The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, December 27, 1845, Image 1

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    " 1 Wr, AUw of at Hty to every ftrm of Tyranny ovr the Mind of Mau.-Thn.u Jdlfrrion
aiUHtv to evorv Air in of Tvrmtiv nnr th. ui.i e ,... -pi , -ae.
Volume IX.
orrajiTK Sr. Tail's Cimhcii, Main-pi
1 ollMkA&O
The COI.UMlilA DKMOCRJlTwillb,
published rvtry Saturday morning, a
Tll'O DOLLARS per annum paiabl,
h iff yearly in advance, or Two Dollar,
fifty Cents, if not vaid within the vrat
tVo subscription will betaken for a shortei
period than six months; nor any discon
tinuance permittcd,until ull arrearages
are tlisrtiarirttl.
JinVr.RTlSUMnXS not fxccnlins
square will be conspicimnshi inserted at
v ie ii tuai'jor tticjirst three, insertion
ua i Tinentii-f'ire cents for event utilise
intent nsertion. p.') liberal discotu,
made to those who a hi. rtise bti the vein
.',,' ITER S n ilreised en business.uiiist
be post paid,
9fsymmumM miwn.,.- WUUJ l.ll Mull I
Til 13 (iAKLAM)
lit, wite, l wai eerioue. and you dnJ
.Ir. Atkine, I eay! Heaband. why
can't you epeak? D you hear what Abev
'AnyuYng worth haiing?' was the re-
.'Vii'isbes SC.
new resolulious. and Abbv'a dreams ihntur.. i . i
.ot in..rrupt ..for I M been listing nigbl W0r8 0f l(ailes ff001 !lBr mmher am!l ' ' . . J ' T' ' ' "'' .?. d hi.
-".' .ill liir-J iin.llicr Mr:i III mil persuade mm III (JO IH Oeil
have Tiry ihort an I uni!ificliry."'1 n'fhl Ul11'1 ' bad given 'aiatcr Abby
BS ehs ll ail
Ml that y.u and Abby were aaying. She it word frou her father, such
a wild, thoughtless girl, and 1 hardly ku never or dIHtrtl.
!..!. ... . I
w.iai ii is beil to tlo wilb her: but nerbine When had. ..n
I .... .um i.i ttwii hi:ai morn
ii m wcu hi iry m fXkOrimiini. BBU n. iha an il nmhin. .k -i
. j ' u"n iim lUUIIgP
let liar tbiak hui act a little bi',s for Iter-
air. expaat that abu will apainl ull bin
wl.icb had takan olai-o in her tn'aws ami
fetlings, furabe felt a alijhl degree of self.
ponse of Mr. Aikiua, as be luid tbwn ihNone 10 8hi u,y fHy l" ii: r.t ill
New II nip hi re Patriot nd peered ot!t e',nt8. ,'lf! he rather mur likdy to
" With iwultst fluwert enrich'd,
From variout gardens euWdvoith ecre"
The fountain ming'e with ilie river,
And ill 9 river id the oie.tu;
The winds ol heaven mix forever
With a aweet e otion ;
Noihinjin tna woild it single,
Alt thing hy law divir.e,
la one another's being mingle
Why not I with thine ?
Sea the fountain kits high hoaven,
And the waves clatp one another;
No aisler flower would ha foigiven,
If it disdained its brother;
And the sun-light clasps the earth,
And the mnon-lienniH ki the see;
W (ml are all these bleseings worth,
If thou kiss not me ?
Land of the gently aweMing hills,
Laud of the swiftly gliding Mream,
Thy vary name the free heart thrill,
With trulli and honor's brightest beams
Thv well earned pnisrs he been sung
Bv Hardii hevund the ilei:
And m iv tHey be firevrr nog
In tones that cannot sleep.
Sine first the mild and free-born I'enrt
Gazed on ihy dmk green foreats tall,
'Till tyiants trembled at the blast
From thv old Independence Hall,
Thy sons for Honor, Tiuth and Right
Firm as the roks have stood,
And poured the terrors of their might,
Through tem) , llnoa and blood.
