W! TIIK (JAIMilM) H"7A iu.tctc.it fltiwtrt tnriih'd, From various garden cut? J with cure" i'AbDLE YOUR OWN CANOE. My father diJ, God real hii nul, When yeara nnmberad two, And left me 'midm tfcia world aloua To paddle my own canoa. A step grand.itldy, now no more, Taught me my V and Q Aod ever in my esu lie dinn'd You'l paddle your own canoe. My home was on Elyaian ipot Of bright and sunny hue; And therefore I the aoonerlcfi, Top addle my own canoe. And through the world roamed al large. O'er land and ocean blue; And though the struggle oft wsa hard, I paddled my own canoe. For thna 1 argued man to roan la often. limes untrue; 7ben while with health and strength you're blest, Just paddle your own canoe. Ai partners in the strife for gain Self-interest will pursue; And leae you with their debts, peth aps, To paddle in your canoe. And then no syjnpathy you'll find From friends that once were true They !tnet you lost when first ceased To paddle your own canoe. Bit I one cherished object sought, And eer kept in view; A friend of pure unsullied heart, To paddle in my own canoe. A friend she ia in need e and deed Her interest mine is too We twain are one I still mey say I paddle my own canoe. i ... r t GOING TO LAW, An upper and slower mill, Fell out about their water, To war they went that if, to law Reio'ved to give no quarter. A lawer was by'each engaged. A nil Imilv thev contended; Whea fears grew alack, the war they wag ed. They judged were better endtd The heavy costs remaining atitl, Were settled without boihrr One lawyer look the upper mill, 3e lower mill, the oihpr. LOVE'S PHILOSOPHY. The foontaine mingle with the river, And the rivers to the ocean; The winds of heaven mix forever With a sweet motion; Nothing in the world is single, All things by law divine, In one ar.othe:'s being mingle Why not I with thine! See the fountain kiss high heaven, And the waves ctasp one another; No ais'.er floer would be forgiven, If it disJained its brother: And the eun-light clasps the emit, And the moonbeams kiss the sea; AVhat are nil these bleisingj worth. If ttioa kiss r.ut met When a man underlain to prane yov to your face.don't belie v- thu tenth pari he t)f. lie is only flittering youi vanity to tile you for his cwn purposes A proverb say, 'Labor while the day lasts, fur the nie,ht comelh when no man work.' There wse no printeis -when lhal was written ! ' A Brazilian introduction is This if - my friend, if he steals any thing I am accountable for it. JOHN TtIARXSLS, Harness, Saddle & 'Trunk Manufacturer: KESFECTFCLLY iiif.irin tho pul-lic that Ik bai located hiirmetr in tho tdiup lioxi dn to Samuel Kafrenhuuhc Chair Factory, d.'idu strcc1 .Btoomnbutg, Columbia rooiiiy, wheie he will ca n on the above bun ness in all im Ina.u hcs. He wil Jteep constantly on hind linn aiul rnnrsfl One and Two Horse Harnesses, Iorte Collar, Saddles, LtiJlts and Trunk; f". f rvfry driciiplion ; ind lu vintr llt, ,ln(j expe Mnc it the tmaiiii'M, Iw ran fi.rc.ih punl work. ItJ M ::np ae cn r puniuM J in tlic o tv ' kjnd of country producfl tueu 1:1 j.jy . arjf ik, ut th makui jritx. m3 BALDNESS AND I.OSSOF HAIR. Is caused bya wiinl of healthy anion ii ihe which ihtovv oil' the persuiruiion fron .he head. When these venela are weak o liixit'i'il parnpiratmn is thick and cl.iui md adhere lo ihe inmiih.i ol the pores, ami -lugs