The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, January 10, 1846, Image 1

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    r?"1 .
h It ;
. . . A
V.jas,V. 'A
I time sworn iinn the A I tor of ;!, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny orer the Mlinl of Miiri' TIi.iiiim'.irson
.t'liiuber 118,
-T-1 tVi1.'.1 TV. . V W A .rt A A. A. A ,'J
ornci: or the ioocka
ori'o.suis hr. Pail's Ciiikch, Main-si
published ever; Saturday morning, at
J it (J DO AA.i ! per annum pityatuc
half iearh in advance, or Tiro Hollars- '
fift ! Cents , if not paid with in th e year .vv brr' f ,,c
o.ntbsrriition will betaken for a short iT.fidry '''rough il
So .nibscriiilion will betaken I
period th a 'i .via. months; nor any discon
- liii'iAtnee per,iiitled,until all. arrearages
are dischnrgid.
j)ni'EHTlSi:MKSS not exceeding a
square, will he conspicuously inserted at
One. Dollar or the first Hirer insertion
and Twenl'ij-five cents for event snbse
tueitt nsertion. iO"v liberal disc.oiw
ma le to those wiio aim rtise in incyein
L UTTERS addressed on bisiitess,iitusl
be post paid.
Till: GA I! LAM)
r- : M--
" H7i xwutcul fluwcrs ci'.rieh'd,
I'ru.n tM-iuus 'irdeiin cull'd with can
From the lios'.on lW"
'J'iirr.1 w;i a cnulle imknr nmn,
Am! lie Wis very o!J; it was tliiny ypiir or more
. Since l.e lipg'in to mould.
His hnaini'ss on liis faee was vrotrt
An i!am as t'toinjli on p iper;
His Ion iios.i i u n ii i 1 1 t to a p.iint,
You sure would call ii toper.
Anil flunelike glowed his sollv lip,
For drinking Ii;irl and s tu (Ti n rr
II id inmle it red, und, eamllo like,
li rig!ter grew by snuQing'
A (Wnjfhter fiir lie had, but Pi a
Wa want t beafund starve her,
Slid utie, 'I'm sijrrjhr?'it my pa,
But wish tint lie vhi futlicr,'
And Cupid in her tender heart
An brrow dued to terowj
As that alone would be no me,
He gave her, too. a b'e.uu
IJut when her lover claimed her hand
The father did dispute,;
Said lie, 'Your u:,fie.s I would lake,
IJut n -ji'cl your suit.'
So when t'.e shade of night werr
He rour.d the huusf wnuld hover!
And ilmuijli hi' w;m no w;nrior yet
night y !
'My father's, 'cried the tnaiil; '
0! lover, who belied you
.For he will cane I'm afraid,
IJut come wi;li rue, 7'll hide you.'
So in the boiler he wa crammed,
lliii'(.'s all cramppd and hem;
Cried le, '1 have lli- copprr".
Though he has goi the scent.'
Arid there he jnsed ihe tieejdif
hours Of that eventful niyht;
I he time it passed so heavily,
lie wished that il was light.
At e;,rlv dawn, In liuht his fire
'Fhi' toss old I'l'lln'v eaini ;
Ala! for lovci's: rons.laney
lie Ml another Jhime.
Oh! maiden, maiden, emi!d on nnw
Your lover's pliL'hl hut fee,
Y'o.t p r. dir lovir'rt s.;c, you'd liatr
For ,.7'jjili;d he will be.
()..' 11.. -a v. i: hill that boiler ho',
li i m rv lin.b -ff ined fi !:,;.'
II 1 1 ' i1 . you will s iV.
l'.uU-d uiual have Uiii ','"'
on l.i.j prut he 8lPrt'-,i,i
oi. hi not a liu'i ;
iir . t y (o.rj-cif, o!d n:-
r liiea voui ke'.'.lc"
From the Boston Men-untile Journnl.
Il was a bleak day in the mouth of No-
norih w iud howled iiiourn-
ihe Ieallc6s trees the broken
clotidn IliitciTiapidly acros iho face of t!u:
Ueavtm and the whole o( natute, ahuuin
id an aspeei, cheerless and uncuiiil'oi table
well calculated to remind the moralist nl
ihe eloj'ii'g scenes in the great drama of li!
us a traveller, with weary steps, 'w'ei'iled
liis solitary way through mm ol lioe beau
iful hamlets which ab.'i mded in New
.and-and which consume ihe 'noble orna
nents, emblems of (reedoin.peai.aiid hap
,)incns, of which she i justly proud.
