The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, December 20, 1845, Image 3

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    .7 Crash , While idc itudrnla of Will
iain'a (Ndlee, W'ilhatiistown, N J, were
m pt i y r i on Tuesday, a louJ crtuli wp
heard Unceiuin what ii-ilit be, presi
dent, iKiilflmcr and nil, quickly iiiahrd
the, door, a ml what wait ihcir ennleriialitn
when ihey aaw tlie roof of Ilia eollejrj h il
cied in, leaving in upper atnry lot I
iim hi of mini. I'lit) Jdui.iuai are reckoned
lo b about $1000.
.Inecdott of General Jackson The
Freilericki'juig Record lella ilia following
In ilic ye ar 1821 our informant met ai
the Little of Sir Ocorge Atiery, many ilia
tiryiiLilicil I2niihinii, then in lr Thu
ciiiveraation turned on the then pending
Presidential election, and fenrs wete ex
preassd tin t should General Jackson be e
lasted, t'te aminablu relations between tlie
two courtrii'S might ha mdaugrod, ir. eon'
8B-nien.: of hisjh handml excrciss of powm
ti evinctd during Ins command at New Oi
pAn. Tna necessity, on Ihe part ol out
informant, of replying to thoae observations
was tu upended by the prompt and genet
ou outbreak of one of the gueats, ('ol
'I h irnti n i f the 30 i Hicer will known
for his gall mi character, and whose rce,i
meni ai.fl'erei! seveiely in the attach on the
8th of January.
He testified in the handsomest terms to
the conduct of General Jackson, as an ami
able and faithful commander on thai occa
sion, aiid.derlared, that had he not used tin
power confided lo him in the high handm
way alludad to, New Orleans would infal
libilily liaae been captured. As to th
charge of implacable hostility, Uol. Thorn
tor. declared thai in at. the intercom se b
fi.g and otherwise, bctwern the
commanders, Wen. Jackaou had been pecu
liarly courteous and humane, am! proceded
lo stale, that ihe day after the battle, tin
British wero permitted to bury their dead
lying beyond a ceiltin line a h'ti.dreil
y rJs in advance of Glen. Jackson's cm
bankmenu all within that line being bur
ed by the Americans ilmnselves,
As soon as ihe melancholy duly wss
peiformed. the British general was surpris
ed at receiving a Hag, with the swotd?, ep
auleiles and watches of the ollieera wl.o
ha fjllen; and a note from (tin. Jackson,
couched in lie most courteous language
saying that one pair of epaulelH was mis'
jug; but that ililignot search was makin
and when found they ehould be sent in
These articles always ronaidtjied object
of plunder were rescued by (Jen. Jackson
ami thus handed over wiih a request thu'
they might re transmitted to the relative o!
the gallant olficers tj whom ihey belong
This anoeibtc, anil the frank soldier lik
manner in which il wa given, turned the
whole current of feeling in favor of tin
genenl, and drew forlh an fxprersion of ap
platise from all puts of the table.' I'm
myself,' said our informant, '1 felt a flush
on my cheek, and a tluill of pride through!
oi y bosom, and in my heart I tdanked tin
old general for proving, by this chivaimu.
act, that the dufenders of our roomy wer
above l lie sordid feelings of mercenary wa:
MARIliD. Al Sidle Town, on the lid.
inn. bv ihe Uev, IS 1'' mok, lsac Mc.
Kamy'loMias MAUYJOllN. all ofl5loon.
DIHI) On the 23. h November in
f,)ckport Township, Niagara (Iiiiuiv,
Siate of New York, MARY UVl15VK.
wife of I) iniel VV'ertm in, f rmerl v of lliU
county, agtd GO years 2 months and V
da s.
DIT'I I ) ri this township on thiirsJ.iv
sor. of Mr. Abraham .Mu4e!man.
