ci, he li.iri hunted himself in the Minp lati l) iu.ii'd hy ZIUA Kl(iiLES, in MA UK I'M'- WTKKET, where he intends carrying on the abovi husiacHs in ul iU various hritm hi'ff. 1IKAV V-WAUOONS huilt and remired, n well on on horso VAGGOYS AM) IILGGIES- of every dineriitioi), mid all kinds of (.'outiln Work, in Ins line, done ut bhoit iiniice, anduntla most renaonulilu terms. fjj-Cuod Luinher and all kinds ol Country Pro iluco taken in payment for work, but Call will no' e refused. ' April 5, 18 IT OuiSd AT TllC 9 LIOIIT-STREET, COLUMBIA CO TflK suh'Criliers tal es this method-of informin? th public tlut they have just amved from Phila delphia with a splendid assortment of Nfcw AND CHEAP GOODS, amonj which maybe found a superior selection tf Ui.u-k, IV.uti Il.x:k, B'ue, (ireon, lnnsilili Oreen, Olive ami Mixed (Mollis, nape riot Fr?nch anilFancyCassimrrcs', S I'.unels of all colors and prices Kyntucliy.Jeans, Heavy 15m k Tweed, and Ilird Tiinss, A splendid assortment of Woollen, Velvet, Ve letifia, Snin and Svantdown Vesiinns, Flannels of al! colors &; juices, colored. I leached & unbleached 'Coiion Flannels, Fuiniinre atnlApronUliei k. ALSO Mancher enk .Scotch liinsliama, Bed Ticking bleached and unbleached Table 2iaper;superi.ir du ll re I and plain Aliaccas; l'ondt cherry a new artielt for LjilieV wear; Furnitu-'O and Dress Calicoes of all price.; a splendid assortment of . Sftawts, Dress im(lkcrckiefCruval,s unci Collarctls. " A full assortment of Ladies' and Gentlemen sWusiery, and Gtuves, Gcntlernen'slhfnms, L'nllurs Slocks, Gum Elastic, Worsted und Cation Suspenders, fyc. $c. Together w ith a full assortment tf Groceries, llanhvnrc and Qucciiswarc. wiib a variety cf other articles too numerous tu mention . The bu'j scribrs fee! confident, tiiico 'heir goodt have hec'i purcbasi'U on llio te.-i el teinis, nuc. been selected with ereat care; that they can sell low tr than they can bo bought at any oilier store in this part of thecoituty; they therefore solicit the pa tronage of a generous puMie. iWV&ZV of COUN I KY I'KO il$&S LUCK b exelianga loi Goods AMOS B. KN ABB it Co. DfCfinber 0; 15-43 3'.!' Tlia subscriber o fT r.i for sale bin ni'.uated on tho corner cf M iin and La'.-i-trreN in filojm .bi'.rt', CoUuiibiu Couuty, Ta. It is wd c ilcubitid for the loca'iou for a Public House m titore,bciiiij (G Fi( frnnt on Maintain if. til l ISfnton i.f.v-.ii-jf, ni the ro nl leadiiigto the llliinn.h'iur.; llnil r,U,?i. . i - .ill.-. , , iinn l.oiiipaiiV I Ui nan s, i ins :,ni is wi .1 c.i:- calatcd fur liuildinr; e( n J'.nsl-.-l'i -l as we'l us i,i Main, and bein! uluu'ed in tiie reiiiri! nf the Inn. Uet'ioii of Cnluiihia County, is wi II r.oriby tin - flU'lilion of the capitalir.'.s. Por any inforiuMtion re: pectinj the rr.ndiiiiins .ef.e.liite of UlUil.r. KAhl.tli-P-leonisbiirg, M-ember 20 fT'ST rrreived and for . ale, at til" ni" 'I'll, and ftbeet Iron damil'i' tiKV, niipusiie ( In Inns Hotel, several liinds nl f llSl.Olt, SUOI' mid t lKtSlUa M (Vl,.,t Ihelisl pj:n rns wl.irh will bo sub! !. Chair nranufaclOy i 1 1 i.i . i i i nt. suuscriuei ooiiuiiuci to entry 01 ilic C II. UK .IMNlIFACTOUtNO ' -itu-nft ill ihe t.lil mhihI df H. Si S. 1 1 ; i: t -1 Hlllll, Will lC Will l'P le.lllv 41 illl 1 1 in in liiinith l'.'iiu' it i in! m i s, Set lee, Momou Uih Umij Chan etc, nl ru'i; description, w hu ll may 1)0 culled fur, a short notice and on llin most roasouabli terms, lie will also execute lloiine, Sioii A Ornamental Fainting, and Huusn Fai'inue. hi a superior manner, From I: i s experience in llm litiniiif s,niu his facilities nl manufacturing the vuriom iriiclcd nl In- line, he llaitets ItimHuP ilia lie shall hn able to fiirnibli an good M urk, and upon as reasonable lei ms as ran lit donp in ilir I'oiuiirv, all nf wlurli lie wil. clispof-n