Ihttui up. Htid di ii' noil firniH curf mil ,.imlruir Less bloml i thi'ii carried o the roots of the hair, ami for want ol vhich the hair 1ms nm nhrc,ient nourish item, and coimequenily Incomes dry and mish, and betrina insensibly to till oil' hieh continuing to increase, emniually IModucrs bulilnes. Restore the rapdlerA vr8rla u( the livad to ihi'ir former heiillliv iii'iilaiion, and fine silkt nut) hair will nake ila appearance, which will ineiease in iioanliiy and voliiiinsiiniil the liaii becomea thick and henlihy. Jaynn' Hair Tonin is the only prepara tion that has evei beon known lo pioiluce ici hair on vaU head, which it has dune in innumerable inninrt'8, and will seldom t'dil if oronerly anil perseverinely uspiI. irT I he above iMpiIiciiih are all lor sale it he store of JOHN Ii. MOYKK, Bloomsbnrg. WORMS IN CHILDREN. F all diseaes to which children aie exposed none are no fatal to them as worms. Unfor tunately children are Holdout free from them, nnd as thsv imitate the symptoms of almost every other omplaint they often produce alarming elleeli with out being suspected. Worms are not only a cause of disease themselves but by their iiritatiou o'urn- vuto all other diseases, wandering tiom one part ol die body lo tho other, winding themselves up in large balls and obstructing the bowels ami irequei.i- ly the throat, causing convulsions ami too otiei. death. The desired remedy will be found m Dr Jayne'a Tonic Vermifuge which will veiy mioii detrov the worms and iuvisorute the n iweis ol :. . . . c ' . iiigeHliitii so as lo prevent a reiuiii oi wiem For salu by John U.Moyer, U.ooinsbur Kovember "2 fin vilerenling l'uwjikl, culled the F A r,l I L IT H II A L T II DIHKCTOIIY, FOR Gratuitous Circulation to all pcrtons who will : cad, l'reseive, and J.end it, ut 1'.. J.tuz Uloomsburg. John Moore, Danville, John ltuser, Milton, Waller i, Co. JJeiwick. Jill the following named Articles have ob t aintd unbounded popuurily,vizl Rheumatism Contracted cords, fetiff Joints, and Gout, will pojtively be cured by the nle use ol the Indian Vegetable Elixir and Liniment. The ceptica we invite to call and be personally refer red to gentlemen of the highest btaridinjj in thiu city who has been cured of Rheumatism by this remedy I hey are wurranted me only genuino Deafness Dt McMair'avlcoKsic Oil haspmv ed very succcsaful in curing even total Deul'nci We have mnny ceilificates from citizens who have used this OIL with complete nueeciis ve inviti ill who are troubled with any disease of the fcur lo examine ihe r ruof Limi'ku'n W estern Indian Punufcu i Ihe best family "medicine in the world It is a euro for Dys .icpsia, Asthma, Liver cumplaint, liidi;! slion,C'o .iveitew. Jaundico.Ktiilvupsy' Debility, rye, Ac N 1) It operates without the slightest pain, a i mild but thoiough cathartic, and never Uuvei die person costive even if tahtn vtry ollen The l'iles aro warranted lo be cured by the gen uiuc Hays' Iiinimciit nnd I iucs 1'alui of china, 01 ihe inmiey rclunded who win now nuucr win ihis distieasing complaintJ INevcrbuy it withuu' ihe siiignature of comstotk ct co tunutotk and co 'a f ursitpui illd is as pure nnd strong an Extract fiom this celebrated Rent aj can imssibly be made This piice is so reasonably tliu1 die poor can all'ird lo use it, being but 60 ccnti. ier bottle, or ii per dozen It is the only article