The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, January 17, 1846, Image 2

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    - al irgf? poilion of. tb other Stales of
Hie Union.
The North and W est Uranch Canals
and the Doleware Division, in connex
ion with vartoiM improvements ow ned
by coiijanics beside opening umket
lo l!o productions of tin f irni'r,furnih
rs ou le'.s for coal and other minerals, by
which not only our own citius are miu
plied, but also those of the ncighb n i m l
and Kistern States lo the ureal advint
iige uf b.ilh. M my pai l of the .Van
are ulso found most I'avoiably adapted
to tho growing of wool, another great
staple of national indpf ndenee, ami
the luciesful application of mineial eoa'
to the molting of iron, Misgiven a new
impetus, aming im, to the? mom impoi
1 0 nt of all the branches of in uiufictui
It is not surprising, therefore, lha1
our people feel i deep anxiety in regan
to lha adoption or thu change of any
policy, on lha pait of the federal gov-prnm-'nt,
which may be euppned lo ef
fect su,h grp:it inieit'M. 7'ne rtgtda
lion of a taritf on imjioris, so hs n favoi
the developemcnt of our domestic re
s'ources, and give catisUction to the va
lions pari df the Union, has long been
i vex'.'O cxciling cuieidiun. lis in
fl i' n ts for good or evil, have no doubi
In en greatly exsggerated in different
sections of the cmntiy. 7lie true poli
cy of whe nation would seem to lie be
iwcen the extremes of those, who claim
high duties for t-he meie purpese ofpio-
Icctinjf particular inteiesls, and lhoe
who would not -discriminate m. all, in
Ijytug revenue duties, for the purpose
of fwormg the proJucuonsand industry
. of our own country.
Any course of policy which would
have the efiect lo check the ititel igem
and honest enterprise of our citizens,
and lo retard the of oui
national resources, can never receive
the sanction or acquiescence of the peo
ple ot this confederacy, dt is readily
conceded, that no more money ought
r to be collected from imports, than are
r.ecesiarv to meet the constitutional
reqj'.nonts ;f the government, econ
omically administered. 'Hut, on the
other hand, it n maintained with entire
confidence, that in laying duties for this
purpose, such dis criminations for pro
lection, as well as revenue, ought to be
made, (s will favor our own production
and industrry. pticularly in reference
to articles which are of primary nation
al importance, and indispcnsible in time
of war.
This policy was expressly avowed in
the first revenue law for levying duties
upon imports, passed after adoption ol
K fullpral CUntlllnttA t h- I o.,
.rerngnlaoU a J io by the fed
eral government, and sanctioned by the
people of the Slates, from that day to
the present, unless, indeed, the com
promise act of 1833, be considered an
exception; and it will be adhered to, so
long as we have a due regard to our in-
dividual and national prosperity and in
A tariff of discriminating duties, bas
ed on the principles indicated, and so
adjusted as to secure permanence in its
procisions, sustained in its protective
effects by the operations of a constitu
tional treasury, in regulating the iusues
ot our banks, an I checking excessive
importations of mechandizc, will, it i
believed, give more ttabiliiy lo the gen
eral intcreset and business of the coun
try than any other system of policy will
in the contrcl of the federal govern
I refer lo tho reports of the Canal
tommisioners, for a detail of tlx
proceedings during the past year or
the public improvements of the S ate.
This document contains, among other
thing, a statement, exhibiting the most
of touaga that pished over these works
'during the year, which when compaied
with lha'. of past years, will show thuii
increasing value. It doss not however
exhibit near the whola amount of oui
interna! trade 3 a very l.ige propor
tion of the products of sgricullura and
manufactures find their wy to mar let
thiongh other channels ol communica
tion, and by f r the greatest amount o!
our coal is transported upon company
liy the sta'emenl referred to, ii op-
pears that -&C,'SC1 1 tons of iron, in vari
ous furms, passed ovrr ihe canals and
rail ways of the State during the season.
How much found its way to market on
on our riveraand company woiks I h.ivt
tio means o! ascertaining with accuracy
but moil probably, an amount equal lo
that win-:!) wg coined on the biate im
provements. From the belt informrlions I l:iv
been enabled to obtain, tiot lees thai
two millions r.t t oi.s of Autlira-itc Co
were dkeu out of thi mines and caiiieu
to maikot during lha Ust -year, lh
greater portion of which w-s ent to tU
.'astern and neijjiboi i i . A'alr, Leinj:
an inceasa of obout twenty fi va pn
cent over the operations of '.lie prected
jug year, is believed, the tis!e
v. ui imio.'o in oii a meaiti runo I iim year, til (he It luniinous r'o-i!inccerd u,for ;isc-fii!ii'.-s and jmt t.,i,m
a vcty l.rg5 mount was sio ninrd ainljhermic-n ot duty, in countiy disincis, 'j
.cent to mail:e. Ji e.s.iti.ated, ilia-.j wl.eie H.e p pnl-i:oii is sciiprp.-!, a lsl aj
.not Ies Iban thirteen rjiil ij.,3 ;U,iiCN; r.-nlrj i c-f the c!uiuu active
vera consumed l Pituliur ami in it-
vicinity, about (iix millions of btinhelf
ever transported fioin that point ilown
he ()hio IJivur.