To jude fiom his eiyitime; this travellci
belonged" to the humblest ranks of lilo oi
oad been singled out ii3 s victim by inisfor
une. . His coarse sliaw hai, patched df.ub
iel, and his canvass ironsi rs, soiled by lai
in many places while they proclaimed ho
iccnpaiion and his poverty seemed bu
poorly calculated to protect him from the
inclemency of the weather. IFs form was
cast ill a noble mould denoting great aetivi
y and strength. II is manly featureSj
ironz 'd by exposure to the ' tropical sun,
mil partly com.ealed from view by his lux
iirhnl locks of coal black hue, showed thai
ie was still in the duvn of manhood. Anr
lis eyes seemed lighted up with an inielii-
.'(nt spirit by a g'em of ( xpertaiion i,i:d ,
iopc which showed that his hum'ileitiune-
lid ii ot ai coid with l.ia noble na nr'-and thai
iiowever severelv fiiie had deali with lino.
lis energies were still unbroken and tlno
n an;re the chill northern' blast, and the fi-
licui'S wlneh ilwas evident ha iia l re n'oily
1 niliM'ir'iMft, he was resolved to rio-li ou-
vird until llio n'lj el which Le had in view
vas arcom plisli ed.
It is now three years,' sod he to him-
ell,as be plodded nloiig the way, 'since I
very foolishly left my happy home urged by
i pique, and love ol adventure, to brave llo
laniships arid perils of the ocean, Since
hen inv life hi;S been a constant series ol
iiisloi'Uines. I li'ive met w nil storms on
jvery tack. lint thank I'rovidence, al-
iiougn my canvas is. sad.y ruaiei u atu
iretty well worn out. an,i my pmkets ;.
itu'.e -of ballast, my hull itnimpaire I and
it.d my spiriis unbrok'.ti and buoyant
s ever- I hope my parents aie still liv-
iii'', anil prosperous and iiappv I wws i.
tool to leave them. And inv brothers :;ni.
sisters I :'! Iiappy we wtr tnL'"lii r A-'
onsio MaVt thai lriijiit little fury, whom
I lovr.d with a love surpising that of con
ins. lu whose company I hive pr.S'ed so
nany laplurons hours! I was a fool
to leaie stic'i oorsiiit s"t nes. ind 1 iiclieic
ifter a'l, t!i it the little fairy loved mc! I
ino.v vhr did she almost tobj me so. I! n
d is loo lite to rr-irjee mv sieps I can
i.l v retrace my fo'ly, 1 .1 ire s,,y f,e bright
mil joyous young thine; lias forgol'en Ned
Willis and was m.nried . some woiliiiel'
ii How I Ii o ii I mn. long sivee. For her ro
y cheeks, l.oigliing e i s, and s . eel d ispo
Moon, lo say noibifg of tbe prnpeily shr
eas to inherit when she came to age, a:
mried many mSmirers and made sad hav-
ie among the hearts of the vilia", Weil,
( sh" is married there, is tij more to !,
said 1 have no ri'it lo cmijihii:). Ii n I
fciopr she has chosen a go. id hii-band. I
"'ill see her once more'di her a !rrc
life and happy ntu and ;:,vv m -ea
I! it if she i not inarrie,! ,',,'!
not finish the sentence, but a eh u erf rani''
nvt r the counienatice of ihe ili-clad ami
'.veaiherbeaten inarito r. n if li were i,:
dulgirts; in a vision of rajdme, and he it m!
u:i'.a;ilv niiel--e:i( '. his --(.
'. r.l'.vr! V, ili:.- j eiirfi'Vi i un liwnrd
hi. ii iw.o : surpri.'" 1 t i l'...d ti; t
li'inn it w.
fl the mi'bii.: ol ll
Wei Ii .
i r s ;:
A ' i v-1
rd 1. in
- ipj'l'
t II.
i lltei., -,
the in
t!i.' i ; ' i
a id in.
1 in lie ir
: 1 1 ! n
in th:
on .1'" eeii
- l ' e
' ' v . r ;
'I'liASKsftiviNG Dav. He hailed the infor
niation s -j good omen.
On the day when this pnof forlorn look
ing traveller, ufier year's of wandering was
pursuing his way to va'.ls his native village,
ihe firo buri ed brightly on he he nt' - tone
of his patents. Deacon Willis was a .New
Hngland Fminer a man cherish-
ing the virtues of industry and frugality ,hail
become nosstssid ol a handsome property
and who enjoj ing .i eompetence in a free
ountry, proircitd by a wise government
so rronrideii by kind, iirelligcnt neighbors.
mil in the in'dftol'a virions fnrnily, en
vied neitli. r nabobs their riches nor mon
arehs their power I'hai.ks-givitig was re
igiously obMPryd by hi'ii as it bad 1 ecu
hy his father before lii, n and the gralti
Hide which lie exptessed to his Creator foi
lit inncies lie had receivtd, ws not a mere
formula of unmeaning words, but came db
rectly from the heart.
On this day his children were nil eo'Iect-
'd nrniinif him and all. urt'icipati'd a joy-
ins Thanksgiving, Several of his distant
elations ho were not so well provider!
-v 1 1 f. the good i?iings of this life as the w or
hc I)eacon, also accepted an invitation to
ie present. Among those who were shel
tered by his hospitable roof on ;his occasion
ho greatest favorite was Mary Vodswnr'.h.
a blue eved damsel, who?e lovely arid ex
cessive face told more rbnut sweetness
nd purity than 1 could describe in :i fulio
"oliime. Slie w'a. an only daiiubter of the
ons'in df the W"rihy Ieacrtri'( end fit r.nj
.iM.Ttr Wfiq 'lunrivf.f! nf 'it rrntrt In I
lenth. IJut Dmcon Willis bad been to her
1 pure"! his rvin ,:'d I'PfMi her liOiTie
'lis ih h'jd ireated her with a nioit.ei'
kindness and his eiiiinren t r -i r i , c tj a
i sifter and n-deir f'icnd.
Mrs. Willis' "-iiniiion a niis!rr"' of the
farntle, v.'Ti no sincere on that dv He
duties ver'1 v:n i 'li's and i"H'irtint for i
wa th" rew Fn'b-md Is'ii?av "tid a!
Srr 6f;i!l as a lionsevvife all h.-'r eycrllcnct
is a mm:'!pr, was put to the lest rr
1' fiir.ks'jiviug t'iiy. Ai'tf r iiei farnilv re
'nrned from ineetincr, for i. v were of th
il iismonpi sort, " would mmo'i a-
"ion lie deprived of their 'I'll 'iik0(ri''ino din
ier, as to bi'd'prived of the Thnnkse't iu;'
sermon, toe laoie WHS sci ci i:.p riri;e ir'iio
. , , . .i.i t. ...
larlor. which was wont to be d me nn!
in exlrnotdinarv oeeaion. and serious pre
ligations fir the frs'.i-n! coin'oeoced. A
Unod fire made of wii'ivit ?nd yeilo'V
Himrd ehcerfiiMv in the l open fire
olaee, and the females helor. pini? to the
house wrre put in requisition lo bear the
iliitiidanee of good thines from 1'ie kitch
en to the parlor and which when drpo.'il-
. . . ..'..I . . ... . 1 . . . . ..
"d in liieir respeeuvo laces, niatie i.u: ia-
'iles.groan rii'ain.
At the end of the tah'e was p! iced a port
ly ttirkei.t'ue choicest of a large and p-unp-iired
fi nily at Ihe other extremity was de
posited a ham nf a sizi ar:d flavor tr miikf
i Wf s'p'ialian's eyi s spirkln will) j iy. O:
die ceiiiie was slilioncd piuck-'d roasted
did uadv fir the, carving l.nife, one i.!
iltnsft crlebatt (I aiii n.d--, which wbiloni
-aved from the rav.-.ji s .of t'ie (' mN, th
cwptol id li'ime and wliicli i;i vuhgar p ir
lan'e, are yelepl fjcrs w bib: here .and
ihere scattered around ihe t.,Yc, m ripp ircir
dis dder but with deliberate ran and pie
I'ision, ni ie billed fovls, r i - ' 1 I fowls.
