The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, January 24, 1846, Image 1

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rr. KV S-YWY: ! M
.. . -M -..Tro-aiiiraL--
h ' nav. .r upon the Alter of .,.. et.nul UoH.lUy to every ,ur.u of Tyranny ovsir the Mld of M.u.-TU..mM Jw
Volume IX
rnwiTy'rMiLi 'ii m "? nrr t vt r v
orrusiiK St. 1'ai'l's Church, Mais-st-
The. CQT.UMliU DEMOCRAT will be
published every Saturday morning, at
7'H'O DOLLARS per annum payable,
half yearly in advance, or Two Dollars'
Fifty Cents, if not paid within the year .1
ro subscription will be taken for a shorter
period than ji.v month; nor any discon-
tinuance pcrmitted,until all arrearages
are dischargtd.
A I) ' Dill ISLMt.yS not exceeding a
square will be conspicuous!) inserted fl.
One Dollar for the first three insertions
mid 'Trent u-ivt cents for even subse
ijuent nscrtion. ftjy.7 liberal discotw
via le to those who a lvrrtise by the yew
LETTERS addressed on busiues,mitsi
he post paid.
m mi . ii iijiwi i i .. ui. i i m 19
Tlin OAK LAX 1)
err 'iIi! " ''V
IV;;A sweetest floti-trt enrich'd,
. From viiriu'H gurduis call' d with cure."
1'u.m t lie Even: Mirror.
BY Till; VTH'!R I F 'THE
' I'was in i'ip pr'nne of winlnr lima
An evcninj i id m and cold,
When in n r.i nn the printfr sat,
A care vv T'l nun and old;
With look mi'ek thai he did fceem
A sheep uliin a fold;
A mrlaiieli'dj man was he,
As ever the soil;
Small pleasure h id he in his I'.fe,
Fur it was o,io of toil;
And dimly burnt the printer's lamp
For whj ? li wanted uil!
lie leaned bis head upon his hanJ,
His mind w as ill nt ease,
&iul while ihr.fti!h many a broken pano
n rusbe 1 the horrid breez-j:
Willi ea2' r hmk he read a book
That laid upon his knees.
And still In? read, nor turned bis heal,
To hear ih? shutters flap,
B'jt like snuic iinrMfl siaum seemed,
So motionless be sa
Mueh lasiina made hint cry pa'e,
And any inn. g but fat!
At last he shin the dtukev book,
Oiose, wiib a sudden fli"2. .
With fervid iT'Cp Iih ilocd It fa.M,
And limn iiirihl did spiinj,',
On. Cod! coili! 1 so shut my mind,
And tie it idi a suing!
Then up the room and d in iV room
Then I n-tv tn b" be t nk.
And then be $ -iZ"d about bun, with
A and doleful look.
And lo! be saw ilio office hoy
Writing upon a book,
What do von wiite .u y hide rbap,
Whilst hlltir. there m til,'
Now, is it some sad aecidcnl,
A marriage, or a wili!
The bov be give a infnirnful look
Tis nothi ig but a bill!
The printer s ink d . n in Lis chair,
A4 smit with sudden p-ii'i,
D hcii to li cbair be sank with Co-re
And then got up aaain
Ami a he talked with '.be yniri I ,d,
tears guslud oj'. amain.
He to!d him bow some men will owe
And never pay a rent,
And of those wretched, wietched me-,
bo never, never lent,
Hut brut' their life and fortune all
Io f;iolls'.itHa is spent.
And well I know what pir.g diey feel,
Win would collect a bi',1,
Wo, wo, uoultefahle wo,
'l'lieir wKtihed snt,i mcsi fill,
So it did s fin, once in a ('.nam
That I remember still.'
0 .n who bad owed me very lot c,
'1 In, i hIi weiiiiby fis a Jew--
1 sv.d t cf.-i-e l.if house one cvn
V, ;.tn iv!i' the m;:hi wind blew.
A., i now, f. I I. his n. an must ny,
To p.-.y I,.
u v, !.ji it di.e.
