The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, January 24, 1846, Image 2

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    "thi'th i r"''i' r run "
. .;.! i j. r.v..; n v 1, i .
;Y,. f. w :.;! if ''MAIiUW MINKI,'
tv j f at of .Vj itmlug, r.M h.iIu
A x;'unb! a ii J inli'ifstin lino!;.
1 iiij u i i c al tin. Ullkc.
i m ro i ta y r n f. w s f u u m k i:
JJy iJio irrival of tl ln'p Libeity
Hin on, four tliys It'T rn-wi h h en
received fioni London. It immunco
the resignation of S.r Uobcrl Peel ami
th entire (o, mniion f a new cihinet.
I Im new u minuitant. nuliucally -
well as commeicinlly.
This clnrge of ministry' has crea'ed
great e xei'ement in Unshod, ihs meas
ures j no)oped by tlie late Cabinet, ilu
o;enin;r, ol'tlie poit, nd the extension
of ,i moiB liberal commercing policy:
were deemed, to ba ciseniially peac
ipr .urn ' upon the existing relations be
t... - r. (irtat Iliittain and the United Tho attempt to curry tliee
me-aMiren through has caur(i the dissolu
:;nn alluded to, sod placed men wilt
new viuws ami new feeling at Ihe htail
i t all lira. Politicians will be. confound
cd by thejn" lligenee and speculator:! in
li ur wlio have been waiting in expecta
lion of the repeal of the corn laws will
be not a little astonished and bewildered
by the result.
The news by the nest steamship, now
)uc at Host on, is more anxiously expi-c
ed than ever. The public wish to as
certain ilie consequences of the dissolu
tion of the Teel ministry whether
LirJ John Kussel will ba sustained by
the people vhethet Parliament will be
dissolved and a general election take
place whether the Tories will te re
stored to power or the 'hg ministry
ba sustained and the corn laws be re
pealed whether the new minister will
bo disposed to make any concession oi
tte.Oregon question, or' whether 1'al
merslon will insist upon sustaining nation
al honor and dignity, are all question
which. though variously discussed at tru-
present time among all clashes, cmno
ba determined with any degree of cer
tainty until we receive further advices
from E gland. .The news, then, will
be the most important whi:h coul l pos
pibly com", and public anxiety is on li
toe to rcc ive it.
a. ui )i" . !
The ATew Orleans papers give 11.
pir's f:om Mexico of another Rvolu
tlon having been affected there in fiver
of the war party, and that war against
this country has actually been declared,
and that an army is forthwith to be sen:
into Texts If true, it is supposed to
have been brojght about by Uritinh in
trigite and management, to diaw our at
tention from Oregon.
Th9 Washington Union, noticing l!u
recent news from Mexico of the contrm
jilalu! revolution, says; 'We under
dcrstand that these statements are nib
fitantiilly confirmed by the official ec
acounts' and llien adds;
Rumor has j;one forth in the Greets
. of Washington to day, that Mexico his
declared war against the United Urates.
War may ensue, but it has not yet been
declared ,&9 farts weare adviturd. M-x
ico may be mad enough to rccoit in thU
tx'n-rnity, or to reject all our demand
forjun'ire, as they will probably ben.),
td by Mr. Slulfl; The reeuit uf such
course on her part tray crrnpell us Is:
rtsoit to m ire decisive u.caHirps !ur cb
loing j'ls'ic!!.
The Ifarrtrx Trngerdy Ccte auln.
In the Supreme Court of New Jersey, m
Friday. Abner Parke's cnuiiBcl moved foi
his di-t.'liarge frfm tlie iwo ir.dirtnrenis ye1
remaining, charging 'him whh brii eon
cerned in tlie nuinlcr of the (Jasiner l'ani!y
The Court stru-k out ll. c wurild 'frum hi.
vecof U'.z inee ,' but refused to mid the word-
from the tw indictment, ' leaving it mrif
ply 'that he be discharged. ' , No rpiniui
was rxpiessed by the Cmirl wiieibei it. i -
mounts to a diarliarjie fnini the ,idirtiiif i.i
or no. A motion was then nisrfi? on tl i
pari of the Statp, ilit the itidiritnents li
carried down in irial tit t!,e next Warrrt
Circuit, Tl.i motion vms .romptly reftfet!
Bo here the matter wiH pio'bly rnJ ',n
evtr, asi'iiuit Alner P..rke.
