Here is one of tho ininiiubln iog to l icaof the Nashua. Telcumph, 'l Smaht Doc Tin ie m I'uniiiih o1 Ihe ilon mixed up ih-j in I'ol'vuinj; i'oi'V It rnlitla it to Jin: lUDUi i-la 'W Ki).' A nun flown cut had bo a x.'e dina'y onriOye 1 by wo'vca, winch 'Ics-my 1 lu's flicoj. I.i the ivnrse uf 'I'lK d- f li ici'i iT'cod I.) pel! him dct. A vrn I.-)v!i!."if j; h" W3', u Tim ctj'":'i!. of li'ii nni." was a vt ly legume C-i te ws not 0 do ii tu - in the ivlmle cit.i l.-j;ir for winch lie H'anot d.siiniiioiifi1 but if t'irr wa nny c ilmi ii uhichhe leeuli'ily excelled, it w. A piowrea i a wolf lnn.ter. Tins w.i touching our friend on 1I12 rihi spot Tho bargain wsa c'pcil, anil ho only waited 111 oppoitu-iiiy lotist his mer es. At !cnj;'li there cme 1 lilit anow j'lii iIiq kioi! f,f snow for wolf hunting, ami he to- k Ins 1 0 and gun and silled cut. lie 0001) crot-sisd (lit trjck cf vnrniin'. 'he dojr took ths ?enl an d bounded cfT in puisuit. On I'ullrved uui friend, up hill and down di!?, nl rouli brusfc and ihiuuli briar,' for two mortal lioinK, when lie cme across a Vmkt ol I ! 1 1 ! i v e specia, chopping mo !, nnd the folio wiog atirctory dialogue look jdace; Did you sea a wolf and 1 dog pass b) let?' VII, I reckon I did.' 'How long ago?' Well I gats about half an hour.' How was it with 'm." Well, jost aboat nip and tuck bn' the dog had the advantage, for he wat a kellc ahead.' PATRICK'S COLT. A gentleman who reminncenses rti peeling the early soltlemcnl of t his plu co, formerly old Derrjfield relalci the following anecdote. When my grandfather resided a Goffitown and IhTtyfield, then aaitleil by the Irish, he hiitd a wild aort of an Iiishman to work on hia firm.Onedsy, aoon after his arrival he told him to tike the bridle and go out in the field and cuicli tha black colt. Don't coma home without him,' Slid the old gentleman. Patrick started and was gone aome tine, but at last returned minus ths bri dle, with his fice and hands badly scratched, as though hs had received reuh treatment. 'Whj lVrirk, what in the mailer what in the nime of won !er nil you.' 'A n, faith it's me, your honor, that never'll catch the old black colt aaint but luck to him? An' didn't he all hut scratch my eyea out 0' my head? An' faith, ai true ss my soul's me own, I had to climb up a tree after the colt' Climk a tree after him? Non (ansa! Where is tho beast!' vfn' it's tied to a tree, ha is to be turt, your honor.' We all followed Patrick to the spot to get a solution of tho difficul ty, and on reaching Ike field, we found to our no amusement, that he had been chasing a young bhek bear, which he Jiad succcded in catching after a grcgi deal of rough usage oh both aidrt, and actually tied it with the biidle to an old tree. Drain we kept for a Ung whiU, end wa? ever after known as 1'itiici'e Colt.' Srandrcth's Pills I EAD anJ understand ! The time will coma when tho medicine, Brandreth 'ills, will . opprecintcd as they nu'-ht and le-.;ervc; it will be undcmtooil that Dr. Dnndieth Im the ulron-rsi claims upon tho public. It is truo that every in dividual who makes a trial of the Diandrcth JMis conrsdo thcui to be the best medicine ihey ever liHd, 'i'lioy aro indeed a medicine ahmit which there id no mistaka. Their value in a climate ho changi'alile as ours cannot he ruiruieully approciat cil A lVce pcrpjiirution is &t once restored , thiii (hoy cure colds, and consumption is prevented. Thofco who have a redundancy of bile 11 rid them ol t'iG n;oet esvential service, and nhould tlicre bo 11 dc ficieucy of that important fluid the llrandreih J'illr have an equally