In l'.spylown. on U'cdne'-day last, an in
fant daui;!i li t of I ilmm I' ox
It.ooMsrn:KG, Die. 20 1S-15
Kl ix'pciI,
Piied App'e.i,
"While yi'edns
1 OH
r, on
1 12
1 0(
TW" I'S f i i'(i' : d and fur .i!h, at new I tr
ai.d !-!i.'tt ."'.'ui'ul ii tarv, cn ('. I .
i v. Motel, m. vr, ai k.,i..:ci I'jictait, .;;
twil LOiJkJ.y O SI(VI'.3, f ti.r Ic.-t paiuat
. l.n 1. lA'lil t e ftCitl l-.'A .
p. i f;ch.
9 ? ?
e o
OVSTEHi"! constantly on hand ami for talu
1 J, 'V. CANNON.
Uloomshurr;, December 0, 1 845.
iiHoitm.iii ( HOLLOW WAK IV
X? 1. ft
tit Ft IS Ft Li U d
Bllt'h on v ten, I'ulH. tmli'm, Itl KclllOv'juHl rucrivcd and tiT aide liv
"miller. I nke liiiuilles. Ac AVo l.aru nil
hiiijII Wanii ltoxen, fniin the, Unuvillo i.'uyle
oik, jiinl rreeiveJ hihI fur biiId hy
iit:n.i;v t memjkmiali..
Decomlier SO
ik Private
i n
74 q
'J'he subcriber ufTrs for sale his
iiluated on the corner of Main utul Lust-streelH
ii I.Kiinsl.urif. Cnliimliia t'uuUlv. I'u. It ik well
aleulalecl for tlie loca ion of a llul'iic ll-ue oi
Store, I eing
fill Fie frnnt on Miiinatrcet,
5214 l-'Iftrton lUiil-xtiect.
ind the roa.1 biuhnK to the Itliomii'.nirg Kail I toad
ion Coin nan v' Furnaces. 1 lux Lot h well c.
ulatcil lor nuilJiiiu' upon F.aM-jtrcet ns well us on
Main, and luiliu tilualeJ in tle ccnlru ol llio iron
Kegion of Columliin Count)', l well win lliy tin
it:ention of the ca'.iilaliats.
For any information respecting tlie eoiuiiuons.
ii.iiiiiIu ul
1 ......- i i r.' l
Blusinsliiirg, Duceiiiliei 0
N 0 T I C K
IS UliltEBY tilVLN,
) till legutees, crcdilois, nrnl oilier persons
iiitereslid in the cstatea of llio runpei'tivc
ecedcutsand minors, that the loltniiiistraiion anil
uiirdian accounts f the said ci'tntes liavo lieen
liled in the Milieu of the UegUcr of tlie county 0
Columbia, ami will bo presented toj coiilirmution
ml all.iwimce to the Orphans t,ourl, to 1)0 nIU
at Dmiville, in ami for the counly oforefuiil, on
Wednesday tho 'i 1st day of January next, at 2 u -
loek, 1. iV.
1 The Runplemenlary and final account of
Vbraham Wolf and t.Miristain Wolf, Ailmiuistra-
lor ol v-aiuariiio v on, imuui tuium
2 The account of Jacob G'nu?ei, guardian of
Sarsh Ann Follmer, now Surah Ann irass, llcn-
y Follmer and F.leanor Follmi r, minor elul lrcn
,i'f Jacob Follmer. late of Limestone Township,
3 The account uf (!e.orn'n Billmeyor, guardian l
Ft inees !Stiuiini,who was onsof the minor children
t' John Stoinmau deceased.
Jte'mler Ofire, )
Danvite, Dec, ID, 1811. $
Ilan away from the subscriber nil Ibo !ti ii st
u l.ov mimed tSM.AS Mll.LAliD. 'J he uhove re
ward will be paid, but no charges, if said boy i.
fturucd it the suliscuhvr within ten iluys. i lie
lublic are hereby warned not to trusi or harbor him
i) mv acrount, as I hold myself no longer rrspori
ilde for him . Putney (irove, 12 nm. lutli 18 lo
TlltJMAH .Mi;.NDi;.HAl.I..
n o r i n k .