that will cll'ei tually purify the Mood Ircm all unpuiilties '1'hose who Iium- teen impriiiieiit in i lie ue ol calomel, o)e, will lind ture relief from it. " Etui India Hair c This iheinieul prepnra lion w ill color the hair any aliudc Iroin a liui ln own to n jet blai k, and nut injuic tho hair vi ,tain the tkin in the least. Preserve and Reality tho Hair by usuin r 01 bridge's Ha'm o f Coluinbia, whiih iininedi.iti ly slop the hair bom falling out, and restore, it when huld Never buy it without ihe tignatuic of Cum dock & Co. Worms hulmstacli v I crmjugt l.-- a nale,acsy and efl'ecluul emi'dy lor oi'u.s, in i hildien idults, in every caxe. It is nilirelv Vegetable cannot injury the must delicate child even shonlii diere be no Worms. 1'rice :5 cei.ts. Doii'iJ con found ii with other names', The Mothers Jicliif has been thoroughly tested bv many jear a expdienee. J.adun iipecliiij !o be -onie mothers in.iv re.t assured that it w il ilwavs aid and ai-ihst in preparing them fjr the trial J Iclore them. It quiets ail nervous idlic lions, uIIjvs niortiin jj eickiirmi. cau-.es nuliirul urn i'.vcet rest-equalizes the circulation of ll:c blood rejul ite thtf t'.omai'h. ami f.ieiliiau s the birtA .viihout such e xeiuciatin r.oina nj m.ijliers vt pect. .Vany of our beat phywiaiih uc it in theii praclice. ew discovery, tv whi M a I stovrj nt ptpe or grates may be kept a Jet Iilack it!i hs beiuiti t'ul puhsh us a C.j4ii li Uody villi one epplication a a ycur. Itketpt a 1 slove and l ipts truiu rub'.un.1 hrouiih tho summer. This Vuminh is mi ei.tiie new invention; ai.d 6uf;nise8 and delights all wi t use it. fcpecimciw i l Cloves and I'ipes in use mo) Jtt teen at SI liiurtiaiidi-.triit where irie 1VI iiiiiv he had at the cul of Z cents per buttle. Jioach and lid bi lutmA ti'tu rvuitdy, Priw 15 cents Dr- I.aiZtttl'i Jonn cordiitl.iv Ttiicro'ilive Klixii re 'nr dy in ea-e i f Impotericy, liarremi. u. F iuin Ali'iis. Menfiiii.li.'ii, Incontinence, um! all iii.:eaM' irising froin dcbdiiii'iai, ol Hie t;ii In where :elur titnm is nxjinre. Rev. Dr, II rup, for the Coughs. Colds, 'A ill. .mew i 1 n. k t. snci !i ni'ii ruru el C-i nFun.ptiui , .'i-iim r,, 'pi'tiiij! of yilood .Night .Sv.ttlf i'i e'toraiion, Puin In the unit &t, o M.nef.iii r 0.7 It giveg the Imit u Uc.ut.fu; ,'i :, . . I 1 ...I . . i.riJSS.HIIiJ IllCi'Olhli lO (Ull, HIIU Ui'llV I.M1X.L. my other Oil, if r.evci r ii'.slhu fi nest ladit' hatt nihe least If any lady or g"i I eiimn shall use this Oil; md lind these sl.itcmcns untrue, then rnoHHV will be reloni'n d Ca'ilinn to Ir rri.itn:lci'J The ubove named irtielc.i are mid (icniiii.e in this mv by Comstoek (Co, HI C.n:rlia:i It-street, mid' .NOU'ilj;i,i: EI.SE except ol their eountiy customers' Ri'inemb. r lake ton direction v. ith you Thc.iC articles are to bo bad in this plate ' f Kphrain Llot.. Illooiio-buri;, John ,1,'oor,.. Danville uller fi co. ieiwick. John Rufit. Wilson. Kovember, I, ls lo "Sv. Cm l'BM'ft and Klir.i:!! MtitI just rc- itiHil aim lor falc ut t!.r -i ;.v Mine. h. v.. in, fxr r. OcU'lor I J. NEW AUIUVAL AT THE 1TE7 B'JILDIITGS. L. n. KUPKUT, AVIMJ ilixinnr of bin first stuck of .hhIm, J fj has just r.'ccivrd a lar Im IIit mid inure ihii Inl LXNorl incut Htiiliiblo to the tcanuii, cuiiitislinj; if ns (jnoil a vmic'y if Cloths; Sat Unif, ('at:nfrc anil IVufiim lor Mi'n'n wear, a run bo had at any other Htoiv in the county all kinds of silk, Cotton, Lin,,, llWItii or War ted otlm for I.adiiV iiki; Ilnt4, ('Hiir.lhin ami thick Uont and Miora, very cheap,, bcnidca a large as- Mll'tllU'llt Of (JKUCEKIF.S, II A KD WARM, CLASS AND QU KENS WAlii:, and in f.i.