of. lor CASH or COUNTUA PKODFCF. N. B- Order from a iliMancp will bi .iitictiy ai.u jiinw tiiallv atieiulcil in. 15 IIAUKMSl'CII Ulonniiil iirjj, I), v. Ilfl, lb'l.'J CLOCK WATCH ; a. 4.1. IMAIi JT ES'l'lCM'l'M.'I.I.V inforiiis llic ciii.cns Jtt, l.oliiinlna enuuiy, and the public ecneralK iiml he has located himself in lilnmshurg,Mi iV tin 4uet nppoMle nt. 1 aul h Church, where he hui lpi iied vliiip, ami is now ready and prepaieil li eivivc and execute all work in his line id fiusiucm, 'Uh dispanh and in a woikiiiniihke mamicr. clocks & Watches if the hcrit quality, can be bad at bis cxtahliblimt nt nl very reasoilablo livnif . 11 I AIKlG & ( 1 FA? IG vill be dnue to the satinfactinu of tiie cusinuirr, ai well of Clocks and Watches us of JewcUv, and In a iil further, warrant his work to I e exe'iilrl a well as any in this nection of the t-la'e. lie wib alio make to order Sl'UVEYI.VU COMPASSES r pocket, and in short, will do all otbriwoik vsi illy done in a well regulalcd rrspeclable eslallii-h it-nt. He houes by Btiict uttiiilicni to businc? and a desi;c to phase, to lecvivp n liberal i-haie n palronnge. ('inintry Prnduco taken in payti.cu for wmk at the market prices. Hloomsburg, .ovcmbcr 13, 1 Sl-1 30.t Mew ivrrTTr ten r3C OCOEDj LI s v xy a it it a n U r: r.i i: x tb . So humbug but Ciomh doivn'lo t!,r. low cut notch ull llirovsth. fPHiIE fiihseriber liavii' com;. h led his new JEj store bouse, nn il.'ain street in-.r Ma l:i n lilo:ims!iiir,and having Mbcked il w itli a nim-l. if entire new g'JOils, which wire rieleeled will. ','rcat care in regard toktyleand price, l,c fi.illin !ii;n self that he can oiler fresh Bonds, und newesi 'lylpa,aiid them at lower pricis than has ever beer ill'ered in this place, and as the ass'irtmiiil consist, if every thing for comfort and mini nniei.t in the Dry Goods, rciniT iMin a g- iiruii u.ir-ui ui.i i.i i,i Qurenrnvwe (some new style ) Sc'iooi lloukn. Hardware, Ccilcr icure. 'I'inlli ivure, Earthenware, S'dina or Lake, ground, Fine Lixhuii aibl Diiiry Salt, ,W. j;joi Mui kcral,an I erring:, Cuvhidish. aula tan 'lug. Fine cut it Sotd,inf 7 al-ncro, Ciiii llcs f Sonji, I'ojjir Ktltts.Slci, -'or lam. besides ii Mni.' runs other u lii Ii s, nil i f v I k h u i he eohl "t a very unall prnlit for ready pay. ami In would icspiTtfuily invite all pi isni s lo cull ai.i cxuniinc his gomffi and juices, before pen l.a.-irg. J'be highest Jirices Jiaid for all kinds ol coiintn produce. L. li. UCI'liliT UKiom.sburg, Scj.t. 20lh, lsi-15. V2lf. Brandrcih's Pills "3S EAU und understand ! The lime will cmni , wbi'iithe mudiciiie, Urandreth 'ills, will b ipincciatcd as they ought und ilesrrvr; it will In iiudei.st.iiid that Dr. Dr.indieth ha.) the stromjps' aims upon the public. It i liue that pverv in dividual who rnukc.s a tri d nf tin' Jiiandint, Pill ivinrcdc lliiMi to be the best iiM'dicine they ' vci usi d. They uro indued a nn'dijne uhou! whieb there is no install... 'Ph-'ir value in a cliiiiuic su rbau;; ablc as ourj cannot be tUlneieiillv nppuici.it i'd A fret; pci.ipiiii'ii.n is ut on e re Moied . lliu hey cu:c colli.;, and cons'iinj.in ti is prtventcd. I'liiMi! wb i have a redundancy bile find them o: ihe in i a I's.ei.tial s it e, I'tnl t'liiuld their I e a dc 'iciency of Hut important lluid the ISrandreth Pill. .lave an I'H'i.illy I'-'iiefu i.i! cll'it. (ll'ii'ti h;,.s t!in impoitiint medicine sa'i'd v.d.i iblc lives in tb.'.f" re ;ions vh:'ie the d.eaiil'ol yellow fever wai i.nl ni! A few doses tjken iuniKdia'i ly tipiiii the i i iVeiiiin being receivrd into llii nvstem, will hi af lost crrt.iiii to prevent iihv ni.iiciial incoiivu i me ud at uos'.'iL'e nf Ill's ilreiuH'ul epidemic is there jiroper a nn dii irie the l--.