1 .id veil, viih e. r-l mtisficlion, tn
lie iovviii run (1 lance of the people in
'ho lAie.cess ninl riimisapmcnl of om
Sute inipi ovoinen's, which h is lice it se
cured hy Ui" viiliiiro and economy o!
the C nr. I Commission' r.
'I'nc iiniinr oiioe of thest wmk., i a
miiIi ibiitnm In i be ni'ionil d leoc, ami
their v .una in ilit- cin. mis of u.!iii Stites
n well as cir oa'm, emtio) lii to i hih
V appreciated, Tory are now yielding
i t on'utei able poi lion of the revenue
t meet th eliiuis upon the Tieastiry,
I'll security of me. pub'e ere. It
oi, ami lilt' f-.Mii and honor of Hi'
Stale, ar in ! intimately p luocc'ed
with their success and productive u s.
hey, t hfr ref.n , clemmd the siireui
rue and vnilanco of ilia L'fcisla'Uie, hy
vtiich the income they are now yield-
mi;, may be secured nud advanced will
tlx1 incieaning business of the country.
In this poniucion, there ire fewer ob
jcpts of national concern in which Penn
sylvania lias deeper interest, than in
d'.ti appropriation for removing I lip ou
SllUCtiOOl 10 lllp) 0; V i t l I il Ol the! O'ljo
river, to t lie ciiy cf lllsh'.irn, which i
a port of commercial entry. The claim
ip-in Cong'es, lo expedite the comple
lion of this work, long since commen
ced, hn communication it would fioili-
4la between the We'turn and Si.u'h
Western State, on t ie one hnd, and
those of th2 t in ic on the oiler, by
mans ot our public improvemii's.
The legislative enactment i rl 1 h list
few yeans, have introduced numerou
improvements, in the system of levy
nig and collecting the revenue of thp
S ate, ar.d have guarded their expendi
ture vvi:h more care than former ly. 1
have every reason to believp, that thess
laws at e Hi icily and honestly adminis
lured by the accountant Bnd Treasuty
Departments, and thil the infl lenca o
their authority and example, his had s
salu'ary effect upon all the public agents
.Much, however, remains to be done, in
perfect our system of laxition. Com
plaints are made, that sevtral of tho Ux
es now levied an rcndeid unproduc
ive, as well as oppressive, by imperfec-
'in is in Ihrir asse.smer.t.- Personal es
tates, that should bear a share of in
public burthen?, escipa altogether, by
the interposition of a trust, between the
ostensible and the bn' tibial owncrs.Tne
property of many corporations is cx -
ernpteti irom uxmon uy special nw-,
vvliile mat ol others ot the same ciastes
and pqnilly mi itorious, remains bound
-"..tiiM f.r u,e oivmeot of mone v
lrp, "i fact, tho ninii tvnienca vr i-.
sing trausaclions and ran, in no decree
b? tp" irded as even temporary invest
ments of tho properly of those in whose
hands they are found. Ihe simple ex
hibit, by the citizen, of his p'.-rsonJ es
late, made without any other sanction
is substituted, icrierslly for a less equiv
ocal mode ofascertainiusiis amount anil
character. It ahould not be forgotten
that the tax which one citizen
is legally elieved from, is dmrbuled
among the rest, and form n additioi! lo
their burthens. Jus'irtj to the tax ny
ers requires that this should not Le buf
fered The whole su!jc'. however, i'
one peculiarly within your province,
nd I commend it lo your prompt scri
otis consideration.
The report of the dj-i'ant,
xhibits tlie condition of the tuilit a arm
volunlf ers, and of tho arsenal anil in il
my propi riy of the C'oinmonwe.lih. I'
contain, also, judicioHi suggestions, it'
tpnrd to the care of the public ptnptrty
mil the Improvement of the mduij sy-
Aj the nations of the world havi no1
united in providing, by pa: amount law.
for the peaceful adj'jstirier.t cf divp"U
between separate sovtrin'ic-s n i!i !ary
nrganizi'ion is eseutitl to ippel f i g r e s
siuo and m untalo thff r ijjh's of the re-
ubliP. In a nation of freemen, capable
I self gn ci nmeiil, a well orgauis'iil mi
utia is adi quale for liic.e pmpoes, in
otoinf) cnniingpiicies. J'very man
Jsels the conxneus djiini'y of brine; :
pa I el Ihe naior a I m v ri i-ir.t v. and thr
proud tltity ol d( f-mliiii: his ot. ii i :'n-
and the t ihts of all.