Oh! may no trnsted rliiid i.f
Dim the btigh' tr u :,t thv brow;
But cause th'ii hnj'iici- -'.i: to shine
And deeper, l on-r v t to glow.
IM x'.t'pr ! inils M r 'i f 1 i!ifn own
T:ip 'i'vr t Hid l''1i! S' ,;
"'iv r'p dr"'i. IVnnsvlvaiiiii.
Am free in!
The fnllonnT squi'i on ilia D iston pre'
huelv appo iret.! in a Huston paper:
The Boston Time
I.oik out lor dimes.
The li.iMon Bee
Spunks Iiidusitv.
This liiisini Jjil
I heirty And lule
i he Biift'-n Hui
M .k's us ha. ha !
T!f f!mie:i S r.
! i i''k lif' ami I'nM
'I'ho Boston :ii
C!io-vs miehty hitj.
The Boston Kag!e
I'egins to wiuple
'ho seeks a frisnd should pome disposed
To e xhthii in full bloom disensed
The graces and the beautieH
That form lie character he seeks;
For 'lis a union l!m bepfiks
Reciprocated duties.
Pursue the sesrch and yon will find
Good sense and k no wlcile of mankind
To he at least expedient
And after gumming all the rsl,
Religion ruling m the breast
A principal ingredient.
What is friendship hut a nruip,
A charm that In'U !) s.eep:
A shide llril fnll.uv i wealth or fame,
But leii the WH'i'li lj Uli'p. j
Scales drrivc liit.r name from ti e fan
lli. t some people ire r-ther 'scaiv' about
ilil.g rood Wi'lgiil.
tits speciaclea with a look which aaawed to
ay that an event so uncumaiou desarred
pariicular attentioD
'Why, aha say a she mains to f J to Lo
well and work in a factory.'
Well wtf, let her go,' ni ba toak ur
the Patriot again.
But I don't sea bow can spare her; tht
pting cleanup ia oot done, nor the soip
uiaJe, not the boya lummer wear; and
you aay you inland to hoard your own
men folks, and keep two mora cowa thae
you did lil year, and Charley can acarce
ly oo alone.'
'But you aay ah. does not assiet you any
about the home.'
'Well, huabtind. aha might.''
'Yes, she might do a great many things
which alio does not think of doing; ami, .
I do not see that she mains to be use
lul here, we will let ber go to the facta
'Fathet! ara you in earnest? may I ga to
Lowell? aaid Abby, and raised her brigh
black eyes to hsr father's with a look f ex
quisite dvligbt.
i s. Aooy, ii you win promne me one
thing, and (hat is, that you will stay a
whole year without viiiting n, except gin
rase ol sickness, and thit you will etay bui
ma year.'
'I'll promisV anything, father, if ou will
inly lei me go; 1 thought you'd aay I had
tetter May at home, pick up atones, weed
'in garden, and rako hay: but I don't want
ii do suck work any longer. May 1 go
ith the Slater gul next Tuesday ? for
hat is th. day they have eel for their ie-
Yes, if you will remember yon are to
flay a year, and only a year '
Abby retired to teat that night with a
neari fluttering with pleasnre; for, ever
ince the visit of the Slater girls, with, new
ilk dresses, N ivarino bonnet and flowers
ice veils, an.1 gtuzi handkerchiefs, hsr
lead had been filled wiih visions of fine
loihea. She was naturally ery fond of
Iress. and often, whilo a little gn. lud ili
at on the grass by the roid-sidn witc'aii.g
he staga which wont daily by her fithers
I welling, and when she saw tho giy riii-
'loih and smart shawls which pi'-ed liksj
lhantorn before her woiidniig eves, the
bought thnl hIimi older she loo wou'd have
such things and looked firaaid to r.'.nnan
hood as to a s;:ue in which ihn chirf p'ei.