beneficial effect. Often lias ihif iniportunt uiuJicinc t;'.vc valunMr Jives in those re gions where the dreadful yellow fever wai ing A low doses taken imincdiuU ly upon 1I10 in fection bciiiR received into tin cysli m, will b al most rertniii to picvrti' any niaterial iiicimvctii. nee And at nosUi'jo of this drendiul tpi lemic is then o prrpcr a medicine as tho lirend;t".!i fiil., ,it this moOiciue be universally in liin disease, and no hsj of blood allowed, and few very few, would lie its victims. !Sn it is wi:h other diisea. Assh-t nature will: tins nil ioiporrat.i raedicilioto remove morbid humors troio tc blooi'. nd do not resort to bleeding or mercury, ni.d we ahull havo a " ery preit scaicity of pc eons tilhclcr) with cronicmalaJie5. 'I'lif leutlicreiltiihu ihrau imal, kingdom- over which we are the lords, ne rot afflicted with chronic maladies; neither sbonhl ve he if it were not for our prioc vhi 'ii oecasioi, thatn. Follow na(u:e. LVo the mcdicitie whih baimonizcs with her, which liiil.ilv l.i.t sun Iy re moves all the impurities ol the hlood.wliH h stri-ntili- (!lls the feelile,and yet reduces those of too tnii imi.i! to a hecltl.y rtai)krd. Ist me a;;:ii.? ay .hat ev ,-v department of the inanufjcturc of Iiiiind nh 1'ill. is personally supcrinlenili d 1 y nie, mil thai everv Sox with my three labels noon il moy '" 11 licil en to have the beneeei;.! elfert i;i :-i! n i, tccordinj; to the directions iKToiiipuyi!;'. A (I E N T IS. Wn.vhinfjten Uotiert M'K'uy. .rWytown 1.. oV A. T. iel. Danville K. 1!. Ileynoi-ls o Co. Cattawissa C (!. l!rol .-t. Uloomsbtirg .1. If. Move. J.iuieoiie l'al'bil & MWinr''. Uuckhoni V. i. M.oe;',.iS r. J. line KiiL"' l-o'v ct 'I le . 0v!5tJ V .MileS IlLOOMSni'IiO, Cabinet vJaro House, faiHM rubieribn would ir-perltullv iofeini lb 5 pulilie, tbut b leis taken Ihe sh p lately or 'iMcd by .S.ihiuel J. ill). In 11 tlio up, i'r cud !tH,.on-iHirf;, wiieie he n lying oil Iho iii'.Iii.; ia:'i"iH b;i':.'!.e , r.n.l v ' i h lie will U' Inppv 0 vviil upon .i'l lOi.--.' w.i.i i-vpe 1 i o r 1 1 i i willl their UsImmi. I .. 1 .n .. 1 wiirmiteil ft- hi.ide of Hood mii.'iin! a. id ilurid.le, and he an -,. '.o. i ii i- mi 1 1 j 1 1 1 Si'r'mtinti. St'crrfttrirt, Jinrratis, ll !, ;, !es. Ciinl Tu'ics, Diuiwj 'Jilh'rs irctitifuxf Tulifi'S, Vuihiht) r.v. 't(iiitls,Jl'tni S'v,jVis7crrv, l);.r;p;!i troughs, ind all kinds of work io bis line, which he w ill tell upon as reasonable terms as they can be purchased in tho county. 15 y stMi'l a!te;ition to bo .-iinvss h hope to ro ::eive ash:we of iiublic patronugo. I5U UKOWN. Apnl 25, lSlj.-lyl JOHN ryJASUSLU, JIarncsG, Sacldlo h Trim Is Manufacturer; TIP H' TIIC 1F1 I.LY inf,r:rnlhep ibllc tint he J hi.i loealed hinuell i;i the. shop next door to feaiauel llapenbuehs Chair Factory, 5.un utrent Wioomsbtim, Columbia comity, where he wi'l cvrv on the above bus ncss in all in tiranehes. Ho will keep constantly 011 h ind fine an 1 cinr e One ami 7 wo Horse Ifarnesf a, Ihnt Collars. SaJJcs, flridlcs nrvl Trunks; S,-r. ( every de?eription ; ir.d bavin-; hud a lonfj it- c rienoe i tho busiiie ss, he can as gond work, in J :;rap as can oe u:reh.i-r'd in tin county kinds of country pro.liioe taken in xiy rlf ' jrl, at th market prices. t IfltS-ftm? di interesting Pamphlet, culled the F HEALTH iui:cthv. FOR (Iratuitons Circulation to h!1 (icrson Th vill .' end, Frcrerve, and J.iil' il, t ,. Ltuz. Ciooiasburi;, John Moore, l)i nville, John Fuscr, Milton, Waller L Co. Kcrwick. .Ill the following named .'1 flicks have vb laintd unbounded jiont(fril;j,viz: Iiheuir.iti ;m. Contracted t'jril?, SlifT