' I'a-o bspj-y blows with a walking stick
Anr one with my knuckles bare,
Ti.i'ii m I went t!irov:g!i the open door,
Jj'j', ' ...f ' l.C WaS tiut llltlC,
ry u-1 T-----T"- i m-trr-f tf - vrfl -
Them was nothing now within the room
Hut an old md empty cluii!
'Nothing thcr hut an empty chair
Th(ll sl()m .j,;., ,,B wl,
.', ne wrnl ,,t tIH other doui.
'ne nioinrnt I did call!
doyen times I ginsned loud,
Jjc liever gtoaned hi bII
'Then quick I tnrnfil mvselfaboui
m RWiMy home. 1 fled,
DpBir wa? the servant g i r
Thai In-hied me to bed!
The fearful bnv look 'd hp and saw
His fu'e pnlt: us the dead.
When per.lle sleep o'er the young lad
Had thrown her silent veil,
Pwo stout tall ip' i set out fro-n town
I'liontrh ill, old and heavy luil.
nd t!ie printei he did w .!k between,
On., is moomfiil road to j ii,!
Deidin", Tat Qnn
I " i "IT-,
It 0 M AN C P. IN BtAl 1. I F K .
There is qui'e a litde ronr..,nre ef.niieein1
with a buildinj in fienoa. It whs f ornierh
reeled and owned by a wer.lthy man who
was in the habit of visiting a beautiful pea-
ml girl in the neighborhood Pleased wi'
his aitent'nn, she east olTas ladies are vcr
pi lo i! i, the rustic lo"rr she had b f m
nfiouraged. IJiit nlthotih lier new a lini-
er was fiequent and steady in his lubiis
he never mentioned t!ie fubject of tnatri
ThiiiL'i w'ent on in ibis wav for ibrei
rar, uris ni,'1!! the te t emri -s
lirtled, in he was about Ieavui2 tin
muse by llie abropl entrance of the iwc
rothers of the mi.amorata, (lemanumc tna
he should immediately marry their s s'e.
rhey told him that he bad Tinted her U
hrce yeari, thus keeping a-viv other suit-
irs, and ilestroyinj all hopes ol their si.
er's marriage, except with him; three year
vas quito long enough for him to ni .l;"i:
lis mind in, and as b" bad not done it, tin
-id eoaluded lo do it for him
This was bringing things to a focus h
ial noi anticipated. For a man of we v
oid station to mirry a poor pc:i'it j.:r'
nerelv because he ms somew bat smil'.ei
.y her beauty, wis something more th.'i a
ike; vet he saw at a gUnce tha', thnre wa
o rn or'ani by these brothers' spn.-ieli lb v
met the ear in short thai his choice. w
1 1 be a inarri age or a stillclte through hi
henrt. Tiiis was reducing tilings lo t'o
inple-l terms, rudo r too sio p'e for m.
iveaiiny aooiiiir. i hp itimii i h tr, o
i r J , and lio emlnr'aeil gentle loan, iiius
iave foimul a r.ipiial groiijj in a pa.oit r
'otta'e .
At length Signor altcmpied to com-
proniisif ihe matter by s i) iog lint then wiij
not the tiinfl nor there the place, to celebrate
-ueh ii ceiemonv. imiiies U.ere was no
priest; an I the propur way would he lo talk
over ihe subjeel logeiher in the ir.orning.
One of ihe brothers Icmed and lap-
ped slightly on a si le door, il opened,
i piiest, witli his noiscliss, eat-like, tread,
entered the cii clo.
'Here i the priest,' siid the brother'.
I here was a short interval of Silcnef,
a ben iNsiuor made a slight movement
owat'ls the door. The dagjers instantly
jle-imrd before him, ho saw that ii was ail
ner widi Iii 'it so j'uldni win as good a
jrare a poiblc,and the nuptials were per
'mined. ll? ioimediately placed his wife
in a school to be educated, w hile he. in llie
ie n nine, fought a laie. V. ars pnssei
bv and llni ignorant easant girl eoierifei
in'.o llie fahtonable wo:ld an at . orrplislieri
woman. Khe i: now 1,'ie bcautil jl Countess
of !