-t, ahnoxt cvrry thine; that can be found in any oilier Mon in tint county. Helioi'iiii; that a nimble smii-m e ibettei' thnn a Jull Mhilling, he will continue to sell his gondii at a small advanro, for ready pay. Mo therefore in vites all to call, frt'hiiK assured that they will lie H-jli-t'l. J with his piccM. .Nov 15 xmv HOOTS ANn SHOE STORE. T ''(HE 8iibJt-riber informs the pnl lie that he has Jt" openrd a SHOE 5.f STORE at the lower end of Mam Mtert. Aloomsburg, at the store funnel ly occtipi ed by E, I.utz whoro he intends to keep n gener al assortment of kIiocs and boms, for men uud vvoniens ware, which ho will sell as low, if not lower than the same quality of goods con be bought in Columbia county. He will also mnko to order all kiml-i of hoots mid shoes, at short notice. Hav ing determined lo sell low, fur a tnnill profit, he respectfully inviiies those vvhn are in want of any thing in his line, to give him a till. N. II. All goods bought of me are warranted to bo es recommended. V. RUM EI.. Nov. loth 14 I. New Goml WM. M'KKIiVy & CO. JWIIVE just received at thrir Old Stand in Main fctrcct, a large and extent-he assort incut ot fall and TiTSntfr f7!ii- which added to their former stock, remlers it ns nompleto us can bo fjund in the country, Aumi 1 1. en 3Dry Goods; may be found coarse nnd fine 'roadcluth, of nil colors, C'assiiners, Satttuetts, Orleans Cloth, I' ints of all qualities, nnd of the iiewv.-t patterns, (.'rape IVl nn.is, Muslin De,7!ii(M, ( Vape de .Nixenl n new ir.i'iU'1 ( 'aslmiers, IJoniii t Vclu'i, IShav.'ls Sill; nnd Cotton If iindi rchii-l'Sil!i m,d Cutt'in llr, Clove ind .VI its, Linen, bleached nnd brown t oiteti Sheet iugs. ll.ilsau.1 Cans. Moiocc.i; calf Skin, nnd Thilk 'cots and shoes, India RuLber fchoes itmi Overshoes. &c. cjc. CJ L ASS, AND QUEESU'jdlE is gno I an nortincnl as can hp fonn I in th country, tofjother with all Kinus it uei r'arihern-u ar A ssrr t ill r n l inelii Iidl' every ininif inMi :u snclior in e;ii:,l.i 1 1 in tilie, tlnil :i l irn irr i)Pchr;ie w ants to n.-w, iiirludio Kouud II ir, Sin-el nnd It'jiul Iron, suit ble l ir wag inii lire ut any oilier use A 1 a r qiiiritity nf ('edet and 1'iin Piili ind 'J'tilis. l!as!;r?t, (if all wizt ite., ('opper and l!ras '!tle0, all !;it:'!si I'm v..ic, stove )iie, ii;iJ Upjicr and So LfHihtr. I5ut what is Hie tin in paiiiciiiiinsiii?, ii, luirdlv an article in tl.cir line cm in; irkfi for but what tlit y can furniiili t!; ir niatom pfH lor ptntn't pay, nr in all kinds nl' him her, and coiiiurv pnuluro Nov. 15. 1815-MO- fJrnlit. 8U .ci Lei ri s; (.ciio.lv u.ljiontl.t' ptiiiiu Jy that he lias opei.ed -i shep, on .Mnin-i "rui I iicuriy oppo.-ite Cl-i loii'n Tuvern, in 1 looiii :l tl rg wheie he intiiids curiv iii i :i the above Luoiues-s ill all its VUlioUn blUIKIICS. tin ir.'jRi:, f every deseiiplion, v. ill be kept on hand for sale ;t WHOlKSAl.l-: or Ri.'i'All,. siii;ei' ikon Munufactuitd into nnv form rt(iiircd, STOVK 1'lt'hS, of all ues kept constantly on ham.'