All persons iod. It .'d to the late firm of KYKU
.......... .r ' . . .-IJ . .
millll'.l'l lil. on ,oieor unuii ihu'miiii me
piested to call on the subscribers I settle, tilt
viiiio before llio first, dry February ne.xt.
I'liosc neglecting his notice may cxp;:ct to pav
Dec. 20, 184o.
For January Term, 1810.
R'nom Hugh Thompson Samuel ICteslin
liriar Creek Henry A. BriUaiti Jjinef
Kvaiu ir Thomas Lux
Derry Tnhi n Shirty
I'ratiklin Michawl Menaeli
(ireenwood John Kobbini
Hemlock- Eli Tliornion David Smith
Liberty Wiliam Shirea John Lanay
Limestone Thomas Flack
tl lllin John Michael Cliatlcs II. lies
Ml. I'leinant Daniel McCartv
Mahoniun Kitchen John Dcnj'
iiii. r,n2creek George Maik Jacob Tetter
man Abraham .Mcr.tcli Reuben l''ah-
Siigarioaf-ohn II. Davis I'liotn is Heas
For January Tem, 18 (f,
liliioni Jacob Grnuel, Aa D. Hull
liriar i; rrt k JoiMthon, Atiranaui
l.ockait, V inceul Rielurt
Caltawissa Thi m is Vox
('enlre John Wt-rkhttscr Solomon Nrv-
liart, llenrv Knor
Dery Patrich Mnniaone Samuel I.nrd
riahingereek Harmon Labour, John
Franklin 1'eier Ki'mn
fireen wiunl .l"iiaa I lay in art
Hemlock W illiaai Ko'iivm
lackon J.ienl) l''ari'ei
l.imestinip Fiedrnek Fox. Ktchard
Tliniiipsnri, la i llendtrshot
f,ilirrtV--Mnrri,- I.itii, Jnhll B ii!rsK.'fj
M l. I n S iii-iifl Keller
.1o'lir. .i Vfired Pi jf, Crtlcii FHnstoni
IU niv (.' awl'or I
I a i 1 1 Jjlin Jnhn Ivcifer John Oro-
v. r
Mah'ininrr TiiOT. i' (' F.ilis
Ml I'n.Ulll Willi, ill fliMtl D.vid I). -1
1 1 ( i ', I
Mon'.nur Willi ,tn M, llol-hcria
Rorincrpek Il-t.rv Jletz
' i r. r iif Rfubi ti Davis Alexander Olio
oxa i iiiw Itui -wr "A A l.
lot ulo I ' V
DwemUer !iU
50 'l'"'' I'AKK PI.ASTEU,
le liv
December 13,
Wheat 9
ye, Coin9
nek wheat 9
Wottd, &eo
Supply ih" I' ime: vvan's, but ilon
ill rnioc a o C8; i;ive I I ti timn lo slow
.fl Slnll away.
I.I. thoso .niMilcd to the subjeribers on Bond
IS'otn or Hook Account, of Imij'rr tilamlim
Mian (). IJ VKAK. an rcipicsted lo c.ill and seltl,
the xfi'iio previous to the liisi day ofFehruarv next
All those licleclinij ibis notice n uy expert In u
bc. 13.
S hereby given that on lh9lh of uveniber lust
I purchased of Heubrn I'ollsgiovo
One oo J Hlove,
ami havp Iclt thu s.ime in his posos on duiiuv; ui
pleasure, and lorbid any person taking it hrtn
by purchase or olheiwim, without my consimt.
ncesmber 13, 1815
The ('oluin'oia C'ottuty Temperance Con
fealinn will hold it next unnuil Hireling in
ih Preahytetian Chundi in ihn place, on
Thursday, Istol Jinuiry, '40. The Cor,
venlion In ha opened 12 o'clack. A. M.
I'lm (cvrr.d Sorie:ifi in the County
viil plrasn mak early arrangmnRiiis in in
fully reprf'?fiitrd in ihe l'onntum. 7'haii
iltetuion ii alio tPupe cfully directed to the
following notice.