are inns' ci'ni-t in wearing flito cloiliis
IVit ns e iri passed over lier.ahH became r--vare
lha.' this was a source from which Bhe
nould never derive any enjoyrnent while she
remained at ho Ufifor hei father is n'tth
er able nor williag to gratify her in that re
pv I, and srta had begun lo fear that ahe
imst always w ear tne same brown cambric
iionnet, and that a cahen goivr. would al-j
vajs be hfr 'go. In- iicrl il.ess' but now
what a bright picture had been formed by
her ardent and uncultivated inuginstirtil
Yf ahu wold go to LoA-cll, and earn all
ihat she possibly could, and spend thosi
earnings for beautiful mtire; she w.iuld
liave silk dresses one of grass green, an
other of cherry red, and another, upon tin
color of which she wolud decide when ahe
purchased it; and she would have a new
Navarino bonnet far more beautiful than
Judith Slater's: and when at last she fell
asleep, it was lo dieam of satin and lace,
and her gloving fancy reveled all night in
i vast and beautiful collection of milliners'
Very different were the dreams of Ahby'o
loo.ner; an i wnen site awoKe tne nexi
morning, her first word lo her husband
tre, Mr. Atkins, was mi serious last
night when y,)U told Abby that she migh
earnings in una clothes, kut alter ahe has distrust in her own firmne.,. f
:l.i was commend ihlj ami auspicious; b
i ll l.-i I a,v-;-y prominent development in
undentand the value of money when
has baea obliged to woik for ii Alter she
nas iiau hei ou w.,y for one yur, a!,
may possibly be willing to retarn home
and bocowe a ImU more tiy, and b;
Aiding hi diioie tier sdiie energies (the i
a vert capable gin ) to household duties
lor hitherto her eemcei have been princi
pally out of doori, where eho ie now too
old to work. I am'a'so willing that eh
should see a little nf the world, ard wha
9 going on ia it; and I that, if ahe receive
no benefit, the will at leait return to us uu-
O huiband, I have tnanyjfeara for her,'
wa the reply of Mre. Atkins, 'aha is so
very gidly and thniighileai and the Slater
girl are as hair-braiaed as keraelf, and
will lead her on iu all aorta of folly. I
wish you wouldjtell her that eh must eta
at home.
'1 have mid a ptotBiie,' aaid he, 'and
will keep it; and Abby, I tnul will keei
Abby flaw around in high epiriis to rnaka
'ho neceaiary preparations for ttt depar
ture, and ber notber aaaiail tier with i
n ivy pear'.
The evening befor. elie loft hon.e; her
father called hsr to hioa, and fixing upon
her a calm, earneit end an almost mournfu
look; he siktd 'Jlbby do you ever Ih'uuV
Abby wa eubduee!, and almost awed, bv
her father's look and manner. There wa.
something unnsual in it something in th
expression whieh wes unexpected from bit
out that reminded her f her leauhar'e look
sl the Sabbath school when he was endia
vnrinj' lo imprsss upon hrimind eome e
rioue truth. 'Tea, father,' she at lengtl
'cplied 'I hav thought a great deal laieh
ihout g'ung to Lowell.'
'But I do n it believe, my r U, that yoi.
have had sny serious lefleetion m the so.
iject, end I fear that I ha?e done wrucg ir
consenting to let yu g" fr!ii hmiif. 7i 1
wss too poor to maintain yon here, and had
:vi eriploy inett abinl which vu c.oul.l
nikc yourulf nsuful 7 should Ire! no nlf
eprmch, a :d would lei you go, irusiiiiK
-hat all mtglit ye: in; viell; but no v have
dn wh it ,t:iy scvt-rf!y repent f,f-, and
Abby, if you do not r.-isli t.i m i',: me
wretshed, von will return io us a better
iiilder, a'd mora though'.fv.l jirl.'
That night Abby reflected nic.;e seriourdv
than she had ever (Jons in her lift? bi f.ire.
Her fathet's wi-rdri, leudared i-vrt! imo.ei-
that p..:t of the head where phreuologists
locai tho i.rgaa of firmness; and when
u l ooi'b dftermined upon a thing she usu
"Iv went ,'l,rouh with it.
he bad now resolved to puriuc a eour-i
entirely different f.em that which was ex
oecied of her. and ii difl'jieiit from the em
h lud Crat marked out for lurielf. TWh
as niero diSoult, on account of ber stroii
propetuity fur dress, a lov of which wa-
frealy iati2ed by her companions. Bji.