A certain lady had a c.isin.-n of spying to
ia favorite !iil!e dug lo make him follow h'
J'Comc along.sir ' A wonid-be ivioy jj'en-le-
ji:if,n ipiroVhiil lerl (by i'-t- aeeos'e:' !'e;
Dins s i rrie i.T.oii.m yu cmiei
sir' f.nd !:. with great mm osure
. ...... T
'Oil o
'll war
another pi'ppy
i;ke to
'i.'y tail is ended
cd hen he U r; id
,' as the l.-ni -i.!e f t (!t'C
lnTJ'Jtt - i - " j.;iL'..'.ii.i.TO-j
.. ... . . .
. , . i
r.m on MiMlrnnlivA ftl-lll-!rt On ihe Bllb
: e ..I I..I.... 1.. ,.(r..i.i .-mm.
I I'll Oil IIIPHUl"'" -"
tries, its wages, and the comparative condi
tion of the laborer, it) the London Aark
Lane Fx'iress, we eondensi) the followini!
fact. In our estimates ive have called the
shilling met ling Tl reins, though its value
is a trifle less: and the comparison, though
instituted wi U ihe English laborer can be
easily made with those of this couir
h Fnglaml the svnrage rate of serieul-
mral wage for an able man with a family,
s 9 shilling, or 31 'Ji cents per week.
From ibis is lo be deducted cottage rent a'
XI cents per wer k, leaving $1 03 per week
ide himself with the necessaries o'
00. 10 i rilOI C, It I l.i.'in in no ai.iLcii-
ial;on receives t?l 01 per week; in Pru
ia, (0 eni , m fi'eimany, SI 02 per week
, Holland and Uelgiuni. SI 20, in Italy,
ml the Ausiii'iti stiles, SI 13 cents, I
ill be remembered thai these avarages arc
I 1...... . I.I.....M ilia t m m , l
tiosfloft'io common laborer, shepheids,
armen, and mechanics receiving rather
nore. The food whiih the wages named
ibove will ptircliaae in ihe several countries
slated in ihe F.xpress as follows.
In England tho laborer can obtain for his
lin cents, or Ins week's wages, either 20
lis. rd bread or 11. J lbs. of meat, 7 lbs. ol
miter; 12.J lbs. cbetsc, or 174 lls- PoU"
I t France, wi:h his 101 cents, he car.
ny either 10 lbs. (d bread, 13 lbs. of
oral or 2(U lbs. of poiatoes.
In I'ru-sia, with his (id (i nts per week,
he Idbirer can bov either U' lbs. of brvad
C lbs, of meat, or f lbs of butieri
hi Germany, with 102 cen's bo obtain.
ilber -121 lbs. of bread IS lbs. of niMl,
lbs. of butter, 21 lbs. cheese, or 51 qt
if beer.
In Holland a'ld nelginm. 120 will bov
other oS lbs. of biead 22 lbs. of beef, h
!.s. of hutier, 8 lbs. of cheese or JG8 lbs. o!
This tabic is interesiiog as showing no'
oily the prices f labor io ,1m ciiunirie
i unci, inn also ihe price of bread, meal
i itler, cheese, It is irue the bread
slated by the 'n. of urjin by tin
..ishel. hnl as the 11 in r of c bushel of whea
- v 40 lbs., will ol ike fniTi 0:1 to 03 lbs ol
icau' rn estima'" may easily bo made o
be quantity of w heat or flout a man in an
,f ihe countries named, would receive for a
vci k's work. The I diortr io ibis cntinlrj
vho receives his bushel .,f wlieat n day, oi
i her aitieles in proportion, will readih
once ice the meagre f oe and s'end.'r cb inn
if laying bv any ih'n which must alien.'