Various opinior.s arc rnterlained a
to me Dei orjiani.'ition ol the militia.
nd I cmnot hone thit a tliseim-idn (,f
i hern heie will load to any profitable ir
nil'. Oiir voli'ii'e.eis, vvhup lune and
tahnts havi! lo rn hugely .vi n to tin
acquisitioii of intlitiiy knowledge, pee
eni a formidibla fuice. which may com
pur,ndvriliijM'Otnly, vviih thai of any
u. tier Mate. 1 heir conduct and dinei
plstip, have se cured the pnbhc confidence
ami Ihey merit such well devised legis
tiit ion, as will secore their continued tf
(n'tpnev end inrri"ini oumbcis.
The iiicalculablrt bi nefrr of our ys
tern of Common School insliueiion, aie
f x 1 1-n d i r. K tbi'105'.lv es ibiouboul the
whole Coir.iiioiivveal li, sirentbenioi:,
imr;ioviii : an-.l ( leva inn mind, and
(,r - p n i ng li.P gein ration vv'ucti io to
umploynionl for near half the year, the
syt'?.iu cannot reicn all thu ends that
ue accomplished in cities and towns.
Il it the signal' and extensive advanta
ges resulting from it, throughout ihe
State, as ihowii in tho compii-hens'ive
report ir ihe Superintendent of Cum
.ii'Mi Schools, give assoriiice, that I'un
isylvama Ins laid the bioul and duep
fuu'bij ilum for the piTpitiuny of her in
itituitoni, by securing a sound, intelkc
nul oiid iiioi al education (or all her chil
'J i e ii,
1 have lately, widi the Snperinten I nt of
Hie I'ublio Si-ininlsi, visnod Oi city ol l'hil-
ailolpbia. ! lime is much lor vlia good
iihu lo admire, m Hie vauety, eoniUenlieli
iiveutis, and beaut. nrrjn Yemeni of hei
benevolent and rhariiable iiiMiiuiioiis, and
in vvam Ins yfrtlliuvli; towards Ilia men w ho
now. diieii ihfiu. Km, iluri! is a uioin:
"lanJeur preaeiited to ihe patriot, in lit r
iublio schools, that Diirpai iliem all. Uy
the former, which cannot bu eommeiiiieii
loo slionglv to iim i-uiilinutid favour and
lubttiiin c.irc of Hie I.egislatnie, coiiifort
and insiruetioii aro provided for a fiW, who
aie excepted from the mass by apmnal mis
fortune. Hut ihs l ara a bussing to
all; ihy provdu lor iinjirovinij and cluva-
lin' the wliole,6ody ul tho people, and lor
qnuitiy iu-j every ctnlJ in n onward way
to maiuiity, by bound ineni.d ami moral in
s'.ructi'in, lor tihrij up us measure of useful;, and accuniplislnni;, inielligenlly, the
eudi of us bein;'. 'I'.'j.u eu'iiinuniiy is
happy, in vvliicii tlies)iiem of general ed
ucation is so widely ditrused, so well ad
iHini.sieri'd, as I have Seen it in the city and
roomy ol I'hilad 'Iplua.
Allow me, gentlemen before closing this
c.oiiiitiuni'jaiiua, to tendur to you assurancL
ol my hearty eo opf ration i i your efforts to
inamiaiu the fault ufour constituents To
st'eure hese gieat ohjueig, with llie more
crummy, it u dsirablu that the indis
peiisabie busiuegi of the I,gi3;.tiiro should
be acted on at an early period, and that n.,
important subject of legislation should bi tin) elusing Jjyg of die session
Tub pnetice, wlimh h is somotureH ob
taiiied, of aliixuijj the lSxeuutive apjiroval
to uils uuriit" the recess seems to ui to be
ippussed to the policy of thu constitution
vliile to act o:i tbeui in the. crowded hour;
that prectdea final adjournment, requires a
dei is:. in, whiihoui aH'ordin,i lime for the
eoiijitl jration hence, a rule securing reas-
ualld note lor Ijxnciiiive deliberation, ot.
nils presented to him near the close of the
session, is most desirpable.
!S line the last session, df the (leneral
Assembly, it has pleased Almighty God, in
kviiiiuraw lrom he American iNation, us
eminent and best loved citizen Alter a
lite llovoied to his cinimrv n d.-Once n!