' A huge meeting of tho inondiora of the
nr, nnd ritiz'in of Culiinibi i oountv, wn
1 11 on tho Mondty cniiiiis of ('our'
fpk. J.miiary I'J h, lSlli al thr Coiic
Ihim' in Pinvillc, in relation to the nomi
.Ktioil tl ll til. liKOKHK t . V 001)VARI
v llm Pit Hidciit, 'is Jndje of llio Su-
niiiiic Cmirt of the I'. S.j w Iipii,
On d-oiion,, Sri:PiiK.N IJ Ai.nv wa
hoscn Pi i'idfiil.
fJeiir;rc Siriilh, Kn .Irani Drrr, and
!ol Valentine lint, Vich 'ri'Kidi'M an
('h;irl( s IWhitii and D IL U ,My ,r.(r
t ere lanes. i
U i reii(i.Ht, the 'iji-t (if ihe meetnii;
vw then milled, in a very ipprnpriati! man-
r. by K.Uard II.
O.i motiiiii nl (!imiI(m U Jlurk ilov, iIih
Chair appointed the foil iwiny giMitli-mn
ii a committee to report (tfo'iiiiims ex-
presiiive of ihe scime of iho ineettin
Oliarles It. Huckulew, E-q,, ll.iam U
Kline, 11. K. R'lodcs, II-r;ry 'Vebb, M E.
Jackson, Ef-q-. Uhnrlf Conm r, I). N
ICownover, 0. W. Morris, Il irmon I,, hoi
Smtiel Wilson, Peter I'.nl, L. CJ. Uickein,
Cornelius Clerkner.E" ,aml Jnlm
The C ominitlce utter rctirim, reportei
he following It fulitiinna, which went, up'
m vote, adopted unanimously.
Whereas, Tlie nomin mun liv ilie Pres
ident ol Hon, Gkiiroe W. Whodwaro fm
i Judt'eship in the Siijirume Court uf the
United States a no minaiion j.'Hin r ill v nr.
deniable to iho People of Pcnnsj Ivjnia
has lieen met hy unexpected an. I mn;riilai
opposition; we, the citizen of Colmrihi
oinitv, Ift'l called upon to rxnreM on
opinions upon llu; fiiijjct; Therefore
lieso'vid, 'lliiR lliis (neeiing hold in hih
psliinilion the lalents and virines of II, in
(iE'IROH W. WocuwARD, 'and believe i
placed upon the bench of Supreme
Court, he will bo an aula and upright
Judge. one wotthy ol the station, and
worthy to be a successor to the great ami
pure men who have dignified (hat bench by
their integrity and learning.
AYrjtfii.That in ihe nomination of Hon.
C. W. Woodward, the President of the
United Slates has paid a merited eo;npli
ncnt to ihe Norlhen Pennsylvania, the
residence of the nnminee;and hs exhibited
the usual sagacity distiiijjuiRbing his pub
ic conduct,
HesttlveJ, That although members ol
his meciiiti' itave had preference for nthpr
Pennsylvanians lo fid l)ie seat of Jndga
tnldin. thsy cheerfully acqiiirce in die
loinination made hy Did Prc-iidetit, mi'l
leanily endorse the capacity a:id eh inn er
of the iwmincw.
Ilesulce I, To u in thn judrTient of u
neetine;. PiMisylvania is entitled to lie hon
ir of filling the vacancy on lh bench oi
he Supreme Court, nnd that a r.on-cotifii--nalion
of Judgo Woodward, by ihe Situ
iie, would be an indignity to lliis State,
diroiigh ihe person of a perfectly coinpc.
enl and iiroprnarhaMe citizen
liusolvr.d, That the iKVuiti ii s nr (! a-
ainst Jud;;e VoPDWAito so fir us they
'iavo co:iiu o ilie knowledtre of thi med-
i n n, are rankly iiniiisi A; nnmerited; dpr
(lined by those who lirrnv him, and on
ivorlhy the notice of the Imn iniUj Si.-n ate
of ihe Uililed Slates.
Ilesohcd. That the r jr,ct'nn of a Jndjrp
who for years stood in the from null of
lawyers in ficrihen V nncylvar.ia' both
in practice & character; whnie judy ii'f-ni
has niece bM;ii matured iiii mi the bench.
ind wlnise integrity h nnsnperted, wcuhl
be vitttiHlly lo pronounce judgment sjainsi
any nom;n''e, not a city resident, nd i.
nspectiuily protCBteil agauwt by tins meet
inp. flrnolvrd, That the proceeding'' cfth'
meKiinc; be published in the papers of ihii.
cntiitiy, ami that ropies be forwarded to
h President, our Senators in Congress,
md i) the KepreeenUlive Jio n this Dia
irict. '(Signed by the OJJiiCrs.)