Joints, nnd Gout, will pojtively be eund by the Die u-:e ol die Iiu'ian Ytgftalik I'lixir and hl.iiuanl. The sceptica we invite to call and be prsouaily refer red to gentlemen of the highest standing in this city who bos been cuied of KheuiiiHtuni by uw icniody 7 hey are warranted the orny pentuno UaifiicjiDt Mc.Nnif-'i Anut-tit 0,1 hasprov ed very aucces-.iful in curing even total Dealuess Wc hve many cettilicatos from citizen who have used this OIL with complete fiicce.s We irvite all who are troubled wnh any diseai e of the tar to examine ih proof l.ifii' lei's Wf;i 'cm ImVim Pimiurai- the bisi family 'medicine in the world It is a cure for Drs pepsia, Asthma, Liver complaint, Indif stion,t'i,s- tivenew. Jaundicextulespsy' Deluh'y, qc, Ac N Ii It operates without the tliyhtc.;! pain, at a mild but thorough cathartic, and never leaves tho person costive even if taken very often The Pilca aro warranted to be cured by tho rjen uinc Hays Liniment and I ines Piln of china, m the money refunded Who will now stiller with this distressing complaint! A ever buy it without the sincnature of comstock & co contstock and eo't SarsapuriUa h a pure and strong an Extract from tins celebrated Loot as con nossiblv be niada 1 his price is so reasonably ma! the poor can afford to use it, being but .r.O cent por DOltte, Or 7 t per UOi:il it is v.ny mum that will effectually purify the Mood from ell impuiilues Iboscwlio l.avo Lcen imprudent in the use of calomel, 4 c, will find sure relief f.nn, it. EmI India Ji'c This ihemica! prepa a liuu will color the-hair tny shade- fn.m a lii,: own to n jet black, and not injuio Cm hair 01 stain the i;kin in the bast. I'icservc and lle uily the Hair by CI bridge's liahil 0 f Columbia, tvliiui hui'icuinkly stops the hair Irom falling out, au.l ics'.mc it when bald Never b'jy it w iihoul l!ie b:0u:U.o of Cuio stock ct Co. WottmKulmshck't I'eniiif'igc is n :ife,wy and ell'i.ctual emedy for Worn',:, in children ur adults, in every case. It is entirely Vegetal-lit ami cannot injury the most delicate child even slioulti ihcrc be no V onus. I rice Jo cents. Uon y; con found ii with oilier names, The Mulhtfu Jitlii has been thoroughly tested bv mauy year's cxpirience. J.udies expeclinr; to become mothers inuy rest o.sur,:d that it will always aid and utL-ut tn picparin,'; tiiein for the trials before them. It quiets all nervous allec lions, allays morninp; sickue-js. causes ru'uriil a:nl sweet rest- equalize the cucu.,ition ul lio; b.e.0,1 regul lies tit hloiiiRch. nud facilitates t'ie I irti without such eseiucialina m i.iutl.i rs ex pect. J.uiy of oui best j l.yscians u.-'; it in theii practici!. Mew Jincovcry, by which n 1 toves and 'i-c or grates may be kept a Jet Llj'.k i'.li "s I '. au!t tut polish as a Coaeh Ui..!y with oi.n : ; .; . i. ci i, 1 year. It ke -.t all ,tue uud 1'ijes .m rii;'i;., hiou.'th Ihe suo.iiuT. 'Fhis Vioui .h is ui ei.tin in w imentioir, at.d surpri.-cs am delipbts all use. it. fpeciii'cus oi Stoves a n! I'ipe 1 in ino nn oe sec n at VI Co'jrl'ali'li-. Irect :Ve p..U- may be had at the ..ct ol '; ei nts per !.;;..-. H-xt'-h audit J Lu4l1u.1t A tint. i.:.-.eiy, l'u,. .i cent Dr- l.jretl's "cr-rdl .or Pi'- :r itl c L'liiii .eu.i dv iti c ie 1 f I--.iio'.cncy, Barren ;, . , Fuu. Irr.rlriicli.ui, Iu-o'it nrnc I I .-II .1. "lot lrii-ioii feci, 1 J 1 i; i:;.'i i'i tae -; v. .. - a ruijr 1 i i " I) ii ic;:iii.' I. J Ho. Ur, IJariiodoli:'--.-.'. W I.'", i ..-att yrup, fo' ihe iii. cl Cci'-'.u" 1 i '.i . .. '.;i,M Coui-s. Cold.-, l-pl'.ti;:? 