.er soil, institution anj ,pr honor,
A.NDiblW JACKSON b is passed to hi
rest t:av!ii0' lo ihe f.jeniU f liberty
ibrouuhotii tho ivoild the i.recious inhcri
t luce (,f hij ex inipift, i,n.! the eonsceratt il i
,,w.... . - .ii.... - r i
were serene and
l)c nil I
hi ill watlii.y Ins uppininh, with a heart ex
panded in inivemd cbaritv, and his spirit
lirigbieriing iis tj,.c.v n.i;.f.r ,,, (,e KilV.
;enr in w luuii I e tniied. Tli it bo lived,
bas been ihe lonj; extended diem of palri
otic framla'roii ihu he co d.eil; must
'nvvn the devout thanksgiving of the ehris -
nivxns it. sh6m:.
I Ai: f I I VI-: CllAVK!'.!!, )
llarri.-biirij.Jjii'iy 7, 1 8 J G- 5
Sinmnnni of l!ct:!i,t.; al llir 'i'ratntni. i
laid, mid tin v.luduli: if L'aupts fur 1S1G.
llu. of I:.-.-" i-.
l-I'i-'ii I -10.
I'..r ls;-!ll)
!ji;,(i in
ttiO CUD
:t; cno
:t cu
j 1 1
111 ceo
ill lit)
5 Ulill
M'l euo
I l.aiiits - I.'. ,,J
J Aiicti it niioiiiis-ioin 1 t,'t-o) no
I Aliiiimi I'ooii s V l.'-i I S V.'i
1 Tax on I. .oik .ii i .eiiil s'i.r: i .") ss
T'lX oil e'irji'.,n iMiic'-. SD, I 1 00
en rrjl ami pcrso.i-
ul ici.iie t,::is.::::'! 1 1
TaVC'll !.i('"ll:fM
:i'!.. 1:; r,.;
i.'.t't.'s 17
i i-V h:i
17": ;'.)
tri -to
S Rclnilers toi-co-ca
) I',' Liceu-ea
0 liri'ki Iicci.m'iJ
13 Militia line; 'i IS
i:i Tax en wr.t - fir. ::o -:() it;
It Ta (in ecit.iin I'lVi-T i u-.'iii; l'
lo l-'ul'ul ioli'vitiOK-o t it -'J i .V) SO
Hi CanaliV-ailni-i'llu!!,! ljlCai Co I
1 3 too
17 t.'aniil liuo ai.'l s.ile
of en' lie preiicitv 5 G:;;i 'l'i
18 DnK.liiic.-ilof'cliiiiti'r.) I UUI) 00
i .inn
ion coo
I .XI)
'1 tit:)
I!) 't ax on 1'juum .'i.'i s-9
0 1,1,.1'h 3 l.'iO (IO
:t l'iviilttu!-! 1 10') 10
3 Acviicil iiilcrot 3 it.!.") ("t
:t l:ci'iiiii!.'(! diii s .077 :;i
1 f:w -i 1)01) ft
5 I'V-lN ('','eli T ll'l lo;d
All.lll'.'i'ri ciiicij ..,
i; .Mi.'.Kum.ih,- i,r:s '.'.')
1 L't'U (io
1 IC") on
l.'i "!)
3,010,0li3 ol a,3 17,71)0 (4;
Sinnri'or) i f i'uymt iiIh ul Ihs Ttcasvi i,
hi lb 10, mi i tttliwte cf jiuijnifiin IS 10.
'M el' I'uy't
'ay'N I'-'ta. fir
i PiiiiliciinpiDw Miciit-i :-i;tii,;iio on C7,.ino
1 Mxpi llu s 1.1 (ii)l-
cnoi.eiil, 2.!'.l,oOI 30 3l'.l CCD
I Mililia rxpci.-i'-s. 1. '. 'J'i 10. Hill)
I I'i-iishiii-u'ml Cllilllilioi.'l I.N.aH 'J 10.(iO()
" (;li(iiil;i!i(. ln.!iloti.)ii., I M 3!),000
t .(iiimiiiiifcih.ini... 3:!l,:j.:i j 3011.01)0
" J, on, in, 'jti.e:::! ol
s Inti ii t mi l onii'i, l.;wo,!Min ::n 3.033,ti!ti; ( ;i
! ( .l li.liif.t, 0.135 43 -15.01,0
10 ln.ic:-iil' (',,!ll',o,, ,s,'j;,J
II l'..ore'i.d lio
i I Nui, s, Go.OOO 00 300 000
1- Il.innji's on
I'.ihlic Worl, 'J!i,n03 10 20,000
13 Iia- :rin Kcm r-
vmr, .'IO. 0(10
1 1 Tine' i a:nl I.o-
mo'ivf, 3ti,0tiii
i") 1 lA'ttOid: liar y
t.r-trK l.r 5 on I.' j
r...s. J5.C0O
0 Revenue Com
missioners, 2,2:id 82
17 Special CJom
uiissioiiers. 1 ,007 23
18 Slate l.ihmrv 1,240 00 1,000
19 Public hui'M-
ings it grounds 1,137. ! 1.000
20 IVnimiri tries U 'J7J (10 1 1 000
21 House ol IIV-
fugu . 4 000 00 4 000
22 Conveying fu-
gmvrs 711 04 1,000
23 A'icliolson lands 222 fit)
2t I'lsr.heatH, 7UJ 72 500
25 Philadelphia ii
ots 4o 252 22 ' 12 000
2(5 City of Pitts
burg 30 000 00
27 Abatement of
State Tax 17 GR5 8'J 20 000
2S Picmiums ons ilka IH UU
2J Miicell.ineous 4 027 87 10 COO
3 299 028 13 3 513 000 00
S.ITWD.IV J.J.Vl.lliV 17, 181(1.