Galveston pap5 1 r lo ihe 7'b ins'ani
have h'-pu received, lint .ml much of in-
'rrest is Imnid in them r-xrppt the ippor
hat the inhaLitanls of Lorttlo, a ilit-xi-
ean town on Ihe Las'ern IiUik 'd Ih'-
llio Grande, are anxiotia that the Uui" 'l
Ststes lio'j'r! nt oncu (X3rc'ic j iris tic
ton over tlirn. 7l)fy h-ive st.fTei e '!
ntieh fi (.in Indian tlppridatioos, him!
ui it towards 'lie An-r ei" for picj c.
ion. The nccounl fruni S t,..i; ,
Brntinfi. I. S in ,1 t:0'iii and other V -'(-in
ti wns, would i idicate n ex raordi
ar, deiee uf pio- p"! i i v an I n im
Ofti'e incrcaR of popnh.iion, T'.cr
ve;' ti, 'y 'x or v-i bundled tn'p-
il Mat,atl)i.l o, r.od Ol 'v H i, VV hiVi1' ,!
t Moiit'-i c y. ,iis'i r-ni'iins in I
hsciendi, nrsr Mo'itrr'y- lie is v:"c
il with nvicli by of tin
diiors at Pcldi. Tiny havo clmrj'-d
mi with i. - li ii'y to iho An eri
atiS nr.d ;iprii., l.ini (f having enriched
iimscdl liv ?cl!iri! iwovisions Hi tin- Uni
edSat(t Ancy. A I r c flick of
heep was (linen liom 'ho K'o Grar.dc,
i few tvci '... since, md sold in ll.nAmer
can ciirti ., and l!:fcc i-ili;ois ty llu
heep belonged to Ai i-fi.
The new s pipers of the &uuih md West
ire coni diiiiiipn of the dcveriiv r fihe wcadi
rr. But what's ihe i,u ol ii?lcic!is don'i
f.Tv by i-Linpla r.irg
Saw - An.uher addnlon or tha kM. i
md Ml.'fi.-y m.-sisiiLr-r,' to llm d-o h o ,,.,.l
wardi ol 12 lcl,es1.vH. ,0Ucht.f,l lo us ;,..rAr',v'r r n:u:H , r J""N
i Ufii.i iy niii un I Wcdiies-I.iy Urn niikmt;
! tt;ij4 h ni Siii. rxcelleni- Siny .1,',
Cook, and, we wood, r if il is news to uuuy
icople in his uciiihilhulio nt.
The wifd (,f ,.K iiJV,:r,i ir Th .nn of
M.ryland I) is iiiecedcd lit obtaining a dd
cice ol ilmoii'c frmu her hunhand lie w
in old biehelnr married a young wife
md became ma. S,j ihey werj sepHra
i'd. Ill 5-"ff3y
Nr. M'Clure, Kx-Sccrelary nf ibis Com
iiiiiinvealih,.'aniH lo In dnth al Pic.hurili
on the 8 li int'"very sud dinly. In'passinj
to hi room in hiii bonding hoiiko in the
d irk, at a I ite hour in the nlhi, he fi-ll
down a back suirs, and it is sxppo-e.l
broke his neck by the Ml. lie was no;
diicovered un il Saiur 1 .y morning, us ihe
stairs were not iimni in the winier .pason
lie leaves a fundy ai Carlisle to niouiu his
tiHtiiuely end. Mr. M'Clure was a man ol
good education and line interns.
Last account., Mormon all quiet, en
dcavorn g in p.rsuade Sister Smith, (Joe's
wido'wj.'o go with them to the Calafornias
lie aas 'iNo. itiat vioman Knows
something. 1 1 a late leicr( sho say. ('and
il in no doubt, ihe mild a ing of a w il'ej
'I always thought my laie husband, on
ihe discovery of a Mormon Bible, a little in
sane, 'Many ohicra tninks lie w good deal
Soiivthiiis Xeiv, TIum is a lrnnirt
dley fined u, on tliu ice in St l.iuis. Tue j mere wasting of lime, and whistling to the
iiirface of ih'i ice is ilia alley, 'in couple of. wind, in talk about raising a military foice
posts are sunk through, Si asheel of s iroiig until our conscience is clear from the obli
cativass s'.retehtd bettvveii them to stop ilie gallon of the convention,
balls, just bi fore which the pina are S"l.