Berwick, Pec. 0, 1813.
The Coinmitlee appointed torrreive the
reports of tlie aeverni 'rrinptrani'A Sncirtir.v
I ihe ('i)Utily would icrjuesi iIihim to )(
forwarded without delay, iim tiny wihh in
r-aka up the roll before the meeting of tin
W. I.. WAI.I.LK,
1 1 CJ -1 1 I IIOWPSON,
Berwick, Pre. 5. 1815.
JQ"PpeiM of lie counly ftiendly to i!if
,'anso of lempernnce will ilcane copy.
Branclrcth's Pills
El KAD and understand ! The lime will come
(, when the medicine, Uraiidrelh 'ills, will Ix
ippreeialed "h they oiiylit mid descrvrj it will lit
uuileistood that Dr. liramlieth has the xtronesi
claims upon the public. It is true lliut every in
diwdmil who makes a trial of the liiaudrrlli I'lM.
concede them to be the best incdicine they ever
used. Thev aril indeed ft medicine about which
there is no niitak: Their value in a. rlimate n
i'!mm;i';ildt as ours eaniiot bo siillicieully npprocial
ed A free perspiration is nt once restored , thus
they cmc colds, and consuinptii.ri in prcu'Mtd.
Those who have n redundancy of bile find them o1
tlie most (so'i,li;d K'rvirc, n l ul r-tiiu!,l iberi l c n dr
ficii'iiry nf important lluid the lir.indirth Fill.
bine mi eipiallv beiii'licnil elli cl, Ol'icii has tlu.
iinportnnt iiirilicini' saved vn.'irible lives in those re
Uions when' llu1 dieadfnl yrliow fever wa-, pirvnil
in A few do-es taken irinncdi.ilely upon the in'
fei lion beinj; received into tlx svMcm, n ill In a'
mo't rritniu In pii veiil anv mii'crkd iiicnrivri i l.ce
And at no ta'.:e nf thin dreadful cpiib mil is ihcri
so proper n medicine ai ihe llren, belli fills. I.i I
this mcliciiie be universally (red in this
disease, im.i nn loss ol blmnl alb wed, mid few
very few, would be lit virion, o it i with oilier
diseases. As.-i t nature with ibis iUI impnrraui
iiii'iliciiie In remaie mm hid humors fniin the bl.i'Y.
and do not rr-.orl to blrrdu'R or meirury, nr,il m
-hill have a 'riv s-i'at Taienv nf persons njllirtri!
with fMllie ni.ibi'his. The f. itbeiedtiibe thoi.U
tmal, kingdom- over which we me the Imds, ate
lint aflliried wnh ihronir. uiahidic. ; m ilbei r-bould
w ho if it vveie rir.t lor our print whic'i oiim.uii.v
ib.un. Follmv n.iluie. 1 .-e lh mcilnine wheh
hurinnniyes wi'.h tur, which rruldlv bur surely re
ni,' m 3 all the impair me.; of the Word whhh otreiiciti.
ens the leeblcaud yet n dun . tboi-r of Ion full habit
tn a healthy standard. I.ri me ii'ii jis.iv th:itevrv
,l,.i, i.t ll.n ., .,,,.1 , ,.' I,,nl,. I,l
,is pe.rsnnally Fupi-rinlend d 'y me, nrj l that ever?
, '. ... I. ... ...Vi ..ill , III!-
b n with irn three l.iu. ls 'ip ui it rr,av be relied uo
nn to have the Icnrticial ellrct dc ritril if ueej
n cording to the di e' lnns a. n icponj nc.
A G I'. T a.
Wn.-liinif.ip l,'n' rt M'U' 'c.
Ji-rs. M,;A",.-1,. ,V A. T. ;'i,i'l.
D inv i:!-- - K. H. . rolds A (',!,
t -liMH'Ai.-a '. (.. I !:,!- f,
l!l vnai c, .1. II. Mm it.
1.!:ii 'nimip- I'a' i il M ' ; ( !..
I!.icli!i'.'. M. C. Sh.ieui..Vrr.
I,:me lliil-e - ,mv !,' 'I ,,m . ., ai.
;,'iw:c!: .1 U .Miles
May 1, lH-ii ly- 2.
MAS ha just relumed from Philadelphia
ind idded ti her former alnck n largo ua
iortmetil of Millinery ar.l Fancy Articles.
nnaiatin in part of a gctiTal aaortineul ol
Fashionable Ilibbotn of all kimln,
Jionnet f'lvet of ah colors ami quuiti.
Winter drtifi iunFowe.rii of all kinds.
and alinnM every thing else that may be
called for in her line. All of which will be
sold verv Inw. I.adien are i pu nested lo
call and nee oil theinxelves,
December 5
li Mans a poifdhu.
lM'Ut of i:iastlii3 I'omltii
il tho besl (jualily, just received by
December 5
HAUrl A'LS of die best ipnlity of
list received by
ZJeceiiiber 5
I POL NDH cf a superior finality of
just received at the store nf
December 0
33. 'IS 7 0A7.S7A G Ml IVSXd
New $lmei
THE subscribers la' cs this mcthod-nf hifrm!ri.
ie public that they have just arrived fr. in 1'hila-
k'lpbi i with ii splendid assurtmetit of
amonrf which maybe fjiind a buperior selection of
Black, Blue Black, B'tie. Green, lim,ihi
(Jreen, Oiivo and Mixed Clniha, supe. ,
rioi Flinch amlF itic, (wi'siojerca,
aiiinets of all colors nnd pruea
K Vii!uelvy,Jean,IItjvy
Bin k I'wacd, and
I!rd Tioii
A splendid assoriinent
of U iiollrii, Ye Ihi, Ve
lenia, Hiiin and Swsnsdown
Ycatings, Fl ume! of ul' colors it
prices, colored, bleached & nnbleaehnJ
Motion Flannels, Futniture aiulAproiiChcck.
Mancher enk Scotch (iiii;liains, Ped Tiehinn
leached and unbleached Table iaier:sui,eiinr I',"-
ured and plain Alpuceflfj Foiuii chei ry a new .Uliclr
fir Ladies' wear; Fili'tiillire and lircs.i (,'alicuis nf
all prices; n splendid as 'firlmeiit of
tuu'Js, JJre-sn Hunil.eri kief-, Cravat
and CfiUaictti.
A full iifMulrnenl nf
Ladies' ami (Svnt!einc):i Unsiery, rrml
(.ilhvcsJtcntleiiifH sHmmitx, ColUii
Scicl'v, Hum Kiti.slic, H'oi sled unci
Vutuni Suspenders, Syc. Cyc.
Together w it'.i a full irsorimeul nf
(irottrifs. GSaidv-.r.i'e ami
will) n variety cf otln r articles too numerous to
Tb( sub s-i ribrs fi i I cni.f uci,:, sicce ( ir ceei'
. .. i i , . , . r .
nave itc'i piircniisi u on me 1 1 s n trims, nm
been "circled with ureal can ; that they can hell low
er tuan mry tun r e In. in lit nl imv oilier store u
ibis pait ol the county; they then lore solicit 'he pa
ironaeol a generom public.
ftjfyTra'I'he liij!ii't ptien pcid for r.l
Cir9J kinds of COUNTRY PRO
DIJCU i' fjfehanga In,
A.VIOS n. KNARB it Co.
December .1; I ? In y:i;f
J7 S In.
S !ie-cbv given ti nt I h ive purchase 1 of Mr.itei
,iy the tnllowni',' irup.-ii', to wit:
live jianlie (Au'k
'J hrre fiedsleads
One Wash A'e l.e '
Five Shoots
One Wash Tub
One Chest
Two llarre's Cider
One Harre Wine
and have left the rairc in bis porpsinn durin'-
my pn :Imiii; and Lereby forbid any uerson t.ikilij.
tbtin fiom linn by purchnsc oi oilu-iwUe wilhou.
my consent
fki;di;rick ha bold
flor-crnbrr 1, IS 45
Folate rf x'Viralatm Fterr, late of
1 i.ilii" acre' k tiiinislup deceased
""CVt'TlCK i hen hy i;'ven, ihnt l.ctteis nf Ad
J 'I i:.:r'i: 'r itinu mi tlie nb e mentioned itH'i,
b! I -. I. ,,.!,' I ., il,.' -,,,orj;, I,,,. , I.
ji:nn ic.k tnni:?!iip. All i-er.-(.i. indebtct to naii
(tile ai,- l er.'.y nntii..d to mike immediate, pav
. liiKiit, and nil tho .e. haviui! clsiim 8Te requested t,
!,rci(it llioiri tirni.iirli. n... I. . i ..a. .I
...viii .i..ujr, lo
JOHN I'LLLER, ,lm'r.
NoTcmbri 21, law
New Sieve,
New Cnoods
IIE ubsceihrra respect fully iiilnrm the pijh'
lie, tint Ihey are now opeiiini. Ht the ulnn
bnely oecuiiicd by F.. H. Itltiti.S'. on Mnin-nliea
a lar.g Hud extcujivc osHortmrut of
imv (zuods.
Groceries, Hardware.
t not Kcuvu Aiti:,
in fact, every article ususually kepi in a countrv
store. A moils their assortment mav liii found
Calicoes, of the newest patlcrne. Silk
o.oths, laSMiinerea, Natiinetu, Veii
ingn, Bleach.d and Brown Shin.
inga, (iloves ami Host), Hand
kerchief and .Shawls,
Cahhurres. oj-c.
And having nelected them with Rrent enre ns ti
piality and price, they aie enabled to sell lliein a
lower piicrn than thev have ever before been ot
lered in this vicinity for Cash or Country Fro-
ijfj"llaviuj made nrranifenienta in the t.'ity fnrn
:oiist nil supply, any article in their line whiel
thev have not on hand, run be. funiisbi d ul a weck-
J'cr.-ons a mi requested t call and examine then
i; oui Is and prices helore piinbn-int' elsewheie'
Al.llliKill I' .V MFMJbl..
Bloom buig, On. 1 1, l.Vt" - !!0
hereby (jiven that T pu-ebnacd tit ('oiilnbh
sale as ihe property ol Joint Clay Ion thu toll, ,u
im aiticles; to wit :, GUisnes and other Jhir Futttn
'i licni he.3 and a murine diuimr
'i Caul Sot's end I'ipe,
'i ll'aod Stoves and J'ijte
2.$ doz Chairs id 1 fci king Chair
2 Dining Tables
I HJII l'fldc
120 yards Carpeting
3 iM.kins Oln.vst
1 f'avi Stand
10 Hcdxteuds and 10 Beds and Jlrdding
.1 iarre'iS with Liquor and Cider
2 parts of Barres if Fish
:iU Uusheh of Uals,
andhavu left the panic in his possesion during m
pleasure uml hereby forbid any prison inking-then
li, nn bun by purchase, or utlicrwio wiihcut nn
Acombcr 6, 18-13
H-CHEAPEIi Til AN i;VI:'.Rcn
A 1' TUIi
A NOTIITR aplrndid assortment of fiOODS
2 JL has just been mblcd to the former slock ai
lie Arcade; which we can sell theiper than nas
ever before oflricd in tldsmaiket. (indicium win
wish I'tJOD and tIOAl' Cl.OTII.V, nml I,a,he
wlni want FAblUD.NAlil.t:, COdl) A UIEA7'
articlca for DKCSKS, of every dcsci iptimi, wi
iinrj il lor their in en si local), as we know tin;
will ho Mlisficd wilh thu quality and piicrs nf on
joints. Our motto benrj' Lhrapcr than thu Che
it,' we ciin ami will live up to it.
;in!iicrci u.) i en s i,rr yam, ami everv
uii.ig rise tu proportion.
ALAHIfillT & Mf.NC.'Ah
November 12
JfS hereby uivsn, that I have pun-h i-ed nt Con
W stable salo, as Imi prupcilv of Ji ln jauii .Mover
Hie f iiu-.x iiifj propery, U nit
Ywfl Llaek Ilnr,es,
One Bay Jlnrsr,
Three Sets of Team Harness,
One Tcnui Sudd If,
One 3 rse Wu&iai iy Bed,
.nil have clt the fame In Ins cmchsIoii dcrun
my pleasure, nml hrrcb) fnibid imv prison l,,kii (.
iheio Irom him, eilhcr by purchase or othciwise
vithoul my consent.
Kovcmber 18, 181331
I! .1 A 'N '"s Cariiiinativc is a rertain am
t.pecdy euro fir lliirrheii, Dvseritiry, ('ho!
a .Morbus, Numim r t'ninpliiinta with t'luldreu
i nl! ileraru;eii,ii of lh Htoniiicb and bowel
caused hy imprudence nr ciror in did It has rl
ecled cures in the wurt cases of these eninpbiinn
even where hope had n ost llrci-'-siialchcd i
lemlei infant Irom nn rally uriivr, nml called In
he exclamiilinn -it il;,s iim d the r.liild' The pn
mietnr of ibis incliciiii; tei;s leave o slnte li i-
ompih'ni(; which hi has utc.1 extensively in privat.
.riielice lor a nuuiiicr nf yeart and believes hi h i
savi ninny lives by ila lin.ely use, .'wry peisni
i 111 i '-(! 1 wilh tin's,' enmplainls, arc invited to tr
nc I'otlle oli', w hii h warranted to jive rcliel
' a nphlcts conianini; full direntrms and ceiti
liejitei nt cures uc oinpiiiiv n h bnltle
. P,ensn'd only ut.Nu i .Sjut'l ITiird street, 'hi I-
ib Ipma
The abovcMedirine are fur !e a
he uire of
FfyStff C A M ?. into he enclosnrr
3tS2SSKSeitice. a two er ..Id bnnJi,
I LL.K, --.nd a 2 vcr o'd bl; ck mi whin
pornd IIKIFI.R. Tlie owner is tcrioeMii'
prme pioprnv, pv rlta.r.e- iid u ki
hem away, or they will Im sidii acenrdine
ii law.
Montour, Deeenbet 8, 1815
IO"Juaiirp. B!.,nk LM1C liTlO.VS ;.t.
SUMMOXS just printed and lot fa c
iu Udice
nl'llC mtbac.ribcr lias iust iccrivcd ft large
H ioitiueiit ot rif'KCTAL'l'tS and bl'l'.C
I' CLASSES, of the best quality, of Utlt
white and grren. from ISO. 2' Upwaids.
iJjToraons slflicted with sora cyca, will foul it
o their advniiUye to cull end gel glunsra from him;
is they may feel usauted of dciiving a great Uini'it,
mm their Use
IJIoombhurg, May 17, 1815 4
U loo Msn una
abinct Ware House.
WW. subscribe would reieclfiilljr inform tho
public, that he lias tukuii the ah ( lately oc-
upicil ,y .Samuel Lilly, nrur thu upper cud of
HiHiiu.liurg, where he is lurryiuu; Ml tin
iiiinsrisi'i? OTisjfifisep
n all il various lnancheH, and wheru he will he
lappy u wait upon all those who limy favor him
villi their rustom. His Furniture is win rallied tu
e made u I good niateiial and durable, pud Jip m
end i kcM'pint; on hand
Siilrhuurdx. Secretaries, liitreavit,
Wardrobes. Card Tuldes. Dining
Tublcs. Jhcuhfast Tables,
Cuphou ids. St a u ds, IV ail,
Standi, Bedsteads,
CoJins, c.
md nil kindi of work in his line, u huh he will n)
upon us ri inomib'.r, tcriim as they tun be purchased
ii the county.