0j-A few Cojiies uf CHARLES MINLK'S
new History of lVy-Miaing, lot 8alc
a valualile and iiiteic.-tin' Con!:. Trite i'".
liuiuiru at tliU Ull'ico.
Wo learn that a Company luivo purilia-c.l tin
.. . I.. I I . hi H a. i ,.' ... i.
vaiuiiiuu .tun j ro icny ol ricn u cc nrovMi, on
FiJiii.creck, ul L ilit-Mied, u'-oiil t wound
miles fniiii j'loinlihliur, and luivo edjiunriiccd c c
mtions lor the iunkliii' of mi Anthracite l'uni tiT
tu in' diivcii hy water power, iiil'juJinij to have, ii
coiflpleU-J early in Ihe Kj' iuj;.
(iov. Siiunli's Mesii.'(i is a do 'uiinml ol
merit and sense. lie give-i a pl .i'i ain'
ill suitfiiieni of llie (T.iii id ti e Stan-;
ittdes to some i'ac'.s in our political bistorv
and a U w national questions in w Inch vvc mi
inteiested, and then st'-jis. The folly bi
whioli our Staid debt crerled is trntb
''ully exposed j and cow is ilia lime f.r itr
!.)Obi.ioM,for under the bon'ieo of ne 1 1 -
s we are incline I to reeeiie sound insiiti'-
tioii upon lb it su'jeei ili 1 1 may nnl us ,(
gainst like inii--creiiu:i in fuuite.I.ei in ben
ifter b t) lit ii t'.ie admioi-iration of our St it'
itnaiioiial afi'airs, al the Pml' rtl.idc.i ol
a splciuled euvei nmei.t; am! a:ihi re to tin
Djmoeratic doctrine of !nni'.iii( our inula v
to oit ineouie, I,ei fa!.-."a eredil be
and i xirav i;' -nit txi'Pndittires avoid
"d. A td. ir. economical "oveiiiine.ii is tin
wr.ii line iwi tot: iBi)j,.a 5U niiiiKS V.OiJ.
S'htiiik i'.r.d wo say :i:ne- to V:: elite ti in f
The Guvc-Nor's ; ir vv s upon P.j.k'irg, il.t
TarnT and corp orr-onm ars pound to ihi
roio, and generally speaking, l!'e .'Ik:..-!;,!
is worthy of the s'.at! in and the autlior
Tlie ('runts of this coini.v brni r;i Mo:i-
day IK'.W Wb observe tli-it then; are hit
1'.) causes on ihe trial ll.;t i-i t!: (Judruot'
riens; ihe ereater part of vv hi. b vviil be id
tied in continued ovpri Tim ntiiiiber u
.vovenioer 1 erui la.n was i.ers v. r
jot rohalilv be much ku ines -i it-, the (J i:ir
ter Seio!is. V e eoiM'ralul.i'.e (,er ci'
ipon iim dearth of !.t i'i ;i urn.'
n ,heio.
itid would rcfpectfuiiy
ti'.:3'ist, lllal (yein
'oiiri! lied, by a hind fr'fitd to be in -it'.eud-ntre
at the Courts ; we Miall be renlv in
-eceive ul' a oounis l,:rije or n.n v. do
sabsi riptions or for a.!veniiii': io ll
! Co-
lumbia Ik-nioerai.'
A eas.! of rnri.i'.i.nio'i and Hist inly
was ti ic-d in i!ii (J mil f t 1 1 1 1 - r " iiit.
d I.i ;v me Cinti I.i?1. e eek, in wliieh
a r a tii -.1 (.f six d:i; s .- )( !,.'i...nit
H-ipiiitt'd the toiinty t pay cost, t!,e bi;!
or i'tn " ii'no'iii'.ed to ne.-r : -.;.)
I'l.ij a said t-v be the s'o'd eae i.ii'v b
h;:l roroi'.v, siin-e its ( r.; 'i.:;- 'ii::-, vv'ltn':-
il; f n bun I as bte.i :.
,f ;b a kind.