svhea Judith Sister pressed her to purchasi
this bsauiiful piece of silk , or that splendid
piece of muslin, her constant reply was
No I have determined not to buy anV
such things, and I will keep my resolu
tion, j
Before she csme to Lowell, she wonder
d in ber umpliciiy, how peop'e could Im
wher. there so many store, and not spun
ill itlAlf. mnn.w. nn.J it - . , tt ,
.. "; uu ik uow reiauires ail her
urianoss lo resist being ove rcome by the
ninlinn iti.pNu .ft......: ..( i .
v...t,., WH,),- wi bi.iuuei, wnicn met uer
ayes whenever bl,e prominded a the ii'lum':-
tated streets. It was bird to walk by tin ' -i .
imunrit aii!iis win ao unwavemi eieo;!
I euppose elie nas sense enough to ku w
that no news is heller ihio bid n"v
sod hivinj no'hing pleascnt to lell a
otiu' heraelf, sho lliioki sh- will lell u
iothm at til. Bin il iverl et
noire ajin. I will ke.'p lr here. I as
stirs yo'i, bir first year in L i vol ahil
ilso ba her last.'
'Hmband, I tyld yru my Jam, and
f ymi had set up your au'hority, JAbby
ivonl.l have been bliird lo stsy si
home; but perhaps she is (k'inj; pretty
veil. You know site is not accu-tomed
o writing, snd lha? may account for ihe
few and abort letters we haverecrived;
bill they have all, even tho shortest, con-
ained assurances that fiie would be el
home at the end of the year.'
'Pa! the stage hasjslopped hern;' sail1
Ittle Charley, ss bounded from ho.
falhei'a kneo. The. next monent the
ooin rang with lite shout of '.1 jby has
oitiel Abby has conul' In a fir mo
rn 'lllc niAlP .ttA IVit in II.a I ..I
-" " "o uiiuji i" r .... ui.-r ii.,. 1 1 .
hejijful throng. Her fiiher prs-dj niatf; (Jovcnor of L..wr r C. ill-c a,..,,,-,
her hand Jin silence, and ;tears gusoed on Ihe Trcaiilential rli iir ul i'.eioi
from her aidher's eyes. Il-rr brothers r-ondemnus Jes'is of Njzireih to die i, t
md sisiers were clamorous wiihiov 18 Cr'y:i 'dcMv!:cn ,wo thieves f l.n
ill but little Charley,.., tvhom byt nUOriu,evidc,,Ce ' V" l
a hundred kisses.
'Faihcr,' aaid Abby, as she arose to te-
ire when the tall clock struck eleven, m w
I not some lime go back lo Lowel! 1 should
like lo add a little to tho sum in the Bjtik
od should be glad of one eillc gownl'
' lea.JAliby, you may do any thiti'' you
wish' I shall not araiu be afraid to let
you spend a year in Lowell.
Death Wurrtnt of Chri-l.Thn
Couiier des Etas unis.of hue date savt.;
Chauce bas put ioio our h inds ihe nun-t
innposini; and ieteressing i'ldicial docu-
mem to all Christjnns.lhal ha ever been
"corded in b'Jtnsn anuals, that is, th i.
lenticel des'.h warrant of our Lird Je
ns Christ. We transcribe the document
Vom a copy of trauslatin,; fit Ir. Jrfh,
(rnve.nor j Lower Galht. that J
' Ntztreth shall suffer ?..' A n i .
In lha year seventeen of the rJtmi:o
f Tiberius Csesar, an I ihe 2'y h imv i:
Mircii in Uio city of U i'v ,1 ri.uler,i.
at ano Liuphas heinj Piles'., ricr
vae a sirangt.'r, and who ree!cJ w t
urror all her ovriturik for n bjiter ar
qu aio'.ancs. Jirr j;:,rcniJ "cazod uoon
inj uli.n .1.. ao. I . .
sha eoulil aat hah Ht.iPn i,t. . . . '.