The Oino Akron Democrat gives the fol session. . It will only Im saying to (Jtcat
lowing report of a trial in thai village The : !Jriiaii,;aftcr negotiating about Iwniiy years
Ptrkand .!illerilPS have some queer notions ahum this matte r, we do not choose lo no
anJ practices, to s.iy the least 'Uather a 'goliaale any longer, we shall lake,
oinical tria' look place last Sa'tinlav before jsion of what is our own, and then, il m ati
Mayor Chamberlain of (the late) Kev, J. it. il,f- qmition what is our own, you wish
I). Pickands, of the Second Adven tCliurcli to ''negotiate, we will nicniinte nnn
charged with asauli and battery in kissing you picas". ITe may negotiate after we
ihe wife of Lyman Green and washing hrAlafa;i. Mmh laughter I'lia
feel, against her hii'band s will. L. V.
Bierce Esq , onnsid for prosecutor, laid
down the I rv very eleaily, and Mr. Pick
anils not only admitted the fsctj charged,
hut j'is'.i!i;-d hi ii '!!' en ivnilnrd grounds,
so conclusively, dial the cafe was dismiss
ed, riiost) w h j ai i thai chur.:!i will tin
d rsiand tint it i.s on the pmi e-ssive pr n
At a meeting of lite Cabinet, a few d.i.vs
v' il is said it was',rd to in;;l;e prnjio--fcU
for the boil ding (if ten steam vosi Is, on
iha !-nv i plan. The vessels to he built
hy individual'. :;ud ustd f n commerci'd per
urses; i'i (''' rninen lo advacce a poni-n
of the I'osi, for which it will hnve a lien on
lie vefscis.and in rasp n need t. lakr t'lrm i 1 ,i 1
... . ii- 1'hf si n: d iy 'iv an,!) i-s lor u as ir;-
eniindv lor govi rrini". it use on relinili'.g ...
. .' , . . , ' -eeived ill Vienna I eoiuvd .".iihi i widi o v
, he w hole cost, nr s;n h poi iion ;u may tj,
. ,. . ii. .i -i .armt. .V laugk I So msiimc i;n
right; ih" ie-?' Is tilso to eanv the io.i;N, . "
..... , , ' .... . . :,iie vi rv d iv his armv ni'i r-d SiVs.a, hi
while in the mi rchnnt fervu e. llnsisnoii
i lV:'.r fn(.:tsor(. toil n nln i.Lrrrirt.r ilir.
nails as provided t'.n last winter.
Ilricut.i from tin Grave. Tim New
uiryport Advirlis'T s ays that a .ir. Snnit
lately fcliiiped from a w a j; oi.
it XV J;
stipp ispd dif'.l sion afterwards; bin nl.ile
preparations x'cre rnskii'gf.r hi iutermertt
ind the corpse placed in th'j co!!io. the doc
tor, difcoxering that the in the ctiffia
lid was somewhat co"cred xxi.h vapor, to.;
'ds hiiiidUrchief for ihe purpose of remov
nig i:; but Ividmg that it proceeded from
die inside of the glas..he al once pronounc
i d ihe alive, toid he vers taken Iron,
his 'iia. r.) -v hotic,' and is noji1 as xvcli Bt
ever he v- as in his life!
Death rf a Miin'icr rj Congress Tin
(Ion Vv'm. F. TaVL n, a member nf thr
U. S II nine (f IJepuseniRtifcs died at
Washington on Saturday men. ing last, in
'unit qaciue of which thfre wns
.;i ei.her llouf.s on .V.n o.i last.
The edii.u ut'ihr Ncn Yoik Expre?;
!a bren Munvii o beautiful roem ol
culplorf. repri sn,!ng Dr. ranklin.
landing in h sti nnl af.iindc, xx ilh lti
thite cuii cied I. al under bis hfi aim,
mil a .-ni.'ll eioll in Ins ligjht hand. Tin
head, and (1 nving hai', represent Ihe
man in 'he most perfect inaootr. IP
ci aval, Coal, veft, shoes and buckh'i.
re in p i fed k-i ping. This bca'itif'i!
i"'Ce ol art (-'iy lite JCxpiess) h-s been
. xrciHcd '.vi'h a penknil in al, bister,
tiy a lad only about tonneen years l l
by the name of Uiehard jjnpby.
Piom Txanf it locmg prr;iy certain thin
Gci.eral Henderson is (IcckmI Covcrnor
nnd M.Mr Dune) l.iculcn i .x f :,t.,tr..,.r
-p, Vn'e I', .o-idcrit of Pixas, Gei- Durlei
,u;, is eleit..i! to the t'-ii'tc 'Si tiT.s.