(.i! on a r b'
'I'bt order of OJ.! l-Vllowh',. is rapidlv
'ti the inerea-e in all par's of tlie i'tioni
(iuiolly bul sleatliiv il i - ahrrin a e-reaa
portion of the philanthropy of the eountrv
into a permanent and iilijetive ora ini ilion.
Xlceiinij as yet, with scarce any opposition
uid professing to be rharia'ds in its pur-
tcscs it h is risen rapidly into favor and
1 seems destined to exert an immense inllj-
nec hereafter.
We observe by ihn procecliri.s of tl c
I. gisl ittirc ih it our S. n itur ao ! ihe
.;'epreenativrs from Columbi 1 and Lu
'ri.i :ue to 1 1. i(.a.u in reM.on-a'ti.'.
1 1
miaUoiu on eomti r.tet s. den. I;.)-s in
e, is eh. in mail of the Coiinniitei !
ui the .Militia aiid a .iniobei of ttv o
0111 id 1 1 1 11, ..It. 1 oii&'on in the II
ome i -
ii-.ii rii .ii i.f t!-i r.-n ,.1 ; 1 in v',., .... 1 1 rtii
iuiiv1 iov, v ti.iiinii'uo 1 It C 1 j . 1 ,
liiiinoraliiy ami on ; no'her Mr. (Juiii In .
is ei'iiiiiiitlee ho Corpiati ins and ...r. Mer
i't:i'ld of commit'.LC ou inland Navigation
The amount of subcriptions taken up for
the punoJi) of reeling llie new Public
lluihlings, under the IN mot el Hill, in the
village of nioomaburj (alone is near eigbi
llioii.-auil dollars.
U.. Minn. Hi
IV e publib tins week the Redoltilions
of a ineelinj held at Wilkbarre on the eve
mnjofibe 5ili iust. in favor of. ullowin)!
this company to pass ibiou'h a corner ol
IViiMsylvania with iisroad. Thi) .ri"imbh
md resolulions aie powerfully.aud t-i-g h ti i
y wriiten ; and will do much towuid
'ba'iiiijjjiublii! opinion in regard to the xub
ject upon wbiidi ll,ev treat.
Hil Im have b ien reported in bo'b llonso
of Congress for giving notice to l.'ilm.l
lor die abrogation of the Conveutiuii
i M it; unuer vvnieii uotn uovernments i oin s
oe-tupy Hie lerriiury of Oregon. It is he
lieved that such a resolution will pass boil
houses. liOoi!.!
Have done nothing the last vvdek, bu
make reports, ptf sent petiii.iini,A;c
A lure meeting of ihe riiizens if Lu
zcrne countv was held at W ilkabarre on i!o
3 b ir. st; at which tho Hon. John (Joun-
bain j resided; in favor of giving the J i-w
Vork and Miiit lUil iiod the lilit ol wa
ihroueh tba Northern pari of I'ennsj Ivania
The meeting vv js aildiessed by (Job 11. 1)
Wii;'hl ar.d others,' and a lcnihy iieainbie
1111! tlie I'ollowiro rcsolutioi; reported bv
(Jeorge I. .Steele; lint; were ndopted
Haolvel, That we are i'i favor of tin
nassaeij of a la v penniliiu," '.he New York
and Krie Karl K 10 pa.-.s llirotig'i llie
it 1 r i 1.
.tor.neri) eotiuuea ei i-eun.s iraiiia upon
tin! best, most proper and mrst pratiieabli
uuteon its way to L-kvKri ; hy die 1.?!?! ,
turn of l'enn'a. iinpo.-in:; sm h reftiiriiniiM as
no muiio!ied in the P.ea.nblo of these
reso ul lorn.
Iit'xol i'.-.'.', That we sre in favor r,ft!ie
iniiiiedi.itc completion of the North Hnnih
'anil: and urge upon tho Stuek holders (,i Uranch ('anal Company to in al,.-
vrry prep u a' ion to tni'sh this noiila itm!
nij.or'.i.nt ioi; rovnrent under th.o tents r.
I'ten pu 1 i - ir iirii' ;l e lnnnmni vvpsII!!,
btbeviiig as v e do, liiat 0:1 i-i coiiiplrliou
ami operatio'i (bipemls largely the prosper
ity of l'niisy'. ;;i;ia.
Unsolved, That we call upon the- eii'Z':;
1 I'eeiisv Ivania to iovrsli'.iate tm; nnpor
ince ol the reeoiiiuir-odi d pri jeel of pemit-
tii;; the New Y01I: and line ii.ul Kj.iI Co
to v..: -! ti.roui'h our hord'TS ai.d a-,1: thiei
i:o:i.u:ialti and earliest Pi-cprrati.ii i.) pro
em :r such permit-ion fui u t.'i i fe :::-l;i-t::r:
during their approac'iin;' sj.-sr-ion, as ,n.
act of juaties lo the peep'.- ( f Northern ai,.