-. T Pili.s. l.i hi.i ine.iii ii.e be universally l. . '. i.i tiiis liseas , und m b.ss of blood u'lnwi'd. and fi w vi-iy feiv, would be IU viiii i.s. ,i it is wirh o'lic. .b-'i aej. A -i-t li.ituie wiihliiis till imporraiii neiiieinc to icnio. e mm bid huniui s ln.ni the ,' luui'. l id d i nut Tcsurt to I !ei ding or inert toy, and hi ih.ili h :ve a M" V gic-.t .'enieiiy i.f 1 1 r.-unri ui;lictei! with cronii' mala lies. 'J he fclhcicii t. ihe theau mid, kind 'in- over whiiii we inc t: e I. ids, nit ant iillliitid uiih ihronic n..iiadii ; m r 1. 1 r should vc be il it wcif net fur our nine w l.i. :i n. ca dnn: ih.nn. !'i;llu,v iijiiu,1. l."ie the rnedicino wbi-h !i:irir..-ini.i Miih her, v. hicb mildly bnt :.-i..-ely rc nr. its all tin: iicpn. ife of the b!iiod.wb.i.b s:ieii:3lu .iis ti.o hi! ie,,'.i. 1 vet .t'luri'n tl.mo of !..e full ba'dl ') a In- illiiv KtaiuSur.i. I t! lue a'aiii f-.is' t.i.i! cverv le; aitnn nt nf the iniinni'ieture cl'lJiaud eth I'ilb is personally supi rinlcrnlcd ' y me, and that every 1m with my three labels npnn it may be relied tip ni to have the hi lit I'icial i fleet deseribi d if usee iccordoig to the iliie. linns acinnipjny 'iiij. A (i V. N 'I' B. W.ibin ;ti.n I'.iuiert M'K'.r.-. .Iei.... vtv ii-I.. fi, A. T. -.'!. Di iMlle li. II. I;r- i.elils i C;i, ( '.it'a'.'. is-n I '. (1. 1 1 r I ft. li'ni.llisblir- J. 1!. Mev. I.iiiiPMime JJal.!.i! .V M Mie b. lillrkhiii fl .V. I i. Mireinriber. I.' j.e I!:,!. ' I.mv ,V T.o:i,p n. '..'iv.k .1 W .Vl.-s M0. r: mooMsnuRa Cabinet varo House 'PMIE sub'ciihu would respeclfnlly ihl'.n in tin U pnblii', that ho bus taken the sh ip lately oc I'i'U'd by .Samuel Lilly, near Ihe upper end o' llu'iliishurg, uhein he Is earning nu tlm ii all its vaiinus brutiehi's, and where, he will hi i.ippv o wail upon till thou! who insy lavnr bun villi tin ir eiistiiiii. His I' urniluie is w in ranted b e made of qu id ni'ili" i.d tout durable, and he he end 1.1 cpilig on band Sidchiitinh. . Secretaries, Itureatis, ll'tndrohes. Curd Tuhlcs, Dining 7ub!es. Ereakfusl Tables, ' Cuilimi) (Is. Stands, I usi Slinuhjltdstidds, Dungit roughs, Cojjinn, Sec. mil all Kinds i.'fwn.-k in his line, which lie will sell upon us rr.Houabli' terms ui they can he pun hast d in tho county. Hy strict intention to business hf hopes to ic ccive a sb.ie uf public imtronngp. Ei.i iii:ov.. April So, S".- lyl JOHN rJARSSLE, Harness, Satltllc & Trunk IZanufacturcr; 9 li.si'liCTFCLI.Y informs the public that he j (i, has Inealed himself in the shop next door o i!.nnu,. liagenhuchs ('hair factory, .Uain slieet iiooinsbu g, Columbia cninl;, wbeie he willca rv in Ihe above bus ncss in all its branch s. lie will keep constantly on hand line and ceir-e One and 7 wo Horse Ilarnc-srs, i'forne. CoIan, Saddles, Wulics and 7 Vh i ; ', e. if every description ; and having had a long expe iencc.ii) Ihe busiiie is, he can furnish as good w oik, Ul'! ul ;;pa ii J Call no purchasid in the connty (jJ.J. Vindi of country jnoducr taken 111 pay ei t ' irk, nt the nnuket jniceii. LSl.i-(iiii:l i?t interestini, Puwp.lct, called the FAFiZZZiT HEALTH mis5:cTouY. Pt'U (.li'atiiitmis Circuli'linii lo all persons wlm .vill ead, I'l'.M'rve. und Lend it, nl 11. Mvi lllOHlnsburg. John Moore, Da nvjlle, Jolm liu.ici. Milton, Wallei &. I 'd. Pcrui' k .111 the. folhneing lunnrd Jrticles have ob tained unbounded i'.;jni'.triiiy,vizi KliPiunV.i.sin Couti.i"tcd crds, Mill' .loinl.i, and (inut, will po..tively be run d by the rile Use ol the litilum I r:".tiihk hluCtr u.-d Unw.-id. lie sccj'tiea we invite to call a -id be irsonally reb r rcd to gentlemen of the hi'ue-t standing III ll.i: i ily v ho hmi been cuie I of Khcuinalirin by thin icinediy 'J'bpy are wari intrd the only gcnuiiio A.7"ic.i.