ho lorein agricultural laborer. In ah
hese coun'ries ii wii1 he seen the vidue ol
provisions is at cal a gre it ns beie ar.d
in some instances niu.di creator. It is onh
by the comparisons which surh audientie
s'.atenieui enables us to in ike, that the dec
adorers the farmers or mechanics in thi
ro'inirv can In'. v appreei.uo me aiivaniago
, . ... , . .
of iheir positto .Cnltirafor,
run of an knclisii
The Liverpool .Hhinn, alludinj to tlx
Irgradcil position of females in China re
ate an anecdote shnvvi-i how highly n
Choose mandarin vahi-d the wile of in
Engl'h merchant. Nothing niinnihep
.he (Ihiiiainen -who the F. idish itor
chants at Hoii-Koni so uni'li as ihe de
ference which n (end ! ihe Inhes and (In
position which the I ner arn peroiitted l
hold in soeietv. The nrv servar.'s rx
;tis t;ieir di-cost at seeing the di' per
'inlied to Mt at table wibtbeir Im 'i -n
wort'b'r how wit n ra.i so far forget lore
A v nil eg E.'g'i-b 1. 1 e fro ,n I receni!y t,.o'i.
ms Wife witli lilin t Iloeg-IIonir, iv'rr
;!. conp'e were vi-iied hv ,i e..;hy nrn
'!ann. The Utter ref if 'p-1 the v. ile j ttt r
'ive''. i'c-' eineil lo d ell v. I h delight on hei
nA-.e't!'litS. h, n s'ie ;ii Ic-.ei'i , f(
i.:irfiii"l',b I I to the !.i!nn.l in Lis i n
Merfer'. F.n" i'iiiit c, '".V v ,-mi r ' f.t
vout w'.f.'V wile yniirt?' ()'' repli-d t ! r
l.iivbart;! l ii'i-'.in .it ihe
aii 1 ' error (.1 vi-'ter Cc-oiti. Tin
the uieieliini
tko'ig'.l wut'.J apjicar to the Ch.acir' raiii
. . JigWiWin n,4
rr a high figure, but in was muaKn
: Well said the in ird irin liking out his fniol.
. " 1,1 '
I . . a . ..
Willi an Bir OI m.iimi-s .."" j .... B
to me for$5000.Ti is (hlllmlt lo say wheth
er the yioing'm,'rchant was more smaz-d or
amused bui the grave air rif ihe Chinamen
convinced him that he was in earnest, a n!
lie was compelled therefore to pfm
the oiler with as much placidity as lie coulo
assume, The mandarin was presint
however and eni as high as $3001). Tin
merchant who had no previous notion of
the value of the commodity he Ii id taken
out with tit it was compelled t length lo de-
lare that Englishmen ne'er sob! their pos-
eion sn assertion which the Chmiuiei
vas slow to believe. The mediant after
ivnrds had i haarty laugir w'nh his joiin;
ilrt when he told her thai he h id josl (lis
coved her full vultic, as ihe uaait larin lia
ffcrfcd him $700!) lor her.
Hjii ii nui vnr
We presume that vetv. lew person-
ne aware of the vast extent of these in-
I , ii I geja.s covei ioj s they do nn aie;.
ilinost ns I irge as the conliot nt of Kti
, .pe, Frof-sscr Drake of L'jjisvi!!,.,
visited them last summer, and lias niidi
public tho lesull of his ohs r v iiions.
The chain of lakes exlends over near
Ii- ciihl Am) a hill ih'i'recs of laililiide
J e. " " . .
in breadth, and six'een degrees ! lo.
liitiide in leng b. Tiicrxi nt f lht;r
-urface is e s'itii ilcd al y.3,000 -i isr,
miles; and llie area offOMiny ''ia ,)(.,
bv idem is f.uiiiji'i'ed at d00,(ju0 -'jnire
miles, Their n I itivc sirs are, as f,,L
lows Outari ), C.nOO s. miles, Ii iP;Q,
COO 3. miles; S'. CUii.SOO s imles.H,,
run, CO.dOO -fj'iare miles'il c I 1 1; - ri t oj.