. r t&jii a caanie Jor the Uutr h id U
ooi yieiu io tne teuiptatiou; she did no
pend her iconey iu them. When sh saw
nn trav,berrie., sho luid to liereelf, I 'cai'
gather theui in etrowa pastjre aeii vear:'
ira'uji,8 iocUi --.'jn lim nico pe.ti-he
cherries.and pluuu, which etood iu letapticj
uray brbinJ their crystal barriers, bbe sai t
"gf in. ' iii! do wi.hotil ihem this etnumei
md when apples, psars, end mils were t,f-
larad for nlo s! tboyjhl that ahe xvonld eat
ion of ihem till he virA h.i&je. Sot the
tall that the only safe place lor her earning.,
was the savinjs bank, and there they were
egulirly deposited, lha. it might be out &
ier power to indulge in momeniuv whiu.a
She gretiti 1 no feeling but a newly-aw.-kined
ceetre for mental improvernsnt, and
spent her leiaure houre in reading useful
Abby's year was one of perpetual iflf
otitesl and ..l-i!enia' hm it '3s by r.
mesr.s cf iiiiinitigverl mi.ry. The rtilii
desire of ycare was not to I e ceeeitcred h
he tfi(iliilion of a moment ; but nhen the
Mitte't wss over, there was for her the tri-
umpli of victory. If lha buttla was pe;n?
.imai i!s.?r-sr2'.e, there was ut inn Ii rrore
ne;it in bcir.g '.'is cisnrjneror, Oivi J'.il.
ath v.-i,s K;Kiit?in tsars, In -iSf Judith '-'h I
ier t! a' i oi wish her to ,-:ii'n !
i.".;; vvi th rucli n r'tiwdi I'Cire',
ken place in lbeirvout:e waywai'.l pirl
Yes, tht-ro sha tlood bal'ore iheni.a lath
Islier snd little ih iiotr, snd, wlitn the
luih uf emotion hadjfaded a'.vay.potlisr:
liill pa!rr-but ih'f ye3iver5'bn;lit in
tl eir joyous rdimpe, and tho sni! ol
i.i. .. i .
usano ami 111 uocsnc? wes ';yippf ar-
' oti ml the rosyjlips SI. a cortfully lai
sids ber own tiraw toitr.ju!, wiMi i't
rimming of lirht t!u riohoo, ami iii
I.. I, : i ... . . . .
"tr irri mo mesa s.ior, fetf to !tl8 Of"!
i!anta;a her ne.u, y miiietrical km
i'heie wjjiie r.,or dei ?ary of ptriot.a
.(fisraiirt. than xvhen she .'of' th mv. uc
j iiiun- a.ii'SJE?,.- tniuotr ; for cou-
sunt collision with (j rtauy yuun fe--niles
had worn u3' iho asparils uU'iel
nad marked hor coms- ivhile at Jjeme.
'We i, .ihUj, ho.v many ;!k Sonrn
'iivi. you ot?' sa d her faihpr, 3 hr
pr.erl sjarpe, oert trunH.
.V,1 I . . ! I - . i ... . .
iuif-r, n ,o, loo nsjeii
ur ayes upon lum v;;ih Xl) oxpteeeiui.
-h;i.!i lolti jii, .;wt !iPrr ti sor.u.
I'lo l.v-iks ,'or the children, end a n-n
li.'s Ct r meihrrj and h-io is a nit ,ih
handheiriiisf for rou t j Jwei.- n yom
t"f!:. f?llt.'!a- o. .. , f..'.i
sive by the look a,i. to:,;: wuh v. iiiclt tho v i pr 'f "3IV ho iiuir tncr.. lit Jier rown rtias
v.., L-...H. he rnt n (r lai ifr
I - j" i I u .. . I .... i. .... . r . . ... .
i;.e;rrr.ift-, 1 ' -1 1 n a si jtn. '
.... i . i ( . . i .
i ui. iih . ... t fir co,,i mi s
P"! io, l'o 1 ato st:e J t1.,
hivsheer, roailc in 1 the yc::i one ' 'i'he
color mouniej to bar chri !.s, nnd die iiijhi
unig fl ished from her eye, asl.fd il
.1 L . - .
v.xcu occsuso I intenuptn
were delivered, had nnk i'lto hei heart as
wor.'.s of his had n?nr dor.e b'fore. She
hd bsenVarprised at his temly ncqnies-
ceiKe in hrr wishes, but ii had now a nc
neanin?. Sha Ml that she ws h'i ml v.