-i Dr MciS'an'.s Armrtii: Oil hasiirov 'il vciy successful in cuiing even total Deafness We have many ceitilii ati'i from citizens woo have used Ibis (ML wilh co lpbte success We ii:vile I who are tuv.ddi d with any (lipase of this Ear, cxainiue the proof i,oiii;.'ry',v Vi'fVi;i I.i'Jian Pctutfa ' the lies! laiiii y iicilieine ni ihe wmi I It is a cure for Dvj epsla, Ast'.iuia, Li'.; r crmipbiint, Indigestion, ( o.- ivei'.e.D, .lauudi;'c,l'li''.'i'.'sp.-,y' Debilily, ii', e'ic IS li It operate without the li,:lilc:.l pain, a i niild but thoioMgh caliiiiitii', and imuT leaves die pcrtniii cie.livc even il taken very olltu The Piles a.e wan anted t.) be cured by the ten line lavs' Iiiiiiincnt ami 1 incs l',Jm nl cbiua, m lie inoui'V leliui'bil Who will imiv uuli'er will. his disticin eomplainl! Ni'vuhuy il without he biiii;n''tuie if cuinstoek & co cuiu;l,' h awl in '.i .'. ."iijiit.-'Hii is as pin e and ,!roiii,' an li vliacl fioin tlii.i d li braletl lioot at' can iio:sibl I e made This piice is so rea-nu ably thai .lie pO"r can ell'ord to ihi. it, hi i nil but .1(1 cents ,er bo, lie, or' I per i!,.e:i II is the only at it i h dial wil ed'. i luallv pii.il'y ihe Mood fri in all !ii'i:iill.i.s Those wlej have men impri.deiil ii. lie ii-e ut c ilonn I, ie, w ill li.id tun: relief Iron, it. ft:;! I. itH.i It-dr ; Tliii i lien.ieul prepura lion will trior the hair ai y in.b- loon a ii'.o 'i iiw ii to a J t blai k. und nnl ii jmc the hair oi tain (lo' shin in the h at. Preserve and Li'au'y the Hair by usuiii.: 01 Vldge's lia'iil o f ( oluinbia, iihiih iinliit iliati Ij tops the hair ti oin falling out, and restore it whin 'aid Never buy il without tho cigualuic of Cum Mck iV I .'o. Win-ins KJn'.iid'n r,ii .i:.;c is a safe.aei-j or! effei'tual niiedy lor Worn , in children or iihills. in every lasc. ' It is entirely Vegetable iiiai cannot injury the ino .t ilelicile i hod even shoiil there be no Worms. Pi ice li.l ci i ts. Doii'l con found ii with other names. The iUurt lUliiU.i.- been i,i..r f;;li!y te-itd byinniV yen's epiiii:ne, Linhu e. 1 1 il.ii'j to liiti..e in.-thtrs r.eiy r 1 1 ii-rsiirid that il v.il, .ilwavs aid uii I a-i-.-t tu p.ei,nni.; lliciii Li- i:,c tiial-i lc; 1-ie Ti e. "0. it i.di ls i.:l l.erv,.. !.: 1.1 c ions r.i! i vh n,'.r,,i. s'i-l-n.-cs. c. a.... a na:;J:,.l an! :.we' l rc-t cijii.i'izls (l.c i i i (i . :i f the b', ,: eju! Oc i lb" s'.'Un.i' h. u .. f;.iiia'ea the .' WT.hoUt -in. It exeiii-M.iliiig pains as lu-'t l.e:a e . ..eel. .l.'any oi oui I e..t ph.. ttiana UbC il in the.' pi-i.-ihe. .N. . i'i .-ler". 1 y -.vbii'l u 1 itjvcs und i; c or ; n'-- n. y I e lo ; ! Jet lflm-li nh as bean!! Illp l: llii-atlidl l'.,.i's V..t:i tl.S l' III I'.ll.'ll ! i car. it l.ri a I .:'.i.v c i a in I I ipes fitin i.tsiioi hion ;!i ii.e strnin-r. TI.'. i Vaini. h is . n ci.ti.i new ii.vi i.'-'ru,; ,n.d siirpii 5 .0.. delii.hH i.ll v !.i use it. ! i.dliiel.s nl ctnves and I'ipe i hi U'-e Inn;, be sei ii at I'm:. : l.nii'.i -1 lit wi.iV die i'i,i;. !i hi av I e h I .n t'o i ..-t i.f j ee.i'.. p. . l.'i .'o. Ji-n:i 'i ttii'l 1 1 . tin Ltiiu A m ic icii' J) , Pi ie( ec:.'i'. 1).- L:ii.ctt'b' .luii'i co .ciiedy in c .(' . i In In ' All.es. M. i. in: :i.n, Inc. . ' a Pr.),-:cii:ivc 11 din . y , ii.i r;'ii!'..s i, I Ii'tl. M.o lie.:, Ill d ud ill. l a-1 oi.-ii.g mil di ! in at ion e! .!:o cyc'ifi v. hero rti.:r aiinii is r.-ipii i I. Ilcv. 1':, Il 'i.l.'domcw'i Pii.L Kx; lehTut't ?vrut'. I ' l!e , re i i' Ci.i.sna ;.'i.'i , A - thn a ,''..:.;,.. Co'J:. v';: l:i if ::iid ...ht .'wuis !X;.pe,'0.,i-. 1 aoi l;i tl.o side t'.e. ivc ..' :r;' ')',-it 'vc! t! o hair a !; .t tifni iil.;-'j ted i'n inn it to i ".."! my o'.'i.t i'd. ii :."- ?t so.:, and uhi.iiv do o ii 11. A hi. in j' hli's jv.ii' ci-iin ih'iii 'i.-s ni the it- I'll it any ia.iv 01 l.ia Oil; . i.d tied tiu-.-o italii.ic.i. j uat.iiH, tl. money v ol be lefmnii d ('m li-. n . 