100 s. mil s I he ven& tle,., 0!
iv-t'-r in 'be d ir.'ii'iit likes is a onc
Hon tmon which lliere is n fpttain in
or m (lion. An'lioMlies diir-r. Dr
Drake gives it a folio. vs: Si. Clair, 20
'Vel, En", S 1 f-el Ooiaiio, 500 feel.
. r . ......
Niri'nor, fiOO luel; lMron ami iMichi
io, lt'00 leet.
In our .-t in hud v-(i ks Like Iv ic it
I ll i T y slated I o h ive a dej t'l of 120
et I, T'l. e deepi si soundings d.ive been
akeii in Lake Huron. Oif S.ginaix
11 1'. 1S00 feel of line have been pen1
iwu wilbmil H iding bottom
The attitude of iliese l ikes varie" ie
by step finm Ontario to Suporir-r. Lik'
J'i'.'iriO is ft C l abuts lb l(l" Watei
.I S'. Lawn-nee. I-'ru' is ;j 3:3 fe.t a
i i ve Ootai io, and 5th) abme lide wai
r at Albany. ,V . Ci.i'r is G del higbii
hdiiliiie, Huron and Mii'htg'ii an
hirlecn feet a bov- St. CLir, and Su
perior lies I. riy-fdnr above idem.
This shows ide rui inns fact, that
wlule the si.riace of I Inldii is fiff 1 f'l
ibove 'be level of tilt! "Ceao, its li iMon.
iy is mm e
than 1 100 I.
U'lo v the saoie level.
'A i e Waleiw of these lakrs, with (be
'xcepiion "! Iv i" a. id Si. CUir, aie n
linkable for their transp are "CV and de.
I. Icioiis II Ivor Oi lake Jloro!', Pro
feasor a'C it.iiu -d tint tb" waii i
t ibc saui'! pl.c" in.licitr it
h" sun-' I e (! per a ' tl f e, lo wr; 't'l de-
iices- 1 1 is . xpl .iiiation or Hie tai l in
ihts; the wi.tivs aic mi pure that the ray
if ihe s'i'i ine'.l with no solid matter n
.ir.)"iision to ariist am! the hei'
1 liTO is treat ctlfiosny ronnec'td
with lliesi" Lki-s, .iboiil 30 mid' frno
Cln.llll, I-. L, ., I Iw, ;ni i I. . I .l I 11,- !, . e C 11, .
I ' K v " .
r, iii Canada. Tin; .r t- r "f ibis vis.
I h I il ii le.v yais ago, io rompiiiy will
I . . . r I . , I
ivV'el', f'l l.aoino, . wtio pr,)i..c d i
ine ol (he gnrcsi cm insities el ih uun
le ever saw. r is what is Killed ii
S'to l ind i t it ii,' oi inourii ii i l ik". I
s sinnied upon a roncul lull about 3li
"it high. !t is en C'll il .bout hall ;
rule dt tun t- t , .'iid ne op es neai ly tb
Pol.: stn birc id" llie lull.
Tli" I'kn is Con, q icin! V entilel
vi h'-i''. i.,!c ; y.-t -i 'iinl mii" -.rn cn
t u ll v -' ' ' 1 1 "in "o" edj" of ' , lo v
I, H - 'le el' i ill 'nt'l, I'iriiiog I lit when
f a (1 eiri ,g nt'll. wiich Ii is h?en en ,
ulneir i be f urn ti t. Tb ii l"vel of v
vl r ii- ihe I ikf is Mipp isscd in h ,i
lout 3")0l';''i aliwvi-t!si id' ih' biy b
to. v. A 'b' f- i.V no bigll lands t i!,
o .'jO '-r f ) in b's, )'-i h iis a g' i'.'.I r di
"me--, 'Ii ; ro.-ioHsj q lOjdT'Jii arise
v'.fi.c' c.ioiis ilnj so;, idv' for ibism
,,IO I I l " .