id'ie, lackktiack. and d-.les of veeet iVi'r
nf I71.WC tr:i-!;eS lllld jle.iCft t'ii'l I
vioiii'l v. i ;;i,t;'y uuue'rtke to er.trni'f i!e
while "n -lie kitehf.i ta'd", nrrmged fppa
rently i a crpi eh r'-ove,' t ( fer.
i stately p'.unb f u.idiog, r
oli . i.y erv
eral rnofriT'ti' I n. r i fii!
"0 p. .
V.iill mined ii s, ; pi'le 111' s
us tan! i'o ! ' f
not r.ircMi.v tir.s
1 r ir. A ''
.re,!-i..i, ' . i .' w-- " ' ' I
- w "'r ! .i. ' i.i !!.! a
I ".!. w .
c I i
. accustomed Inur of dinner, befoie the as eompany were invited into the par
lor to partake of the good cheer which had
beenso bountifully provided. And as the hap
py company stood aiound the table, wait
ing for their host to ask the Divine blessins
upon the meal Hut w is placed buforo them
t shado iht'td across ihe good man's brow
for his eldest s hi, a noble buy absent.
Among li e joy ful faces which surrounded
him, F IwwrJ's was not seen. He hail It !
his home, to embrace a sea-faring life am
the wanderer had not relumed. 1 m re was
good reason to believe that he was no long
er in ihe land of the living and alihoegl
ihey still strove to tlieri?li hopes m mil
others bosonif, luany and biitrr were lln
tears of airee.tion, which had einbqlmed Ids
'My poor, dear, boy!' exclaimed Mrs.
'Villi -Ah, I much fear v:e shall never
-ee his s oiling face agiin '
Mary Wadsworth s ml nothing but
eai s'.nrii d into he'i eye and any casual
ibierver would have seen at once that Ed
ward N ill is w.:s d'Mier to her than a coasii
orafiieud and that she cherished hi?
memoty in 'lie very deptlis of her heart.
J.jsl then old l!o:;i', the house do, in-
heard lo make some t'.ngry rciiionsiraiici s n
. ii .1 ...
a passing traveller, wineo nitraiicn tuirn-
ti:i ininmucli as it was by no li.e ioi an
irdinary occurrence,
fir u
was a
w e i I
iiiii'tuied brute, and iuddnm ae-ost.-d a well-drej-rijil
person age in a rud,; arid f.egry in in
ner, but f -nteiTained prijudicf s against tie
ivmunis fl !i::-rlor.tine or ir.emre:aner, " m
wore t'ie "nt'o ofjovirty, winch is (heiich
"d i.v aiii.iia!-; v.l.o iioasl the
'inte-of reinon, In '.I'uili, I! isy, iildioti;1
a (,i:!i!'ul i.'og, was real ati.-tocn'.ie in hi- s, I it .i ' 0 1 . ( r, irooi ms appeal
un c, moved in t'oe humblest rank of life
did !J ise t vldendy intend, d l. give him :
reception ci)rri's;i'im!in.' with his nhabV
, . . i i .
iP!'t,:r;ii c, and was advancing to warn i.m
n a surr,
ii. aniicr. "
with t. triii'idei!
I'li. w ien li'acnu . lui-. vino v.irii mii
i . i '. . i . . . ..i ni
-he ;.r-eit!i.sritie-i of hi dog, told bis pm
lames to ;;.-) out in d pT'Heeltbe stra-ige
'Vroo violt.iiee. 'lie seems io h? a sitbu
mo,' said he, 'and uu a d ie like this, v
i.oiild r.ot r. i'u - r- t'.c riles of hospiin'ry ti
he humblest lieies tint p-ri-es alone lie
rmnl. "Oil Ti.i.nksiviiij
d li'-h or r..'.r s..i!m or
lain;,-oian, sitou.i
Ak him in; m
.van; h.r a v. ' n'onl me.i
f..r a p!
oo' co'.'.'.in.:'
i.o'. le
let il.e poor v. ay-fay er lake a seal a.
or iioat
'l'j.e r iinn per entered
i r,r,
room vviis made lor him at the tab
nis appearance ami manner were
. 15,i
did lie ?eemed nr. il he was ill dispn-ed t
leqnie his host I ir the hospilnlity lo
njayed. He did not even raise his de!i(ii'
laled Ii t fir.m bis head, nod ti) the kirn:
liliiaiies which vveie made of him, h
enrei iy deienei any repw; nut as if over
oaie by f.i'igue, 'r r egii.iied by coiileridivr
i.inti-.iii s, he t'.re w hi ..,- I f into loe " rienr
'.il chair and covered his bio villi hi.
lain.' s
I'ns won.!, ri'if gionp viim'ssi-d his c a;
lui't in ;n ence, '(lone now mv good in in
it iergih fx lalincil, lrs. ili s, in ,i kind
no'.'nei'y lone, 'I dire .-ay you are tire I anil
inio'i v lake a sJal at I ! l r laSle; nid mak-
, our:--' If at iinme. We like s.olors and j
'. mild c'.nll y th' you a good luru f ir one j
U't is absent. 1) ui'l cry Jiaiv j in. j
oould In -.rn in rs'tratn our leelii'.gs?
Ji,s l ihen old fiose who when the s.iil
aim' in eiel,t; e. ,,5 ilispo-. d to reward hi
is an enemy appeared to have overcome his
en.h italive irop"HSIIes i'lid nilli ll lo lln ,
anr-rise . I'tlie eliihlren seemed siidilenlvi
o !,av e coo t hi il liie tuo.-l lively alt..
'.., t( .- r i .'tr.d'.ci r ' lie V !'': l'
I O Oil
t i'
gv Mic!
h.rth hi- ,
r ;i -ol em
in his .,
lit. ' i' .I.i
joy in ti.
i and
to rr
'.'e long and malted .neks a hu h p u y con
ealed ois features. II, s voice seemed i
iave touchi d a cord in the bosom of il
nersons present, which had long ee'sed I
'imam, i no eyes oi wuaeon v una am
lis wife were turned upon I, ho in e i.ier ix
.jeeiation. Marv Wddswt.nh mhiih! ti
osi) on her elicck g ive pl.ico to i'jh lily
ind her deep scaled and pura loe jirovei
nore quick sigh'ed ilinn even parental al
eetion. She 2 !Z?il on (inn wi h 'aMook ii
vhieli jiy and surprise vrs blend, d, hi.
net bis glance, w'n. li lien m-il wiih leudei
ess and rapture, expressing the frniiion o:
lr'My'etijov menl II. r uiaidoii'y resern
vas ronqnered by In-r surprise and j ij i,
beholding before her a dem one wlioni sh
n d long mourned as forever lost. 'It i
my cimsin Fdwunl.'' said she, and siie threv
'ici'sell' into his arms'.
The scene tint (olowed may be iminan
ued, but catinot be described nor shall I hi
empt il. 'I'hcre'was on lunger any alio1
in the enjoyment o( Inat happy fainily
nid Deacon Willis, albeit always noted lo
nie piety,' never olf red up a Thanl;.-gii-o';
prayer with greater fervency and siucer
ty than on tliit oceiiioi. After diunei
vns over, Fdward In I a lonj tale to tell,
o wh'th Ins auditors listened with breath
ess attention, ol the periij and suffering
V had expeib'necd during ihe prcvion.
Iirre years. The ves-el on which, he had
.ilei! for Sou'h Ameiic.i, hid been suspec
rii for n contraband irule, am! the crew
vere all condcninsd to iho mines for life
!dw;;i'd withtwn of his c.
' ' -
miner,! peril of Wu life, s1;r(,',.'dcd in fflVr -
ling his escape, ami Ii ol worked his
' f
ag.i home in a vessel bound for 1'rovi
leiie .M isfortuue still pursued him; th'
-'esse! was wrecked on IJIjek Islsnd diiririp
i heavy gale and he after a desprrai.
iiri'gle with the waves succeded in cainini
lie shore. Hi: hist no time in proceding u
Providenne in a fishing raft, lu-n lie tool
lis 'and tracks on bof-rd and wearied, hun
jry, destitute nf money and tiloth es, a porn
hinwrecked sailor, I!dwaid i.lis
enghl reached home. .
And yon are welcome home my bov,
xd,.i;iied his father 'and I hope you il
never leave us.
Edward looked at Mary, who blusheh
ike a rose.
'I see how the wind sets,' said ihe wor
!iy Deacon l.'oine hither; Mary Wad?
...aiy with trembling steps; approached
i or fMi.irdian.
'.'.ry,' said the D.'acon, 'we r:.nst lool.
o you fur seeii'iiy tliit lhvird wdl neve'
day 'ruanl a;aiii.'
Hi p it hiii- ue.nbling h it; I in!') tli it ol
lis son,
Edward has n 'ver been to sen in"e. IF
is now a happy in.d r nosi.eroiis taunt r.ani;
ilessed with an a I). cliniiate wife am! thm
nvely children. Ileeveiv year w el.'om. f
lie approach of November, and re ids in the
'lercniile Joorna', wiih keen cr.i'ilieiii o,.
he O iver-i'ii's I'mcj oaiiiin for a Thanks
jri'iiMi i'av
w. .
77ie Hcttilic aud ltc Country mail.
A sborl t me since run' of ilie be. nil.
if N , lock a ( I liltily of butler finn
i coooi r -m ii !)" ,i iso a w is ib Ii ien
in weijjht, and nveliog b in a :cv ilav
.ft. i to a public lion.-.', said lo Inn-
' You llio 01 Ml I took I.V.'liM
;i,jiiiidi of bii'ier from 'he o!lor day.'
' A'o, I bein'i.' n plied Hodge.
' I ..oi s'i'i' V"ll a"-, sis 1 beadl.
j ' 1 ti II (Hi I b:in''.' leid ed the cod"
t turn, 'and .1 ll ou I. lies, I'll lay the.
I gO'lliam. I.'
' H "'f.' 'f'l'lbo! the beadle, and, lli
in no ',
' N.
' i . ! ! 1
i" kly p.'i-'ed.
! he e- ll ,i i i,
, v rj" hiii.'rr !'c
n. ' ib.--
Ol Ii( , I 11
! t'o I
1,1 V Oil
-; iiii.ii
; 1 1 . m . e V , '
' llo" le
.il ! .
:f) 11.7.V, v
m.' HI' I t
c k 'ii',;
t lo i.-h- em;
v-i v cnolly .
I jo-i pay in--- I
)! 10"
n iia'.! :n. ..:
a I a pre!
S.rr- bis ,'
Tni-ro is some truth au I good ('sa
0 ihe f i lowing article, which we lata
y mc.i -sored from nn 'old p pei.'
)K 'A C1-.0WN.' Ny'he'n I ri le by a
un house, and sea the shingles flying
com ihe toof, tl:e windows m oppetl
v th rags, on, ihe ctt'epour and stary
l, 'think I to mysell,' (here lives a
roken hearted snd email i led wile, a
ant l lii.t'iterej ell I 'l'.'ii, and i lilin
d and b'j-o ted disciple o ' ir II cd.i J
When bfar a Fhyj'ciin ernstant.
y braoiim of his (jiHCiice, and stigmi
isiog his neighbor (iiaeii'iooers as
Q m k.,' 'ihioks I to my seh' ien to
ne th it man is a quel; himself; who
1 a crowd halloesi Hurl! llilel! the land
t . is Ihe ihtef hirnsell'.
Woeu I see a survey r always run
dog lines lo (nil his ' rii'oyers, Mhinka
to mvsel ,' that m in lov-fs nioney mo a
nan justice. And I ihink of Hie ol.i
inn's siyinu, tint 'he won n maxi;
.ine of his sons lawyers and the tenth a
When I see a magistrate alwiys fa
oi iog i he i ich, and using sever. "y a
ainst the poor-lecend lioni the sacred-
uneiions of his nfli.v to become a pi'y
nd ins i utiiunl in tvry Imle di-gnc-
ol transaction of his neighborhood.
'hinks I to myself,' I know not how
ir that man m-iy bn m igistrati, but I
un 'Ke ho is no justice.
W hen I see o m.nt infreasing; rn
leb a by bnyioi; a fine g;g and fnnnliirf,
nd mortgaging his fai ni to build fio
ou'cs-issuming Ihe appe ir. r co of gnu
dMi.r without ihe tiiesns lo sunpoit it.