'r i . .. i, A,,.: J- 'i i.e i.bo.e narr . i irtieles r sold (h niiiiin in lids i i V bv C. ' . 1. V Co, 21 Comtl-oidl-slreet, and' M I U'J 1 : ': K ELSE c V pt r ! their euuntiy en ninr's lleioeiiil r tal.e this dire, tion willi y Ml The i. to 1' i ' In be hid i;. li,:. ) I ii r(!i':i!ii I...'.. l;l..oi-,i'diinr:. .li.bn .t'o-.e. ;.i..viil. iVallfr iv eo. Ilrni ielt. .1 il'n Iin.-er, V : ! I t , :' oi,:.' r, 1 , 1 ' I.V-U--V ' , ;.'( SHI.l.li .lit i J. je t ie .. ., I the . .-. M L lb III I7.'i; v. r,- rd a f i, - ,'. NEW ARRIVAL AT TUB ITZVr BVILDIITGO. L. IV UUFKllT, cT U AVINfi' disposi'd of his (Vst slock nf goods 1 Inn jn-.t r.'eeived li ti.r heller and nunc spb n hsiil ni'iil suit i! b: to ihe scii.-aiii, con. listing good a V'.uie'y of CIoI'im; SiiHliuti, 1'usr.lwfnx fiii'l lVffiii, lor Men's wear, ns can he had al any other nl un it! 'ho county all kinds of V.'.-, Cnllaii, I.lii,trii, li 'mil 1 11 or Il'or ti'ii cloths for Ladies' use Ilats, Cap:;lhin rimllhiik iloota and .-"-hoci, very cheap,, ben. des a huge as sortment of (;ivlJCLTi!l',S, IIAIi'DWAKK, GLAS AM) IJ U Eli NSW AUK. Hid iii fact, ulinost every thing tliut can be found in any other stoic in the county. Liidiei'ing that a nimble sixpence is belter than a dull . lulling, he w ill eonlinue lo sell his goods ut u small advance, for ready pay. lie therefore in vites all to call, feeling ussuicd tlut they will be sali.-l'n d with his priii s. Aov 1.1 A' K W tl O O T S A N D siioi: STORE. ft 1 ilir; tmi..v:i;er ii illfnrius the pui. lie that he has opened a SHOil 3-. tS'I'OHE at llic lower M end of Main t'tieii, Alumni-bur:?, at ihe store foiiiietly wciipi ed by Tj, LiltZ win-re he intends to keep : ei in r al assortment of shoes and bonis, for men and woinens ware, which he will h 11 as low, if not lower than Ihe same quality of. moils ran bi-boiii;h' ill (hikindiiii rounty. Ho will also mr.ke to ordei all kinds nf hoots ami shoes, ut -den l notice. 11 av ii:g de'ermined to sell low, for a nnall -uM he ri'spcc'l'tilly inviiics thosn who aie in waul ol any thing in hi.) line, to i r e linn a c.ll. .N.li. All goods bought i f m e are warranted ta bo as recomiiiCiidi d. W. P.IrifSEL. Nov. loth 131L Mew oed3s i VJ9 WM. M'JIUA'Y Si CO. PI ' J""- i. ""'I ' '..in n. M Main tlieet, a large and extei : iv e a on nilll. .tiL.t .n. n .... I i I . .,..!.. OlCIlt (ll fall Wl'.iivv GoU- winch added to then -former slock, renders il r. 'vripletj us call be fmud in the couutiy. A nmig il.cii . jry Goods; may be found coarse and line !lr ; bdo'li, i f all .'oloi.s, Ciis.dmciK, Sa'tiin Its, Oilcans Ch-l'i,!' ill's of ail ipaalities, and of the newest pai le, n .. Crape Debiin. s, Muslin Delwine.:, (Vupe de Mxenf a i.ew name) Ciudiuierii, lb-nun t 'eb i I, Shav. 1 1 ilk und Cotton Hands ii'hiefs. and Cotton 'so, (.'love and Mits, Linen, bii .n!:id s,iid brown ..illen Slice! ins:. Hatsa'id t.'.ip i, M n oeei.; calf M.iu. and I'uiik 'mi!. i an I i hocs.l.idia liul lier .- lio.'s ai.d (J.i iidloes. c; c. Vc C, L ASS, QUFHsir.nu: .i. goo:l an assortment 't cm be fmin-1 in tin country, tocuther wi'.li all kitnhs of et l-'arilu'rii-war.1. V'.sorlinent in-t n-!in jf every ihoi In. in at inelior 10 c.iiii! I ni in I llic, th"l :i l.n ii.i r (;r nf.cliniiie w.iiu.s to lis,', i ri f 1 u 1 i " I'mmd liar, Sheet niul ilnu! li-on.'stiitablc: Inr w ni, tire or any other ii -c A larjr; (jn-citity of Ccib i tin,! Piiv I'ail-i a'lil Tub... li iske-l, of all s:. - if;:'.. Cfler and 1 r i -s Keit'es, nil kin 's ol l it! W'l.lC, SI0VI5 pij'e, iHl'l I.'ppiT 3li'i Soil Leather. l'iit what is the is. so in p-iitieul irismii, h. Iianlly roi tnlicle in their line em In; a.-kei for but what ihvy can fnrni.-h their custom or for pirimpt pay , or it) all kinds (if linn 'icr, atol eouirrv pridu"(! Nov. IT), 1 I ."i -::) fT K Ii h'.t d.i-. - i.f... :,!!