1 f Mood i .' v.ciIk KApcctu.utioii. Faia In t'.o hide etc, Vc i'i.'e -'i'r ('i7 It (;ives ll.c h;::c n I cfiubful tilos.. .iin'. j'.elitici. il lo mi l, and w lirniki any n'l'-c; hi. .1 I. 'ho ii t.e-t hi. 'ice' ba'i in ihe 1. cl ii ..ny i...!y or m i t eMail .hall uji 'I. is Oil: Hi I find ll.esi: st.itcllicti. s Uotrje, tliuli r.oiicy w ill 1 1 it funded t'liuti.m !! .;. '( 'J'! e above iiamri' .n'.i li - arc ,. i.l ( ion ii iiif in l' b ; ' i y ;!!. .', '. Ci.:-.;ljiiiilt.-.i.-i!, .,.!' So U' 11!.I e-.i-rpl i I ti.i " "ii nl i y cu-iomers I.i-iih m! i, this din ct'i u i. ilii 'oil Tl.r.-e s-'ic!.'.-. ;::.-to be had in t';is i h c c.1 II: I -:.i;i l.hitz. lib- or.'. J..I :i Mn. re. j.i.n:l, al'.i : -: ' i, iicr-." ii '.. J. I.n l.'ij;.. :, i ilu u, Noc.::'s i'. I, I SI.-.- .v.-. ';. hH.y.lj j.,-1 re ' lit V !:ri'. I- ii. i:'. ry-.Kr. W' t i i. AT THE 1T37 B'JXLEIITGS. 11. UDPKItT, AVI.NfJ dicpose-.l ef his fl1 .-! hi" j i-t r eived a fir bntei nn I 1 Off :.l 1 Jl'l'll od sss ii'r.i- et a'.iit.ildo to tbc feit'ini ( OOtlr llll;! '! as j.oih! a mric'y of ('Id!.; :in,ter, fafitM'w aid -..,. -ffi lor Men' war, n i can be had at iinyol'e r itofi in the cioiuiy all khuls ol v.'.', fV;fo i, IJHr, Woollat or 15V." , lollis for I. adieu' t.:-e Hut. 1 1 . 1 1 ( Miis;i,m mots ami .ii.ii'S, very c I1,, besides a la rue as- no t men; ol (;uon:in:;5, u.urnvAu::. class AM) i.'UKh.NS'.VAlii:, and in fiet, aim. 1 it ewr, iliii,,' that can be found in any other stou in ilic county. ltelicriiiir that n iiimb!.' ki't-enco is better I'lan n .lull sbilliir', he will coMti.-iue to sell his 11I a Siinill advanco, (or ready pay. Ilo therefore in vites all to call, feelini; uin iied that they will be Hati-f'cd w itli his prices. ,ov I i 1: w s 1 1 0 1 : 13 O T 1 Air STOU Ii. riTllin subscriber trfi linn iits me 'mi'j. lie thai bo has "st. opened a SffOFl M'OIir: St "lid of Main i-ticet, '-tv iioom...i)iiri,', at Ihe store ioruietly tccuiii el by E, Liii a where he intends to keep n p,e:ier al a fc'orlment of shocj and boois, lor mei and 'vomen:,- ware, which be will sell as low, if not lower than too same quality ofyoods can be houuht in t nliimota county. He will also ni'ko t ) order all hinds of boots soil shoos, atshf.rt notice. Ifsv 11:3 Ccterinincd to sen low, lor a small profit. lie irspecuully invit ei !no; y w lio are in went uf anv thing in his lino, lo uive hini a call. -N, B. All goods boinjbt of ine ure warranted to be as recommended. W. P.CMHJ,. Nov. loih IS U. 39 Wll. M'ftMITY tt CO, fBJIVR just rerrived hlt'oir Oil Stand in (jMalu etrec', a I irjis and - tensive uieiii df which aihl'd to their fi.imo.r flc.i I-, it as complete ns can be f oitid i:i the country. -5i:iu.i! Il.cii may be found coarsn and line jroadolotli, of all olors, Cassimers, fcUiiiflt', Orb'a" Cloth, Prints of all qualities, nod of ihe rwe-'t. pattr 'r'n, Cr IJcl.'itij'.Musliti l!-ii:ics. Crape de Nhrn( anew O'linel ( aslimeri, liotim t Vi lvet, Shawls Kilk en t.'otlori IIanderi'l'ie,'i,Oii:; ,irid (Jul ton 'use, Gloves ind Mils, I.inen, b!r tehed and brorrn Cot ten Sin::-! ill'.', llatsand (0i!, Morocci; rail' Skill, mid I'l.ick A'oots and shots. India Shoes aud Overshoes. &c. , c. GLASS, er Ii ; rti vx?Z5 si : AND tfftmr QU EES ware as jjnoJ an a.crtment a can be found in the country, iogtihur with all kunls of Rei' Eartbern-ws'e. a .ii t r ssornnein iiiciiiiinie; every tnnij,' tiom n -iiichiir tt. l itnl in needle, iliat a (armi r in iiecliftiii" u'iiiiiri lo tuie, itiduJing Kouiiu I'r, Siieet hi.J I5ji-.iI lnin,su,iable (ur wag ,' oi. lite or miy ol;it;r itse IVio!ti-ar4v A lare qnanliiy of Ctdei and Pi.n "aili and Tubs. Dakfift, ;!' all ize kc. Copper and Bras Kettlr , nil kiibls cl I in w;.ie, siovg pipe, and Upper and Soli IMther. Bui what ia the use in pni'tieulnrisincr, at, hardly an snide in llieir line can ha usLed for hut whM ihey ean furnish their custom era for pay , rr in all kind of luin ber, and cctnnrv proi.uco Nov. If), lUI.i 30- e ijr r'. frrV'i' (-'.lo-senber elfull i-ublic $ re I.; s o.'