The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, January 03, 1846, Image 2

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Tfl She Patrons of Use
C S'l"
JfANMfA MY I st, 11846.
Manufactured on a Machine, under lce benignant operation of the Tariff of 1842.
Her we go it. chips and thunder !
How we'll make the people wonder !
Our machine ia greased anew,
And 'twill whiz, ' till ill it blue !'
Over the world and inlo the sky
Away .' away' the ideal fly.
Yv'e eome, we're (landing at the door,
With rhymes ten dozen linei or more ;
And cap in hand, are waiting, willing,
To take your smile and fob your shilling !
And aa a maxim 'tis, you know,
In every trade a quid pro quo,
Or nudum pactum is tin bmgain
(Thus much we know of lgal jargon,)
While we are pocketing the dimsa,
To you kind sir, belong the i hymen.
The Holidays are come again,
And Printer Boys are glad ;
To carry papers round for months
For nothing, was loo bad.
Yes, New Year day is here, hurra 1
The day for printing rhymes ;
And what is better still, to get,
The shillings and the dimes
Our budget's full of weighty news,
A thousand things or more :
That certainly have taken place,
Since we were lure before.
But we'll not stop to tell you all,
The wonders of the day,
,But briefly make our yearly speech,
And smiling go our way.
Talk is President, so all the world agree,
And so we jot it down for History,
reelected him, ive the Primer Boys 1
We fixed the ammunition for the noise
Didn't'tee set typee and pull the roller
And when the proof was dim give color?
Didn't we ' go it' on handbills and on squibs,
That gave His Fed'rala thunder in the ribs ?
. When flagging soldiers, wearied, half gave o'er,
Who cried, ' unto the breach dear friends once more !'
Who told the Public what they did'nt know,
'Bout things in Maryland and Ohio
What had been done in olden times in Texas,
And how the lines of Oregon would vex ui T
The Printer's Devils did all this ! and more,
Thin we could tell in years full half a acore.
Then through the land let Printer Boys rejoice,
And health to him they call ' the People's choice !'
And while the 1 spoils' are dished out to the greedy,
To Hunkers old whose coata have grown all seedy ;
To large mouthed men who talk in bar-rooms loud,
Andaraoolh tongued spouters who can please a crowd ;
Be ours ths merit still to work away,
Aud rhyme for all the world on New Year day !
Jusl now at Washington, the papers say,
Queer things lake place a dozen limes a day.
Poor Pettil thinks they shouhJ'nl pay the preachers,
,'And Chailey Cook says Oiegon wants teachers,)
Hob Walkei cries the Tariff must go down,'
And Ritchie grinds the organ for the crown.
Kill Marry thinks his breeches now aie whole,
McNully keeps the money that he stole:
Judge Woodward walks down to ihe Federal city,
And Cameron is famous in committee !
The Sturgeon flounders with his fin and tail,
And still conceits himself a wondrous whale !
John Quincy Adams prates about the niggers,
And Allen spouts of war, and awords, ami triggers.
Buchanan gives it to the English. elsm .'
Antf spikes the cannon of poor Pakenham :
While Po.k, the biggest boy of all, looks on,
. And swears the English shaul have Oregon .'
Wve fopes of yarns to spin about,
The doings of the day ;
And dinners made of cake and krout,
On Christmas Holiday.
The German farmsts butchered swine,
The town folk look a ride;
The rich and wicked guzzled wine,
And we found ice to slide.
Our youthful heels went out anil back,
And round aud round in gtesj
'Until they touched a treacherous crack,
And then, oh ! misery
But wo'll not stop just hsre, lo tell,
The chapter cf our jrs ;
In brief, our head came down so well,
We are certain we saw stars !
Gome girls wiih Andy, Jack and Phil,
And half a dozen more ;
Tj Berwttk went, a whole sledful!;
Ibi evening before,
What happened there we cannot tell,
Because they've not told us ;
But we'll suppoie they cut swell,
And had a general fuss I
No doubt old Thomas biushrd about,
And the cook did wonders loo ;
No doubt the best lonrth proof sal out,
But nobody got blue.
We'l, back thee came, and Christmas morn
Dawned on the girls and boys ;
The topsrs took their morning horn, .
And the urohins got their toys-
Jingling (lis bells go up and down,
Along the merry stieet ;
And every face throughout the town
Is smiling that we meet.
But we cant tell the half we ought,
About thai wondrous d y ;
How babies bawled, and Welshmen fought
To keep their spirits gay.