.. t, ,,
lit'lM V Adah. Kinrious, i ci n say im more, uut.uil no- talkins here about rr-.i.!1'"0 6iven 1 am no P'T-J - vote any
mnnis of ritl,.incn.nd regiments of infant, v l'-liminr measure f a ...iliiary kind. 1
and stockade forts, and nanners and miners .
pontontcis Great Britain is mining In r steam
vnnels, rqnippinf her fi igate. and line-o!-baltlo
ships, and sending troops over bete
to tie ready. J wvuu vnni a rt nuliom
. m .. . .
jBi'rtj the notice nus dvv, if I biped that
a m 'ii , iri I if a f I ti m II....C n..l.t k ,.i.i..i..u,i
lo e ffecl the measure.
Ur Wextwkrtii here moved that the
ru'e. be suspended to afford an opportunity
for such a motion ; but the motion w as pro.,
nounced lo he out of ordor.
Mr. Adams resumed, 1 feel mvrell
e.ircelv authorized to hope thai should
be iiecesfiil should I nuke the motion
Hut for th I would have moved il on the
firsl day of ilie session. Becau.a I have so
profound a sense of the duly of adhering to
treaties, I feel debaired from the least aci
of hostility or eyen Iron) meeting hostility
manifested elsewhere, til! notice shall hive
hcen given. While our convention remains
I will vote no inciease of the army or navy
no for! or .to'kade, no infantry, no sappers
or miners. All must d. piind on that. Jf
this shali be mal the special on.'er for
Tuesday, I hope it will be arranged by tin
gentlemen who in mag thfl businnss ol this
(louse, that (lie qursfon wf giving notice
shall come i'p on the same day, and bhall
.be taken un before anv thin" else. It is
And il does not fdiow lout, if we give
oo'.icH, musiof necessity ba war; nor do.s
it even follow thai we shall then tike pos
is the military way of doing hueim s. In
creased nirrrimen1, When the (.real
I'.e I 'rick .tami) to diti i!iro 11 of I'nudi,
his fjther h ad pr ' jia o I and c flipped f r
aim an at ny i.f in huu Irt-d ihous-ia I nif-i .
i cling, (horily iil'u.i,m A'Htr:ai M i n s i r ,
;ho I ail'.T s iid to . 'Your lather has
jiveii you a ;rcat ar.riy;bni iroops iui
'cn the o. f; yours l.ive not.' 'Will
'(I',' Said Frederick, ' I Mil! cite them ae
iiipoi-'unit y to lire the w..ll.' IVi-ilcnck
ilo'ii added in his itirmni r; 'I had ."min ex
"client old pretentious lo an Au.-'rini pro
tince which some of my ,-iiici smr hi.
o'.vin d one or two hi.ndred years In fore
nod I sent an a lib a 's ,,l'ir to the l'ini:t n,
Vienna staiinj mv id.ii.n. ail pr.-scnt; , ;
gave iioticr to tin? (,; mrt ..f, t iirl the
omenlion for ilea j out occii;'.,i'ion of S.-
Irsia was ended. l.oud and pr.doroed
I say , I'lefcforp thai 1 hope tiie (i;
ticasiiie a lopted by ('ongres be to gi''e,in
die ;iost solenfi nnrtner, thi n.v.i.-,-? .
' Briuin which the treaty riqairps;
hen l! c roasi will he ilcr f.f tn ti d-.
a hat w c please,' li dupj not. I repsat, i
I op? r.nt follow as a ;i cesshrv eonscqe inc
ti it. I.eraiise we g'r. e tliis entice, w e rsuts1
' ike pojseevitni, ilinngh ii is tnv bo m that
ve shall. It does r.oi nece'sarily draw af
er il a wsr, end if Great Bnuiii yboosrs t.
lake eut-h notice as an net ol ho.tiiiiy oi
'itr part, and fnrtlnviih roinmerce hos;ilitii-
n. hers, wo have been t. .IJ thnt we shall
dl be bu one ptriy, am! (!.i I Ahrti'oty
rant that may be 8 d If it shall be s:i,lh(
var will have !pjs of those very exira irdi
nary terrors which my irifiid from Soiuh
Carolina (Mr. Holmesjlms noxv j ist dis-
oieied noiwiihsianding ihe r xtreme mili-
my propensities which he manifi sii d on
diis floor last yp;.r,
Thn genilrntan n as n moil valiant man
viin Tt xas was in question. Dm i shall
draw no more comparisons as to what ive
witnessed ther. and what we see now. Iut!.,e pilars ,!;,. ii,
tins J wi:inay 1 impe it war ali-ll
iome -which G id forbid, and of which
enleriain no fears alab tho whole cnuntiv
...... ... . , ...
will have but one heart ar.d one united hand
n.l oflhis I an. very sure thai in ihul.W , " 'I'.v ol
. p , ,i . i r xittary 1SK), by uiiutl Jvisncr )n.