1. intern I'.'iinsv Vuua. nf ,-ritir.iM!v i-.
tern V
' 1 .
",B 1-'T""",,:ri.! laKn, i y
1 ... i- . 1 1 1
1 .ttu-'. ivania m imit nj m.ui ;r imnrove-!
. ., ,. ' I
"ien-3 in "tner portions 01 i i j ninn o;i
iv c d:b.
Ki'tv'cid, That ive bail with pic ,1'jrc ihe
uier-a.'s..,,-U;l rrsl :a.lii ., ' ,. i .
1 rini-vlvaina ti'ioo t'.is so!
, a:ol
espeei i! r; the e
ieil ; die',- ;,'id n 1:1
iy cadi-re a.lop;.-! by I'wiitiz es i.f Lvc.-:i;-'iur
iia.l i;a .! vouti'.ita i.i I'.ivor m
his ;real i;ie inc.
I?co'.vd, Tim die proeei dmgs el tbit
meetiti'' be s;''iui! b the idnc-rs, tin I oub-
li-'c d 1:1 all the park's i;i r,'.ir:lic::i I'ei:
sy Ivani t.
The New Fieaytine jjv lb:r
there i ;re:U Mif.'ernor amonj the (Jurrian
emi-r.nds, at (iiill'ieri! points ort the ,Miais
!l'.;:ii abrivn 1.'i
i.-.l.i .-At dir..
d'.ero are !m.B two lion'
ol them 1
;ree :lr.; 11 11! :! 'i.i-- 1 itru
6V ' 1 -!
!,.i.,i' a
IO In'.-1
. ! !':. iii
I ' a Ollll'
teen left there from
the i.'Tipns-it
if the i-e
a? io'T d;'.:
b-jt a ('vsfti;
M'V I .. 'C::'n"(T 00
' not (.1!) I.:ne ti t v
1. 10:1 w .0! nf . I ::
1!- -I
rv (I -1 r: a'- .-inir.t vzi- Ii i-
hr-ikin ot.'.
' ,1-''.-i, f - r'-ioK ral' ,r,p...
O'.i.i.l.ei s.
(S.wr. '
O.i 'i i'-t. I. ',iti" di.'.'i".
' tinwrir 1 1" one bond"!
1 (
ii:i.-;r it.'-s i;.ive ! n 'ef. "V tbe f '".':;i l' ol
( .... 1 . -
a ooai, -nm i:iey v.i ca sau to fa ciiurfiv
destitute of bii'.'i food anil fuel, and vvilbom
:t boiil to re ieli il 0 shores of the tiver.
" No'ic have forgotten the avvfnl lire which
visited I'nt.bur. We see it slated that
.bu Tre isurer of the -.'..-llpf Fmni hit t"
icvkd iUf)l .:J17 37, a-ijo led l.lHO claims
for the loss by ihe tl. f, an,', issind tberk?
to the amount of c jc:) 017, leaviinr a haL
nU'r nf :; :'i'J') 37 io II ink tint t!i Treas
tirer has on hand id' iu! S'.l.JH. r'neio
mer.dn the '! ilnreof, rn.d that aj
nee of .v'!!).0(ig of ii,i: appropr'utimi of
bu yiale, has not Lue.i re-, yi-'bl.:'.!, too pu.tetit year, aarnit -1(100 bar-
jrels of .apples, w htch are readily en d for
v i-'A. K
A t lis1, advieiis, cold ,.l Montreal 'il de
;;rees lielovv zero and i .lupiii: ills, for main
nionv, Hal iiuuiciuuj,
n pursuance of mnir.e jjiven by the liii
adier (Juneral, a number ol' eomtnUMoii' d
ollicen of llu fnt,i I,ri(jaile, 8di Divis
ion, P. M , assembled ai iim. U iiljingtnn's
ia Northumberland, on Saturday the 27111
December, 1815, for the purpose of j -pointing
Delegates lo represent the Bri,
gade in the Military Siate Convention to
bo held at Ilarrisburg on the 20di of Janu
irv. 1810
tt i n.oii.), of I.ieut. Col. Iimei. of If.
"ton (ono'V, (Jen. II. II. Hammond, of
N'.ilili!)in!ici!aiid counly, vva c lied to the
talari, rtinl
Col. V. Best, of Colun.!;
eoiiiny, apjioinied Secretary.
0. 1 uoiti hi of Capi, Jjlm S. Wilson, tbo
following Delegates weie appointed.
C.'ti. A. (Jrecn, of Union County.
Col. J ickson MeFadden.