-j-'.'V ilot I,. ,..iSO,',. !, !.,, ,,, V:,:...,..,., : ai :v i ; ;i. si'i' I. la . 1. i, - i t in M.ji.t !,ii.' li!'jli'''C4-:o-;.u tl.o C-.vc I,, ii...-. i u'l it . v ni .a i '' ni : t.i. 7 IS l' III:', ifc'i'V di a ilp'i' n, v ;; I e lo ; t on 'hand for Mil' .1 UliOLLoiAl.ii .. i i'.T.MI.. Sl!!:b,T l!ii!N Mainifai luif d ;.i.t ; .nv f . :n r ip. iii 1, s'l o ii i'il'i.-v f r.i! i?.es kept e.-;t:i tuti'.'y vh L ou'. -Ivio H u i : L -i'i t i v v.h'r. Ueh.g ,ii !'::! Ii.r 1 to do lo:':'";' m i'v t:-:i-l .vy, in :', i i i -i.i I-, -i :,: !.. . i.urele.' e tl". '.' ! "S 1" v. ii ! !i :': .;.'; :" "i his Iii 0 : : l.ciip us y c :i Le p.ui. ."il.i he ei ..lite. P. ,l. Lirii. t-t-pr-.-r:.! a '.0, m:. ly-i. rlT'.! iiUI.-;r.lici a.; . tt'iidi :'.vtue; llio fit li j ti'.at 'ij 1 d.i n the i In p I. ai !;, i ( i i'u .' v P. ::. i!a;. :,-:', n! lb- If-vi i ei. I i'i' Mail e! si ri . t t,!n. a.: '. .: i; v. 1" n he ii.n idn carry i;i ei. I.e al . ve b.i i.i ;d! :f I i;nn i.od Miheii ;. ha e of the i'tr..i::.gc i.l ll..' .d.i...-. lo I'o ii.i'i tit.ii w iili 11. a uoovt I is. in.-.-, I.e oiii n 'ns ;:ia j. i'S lis Uii UNLiiiiTAKF.U. i r will llle .ivs ;. ..!.; t., CO!'i ! . S It ' ': .- '-,. li e in n iien I . I'.-i e -b .10. (dill hi.- .,'!;i':. o .1 la. in - ni : 1' d biiie. 1'.'-,- I'll a ti"d L i . 'i.' be v.;'l aitend Willi i i.t.thc Puneial willsi.i.t a.o. I , ' I a I 1 1 . i ' ' ' e, jt::i:; HiTT.ii1- 0 rT Ti Tl tlvVAcy T.ciMlcnhall. '1 J! WE jiisi received at their old stand corner bJ i of Alain mid Maikel-stieets, a new and jilenaiil as urlmeiil i,l P'lll or!fl V?Tirt C? nntlc t .uinnu wiiilci u-ooas, vhi' h thev oiler us low us lin y can be purchased i ni the county. Among ih ir u-suiimtut maybe found, Cloth, Cassimrrcs, XuHinrtls. Satins, Silk, Sik r-lvvt ami other ,,tm s',,c , i ' of l a injrn, Cashmere. lr,,e. I)rI.atnc,Muiii dr.t.innea. ihcnnijcs, ,'l'a'iai''-in, J'araaiettu (a new un cle) (ling- limns. anil every variety ol rriiits lii (; J- ; to v;.,; cenls per yard. j GFJSS iSD QUE EX II" 11! E, uimytE, .Sails, round, bar and sheet iron, liar niol sjiruitf .led, stove pipe, i tits, caps, mi-n's and v-ooousj thin and thick boots ami i In n; e c. ie. in ..lout, II "ther aitieli-a n.'.ndly kept in a cimi-oy store, ail of winch tiny will aell in eichanj'e tin a.di m i-oiiiltry proiluep November 1.1 A FACT U01M il K:0V. 1 .NO. A ir' i' i lc in h n of a sernfiilouj hiibu, be "iiiiie hIIV en (I vviih Uo'i r iiioiisof inu Tlirci ..nil .Nose, and a il.s loi'ctablH kihI iroiible. -oine di.easi" of tl.o skill. Indeed his whole . t ..... I,,.... 1 1.., .... ,-L a ..i t.iti ,r s a I n r a if'i! -io 1 ... ....p, 'villi disriiin'. One hand ami wri-l ver s much uili-eli i ih il he had lust the use ol lu: hand, every part In in rove red will deep, p .i"f il. and i llVnsive U leers and hi hand anil wrist wcras Indlirv and poroti ss a lioiii ) con h. h w .is ut Ibis H'on o hi eoinj laii't when draili appeared ii.eiil.i b'e from a lo itli.voiuo disease that he enm i.nn'cd the use ol Javxk's Alti;i:s.tvi:. mil liavii't; taken pixxen bottles, is now t'l.RFia i ly ciiM-d J'uJic Ledger. This a LTl' UN ATI W operai. s throti"! he cir.'ulatioo am! pnrili"S l!ie blond nm er iil.eal..i ili-ease of the Skin, (.'sneer .Scrofula, fi'iitre, Liver Complaint, Dys yi isi.i, and othi r Chronic diseases, is truly istonird.i.".;'. lVpa.nl oulv by Or. 1). JAYMi, No rjS'Mitii Ttiiid Strcei, l'hiladelphia, Th" above JM e-il i ci ne are lor f-jlij l.c .s'oic t: f JOHN R. MOVKU. 15!oo:i.sSurg. J. ) VAnnuSLU'C. fTTI-0S leave to inforct the il.b!io, lino ilhu i.s j . 1 1 j i r 1 1 tDal'etn! to all the o;:er " Htions in dcntisirv, surli 3 rt'tnovini: 7' he. Tiirlur am other Foreign Sub stances. From the teeth, renderiii! tbrm p'ean, am: the 011111? and brealli .