How Noah went it on the loud.
And Ralston made the pigs;
II ow Clayton's bar-room had a crowd,
And Hiuton ran his rigs.
And so we'll pacs upon our route,
And end our Christmas lay ,
To give a word or two about,
The weddings of the day.
What piping times' wo've had of late,
With Cupid that wild yon;h ;
Here's Polly, Mary, Ellen, Kate
Have pledged their faith and truth
To William, Philip, Joe and Rank,
Through all their lives, in troth.
Before the Rev. Mr, Blank,
An old grey Visigoth.
The Trintei's fee of wedding cake,
Was lichly rare and fine ;
We got our ihare of that, but boss
Monopolized the wine I
Old John M. Niles is married to
A damsel of York State;
He's sixty if not sixty two,
And she's not twenty eight '.
In Heaven matches suro are planned.
For never in thit world,
So would we have a maiden man' J,
Or Senator so girled !
But these big bugs from Tyler down,
Pick for the belles and beauties ;
Who understand the ways of town,
And tomtfew household duties.
Wbile we poor scamps of backwoods fame.
Must catch what we can hold ;
And share our bed and board and name.,
With awkward and with old !
But we know one exception to
The ej nic verae above ;
And what it is we'll whisper to
The dark eyed girl we love,
When winter had gone with 'it cold chilling brea'.ii
And the spring flowers began lo appear j
The Hero of Orleans slumtered in death,
And a nition wept over his bier !
Ilia laurels undim'd, his virtues ronfesa'd,
And his enemies silent with shame ;
He lies 'like a warrior taking bin rest,'
Aud ho blot ou his glorious name !
But another light has gone out in our ky,
Vioee radiance ne watched o'er long;
A patriot craft has found haibor on high,
And we've another great name for song.
Elliott the brave has gone down to the tomb,
Rich for aye in his fume and his glory;
No uiuio will his ear catch the cannon loud boom,
As on ocean it speeds to the foeman his doom,
But he'll long live hi song and in story.
Our children will read how with Porry the bold,
He fought on that glorious day ;
And every time that the ttory is told,
Tha matron, the stripling, the young and the old,
For peace to his ashes will pray.
Our lay is ended, and the flow
Of curious though! across the brain,
Suspended, placid, seems lo grow,
As if 'twould never flow again.
'liut awy wiih all dim-like fears,
And a merry twelve-month to all;
And remember lliatnext New Year,
We'll be very certain to call,
"Tlll'TH WITKorT TtlH
j.diceslolhe wind, and exploding the' .IrcUm! to KUh V VitUr. - We h r-
J '...., IT I o. I ' I hnl ;l SI I
shallow and ridiculous lido which ilu But- '"' ,J""CU ir' .
s!. a.vernmont has set lo 0, eBoi.;;'" '"' KIM , u v-
M n uv.i v j.i.vv.i ii v 3, i i o.
los r,
A few days ince, a FL.AO SILK
finder will confer a favor by leaving i'
with ihe PRINTER.
Di'iiiocrnlic tloiiniy UIioHns
A County Meeting of the Deuioculi
Citizens of Columbia County, will be hchi
ai the house of Charles Docbler, in Blooms
hure. on Saturday, the 3d of January next
2 o'ciock n the afternoon, to appoint t-
Senatorial and a Representative Delegate lc
ihe Stale Convention to be held at Harris
burg on the 4ih of Mrch next, ta nominaw
a candidate for Canal Commissioner.
By order of Ihe Democratic Standing
December 24, 1815.'
We eive below an extract from e letter
of this able writer, undsr date of 1 3 ih Dec
1845. to Ihe Editors of the Lancaster In
telligencer, in relation to the Oregon ques
lion and the masterly treatment of it by thi
Vmerican Secielary of Slate,, James Bu
.hanan. Ed: Col, Dem.