(real nriiaiu will mil Ininj occupy 6,-efiin , r-, ,,,,, . , ., I
.. , ,Mr. Sajiuvi. M Chackf.n i.f Lbem
ur.any tlm.R else North ,;f (Lmacu line ,;VI. ,ljp 1() Sakah C.Mt: M-d'-
x.ics! Miisdiiini huh iiicipieni iniiica'ioits
if applause.) Dm if),),, will ,0 !
uce M.or.g , my hnrror of war and of all
'.inii.iiy "muii, cm, ii mere snouiii lie
tho breath ol life in me, I lions I shall he
willinj M go as fur a anv in makiu? any
'. ,,;,.. , .,
' ' " "MU' ""J
"Pr''. n.ay,giv,u no
lice ,-xiend our laws and our protection to
our brethern who hive settled al leaM in
that part of Oregon which is not claimed
II1 .ri.;i (ill'llil. nil ii.ra nufl IIU .tit tii.l.1
i . f . I. .
' ' .......
of 'mte"uS ",,r "riliy a"d ""U "r"
,1,,r " 0, IriHt. 1 lione ll'al siieli an ae
vi ill not he i lleiisivo lo (ii'al liiil iin, am'
that h will pot think of guiog to war
bout il.
The Wayne Cooo'v Herald, oihl sh
ed in the vicint'y u! C .i boi.da'e, u'Vn
the following ar count of il.n oi.i i --1 n j
accident in ihe ro il mines i ih .t pliec
O.i 71onday, n 'nintriise mass of s ip,
hI).hii i.even arret in fx'en', I 11 Ihm
I he roof of one ol the mines of the Del
lUMicand Hudson Canal Company, a
Cat hondale, upon Ihe xvoi kuno b- low
1 !w spot wl). r- the slati fell evas iiejily
a mil.? from the moti h of i hp? owo .
I'hrpp persona were -taken out si ii usly
iijuied, on" of whom, a boy, died sooi
il't-r I he accidfiii ; ( f tlie other, hopef
up poicrtaioed of tin ir rerovei :
Tlie boy who died xvi tiding a bors
si Ihe lime of Ihe acci h r.t, and is sop
pmed to ii-i ve b'-en killed by the fuici
f Ihe i lushing toxvml iti? mou'h o
he mine ilie h irie xvas also killeil.
The other ivo p rsou xvho were lakei
'il also inj iipi! bv ihe ing i
the air About one hundred anil li ly
men who ivere a! xvoik n.inii.g, sunn
distaore from the lice ol the aceiden1
iC'peil, hii, hoiiiolo lo relate, fifeer
pfisors, who ivt'ie al woi k propping
o;i Ihe niinis, xvcre ei'her criished in
' . 1 1 y or are xvalled in witbi ut any
hope ol ' b" ing rescued, as il xil Ink
votki In itrr.ove ilie immense mass o'
-Iiie which ha fallen in, and il yet a
live, will be cnmep'led !o die one of ih
(ii cist hoirili? of all deaths that of sin
vniiiid We hive been furnished wii'
'tii; names of ! lie ini.-sing prisms, fotj.--Iron
of whom have familus, I Ley area
ft) lie xvs;
A ii t hoi y "( Kb, il.rk lirpimo,Win
Cline. Pauick M iclo ll, I'a'i'ck L n
aid, lld ry Mmc, .1 uiti- MiGitb, Mi
chael Fa I in; Il'iity Ditorv, John Far
rel.P.iiiiek Wa', Peter Criwhy
.loho l!-ey, Hi-ii j .min William-, am
a Mia rd tx'i'low Hiei nin.
! aro nforirti'd ,i);iun ond aulhon
'V, that this aceider.t xvill not tctar.l tin
op r.i'ioii. oi Mo- coippany.
Oni' (.I l!i li.'ieen a'novc m c n I i o n fl .
howexir ha been I'oi lunalt: cih i j o 1 1 ii
e.-C i;(' lli.ii ji' ed , st I'i t-( ail i i C. i ceralioi
of lolly -ul:l Im u.s. Ii is Mr, Iloscy,
til". ( li'ei s. i r.
M '. II '! S.i S 'if Wis in X ) 2, !'
he ci ( uiim in an insianl. Tin
'oi. i! i im: t..xvn upon hi in and clost-i!