-"'ei.t ami hi -ahliy. 7'hc cavities vf Decayed 7'e th Will he drcssO'l out and filled will) Cob r other loi!; of tin: fim.-i quality, m '.'to 'ise i:inv requiie, whi.-h wi l jitiiralK irevnil their iu hiiii nr fiirlhi r dee.iv. ami render tin m uvclul lor years; and in i:i ani it - c si dnriiio lil''.' 7'eeth und 'Ituuijis nf Teeth '.Vhii'li have liceiiiiic - h s;- oi troi.bb.'iiomt vill be extnetcd in iIsp most eaiili.l loan i'T. '.villi lln) lutes i and 'n M impivvt d n.- s; ruin en :s. Tl ' ' 'II i I ore. latin i cctn, liolii' best ri:,,!i'y ml i i : e t i n "ii vr-mrn' till he in-ir'eil on jiiv.il, or fin eolllif eiion villi Dr. V iii. i'di imp. v: ith whnm In- i i. p ili-ni-l 1,1 i:i pd.i : uoih) oil I'H .1 plan iVnin a sine'e to "ill to a ul'cii: si ', to Iiml is well as ihe n-iOiral . isi.d w-rr.i.:ied ti ins'.eer till ihe usi !! aiiil n. ii, .i.Mitai j-i.r oo.es ir;iiinsi'il by ihe ml. l;l lmt ;,t Vi I V opt r::lli;f. In ! ' I i : l' ''i ,irnfei-si.m, will piili'iuii'd in the !) nntiiii r. ;;li cb. iscst ir-a'eriul, and nl iht .hut U st n.'itiei!- Hf- lln fire bop. s, l. tricl alten'ii u I'i l.ttsioesSi to oblain .J slrir' il ptihiie itr.iti-'..;o. A'.y perHnii r j-o:-ihm h i- !:;!!; uitv of tiie ..hove i ' 1 1 a i . i . ;i, i oi i nn I, ate ri-spi cd'oiiy ii 'iiii'sii il ii live hi tl i e ,'b N. Ii '1 !;" tiublic are bt r.' ' v I. f r.'.n ih.l we the soil, rribi is ! .v enli in! inf) ii..'i 1 !' ,i"i"i;-!i'p r- l-:n.r oi !v to .!..:.' voik :s ii i 'i.";o ei tivi . i .,: 1. r r-ii'ii toj. itlen.t 1. 1 l!:r: in, r ' ..m ..' s i.t :..e micj.i II bis! 0 vVh :-..-c,.,iHt. A. VALLiiiiiT! WW ,1. II V NDF.USLICK. Mount r:--a.i.l, Nov t .h. 1813 3ui. i::;r:'ii Ejxr.vi-is.i.. r r ' '1 r t , s rv J :'lv h .i J V y I I! fTi'l I.LV.iif..nrt..e j.ul Vi - jhat hf : ' ' I ,.:i.t;, - c . ,., , ..;,, I1!" '!;e.;ist-r' ill V:,;l,, ! sin, f M.ii V:n. Kilv.. ".', e le eld al-.va-.'i If 1. v.lv to :;:. imv l,l;,d il, 'olhlnn, ai !!' ,t r.itucl ai,1 iii ill" t r i and most i'.i. hiot..ii ! sf. ie. I n. u: -s'-n . ei-prrli-i n in t''" l'l!,ili!- , ' lie lUrrr-i i. n -. IT il, it be -lii'l i eiiti'ii'.c to i-t-.c gi'lii lal s.-l illation and then by hojes to receive a i.l.are nlibci ; ,il lie initrnii.-re. o"' ' '.'irlicl'1 : Ull-tlli. ; .1 ( . I'lt'l:. Ti l.li.i'.s of euni.tiV i.rodi o n.iii n ni ; ' lent, ' j L.!i i:!iir:r. Ai'r H li-'LI. tf-15 j EJulc if Jc!", I le ' '')'. Uii'eiL .-,. !!, '; i.Vi r-.-.-v:,7. i vVttil 'if :i I. her. bv f..:t L'! - of -' -i-J lillnl-.ll jll ll Km ir ; ; a: .. , 1. 1 u i ..i Oe , ll.es 1 vr.l i - li' ii.,, i'i I- i '- ,!i. ;iri , k t . . .vo-b ; . . A'i In i ''! I if to I I A'i ptiS'l.t O.iiliei lo o, E.e.l He no l.cu-bv mil.' 1 " i "'' l.i.i.lt ti..le I a. r, i.e nl. and ell ili.ov ii-'ii"! ci :l isno o ijiie.-l.a t I ... i ...t .; , . .l-. I.l Oil ill 'I ; I n .Oiii in ' ' I -'iin r-i;v.i.i:R, v.n.r. to fai:i:nts iiritiiiniMie In it c f t.. ;i Jyjy apeeily euie for 111 ii-rhe, DvM-ii'.r"', ll eia .VlorSiis, Summer Cuiii.iiiits with ll.iialrei mid id! derange! it of ii,t. st.jriaih und la.wel cau.-iil liy imprudence 01 euor in diet II Irw el- fectcd cures in the wr.,t ra.i s of ihese i IninU even where bone bail o.-t fled simlein d ll teinlei loliiiil from uii esily grave, and rilled for ,:Sll,""il11"11 'il has saved the child' The pro- ,i.-t..r . t h.,h ri,!lt.illt. i,.Chi,c tonit is sonic, hii.g which he bus used eMensiu'tv in nrivalo praeiieu for a liuniln r of yeai.v and lnliers he ha saved many lives by iis liuielv use Every nerson ' ""' :ll.',,h,'M' ''"" I 'vims, on: iminrl to try ,Z , v u"' "' Bl'-'h 'h ?';ir","" '' i,tt,rclicf' , an .nets cniiiiniiiiic; lull direoiions and ceill- , licie, ...,,,,,, ,,l(.u ,,, I n p..,ed ..uv a, , .vu,j, -j-iirj stroit,fhil- idlpbia. ' 1,1 HhovcMediciiie tre for safo at i Lo .' I'i of 1 1 1 1 1 V l Mnv i.' i ii'ii'i it. inn i tiit, f ! 