. in o a : ii.,', t n ,"-i:.i-. t,.-ci ileal I -,' i.jciui i''' Cl t.iii'r- 'i';.'. A.', lb1'.;.: '.,. .vlt. r.- It-' iui .:!. i...ii.. uit :'.: '.. 1-uvi.i'. in ail ils vaiious b'-iiu hi s. ''A' ;;;7?7, ifeu rv Tii;,vr,ii, v-iil be kept on hand l')r sab a WHO!. USA!, 11 or i5hTAH.. sni::i;r mux Main f.:i loe i! ii.lo aov !.i..ii r. mired, ST(A'K i'H'KS, t-ll i'ui v kplcoii .i i nil o.j ha:i''. .s. jvc.. Iini..i. r : . i i i i - - . Heir tll'.iT.I 1 '.o c.i bi'.'ilno'-' hi the l e ill rpr.e li'eu Moid i.s he -.11 ioi tin'-, ail a . u ' ihey i .'i be pun ii:. .vay, be ;'.! I'tlii b.e ill'. n ills lii.e :i be L..uiil'. . i). j. i;ic SVpteii.l-er :ti. llC-lyl rjCVIbl tlll.-scrihei rei-peetfutl illlorins tire plib- jj liv that u- mi.i rt n Die i-lmp b-'ely occiiiiei' v L!. S. Hay ln;if, a: the lower end of jVark-t rti t Ij!uoi.i. v.-" v'i t e i. : e irry mir 0:, . bo.-. i In -ii. - . . i.i:e .C p iiIIM..It'.' 111. fi'-i e Ith ti e a'oo'.i I .l.rll. Crrf, I Ci l-S Hs t., I i'i'.n i An i .f. Will li Hue Iw-iv-: l e a. i. i.i nr. . .'-.- i.'iuvi;. i'.i . 1 I atinn : vt 1:1 ,.11.' tr i i li.i, I, ii;;.,;.--i iiliciit a:r, tvioi ii'.u the i u;:. i..l John nrn'EK.s Mav ,in t?tr,. e-,,3 New (Soeds.'i B!t!i'y t JlcndcnJinJI, "3 Fj V 11 josi received nt their old stand corner VJ f of Maui and M iikct-slrcets, a new and -pli -Jtl :. 1 as ui, 1 mi'iil of -j riri rm i L lliiliU VIUierUUyillS, whi di they oll'r.r ns low as they con be pn; chased i'l th county. Ati.ons th il'assortmcnt n.oy l e tini'i.i, Cloths, Cissimeres, Sa'finrtts. Satins, .... , , ,, . , ArK k I -Ircf and other new h, e of J'extiiiz, Cnxhnieres, Crape lie Mine. iVumui tie. f, vines. Merinoes, ,'i'apaecas, J'arainetta, (a now article) dun lin his, iml every variety of I'rints from f) tm l to '," irnts per yard. GL,1SS lf) QUERMUMIli:, HdlinW'SlltE. Xai!', iiund, bar and sheet iion, bur and spritii? .ti el, t ;ve pipe, I als, caps, men s and womens . : ...I .i'l. i i I p I .... ' i mi an, i unci noois nun HH't's; oc itc in Miort,, Ii .'titer articles usunllv k'Tt in a country itore, all of which ihey will sell iii exchange for cash or country prouuee. r.ocmbcr li) !v 4T0VE rii'L for sale at iho New 'tnre. L. II. KL'l'LHF. October 11. jnM.w.m'.rrw? s no tick. Tit Estate ofjoN.rr.'hiy srnour late ij Mnuit Pieasent township, dectan ed. TRTIITICR is hereby given thnt letters of admin Mr ii'.on mi the above- mentioned t.stat have, been fjruntcd to the subscribcr.liviriR in Hen lock tortuiiiin. Ail pe'sons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate, payment and all those having claims ni ifjuestcd lo pre sent ihoiu propei ly authenticated to ADAM STKOVP, Am'r. Oc'.oler, it, IS-13. Cw2-). A" 4 b-V f 1. 1 rjpjIM ku! scriber will c.!le: his tSo'rl v.rtiS .1 s..' until lh ,(!ii- f3 Tftrro rrccrty t. of 1). !irm!): r next. Ifnrt s id by l'i:t li"ie . If. 'el wi!i I.. renle'l fir oof t!;n " y.-.:t jerm ihi 1st Dec. of nt Jt. The lotaou which '.habttil li."::' are ererrd iVnii'. J,rJfi frrt oi'thi ffotei .Jf',! IVet fiout. fH d?ep and tine.) ,-to,!".i huh, Uu i! of b'ick ia 1M 1 1. The illore !'