In is-")' I , n ! I i ; i;io j. 1 1 lo occupy
tl,-! rts'i i to an cx'ii.rt volcano, n-id ii
i ,.( v. i's w itci - tin otnili bidden svtib
I, , in gtea'cr d.-siance; but did no
- .coiimc i! j uvli t!,u pojiular b;l.''l in lb
- V, PA.
nAi., Iiknrllin.l thai ll.n T. II f il bnfl I
II, -,.,.,, ,, " .
wa Lake Ivic shboull il m sujijiosei
hoy occupy ilii sun I'.vd.
Will noi s nn,' of our g "oh'g; s'j tx
imine Ihts curious lik", ami g've o
,hnriilr nf llleir inVeS'l c luii".?.
-"'- - n
Cincinnati J :1a.
MiL,i:uryv: miraclk.
I t a little vilago in Hi- S lo of IL.o
sistjny inth'1 year 1S11' wbere'all sons'
( excilcmeol c incerniogj Ilio rl icii loe
i n! prophecies of Hut sr. Ii .- v : i
.llcr For in o u In Hi" '.doigli
. ! I , II .1 .11 .. - If .... I '
CIV, lollii'Ve.) I ) 'III '. .l J( mm II in.,
mil lb" 'N i i m 1 1 1 y Veil,' b id ( iii'ul ited
hrotigh tl-e villan" and sut roiicdioj;
oonties, loaoexeul not eve i (i.ik"!
ly Ur Duiicm'sc-I btHf I Coon Speech
Mend ipoed ol their, pn ptty fot
ilib; or nothing, Tub woiiiuu wer
iile? a nil ghiMly f'om watch'u.g and
Haying;, and in f.C, the whole p .pola
!ou,or aV loa- ilri-o wll believnl in
he coming ascension, looked as it til
veie aboui half over a spcoud attack o;
be, chill and fever. Y'.itTe were, how
ver, flort.e choica sp't-fls, (ool choc h
heirs, hoivuvt r.) who, not witim iod-
..i -f .1.. I 1 . t.i
mi' lUe liopu ari'V O' 'o- umi.iui'pni.ui..
iot enlist utid'-T tlu of aen
r.nisu nod immini tiles" '.vis a wild.
i rum scirum h ' . I Irim 'Jnvn 10m,'
oy tli9 name cf CjIjs Mevvham. Now
Cibo was as hard i cas' as you would
iet on a foiinh of J i'y in T. xii, al-
was alive for fin and s.mrt ol aoy
every desci ip'iou ao l a clrong (.n') :iiev
er in Millemni.
The night of the 3 I of 7,iiil wis ib
time agreed opo i out wc-l here, lor Ui
jrran I exhibition of ';"onn I and lolly
mniblmgs.' ai d about 10 o'e'ock, ol lb.
said nihi, mi'iib'M tl'tlie iMillenles as
cn:bVd on the ou'skiris of llie low i,m
i li'tle eTiinencc, iijiou which tliu p'o
ijiietor bad allowed a f-w tiers to stand.
In Ihe crowtl, and llie on'y f pre-cida
ive of his race present, was a Ii ne
jo by the name ol Sim, about as tily.
black, wooly.and rouh a dercendent ol
H im, as ever baked Ins shins over i
iw hen fi t.
Sim's head wis sm ill,body and arm-
veiy loiiE, and Ins lens boiv a r"inai.
ile resemblance t a pur o; nanus, i.
'.cl, put Sam mi a horse, his legs c'asp
ol round his neck, his bead lowints Hit
ail and at ten paces oil' on w( ul I sw.-i,:
ic w,n an . set f patent m inn
7ln; lender of id- M ilei i t s, owmii
in anrieiii g'u 'g" lime him,' ba'ed S.n
'ike smoke,' and be done, nil i" hi
oower lo i"( vent ins atliliiinncc - i
he 'tleci,' but io no pi'M'0 ! s,n
0 ' ' cr-ep in at ( veiy meeting, an
il night d"i e lie wis again , (ll f -s' d in
while robe of ennap cotter,, sectn' d n
lis body bv a belt, and shouting
p'aV'f'g n '0l'd as the best.