1 0 C m .tH ri. .. - r-, A Migta'ay fj c.rrJ?. j; . ' jfS C'AMH into 'he eiutlr .HAV of the subseiibif same vv lZ&iStS .-iuec. two year old liri osnre 2 weeks indln j- I l.hlv, hud A 'l vc-ir old black anil wbito -prini UI'.IM'.I!. Tin: owner is requested in prove piojierty, p.y eliau'es and take licm away, or they will be sold according 10 law. ISSACAR EVANS. .Montour, Deei inbet 5, 1 8 "), 'nliUliAS my wife hntinir ,ft my house, in r otsei"jiir'iii (. ,, ,.r (1, rantrrment fmiml, all per. ois ate furbi.l trusting her ni my areooni, as I shall reluse to pay any i bis of In r eontraciiiij' l en ufirr, as I am nl limes w.lliri to ".ive htf a good tupport if she n (tiiiitis at Loir e, it: ',d nn Oranrrp tnwnshij', Nv, In -,-fl,Cr' ME into Ihe enclosure1, of 'V7i- ? iJ 'v1'-' ii!-er about four week fjfU s""'(! " two ycais old; red MliU'T.i:, some w bite in her foio :uiid. '1 in: ovmii r is ii.pu.-i.d to pr, c jiroperty, ,i iy charges and take her aw: y )A.Sl::l. KEIN'ERTi rriitie hwvn.sliii. Oil, I 1 H I IJISS01 IJT10N. Til !,'i ropirtiii rrsliip ,c -retof. ro existing older ilit: li. ;n of A r-nf ircni" & Htiaes. in he roue cnititiir liii-i;'ejs, is, hy mulunl (!0lliL nl Ji.-soi Vt'd F. AUVRTROXO. 1'. 11 ft: IlKS. Nov. 1-1815. 32 A IS 2 S.I !U YAK3J. T1IK litisinpss will be rontiinipd py ihe -u'lsrrtber at tbf tdd slam!; where may he bad al all limes. MoyrM:s7X tome-tilers, TOMll-S Til.XES, HE. IR TIF J.I Mils, MJSTLES. IVJST S 7' OSES, M ELL EES, Lc. or .v;y other woik in Ins liiip. lie is d.-o preparod to inrnisi WINDOW CAPS md SILLS, DOOi: SILLS ;,,i1 STKPS, tij (-jibt-r of Mii.ble, Litne to- any kind of stone that e.'iii be prociireil in ibis viciniiy. i! "' il iviii; hail "ni)sii!ei;i!i!e txjerienee in tiie hr.-.im-s s, iie jdedpes Lii wmk to )c exoeii'rd in as handsome a -l le as fan the ily or ei tiiitn ; and on :is r.-asi tialde it rn:s. lil'IIKAlM Ai:Mr 'H;0.(i IMnnmsburM,, N,,y. 3, itil.'L ly 28 AD iMNISTUATOU'S N( I IC!-,. 7'he Estate of Thomas Fahiur, late of Fltiot.'i township dn-'d-NiiTK'!-; is brrebv "iven l.'n.t letirriof iiiiun istr iii'in on 'be above iiirnlioiird li, il.". have bo mi pf; rit'il in the Mibsci iht t , iviiii; in lilnoin in ,i n-liip. All p.ei.soiiM ii;.!i bo i tu p . id i s:,,;c are in rihv muilled lo iii'ike i"i i edi, iie pavuienl ::i:d uii the so nvii -f ! -mis are ri ri:e?til to prectnt V iiiiih' nlii'iite.l In ( iiAUi.rs iii.i'i i:v, .:'i! ilii nl itentof. Nm. r., lo I'J'J-C.W 111 alOl';. U) i'Tt l.NOT TO lili OCT BONK .-;. H' .. .. ,vr,, ..,.,,rv1, Til i'. illiib i i:i'l'd I. i' u g taken the shop fornn rlv . j "i i by .M:.i.!nil Silvettliern, nosl l'-.-'!"( dui'iV informs t! e publie llml , , o V iiitnnl lo carry on li c ab. ve l i intdi Oi !it:sii'c,s und w iii at all lim' s I " i-. .! lo di) W)ik a it'.'lo belli r ai d ebciper i.'i an tii.y other I st .bl-.sli'iielll ill the j !;. r, : e, l,( y j'1"!"' ''V bv stiici iii' iiii'Oi io I i sue., i.i aient ' ''t'" 1 ' " : I ' -" . Ad k inds of conn'ry p'oincc i.l.fi e'l liai'gr. for work i; lb'' '" H"l ri lun.i " STF. 1 ' i I I'i N B'OiiST. IS.(' SAN'l'I'iii, ;.,nkJ.,,rij ;.e ', I0.1HI5 " .. y-X 's''"'''.- T.7 - V""-'''1'. -J"1""""., " .T .'.'" , """.V"'".' ',' , V'" i."! K'.iUi" ..i. ii... ( o!.l. S. il A (.1). - " ' i. ;.;,: hi , .a. i.n-.ie", i L . I..1I.I l ?! : ' v' u s. y . ,n K:.. i ;. a ;n, ., .: il i ' i . . ;;n,; i .-, i ' . t. i ..ii . ..i.i; t: - .. i . i ii,:,,. ,s l.,.' jll..n tin; i. p.r. . ' 0. i-v i.tiit. ta'i.ia, I,, .1. i.e ;., . .:,,.: -a i i ti.cr.l in.d re; . ,. :l...,e .,!' tl., i ....... 1 , i ........ i . . . , j ' "' - ' i . n , i . a I II. Kao , i:.;i. m ii.ii.A.s Ki:i): TO Y lid Nr. lu'.ri cc, i ;-.-. i'e :.j All.Cbt nil, Y: lo-ll'-f J M;.v ,!:'. Is