.fi:-.e of wend. 2; feet fron, 85 dep aud two "nrl a h-ilf tib-ries !ii;h. 7'hc Hotel it nipro 'd to d i at much hu :.Itte.:s any ns other Housa on !: .Vorili 15 1 anch of ll.e Susquehanna, 5r. is now occupied by Charles II' Ilieliler . The conditictis of (he mle will be 10 per t ent drnn, HO per cent on the first of April net, and 10 .,:ce it nnnually Or.a hull f the purchase uiuiiey will be left on the propei :y if dcslit I. or in- other ii'formatton enquire r f V, If D5Xf;S Llonmsburj, Cdobr-r 21), 18l.r. 27if J. II- VANDERSiLICE. EGS leave lo inform the public, that 05'1,J ' pffptred to attend to nil die oper- aiimi. in rjrrjn J'.rv, silt ,l :;. rcinriviog Thi Turlw a nil oll.i'r foreign Sub ufanvtj. Emm die teeth, rrndennr litem clein, and l.e fnrni end breath swenl and healthy. The cavities of Decayed Teeth VVill l.c dressed out anJ filled with (Jolti ir otiicr lui! ; of the finest qnaHiy, ss tin I'ise may require, which wid gf-ner i'ly .nrvci'.i thnii-aching or fu. ihcr drrny, an rentier tl'.ein u?:;ful for year:-; mid in uiuny as;'3 i!i;rir.i life; Teeth and Stumps of Teeth Which have become uscles? or troublesome will be extracted in the most careful mnn ner, wiiii llie latest cnu Utat iDproveu ir. slrumenis. Purceliuin Teelh, Oldie best c.oe'ity nm! bc-t ir.i: rnvemen1 .vill be iiiscrtr l mi pivot, rr (in coiincciiob vi'.'t Dr. ValUucl.'.'.vi, w'dli v.liiun lie h in p I1, rti' 'Vol', i IS v Ills l. I I hip in pl:i (' .')"! vi: I i) a i 'i. ii p ni, fi i .I: tl.l: i , i a . i i I i !!'!! - . : tr-i'en ti er. I'..r "i'i t'Ml, Will, w i:!i fli It I'll ; i . r'.f.'t no:':.-'?- II? I iiiit allc,);;i.ii t'i l.iif I pti'd.c i .'.nil);' fr. iiif : A r, it.:. !) rlV'i;;l pr-rs-'i, rr :VC I'jo-i; ' I- i.i'ies:,.- f h anv i !. ":ive p-i "i.n: : Mulled. res ;ive him a ciW. y. B- The public err? hereby i' foimei! d;5t we the subscribers havn entered into a spei-ir l partaethip relilir.2 oi-!y ,i j.l.ite work t-s it is t:'i'!f conie-iCM "r eacli to al'-t'iul to itic otljf r biar.chca of ihn s,,,-, en (us own a-'Cuit. A. VAI.I.EHCHAMP. J. II. VANIJERSL1CE. Mount Pleasant, Nov Hih. 1813 lim. ENOCH IIOWKT.L. T A 1 LO IS. I'CUr-Pr-'I'l'l I I V i,.f..ri-,u lh i.iil.ll-M.nt ),u ,asmow.!iMiAth.;'li.ili,.r...rii,.'riv ..cei,,'-i-,l bvppWE respectftilly infoi m his Iri. n.b i" 'iteHh'.l-ir' in M.uki't ,:n . Co. store v- here ho wlil iake .i ij v bind uf clothiiij. .1 In: i.-.r Win. Kelvy iiltinys be al the short. !,! -liable sc. 1 I um!ii - I .. ti. : :.' e, ' ,i t : . ..i. a reji-ly to in ti.-' and o:o, I. t i in e i.i lie' it.. li .'. i : , . l. ,. !,, i. l.. n ...-'. ,. , '.mo ... !' ail.-i.t.-.n J 0 cl;!',:i'. All ':- .ids i i C'liii t.ilten in e) inc. I li.j work. Dlooinsburs-Alt;,'. 'J li-15. tf 1 0 TO PARENTS. RJAYNL"! Curniinative i a certain and speedy cure for Diarrhea, l)yent(iry, ("hoi- ojii Afoibus, Hummer Complaints with Children. 1 mid all deraiigemc'it of tha xlomnch and bowel can ed bv imprudciiee oreiror in diet It has cf- leclcd cunts in the worst cane of them) complaints -evrn w here hope had inst fled snatched a ti'i.dcr infiiiil fioni no early Rrave, and called foi e. .: . 1 .1. .1 1 o 'i'l... ",r rl uiii'i'iioii -il lias saved iob 1:11110 i nu inn- liietoroflhismedieine I ecs h ave to slate It is Hometliing which he ban used extensively in private practice lor a iiumber i f jeari ond believes he lias aed many ra by itrt timely me, 7','very pcrsi.ii ' . IP, ..i... I ..'..l. .1. i - . :. . :.. .1 . . . ...-r,, ,,,,,...,....,. - "" ii i'i i', wile 11 is vamiouu iu nlu " ' , i:m,u,u ,,,,..,,, in dnccions aud ecti- tieales of cures'V each bottle i'rej a red uuly Hi No b Nuutll 1'iiird street, 'hi!