. Ptoves finish cd to order. Boil f determined to do business in the iilMi! .vav, bt ri ijit all to cad upon liioi before tlicv purehns'1 iltcwheie. us he will fumiih ull artiile--n his brio as iheup as they can lo purchased in -Jit' lOUl.tV. I). J. RICE. S:p:ciiilet -f , ij'iC iy'.S cabinet. rjJaltiiiS' FSVit' subcrilit-i n-sT'f cttud) ilitornis tbe pub (jj lie that lie Ins l.ikt ti the idiop lalely oecupici! V U. fS. Ilavlnin I. ol the lower end of Maik' t ii-lrcct lilooin-boit;; where l.e intends ca; p. ir.i; on lie iiboif bo ,iiic.s in all its luaiii'hi's, and soli: it.; dm e of the piiliiiiiii;:c of the pnldic. In eoi.neition with the u'uovc l.tuiuo, l.e cPnir iih nerviecs as an iixnr.riTAKKi?. Re will alwavf be icady to nmke ('OlTINSIor ihe Fume iniit f. hi rcloloic -lnii i't J in L'lnoii.tbtiri:. ind hriviiiu .ii.'1iiil l.uiisi lf ivih a mi. id II I'iA'i.SR k; w ill ullend wiih il'nt tho I'lincriil v.ilhout unv extra i liiirjiii. joiin ditt.t;.S' M.i" ,',f C-1!. C::.'J Em Mew (Gols. Eft Cit y A It ntlt nliall, B VE jni received lit their old Hand corner S3 of .Main uud Market-streets, a new mid pliuidid iissiirtinenl of Fall and Winter ttoods, which they offer us low as they can lie, purchased in lh county found, Among th ir assortment may bo Cloth, Cai)nerrn, Sattinrtta, Satin, Silk, Si k '"vet and other new st;te vf 1'estingn, Cunhmeres, Crape. l)e I it in tt,MuHn detain vs. Ukriiwes, ,'I'apuccat, Varainelta (a new article) Ging' ham. and every variety of I'rints from 0 1"1 ' 23 eeiils per yard GLdSS i1SD QUEESH 2R IhllliyWJlRE, good vas in good repair, ami all ihe iieci s-,::iy Nails, round, bar ond sheet iron, bar and spring' iliiildings, situated on l.iitlo FUhiiigfieeK, in Mad stei'l, stove pipe, lots, caps, men's and womenssmi township, mljoiuiug lands of Jaeob Uainer thin and thick boots and shot's; Ac, Vc in short, uud others. all other articles usually kept in a country store, all of which they will sell in exchange foi cusdi or country produce, November 13 TOVE RJTE for salo at tho New Storo. L. I). RUPERT. October 11. JWMIMSTUA TO IV S NO TICK. -Ihe Estate. tfJllSATlMy STROUr lute oj M.unt Pleiatnl luwnxhlp, dean ed. NOTICE is hereby given that h tiers rf ni'min islratioii on the above nui lioi ed lii-lati have been granted to the subscriber, living in Hem lock towns.'iip. All pcr;-niis indebted to .said estati aie hciel v iiotilied to make immediate payn.ent. and all those having claims are requested to pre sent them properly authenticated to ADAM Sl'KUlT, Ani'r. Oe'obcr, il, 1345. CwSj. ranili: subsciiber will oll'cr his 9 Store Properly ( ' "h "')t! of Dehemher next. If net sold In that time I'u lloel will bs renfd tWr nr.C os three ye ns jror.i lb 1st I)ec. of next. The lotJon which the buil.lin;-1 an eieced front Jf)M bet on Main-ticri the Hot .llSt toot ronu USi i ecn anil Itnee i.t.iiies lo 'o built ofbiv.k in lisll. The tftnre Heine ofw. 25 feet front, t3 deep and two and a half storie- inli. J he Hotel is siipposi d lo J i as mmli Ini sinessauv another Ilousu on he North Uriiu- li o the fu 'niiehaiiiiiijiL U now occupied bv Cli nics II IK;;b!er 'I he coiiditinrifl of ihr ude v. ill be li) per cm J.iwii. l'er cent on Urn rrsl ol A iti! next, ion 10 pgr cent niiiiunlly One half of tho p'.nvh.i.' money will be Irfl on the propnty if doircd. Rorunv other inl.irinatlon ei.ipiiie i f K H RIGfJ-S L'loomibiirj, October Sj, H 13 "?:f j. ir. v.:vii:hsi,! i:. l"(iS e:,ve to infi'ifii the f iildic, ih i he H pn p iri il ft annul to ml the o( n alio:!1 in il'iiii:iv, lr,li rirrivin; The Tit rl ut' iiudctlir)' .;-..; -i S;b !lilt V. i'Voiii the tei'lll. 1'i ilderina ll;i"il clci'i, HM he t'l'iis and hn'iuh fert and IhhI:Ii, The cavilin i f keyed Tv (h ''Viil Ik; dressed out an. I Ii did w;'.li (io'o T other loll; ill' the lilie.