(iban(h)iH-d to hr r'elf. I.reatue to r pa
rents despaired of bein able to do anvthinr
fr her; they tlm't her lo.i wild, rei klas
ipd utitamable, to be s ifiened by anc'it bu
the stern ler.oi.s of experience,
'I will furprt'e tl;frn, ('-..iil -,110 to !,er-
scil; I will show litem tii.,t I have soire i.--
1'iclion; and, niter I come home, mv f 'thci
iced not ask me if I think Yes, kno
a hat their fears are, and I will Ut them se
hat I can ta!:o care of mye'f and as good
oar. as they've ever taken of me. I koow
ihat I hive done rot ae wtil ns I tnihl hive
done, but I will begin now. and when I re
t mil they shall see thai no; a better, mild
cr and more thoughtful ?irl. And tha mo
ney whieh I intended lo spend in fine dress'
aliall bn nut into a li.inL-' I will ova t, ..Il
and my f.ther shall see that I can earn m0J5pe'kinS ' ',Cr ,boUl "' Sn' ,eIli"S h
ney.and .nfc r..rr of ii too. O how differ-!'1"8' " W" Wr"nR t(J lca" nie al Sl,cl f
ent I will I,- f.-om what they think I ain' "me "nJ lhf :lhcr. 1 wi!'.
and how very ,'hd it will make father and Ue Bt "ome 10 u0 " '' nrxl .Ve-"'- "
it is a year, and I should no be iirprir
ed if Hho should come Ihis weel;.
'!T O!
ii v.
oy '.ittnf,.' Tliere wss leois in
oi!;:h formers eyM, h,u !. inr, )0 j
si.d hitih Hir,t llif . nuehl not he pei
nv?.l. 1 M u i v.hil uul you do -.viih al'
ihn had 'just eou't uo:rn'.' a,-,;! the f-lt sslyour mcn
h.i'ich .-lie rhtiuld he t.o ha nwy fr,o
ilictn ,ir, when she heard their n,;,t iiurc
'omit ''vi-h-n hackers.' Still she rr: rimer
ii ;.pken. I. in but lor a year, said she tt
icr'(:l, anil il: lime an ! money thin m
r.her ih.iugltt I should spend in lolly shah
'in 1 vole,! to a belief purpose
r:i.r 1 1 1
.?i the c!on vl a pleenl '7pril day;
Mr. A kin? sat al his kuchrn ftresim
w'rh Chail'y upon his knees. Wif.
said he io Mis. A U i n , w'no tv.ti Siustlt
preparing, tha evening w, ;; .
ycir ."inc tibhy lei"' homf'
'Why oasbaad, let r.-,3 thin!;, I el
ways clean ttp Ihehon ihoronchl jut
before.? ...',', r,d I lud l0t dune it
wen ..'bby .anl away. remcmbei
M lo I.OWlil: I l hoiifrhl nt f.r.l vi u-j. ... .... ,!.. . r i i , I
" . " iii"iii iu "5 iii.ii i iim noi bo oau ai er
von, and said ali!'
jij to tu p the convciaatioii.'
' New feelings and new idea, hud crested
Pel nap ah-i will not coins at all,
'1 iho i,Vi I'.' htllrr lea?,; u the-,.
hhy.asrd.c .!ce,l J 2-1. k b.iol
in l.'i fjt'iicr's haod. !;;j a iro
tn r.t5 am! t;o !'tn:e, .;.,, Ii ;.'.,( 9lV..y
i'iio suynrizj wi loo trHat.a-id !tar.,iVI
lnckf.n.1 fast f.-om his py..