- Uillpllll. Ttie Hbdvi'Medii'ine ore fr s. a the orf uf JOHN' U. MnVKIl, Ii oO'.tisburg. E stray. CAMK into '.he enclosure of the subscriber samn veiks fC2SC2ffi2E& sitiee. a two year old brinnle JS'I MEK, an. I a 2 ver old black and while spened I1KIFER. Trie owner is rnqnentei! tn proa property, pny ehnigps and lake ihcm away, or ihey will bu sold according to law. 1SSACAK F.VANS. Montour, December 6, 1815. WHEREAS my wife having efi mj house, in consequent e of her deranfctnen nf mind, all pera n r forbid truptj nir hei on my account, as I h al 1 reftisa t0 pav 8rn tlehls of tier contrsciing hereafter, as I atr ill limes willing to give her a good suppor if she remnina at home, FETER MILLER, Orange ton-pftliip, N. 1 o 1815. ' iAMC into the encjosnre of the rubsciibcr about four week since a two years old; rei jlilll FUJI, some while in her fote 'I he owner is r.qur-stcd to j nvo property ay charges and t::!.e her awry DA. NT fir. HEINKKT. centre township. Oct, 1 lfcl.'i DISSOLUTION. TIIR copartnerrship heretoffre cxiMing under ihe brm of Annstrfnif & tinges. the one cuitin2 business, is bv rr.utua consent dissolved E. ARMSTRONG. I', HUGHES. Nov. 11845. MAIMthK YARD. THE busine9 will he contirmed Sy the Mibscnber si the old stand; vthere rnaj be had al all limes. MONUMENTS, TOME-TABLES. TOAin-S TONES, HEAR Til JAMES, MdNTL ES. PAIN T STONES, MULL EES, Slc. nr sny other work in his line. He in also prepared to InrnisT WINDOW CAPS and SILLS, OOOK SILLS and KTKI'S, cLc eilhtr ol Ma.ble, Liint; or any kind ol stone that can be procured in this vicinity. IrT'lIavins had considerable experience in the business, he pledges his wnrk to he executed in as handsome a style as luh he furnished from &nv vard riihcr in ihe ciiy or countrj ; and on as reasonable terms. KI'IIKAI.M AIOIS I h'ONt; jjjoomsbiiifr, Nov. 3, 1 3-1 M . ly28 A"l)Ml NTS I'RATO li'S NO I I C E. " The Entati cf Thomas Palmer, hue of Jliocni township d:c'd NOTICE is hereby given tint h-ttasol idiiiiiiiEtration on the above mentioned Es tate, Lave fcepn granicd M ivii.o in Bluoin to, vii:- the subscriiicr p. M pcrscio indeoted lo said CitatB ire heicby iiotifiei to make immediate payment t rd a'l i' i having claims urn reque"-n!l j .- ilietn p.wjicrlv KinluMiticaicd id 'CHARLES n;:r;.:-.Y. .lilii'i 'I.' '' Nov, o.'i;-i2J- I3l'.-n till iii,;;:.:u ri'u;:;();'fi.; liE'ou i i .' niA; n.r.;i:;T u il L . L i 0 -'ll tin- si 0 'ilvmtii in i-c lio. ', : ! .. '!!!: r:i'ii' ii-".vit;jr i M ri 1 1 . 1 forms I; . .'I nu ; : v w:c: :,! ly 1 U ! i V lb 11. st r ti.ev i :.' r 1 in i :it,.-ii'c:-s lilid VI irrv -'il Ih-J " i. at nl! li.rii s Lo re. to ih wnrk a little hem r nud cheaper ilian sun oilier establishment in tlin place, r.t.d the by snici riitenlion in bm iocss to .reii i large portion of the public patronage Ail kill 's i'f r.mintry ptodtici taken in li f.r"-- li.r ork - t'-e r radii not refused 5-"n:rnr.N HA'oEiT. ISA 1(5 SAN TEE, Rloomsburj Sept, 10.1S45 21 IUIOUSUURG, COLUilUIA CO. li ami tin- i-iit-lu tjni'-r.illy, imi liavn g com- pitted his largo and comuiodioua 1 1 - .e nd 11 i.d it I : rtvb- It II. .V 'I 1.1 l-l'li u tlie I. ..ttin-i ...II b- -111; il ..'H.'.'l. I e b. I t ;i .In -il- 1.0 III. ' thai.