-l ijir.'lly, 'is lii. ire any r(iilii-', whi.'il Iki.l Ci'lli'l.i'l' iii'iciit their aching or further ilu-ny, n rentier the in useful for ye.ii; and in in r. ascs (luring lilV Tvelh uud Slumps nf Teeth vVhieh have heenrnr' iirelrs-' "I li'iuliltsoii will hn ex'ru'ii d in ihe on st r. 1 1. 1 ii, , ; icr, wiih thtf l ib st iiiul In si itupcvt'd iii striiments. I'oreelitiin Teeth, Dfdi'1 lest nn.ility ami latift i:npr i v err ill he liifcricil on pivot, or (in I'imiiieliiii wiih I)r. V'i.I'.t'rcliMt.i ji. wi'h wi om he is i' i it- ta-liip in p'a'e iicil) on fl.'M l i'.e Iroiti a Moon' looili ti, a Hhiiio M t. t loot 9 well tiio natural, ami w rraond u iiiswi-r "il the tiftfi l n ml i iiaiut utnl pm rir . .f . iv. . . I h.v li.rt -ail In rl:ort,ttt ry rpi-iciu t l-i iot jii o , i -irnlefMiDli, w Hi hi tlol':i)(d ill the !)!: iiniuier, uiili (hoisitl iiirjtcrial, :md lit 1 1 1 diorKst notice' lie therefore hupi-s, b trict fitu iiiidii to husiiiivs. to ohiiiiii v s-liari if puldii' patronage. Any fiersni. or pri- mi ishing any of 1 1 1 r- above npt iiiiioiis prrl'ornicd, me res jj. cifolly uijiichicd l mvo hnn a cull. N. II The public nto hereby i., fnr-iici! hat f ihe suWrihi'ia h.ive euli ted into a s!)P('iil I'.irllll'lfliip n lalll.o onl y d plate work rs it is more eoiiveiuciil lor each to ittem! to the oih' r bramb.'s of the tieitin".- n hia own account. A. VALLF.RCIIA.MI'. j. ii v,iNI)i:h.slici:. Mount I'kasaiit, Nov Slli. Ib 13 Urn. e.voxii f?'jv'i:u,. TA I 81 11. 5U:sn;r'IT-'i;,I,V. informs tho public lhal he ;..i- Mi vi'i, i::l i die buildiio, foiiueil;, oci iipiiil by I ihe '.''iestst. i' in Hiaii.el hli'n I l.cur Win. Kihv1 iv' t o. Hole where lie will uiv.ins bv Jt'.iov t : Ice nnv kind of clothiiiir. l the iio.-te-1 llolirn ind in the best and most t'lchi- naldc hty lo. I, 's loi nr c peril nre in tlie business, he I - 1-0111 ' llaiier-: hiia-i 11 ll. it he i.haJI i oniiaue lo (ove i;i uei al nil i:. faction ami lln icby hej-i b to leceive II shioo olllie pul'.lie palr iiiii(;e. !j "'aitieiil'ir attention paid lo ciiltiti;;. All kinds of couuliy produce t ikeii in pnyment foj work. JJIoouifchurp, A 113. 9 113. tf 10 As8-'s spaces Til. I, be sold at public salo by theAssigi.ees of JOHN I". EVES, ut (he house ol Jonn Wellivcr, in Jerscylown, Columbia euiinly, on Saturday, December ID, 1815, ui 10 o'clock in tho forenoon, the following valua ble property, tu wit : 80 ACMES of land, a pint of which is improved, uud upon w hich aro erected a DWELLING HOUSE, LOG B.WX, AMI A Larcc Tanncrv: 'W'nter Rower attached, seventy or eighty ALSO Acres Of Valuable IIMKEIt LAND, adjoininn; the above pr"H)i,rty ALSO ' r T'-V'i of rMMI'l.OV.'l) I.A', ofa (rood 'oiulily siliutcd ill Mailisoii tnwiisliiji, adjoining land.