II y stnet attention to business he hov s to rc
eivu a harc of pu'diu patrol. ue,
i;li diiown.
April '.'5, 15. ly t
Chair Blanufactoy
THU eubacribcr cuniiniiti to curry on
he '
nisinesn at the old iiand of B-. & H. UBm
nn li, wIk re he will be ready at nil limit
i) luinish I'micy & Windsor Chairs, Set
es, Boston Rocking Cliuira &c, of eory
Ascription, which may be called for. it
diort notice arid on the most renaonal io
'rum. He will also execute House, Nigti o4
Jniamenial Painiing, and House Papering,
o a superior manner,
From (us experience in ta. business, and
is facilities of manufacturing the vaiiui.
nicies of bis line, he fluitcrs hinmeK lb; t
e shall be able; lo furninh as good work,
nd upon ns reasonable terms as. ran U
lone in the country, allof which he wilt
lispose of for CASH or COUNTRY:
N. B- Orders from a (!itanc- wj ba
liictly at.ij puneluallv attended lo.
Bloontsl nrrr, De,.. 3()( ij.J:
CLOtli & WATCli
EsrKCTFLLLY inform, the txWM ft
t-olumhia counly, ami the onblie. o...,...n
mat nc nas locnteu Imnsell in Uloomsburg un Mnin
-treel opposite Kt. I'liul'a Chun Ii, u hero l,c I n
opened shop, uml is now ready nml prepnn d
receive uud CNceulo nil work ii, his Mneol busiue..,
with dispatch and in n mntmrr.
clocks & Watches
f t'ie best quality, can be had at his establishment
in very reasonable term' .
1 1 vMitn-v z ( i ya? in
vill be done to the oatisfnetion nf tlie customer, an
veil f Clocks and VVatchos i,8 of Jcwelsy, nud l,
vol Im iher, warrant his woik Info cxeMilrJ n
veil as iiny in tliia section uf tho Ma'.c. lie will
ilsu make lo crdcr
or pocket, nml in short, will do all olherwrrlr tsu
illy dour in a veil regulated rrspeclnhle d,tablish
unit. He hopes by edict nttrtition to Iniximx
ml a desiic to please, to leceivi h lil eral share ,.
..itmnaue. Country i'rnducc Inkcn in payineii
!nr wnik nt the miokc! prices.
Hloiimshur, November Ifl, 11 f 30.t
Mew tof
N L. V A It It A N C. i: M I i T S .
.Yo humbiip: hut Goads J inn tn tJ.e low
est notch all through.
rallF. subseriler havirg cr mnlmd liin ruv
j store house, nil ;1ibiii fluot pear .Vaikrr,
;i lil nsbiiri;.Biid havinu stocked it with a
if entiio new gnoiln, which we.o nli:ctcil wiih
-rial rare ill rt i;ard Inplilennd Jiiiie, hr f.atli,,
him self that lie ran nlfer fresh goods, nm m wrrt
-ryl s.aml them at lower prices than has eur bru
lined in Ittin place, .inj ria tlie ussirtiucot cunsi.Ki
.f every thitiii fnr coe-ilott nnd adotnnient in the
Dry Goods,
nether WC.'ii a ii- .ii'rril ussoiiiniii ,1
(Juccniiriire (some new ftyfeiJSrhont
looks. Bafdtrarr, leuer uare. Unite
trure, FarlHenu:are, Siina or
Lake, ground, Fin'e Lisbon
and I)niri Sn't. Sid
vwn i1fackertl,and
ll'rrine, '
Covhidii.'i. Imita
ton Flap;, Fine cut &
Smoking InLvco, C:uuirs
f Soup, ( pj er AiiiV.,'' .
' ' Iron:
't ii i h w it
!--iy, .inn !u
: ' , I .!
I i- nr, .
'-; nm y
lde- lil:- Clou" o'.riJ.' h,
Iim sobl ii : ' rv sn ail profit, f,.i
...i'.. n s, ,i rtni '
I'i"-: F.
j i:!n, III bur.;, Set I