Ii i-i hoi a little,' m;J AM)",
'lint it was rtll yxir.-iiilii t-j.c.' .i,t
he fa'ltrr, 'and i am j,,. :. o i i'.'. ,b
y, , r.t ,iouu i. mi i an iiio ;.i rn'
vji:., f,iri. e ;:if,; i;,;a p-'y
l i-c!i pleases rr.a a.i in, . '., i;ui ih
'., .' I f (On .,, ..I, jli.l ,u! ,;'f,
f ir it.', .vhich i'vj.j hava dt ;)lavod.
nf i! not roineti.;ii in to
'. e., fsther. yru cvn rever Lnow
tow iurd, tut it v, t,e i,' (,f TI,i
M:;:tr which tist ainei! i,rj thro" it all.l
(nei how you would stmle, and win'
ny mmher would sa and feel, and tho'
here have been i.ioiiientj, yea heurj.
hut have seen rue wretched eciooe!), yt
ibis ono evt-tiin will repay for
Tlieie i but one lliinc; now in mac my
Happiness, nod that is the tho'l thai this lit
tle fellow Ins Siito fornon. n -. V. '
Irew Chirley to l -r m '
.-.i4rc h. tl. e.lrc ' e-p,.. ..
ua u i lty jfjOfitcitls he wat i;i ;. r ...;
Ci tni
r e s j .-
I I In is a seducer.
2, He is saditoiH.
3, He is an enemv of the liw.
4, He calls himself, falsely tiie Soa
of God.
5, He cl!s himself King of Israel.
6, Ha entered in Ih. Temple, follow
ed by a mulllittidf, liuari'ng paltil bran
ches in Hioir lihoc's.
Order ths first cn'urian. Q liritit i
C'onidlus, iu leud bun to tbo Aita of
forbid any person whomsoever, eith
or poor or rich, to oppose the dea h of
The witnesses thai sinsd ihe deaili
.varrant of Jesus, are;
la', Datiitl Uobaui.s Pharisee.
vJ, Joinnus Horoboblo.
3), UhsphtUI Robidi.
i'h. Cap', s citizen,
.'j-us jf-ijll go out of lha cily by tha
Tlte above jenlence iro eunravcil ci
i copper plate; oti ono sidti is wriHen
tie.-s wrds: 'A sitmUr plate is sent
to erch ! th tribes.'
Ii rvaa found in en sniia ii vaso (. f
vhiio marble, while xcvtin ; the ci' y
l'iiia, in th. kingdom ofNsples, io
ha roar 1823, and waa ij'soirered by
th C'ommiaeariet of eri, aitsched t,
he l-'iench Annie. k7; ihiex lednioo
N)U it wae fjnod e oclofeJ in
r. of hdoy. in lha aacnsty of Gu-.r-
sm. The iet i." pow io the Chapel r !'
Csjeru The french uatiala'ioo wa
ois.le bv iim tyiin',ers yf ihn t'ooim -
ioo f ,1 The ch ldrcii rei i.-"-.t
I'an.eiily ihsl ih? pitta might not he i.,
kro aw y fioin '.iieT. 7'oe rirjr
grar.icd a a rewai d for iho ai mv .' i
Dcnon, one of 'he savar. csti.s 'd a pi..
'a be m ide : Ihe mod.ii -, oo wh ch u-r
'iad entrared tin? above salience ; t
' s!o r.f hi col'eciloo of rurios itie, it
vas ho.jht !;y iiij Jini Lawni.', I',r
t;ve iioiuauJ cilit hundreu and eighty
Cur infancy j) full of lolly: you'U, o
Msordc;- ami toil; sge, of infirmity. E ich
im; hath i'5 hur lcn; nnd that which
o. jis'.Iy woik our weariness, yet in.
vcy toi.c-ih after you'll, an J youth af
er r;iore ae; u,),i he thai is old, so hs
a child for sitnplifiiy, j he would
it for ytai 1 eiTOunl oi l ao ihe
lies' o.' Ihe thtee, parlily, lir that it
hiin pss.-t.l through Ihe "folly and disor
ler of ihe oMters; pw iiy, lor that tho
icrnnvi'i' nses i,l this ur i but hmMy,
wi'h a but'i-i ed .'. i ;r ,i T i . i n if , aid par-
tally, f r ! ' : ii" neH .i 1 i !y.
' i on . I iii 1 1 i li'tii.iojj roo: c oi .(rb:
ti u i an ci'l man irnl wnold .e Venn -iii'lin.It
was an answer uonhv cimo
miidi'i.ins of Ihn m.' ; a 'llti vvi.i.'li
h j .itl h ii. I t: ii ; y i !i .ii
him, wiio, wh".. i. ': , ,.