-' ol .Stephen I, ills, John Aiartin nnd utlicis; ALSU CONTAINING IIS Acres. ilnaled in Ma lison to-.vn.siip, well improved, will) ever.il acres nl Mmoljiv and a Rood -afeA- ORCHARD, jP, FKAMK MOUSE, I (It. tai'V f.n e.vtsJ i T.EiA Tj'Thn while will bo sold t ijcther, or in s.'jia ate parts, to sin toe purchaser. I'ei'.sona wishiue to view the above property iid'oiv the salo can do so by culling on Caleb Thorn-i-', K-q. of Jerseyown, Madison township, or on jcnjnuiii K'es and John K. lives. Mi!lvil!e,(irceii- vno.l township. Condilhms made known on tho day of f ile. '0 W.KIJ I MOM AS, r.KN'JAMIN KV'KS, ,i:)HN k r:vi:s, .Qstignecii of John P. Even All prrfons htivirt; claims nie rojuivUd to j.r cut llit in iiiiiiii di.iteiv. .N'ovem'ier 7. 1815 fj vv9 WMMfnOAS my w if ; bavir.ir l.fi m louse, in r onspquem c of l.er ti. r;ngciimi' ,f mini), all p' ri-.na are forhid ir'i-ii'io bet oi in v ai count, hi I f-h!l ri fti-e to inv n !!) if hir contracting here-il'i, r, a I air ill tunes' w.l'inj m fi i v r- h-r a por.d t-tippnr I 'he 1; rji.iir, dl inn,P. riM i: i.'MU. i,!:h ( rratw'P lo .' i d,i;i, Nov . 1 -. f. if MK it to t:,e CIO l " Uu' ( lour v. 1 1 iff Vih. sr. i;ier i.b.'iit two je..is Mirne w liite i' f'?t' Ml """" " -AV-.v-iii'.Ji 1:1 o. o; in lnr foie properly n .el. 1 i.c v.: loo is fi utlerled to l.i c iv cliures and talio ln-i away UANJfi. i:i:im-:kt, centre township. Oct, 1 i( i'i DISOLU I ION. '! cp iiincir.-liip l.eieiof. r i xis'.in; odtr the linn o! Aniisirong ck. lltigea. ii lie folic euitiiio blirllK.is, is by ItiUlua 'iiliseiil '.'isMilvi'd H. AKMSTII0NC3. 1'. IIL'ISHI'.S. Nov. I 131.J. r:j r;ff ff ,1 .I'J.'Shl ii.il 'I'll !; lio.-ir,rv.4 v. ,! i.c i i.i:i d J v t.i id'si i ilo'i' at tin. o'.l Mum1; whire tmn : ha. I it ail limes. u(:XUMEXTS, TOME- T. IE I ES. tomj-stom:.1;, iiE.m rn- JA MUX, M. IX TI. ES. '. ' IX T STOXES, MVEEEES, kc. r any other ivcuk in his line. He is Iso prepiired to fiirnis i INDOW (? A IS nd SILLS, JiOOl: SILLS and S I LI'S, k: ( iiiier of .Ma. hie, Lime or any kirn! ol lone tint can be proctirntl in liiis vicinity. i "y Tlav in;; bad "Oiifidernble rxprricnef in ihe lniMiics's, i,p pledges his work to !,e executed in ;.s handsome :i Mvle as can be !'urni-li( d limn r.nv vard eiilier in the cr.y or iiiliii'rv ; nnd on n rensotinhle terms Kl'IIIJAlM AUMSTKONO r-loomsbuig, Nov. 3, b-i'A. ly liS A!) '.SINISTRA TOSi'S NOI'ICK. mm ThcEslu'e cfThoma 'aimer, lute flihey intetul to carry on the above branch of JJIuum towmltip dte'd NOTlcp: is hereby qiveti t!iat In rrB of ministration on :.,e iil.ovo r.t n.ioin u l.s : tale have been rjraiiled to lliti illl.nC' ll.l-r I . . . ... I IV MiU 111 I.MOOIIl (OW,sljl. tfisons; imli I''.: d to paid et.1 oe are hereby iioiilir-d 1 1 in'.ke io.iiicdiale payini'M ai.d all loi ee bavin;; claims are leqntsie.i! 10 (rcciil ibt.ni properly aii'hei .jieatKl to v. 11 A l , ,:i Hlil l.liV, .'1dm i (.Vifd'or. Nyt'cniherCS, 154")-Cv31 A l). COO'lij AUormj al l.nw HLUU.MSIlLUtJ, tUL. (0, l'A- Oli'ao in Main-btreet, opposite L'ojliler's Hotel. C1IAKLHS KAI1KR , JL'S'l'lCi: OK Tlllu I'KACIO, A.N L) ni.'juMsiiiJut;, ct)L. co , r.. Olli.'e, corner of Must and Main. streets CI!A!IJ:S It. lUCJvALllW A ! los-rst-y a( Law, CJJke South side, of Main s, ejiofitt Eijer oy lhfjlefe Store, i TWILL ATTEND COUNTS II1C COUNTIKS OF COLU.MIilA AM) Ll'ZUKNI.:. I.I.SV1I.L, O.TI.ltl.Oll . h i: iT. JVhvlcaule Dealers in No. 01 North Above Third ,'lich, Siree". Ceo. W. Linvill; 1 Allien V Ostt rloh, Jo.o-pli V, West. Aug Old 1815. JMI1M, NOTIL'K S here! y riveii to II, e Mockholdcrs in the com panv lor ereitin a Ilrii'se over tho ixoitlnns liaucli of the liver SumMicI in.na letwein ih town of Cuttawissu and the n.oeth ol I ifhiner r o ih a tho ,'1unuers huve this day ih i hired a divii'cn of three per cent, oil the block of mid ecu puny for the lasj six months, which will paid said stockholders or tin ir legal tcpresentalives, ut tho 'I'reasurer's oliice, Catlaii.