Col, Laird,
1. t. Cul. Itmer,
A 1 j . A. It. Cumiiiiiis,
Col, Crobs,
M..j. II. I), Smith,
Col. John I '.ininet,
I.t. Kleckner,
(Jen. K, II. Ilamnioinl, Noribunib Co,
Maj. U in. Lemon,
.Maj. Will. . Kisfl,
Tol. I). C. Wdison,
Mr-j. Uewar',
Li. ('ol. Maurer.
L'. T. H.uTiHr,
Cipt. S. Hunter,
(Jul. Wiiytler,
Col II. U Ivlinn, Columbia County,
Maj. r.iine,
('njit. Lloyd Thoman,
Lt- Col. V. Ilest,
Col. Jas MeCormiek,
. M j. Level!",
C,pt. II. 1'.,
dpi J S. Wilson,
dpi.' II. Webb,
On motion of Majot William Lemon,
Ilasolved, That the-in proceediui; be
iif.iC'l by the oflicpis,
jtubl shed in
i'io several newspapers iviihin'j the bounds
I'the first I'f.yade. 8;h Division, 1'. M.,
ion ui .t rie tapers ai me seat ni govern
nop.t lire rtnues'.ed to pu! Iish them,
V., S.c'v (Ju-iirman.
sin(ji:lu wiLh-VAsr von n;
I 1 two or ib 1 en yens, (1818), a mar., by
lot name of l'lu'lloon, vvlio w ill then be
id years ol i'ae, will eonm in'.o possession,
u Ei'slaod, of li.OOO U0U sterliii''.
I'eier Theliuson, the testator, was settled
il Ij.oaikwortli, in i'ip einm'.v ol York, in
llng'.and. lie died .1 ii:y 37, 171J7, having,
iy will, dattd April 17.)(3, alter givinj
I .rijj leg ieit'3 t ) bis i'.iitiiiv, deind the
1... 1 : ... e 1 . .. 1 .
icnui.aui 11 :a ii... iiii, !:uiiisnu2 01 lanus
0f ,,e ailliua value 0! .J loQJ.aud a person
al pi-onertv of X'COU.OOU. lo trustees, for iho
purpose of .".ccuaiulaiiiig timing ihe lives of
li's ihi'i-i.1 .--on.!, and the lives of iho survi
vors ol'ilieo.; t',cu ihe ( a'es dirtcted to be
, iircb.i-t'd vii:i ii.k piodtn e of the .aci.-uuiu-itn'ij
hi"! lu '.t; convivial lo lio! ehhat
ui.ii.- di'seend ml ol b:s :1: -.( i-ons, v. 1 h the
'I'iliellt cf mn ; ;v oili'-t,
Peter Ti...:ittoii lei. thr: e !'.":
Isaac, Otii-i.' iir.o Ci: nles, (ir o.-"- 1'..
ivilocut b.'-ii inj 1. tale 1 -.sue, uo.l 1. o.irles
.lied without anv i si;p.
I'. ter lij.i,- hud lour sjh- bum l.' i!:?
Itaib 0, the 0"-t ir, nil of w bom die I child
'ims, am! o;,r , Wiliiaiii, b-ui) o; the t-i.'h
of Jitniary, 17 aiid if eo,:r-e, e.-iiln-i
due time ailer the decease of IVer Tbvilu
jsi.icuur.y c-nntiiM, tins person n i.uam
nor:i will, 111 t!,e nio.-cruril woiils
tj ..r it.
ol ihs
is t!c
011 iv'iose son ii to inherit
Ms vu-t e-ti'o. ''.'iiil.uii married in 1830,
md in 1 ; a .-,.1 bet ) ' 31 will tak: the
"" 1
t"p'o!', a ,11 lo; er.oiinou j. As lor.5
is iS-7,
! it v
i'H!".'ift '
ue :
b.rtb cf the son
! it v.'o'.bl prn'ta-
r -t .) r. :s:-t,S ver.mij
r'.i'Vi v.! i; t 1 !): alleii iled.
ii.-: liii.L; s:n:i:i.
( stei lieiooarat Says .but -Mr.
A ! ' .
The Km I
I) n iel Sim lair, of (Ymdi.nia, Livingston
:ou lit V, N. Y., has a sheep in ins posses--ion,
l.'i years of ?ije, wbii'.ii his never fail
d of slie irm j sixteen pound of wivl and
.ai-iii' t-.vo lambs annually, Tlie mother
if this sheep vva3 hutched in its ld'.h year
anJ twenty pounds of tried ulluw.
An o:c!nrd i 1 We-i Chester coaiity, V
'iJanins ..,H,!) !0 apple troos, wh;eli !uva
sixdolius per b.trrel in l'hil i.b Iplna lor
t.v jtoi laiion to L.tjjl 11,. I, when; lliey are ex
puet'.d to I 8 I'i to 60 per h ,rrcl,
I'liey ::rc the Newtown pippins,