Up xx i It : ii tnif-o , .1, k;; opnli 1 1. (
I i':.' d i liar s. 1 1 - r nilliipd ('iei
.: I" nl up in llm dark, until th.
:u.'iv had done si ilii.g. IIn Inen work
' d a.v.y ,y m-niin; ihe loS: coal, '
i: tii '-te fi! in llio h'-adic.g of a chambei
A i lie found then a spring iln
'ml !)' ii iyi in by th.; hi e .ki"g i I lie
.(.nf, xvh'-ie b" tot wi'er to ilitt.k.
H" i i k ?d bis way Ihrougl
lie chin, tier to ihe head of No. 1 lo'e
.nd l.itin l it cl .'-ed, and also lha air
'"il 'I th id ice. Hi? then ere ir
o.'tk lo lb--, placo white he w.i fi ' s
"'iigln, o as in bp f.juud on trie m ti1
oid, if ho ciiM not cct out. Af'f
eoiisi lci mg iho locality ol the mini,
.oi. Is, Iik mai.'f thr? fltte'ttpt o xvork ln
v.iy liirought the column ti No. 3, ami
iei f(; n. i( iinui he go! through in'.
Ihu road and Idea got out wi'.huu; d ill
Silr, II. his not seen or he .rl of ar.x
of the l-l nifti that arc noxv mis-'ng. II
xvas alone. llu,?a)s t !i t.s r men were
afar ll:': place N". I, and aie shut ir.
pilher (Ifi-l i ridivp, at Hie h-a I of th-'
plae. .'ucrneii.i elf r s art; mikein
tu rt ach them, but it i not pribtM? lh-y
can hp got oui alive. Tliey xvcr.s I u
borer, vr.r j c . I in lip.ipini, and not (
ri'iaiolcd vv ltd the means of fli in g on',
like the ininprs,eveii if ttiey cuul I ninvi
it all. llr. II owes his ecpe
'a bis cool nnd delihrrito
o tiis knoxyltdii of the iiiter;ot o f iln
Thp rush "I air wis so crcal out of
No. Dial ih? itcpjons were broken in
io fiac'iicn ir, the whirls am! axrls even
were cMj-iiPil by Leing dashed ai-ninsi
' - u. w-L. J
M.7Ri:ir:n. o.i the is i. .in- of
j son ail tl Culiinhia County
Q) j. h ff fy ,
S)mUel KiM,er E q Mr. Co..r,r: Yau
ui;n to .Mus SaiiAii t ci.e all ol (i
wood township, Columbia Con i'v
iW.oD.u.iiinii,, Jan. !l, 13 10'
Wneai, l 00
Kye, Co
Corn, 50
Cloversepil, 5 00
Flixseed, l 12
Hirer, 15
O.ts. S!t
T.ll. .XV 10
1,11.1 7
In i d Aou'cs, 75
Wii l.e cans 1 00
I'. -.-xx ;u 25
no no :.
ii I'crehy (jiven, that I have iiurchnscd at Con
.slaliU) sale, as tho pruparly of 1'clcr It. Miller tho
I.. I w nj propcity, 10 wit
2 li d ti acla lieilsiiiiil bed n J cad utovo and pipe,
I linck neiulils, t haricl of oil, C chairs,
I corner ruplnard, 1 tnlile, 2 xvlieclbarroxvs, 1 'ono
i.urni! wagon, I two lunar xvajjon, 1 cow, I cutting
o.x, I set of tiing'c harness,
mil Inive li It the Knum in hi possession during
uiy pleasure, and hcruhy fcrbi.l any p rmiu taking
ili"iu limn him, ciilicr by ur otherwise,
tvithuut my ciiiiHcnf
rii'l .Ti U. MILLER.
Jutiuury 5-1, 181510
8 hereby Riven, thai I havo purchased at Con
stable tale, ai lie properly ol I'elcr R, Miller,
Ilie 1'iilloxviiig property, to xxit
1 lay mine, I bay liorse, I set of double harness,
1 funning mill. SOU nhcuvcM of rye, I J tons of hay,
'iO yds of carpeting, 1 mantle cluck, 1 Comer cup
hoard, I bureau, I rocking chair,
and have lel'l ilie sam? in his possession during
aiv pleasure au.l hereby l')i in I nay peibon taking
ih'un from him, either by urchuu or othcrwiuo,
without my cunsenf
January 21, IS 18 10
N0 71CE.