. hi,.., t ,., m vselt'lhe sun shines now
I but clouds ara haj d by.
i When I see a mechani' throwing --vay
Ihe tools of an useful bv
winch he acquired a comfortable sjb..v
ance, in order lo turn merchant an I
iil'Mi a co c'i, 'thinks 1 to myself,' a-
!js h i. id man! thou seesl the ignus f.i
uus but its pursuit will eng'i'f live i'i
ho Mvamps and Mire of dilliculliss ami
condition Of "jkhusalm.
'J'he dtsjileasuru ol the alinia.rvy is
tvidi nlly icsling on J. rusalem, in ne
ord;,i ca with ancient pro; h -ey, au I
ne n atks of disjileanwe are manifest in
s present condition The Ii-1 v. Dr.
Il vycs, who vi.-ited it few months
-ine,', describes it a follows;
'The country imiiiedi ilely aro'ind J -"naln
cpeeiiily to th" west and
I' l-.b, is tho most dreary, buren waste
but I ever beheld, li seeT.sov r laid
viih in- mei se masses ol ioek and lon
v;t!i ser.icely soil enotigti lo a low sny
Mn to take root and crow. The city
Neli", once beyond a doubt th nnst
oiagnilicenl and splendid on earth, now
;iresents only a rrpliii.choly conlrasl t
Us firmer i;ri'a'nes and glory, lout
nr. not walk ah iir Sinon and gi round
bon! lor, as of old, and le 1 the tiwrrs
hen of, ma.; bulwai k, and consiil
-r lo r pili.cs'. Tiio eiy sits sol tiry
mil under his rinse. All who have,
tieen in .ei iisalem most have Jtlt this.
The inhabitants are few, and wiih the
-veep'tiiin f iho foloro; lor
s,kn of Ciod a-xi evidently lyi"i
7'iiks if indeed 'ihey are an txcep.
mo poor, f'l.pi-' .(!, and ex reniely
nie'a'ibv No subui b, no ninininii
'0;'. busy poptilaiinn, coop of the s'ir
mil advi'y of eotsrpr ising life is to he
w livsed; hi I only one rude scene r t
n liorholy waste, in in midst of which
lie aoeienl gtoiy of J nl'-a hows lor
ivid'.wed head lit ion. .1 fe
;o i s and sheep, sirai'.ling aboul tho
oris which oveilnng the sbatlfre.l re
nains of ihe villaif of Si hum. ih
s-vunhy shepeiils, p'yiog their listlcs
.ri.,ij,,t()n wb"h In re and there .i
ieree nrnied 15 douin, from the ser
on idiog des.'-r s and nioiiolni o -fisteess,
.ml iHiiv ami ll.eo a cowled men k or
vv,, 'lii.g p;igriui s'i al in tip ii th"
"!(, ;"id . xe-nt jt h" the s. und ot
he mn-z.:o.f' "in ihf mir..irei. mclaiin
n.; th-' bom for (vav-r to lic fo'loiv.
-S i f 'lo- I'.'-" '. v.': mry il.on
o-- bill slopes nf ( i hi'i sin. . 'or an hnnr
in.r-h. i iit'd not lie.ii, 'li" vibration (if
l I Movvi voice from that s-pn', which
eci'io'l J ' 1 1 if ' i ii s nl saen d. ont;
")''! .r umu'i, -'od oainoa! i'lory, and
r mi 1 v p I 1
: !'' m. lent
il.' ; u !.
'.on ! i? hi.
hm-le.i f.T
.V r
And si
. rr'i d oi I
' . I C.'.nn '
mr.' n I'lu.-e
v. ,- .:.! h. :
I ,:-j-i:
!v arr
ti ei
n I
n Idol ri v. U','t ') WV peo-
ie i t.'.r'i'ii' i t..e rr n r
n v.'r.;.
T: e i nier l' tie l e voo ;
r, : r ' ni h a iiiclurg d ..w
No y. n, i he i-l.ould run.
t.oi I
h in
Will'H! i
r I .- . .
i; p'.' !..
ur r'V
at it V,
V t.VO
'." r