Now on the iiiniiitng ol the ', Vyi"
nil, with a deal of p' rsev., '"
imre Irotlhb'. mat ng, ol to llnow a b-H
t.rh hemp cord oui the branch of a.
iak, wh'dt siMlcbfd its hmg arm 'h
ectly over the 'pot wlmre tlm n.-i'ei-,i
... i i. , i, . i ....
nes would ,ifrnii.'i ni "ti'i if - n
con d lo the body ol iho tree, and t "
ilher to a 'uniii omo Uist.inC.i oil. A
i,., ,.i in ..'.it.irl- ivlifn the i xi i'-'itfo
linn about '.SO M). Ihe inch,' Ctb-
wiapped in an old sheet, wilked lol.
he crowd and I" f -n i'
s srruie a manner as possibh1, ihe em:
if the top" lo Ihe had; pad f lh l'1,
vhich confjoetl Sim's ,robt' succeed
'd.and '-loped,' 'o j on sooi" of Ins ro n
.) miens w In hnl 'be n'herrml. To
'.v stir in the kv ibi't w a dim 'igh
ivcr iii" scen, and m a tew n.oin-nt'
, . . I : .
he vine ol Nioi w braru, cxnnn
n g , ( 1 1 r
.7 oiigbli ! Fse g oiog, up! Who-j
coh' and so'e intoi i' Sun w .s sen
iiouttl'tit! io'o'bf -itbeii..! b'ue.' Ins
'Pin, wl en h- did rUicd
t" i r i
fi'm i a f-w I"- t. ' f i o ' y . erie.t
'II ilh-b.i.h' aoo ! rt. ami shm ks i i,',
s. m id" olgiit bi'd-oii"; "iiiif. Liu'
-I, o i hers pr i yen, ami otv a w in op
,, ilniir tob- and 's!,d.' Now wbeth
. r it wa s o w nn lo ti e Itdiiiieo. of hi.-
vl, or the le i-gth a-vd weight ol ho
wis or I) 'in, Si.i.'s ;io!'i i'i was noi
;d"asi'l' on", 'he b: !l to W I' .cbC .hfc's crud
was a'l icl.t il, was b 1 1 r i tJ ex idly r-.tini'
us centre of i. w I v, ami Sun swucn
i c a p sir of scles, be i I up an I bed
I ii.mi l.oi.l. i ii and he.iU dovvn. at the
sinirt ti ne swrcpi-'g ovrr ihe rrnwd
liken pemilimi, hi.h mr'ion was aC
dent'-d bv Ins siicm O'S d.ipp'u g ol
iinds, nod vigeiotjs k-rkinl Al d'ltj'l
be became alarmed, hu wnuld'.-it to i j
id lie could'til ccrnc dowii!
)Yei tuber 40,
',' cried he, j Jt 1,kt UTI pior
' itfi to noi b ison, or lef down a;J u,
usij, easy, Got Almight L f hi 'i
I.jwii agnn, plea-e u-n L.u!, ho I lu
i jga will gosinn;hi mn x bvl! Uh h
i' iikI Sun's netli clutter;) wit'i
right, m l he kicked again mure, vigoroin
y llian before, bringing h s heid directly
owmvard a r,1 his heels u(, when
voiit'o shriek:ni ooiO ifHrothet S i'ii,
ake. mis With you,' si dog at Inn he 1 1
n he swpt by hsi, and eioabi him bv
he w ro! I, bringing him op'a I stiuding.'