TJ"8liercby fiixen, thai xvti hnve purcb.avrd at Con
9slable sale, an the projeiiy gl John tho
fniliiwiiig properly, to wit:
txvo xvagun nnd cal lied, 1 Rled, 2 bay
horses and harness, I cutting box, .-1 cradle and
s, y ihe, 4 loads of corn fodder: 4 sheep: cno half
uf Ht'vvii iicies ofrye in ihe ground: '.wo slvoats, 1
wheel barrow, 1 gias Fcythe and pnentli,2 shovels,
1 stone coal stove slid pipe 10 Inhcls of potatoes;
100 lbs- dlpnrk; 2 mea 1 1 ubs; 23 hmht-ls of corn;
2') liiishela of oats; one xx riling do. k, 1 chest; 1
ii. alii:? el ck.
and have I. fl (he same in his possession during
aur pleisinc; ami hereby forbid any person taking
ilium faun him; cither hy purcha-o or otherwise;
xvithiiul our consci lit.
n.ViMKL SATDril & SO A'.
January 24; 1 y 16; 40
1 hereby warn I'll persons not to purchase txvo
in tcs i I Iciiid, daied I Gilt uf January 1;!4C; (or the
pi m (,f 10 dollars pnch; payable omc on the tC'h
i ''el nil ay next; md (tin nil ll:e I G;h of jVarell
and .-it;iieil by l:e ml n i il i r. I Lo M-id notes having
ben irau leaiiy obtained; I iilmil rtfuje to pay the
f.niie unless coinpillcd by law.
J. A V.? AS.
January 17, l.'Cfi; 40
An p!e expericeco has proved that no
cnnihin tiun of mcilicine hii ever been bo
flluctnal in i( .noviiijj tut' aho'e di-'tnses, as
J.H ni-'s Lilt! I'leaervative. It has i fleeted
-iifi s tin I, ,ne he en truly netniiit-hino;, not
iiulx i.f (Saucer nnd other d;-eie nf that
chi-s, hu' has! ri'iniiVf) ihe n.Okt siuhbnrn
Diseases nf ihe. S', in, S iVi llil.iis. I)x spfpia,
it" xtc. 'I'liis ri.r alien i. M.iers n il e eircil"
.atiiin, a in! i r ulicali . ih.M.a.-is xvlicrevir In
c-it'd. It i iri,i -s the i:!.i,; a.a l other ll.iiil
d'llll? hid,', reillivs nh.s'.r.iuiun in th'
? lie.' of the :-' iu, and reduces en'arije m en 13
if the
K :" l
i (T ll'tllP
(.- ! . :
li in
ho ap-
;i".ne reu i
and li.x i.or .tes ll.e xx ,o!e v .; in, ;,(! i,i
parts ai.iii', I'lnii t, :hn diseased and dehilila
'fcif i'iiiisii ndnn, Tl,cr is mr'ni;' superi
nr In ii in the xxhule uiaieiia iiiedica II is
peilcviiv hafe and txtifively ileapant, and
has no:hirjj nf ihe diijii-tinj; nausea accotll
jianinir i,. nit; i nf swiillnxx liu' mcdiiiiie.
CONSU 1 1' I ION, HR()C11I I'S, AS-7'ilAMA-
Nil reiicdy Im$ ever been
tun n ' I l i reinnvn li e above disposes 8i
pmnpily and ffFt-ctti illy as Jayne's I'.'xpec
uraui. I eleiiises ihn Imiiis Irmn all rila"
in!; in iiieis, xvbiie at the same time it hel
and in vr ilirm. I'r.'pned only at
Nn. 8 Siiiih Third sneet, 1'hilailclphia.
Th-- above 31 dicine are fir sale
ihe .store of
li Ko ri: ib 1 r jr.
5S hctrl y civrn that I pnrcliafci' at Oorstnhle
sale as ihe propcity nt Juim C'luxtdii the follow
tn aittclc; tn wit :
Hott'rs. Glasses and nthrr liar Hxluria
2 I'enrhes and a marble drainer
2 t"nrl S'prrs and Pipe,
2 Wand State and t'ipt
2. doz Chain and 1 I'nAttg Chait
2 Dining Tables
1 srna I'a'i'r.
120 yards Carpeting
3 Looking Glasses
1 U'ath Stand
10 B edt ends an I 10 Beds end Bedding
.1 Barre's with fAqunr and Cider
2 parts tf Barre's of I'ish
3') P.". .':( I.S Of O.ltS. ihoanii' in his p'rr-C'-in:i (leiir.T iny
pi. a-:c.rc n.ul hereby forbid any t K'nif I hem
from him ly jiii.cliase or (ithcrwijc xvithcui my
DocoihIkt fi, 1S13
3 I'OV'C Tirr. tVrr-alc atthflXcxv Store KUf iillp,
O-toSrr 1 1.