- n.ic.e nl'llo' pin l.e, II. Ai::".ist Ull, l-l."i- i.n, I in- lies nil to i. . r li in Mbllor.AS hlAUT, -1UU' head. m;sLr:ss caudx. A I). COOL, Allurncy nt BLOOMSiBtKU, 10 L. ( 0 , PA. Oliico in Main-street, oppnsKe Llicblrr's Hotel. CIIAIiLES kahij:i, jusTici-; oi- 'hil: I'Kack, AM) nLooMsiiuut;, col. co , pa. Oli'ce, corner of Hast and Main. streets CJfict South aide of Main-st. itow Maiket -rWILL ATTEND COURTS IX THE COUNTIES OF COLUMBIA AM) LUZERNE. m xvi M., ovrr.HLoii a wixt. H'hilesale Dealers in No. 61 North Thin! Strre:. Move .Itch, fi'eii. W. Linvill; ,bertF Ostcrloli Jopli V. West. , j JMIl!. A. Aug 9ih 1815 1TNE IV ES TAB Lis ME. T.JQ Tm and SHHUTSRON rp vrf"N l r"q-.T3 1?,"" KJU tauw it w-A iu TIII5 submitter li 11 vi n j located himself in Blnomslnirjr. is prepared to furnish all kinds of ware, and perforin til kinds of v. oik in bis line of business, at (heap rates nud at sb.oit notice Ho lias furnished himself with a hi w nl.d s letidid stock ol tools, machinery ond materials from F'hila delpha, and trade a lare purcha-e el COAL and WOOD STOVKS, of various eallerns, to supply Ir's customers. He will constantly keep on hat d, TIA UWIIR of every description. HTOYEN, laru variety, neatly and buhstan tialy finished, toe-ether with FIT!:. SPftl'TH for biiilding-i. (O.IL nrCKETH. &r.if. He respectfully soli' ils public ptilrenape Kav inr been fcrsoine years encatd in his business, and havins eperiei.ctd a.-si.-tiii-ts, he feels confi dent of sati fyiilg all w lio may favor hiin with dieir custom. ((nwrnr .iifWcn.t.VTs supplied on liberal tcrrna. Call on the sou h side of ,1ain-strcet, 3 doors below Ihe nfiice cf the Columbia Weruoctat. October 11, 181.') ly!.'. E. CRAIG "SI. F. IIAY5IirST, WAGGON KCASSa, IJLOOMSBUKO. FsrECFTf'r.r.Y inf.. ns the public that he has located himself in the Shop lately occupied by ZilJA KLGOl.ES, in MAHKHT tTKKKT, where he intends carrying on ihe abova lusiriess in all lis virions brant ties. HEAVY WAGflONS u i It and repaired, as well us one hor.-e 1VACCOXS AM) JJU(.C!IES. of every daseription, and all kinds of Country Work, in his line, dorie at shoit nonce, and on the most reason-ible terirs. rr Vtiood Iiiiinlier arid all kinds of fount rv Pro- luce taken in payment for work, but Cash will not o relutrii. pril IBi:. fimSd PPwCCLAMATIOlT. '11r'-t;VV'i fv;-'it : . KflinRKAS. the 11 "ii J,r.i;a R. Anthitt V I resnleni ol the ( '. iirt ol Our undTer- niner and tit nc j'i Del: i ';.', l.'onrl, of IJuaitiT "'.:. 1 -;. : ( b:C rcttT.ill;tl I f t.'i : III IIUHI i " j c " S 10 I . .!,ll. ;i.!i(i;.l il, cr iiiniii Hi:.. ;.;! the Hoc. ,', lb(jl,!l.i rotv ,ha" r-'.'l il.iv ef .; li,..';. !i:oib:t c ; ,'::.' tin in (' 1 !-:! I .1 .- I I ..CO ami lo IM -I thoiisa:- n.irr. ond tn :! :tfr! t;i:t:,1t f v, ', ' if ' . ('),! Ci oiill.Khl Pleas 'liiinbia it'' the v ef C "I tin; ti . ,!. I I thi I. I i'l L' If .1 I'V -.ivctl tO r . l! c .' i. l:ci - - f tbc Peace, and mi : ::.! ri-Mi.ty i f C.illonbia. tlia' lllf y there in ll.- ir proper;t;s, at 1 1! ,n li.icn. mn of f.tiJ dav. with their e t.icn nu .Vloel, i-l t' ecn!-. i'lai.hiti-'i. - l:o-e ihii-i's li it !i cud oilier remcm! ranees, to dr- to lurir oii:ie uppeilam to by reci'-rii -itiers thai mo of Cohiml-'L upaiiiat thnn I to be t une i.C (lone. And tbii.-e ai-e b,.':!n "iiiei I i l- c 'Cite liir t the pli r m n i it! iiiciaif ol iid e "U-i'y oe to i-e tiicn ai.d there to prorccutt! is shall be just, Jurors arc rciinc.-,ti Uial in their attendance, ngreenblv lo their notice-. Dated at Damille, the 1.1th day of Dec. in Ihe year of our Lord one thousand etch I bundled and fot -live and in ihe liiMh yiar of the Indcpeiidciice of the li'liitcd Elates of Aliieiicu Ih'Wl DKIilt Slnnjf, fut ni ir'ii Oi i u i . 1'iiiiiiliu l ceiiili- r, ! -I, I f lo. . V mUJJ j 7 I "' I i--r i -1 ri'id loi sale, ,V0. '. I Ir-'ll .Vjltllfl. Ill' at tin' new Tn , c'i-io ile ( I.. n l - :i' M '.!. f-eral ki.-d- l l1 lit, lilt. SUOi ''"V.:. fUl -.I ih,. t:.i ,,(,, i ilea v.lii i'C 9 ii '.t. i.i. J fcrci:. O.l Co ...."iJ