(r isd! Sister,' c' ied S nn, 'Id g i noi
Mior o'ga's hnt? C'abc gave, auotli r
mil at tho rop", but lh additional wai
oo much tha bull give way, iml down
Mine Sun Ins builel head liking lln
end-r,of the rd its a feuh r j isl b'twenn
be eyes.' 'Gash is I down agdi,? c r i
od the bewildered S.m, g.tbeiiiig him
elf up , 'I is bress de Lord b'H I w D
leaily dll, I Sei;d the glto-!' Tlie lea I
r wiped his ovn fl iwiog pi'ohoc:s,,ook
un by the n ipe of 'hi; nock, led him
i tho i d ge of 'he crowd, and g'Vitii;
lim a kirk 'j posieriore,' said, '.eavet
you cuss.'d bahooo, yon sr sid J Uii
1 Imowcd Iheij would' nt let ym in.
Th'j National Iolt-lligeiu-er notice the
death, al bis residence, near tha Navy
Yaid, Washington, a few d.ys since, of
Sdva-Jor M. Catalano, Siiling Master, V ti
N., aged 70 jears mtivu of Ailcr no,
.Sicily, bui lor the Usl forty onu years
ipsi lent of the U- S It appears that tha
admission of the deceased into the Ameri
can Navy with the reward of services as a
volun'cer lo pilot the Decatur into
the harbor of Tnpdi, wher. he sot firo l
American Fiigne Philadelphia then in pos
don of the Corsairs. Tho deceased was
il the lime, 1 Si) 1. a pilot on boatd tho En
erpris then under the eo.-nmarid of Lieuien
mt faficrward-i Counnodoie) Decatur, Lieu
tenant Decatur being aware lint this pilot
iT.lrrstood the language of Corsairs first
.imposed to him a id afterwrrdi lo Commo-
d ire Preble tlien comm mding the aqua-
Iron the during p.-i jact of entering ihti liar
nr of Tripoli by inghl and d.-stro;, iog by
ire iho Frigate i'liiladeljibi .
The deceased uimedi-iiely volunteee r I
is services and llie jivject being approved
Com. I'reblo the gallsiit Docatttr widi
be deceased (ouo mi Ishipman and twenty
ocn being concealid in the boitorn of a
4ebc) sailed foi'lho l'mhlel phis. O.i ap
iroachinj the frig ne Hie xebec, was h iiled
vheii llie deceased answered lint ho had
osl his cab'n! and anchor and req.tesK-d per
nision to rn ike hnl io the frigate until nor
ling. Having obtained l-'avrt to lll.iko f'1''
0 her tem D"catur an I ins drive coinpai.-
1 ins b i a r fed tutd'hila J-lphia and swept Inr
l-rks. O ii of lii'ty ( 'ots uis not onu es
a;i I. The frigate was set mi fire and tho
itoic huidsei sul for A nernvoi squadron
.vitb oiilv one man wound-d. A a ro
viird for this biava and heroic strvice ih
b ee ised up in the rec n n"ii I ition of Con
n iilue D tutor was a.hniited into tha A
iisricui Navy.
Cttrivn T.'i'J..l bn'iy. t'tree mir,t!n
i'd, was stolen fro n its uioili T, in Cinciu
r.l.i, -i le v days since. Th chl.d v is nti
'fu fro, n die. or n!ic, 'v'.oie its u ntber Ind
pl.tcd n f a the purpo-e of gui..g oat t,t
i.irr'iae groceries. Aoe w.s gone f.r n
'-.v r.ii.n't j. and when she mutin! her
mmmr iiTtHjfiW
A very sensible quaking id the earth o
inr.-i! at M.".p;.is. I eon , o-l tlm ric; v
of the 22-1 uliiuio, aboiit lull p. si fl ,.';! ;
t iriiog people t their fct . and dilio tuier
iii-n; the i.citatioil was eccoinp lined wh'i
i or ruiibluii nois', a'nl upp.rMii v
proceeded fiom a Nonb Westerly diiection
U lasted shout hall a minut...
Ii is slated lb il in a part o. Jla""
(,-icbc.setts. win re die small p.,x praib-
os i'lie cx'enl. tliekeiper f f a public ta
sin, notwiibstanding be had a nialignant
case of the distant in los house, adwiil'f it
i bridal p r i y on a wedding tour Tim
hride ctoig,'l llie inlVcuoii, and in ibn
:-(iiiisc cf ten days wm a corpst! Shock
C p. you spilt lour co.oc wiih I'vo ! I
n;Ycs, - n, I )' iy,h'y ;