-su,oii ur uflcr the 15th illst. DAVID CI.Ah'K, Treasurer. 'J'rejsiirci's Ofiice, Cultawissa, Oil 1, 1 -13 2JXE IV Eh TAEUSlUENTXi) T227 and S51H33ZT2HON Till', mibsriiber bavins located himself in I'looins' tog. is repined to fund h ull kinds of w are, uud peiform ill kinds of Weil; in his line of business, at i heap i.itcs uud at .'holt notice Ho has furnished himself with u new id.d splendid slock of tools, inai hii. cry nnd materials from Idiila dclphi'a, and n iuh- a !in;;e piirchiice ol t'OAI, and WOOD NTOVIoS, of various iiiilcrns, lo supply h's customers, lie will constantly keep on ha- d, ''. liJI2j ol'tvery description. NTOX'yS, a hiiijo variety, neatly uud suhstall lialy fink bed, together wiih I'lI'J.'. HJ'OCTS for buildings. ( o.i I. m i n : rs, &c.e.c. He rc. pcclluily soli. 'its public ptitrmisige llav. ino I ecu for.M.inc years n-geRed in his business, and haviiii rsperienei'd ns. i: l;inls, he feels coldi dciit of si.ii'f) ii.jj nil who limy favor him wiih :heii cii-!uii, (tn.yriiv mUHCK.r.vrs supplied on ibi ra! 1, mi.-'. all on the c.iii'h side of .l.'ain-strcet. 3 doors low ihe i Hi ' iTlhe Coleinl.ia V'. inm i.il. Uclobcr 1 1, Isl'i Iv .) s, i:. cijaio, f-r t' Tii.AlVtl'R liJ.OO.MSUURCl, iii;c I'TI'I.I.Y iiiforius the public licit he has loi all d Iiiiiim If In the M.op lati ly occupi.d ly y.WW 111 tiCI.r.S, in M.M!,M,'P. srhCi;r, where he intends curry il.g on the ubeva business in all ils vaiious brunches, iii:a v WAOUONS built and rej'.iiicil, us well ns one horso v'.cos and m.(;(.!i: of every ihecriptio'i, and nil kinds of Country Work, in his hn: iloi.cat shoit imiicc, and on the most lo,i:,oli:ihlo tl 111:.-'. q j liood dumber nnd ull kinds ol I'ountrv Pro lueu taken in pay on nt for work, but Cash will not rel'ii-cd. Ap.il s, i's!.r.-(;u.:.d U'.IOUSlirRO. COLUHUIA CO. ;iv i; i on-. Id - f:i. lids 'I Ii.1V 11 -LT CUIIl- f.! t deled I r .1 '. n l't.i.'rs!ii,v. i ' :i o i it i p iii j.i mi lc. is now oi piu .1 to elite 1 1 1 1 ii.k. II. i in li e b -I niaiiner, o. . I lie n . Miles Hie pui-nc lint tin a:ns Hi.iu i spaicd lo i'Ivc ei m ini sa'.i: l.iciioii. lie hopes by nn; so to mi lit nm! n-ccoc ,i iliais ol ihe pai ronate nt I he ;uo he, in.' : i" n i - i. II to unr loin a Aiii-u-t 3:t, 1 !''' OCR :.io i i o,;o i 1 ; i:k ol : nu?,i; 'J I1H iiinler.'igbi'd having taken ihe bbop formerly on i. pu d by Man lial i iUe:il.u!n, most rcrpti luily inl'otios the public ihiit IUUf 1 1: rbt Hiiu 1 1 1 oi i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r b ur irmij iu uti , uoik ;i hull Iftw r iii il ( iritj. r Unn any ni,. i.ti'.lil'kliiiu m t r i.t.i p "m-il iIipu ., i... .:,., .., i; . i,ilkinl.cs nn.i J piti(.ll ol ll.C pu.o.C p:.tr li igft Ail kinds id country loiime taiuti ir (It bargc lor hoo. Cv. tbe ritt.n; i.i r ST 1:1 IsKN J ,(;) ISA t; san ivr,, lii.i.iii.bni.' Si'i.i, 10, Ihi.") aeu M),.NKS ' ! IM.rVNKS ! Ft Mi S.!,L HI THIS OFFICE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers