The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, January 10, 1846, Image 4

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    i.i mmivuvmirpyift'
Tlio Farmer wanta a" i able titi; rf,
A piiipnne lure iiiul nieiily,
To patitint tmliiHiry inrlioril:
IVr busmen alw.i; t ready.
Good liahits well infixed.
A 11 .4 judgment hcI( (i g I't. iily,
Ti) fifl mil Irtiiln w nil eimr in Xd,
Tlu' II ahtnild oys, In in ifi'Bilv.
lie ivimi n ncjil and priult'Oi wtft',
Who lirn lir fatua can five it,
Vlm kindly soot'ios the care of lite,
( Uci jjil'i of liiin who gave ii .)
We. want a snug urn) t'uly faun.
Ami siiPiiffili and health lnjjpi'ier:
A Imure ami ham to kep all warm
!ii co!J or rainy weailur.
Heaven' Wi'ssingi iho nmusl crown
Or all Ills hopes ro Masted;
Dul wiih tit is resting on hi soul,
i'ha purest joj g &r laMid.
He then ftijny j, a lili unknown
To lliofo the world rails greatest;
Known only lo ths iinnd a'oiic,
The earliest nnd the lanni.
I very well re meni'icr a myinjr, f an
old genilcmin, una an excellent farmer.
Uut if j ou would make a hog pnii'
blc, you should not lei him po o win
let ; and I tliink 1 have p a t i c fi d myoll
that spring p'i will kppt mid niu'sed
-are far less expensive, nnd yiold nion
in return foe iheir kerpi ng, than those
which are fififen or li.hteen mcnlt
old. Hut there is one thing quite err
lain, if we prefer our store lion to com
in the fall; we ought to be careful to
keep them through our long eold win
tern both warm and (Jcy. Every obser
vant farmer knows lh4 if his eattle are
not sheltered from the cold weather and
ntoiin, they will require more food to
keep them in tolerable order, than i!
I hey are kept warm and comlnriabio,
Jus'. o it is with pigs if they are fiif
fered lo run over your premises in the
tsi.ow and sleet. with their Iprs a.iu snoin
as red as the gill of a goblcr, wiihoti'
a warm and dry bed of clean straw to re
sort to whn they choose, they will no'
only, in all probability, come out with
i he manage in the spring, but in every
erunt i lie v will convince vou mat mi
the food (hey have devoured, has been
thrown away ;for shoals tint have a cold
damp comfoi lless bed, wiil gt;l mangy,
and mangy pigs cmoot grow. Iw any
one who has a mind lo iiy the Xi ri
tnent, lake two pigs of the same lilier,
suffering the one to run as above, mid
let ihe other be housed and well fed, and
it will be found thai the superior growih
of the Utter will pay, for the care be
stowed upon him, with good interest.
Hogs that are confined, and cannot get
to the earth, will frequently he hencfti
led by having a lililecfarcoal, soft brick
bats or soft wood thrown them, and
trifling quantity of brimstone mixed in
their food occasionally is an excellent
thing. The hog has iho credit of be
in;; a diity fellow but'we should re
member that he li jes to be dirty in his
own wsy, and for his own pleasure he
neither prefers to live cold, nor in filth
still less does he choe to be half fed.
Dr. Franklin's man said the hog wa
the only gentleman in England, Ix'c.hkp
lie ilona was exonerate.! from labor. Il
this be so, surely he ouhl to bq well
fed and housed in America. I enlirtJv
believe that the same amount of food thai
will barely cmy a pig Ihrough the
winter with bad manng"inent, will with
K'lod, prudent Ireatmen'. keep growing
ainl in the spring you' have something
to build upon :hat will by and by
make you a solid porktr, who will d,
credit to your j'.y, '
1. Thou Khali love the Printer for In
ii the M.mdatd cf thy country.
Thou shall nbe to his pa;.ci
for l.e seeketh much lo obtain Uih iiew,i.i
which ye may not rem in i.'in.raul'
3. 'I 'lion avnlt pay him ( r m piper
far he aSorel'i lii.-d to yive yuu the new.1
in due ffasun,
4 'I'lioii eh:ilt ndnTi'tit;' he ui,r
be able to qive ye ilm p.? per
5. Thou fhnlt not visit him I a iriilcsg n!
his ofiire rules !cr,r ir; the p-4pTs.
G. TllOU h ill t.ilirh ll'itbil III .it wind!
fj'ne the priuti-r truti!;! ,h,.t ho may no'
luthl thre iiiity.
7 rjiou hu!t not r'nl '- inanr,rri;
in the InmU oi I'n' i't ;.o-iior i r !i
will not l oli! she It; :'.: t.--.
8. Tlnit -lia!i not i; t'u' nw
it printed for I.", v.iil it I oo ;n
dim time.
9. Tlion sit
' i,
:irtr.: o1
things in the flii.-o fro,,i it, tno.i
tell notliinir.
JO. I'lioii s'lult not Ft td ,'lni-ive
tlireatning Ictfr ni ir.e ! i . r .
There 1 a pl iiilatmn for t in le n:si i
tta in a rallmr ni)ir!')iiS IneMi in ,; mlvi r
tiernen( ilaling it to !;' A; " ..-:.
thi 'JkvWs f'.bmc. '
Chair KTanufacloy
'I I I lj eubui ibi t (ouiiiiiiii to iiiiiy mi
(' 1 1 A I li ' J A N U FA C TO .! I (i
:Mi;-iin-f ft the '"hi .mhiiI of It. A. 1 1 t
mi, li, i lie will In- remlv .n till nno
hi ho null Fancy it W iinUot ('buns, Nit
m cs, Il.iMiili lun kinj,' Chalin V. f, (It Hi'l)
li i riptiiMi, hirh may he rullt il In , M
Iiiii l nolii r and Till Ihe lllOl l easonal li
i iiii v . lie ui!l ,i!no rxeetile House, Siifh i.
Oinaiiiintal 1 .t I ii I i 1 1 - "lid House I',i;iiim'
hi a superior manner,
From lii.s exiM iienee in lltu. business. am
bis fnriliiies oT nniiiilaeHiriit tliC va'iinns
irtielex of his line, he Hatters IiUIihcK thai
tir bh.ill he ublu loltnuihh as ound work.
and upon as reasonable term as ran In
iliine in the eoimii v, ail ol which he wil
ih.posR of lor CXll or (.'OUNTia
N. . Orders from -a dis.tanre will bi
strictly ai.d Hiteliiallv nttended to.
lilonmsl iirjr. Dee. 30, 1813
B KH'l-iCTPn.f.Y ii;T'rms Ihe eilizi'tiK i,
UK, ('"luiiiliia ciiunty, nnd the public generally
hat lie liait liicnte.l liiinsell'iii l!l..i)nisbnr,i.(,u V tin
tn el ii'ie.Mte tt. I'hiiI'h Chnn li, where he g
iit-. I Miiii, niul ih now reai.y iiinl t ri'iniil to
reeene asiil ru'i'iilc all Mtrk Hi lilslmeul b'at. mcrii,
'.vilh (li."Mlcli aiul in a uniloiiaiihke mamicr.
clocks Watches
if the bent cnali:v, ran he had at his- c.-tal li.-hmeril
in Very reasonable ternr .
.vill be 1I0118 lo the satisfui linn of ibe otistonier, ai-
veil of Clucks ami Watches us f Ji wclsv, ami In
.viil tuitlur, wiriiiiit liiswrjik In l e exc 'iilcl ks
well as nn v in thin section of the vta'e. He will
also make to crdcr
ir pocket, and in thorl, will ilo nil oll.crvwak vm
ally done in a well legnlalcil rrs;c iti.t-.le rilaMish
inent. lie hoius Iiv sti'ct ol t u t ion lo biisim
anil a desi'C to phan-e, to leecive a libernl sliuieo
liutronnp;e. Onunlry J'roiluce lukon in pay men
tnr work at Ihe market price.
Lilooinsliuri,', rVoveinher 15, lfil4 -HO.t
Mew taGa
E W A It R A X fi I. ;.I V. X TS .
,Vo Unfiling but Gondii tLwn to tiie loio
tut notch oil through.
TllF. Fiil'.-criber hiiiii's led hi-: ru n
Ktnre houc, nil jlain ttrcij near Maike,'
in iiioiinisburg,titid having sioiknl it wiih it ctot-l.
of entire new (,'""''Hi wiii.-h wero .seK-etial . wish
'icat care in n csnl to ai.d inicu, J,e 11 .si, it
lii 111 self that he can idler frivh yo. .lis, nml i.rwcM
-Ivl s.anil them at hover prices Ibnn has in r U rn
ollerod in this place, it.'idas the asrui tincnl c i ; -. j
of every tiling for ciniilni't a;.d ailoriicni.t in l!ij
, Bry Goods,
of;ellier wilii a g-ncral aci.oi inn i.t i l
Quceiisirwe (xoine. new itijliis)Sihooi
Uovhs, Hardware, Cedar wore, 'li i!!:
ware., Hartiicnwurc, S'lliiitt or
J.uke, ground, l ine Lisbon
and Jtin'Snlt, .W
, awn. Mucntrnund
Cdvindinli. I mil it'
ton I'lug. Fine cut !c
Smoking 7 alimo, dunlin
f Soap, C11 1 1 r Ki t!(s,y'l i, 1'uv Iron.
hesides' numerous other a. lii '1 1 II 1 1 t I ii h v. i
he i i.t a very small J T ii t fi.r i'.:.'y ay. '" i! la
would ii'.-;ii'i'tl'ii!ly invite nil . 1...1." t c..!l a .
cxuiiuik! his ijimilf and pin es, ln. re jn.n Lumih.
1 lie hi'lii'i t puces paid lor nil kino.-, ol com.';;
proi. lice.
i.. 1;. i;i 1 i.;;r
Jilnoi.ifhijrr, fipt. Stub, ij --,-11'.
V,.D and nndi r-.tand ! 'J he time v iii e.jtui
JS.ii when the meleani', Hia'ain tii iii , v !; :
ppiiriiili',1 as they anil dein-wjit v:il In
illl.liiaOiod lr. Ufiiidielli has tuO Irony, .e
cl.iinis liinii the (HiKie. Il is ti'ie thai riciv in
lividtial who 11 lii d of the IJiamln t!i i'ii:-
concede them to he tin' l i :.t mi dicinc li:. cei
1 :cd, '1'hcy aro iieb i d a medicine about which
here is no iiii-sak.t. 'J'i'ir value in a cbnuie m
hanji'able n onr.i caini' t be ..iioiiichtlv annrui'lat-
I'd A tree pel -1 :i : I' tl is at oiae sc. tore ! , toil.
ihi'V cine 1 . I . i i-, and ( "lin'.iiii.'i ,11 is niewnti d.
I'll '! liiin have a ri-ilnndaiicy ol bile find them l
the .'no:t (.:!' t.ti'l i-rr, ice, aid slifti'-! 1 1 erf le n il
ici''ii"y of tli it im:' et :! Ini'l ihe ibandrcth Pilb
i.iii' an iij'i-i'.l'. I'i 111 in i..l iti'.rt. (ffien li:.s t!tir
.ntpartaut ii.e.lii iee I v dui.hle ii' .v hi tl:..ita re
:iiiis wie'ic I'.o-!.'ul eo.i;v t, ri w.i o '. ..!;
;n;! A few ilo::r, taken iinnteili ilely nj.oit she in
'i rliiui I'.'hi'T Kieivi d inliMhi sv '.i in, will h ,o
n ut c- Ciin to ptevi '. anv material'ci nie
And no tt-irte (f this drctdful epideinii i.-t tl.-Tr
' 1 u(i.'.r a I e lii .:;c a ; tin" li.-e-idi) id Finn. 1, I
!.i md'ii.e I "' n; i .e't.iliv 1. ! i t -;i:-
b-i.-a-f, an.' I") hn.- id bh.oJ ailon.d, i
.1 iv f.'.v, v. on! I l e i; vicliu..-. N ii i w:i!i u:!,e.
j-'.i- -. A -i. t oat ue with liit-i all iiit,.i:i-a;:l
..!'.. .oaf a leint.-c m. 1. bid hsiin.ira frmn thn bb o..'.
ind d 1 tnt ii - t to '. ! cdi: ,: or mc'i in ;'. sml we
'1 ol h f. e a 'cry c, i'at m' ii -:!-.' of j ir. o; i- !'i: It
tvi'iI 1 r.iin I'.ala la s. j hr. ! ..tin 1 1 , ;.o. tin SU
in d, KiiiL"! .in- 1 vef v. 1.1, li v. e c.e - in-, nn
i"t uiii.e'ed w idi 1 to "iiii: iiiitlmiit" ; in it'.i r !.-naU
v ' 1c if it i.i"c it, t I'n our 1 tii' '..In. 1 oo.a..'.ott!
ilii.n. 1's v n. e. ( c the I:. id., 'no ubi'l.
.1 ir.noiii'.i j v i'.h in r. v.hiJi nnldlj !":' li'.in iv re-
.".' '.-a'' 1 !,.' , 'iin. ii 0 : ,.; 1 iii ;.;.. . j.'. . rcnih.
W !, . , !.; .: 1 1 .. I 1, dlr ;! . c ff ;!,, 'nil h.,!,'.
a o or I'. ,' '..,1. i.i'l ;nc ;i ; i.ns", li- it c rr:
l.'j' !:. . lit f the loan f til , of in;' d ;,1 I'i,,.-
s ,. :;.. 11 mi, .-in!. il'y I-''. a.'d l!' ,t cv, , v
1 n .vuli 1, iy ihri 1' l-il'i !- i.j "ii il I" ay he ii'hi 1! up
Jl In have i!,.. h. v ;', .'i ,1 i Vr! .!. 'ilid if u;ici
i 'iioin:' ., i'., , ,i, . .1: .; t;
; i; " r ;i.
.' '.v-it- I . . A. 'I', .i- '.
I ! vi;i. - K. it. Ci ', ;:, '-. A Co.
C:.;,.- ; :('. ;. !',,,!,-.
li'- .:!: i:r -- .'. . -.
:1.e!.,i',r,.-...t.IJ. Sit. -w rr.
I. mi' III. I -i- l."'v i'i i I. "i n- in.
'; ,' i-i
y ,i :,
;, pr.cp.ysn una
Cabinet vi'arc House,
fJMIK snbvcrihii wmild ri" perlfidly inl'oinitl l
A pnl'hc, that lie has taken the nil i lulely oc
'"iipp d hy .Sanuii I hill; , lieu the upper end o;
!!!ooiii-.tiiii(!, w in re he is earrj in;j on the
oi a'l its vii'i.aM biaiiclien, and Mieu) he will In'
4pppv ow.dliipoti all ll.ii.c wlin may fuoi l.iai
wiih iln ir i a .t.itn. Il;: I'liniiline is w ai raWi d lo
'c made nf s;no, inatc: i.d nnd ibiialde, und he in-
ii nd ' k' i'pii'K on h.gid
Siitiiiiins, Sivrelav'us, Ihircans,
ll'tn (mhos, ('u)i Tnhtc.s, Dining
'labia- Ihral.fasf Tuhksy
LuihiKi 'i.s. .S7(7 mi's, I f 'ash
Elands, lit dsleaus,
I) tugfi-trniigks,
Cojjlns, SfC
mid all Itiiiil.' of work in his line, which he will nil
upon is rcasf nalde (''rtns nt they can l.e pur, ha.-vi'
in the i uniily. , ,
l!y html attention to httiiineiis lie hopes to n
ccive a Hharc of )tihie patronaKe.
Aprir:.", t9!.r,. tyt
Harness, Saildlo Si '
Trunk Iv.c nulac tur cr :
P'JJ i:s'K(: rrt'I.I.V informs the public Unit lie
j j haa located himself in the hnp tie-;! door
'o ..iuiui l Ka..M'nbu' li.i I liair ritclnry, .Vain Hired
ito.un:, ii, I 'olumbia county, hcie he vviilca i v
in ('k'iiL'ivl' hus iic-s in all its briinclits, lie will
keep com-tanily on hind li'ie and coarse
One. and 7 to ILne Ilarne-its,
I fume Col'nr.1, Saddles, l)i idles
and 7nnl, t; -c. .
if evrry ile i'iipd ni ; and haviin; had a l.ipp;
ienri ir the Imainc s, he can furni-.ll as ;;'tod work,
in. I at :.".rap as can iie jmroli a -"d in the county
(fj . . kiu.U nf coiinlry produce taken rn pay
ct if M k, at the maiket pi ices,
f- I rt I . "i -Cmll
inlcmlim, Panijihlct, called Ihe
im &J. lU Jli f,l A. JLJ X-
Vif II (Iiatuiloiis (.'ircuiation to all roinons w ho
ivill end, JV'seive. and Lend it, Ht I!. Liu.
Illnomsliiir, John Moore, Dai. ville, John liuir,
Milton, Walh t & Co. Berwick
.111 the, fullowiiig named .Irlic'cti hnveob
ta'nud unbounded p'ipitu'rili,vizi
Iihemnalisin. (!nntrartr.i1 r-irds, fe'ltil' Joints, nnd
flout, will n.i.itivelv be cii'-ed by the J lie ttie ol
the Ind inn Ytgf.l.ddc I'lixir Liniment, 'i'lif
serpticn wc invite tn call und be personally refer
red lo (reiitlemeu el the hihc-t Htauunig in tint.
ci'.y'wh') has been cuu'd of Khi.uinati.-iii by tliis
remedy They are warranted the only genuine
JJtajn'r iJr MeXiili's -i7c V.l hasprov
i d veiv successf'il in cisiiug even total )cal'iie'i-
c have many ceitii'icates IVom citizens who have
i.Ji'd this tJlh'with ci V'lcte :.'u.:(i.-s tt'e ii:vitr
II who are tmub'; d a:,.Ii any ui.i a;i; of the Lar,
eainine t!sp fiin .f
;.,:;,,', f.' li-r.u ru.wctd is the
'aii.i'y iiiei'i- i,.c ii, t! f. , l-J It is a m' f"f hys
iei.-ia. Av,:m:i, i.e.' ' J'lipiai.:!, Ii.oi'.i'i.'lon, IV-
;vi in' s, .l. u.i ii piU i-sy' L'fbility, iV:,
y, 1! Itopcratis wf.!; lot iho !ik!iIi.4 J'ain, a
i noi'i but l!lo;oi:,;ii callnuii ', and lievfi'. h au.-
Ii" pT.-.n c. -livc i son il talo n very olteil
'l'h" Tib s a e v, an anted to be eirel by the jen
line if ay:.' hinina lit anil I iuc.i I'a'.ii nt china, f.-i
lie mom nh.micd '. ho will im-v c-oilvr w'ill,
his di.,01'.-.n.'T ffiliplciiitl "icvu'lmy it without
he si 'i,: 'cii in'" ot n'lu-lc '.i i co
rohi. !"!: !, i" ' !K 'jidiiitl i-' !. P'O'C noil
.trull'; an litiM"t f nm t'.i ce'e! fiti-.l Kent ;-s run'di In' m ob; This pii' i'is rt rv H!.a! !:at
he poor can'. id lo c-c il , 1 1 .n'J hot .';'.) i"i:ls
ier iinllle, or : t pev ;..7."li It is l'.a oi.'v a,:a-!i
hat wi.l i .i'vln.dly u.ily ;.'...! '' m all
inpuiiilii's 'J'ii,: v who have twe,i imprudent it.
Itv u-ei'l e..b'lii..l,'v, uhl bad tuns I' .ni limi.
,..,'; .'Tils ihcidi'.d pi';; -a
i.iil w ill i ,.. o the b T a:!,.' i- , ' iVo.'u a I;::",
i-.iwii ta a b t Id.ick, . I i.. 1 ii.j m: the I...0 m
tain il:'' skin in l',e h '
Pi-.- ,.,u- ..:id JJ.v.'.v the ' v v.-li- l!!-
...; !'..',,. i.t t i 'in ; ii. i . hi o i:. i:a il'i,::!-
i!k l!i- h.iit f ma nihil 04 "'.it. a:.d ic-1- It v. '.. .,
' .! I .'vr bus it :litout the pignutiot ol Can
loci; C. Co.
Wo. in i'.'i.'m: Ycri'j,!:',e. is a i..i.'c,a...y
'Iiii id' I 'tl.'l ciac.iy lor . oi'h :u ihildiiai c.
i '.iIi;. hi . ivy i ,i-c. P. is i i.i..' ' Vc;.;.';:i!d't am!
i i;','.;.' t " " I,:.' m lie. I,- d,:' I i n .
It": i ' c a i .'... ii:.'. 1'iice ''.' ci i Jim.'.; i u
:'.no ! i, wit'i oi!-.. irii'.i".-',
27.e .'..''.)- '."". i:a- bi n tb'.Mn Idy ! U-..!
v i.iauv Vii'.i's e pi t K'lii ,'. I.::'. i '.puling
ii hi'i-oaie lie :!.f rs m:') 11 i '.-.inul t A. i.ii
i,.-,r.s a, I I a ; , '. in p, . j,n in:; t:i, in I', -r 'n-
1-t.ibj ! t!.v i. It ,p,i'-:.-- i.eivous in,', c
: ;,, i:;. i,',! iu .: on:;' : ,. ;. : . . r:o-.i t: I'.irul ".ml i,v' , "1'iliw lb" . iri-.,' .'I i f '.!:! I-Icor!.
e.'lllttfs lb" .-t.i'uarh. ; :id I n :!i:.i"i i tin; Itiil
.. i'h 'it s'e ii e ,i inci.itio," pons a, im-lhi'is i
1 .?..(. .i.'.ny cl'.'.n :A j !:;-, i,.i:.t ti-.e il i;; l!.i..
.c dij'.'o'.ery. by .'bo'ial h!.;vij and j ',;
;t '.. -'.r tt. y I e ', ; ' ' ' I'i ' 'i ' it; e.t
I. I ,..:-'. a t'oirli p...dv v.t'ti mm :i;'p!i.":ui"n v
i il i c nil ;.:,.' .s aim 1 ij , , ,.i.,.i r,i ,ii -.
i.ii., the s'.ii'..ii i. 'i ins iiiitis'i is n tnliii
it .v ii:i u'i'.n; .t.d .-it' p: i sen aur delimits till v. In
... : it. j 1 1 i : .' i : . - t -i ; . . . s i.el i'ipe : in li c mav
,e si .:n at A C, uiti .in ':-!:. d wbi'c il.c I'oit l:
in-', li" ',i. ,i,.: l!- ,'o't !.!' JO cents u'r bottle.
il '' ;(:.;..' i.; w A slue rcrjitdv, ibic,
-o i 1
...'It's. .! . ,
e..'.f ..I la.
: m ! ,n;:.,i:.
,., .i'.u.or rnvrai'tu; n.isi
.iter;. . i.. . . ''.; -', I '.'o'.i
.i-f,..lii;eic a an disc , t
. a 1 1 JJ.C m ,..::c tcb'.t
i'.i; f'xr rel-.'r.i!
mp'bit , Aslhro
:H;;.II is .. .pi.
i:,'. I).,
c' Co
C'oii.dii. t
':'.x f .'!..- '
.:: e-
1 i:,l III t. .-.,. .: '.. c. i'C
( i i;ivt ', li,e I. :r a b; auti
01. s .ill'' n ' '' i !
1-V ' t!,'.- mI. :t new,
:l m ! V !. !.'
in:. a i
t I idl e' !:;
:l li,,- :, t I my i, i t ;' ' I ;' : Oi til, id I. .
bi i Cil: .tt d fo'd lb." e sl'itfiaeu s uuirue, I'm:'
lilii'i.-.s are . d , 1 1 e i 1 : , : in' iu lb:.- . i V by I in i 1,
I'.,. !! I n in l! in I'--,, -i '. ii'iii . 1 I i. ,' !
: I ,
ie '.' o!' ';' - ' ." line.-' ..ii A i'ii
i'ii;' ' m-tav i ;oe t-i 1 " h id i 1
h'-m Id I, i-m .!',!;. ,b Ii.i .'
,,;', ' , ,:,;,'. ,t- e,, yv -
..i. , 1. i.-i.'i-V.v. i..,i
p!r el
. I'.i ivdle
tv I
k' -W and 1
: o : ! ' e , -V St,..-...
I, lb RITVc, r.
, I I
AT Tin:
i.. u ii.iiLji:u r,
rTAVIN'li dl' posed of.bii fi,-,t t-l nk i.f;,'. obi.
3. ij hasjost r,'i rived I. t lieltet h tn I tome splcii
irlim tit i-titt tide to tin; a' u en, coird.-tim:
food a vitrie'y of
Cltitli.i; St;!!iii(ti, io,li:)irn aid
mr .Men's wear, tin can be had at any other stole
:n '.he ci'tiiily all kinds of
s.'Vv, Cotton, Uiinf", Woollen or SJVr tij
i halls fur ,n. lies' use HaU, Ci'p;lhin and thick
Ititotu and Miocs, ery cheap,, liciitlen a lan,o a
sortment of
and iu fact, tihnost every Ihin'r, that can he found
to any other store in lite county.
Iioli. villi: that u nimble sit enc,. is hi tler tb in a
bill -billing, he vill continue to cell hiseoods at a
snia'l mlviii , for ready ),ay. lie ll i-iclore in
vites all to i all, feelins; assured that lliey will In1
rsiti 1'ii'd w itlt his jiriccs.
INov I.t
. K Y SS ii O T S
J, pprned a SliOi'i
:'! 8T0KK nt Ihclmv
end ct Mam Mttc,..
Aloom.-hiii';;, nl lb,
store forun'llv ueetini
el by 1!. I.ttU where ha int'-mb; to keep a pener
nl a.-.or!.nent of allocs and boo.s, for ineti and
ivnineuswarf, whit h h will s, II n lew, if n il
lower than ll.-t same (puil'iiy of 'nods can he hoiiuhi
in Columbia county. Ho w ill al.-o iiKke to.otder
ail kinds of hoots nnd (dines, at "b"i t notice, I :tv
in ,' delcru.iiied lo sell low, for ii small ai,lil.
he r"ner'fiilly inviih's ihii"0 wdi.i are in Want ol
any t'.iii1; in his line, to cite him a call.
X. il. Ail rfooih bought i f me are wanaiiti J
to bo us rc.:ommcudcd.
v. iii;tc',Lh,
Nov. loth ISM.
. ' V 41
'TJIVI-; jn-:t received at tlnir (!!. Si;,d
ti 1'lain tt'cei, a lar;;..' and i U ia in a,v.-.(
inent of
.vhiclt nibli il to tiicir former -'o, I., rendecs it :.;:
omph'ti' a i can bo f.iui.J iii the ( onir y. .Juiu,;.''
'Cry Ccd isa
n:,v be fo.iml cn.-.ia and fn.e ;roH,lc!,.l!i, of idi 1:lJ ,l:,'""u,t w '"l;l""-,l " a "uu" ""'
nlm-s.-Cas-imeri, SV.I.netts. t), !,..! (;h.i;,,lvints!',;l"""i '" ;'soil"'r ";l '!"'.N"lt!l 1 , ('!
d'ail qualities. iniil of the , v.-e. t .all,-ns, (Vaiie,.,,!S,",',l,"'1,a,"!a'A- ' "'nv "lt'i'l'l,l! 'V Cbar.cs lb
', i.tinj-t.Mitdi i Ia!!n-.v ('.?;" 'h' Mx.-t.f k ic. w i '-'"j :''r ..."
name) Ca-Inner-', Ih'iimt Velvet, Sh:...b' bil a::d
t '.a 'on 1 ' a I'd, !'.! ief; ' ii' and C, ; ,i;i ,'., ( ;'
.ol idi'-'!. l.!,-.-:;e,t ,;.! h.(.t ,.,,,. ;.oi
IU!.'.-'. lla'sainl t in;. 1"i'.i: ; ciil '1,11, si.:.;
i'on-k ,'o"t-' and slmcs. Imba Kiddar ."dines and
tl.'Cil,'., I... III'. ;".'.
0 L A R S ,
joti '1 r.ti a.-corl'DPtit as em ho f-ti;ri1 in tin
i-n;!'li'V. tneotbtr t.'S'll all l.i::(!u of II,,1
Ivtrihrrr.-" nr.".
- r,rl!t'( 1:1 ;:!e!i:!ii';.f every t!;in f'.ini n
oe'tor in r;,ui' ri' i . i 'I!p, i! ' a (..:-. , r ot
ii ('! ! i ,'i it i v. all's ,i i:.: ', i ic-ii diet IJoond
"ir, Shi el : , , 1 ,;u.d ! I'm!, -on ibie t'.tr wajr
:;o:i li . u or anv ether i,-o
A lar;" Mian'.iiy of .., del ;:,'! I'in,,- ;,'-l 'i'llbs.' r,,!.,M, . ' i "Z"
('tir;'T and lif'tv- ;-itl,.;, ad I i.I
I in ".' if, s;ovi: ijM!, ali i I pj'-f.r si ,.) r-,!
lint what i
V? 10 t.irt..!;:rs:i2.
daniiy riti n;'i: !i! in their line fin lm a-ket
i'or 'out what lb. v t an !'nri,i-!i tin ir rnsoin
rs for prompt pay. or in ad l;i::t!s 1 f lu.u
'':v, a;n! emit! iy produce:
Nov. lo, 1 - do -:!;')
-f fi f"v' "'-'. r
'-riD 1 , ':-;.-" s-j i
V:l'. !''' t'li'.'i r r '. ) ei ' .'idly j,.f, ,;, the .l.b!ir
""' t i.e i. 1 1. .1 rtd 1. I . p. on .' " 11 i 1 i - -1 ; et
" ep it.- C.'ait, ti's 'I ;.'.. : 11, i'n I h,, i'i-
1 1 . . . 1 1 : ; - em iv 1
:.'uio liUiiim--.-
I it : Miri'-t:; t.-;:a hc.
'lis v ii:i
u'evi ".-i-ivr:'','' n, W'i!! J... lo t on Iiai.d for t alt
U V.'iiOI, !.!. I! , r Ii! TAIb.
' sin:!:!' ikon
'dani.fjclurid into :,.. f. .. :,i i,,pdr,d,
S'lOVb, I'll'l.S,
:!' - ii ,-'.,"' ' pt c;a.s nti ,.n hand. dove-, i. ti i .-'.j-!.
-' . ' n J ttt '.! b'l
t.: fit ! 1 c.:.i l: 1
ess in tnc r,.:
1, him h"!':, I'1 tin
,e iijc
ri;ri!ia.-e 1 l a : line.
u:li i'.im.h ail arii, i.
111 'ii1 1 1 1 '
i 1
lie county.
I). .1. hlC!!.
' 1"
in. 1 r ,'.,
i 2 :
1 r-
- . . , 1 . s. e . ... , 1 . i . : ', . : .
jjj li' i!...t be b is tal.i ;. ibe .-!;..,, i .:. ,
y" ii. S. ii..yhi: -'. :.t t' 1 ,, i ,
lie, t fijoeiir !.;ir; i w!.t re be hi .'i.e.- ':
d.e ai-,''.' lnt.,'1.- - in ail its I m:- ! , '.:;
ha c el' li a ; iii. ,;;.'. . ( lb" pi ' !. .
In co-nriti a, v, i'.'i the above i '.,-li..
bi-i I'l'i'.U'ii in an
He nil! alwn,-. I .-. rea-'v to n,:d.e .'Sii
1 ...a.-
'.lie : a 1:0 prices ;,-, ,.u,. !,:m-i in l.b'omi 'M' ,
md ha--1-:; -i'p! i" ' hiifis. il'n 1 'I. a Boet il liA '!M.
v.-id .illeiid w ith il at the I'lii.etal wliiii.nt ;tii
i'n I, a 1 I. n.e.
M-i ,!0 s.jr..-.,:i
I3t.':!cj & "(KdrEih.ttl,
H V M jUhl iccnived at their old
j r) of Mam ami Mm k,'ts,
stand coiner
u new and
pi. mud ii .Mirlini nl of
D11 TT4 JL .-X
A iiH flllU Wlillyi
which they (ili'.'i- in low as limy eat, tc pundiacd
iu ihe eoitnly. Amwlijf til ir usorltM lit HUM be
f ,1111,1, "
Cloths. Cnshnrns. SaM.irtt Sr.-tn.H.
.., , , ,. ,
Silk. Si I, I .vet and other r,r f.
of I t.H'imrs, ( n.shmci ei, Craj.e..
I); ,tttrieii.Muiiil ue home.
fllrri.,irs, .'lUipneens,
l'irumetta,( new
article) (iin- '
hums. '
ami every variety of I'riuts I'.om (J . to 2,'.'t
I"'1 J"'
CL,iss .)f) ( ui) was r,i ;, !
..v;w. ',v:, j
Xails, round, bar and : beet ;r m. b ,r mid -piini; .
....... , ... . '." , in..-,, i.jj.r., iin-.i . ii i i.j ,i,,-,.ii.-,
linn anil tiitek hoo'.s inn m i: A , A .-. m
.11 . il ... ii.. i :
II .ai,... .,rii,.!..4 IIKI,.,iiv I.,.,.. ;,, , ,..,.,.,. ,, ,.,
: of which they will s 'll in culunc lo, Va ii or
cimn'ry pniiucc.
ember to
rrnilE tmb.ribi'i-l
1 informs the p, ,!.'(.''
lictlul he ,.,s:, 0VK nl!: l"r'i- Vl '' "
i.. U. Ki.T'i;i:r.
October 11.
a i) Mis isr ii. i roii' s x o tici:.
'IhelW.ote of.loyjTIf.'l.S NTIOL'P
late ot Hl.uhi Pha-it'nl lowmdii'i', ileciaa
TTO'I'IfT is heicl v tivt'it that h Iters c f ni'iehi
JLJ istclion on the itiove tn it. in, ued 1
Inive I en ! -I ti the : -uhsi ill erdivuiL' in 1 1 . in-
lock town-i;i.. Ail pe iioun itidchli d tosaid i -late
oc heiehy n ai'ied to make iuiii.iiii.ili' pay i.icnt.
and ad tho-e haviiifj claiins arc p-ljiitbtui- to pie
sent prcpi lly iiatiientien!, i! tn
Oc'.oher, il, IS I.". -(iv.-").
rfJli'M Fubscrihrr will i t!'"r hi IJ(?'1 nil!
t'4 KtOl'C E'i'ji jiort ' lot ia!o until the t!d,
I Uelicinbci lie.vt. If net sold by that time tin
!' 'e V. ill lis iciiti d lor one os t'n'ee '. ears t'oin tin
I!'C. of nest Thelolsoii wbie'.i tiiolmildinu'S a"
eiece; front jf)4 I! ct nn Main-street the Unlet
-Jijl t'-'ct I'd-it. f-ix deep and llnrc tones luh,
mult ol'hri. k in It-. ! 1. ';','n? rUore llcnse of wind,
f.-t 1 1 : out, fcS deep und two and a half ttm ics
coutiitionM ta iliet-ale will lie to ' ' ,- rent
; dowsi, -U per c'til mi Ihe lost ol Apulmxt. and
I i" hr ';" '-o.ti,;:,y t-ne m ti.e pmcna-c
inm.ey vill iu' leu on i:.e propeny it utvircu.
i.'or unv otli-r i::lurmaiioii enquire ,1'
I! II .IlltTi.!,'
l!o iiindiur'Ovtolitr ', 1 J ! " --si , ;f
T f i yr - V ".ity ii.''i-i
r? ' C Z , ...I ..1.,'ljS rtJ'
7? t nr tt vr ;i
f;T)Ii!fiS h.vp lo inf.. nn thn public, that
! A",!,,, I., ,,. .r.-il I,. .,,,,, I,, ;,l lt, ,
u.iL . '. I . '.
:'tnin; in to lti.;,.rv, stl' !l as rcino' i;:;; !
77.Y' Tartar a ml nf'. r I'nrcign Sub
!.t.'t:i t!io tm:lb. ren !i iin;; tb.'.i: c'cii, :;:,!
be p.,', ns itnd hrca.h fnvi-tt nit.t hi'.!:!:'.
T.'.i car;! iiii ef I) r r;rd 7::th
Will ho ilfessm! out and fii'ml will) (i, lb
r oilior loi'; id' the .'in '.-t on-tlity, "s tin
!.se mav rmjiiirc,'h uil i" ner.i l
fevont their ai'bin ; or fnrsht r decay, am
t od'-r ihotn o.'.;-ni for Vf,.i-; aiui in 111 i.
a os i'iiriii:; I d'-'
yWh and Xht :;; f T.rlh
Vliicii hat'C' In c ,ii:o nsi i, .: m irotiid' s um
till I.,' Mr act, 1! in lb . lo'i.-l can lol 1.1 tsi
i( f, w P 1 lb.; laSt'St :i!i'j lit Si i;)l pro'.'l d In
s'.llliiiiiits. Vtiw'dain Ttcih.
'.);". !;e hfM qii.dity at: l latf -t it.j-.n.'. i-f n-j
v i'l lo- 1 list r'.c, 0:1 pi vol, or d!l flllilit ''1'"i'll1.,vi.,,r
it'll ilr. V aibTi no. p, with whom l!'1 is to
paii 1 lii'liip ill plate wnin) 101 (jf.u J.,a!. .
"roir. n sii1 j? ! loodi lo a '..liiib' sf'., lo hud.
is well as the ii'ittril, ,"r,d e, 0 raii'cd Ic
ii- e i r ,!! tin' ns' ful r.t.d (rn..ti.i'ii'a! j -or
-use., prooo-t a! by liio . t '..
Ill slt,.rt.rverv (iprrtoiol. I i-mlici.' Z to hi;
! l'nIVssioll, v. ill b." pt boinm! in t' e Ii !
:,a:iiit r, w i'li ( iitd si a'cri a', ; -1 1 al b(
dinrtfsl Oo'lict!' II." Ii.i rt'l'trt' hop-s'. h
strict s.t'.i'iiiion to in (o.i,i:;i s slo.r.
1! 1 nhlie piirnni't'.'. Any pers.,1, (,r pct
sii!;s wisbiii:' any of the above opto a 1 u ; ; .
oi rfoi int-l, ant rcsic c.iuily rctitif s-'.cd
;ii e him a cail.
j. P. The public .'.re heriiiv i, formed
s'nit 've lite subs eribors have t'ltioici! into a
s',i:'.'i', I'a.-'nt 1 ship rclamt;; oiilv lo pnte
11a!; :.s i. is inure: ( onvr iiienl for raeli loj " ,'
itlciiil 10 ihe nib: r bii.i'icl.i n of the smtne'
.11 his own acer.unt.
a. VAi.r.r.uciiAMr.
.1. I! WDI'.IINl.IC:!.
M..t:ni I'l.-:.?:.!.:', Km t.h, 1815-Utn.
.' i is'
I . ' '.
Co. ! '' "" I e .'a i '' .-.
!.e am, bind ,!' ci,-.!, Il: -. d It.
1 in the !. .! :i! .! r-' t f: bio,
! !' eMC.J, :i. r in li e b'i:-::i"is, I:.' ,1..l'i r- in
Tin-; miihinneif tb ,S be d! ,".:itil.:!" to :'i.e ct.eral sat
.:'.,.,.,i:l ;i::i 11:, 1. !,' ll, i i' 1. 1. iv, a s.nne i::l;e
;;'.:.,- I';,;:'-:. .:.,'. "
.-'''ailieu!,' att-'iitii'ti pud loeutlin-.
'. il li'u.b: efei-tii-v I r ibuct d.i a In 1 a. niriil
' "
I i. ',,,i..hi;,'. , Ai.;;. 'j 1' ..'. f.' -C!
Hit 15 JAY. NT I'ain.ti ,,!i-e is A ei-! i'i,
jjj y sfii i'iiy en
H tl . i. .
lire or lli.intiea, Mvsi'tm.'iy. ' i
i j.i Moil, us, fS'.iiniiii'r Cumpbiinti w'nh t I.!''!1'
lind all derani;i ni.oit ol the sli'ioach nod I "' '
catisi'd bv iiniiriidoiii'i. in etior iu did It ha-
fectcd curitiu llie wurst i iocs i t these emu; l.o ' t
ivenwlun: ho j e had nl i-l tied- ii, ill, lad a
lender infant lo ui nui adv i1 rave, and i alb d !or
the I'M'bitniiti it has him d the child' The j-r. ,
piii tot ,,l Ibis m, i! ii,e I ; - I. live o stale- -Il is
M.iiiill.iitif whi. h he 1m-i,m,I eMeii.,ie!i in privst,)
practice tor a luu, ,!,, ' i em.v mill believe!' lie Inns
sa'ed many ln'm hv its tun, 'v use, ,'' civ oi'ison
"'" " v ' -1 ' "'"1 1 "v"''' '"'
in l.i n,e I l', v.hi. h i.-fa,rmiliu to
,,,)l!a;,iillir , .n,,;,.,,.
, c - ,,' . i,: , , , ,,,,;lV ', UmU-
liinli ,1 to it relii f.
"lis illld I't lti-
j Frepmcil o,,j, at , .Suuih 'I'm. d street, 'hil-
I adlpbi"-
I'1'' nl.nv-Modicum are I'.r sa!u at
ibc re nl
sf. -J
. - , mi.. . ... ,. ,
.:.;;-o - , r
i. li
yX vii,.,ii,- i u in i:in.n,;3utt3
i : Hhu'J
i m ry to tlio tititiM'i nn r Mime wecKH
.'C"&!22 -iii''Q. ! ' oi I liriinMo
I a ' Wtf uli! hi ell ami whlltl
s;)i7:t il IJ l.ll'I'ii;. 'I iii! uvMiiris ri (in stct!
topioie tojit rty, p y ehaices tako away , or they will be todd ai.cordiojr
t; law.
.Montour, Per t tnbt i ft, 1 ;i .
V. It KliT, S in y w rf- ' I, aiin;' hft my
house, in , onseiiuen, e td her (I i .-noi iin til
of tiiiml,;ill pt nre forbid ti o-uno u r
on my iiti'iiuni, as I shall re!i:-e t,, ,,lV 1,1,3.'
It b's of her emir ii-iio' heri.'alier, as I am
ail insirs w.linir; to cive Jirr a good Mippui't
if bhe n in a i n ti .it homo.
Orati.TP Inwpship, , v. d 18!o
rT!r..f (Ti into Ibc e;.c! ;;:!!' of
F .' "-'(Pd tytbo rubs tiler ids u:t Imn iveelt
A--, lime 11 tun Mais old; lei
(.lii.'--rS:z HlvII-'I-.h', sn:r e while in hoe
head. The owner is rcqiie.-ti ,1 to pl'i.pertv,
;i ,v ch;n:;e:i and I d.u hei aw av
1 1 a . i i T. i;i:i.i:kt,
c."i;!n' to.-mliip. (h i, 1 ! !o
THF, r(,;', Hillt 1 rsliip hi I'l'tnfeic t .is'ino'
inder the firtsi ,, Aniisirona ev liues. in
'lit! rone ettititin hin-tnes.-, is by iMiltial
'Oil sl'lll 'Jesuit 1.1I
!:. Ai;!ST.:o.(.,
!'. lil'fiiiiiS.
Nov. I-l
. E '- iu J
:.'- li.u ji i
I'll''! hnsinrs's w ill I r cnnli.'iin d ! v thn
silhsi'llhf r ill tbf; It ht ro Iii ;t J'
be had a! :di tui'.rs.
ur.'M'MK.yy. roMi:-r.'wr.i:s,
roMii-si n:7-;s, iii-.nrni.
lor ai'V nlhor V.nrk in his lire
1; in his lire, Ha
1 1 r pi-rp-arml Jo lurvis 1 W!)()',V t'AI'S
md :li,is. DOi.i: sii.i.s iiini :;ti;i :s
1 :?,'! '.' id . .
', J.ime to ai'.v ktiiil cf
'loufl ill'.! can bp pfiiciii'i'i! in t;,is tleitiiiV,
V'l . 'uaci,,; h::i ;;-- i 1 '(-; able ovju lioi.t-e
bt iho btisiti' t s, i:t pb djrs his wink Id
'if 'N"'!itCfl in as hatfisoine ii s! le as' t all
bp !'i.:i';i;.-hc, I': n ;-uy ysird oiilor in the
cily i:l' t oliii :M : and ,111 as reasennhlp ti iu;s,
I;,"UKA1M A!c!.STI,'0;;
ulmnr.-biit,,. Nite. n, is 1:1. i v cg
ad .IMS i'KA'ioirs no i k;;;.
The -',,','. V ifThnmai Palmer, !:,!c of
.'.ow t(nvib'd dce'ib
N'Ti'lOh! is ht-rt bv cii 1 11 i , t lettt r of
1 d in i n is 1 r,, t i, 1 u on he -.dniv,' nn iitinn, d i'is
'tto. hai'P In 1 11 jran. d 0) the. snbsei ibcr,
".'11 a- iu I 1 1 : . 1 1 r 1 tin-, ii-f. i ;. l! Msiiiis
;ud, b;, : !,; ?:ii ! eslal,' ate htifhv l.-'itli.'il
In titiikc iintl'.i tiiate '.a iiienl ard ali ibt ;-(?
c' ,iius ::re rmpn s:rd to prt-Si nt
III pr.'t ( il" ' -'beiitlr ,l (J 1(1
ViSAKLKS IMii'l.fiY.
li'miii : rnti;r.
itlb n'J'2 ' ' :l
'u : i'n.NO'i"! onKou i iioM!
T!i i! 1 11 b',-r:i;t ' d ,:it i i d-1 ,1 ti t' si
forii.'i r!y -i: , i -i bv M..t-',.ii f-di sih-ro.
nicsl rt-.-:--- Inilv inli'i'ms Iho pi.idic 'that
e i at; 1 d to carry on llie above bianch nf
Oij-ii't'ss aril will al ..II limes he leidy lo tb)
wi.ik a lifb: hitter and cheaper rtoy
oilier est .hi;-ln.. lit in ihe plmbr, 'and -.l.i y
t.o-'c l,v s'ri,-'. tiltt litit'll in blo t:'! ..- to ;i.l ril
lit ,r. ttnriitoi 10 .1 '...on j j;--
A, I l.i-i's i f coutllrv p. 1 1 :!.:(! t.,i,i r. io
t'c!;anci' lor work & H r ir.v.'y tu-- r imd
S I I!i !lI:!.N lIAOnS i'.
ISA 0 s. I I.!,
,"',- I!
V' V
' .' !'..!,'' ft
i H.
la ::"
d 1 ' ' !."; dn t ;:.'.'..m-' m ;'-: l.f.t
;i:i.l I ,' --i- ::','- 1 ue 1 a. .11 :.::' 1. 1 . .
U : ' d 1 ' ; i' c !' n- : d . I.: !:, It. lie I;-,
j,:-:::.; - t" io.ri in. ' . 1 . . I-c .. 1 ' trc "' t' .-
; r -v.a.;e cf the pn. in-, a: I I: ah h-
j.-di. n:- :; i..'s ki.m.t,
j A. . 1'. V, i-" i." i.'-f