The truth is the Message of Colonel
Polk vt prevent war, if anything can.
lis bold lone its lofty American spirit
its feailess yet commanding views wil
show the world that we aie not to be iniim
idaled in the assertion of our 'clear and un
questionable' rights. And to these feature:
of that important state-papei, (he lad tha
ihe President offered lo compromise
whole dispute at the 49th degree, Irom
sincere desire to continue the peaceful r I,
.' I. -i ....on ih... Status ..nil flfpal liri
linns uuiwccu iiiiio. iva.i,o i i i
,ain. and we stand before the world a nation ional honor and our nat.onol rights
who, with all her strong claims to Oregon mier mwuS"r-
leaving Peel, Aberdeen, and Wellington
xposcil to their countrymen as men w ho
are desirous of going to war upon a mere
pretext of claim to country in which they
never owned an inch of soil. It ill go Ii-
England filing up, like tho coloring of a
noble picture from the pencil ol lomo oh!
hi us le r , the outline of the President .Mo-
sage, and will eo lar, very lar, io ireir
peaie beiw.'en iho United Slates ami On
Uritaia. No country will go to war w;U
such a combination of Truth against n
placing it in the wrong before the worM,
and exposing tlie poor chailatanciy wnl
which it has endeavored to sustain a;i im
pudent claim to another counir) 's imnory
Let me invoke your reiders to pcrsue ilih
eiter. Let all do so, and if they do not a
ifto wiih me iu the opinion that it U
profound and extraordinary document, aim
ilial it writes our ineffaceable title to tl:
uioe oj Oregon South of the Jttmian
Line, is with a sunbeam I shall be mi
iaken in my expectations of their inielh
ence and candor.
Lei me recomend to you lo make rooti
m your columns for this letter, as soon at
possible. It will operate upon public o
iiinion like a 'mig'ity magic,1 and will mel
ivvay all doubt and prejudice on the suhjee
of our claims lo Oregon, as a spring's sui
loes the 6iiew.
It rejoices ine to say this of Mr. Bucha
iar.'s letter. He has been accused of beinj
jnsound on Oregon, and of being timid ami
rresolute as to our rights. This falsehooi
iias been widly repeated by the Whig am
teutral press. He has calmly bided hi
ime.' He has waiied for the present mo
uient patiently and unwaveringly; and nov
iiow quietly, yet how iiresislably, an
wuhout seeming lo do so, hu vindicates hi
fame, and lakes his stand as one of tho a
ilesl and most radical expounders ol our na
lias vet, for the sake of peace, offered
surrender these claims at the parallel just
named. Eneland. it seems most clear
die, will scarcely be anxious to l3ke the re
A Military Convention will meet at Ihi
l0 risburg on the 20th of January next. Th
.. object of the convention we presume is th
lie, Will scarcely uo uiiawu iu .. .
' ... , .,,! ,i,c. re-organization of the militia laws and th
ponSlO.llty Ol provuning a nai-uiiui., ...-v
I J 1 . . Il : ..Uiin I rt .vnlnntaera 11 flip ()rc
lircumstaiices: and hence the efforts of those '"' - - " 7
who have tho control at our various board
of brokers, have nit been able lo make ;
permanent impression that the AYessagi
will involve us in hostilities with England
Since the appearance of the President's
Message, the various Reports of the sever
al Secretaries have been laid before Con
Tregla of the us able, and showing tin
fact thai the present Cabinet of Col. Polk
is composed of industrious and powerful
statesmen. Thursday evtnirg s Unioi
furnished to us the conclusion of the cor
rcspondence between Sir Richard Paken
liaui the Brrlish Minister, and Messrs
Calhoun and Buchanan, the American Sec
retaries 0!' State, under the late and present
administrations, on the subject of Oregon.
This correspondence is destined to have a
most commanding influence, and will hi
read carefully, not only in this country, bu
in every other part of the civilized world as
showing the relative positions of both na
lions on this question,and as proving
has the perfect title to the vast territory in
dispute betwscn item. Mr. Uuchanan e
overwhelming letter closes the correspon
dence. I say his overwhelming letter; lor
never have I perused a production more
'vnrthv of the term. It , is ihe most solid
nid massive argument that the subject has
ever elided, and will be read, by friend and
fie, alike, as ono of the master ( (Torts of a
master-mind. This is not the warm eulo
gy of a devoted pcrionni and political frieni!
Ii will be iho opinion, I venture to predh t
of every just nun who reads the let'er. A
vpr,f leading ciiizen hers a man who
rarely praises without cause said to me
to-day, after having read this remaikable
paper, that it was the most finished ami
perfect pioce of logic he had ever read.uom
an American statesman, and thai it placed
nip inht4 tti the Orei'011 territory on a
" " - n 4
tha iham fk'ht at Trenton, on the 2bih in-
" -b " ' "
m mo 1-1 an tiiuh na in ha far far LevondL-imi iwn of the members of rival coinna-
battered fabric of his adversary's which isL
ilui05t meic. There is something really
fearful in Ihe power with which he demol
ishes the reasoning of Mr. Pakenhani
leaving him not a vestiqe upon which to in
renrmc. not a soar 10 save the untied 'title
1 1
from utter destruction.
this clorions produmiou: its ponderous and
unbroken facts; its unavailable dtduciijns;
make it a document or every body lo ad-
Ii will go among the English people (n
has long been in tha English Cabinet)
like a Paixhan bomb, scaueripg thiir pif
t'on question is not soon amicably settle
ihere may bo a le-organiz ition by the gov
nrnmenl not quite so pleasant lo eoino 1
nur peace godas. Sunhitry Jim.
The Stale Temperanco Convention wi
assemble at Harrishurg on Wednesday tin
I8h of January nvxt. In the meantim
he different Sooie'ie -ore calling meeting
and appointing delegates..
T'.ic Ohio House ol Uenrcsentilives havi
passed resolutions, by a unanimous vote
requesting their, Senators and Representa
tives in Congress to vote against any in
crease of the present tales of postage.
The 'I'rial of Johnson, at Binghamlon
has not yet been brought to a termir.atioi
and remains involved in as much perplexi-
is ever. Whatever may be the issue, it h
pretty clear that he will not bo conilpinei
without a ha'd struggle on the part of lib
counsel who no doubt are paid liberal!)
for their trouble.
The Machinery for the first rotten facto
rv ever established in Florida was received
at Pcnsacola a few weeks ago
A Large Party of Settles propose leaving
Arkahsas for California next --ay. Th.
chairman of the cornn iite of arrangement'
gives notice in the Linle Rock Gazette
that the Californians wi.l lenihzvous a
Fort Smith, Arkansas on the first Monda;
in April next preparatory to taking up tin
line of march for ihe Pacifl: coast. livery
person starting is expected lo 00 well arm
ed with a rifle or heavy shot gun lGlbs. ol
shot or lcad4lbs. ol powder; &r.'
A Sham Fight and a Iiea Eight. At
Potter, 00 Sunday Ul, by which out uf 'hi
lc ji wore broki a.
V'e have received a flip from the Lan
aHter L'nion and Sciiiin-I, dated ih
ibI., Klvi"!.' an account of the airrtl by iho
.uicaster police of an individual in.Da'.iphirt
'unity, on ihe IGih int , iiiarged with a
i rics of forgeries on varios hanks amount"
i. .5 in all to nearly 000. part of which
veto p ii'l. The forgeries were two notes
in the Lancaster liink, one for SlliO, pur
lOitin;; to b" drawn bv Samuel Sutiih, the
iiht r u)on Jhco'j Smith, both ed' which
vre Kndor.ied by the prisoner. A note
for $lt)0, purporting lo be drawn by Fred"
lick Simms, endorsed by the prisoner,
Vhich was paid out of llic Farmers' Bank
ol' Reading; also, a note for $2, 500, paya
ble at the Farmers' IS mk of Lancaster, pur
porting lo be drawn by Levi Z"ll and en
lorsrd by Ileiwy .ell and Jonathan Elich
i nule, payable at ninety days, for $3 000,
purporting to be drawn on the Western
Bank of Philadelphia.' and signed by Ethan
Baldwin, James Black and Jo'in Stewart,
and endorsed by piisoncr, put into the
Lebanon Bank for collection. The per
sons whose names are lo the noo wera re
presented to livu in Delaware, but ii is be
lieved 1h.1t this is a forgeiv also. Another
nolo at ninety days, for $r,000, purposing
to be drawn 011 the Kensington Bank, put
into tho hands of Geo. F. Miller, merchant
if Shaflenown, Lebanon county, as tolla
eral security, and signed and endorsed as
he last. A no'e for 25,000 drawn by
Jonathan Flich, was presented at the liar
isbutg Savings Hank by the prisoner; but
ho cashier ri; fused lo cash ii: and it stib?e
(ucntly asrertaincd from Mr Elich to be a
orgery. On the prisoner was found a note
or $3 000 on the Fcnn Township Bank,
purporting to be diawn by Thof. Miller
md endorsed by Ethan Baldwin and James
liiack, He was admitted to bail by tho
Iayor in SI, 000 was arrested again in
N'cw York hy the same officer.'', where ho
iad gone to arrange soni6 of his business,
('which he accomplished by giving a forged
note lo (ieorge W. Allerun of that city fo
$7,000 us collateral security, for cert iiti
claims held by Allerlon,) on a warrant ob
tained by the Farmers' Bank for the forget
ui that bank above referred to, was takei.
back to Lancaster on Friday moming. IL
has been committed iu default of $10,000
!)iil. The prisoner is a drover, and stood
high in the community for integrity.
Mexico Tho ii.lelitence from
WViliinnton, in our coi respondent's Itt-
er. coi 11 111s the minor bv wav of Ha
vana that (Jen. Pdredes, instead of op-
t'latini; against lesas', has uiieceti nis
noveni-nls hu linst llie ovrinmcot uf
Mexico, am! lleirea is threatened with
lencsi'ioi), I'areds wan vsiiliin 20O
miles of the rily cf M-xico, and it is
aid iheic will lie no oiiposinnn to linn
111 the city. The grounds of his pro-
uncianiento are, the intention ol I he
mvpmnipiil In phIpt in'n a frp.ilu will)
- j
the United States for the annexation cf
IVxa-. It is tu; pectCii licit a foieiji'1
nation was icdirtjctly concerned in Iho
novernent. 1 Ins S:ep of PareJcs and
I) it of Hi tea , pronouncing ftgiinsl th3
lUjireme gnvernnici.t, piove that Mcxi
o is still 10 be lorn hy intestina broils
incl the ambition ol its miserable nuli-
niy leaden. H lui ellect lliese move
nenls uny have tipori the. present i.po
la'ions. we hi nrohihlv soon h'arir.
1 j
Mr. S.idell, the new Mnvs'tr, seems
hspost'il 10 litiriy matteM. It was hut
day ol t o af i 1, :i I we annou iced his
rrival ai Vein Cruz, and siniiili aneotis-
ly wiih appeals at W.ishin-
011 a hearn-r ol ' dt'.'iaicli' s fioni him tu
our govci nnient, Mipposed lo have ref
erence to tho pllichasi" Oi Cilalili ill 1
imI tho setilt'ipcol ol pi eseil d i lhcol I its.
We look for further intr licence Irom
that country with interest.
IIIVIIU'I'VIM MM . IO. tl ...,- . , .
, .' . ,U I I . I I II
the reach o cavil on conirauicuon. i uere me- geltine somcwnai excucu commencKu - .
. . ... .. . ., . . ilondav i' passed the toint rcsjl
is somelhing in the manner in wt.icii air. quarelling, when one 01 me soiue.s ruu ms w amen,,ni
Buchanan builds his argument out 01 ine bayonet ihroiign the hcik oi ine oiutr
ounding nun severely.
New lork city is cttim ited to lie worth
ona Jiundred mi!!i i9 i f dollars Real cM:.te
The solid truth oi $80,000,000: othi r j-roj e r;y G20.000 0U0.
MO I'll ER U N'.
A Mingy ln.eb..i:d threw off the blame o!
e lawlcfciiuss of hi duiditn in couipanj
sii-lnc I'ia ii'ii'a alwavs 'lmvcs lliClil 'iir
Tr.xAs Anxkxed I'tie II .V So.
te has coii'umated the reat nicasuin f
Imitlin lexis into tin; Uoim. (J.i
ui ion
i j
oni the House, without amendment or ion; bv a vote of th;ity one tu
fouiteeti. Tiie following is the vutc
Yi:as- iVessi', Allen, Aicher. A-h-
lev. Atchison. AtiiPiton, B'thv,
The properly held by the Trinity Church row. lientou, Eeiiei', Bretse, Calhno
j-. . i I 1
l ass, Uhalmei.". Lo'quii', wick "',
i) y, Fniili-Mi Ilinneiaii. Iliywooil,
,1, ihoson, of I.., Levy, Lw-
J annum;
V i.-c 1 '. ii i, in r I P r. S'
k ' " - v I
S.ulji'.oil, '-llii'V, .'.tut
IMP I . S Mf i l! 1 1 .
WVsii-ciH. '31.
J,'-kY'.- .Mc.'-cr', Tiiunias Cliv'oo,
.Ino. M. CIj von ("oi w i i. U i vis, D,v,
. . , '.,.:. I'll.; IK . Ij'l.n'liltitl P, Mi!
I 17
i,vu way",' 4'oor ila.igs,'' was hci prompt' lei. i'i.c'j..';, S.ui nou-, fjiiiu,
.espouse', all J have u iu ib.u.'.' tt!, i.d Wwjdlin-'-I I.